Pear mashed potatoes recipes. Delicate puree of fresh pears in a slow cooker

26.12.2020 Salads

Pears grow in almost every garden in our country, and they usually bear fruit well. If the year turned out to be fruitful, it becomes necessary to properly utilize the fruits. The best use for fruits is in preserving them. Pear jam, according to some housewives, turns out to be overly sweet. An alternative is pear puree. For the winter, it can be prepared with little sugar and no sugar at all. Sweets can make a sweeter preparation, healthy eating without added sugar. The use of such a delicacy can be found in any family.

Cooking features

Making delicious pear puree for the winter is quite simple, especially if the house has such kitchen appliances as a blender or meat grinder. The task will be feasible even for an inexperienced cook. To get the best result, he will need to know a few points.

  • Unripe or severely overripe fruits are not very good for making mashed potatoes. It is better to stop the choice on freshly ripe fruit or slightly overripe. It is important that the fruits do not have rot, damage, otherwise the preparation will turn out to be tasteless, of little use and will not stand for a long time.
  • You can grind pears for mashed potatoes together with the peel, but this dessert has a somewhat coarse consistency and is not suitable for feeding children. Once in the esophagus, pieces of the peel can cause a gag reflex in the baby, and it will be difficult to persuade him to eat healthy fruits. Areas with seeds from the fruit must be removed, even if only adults are to eat the puree.
  • Home-made pear puree is not suitable for feeding babies, even if made without sugar. You cannot do without adding citric acid: the dessert will go bad. And this component is not given to babies. However, for feeding children over 3 years old, homemade pear pore is well suited, and they usually enjoy such a treat. For younger children, it is better to choose a puree recipe where pears are combined with fruits or berries that can be canned without adding citric acid. These fruits include apples.
  • The less sugar and citric acid added to the pear puree, the more demanding it is on storage conditions. If puree is made without these ingredients added, it can only be stored in the freezer. Cooked without sugar, but with added citric acid, it should be kept cool or even refrigerated. Pear mashed potatoes, topped with sugar and citric acid, are usually good at room temperature.
  • Regardless of what recipe is used to make pear puree and in what conditions it will be stored, the jars under it must be sterilized. Only metal covers can be used to ensure tightness. They also need to be sterilized before use. To this end, they are boiled for at least 5 minutes.

Pear puree is delicious on its own, but the addition of honey, nuts, cinnamon and other spices can improve its organoleptic qualities.

Sugar-free pear puree

Composition (for 0.8-0.9 l):

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 g;
  • water - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pears, remove the twigs. Peel the fruit. After cutting the fruit into large slices, cut out the seed areas from them.
  • Cut the pear pulp into small pieces and place in a bowl. Add water to them.
  • Place a bowl over low heat and bring water to a boil. Simmer the pears for 10-15 minutes, until they are tender. You can cook pears differently by placing them in a baking dish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  • Let the pears cool. Rub them through a sieve or chop them with a blender. The first option allows you to get a more delicate consistency, but is laborious.
  • Place the pear puree in a bowl and add citric acid to it. Heat over low heat and simmer for 10–20 minutes, until the desired consistency is obtained.
  • Sterilize the jars. It is more convenient to use containers of small volume.
  • Fill the jars with hot mashed potatoes, close with pre-sterilized lids. Some housewives prefer to sterilize mashed potatoes in a water bath for reliability before sealing cans. The sterilization time is 5 minutes if a 0.25 liter can is taken. If it has a larger volume, the sterilization time is proportionally increased.
  • Turn the cans over, cover with a blanket. By cooling down in a steam bath, canned food will undergo additional sterilization, thanks to which they will stand better.

Pear puree prepared without added sugar can only be stored in a cool place.

Pear puree with sugar

Composition (for 1-1.2 l):

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 2 g;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • water - 60 ml;
  • cinnamon or vanillin (optional) - 1 g

Cooking method:

  • Wash, towel dry pears. Remove seeds, dried stamens, twigs. Cut the pear pulp into pieces about 1-1.5 cm in size without peeling, place in a saucepan.
  • Add water to a saucepan. Bring it to a boil over low heat and simmer the pears for a quarter of an hour.
  • Use a hand blender to puree the pears.
  • Add sugar and citric acid to the puree, stir.
  • Bring the puree to a boil and cook to the desired thickness. You need to cook for a short time - from 5 to 15 minutes. Add vanillin or cinnamon 2-3 minutes before cooking, stir. Putting both vanillin and cinnamon at the same time is not worth it: they can interrupt each other's aroma.
  • Divide the puree into sterilized jars and roll up.
  • Leave to cool upside down under the covers.

Pear mashed potatoes prepared according to this recipe are well worth at room temperature.

Pear puree with honey and lemon

Composition (per 1 l):

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • honey - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash, peel pears, remove rough areas. Cut the pulp into slices, fold into a baking dish.
  • Pour lemon juice over the pears.
  • Place the dish in the oven at the lowest temperature. Simmer them at 50 degrees for an hour. At a temperature of about 100 degrees, it is enough to bake pears for 30-40 minutes.
  • Grind the softened pears with a blender.
  • In a steam bath, melt the honey, add it to the pear puree, stir.
  • Divide the treat into small jars, place them in a bowl or saucepan. Place a towel on the bottom beforehand.
  • Pour water into the basin so that its level is 1–1.5 cm below the edge of the cans, cover the cans themselves with clean lids.
  • Heat the water in the basin to a boil, sterilize the dessert in it for 10–20 minutes, depending on the volume of the cans (10 minutes is enough if their capacity does not exceed 0.5 liters).
  • Roll up the cans, place them bottoms up and wrap them up.

After cooling, the dessert must be removed to a cellar or other cool place. This delicacy turns out to be not only tasty and aromatic, but also healthy.

It will not be difficult to prepare mashed pears for the winter, such a preparation will be inexpensive. Opening a jar of this delicacy in the cold season, you will get real pleasure. Children, too, will not refuse such a treat.

Babies need a maximum supply of vitamins and minerals for a growing body to function properly. Vegetable puree from squash or broccoli is perfectly absorbed by the child's body from 4 months. At the age of six months, children begin to give puree from various fruits. The consultants of the online store "Daughters-sons" will offer a huge selection of ready-made fruit purees from the best manufacturers.

Benefits and useful properties

It is simply necessary to introduce a pear into the child's diet, since it is rich in a mineral and vitamin complex. The fruit is unpretentious in preparation, the ready-made puree is quite tasty. 100 g of the fruit contains 57 kcal, and its beneficial properties will become a real vitamin bomb.

The choice of pears is due to their remarkable properties:

  • they are absolutely hypoallergenic;
  • do not cause fermentation in the body;
  • effectively strengthen the immune system;
  • contain fiber and pectin, which strengthen the liver;
  • the fruit contains folic acid, vitamins B and C, as well as a huge supply of potassium, zinc and magnesium.

The pear tastes sweet, which will cause the baby to associate with breast milk. It goes well with apple, pumpkin, carrot and plum. But it is not recommended to mix it with meat proteins.


A small amount of pear puree weakens, a large amount can cause constipation. Therefore, pediatricians recommend initially giving this complementary food in combination with an apple. You need to start with half a teaspoon a day.

Pear blanks

For the preparation of puree, it is necessary to take fruits of a uniform color and structure. Homemade fruits will be much healthier than store fruits. Before cooking, the pears must be washed with a brush, or better, doused with boiling water. Then we clean them. Cut the peeled fruits into small cubes and send them to a saucepan or slow cooker. The ratio of water to fruit should be 2: 1. In no case should we boil the mass, but only let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. The finished puree, chopped with a blender or meat grinder, should have the consistency of thick sour cream.

Such blanks lend themselves well to freezing and are stored in sterilized jars for up to 7 months. It is best not to freeze fruit cubes separately, as most of the beneficial properties will be lost. Fresh fruits can be added to the children's menu no earlier than 8 months.


Pear purée is a great option for a first fruit complementary food. In combination with dairy products (yogurt or cottage cheese), this dish will ensure excellent bowel function and replenish the body with essential vitamins and minerals. In our online store, pear puree is presented, which can be given to babies from 4 months.

Calorie content: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

For pear lovers, in the summer you can cook pear puree for the winter, or if you have a large harvest of pears, have already eaten, treated your neighbors, froze and they still remain, then boldly cook the same pear puree. Everything is simple and fast, this process will not take much time. You need to have a juicer or blender to get mashed potatoes. Then add citric acid, so that this delicacy is stored until winter, well, sugar, where can we go without it.

Pear puree is very useful, especially for children, you do not need to spend money on store purees, cook at home and roll up for the winter in a jar, your child will be very happy with the delicacy in cold frosts. After all, we need vitamins all year round, so cook with pleasure! Yes, and you will solve for yourself the eternal problem of all mothers:.

To prepare pear puree for the winter, we need 45 minutes, the product yield is 5 liters.

- ripe and juicy pears (any variety) - 5 kilograms;
- white sugar - 5 tablespoons;
- citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

Recipe with photo step by step:

For a delicious pear puree, of course, you need to purchase or cut ripe pears in the garden, the variety can be any. My pears are medium in size, tight and juicy.

Wash pears in two waters at least so that they are clean.

Now cut the pears into quarters and remove the core. You do not need to remove the peel.

Take a juicer or a blender, I have a manual juicer and quickly turn juicy pears into pear puree.
This recipe can be used to make applesauce.

Pour the puree into a saucepan and put on the stove. We are waiting for it to boil.
Add sugar and citric acid. The mashed potatoes should be boiled for about 15 minutes, be sure to stir all the time so that it does not burn. You can mix with a slotted spoon.

Now we will prepare the jars, rinse them thoroughly with detergent and a sponge. We sterilize on the stove or in a multicooker for a couple, very convenient. Boil the lids for 5 minutes too.
Pour the pear puree into the jars. The aroma is amazing.

We roll up the cans with lids using a special key.

The jars need to be turned upside down and put on the floor so that they cool down for a day. Now you can safely transfer them to the basement or to the pantry, where it is cool and all our preservation is kept for the winter.
Pear puree for the winter has joined the ranks of tasty preparations for children and adults. After all, juice, compote,

Until the baby is six months old, his menu is monotonous and consists of breast milk or formula. From the age of 6 months, the baby tries the first products from the adult table, gets acquainted with fruits that are rich in fiber, contain pectins, and bind radionuclides. Sweet and aromatic pear purees are becoming a favorite treat for children. When deciding on the introduction of pear puree into the diet of toddlers, it is necessary to understand what properties the fruit has, whether it is beneficial, how to properly prepare it and prepare it for the winter.

Pear is a fruit with a composition rich in nutrients. It is useful to give a fragrant product in a timely manner, and the baby will definitely like the sweetish taste of the fruit. The vitamins B, C, K, A, E and PP contained in it have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Also, the fruit is rich in trace elements: zinc, copper, fluoride, natural sugars, organic acids, fiber, tannins. Due to this composition, the fruit has the following effect on the body:

  • strengthens the baby's immunity;
  • improves the work of the digestive system;
  • removes toxins;
  • acts as a building material for cells;
  • normalizes the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • improves mood and vitality.

Carefully choose the fruit that you are going to cook for your baby. Clean, ripe, free from dents, stains and damage will do the most good. Better to buy fruits harvested in your area.

Pear is characterized by an antiseptic, diuretic and antipyretic effect, strengthens the baby's stool. Overripe fruit, on the contrary, causes frustration, is able to weaken, therefore pear puree is recommended for babies who have constipation.

The fruit has many benefits for the growing body, but it is important to remember that there are times when eating the fruit can be harmful. It should not be eaten if the child is diagnosed with gastritis or colitis. In addition, when fresh in excess amounts it causes heaviness in the stomach.

The sailors of ancient Greece used pears to reduce the symptoms of seasickness. The sailors cut the fruits into small portions and sucked them for a long time during the entire sea voyage.

Allergy to pear in babies

Pear is a hypoallergenic product that rarely causes a reaction in a child's body. However, statistics say that one in twenty newborns is allergic to this fetus. It can pass with age. The fruit belongs to a group of foods with a low degree of allergenicity. For example, negative reactions to bananas are much more common.

Green varieties are in the safe category. More often than others, an allergic reaction to Williams pear occurs. It has a bright red barrel, and red fruits, vegetables and berries are contraindicated for babies under one year old.

You can reduce the risk of a negative reaction by observing certain measures to reduce allergenicity:

  • Soaking. The fruit must be washed, processed and cut, and filled with water. The product needs to stand in water for 2–4 hours. During this time, the liquid will take over all the harmful substances, so it is necessary to periodically change the water.
  • Heat treatment. Allergens are destroyed by high temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to try the fruit for the first time not fresh. The baked fruit retains its beneficial properties.
  • Allergy to pear in infants is not a frequent phenomenon, but mothers should be careful when introducing fruits and vegetables into the child's menu, observe all safety measures. For the first time, it is better to give mashed pears to toddlers in the morning. During the day, parents will be able to observe the reaction of the crumbs, if necessary, seek medical help.

Sweet fruit contains complexes of substances that are similar in their effect on anti-fungal drugs and antibiotics. This property allows you to rid the intestines of pathogenic microflora, improve digestion. An important condition in this case is to use the pear separately from other products.

Principles of introducing into the diet, cooking features, freezing

The baby will perfectly respond to the pear if you introduce the fruit into the complementary food carefully, adhering to all the rules and simple recommendations:

  • feeding the baby with pear puree should be when he has already met an apple and some vegetables;
  • offer a homogeneous product starting from 1 teaspoon per day, gradually increasing the portion;
  • a baby can be given 80–100 g of fruit puree per year;
  • the fruit must be thermally processed and have a uniform consistency, for this use a sieve or blender;
  • the fruit goes well with other fruits (apple, peach), so you can prepare multicomponent puree;
  • it is possible to use combined purees containing milk additives and cereals in the nutrition of children of the first year of life. Combined fruit purees are given from 7 months of age;
  • before cooking, the fruit must be thoroughly washed, rinsed with boiling water.

Pear complementary foods can be cooked in a multicooker or on the stove, baked in the oven or microwave, cook in a double boiler. Each mom independently chooses the simplest and most convenient option.

The pear puree can be preserved.

Another option for harvesting for the winter is freezing. The fruit must be peeled, washed, cut into slices or cubes, folded into an airtight bag and sent to the freezer. It is better to use the emergency freezing method, as more nutrients and vitamins are stored in the fruit. You can store the fruit all winter. The product is packaged in portions so that after thawing the rest of the fruit does not have to be frozen again. This is strictly prohibited. Properly prepared and frozen pieces of fruit pulp make a wonderful puree that a baby will consume in winter.


There are many recipes for making a pear for a baby under one year old. It is best to try several options, to determine which dish the baby likes. You can cook an interesting and beautiful treat with your baby.

Boiled pear

For cooking, you need 1 ripe green pear. Be sure to check the fruit for the presence of paraffin. They are processed fruits to give a presentation. To make sure there is no harmful substance, scrape the skin off with a knife. There should be no white marks on the blade.

  1. My pear, peel, remove the seed box.
  2. Cut the pulp into small squares or slices.
  3. Put the sliced \u200b\u200bfruit in a ladle or saucepan, fill it with water.
  4. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Drain the water, beat the pulp with a blender and serve.

Oven baked pear

Baked fruits are useful not only for the crumb. It is also better for a nursing mother to consume the fruit after cooking in the oven. The cooking principle is simple:

  1. We process one or several pears and prepare them for cooking (wash, remove the skin and seeds).
  2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  3. We send a baking sheet with a pear to the oven for 15 minutes.
  4. After the signal from the oven, we take out the fruit and let it cool, remove the pulp with a fork and grind it through a sieve.

Later, as the baby grows up and his digestive tract develops, this dish can be made more interesting and varied by adding banana, oatmeal, nuts, honey to it. The use of the last two products in the baby's diet requires special care, because they belong to the category of highly allergenic.

Pear puree with apple

To prepare this delicious and healthy dessert you will need:

  • 1 pear;
  • 1 apple.
  1. We wash the fruits thoroughly, peel and remove the cores.
  2. Cut into cubes and put in a saucepan or multicooker bowl.
  3. We simmer for 7-10 minutes under a closed lid, in the case of a multicooker we set it on the “stewing” mode.
  4. Cool the boiled pulp, beat with a blender and treat the baby.

Only when the child's body gets used to the boiled or baked pear can you try it raw. To do this, the fruit is washed and cleaned, rubbed on a fine grater. If the baby does not like it or an allergic reaction appears, give up the fruit for a while and consult a doctor.