Homemade billets from zucchini for the winter. Kabachk kabachk caviar for the winter, the most delicious, recipe with photos

19.12.2020 Restaurant Notes.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Autumn is good with plenty of vegetables. Avoid dacnits always have a lot of zucchini. Rided zucchini can be stored for a long time, but not in every city apartment there is a place for this.

Russian women are practical, we have adapted to cook from Zabachkov for the winter caviar. Among the owners there are many caviar recipes. Zucchini in combination with spices, onions, carrots, and tomatoes give the harvesting unique taste.

Best Recipes Caucasus Icres for Winter

How many owners exist in the country, so much can find recipes. Each pulls to make something in the process of cooking winter blanks. From here and many recipes, each of which is good. Consider the best and taking them to armared.

There are people who everywhere add mayonnaise, this recipe for them. In it, for cooking and enhancing taste, in addition to the mayonnaise, a tomato paste is needed. Caviar, with love cooked, is not inferior to the taste of shop, usually surpasses it. Try to prepare the workpiece on this recipe certainly.


  • zucchini mature without peel - 2 kg;
  • onion repka - 500 g;
  • 250 g of the pack of mayonnaise;
  • 200 g of tomato paste jar;
  • vegetable oil 5 tbsp. l or 80 ml;
  • table vinegar 9% - 6 h. l;
  • motion carrot, purified - 1 pcs, about 200 g;
  • sugar -1 Art. l with a small hill;
  • paprika - 1 tsp;
  • salt -2 h. l;
  • ground black pepper - ½ tsp.


We begin the process with dishes, cooking: frying pan for roasting vegetables, saucepan for cooking caviar. Better, if both will be with a thick bottom. Vegetables will be evenly brewed (fried), the quality of caviar will be higher.

First you need to clean and grazing carrots. A large grater is suitable. You can get a carrot right away to fry on slow fire. At this time, clean and chopped onion cubes, pour into the pan to carrots and extinguish their 5 minutes, or a little more. Vegetables should not burn with frying.

Zucchini obscure from the peel and the inside with seeds. Chopping by cubes of arbitrary size. Pour them into a saucepan, salute a little and allow for a few minutes on slow fire. After the juice from the zucchini appears, add roasted vegetables in a saucepan, mix and leave for 2 hours to steal. Vegetables periodically mix.

When it goes for 1 hour 30 minutes, pour liquid ingredients into a saucepan: oil, pasta, mayonnaise. After 20 minutes, there are spices: vinegar, pepper, paprika. After 2 hours Icra is ready. Take a blender, grind vegetables to a delicate consistency, boil once again and remove from the stove.

In ready-made, sterilized banks lay a hot caviar. We cover the banks already boiled covers. If the banks are stored in the refrigerator not for a long time, the workpiece can not be sterilized.

For long-term storage sterilization is required. Small banks sterilize 15 minutes.

After that, all jars must be rolled and cool. Send them to storage in the cellar or on the shelf in the refrigerator.

Caviar with tomato paste through a meat grinder

Tomato paste in the complex with zucchini gives a cooked snack, useful properties. Eating caviar will benefit health.


  • onion - 500 g;
  • zucchini - 1.5 kg;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • carrot - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 6 tbsp. l;
  • salt average without additives -1 Art. l;
  • sugar - 0.5 Art. l;
  • vinegar table 9%;
  • black ground pepper - ⅓ h. l.


Vegetables well wash, clean and prepare. Carrots should rub. Onions chopping in any way: cubes, straw as it is more convenient. From the zucchini consider the peel, cut seeds and cut into pieces of arbitrary size.

All vegetables need to be put out. Stew in turn or immediately on two frying pan. In order for vegetables: zucchini, carrots, onions did not burn oil to pour oil (2 art. L).

Time to extinguish the zucchini - 15 minutes. Zucchini to the end becomes soft. Onions and carrots are more convenient to fry separately. It is much faster and vegetables do not burn.

Mix all vegetables can be when zucchini, onions and carrots are soft. For their grinding it will take a meat grinder. It can be electric or manual. The type of role does not play. The chopped mixture should be poured into a saucepan.

The saucepan during extinguishing should be covered. Salt, sugar add right away. Vegetables at least 20 minutes to stew. Cover of the pan while extinguishing do not open. Icru in the cooking process to mix with a wooden blade.

Garlic, pepper, paste and table vinegar Add 20 minutes. Continue to interfere and stew caviar for another 20 minutes. After this time, you need to take the submersible blender and grind vegetables.

Icra is almost ready. The saucepan is returned to the stove and peel the masculine mass for another 20 minutes, then pour it into clean, sterile banks.

Close the banks with tires and pull into the cellar. In the caviar cellar, in this way the cooked, stored for about a year.

With many diseases, fried foods are prohibited. A dietary caviar cooked without frying will be suitable for sick people. To cook it, you need a meat grinder of any type.


  • onion repka - 500 g;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
  • carrot - 1 kg;
  • zucchini - 3 kg;
  • vegetable oil 0.5 l.


The dietary billet is preparing quickly. Part of the time will go to the preparation of vegetables. They must first wash, dry and cut into arbitrary pieces. The resulting pieces should go to the meat grinder.

Grinding vegetables in a meat grinder pour into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Sugar, sunflower oil and salt should be added to vegetables and mix well. The mixture was first to bring when stirring to a boil, then, having linked the power, cook for an hour.

Peeling caviar for another 20 minutes, do not forget to add tomato paste to the pan. With her vegetables stew at least 20 minutes. While the blank is on the stove, you need to prepare clean, sterilized banks and covers. Caviar to pour into banks, silence them and put it on storage.

Those who like the taste of caviar prepared by an industrial way, according to GOST, can take advantage of this recipe. The mistresses at the age claim that this is the taste of the Soviet shopping caviar. The composition is simple, easily memorable. Preparation is even easier.


  • half a big bulb or one medium size;
  • medium-sized carrots - 1 piece;
  • pepper Bulgarian Yellow - 1 piece;
  • middle zucchini -1 thing;
  • vegetable oil;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.


Vegetables, excluding carrots, you need to clean and cut into small pieces. Carrots are preferable to rub on a large grater. To extinguish vegetables, it is worth taking a pan of a large diameter, first pour sunflower oil into it, then pour out crushed vegetables.

Mix and grieve at least 20 minutes. In the softened vegetables add a tomato paste on the norm and stir it well. Stew another 15 minutes.

It will take a blender so that the caviar turns out in GOST, that is, a homogeneous, the most crushed.

Ready, as a shop, caviar from zucchini stored in the refrigerator a short time. It can be an excellent garnish for second dishes or filling for satisfying morning sandwiches.

When in the storeroom lies the mountain of zucchini, any hostess arises a reasonable question. How simple, quickly and at the same time it is delicious to prepare from them caviar. There are many vegetables, the volume of the workpiece will be large, and only 60 minutes will leave for cooking.


  • zucchini without peel and seed - 6 kg;
  • carrots - 3 kg;
  • onions - 1.5 kg;
  • tomato paste - 500 ml;
  • salt average not iodized - 6 tbsp;
  • sugar - 15 tbsp. l;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.


First of all, you need to wash the vegetables in running water, clean them, chopping, rub the carrots. Zucchini cutting cubes, onions - half rings. We take a thick saucepan (big) and pour all the vegetables into it.

All, not in a hurry, 40 minutes. In order for chopped vegetables to be burned, you need to add 1 tbsp. water. After 40 minutes, we fold stew vegetables on a colander. It is necessary in order to the stack of excess fluid.

Vegetables from a colander to return to the pan, pouring them with a blender, then add to a vegetable mixture:

  • butter
  • paste
  • cahar

Icra, although without vinegar, will be stored for a long time. A preservative will serve vegetable oil.

Banks for the workpiece sterilize. Ikra decompose and roll.

This simple recipe for women sitting on a diet and fitness. It is very easy to cook it, and most importantly very quickly. Recipe with garlic, so the health benefits are double. Icra is quite sharp, because we cook it with pepper.


  • zucchini - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l;
  • garlic - 5 teeth;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l;
  • carrot - 2 pcs;
  • cOL;
  • black pepper ground;
  • dill.


Prepare in a slow cooker. Laid the products, chose the mode and do your own business. Therefore, the recipe of caviar in a slow cooker without mayonnaise is one of the easy recipes.

First cut into cubes:

  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • peppers.

Pull all the bowl, mix. Pour pepper, dill dried, salt. In a multicooker, we set the distribution mode. Time for cooking 1 hour. By the end of this hour, the tomatoes are crushed, garlic and add to vegetable mass.

On the slow cooker to find and install the "Cooking" mode, set the time of cooking caviar 1 hour.After turning off the multicooker, get a bowl from it. Content cool and grind the blender. The workpiece decompose on sterile banks and remove them for storage.

Sterilization of the workpieces extends the service life. Let's try to prepare a recipe without sterilization. All his chip in the phased carving of vegetables. Vegetables as usually clean, rinse, cut. The number of vegetables for caviar Consider below. The output of the finished product is three cans with a volume of 0.5 liters.


  • zucchini- 1,2kg;
  • onions - 300 g;
  • bulgarian pepper - 150 g;
  • carrot - 300 g;
  • tomato paste - 70 g;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. (taste);
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. (taste);
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • vegetable oil.


It will take a casserole of large diameter. Pour on the bottom of the plant vegetable. While the oil is heated, bold onion cubes and pour it into a cooking container. As long as the bow 5 minutes is stealing, cutting the carrots with straw and send it to the scenery.

We cut the pepper and send it to the carrot. After 10 minutes you need to pull the zucchini. It takes it to this time and cut into cubes. Vegetables with zucchild, salt, pepper need to spew 15 minutes.

Next will go pasta. With her 15 minutes I caviar to put out and the billet is almost ready. Schill shifted from the plate, pour all sugar into it, add the right amount of vinegar, prevent, stew 10 minutes. The workpiece later pour into clean, sterile banks.

Recipe without vinegar

This recipe is very simple, it suits people with sick stomach because it is prepared without vinegar.


  • zucchini (2 kg);
  • carrots (1 kg);
  • pepper sweet (1 kg);
  • tomatoes (1 kg);
  • garlic - 3 heads;
  • salt (1 tbsp. l);
  • sugar (2 art. l);
  • pepper black ground;
  • vegetable oil.

At the output there should be at least five cans with a volume of 0.5 liters.

Cooking process:

We begin the process of cooking caviar from the processing of zucchini. First you need to remove the peel and seeds, cut into the pulp cubes, scroll on the meat grinder and put into the sieve. Purified onions, too, crushed on the meat grinder.

Meanwhile, heat the pan, pour oil, put the whole onion and start frying. Pepper cut into cubes, fry, lay out in a colander to stack fat. Tomatoes give boiling water, remove the skin, finely cut and put to vegetables.

Put vegetables in a saucepan. There are 0.5 tbsp. Oil and stew within an hour. Then pour all spices, except for garlic, mix, stew half an hour. Pick up garlic, then put out caviar for another 30 minutes. Stir the mass all the time.

Store billets in sterile banks in the refrigerator.

For storage for a long time you can cook a blank with vinegar using this particular recipe. At the end of add acetic essence 0.5 C.L.

Iber "Finger Light"

It is holding this formulation that can be easily prepared for a gentle, delicious caviar. It will look at the sight, yellow, elegant. And the taste is always delicious.


  • 1.5 kg of zucchini;
  • 750 g of carrots;
  • 400 g onions;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l paste tomato;
  • 150 ml vegetable oil;
  • 3.5 tbsp. l sugar;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l salt;
  • 0.5 h. L pepper;
  • 0.5 st water.

Cooking process:

We clean vegetables and thoroughly their way. Cubes cut zucchini, onions. Carrot three on the grater. Scenery put on fire, warm, pour water into it, pour vegetables there. From the moment of boiling 40 minutes of the car. To the extra liquid glass vegetable mass need to be folded on the colander.

When liquid stalks, vegetables returned to the scenery. I pour into it all the spices and continue 15 minutes to extinguish the caviar, constantly stirring. After that, the workpiece to decompose on banks, which are in advance of boiling water and germination in the microwave oven. Banks roll, put on the "fur coat" for a day. The cooled jars can be lowered into the cellar or put in the refrigerator.

Delicious Kabachk Caviar, Childhood Taste - Video

From a large number of recipes, you can choose one, prepare a delicious and useful workpiece over it. Caviar prepared in compliance with all rules will be kept for a long time and retains taste until spring. A jar with tasty content will be useful when guests on the threshold or just get ready to cook.

For those who follow their figure and want to establish the intestinal work, the zucchini dishes are simply necessary. Fortunately, people have already created many different recipes from this miracle of vegetable.

In the season of maturation, and it lasts from spring to autumn, we strongly recommend that you diversify your table with zucchini dishes. Well, at the winter period to make all sorts of blanks.

One of the most popular in our people is the cabacket caviar. It happens two types. In the first version, the zucchini caviar is crushed with a blender, in the second form, the zucchini and all other vegetables are cut into small cubes. We want to offer to your attention a Kucchini caviar with pieces that you can prepare for the winter.

For those who do not want to mess around and get a traditional taste we offer a recipe.


  • Zucchini - 1kg;
  • Carrot - 200 g;
  • Onions white - 300-350 g;
  • Tomatoes - 250-300 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Salt, Sugar Sand - to taste;
  • Garlic - at will.

From this set of ingredients you will have 2 sex liter jars to close for the winter, and a small portion on the sample.


We will prepare our zucchini caviar in a large pan, you can also use cast-iron cauldron, in general, what has anyone.

Let's start with the carrot. We remove the thin skin with it, we wash under running water and cut into small cubes (pieces).

We warm up a pan, we pour some vegetable oil and ship carrots there. We definitely cover the lid (so it is faster to get ready) and leave on a small fire.

Grind it to squares.

Checking the willingness of carrots, it should be soft and almost ready. Add bow to it.

Mix and easily pour some oil. Close the lid again.

We prepare tomatoes. We wash, make an incision (in the form of a cross) and put in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

After that, we get, immerse in cold water and easily remove the peel from them. Cut finely.

Preparing zucchini. We wash, clean thin and crushing into small pieces. By the way, it is desirable that all vegetables participating in Kabachkaya Icrea have the same size in crushed form.

Returning to the skillet. Onions and carrots are almost ready.

Pour to them zucchini, spit (a little). Skin, where to prepare caviar, cover the lid no longer need. Zucchini during handling will be highlighted quite a lot of juice, and we need it to be evaporated.

Mix everything and pour the residue of vegetable oil.

Literally after 5 minutes, our intermediate billet of the Kucacular caviar pieces will have such a semi-prepared appearance.

So it's time to add tomatoes. We put, mix and continue to wear for another 5 minutes 5. We taste and add that you need: salt, sugar. For those who love, add chopped garlic.

That's all! Kabachk caviar with pieces for the winter is ready for it to roll over jars.

We lay it into sterile jars (hot) and put in a saucepan with a wide bottom (shining napkin) filled with hot water. Water should be lower than the edge of the jar for a couple of centimeters. We cover with clean sterile covers and sterilize 15 minutes from the moment of water boiling.

After that, we spin banks, cover and leave until complete cooling. Caviar from zucchini turned out to be delicious and gentle, multicolored cubes will scream the easiest lunch or dinner.

Delicious cycling caviar is considered one of the most famous dishes in the countries of the post-Soviet space. Many Russian emigrants living in America, Germany and many other countries are trying to find it on sale, but isn't it the best proof of the incredible popularity of this simple treat?
Although it is not only in taste preferences. Icra from zucchini is incredibly useful. It has long been known that it is recommended for use in the diet of small children and the elderly, as well as those who have problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. And for patients with hepatitis - this is generally a real salvation. In many ways, the use of the body is assigned to the basic ingredient - for the power of the zucchini, known as an excellent cleansing agent, as a low-calorie product, like a vegetable, ensuring admission to the body of most important vitamins and minerals into the body. And complement the "bouquet" of the useful properties of caviar carrots and onions. As a result, a simple recipe with which the beginner will cope with and becomes not only a favorite delicacy, but also a real drug.

Nevertheless, there is a problem. Today you can find a lot of zucchini cape recipes. But in most cases, the workpiece prepared on these recipes, then no one wants to eat much. How to achieve that very real taste, which many of us remember since childhood? Having tried a lot of recipes, I found exactly the most delicious, and now he is my most beloved (of course, on a par with a kabachkoy caviar as in the store). The recipe is quite simple, suitable for adherents of PP and for the tracking figure. Such caviar can be given to children (from 2 years). From the products of unknown origin in the recipe only tomato paste, but also, if desired, can be prepared at home. But what kind of caviar gets delicious! Also many stores will not compare with it! Very gentle, fragrant, with small sourness, sweet notes and a slight smell of garlic. This vegetable delicacy must be tried! In addition, all products used are very accessible, special skills cooking dishes does not require. Walk preparation from zucchini for the winter is better in August-September, when the zucchini on the market is ground, natural, the most delicious and useful. And at this time you can cook the most delicious eggplant caviar, I advise you to watch the recipe.


  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 300 g of carrots;
  • 500 g onions;
  • 30 g garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. without a slide of tomato paste;
  • 1-1.5 ppm salts;
  • 0.5 ppm black hammer pepper;
  • 0.5 Article. Sahara;
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil without smell;
  • 20 g of a young dope.

What is just this recipe and is it so tasty turns out as in the photo? Yes, it turns out very tasty and quite simple. All vegetables are individually roasted until half-prepared on vegetable oil. Everyone has their own time willingness and thanks to this method of cooking, we feel every vegetable and our task is a little bit without getting it. The onion must be crispy, and carrots and zucchini are soft, but not fall apart. Salt and peppers are added at the end of preparation, they can be adjusted to their taste. This also applies to tomato paste, because manufacturers are different and concentration of tomatoes each of their own. And yet - in the recipe does not use vinegar for the conservation of the product, which gives Ires not to all a pleasant sour taste.

How to cook the most delicious zucchini caviar for the winter, step-by-step recipe

If you want to roll out from zucchini to winter in banks, then the first thing you need to thoroughly wash the container. It is desirable to use the food soda for this, and not the usual means for washing dishes. Soda is more secure, and the microbes are better killed. Then as a variety of gels, although they give a scripting clean, complete disinfection is not guaranteed. In addition, rinse the dishes after the use of chemicals is needed at least 20-30 minutes. Does any of us do it?
Then the banks are sterilized, written in more detail. Sterilized banks must be hot, when you will fill them with caviar (step by step photo 17).

1. For convenience, we first prepare all the vegetables. Clean carrots, put it and squeeze on a large grater.

2. Install the zucchini. In principle, the size of the cubes value does not have a special, all the same in the future we will be changed. Zucchini should choose young, with fresh green skins. If the fruits are overripe, they need to be cleaned from the skins and cut hard seeds.

3. Onions also cut large. Third with a third of the entire amount of oil in the frying pan, heat it and lay onions.

4. He fry on medium-heavy heat until half-welded, we will not pick it up. Luckies must become ruddy and golden, but remain crunchy.

5. Put the onions into a deep pan, in which we will prepare a zucchini caviar.

The saucepan is desirable to take with a thick bottom, from a stainless steel or with a non-stick coating. Enamel saucepan for cooking caviar will not suit, as vegetables can burn it.

6. On the same frying pan, we fill the oil (1/3 more) and lay out the grated carrot. We will not reveal it, just bring to softness.

7. Carrot also move to a saucepan.

8. We now send a zucchini to the pan with the remaining vegetable oil. Also fry until soft.

9. Add it to the rest of the vegetables.

10. The resulting mixture is Puriru. Due to the fact that all the vegetables are roasted until half-welded, the mass is not puree, but with small pieces.

11. Add tomato paste.

12. Spare and pepper.

13. Home caviar turned out to be thick and can easily burn, so add 1-1.5 glasses of boiled water to it.

14. Now it is exactly the consistency that it is necessary.

15. We will add to the mixture of greens and finely chicken garlic.

16. Include very slow fire and caravale caravas about 10-15 minutes, covering the pan with a lid.

17. Delicious snack is ready. It can be equipped immediately hot, but it is twisted in a cold form. And you can roll the zucchini caviar for the winter in banks. To do this, we put a hot caviar to the midst in a hot sterilized jar (so that the glass is not cracked).

18. Kabachk's caviar for the winter must necessarily sterilize in banks. Many hostesses, for some reason, are afraid of this item. In fact, there is nothing complicated.
You need a big saucepan. On the bottom, we put the towel, put on top of the jars with billets, cover the lids (they will also not hurt to handle, at least just for a couple of minutes to immerse in boiling water), pour water on "Holders".

19. We slightly cover the canes with covers (without spinning) and turn on a small fire. It is necessary to sterilize the half-liter with a weak boiling of 40-50 minutes, having a volume of 750 ml - 60-70 minutes, and liter banks are 90 minutes. Time is considered from boiling. As water evaporates, you can fad boiling water.

20. It remains only to roll banks, turn upside down, carefully bite into the blanket and leave for a day.

21. Kabachk Icra at home is ready. We remove it for storage in a closet or cellar. When it stands, the taste will be more saturated, but at the same time more gentle. It will be possible and simply to eat with bread, and add to any garnish to add. And if you make a creamy oil sandwich, the real delicacy will succeed.
Enjoy your appetite, successful billets and affectionate winter!

Kabachkov caviar, which is well kept in winter, is not only a delicious winter snack, but also a wonderful way to refining Zucchini. Kabachkoy caviar recipes are a huge set: probably, as much as women in this world. After all, each adds something to the recipe and gets a completely new product to taste.

From the zucchini you can cook others, no less attractive dishes in the taste. For example, simply.

Kabachkov caviar: the simplest recipe for the winter

Caviar from the zucchini can be prepared very quickly and from the product set, which is in the stares of each caring housewife.


  • zucchini - two kilograms;
  • carrot - kilogram;
  • onions - kilogram;
  • tomato paste - 150 grams;
  • sugar - four large spoons
  • salt - two large spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 200 grams;
  • acetic food acid 70% - 1 tsp;
  • water - 200 ... 250 ml.


We will cut the first carrot. Cut it into cubes.

For cooking caviar, it is best to use the cauldron. If it is not, then take the pan with a thick bottom. We pour into it (cauldron) all the norm of oil and lay the cubes of carrots.

Then we pour water, put sugar sand. Solim.

Mix carrots and bring to a boil, closing the cauldron with a lid. Its with its next 10 minutes.

While the carrot is stealing, it is necessary to prepare zucchini. We are cut by medium-sized cubes.

Onions, too, extend the cubes of arbitrary size.

Chile's green peppers need to be released from seeds - otherwise the caviar will be very sharp - and cut into small pieces.

Add zucchini, onion, chili pepper to carrots. We mix all, we close the cauldron and we give the mixture again.

After the vegetable mix boils, we again close the cauldron and we rub the vegetables to a complete softening.

As soon as the vegetables have become soft - it will take about 20 - 25 minutes - we put tomato paste to them. And the mixture is still 10 minutes, but the cauldron does not completely close the cap.

This is necessary in order for the future caviar to evaporate all excess fluid.

Now you need to add a bite in a vegetable mixture and mix.

If you use 9% vinegar, then you need to add 50 ml.

Then grind vegetables with a blender to a homogeneous consistency. Here is such beauty you will succeed.

If you need a more thick caviar, then reduce the volume of water. When cooking, add only 200 milliliters of fluid

Now return to the fire on fire, boil it again and decompose it in advance to sterilized banks hot. Cold. Icra is ready. And after cooling it can be taken to the cellar for storage.

Caviar from zucchini for the winter - Recipe "Fingers Losing"

The delicious caviar from the zucchini for the winter, cooked according to this recipe, will be incredibly tasty. And amazingly beautiful and on the table will look amazing.

Ingredients (1 liter of finished caviar):

  • zucchini - kilogram
  • tomato - 300 grams;
  • sweet pepper - 300 grams;
  • carrot - 200 grams;
  • onions - 150 grams;
  • sugar sand - tablespoon
  • salt - two teaspoons;
  • citric acid - dilute in the tablespoon of water ¼ part of a small lemon spoon;
  • vegetable oil;
  • ground pepper - to your liking.

Weigh zucchini needed pre-purified from the peel and seeds.


Skashchka cut into cubes. It is not necessary to smuggle - they will be medium in size.

Tomatoes free from the skin and cut into cubes, or rectangles, or triangles. How do you like.

To make it easy to remove the skin, make a cross-cross-tide on tomato and lower in boiling water. Hold two - three minutes and remove. Now the peel is easily removed.

From pepper, remove the seeds and the proud white partitions. Also cut them with small pieces.

Garlic, onions and carrots are also finely mode.

Now we put a deep frying pan with a thick bottom and pour oil into it. The time of fried vegetables has come. But we will make it separately that it will help them reveal their taste as bright as possible.

You can fry vegetables each other, every time freeing the pan completely.

When roasting, vegetables constantly stir so that they are not burned. Otherwise, the taste of caviar will be hopelessly spoiled.

Prepared products we collect in one container - you can take a cooking basin or a saucepan with high walls - and put all the seasonings.

Now we need to swipe the mixture of about 60 minutes with minimal boiling. Do not forget to constantly stir it.

Almost finished caviar grinding with the help of a blender - it should become like mashed potatoes.

At this stage, the workpiece is allowed to coat and reduce. Focus on your taste.

So that the caviar does not deteriorate, it must be reused to boil and cook for another 5 minutes. Now we declare it on sterilized banks and wrap in the blanket for a day.

Caviar from zucchini for the winter: recipe with mayonnaise and tomato paste

If you are an amateur "shop" kabachkoe caviar, then this recipe is exactly what you need. It practically reproduces the taste of the most famous guest of the guests of the distant Soviet Union, the most famous Gostovo Kabachkaya caviar.


  • purified zucchini - three kilograms;
  • onion repka - 400 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • tomato paste - four tablespoons (I really like the "tomato", it really felt the taste of real tomato);
  • mayonnaise - 200 grams;
  • sugar sand - 100 grams;
  • salt - a tablespoon without a slide.


  1. So that the caviar turned out to be delicious, it is better to take young zucchini milk ripeness. They need to be cleaned and cut into pieces.
  2. Remove the husks from Luke and cut into four parts.

To smallest "cry" during cleaning, constantly wet the knife in cold water, it helps.

  1. Skip onions with zucchini through a meat grinder, but you can grind them into a blender.
  2. We shift the resulting mixture into a deep pelvis and cottage with minimal boiling for an hour.
  3. Then we pour vegetable oil, mix well and then another hour.
  4. Then add all the remaining components - sugar sand, salt, mayonnaise and tomato paste.
  5. After that, one another hour and immediately lay out on sterile banks under the clock. We turn over and let it cool in this form.

Of course, a zabachk caviar is preparing for this recipe for a long time, but it turns out delicious and really reminds "Shopping".

Caviar from zucchini for the winter in a slow cooker

Icra from zucchini for the winter can be cooked in a slow cooker. This miracle of technology greatly simplifies us.


  • purified zucchini - 2 kg;
  • good tomato paste - 190 grams;
  • carrot - 120 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 90 ml;
  • onions - 1 piece (medium);
  • sugar sand - 20 grams;
  • salt - 10 grams;
  • by the pinch of pepper fragrant and black.


  1. It is necessary to prepare vegetables - zucchini and onions cut into cubes, rubbing carrots on the grater.
  2. In the bowl of the Multicooker pour oil and put the zucchini. Fry them to transparency. Then shifting into a separate bowl.
  3. A little fried onions with carrots. And shifting them to the zucchini.
  4. Now take the submersible blender and turn the vegetables in the puree.
  5. We shift the vegetable mixture into a multicooker's bowl and turn the "quenching" mode for 40 minutes.

Cooking the mixture is needed when the lid is open.

  1. Then add the remaining ingredients - tomato paste, salt and sugar sand to the desired mass. Chang is another 20 minutes.

I can shift on sterilized banks and be sure to cover with a warm blanket to complete cooling. After that, it can be made to the cellar for storage.

I offer you a video recipe for the most delicious zucchini caviar

Have a nice appetite and new recipes!


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What can I compare an ordinary zucchini caviar? In the summer, it's somehow food and food ... And in winter, when the blob of the blizzard is how much and the drifts are meter as in Siberia, it is not different as a red sun in a plate! You look at it - the summer is immediately remembered, bird twitter, the colors are bright multiweight, the smell of herbs bevelled, and you understand immediately - it will also be on our holiday street, and we also like them with flags!

So, today's task to cook a kabachkovy red caviar, and maybe not very red, but a simple in preparation and definitely delicious, so all your fingers are license.

The main component in this dish is certainly a zucchini, but everything else at our desire and discretion - the taste and color, as they say, who likes and what. Recipes set, burst and choose!

Microelements and vitamins in such a workpiece whole car and a small cart, cyocalorias are very slightly slightly, sugars are a bit. Therefore, this product is suitable for all - to yazuvenches and sober, diabetics and suffering constipation wishing to lose weight and to someone who will not prevent themselves.

For the preparation of this wonderful dish for the winter we will need not so much, the plate, a thick-walled pan or a high brazier, a frying pan, ideally - a food processor is more powerful, but if there is no meat grinder or even a manual grave, a fighter, and a bit of patience.

First we will try recipes simpler, gradually complicating and complementing them with new ingredients and admixes.

The most delicious caviar zabachkaya for the winter - the best prescription fingers license

The most delicious is usually the simplest, it is an axioma! Then, when it comes, you begin to complicate and invent something new. So let's start with the most delicious and simple.

  • zucchini one, two kilograms,
  • carrots are five medium pieces
  • bulbs, too, 5, big,
  • tomato paste glass,
  • glass of vegetable oil,
  • salt, spoon dining room with riding,
  • sugar Full
  • acetic essence teaspoon.

Washed vegetables, clean, dry on a towel.

We put a brazier on the fire, we pour a third of the oil and put it out to fry the carrots in a large grater. Lightly fry and lay out in a separate container.

There is another third of the oil and zucchini, filled with cubes or also on a large grater. Fry slightly and in the container to carrots.

Next turn of a bow, licensed with a large cube and the last third of the oil. Also easy roast.

Cool and rub the whole mass with a knife in the kitchen combine in dust, well, or through a meat grinder with a shallow grille to turn a couple of times.

We lay out in a large saucepan, add sugar, salt, tomato paste and put it on a slow fire under a dense cover periodically stirring, about an hour.

Ten minutes before readiness, enter acetic essence.

Spread immediately by sterile banks and sunk. Turn over and under the fur coat. Until full cooling.

Cheap, delicious and useful!

Simple cabs of zucchini for the winter

This recipe from my favorite. For his performance, we will need an oven.

  • medium sized zucchini,
  • shelter tomatoes,
  • sweet pepper yellow 6-8 pieces,
  • carrots, two large,
  • onions 4 pieces
  • two tablespoons of sugar,
  • salt two tea with riding,
  • ground pepper, to taste.


  1. Wash vegetables, clean, cut large, from pepper to remove seeds.
  2. All on the sheet and in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees before the appearance of brownish fot.
  3. Cool and chop in dust in the kitchen process or turn through the meat grinder.
  4. Share in a larger, add oil, salt, sugar, ground pepper and snack on very slow fire for about 30-40 minutes.
  5. Descript into sterile banks and roll.
  6. Cool overwhelmed under the fur coat.

Store in the refrigerator or cold cellar. Recipe without vinegar and lemon, which means you need an additional conservation by cold.

Caviar from zucchini for the winter with mayonnaise and tomato paste - fingers license

For this recipe, young zucchini in dairy ripeness takes.

  • five half-kilogram zucchini,
  • five big bulbs
  • good tomato paste half a cup,
  • mayonnaise 200 gram tutu,
  • fullack of sugar,
  • salt tablespoon.


  1. Onions and zucchini wash, clean, dry on a towel.
  2. Skip through a meat grinder with a shallow grid.
  3. Put the resulting mass in the roasting and grieving on the smallest heat for an hour.
  4. We add all the other ingredients, mix thoroughly and then another hour.
  5. We declare immediately by sterile banks and ride. Coup and cool to cool down.

The recipe is the simplest, just wait long until it is stealing. The result is very good. Tasty on bread and seagull bread. You can under the caviar on bread drying to smear butter creamy oil.

Zucchini, carrots. Tomatoes, onions and peppers in this snack are cut into small cubes or bold on a large ferrous storage. Each vegetable, with proper processing, retains its unique taste.

Tomatoes are necessarily blanched and the skin is removed from them. To do this, you need to make surface cruciform incisions on the bottom and lowered for a few seconds in boiling water. Calculate shovel and eye to remove.

Vegetables take ripe, but elastic, otherwise it will not be possible to cut them beautifully.

  • zucchini 1 kg,
  • tomatoes 0.3 kg,
  • pepper sweet 3pcs,
  • bow 0.3 kg,
  • pepper 0.2kg,
  • carrot 0.3 kg,
  • garlic 1 head,
  • some greenery - parsley, dill, basil,
  • salt tablespoon.


  1. My, clean and cut vegetables, everything separately.
  2. Fry in the roaster onions with chopped garlic until golden color, and add carrots. Everything is slightly frying.
  3. Add tomatoes and peppers and shops to half-year 10 minutes.
  4. Add a zucchini, greens, finely chopped, salt and carcass until a complete readiness of 40 minutes on a small fire, gently stirring.
  5. We lay out in sterile jars, we ride, turn over and under the fur coat.

Delicious and fragrant snack!

Snack for the winter - Kabachkov Caviar with tomatoes and pepper

Prepaid at once and eats up again! On a piece of bread and with any dish in principle.

  • zucchini 2 kg,
  • onions, tomatoes, carrots, pepper by kilogram,
  • salt 2 tablespoons with a little riding,
  • sugar glass,
  • vegetable glass oil,
  • acetic essence is one tablespoon.


  1. Wash vegetables, cleaned, from pepper pull out seeds.
  2. Choose in the kitchen combine in a small crumb of zucchini, pepper, carrots, onions and folded into a large cauldron.
  3. Grinding there tomatoes in a homogeneous puree. Pour into the cauldron
  4. When boils down the fire on a small and introduce vegetable oil, sugar and salt into the mixture.
  5. An hour and a half hours, allowing water to evaporate.
  6. Ten minutes before readiness, we introduce acetic essence.
  7. We declare on banks and ride. Turn over and under the fur coat.

In winter, relatives and acquaintances will appreciate with a bang!

How to prepare a delicious zucchini caviar in a slow cooker Redmond and fast

The Multicooker is good because it will not nourish it, even if we are sitting in classmates at this time. It is bad that the volume is small.

  • zucchini per kilogram,
  • carrot 1 large,
  • garlic 5 teeth,
  • floor oil is half a cup,
  • bow 2pcs
  • tomato paste 3 tablespoons,
  • sugar 2 tablespoons,
  • pepper to taste
  • salt 1 tablespoon.


It's thoroughly wash everything, clean, dry on a towel. Vegetables cut in the kitchen process, lay out in the bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and mix. Set the mode to extinguish and stew half an hour. Immediately decompose on sterile banks and roll. Turn over and put cool under the fur coat.

Enjoy your appetite in winter!

Simple Caucasus Calf Recipe through Meat Grinder - Video

Very simple and fast recipe. With which even a beginner housewife can cope. With Bulgarian pepper, with tomato paste, with garlic, with red pepper and vinegar. All ingredients grind over the meat grinder.

It turns out an excellent ICC - an excellent snack for the winter!

A few more recipes for the winter workpiece - you will accurately like:

  1. Pickles

Kabachkov caviar, as in childhood - fingers losing

Of course, this recipe takes a lot, but it is worth it! And because very tasty!

  • one and a half glass of vegetable oil, measure it immediately and this is a nome on everything on the frying separately and the remains in the common pan,
  • zucchini studied 3 kg,
  • onions and carrots are poured by kilogram,
  • garlic head
  • one and a half tablespoons of sugar salts,
  • 2 tablespoons with top tomato paste,
  • A teaspoon of acetic essence.


  1. All my, clean, weigh.
  2. Vegetables, except for garlic, are separately skipping through the meat grinder and the passover in a pan with the addition of sunflower oil. Pastern means slightly fry to transparency and softening. No prigar and brown crusts!
  3. Also individually whipping them in the kitchen process to obtain a homogeneous magnificent mass.
  4. Everyone overflow into a common pan, wash and put to stew under a tightly closed cap on slow fire for minutes.
  5. We put in the pan of oil residues, salt, sugar, tomato paste, vinegar and mix carefully.
  6. Lay out garlic crushed through the press. Stirring and pasty for another 15-20 minutes.
  7. A ready-made caviar without a delay we will weaken in sterile banks, turn over and cool to cool under the fur coat.

So it turns out exactly what we ate in childhood from tin jars - the recipe fingers are losing!

For this recipe, completely young zucchini will be required, even without seeds and with thin skin.

  • three kilo zabachkov,
  • glass of a good tomato.
  • carrots and onions by kilogram,
  • acetic essence teaspoon,
  • forep of vegetable oil,
  • salt tablespoon,
  • ground pepper to taste.


  1. Zucchini, onions and carrots Thoroughly and clean, skin with zucchini do not need to be removed.
  2. We cut large pieces and baked in the oven until readiness.
  3. Rubym in the automatic combine into dust.
  4. We mix in the roaster all the ingredients and shops until the readiness of thirty minutes.
  5. We declare into sterile banks and cool, turning over, under the fur coat.

Very quickly and without hassle. Recipe for lazy owners. Shop zabachky iscory you have at home - yes easy!

From such a vegetable, pancakes are not bad: Curly zucchini pancakes: 10 recipes quickly and tasty

Recipe without sterilization for the winter

This recipe with the addition of citric acid, for those who really do not like vinegar.

  • zucchini two kilos,
  • carrot. Sweet pepper, tomatoes and onions onions on the shelter,
  • 4 cloves of garlic,
  • forep of vegetable oil,
  • a quarter of a teaspoon of lemon, clumsy in advance in two tablespoons of water,
  • sugar two tablespoons,
  • salt tablespoon.


  1. Vegetables are clean and clean, passed separately through the meat grinder.
  2. A vegetable oil is poured into the Kazan and the onions are frying to the golden color.
  3. Tomatoes are laid out and roasted along with onions.
  4. All other vegetables are added, and the mass is brought to a boil.
  5. Add other ingredients, except for lemon and garlic and thousands of 50 minutes.
  6. We introduce a lemon and garlic, mix thoroughly and ten minutes for another.
  7. Well, as always - immediately by sterile banks, roll, turn over and under the fur coat.

Quite edible and tasty!

Caviar from zucchini for the winter with garlic and green apples - the recipe fingers are license

And green apples ... a little extravagant at the end does not hurt.

  • two medium zucchini,
  • 4 large tomatoes,
  • apples 3 pieces,
  • carrot couple,
  • 2 bulbs,
  • oil vegetable half-cooking,
  • pepper black ground to taste
  • salt tablespoon,
  • little parsley bundle
  • half a teaspoon of acetic essence.


  1. My, clean, remove seeds.
  2. All and greens, too, turn through the meat grinder and lay out in Kazan.
  3. Mix with the rest of the products and the hour.
  4. Immediately we look at sterile banks and put cool to the furious under the fur coat.

Gently and piquant, slightly unusual!

How to make the most delicious zucchini caviar for the winter: tips and rules

There are no special secrets in the preparation of Kuccachkaya caviar, because no matter how you do, it will still be delicious!

And the rules are only two:

  1. Sterilize banks and lids in advance, because it is necessary to lay out immediately by readiness.
  2. The less preservatives in the form of vinegar or lemon, the more long-term heat treatment.

Despite the fact that the birthplace of Zabachkov is still ancient Mexico, all that they knew how to have seeds of them. Europeans, bringing them towards themselves, guess to fry and soar. Well, and caviar is our original Russian invention!

In the thirties of the last century, it appeared and was taken by the state for armament, and so that all shelves in the stores were made it. But our mistresses, well done, have learned to do themselves and turned an ordinary snack into a genuine masterpiece, with many culinary sings. What I especially like in Kabachkaya Icrea is that the zucchini in it is ripe, large and matured.

All the pleasant appetite and grand accomplishments in the kitchen!