Croc Madame recipe from Julia Vysotskaya. French sandwiches Croque Madame and Croque Monsieur

03.03.2020 Seafood dishes

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We recommend recipes for carrot casseroles to everyone who wants to eat healthy and tasty. Cooking carrot casserole won't take long. And it won't cause much trouble. Read on to learn how to make a carrot casserole, add your favorite spices, and create new carrot dishes!

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The easiest carrot casserole


The recipe is suitable for vegetarians who have completely stopped eating eggs. Unlike many famous recipes for carrot casseroles, this recipe does not contain eggs, cottage cheese or semolina.

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  • Carrots - 6-8 pieces
  • Flour (by eye)
  • Sour cream - 150-200 g



We take fresh carrots - the more, the better, for a good casserole you need at least a whole bowl of carrots. We clean it and rub it on a coarse grater.


Then, put it in a deep frying pan with vegetable oil and simmer until half cooked - at this time, the carrot "sits down" very much in volume and decreases right before our eyes. Salt - if desired, remove from heat, sprinkle with flour on top (so that excess fat is absorbed), mix thoroughly, fill with sour cream and mix again.


You should get a homogeneous mass, like a dough of medium density.


We spread in a form sprinkled with breadcrumbs.


Bake until tender at 200 - 220 degrees.

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Everyone likes the resulting casserole, but some love it hot, hot; and some are already cooled down.

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Diet recipe for carrot casserole


Let's cook something bright and very flavorful. Diet carrot casserole is perfect for tea, the recipe for which I will now tell you. No semolina and sugar in the composition, only healthy ingredients.

3:1492 3:1497 Ingredients:

200 grams of carrots

200 grams of pumpkin

20 grams of honey (why honey is good for you)

50 grams of whole grain flour

One egg

A teaspoon of cinnamon



Prepare carrots and pumpkin. They can be boiled, but are best cooked in a double boiler or baked to preserve the nutrients as much as possible.

In a blender, chop the carrots and pumpkin until smooth. If you don't have a blender, you can grate vegetables like our mothers did.

Add egg, flour, honey and cinnamon to the vegetables. Mix everything well.

Put the resulting fragrant mass in a silicone mold, or in a regular baking dish lined with parchment.

Bake the carrot casserole at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

After cooking, let the dessert brew a little.

The most delicious casserole when it's a little warm. If you do not like to thermally process honey, you can not put the sweetness in the casserole at all, but pour a little honey before use. 3: 1452


Carrot casserole with kefir and cottage cheese


Carrot and curd casserole is a delicious dietary dish. It is made quickly and easily from available healthy products, and therefore it can well be considered a healthy food product.

4:426 4:431 Ingredients:

1 glass of kefir,


0.5 cups semolina,

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200 g of cottage cheese,


2 large carrots,


0.5 cups of sugar (as little as possible)


a packet of vanilla sugar and some baking soda.

4:736 4:741 Preparation:

Mix semolina with kefir and leave for 20 minutes. Pass carrots through a chopper or grate on a fine grater. Next, add all the remaining ingredients to the soaked semolina and mix everything well. Add the grated carrots and mix again.


Pour the dough into a mold and bake at 180C for about 30-35 minutes.

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This carrot casserole has a pleasant and delicate carrot-curd taste, it can be served as a casserole with sour cream or berry sauce, and as a light cake for tea.


It does not contain oil, sour cream, flour, which significantly reduces its calorie content - about 137 kcal.


In a word, a pleasant, simple and healthy dietary recipe.

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Carrot casserole with rice and raisins


This is a very tasty and unusual carrot casserole. Ideal for children's snacks and breakfasts. My two-year-old daughter ate it with pleasure and asked for more.

5:1163 5:1168 To prepare casseroles you will need:
  • 5 tbsp. l. rice cereal in flakes
  • approx. 300 ml. milk
  • sugar and salt to taste
  • 2-3 large carrots
  • 2 eggs
  • breadcrumbs
  • butter or vegetable oil


1. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, lightly fry in oil and simmer in a little water until soft. The carrots should be almost cooked because they may not cook properly in the casserole.


2. Cook rice porridge from rice flakes and milk. Can be cooked directly with raisins.


3. Cool the ingredients and combine them. Add sugar and salt. Optionally - candied fruits, raisins (pre-soak if very dry).


4. Add the yolks. Mix.


5. Beat the whites into a foam and add to the mass.


6. Grease the mold with butter or margarine, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.


7. Add the casserole mass and smooth out.


8. Bake in a well preheated oven over medium temperature until golden brown.


9. Put on a dish out of the mold.


10. Serve in portions with sour cream, condensed milk or jam.


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6:511 6:514 6:519 Bon appetit and be healthy! 6:599

Casseroles have been my love since childhood, no matter how strange it may seem. Yes, there were such favorite dishes in childhood. Recently I decided to cook a carrot casserole like in kindergarten. Well, for the taste to be like in childhood, all the proportions of the products for this recipe must be observed. To do this, we will use the technological documentation, namely the technological map, according to which the chefs in the kindergarten prepared this casserole.

For those. on the card, the products were indicated per serving, respectively, if you need to make 2 servings, we just double everything. So, in order to bake a carrot casserole for children, we take the necessary products and use the scales to measure the required amount.

I would like to note that the technological chart indicates the gross weight of the carrots, that is, unpeeled, and the net weight of the carrots. I indicated the weight of the unpeeled carrots, and when we peel them, the weight will be for 2 servings of the casserole, namely 210 grams. Peel the carrots for the casserole.

Cut the carrots into thin strips. If you want a more uniform structure of the casserole, I think you can already step back and grate it here.

Melt the butter in a frying pan.

Pour the carrots into the pan.

Pour in milk immediately and simmer the carrots until softened over low heat.

Before the end of the seasoning, add the semolina, stir immediately and cook until tender. This will take about 10 minutes.

Then add sugar, mix.

We transfer the hot mass to another dish and let it cool slightly. Then add the egg and stir until smooth.

Grease a baking dish for carrot casseroles with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

We spread the carrot mass in the form and level the surface.

Grease with sour cream on top, put in a preheated oven and bake at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

The casserole will brown on top and rise slightly when done. We take out the form with it from the oven.

Carrot casserole like in kindergarten is ready.

Let it cool slightly, cut into portions and serve, pouring over melted butter. Here it is, a childhood memory. I like it with tea for breakfast.

Oven baked carrot casserole with semolina turns out to be very soft, juicy, with a slight taste of semolina. Thanks to the combination of carrot juice, sugar and cinnamon, the casserole seems to be cooked with the addition of honey, and the addition of sesame seeds gives it a pleasant nutty flavor.

Even the ancient Romans and Greeks knew about the beneficial properties of carrots, adding it to dishes and using it for medicinal purposes. In Europe, it appeared relatively recently (in the XXII-XIV centuries), but due to its valuable qualities, it quickly gained popularity all over the world.

Useful properties of carrots

  • Carrots are rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and other microelements necessary for the body.
  • Roots contain vitamins: E, C, B1, D, B2, B5 (PP), B6.
  • The most valuable is carotene (provitamin A); it maintains normal vision, and also participates in the regulation of metabolic processes in the body.
  • The specific aroma of carrots is due to the presence of essential oils in it.

There are many varieties of carrots. Each of them differs not only in the shape of the roots, color and size, but also in taste. While any carrot can be used for soup or stew, only aromatic and sweet root vegetables are suitable for filling, salad, sweet dessert, pudding or casserole.

Carrot casserole with semolina


  • Carrots - 400 g;
  • Sugar - 20 g;
  • Water: 380-400 ml;
  • Salt - 3 g;
  • Margarine - 50 g;
  • Semolina - 100 g;
  • Wheat flour - 60 g;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Baking soda - 4 g;
  • Lemon acid.
  • Ground crackers for sprinkling - a third of a glass;
  • Sesame seeds for sprinkling - 2-2.5 tbsp. l .;
  • Margarine for greasing the baking sheet - 5 g.

How to cook a carrot casserole with semolina in the oven

Wash the peeled carrots.

Rub on a medium grater.

Transfer to a saucepan, pour in hot water, add margarine.

Simmer until soft, covering the dishes with a lid. To do this, you can use a stove, multicooker or microwave.

Time and cooking mode (3 options):

  1. On the stove: With moderate heat, 20 minutes.
  2. In a slow cooker: on the Stew program - 30 minutes.
  3. In the microwave: at maximum power - 15 minutes.

During this time, the carrots will become soft and settle by almost half.

Add semolina.

Stir quickly so that the cereals do not have time to collect in lumps. If the mixture is too thick, add some more hot water.

Heat the carrots for another 7-8 minutes; during this time the semolina will swell well.

Consider the degree of heating based on the selected cooking method:

  • If you are cooking on the stove, then keep the heat to a minimum so that the groats do not burn;
  • Used a microwave - turn the power down by half;
  • Leave the program unchanged in the multicooker.

Then cool the carrots to 40 ° (they should be slightly warmer to the touch). Add eggs, salt, sugar and cinnamon (to taste).

Stir the mixture vigorously with a spatula, thereby slightly beating the eggs.

Add flour, combining it with a pinch of citric acid and baking soda.

Mix everything well.

Grease a baking sheet with margarine, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put the carrot mass in it.


Sprinkle sesame seeds over the surface.

Place in oven. Bake at 200 ° for 40 minutes.

Cool the casserole a little in the form, then cut into portions.

Serve on separate plates.

To enhance the flavor, the casserole can be sprinkled with yogurt or sweetened kefir.

Enjoy your meal!

Delicate and juicy carrot casseroles prepared according to various recipes are a very tasty and dietary dish. It is suitable for feeding adults and children. Moreover, such dishes can be included in the diet of babies who are not yet one year old. Also, such delicacies are recommended for inclusion in the menu for people who adhere to the basics of proper nutrition. So recipes for carrot casseroles, especially with the addition of apples, dried apricots or cottage cheese, can be safely considered a universal solution. They are good in the role of a hearty hearty breakfast, an appetizing afternoon snack and a full dinner.

The easiest carrot casserole

Every chef can cook a carrot casserole in the oven. Believe me, there is nothing difficult about it.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Servings Per Container - 6.


You will need to prepare the following products in advance:

  • boiled carrots without salt - ½ kg;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l. or to taste.

Cooking method

The technology for cooking carrot casserole in the oven is elementary simple. Even a schoolchild can understand the essence of creating this culinary delicacy. So let's get down to cooking without unnecessary lyrical digressions.

  1. To start cooking carrot casseroles like in kindergarten is with the preparation of the filling. To do this, break fresh large chicken eggs into a separate bowl.

  1. Pour in some salt. Add granulated sugar.

On a note! Adjust the amount of sweetness depending on the age of the child or for which category of adult this dish is calculated.

  1. Add semolina. Stir the potting mixture thoroughly.

  1. On a coarse grater, grate the vegetables pre-cooked until tender, and send the resulting shavings to the filling.

  1. Mix everything well so that the mass becomes homogeneous. Let the mixture stand for 10-15 minutes. This time will be sufficient for the semolina to swell and be completely ready for further heat treatment.

  1. Prepare a baking dish. You need to cover the bottom with parchment paper. It must be oiled. Lay out the mixture. Send the carrot casserole with semolina to the oven. The oven must be preheated to 180 °. We bake the dish for half an hour.

So our wonderful carrot casserole is ready according to the recipe in kindergarten. But such a deliciously tender and incredibly healthy dish will surely please adults too.

Carrot casserole with honey and cottage cheese

You can't even imagine how delicious the carrot casserole is with the addition of cottage cheese, honey and ground cinnamon.

Cooking time is 50 minutes.

Servings Per Container - 4.


To get an unusually tasty and healthy delicacy without a gram of sugar at the exit, you need:

  • boiled carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • liquid honey - 2-3 tbsp. l. or to taste;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • large chicken eggs - 1-2 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon - ½ tsp;
  • refined sunflower oil - for coating the mold.

Cooking method

Appetizing and tender carrot casserole for children is often prepared with cottage cheese. This combination is especially nutritious and beneficial.

  1. Based on the proposed recipe with a photo, let's start preparing a delicious carrot casserole by preparing vegetables. Pre-boiled carrots are rubbed on a grater.

  1. Add cottage cheese to it.

On a note! To make the finished dish especially tender, it is worth taking a liquid curd with a low percentage of fat. If you cannot find such a product in the store, you can dilute regular curd with a little pasteurized milk or cream.

  1. Break fresh chicken eggs into a separate bowl. Add a pinch of salt. Beat them a little with an ordinary fork. Pour the resulting egg mixture into the carrot with cottage cheese.

  1. Pour in a little ground cinnamon. Add honey.

Note! Since the proposed dietary recipe for carrot casserole like in kindergarten does not involve the addition of sugar, it is best to adjust the amount of honey yourself.

  1. Lightly oil the baking tray with a refined mixture. Put the resulting mixture in a prepared container. Gently spread the mixture with a spoon on top.

  1. Send the carrot casserole to the oven, which we cook according to this recipe with a photo, for 35-40 minutes. The optimal baking mode is 170 °.

  1. This is how our carrot casserole is obtained according to the recipe with cottage cheese.

Enjoy your meal!

Carrot casserole with apple

You can make a carrot casserole with semolina according to the apple recipe. Such a fresh combination turns out to be very tender and tasty. This is an excellent tasty dessert or full breakfast. If you try not to eat too fatty foods in the evenings, then prepare a dish for dinner. It won't be harmful - it's 100%!

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Servings Per Container - 8.


To diversify your usual daily diet with a new delicacy that fits perfectly into the format of baby food and the diet of a nursing mother, as well as those who are actively involved in sports and lead an active, healthy lifestyle, you will need products according to the following list:

  • fresh raw carrots - ½ kg;
  • green apple - 1 pc .;
  • semolina - 1/3 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - ½ tbsp.;
  • ground cinnamon - ½ tsp;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • sugar to taste.

Cooking method

The proposed recipe for carrot casserole in the oven is not distinguished by colossal difficulties in implementation. This is a very affordable option that even novice cooks can master without much hassle.

  1. Prepare all the necessary food for the carrot casserole.

  1. Rinse fresh carrots thoroughly in running water. Peel it off. Grate vegetables on the finest grater with "thorns". At the same stage, prepare a green apple (it is optimal to take fruits of sweet and sour varieties so that they give a pleasant freshness and juiciness to our delicacy). Wash it out. Cut off the skin. Remove core. Grate the apple on a fine grater and put the resulting apple mass in the carrot shavings.

  1. Add granulated sugar. Add semolina. Season with sour cream. Stir the workpiece thoroughly.

  1. Take a separate bowl. Break a fresh raw chicken egg into it. Pour in ground cinnamon. Beat the resulting mixture and pour it into the carrot and apple mass.

  1. Prepare a baking dish. To keep the casserole tender and airy, it is recommended to use a baking sheet. It needs to be greased with slightly softened butter. Don't feel sorry for him. Otherwise, the finished dish will be difficult to remove. Sprinkle with breading on top. To do this, you can use fine crackers, semolina or plain flour.

  1. Put on a baking sheet the vegetable "dough" with the addition of apple and semolina. Align the top well. Arrange the pieces of butter in a chaotic manner. Send the kindergarten-style carrot casserole to the oven preheated to 180-200 °. Bake the dish for 35-45 minutes.

These are all the secrets of cooking carrot casserole in the oven. As you can see, there is nothing impossible here. Be sure to try to cook such a dish that is rich in valuable vitamins and nutrients. Enjoy your meal!

What can you serve carrot casserole with?

The tender and juicy carrot casserole tastes good on its own. But if you need to feed a little "reluctant", then in this case you will need to take care of a beautiful and attractive presentation of food. Sour cream is most often used as an addition to a similar dish baked in the oven. But you can also take:

  • icing sugar;
  • chocolate paste;
  • whipped cream;
  • slices of fruit or fresh berries;
  • various toppings;
  • jam;
  • thick homemade jam;
  • confiture.

Here are just a few possible solutions. Experiment!

Video recipes

It will be easier not only for novice cooks, but also for experienced chefs to cook a variety of carrot casseroles according to recipes in video format. After all, frankly, this is not the most popular delicacy. But the videos will reveal to you the whole essence of creating such dishes and will clearly prove that it is not at all troublesome and does not take a lot of time:

Cottage cheese casserole with carrots in the oven can be cooked in a concise composition. To fulfill the recipe proposed below, you should choose a dryish granular cottage cheese, and dry any nuts before adding to the base in a pan until a slight blush and aroma appear, then chop.


  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • nuts - 0.5 cups;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon.


  1. Peeled carrots are ground on a fine grater.
  2. Cottage cheese is mixed with yolks, sugar, punched with a blender.
  3. Combine curd and carrot mass.
  4. Stir in whipped whites to peaks, transfer the base into a mold and send it to an oven heated to 180 degrees.
  5. After 40 minutes, the curd-carrot casserole will be ready.

Cottage cheese casserole with carrots and apple

Carrot casserole with cottage cheese is a recipe that can be varied by adding apples to the composition. Fruit pulp will refresh the taste of the delicacy, make it juicier and more aromatic. If desired, the base of the casserole is flavored with cinnamon, seasoning with apple cuts or vanilla, adding an additive to the curd mixture.


  • carrots - 200 g;
  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon.


  1. Smash cottage cheese with sour cream and yolks with a blender, adding sugar.
  2. Grind the carrots on a fine grater, cut the apple pulp into cubes, mix into the total mass.
  3. Add whites whipped until thick foam.
  4. Transfer the mixture into a mold and send it to an oven heated to 180 degrees.
  5. After 40-50 minutes, the carrot-apple casserole with cottage cheese will be ready.

Curd and carrot casserole like in kindergarten

Curd-carrot casserole for children is prepared from carrots pre-boiled or stewed in a saucepan until soft. In the original, cottage cheese is used soft, medium fat, but any other is also suitable, from which the finished delicacy will not lose its taste. Milk can be replaced with cream or sour cream.


  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 120 ml;
  • semolina - 1 glass;
  • oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon.


  1. Rub cottage cheese with sugar, adding yolks in the process.
  2. Boil carrots, punch with a blender, add to cottage cheese along with milk, soft butter and semolina.
  3. Stir in whipped whites to the peaks and transfer the mass to a container.
  4. After 40 minutes of baking at 180 degrees, the curd-carrot casserole for children will be ready.

Carrot casserole with cottage cheese and semolina

Curd casserole with carrots and semolina, prepared according to the following recipe, is even softer and more tender, thanks to the preliminary heat treatment of cereals. Sour cream added to the composition will add an additional rich and at the same time delicate taste, and vanillin will make the dessert more aromatic.


  • carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • oil - 80 g;
  • vanillin - 2 pinches.


  1. Grind the carrots, pour in milk, add a spoonful of sugar and butter, let it sit under the lid for 30 minutes.
  2. Punch the mass with a blender, add semolina, leave to simmer, stirring for 5 minutes.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream, yolks, vanilla and sugar with a blender, transfer to carrots.
  4. Stir in the whipped whites and bake the dessert in an oiled form for 40 minutes.

Curd casserole with carrots and raisins

Carrot and curd casserole, the recipe of which will be presented below, is prepared with the addition of raisins, which must be pre-washed and steamed in hot water for 10 minutes. The grated vegetable can be mixed into the curd base raw, but the dish will turn out to be more tender if the shavings are pre-sautéed in butter.


  • carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • raisins - 200 g;
  • sugar and flour - 8 tbsp each spoons;
  • butter - 50 g.


  1. Yolks, sugar are added to the curd, punch through with a blender.
  2. Grind the carrots, simmer with butter until soft, adding a little water or milk if necessary.
  3. Transfer the cooled vegetable mass to the cottage cheese, add raisins, flour, and at the end of the batch, whipped proteins.
  4. After 40 minutes of baking at 180 degrees, the carrot casserole with cottage cheese will be ready.

Carrot and curd casserole without flour and semolina

Cooked carrot and curd casserole in the oven without semolina and flour will amuse you with a particularly delicate structure and amazing taste. Kefir added to the base will balance the taste, and vanilla will fill the dessert with a pleasant aroma. Carrots can simply be boiled in water or simmered in a saucepan with butter.


  • carrots - 300 g;
  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • kefir - 50 ml;
  • sugar, vanillin - to taste;
  • butter.


  1. Boil or simmer carrots with butter, punch with a blender.
  2. Add cottage cheese, yolks, sugar, vanilla, kefir, beat again until smooth.
  3. Stir in the protein foam, transfer the resulting base into an oiled mold and bake at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Curd-carrot-rice casserole

A casserole of cottage cheese and carrots acquires additional taste and nutritional characteristics if you add rice boiled until fully cooked. If desired, add a little raisins or nuts to the base. The finished dessert is seasoned with sour cream, poured over with honey or jam.


  • carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • boiled rice - 3 cups;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, vanillin.


  1. Boil rice until cooked.
  2. Carrots are boiled almost until cooked, grind or punch with a blender.
  3. Add grated or whipped cottage cheese, yolks, rice, sugar, vanillin and salt.
  4. Stir in butter and whipped whites, bake the dessert in an oiled form for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Diet cottage cheese and carrot casserole in the oven

Diet carrot and curd casserole, prepared taking into account the following recommendations, will interest the supporters of a healthy diet, those who adhere to a diet, keep fit. In this case, fat-free cottage cheese is used, and ground oatmeal is used as a thickener.


  • carrots - 400 g;
  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • oatmeal - 300 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • low-fat kefir or yogurt - 200 g;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin.


  1. Grind oatmeal in a blender, mix with kefir and grated pre-boiled carrots.
  2. Add cottage cheese, yolks, sugar, vanillin.
  3. Beat the proteins to the peaks, mix in the curd-carrot base.
  4. After 40 minutes of baking at 180 degrees, the curd-carrot diet casserole will be ready.

Carrot and pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese

Carrot-pumpkin-curd casserole is another healthy and nutritious version of a dessert made from valuable ingredients. Peeled vegetables can be baked in foil in the oven until tender, or microwaved in a bag. In this case, cinnamon will not be superfluous, which should be seasoned with the mass before baking.


  • carrots and pumpkin - 250 g each;
  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • semolina and starch - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Prepare vegetables, grind.
  2. Cottage cheese is smashed with a blender with the addition of sugar and yolks.
  3. Add vegetable puree, semolina, starch, cinnamon and whipped egg whites.
  4. Transfer the resulting base into an oiled dish and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Cottage cheese and carrot casserole in the microwave

The following recipe for carrot and cottage cheese casseroles will allow you to quickly and easily prepare a treat using the microwave. The amount of sugar is determined by taste, depending on what you plan to serve the dessert with. When served with jam, the portion of sweetness should be kept to a minimum.


  • carrots - 100 g;
  • cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • water - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • raisins - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • butter.


  1. Put carrots, cottage cheese in a blender, break an egg, add sugar and water, grind until maximum homogeneity and airiness.
  2. Stir in raisins, spread the mass into a mold.
  3. Set the container for 5-7 minutes to cook at a power of 500 watts.

Cottage cheese and carrot casserole in a slow cooker

An elementary curd casserole with carrots is prepared in a slow cooker. When stewing, washed raisins or other dried fruits can be added to the grated vegetable mass, softening the taste of filling with butter or fatty sour cream. To make the finished delicacy easy to remove from the bowl, cover it with oiled foil inside.


  • carrots - 300 g;
  • cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream and semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • icing sugar - 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • dried fruits (optional) - 100 g.


  1. Pounded carrots, sugar, dried fruits, butter are placed in a bowl and cooked on "Pastry" for 20 minutes.
  2. Cottage cheese is smashed in a blender with the addition of sour cream, yolks and powder.
  3. Transfer the carrot mass to the curd base, add semolina and protein foam.
  4. Rinse and wipe the bowl, line with foil, fill with a curd-carrot base.
  5. Dessert is prepared on "Pastry" for 80 minutes.