Quail eggs cooking. Rules for boiling quail eggs, methods and cooking time

26.12.2020 Meat Dishes
In what water to cook quail eggs
When boiling, quail eggs are placed in any water: due to their small size, quail eggs will not crack even if you pour them with boiling water. The cooking time is counted from the beginning of the boiling of the water, so the water temperature affects only the waiting time for boiling. For even cooking, the water must completely cover the eggs.

How to quickly peel boiled quail eggs
Since quail eggs are very fragile even when cooked, you need to peel them carefully. Put the eggs in a jar, add water and shake for a couple of seconds. Then the shell will crack, and it can be removed without fear of damaging the eggs.

If you need to peel a lot of eggs, you can soak them in 9% vinegar for 20 minutes - the vinegar helps dissolve the shell. After 20 minutes, all that remains is to remove the film.

To break a raw quail egg, you need to carefully pierce it with a knife from above, at the sharp part of the quail egg, cut off the upper part of the shell and pour the contents into a bowl.

Is it possible to cook in the microwave
Possible, but not recommended due to the potential for the quail eggs to explode. Remember that eggs in the microwave do not heat up evenly, and although they are small and dense in shell, there is still a risk of explosion.
How to cook: select eggs of 1 size and not cracked, pour boiling water over. Make sure not one egg floats to the surface. Place in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at medium (400-500 W) power.

Can you eat raw
Quail eggs can be eaten raw, even more so - they are much healthier in raw form. However, only eggs that are not infected with salmonellosis can be eaten raw. If in doubt, boil them at least soft-boiled.

The benefits of quail eggs
Quail eggs become three times tastier if you know their beneficial properties: quail eggs treat anemia, are useful for severe headaches, sensitivity to acute respiratory infections, chronic amnesia, ulcers and gastritis. It is believed that quail eggs are useful for the development of mental abilities, so their presence in the diet is desirable during preparation for exams. Quail eggs are especially beneficial for pregnant women. Regular consumption of quail eggs normalizes hemoglobin and calcium in the body. Crushed shells can be added to dishes at half a teaspoon per day, since shells are an excellent source of vitamins. Shells are especially useful for children from 1 year old, because the growing body needs calcium, which is so rich in shells.

Quail and chicken eggs
Quail eggs are especially beneficial for children as they are less likely to have allergies than boiled chicken eggs. They contain 5 times more potassium, iron - 4.5 times, 2.5 times more vitamins B1 and B2. Quail eggs are stored less than chicken eggs. In almost any recipe, chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs. Boiled quail eggs are used in holiday salads due to their diminutive size and milder taste.

How much does a quail egg weigh
A quail egg weighs 10-15 grams. In order to make breakfast with them, you need a dozen per serving.

How to store quail eggs.
The shelf life of quail eggs is 40 days at a temperature of 0 to 20 degrees; 60 days at temperatures from 0 to 15 degrees. At the same time, the relative humidity should be 75-85%, therefore, it is better to store quail eggs in the refrigerator. Store boiled eggs for 2 days.

Is it possible to paint quail eggs for Easter
Yes - and it turns out

Although quail eggs do not boast outstanding sizes, they contain so many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that they can easily bypass many other products. They are extremely useful for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in an interesting position and small children, preventing the development of anemia and helping to strengthen tooth enamel.

In cooking, this dish is more exotic than everyday. However, thanks to the calls of doctors, this product has received huge popularity around the world.

How many minutes do you cook?

You will have to spend very little time on cooking quail eggs. If you want soft-boiled eggs, just boil them for 1-2 minutes. And in order to get hard-boiled eggs, you need to boil them for 5 minutes.

How to cook quail eggs correctly?

  1. Bring the water to a boil and add some salt to it.
  2. Using a tablespoon, gently dip the egg into boiling water.
  3. Wait for the water to boil again.
  4. Remove the eggs from the water after 2 minutes (for soft-boiled eggs) or after 5 minutes (for hard-boiled eggs).
  5. Chill and shell eggs.

Recipes for dishes with boiled quail eggs

Quail Egg Sandwiches

Spread a small layer of butter on thin slices of bread (black or white, at your discretion). Top with finely chopped salted fish and halves of a hard-boiled quail egg. Decorate with green onions and herbs.

Quail egg and ham salad

  • Quail eggs - 12-15 pieces;
  • Ham - 200 g;
  • Green peas - 1 glass;
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Hot sauce - 1 teaspoon;
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream - 200 g;
  • Greens, salt - to taste.

Boil eggs and potatoes. Cut all ingredients into cubes and mix with sour cream or mayonnaise and sauce, add herbs, salt. The ham can be substituted for sausage or smoked fish.

Quail egg and strawberry salad

For cooking you will need:

  • Royal shrimps - 16 pieces
  • Quail eggs - 8 pieces
  • Orange - ½
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Strawberries - 8 pieces
  • Lettuce leaves - 300 g
  • Olive oil
  • Tabasco

Wash and dry the salad. Boil hard boiled quail eggs. Boil the shrimps in boiling water for 5 minutes. Cool and peel eggs and shrimps. Cut the eggs in half. Cut the strawberries into thin slices. Stir all ingredients in a salad bowl.

The demand for quail eggs is constantly growing. This is due to the fact that they are low in calories, easily absorbed, and contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. In terms of their beneficial properties, they are superior to chicken ones, and are especially indicated for a lack of calcium for children, pregnant women, and are also extremely useful for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus and allergies.

Can they be eaten raw?

These eggs can be eaten not only boiled and fried, but also raw. However, despite the benefits of this product unprocessed, without heat treatment, quail, as well as chicken eggs, can pose a health hazard due to the possibility of salmonella contamination.

That is why it is strongly not recommended to use this product raw, unless, of course, these are homemade quails, in whose health you are sure. As well as giving thermally unprocessed quail eggs as food for children.

How to cook soft boiled?

The difficulty of cooking soft-boiled and hard-boiled quail eggs is that their shell is very fragile, and they themselves are small (the weight usually does not exceed 15 g). Therefore, it is important to cook quail eggs in the correct sequence so that as a result of cooking they are whole and not overcooked.

Before cooking, the raw product should be carefully rinsed with running water (it is better to wash each egg separately). Pour water into a saucepan (in such an amount that it completely covers the surface of the eggs), salt and put on fire. After the water boils, gently immerse the washed eggs in it.

This should be done very carefully so as not to damage the egg - if it hits the bottom of the pan, it may crack or completely break. Soft-boiled eggs should be cooked over low heat; in time, cooking will take 1-2 minutes. Then you need to drain the hot water and let the dish cool down.

You can cook soft-boiled quail eggs in a slightly different way: put on fire, placing them not in boiling water, but in cold water. However, in this case, it may be difficult to determine the exact time when the eggs are ready. Usually, when using this method, it is recommended to remove the pan from the heat after 2 minutes from the start of cooking.

A little trick: To make the eggs easy to clean and cool quickly, pour cold water over them after they have cooked.

How to boil hard boiled?

To properly boil hard-boiled eggs, you must consistently perform the same steps as when cooking soft-boiled. The difference will be only in the cooking time - it will be 5 minutes. If the eggs are placed in cold water during cooking, then it will be necessary to remove them immediately after the water boils.

Features of cooking for children

Children willingly eat these eggs because they are attracted by their size and unusual appearance. However, there are certain features that make it possible to cook quail eggs for a child correctly. Every mother should know and observe them:

  • before boiling eggs, be sure to rinse with warm water;
  • the product is placed in cold water so that it completely covers it;
  • water for cooking must be salted;
  • egg preparation time for children is strictly 4-5 minutes.

For an infant, it is best to cook in such a way that both the yolk and the white are soft. As soon as the quail egg is cooked, it must be cooled and peeled. After that, it should be placed on a plate and thoroughly kneaded with a fork until smooth.

Quail egg recipes

Quail eggs are perfect for salads and cold snacks. We offer several simple salad recipes that will decorate any table.

Light salad with quail eggs and tomatoes

To prepare the salad, you need to cut 10 eggs in half (in this case, you need to cook hard-boiled eggs) and Cherry tomatoes (5 pieces). For the sauce you will need: a bunch of herbs (thyme, basil, marjoram, oregano), mustard (1 teaspoon), lemon juice (2 tablespoons) and vegetable oil.
All ingredients must be mixed and seasoned with sauce.

Another salad recipe with eggs and tomatoes is presented in the video.

Salad with quail eggs and mushrooms

To prepare such a salad, you will need: 4 quail eggs, onions (half a medium onion), fresh champignons (100 g), lettuce leaves (bunch), olive oil. Three eggs must be mixed with milk and the resulting omelette must be fried in a frying pan, and one must be boiled "in a bag" (start boiling in cold water, wait until it boils, then remove from heat, leaving in hot water for another half a minute, and then rinse under a stream water).

While the eggs are cooking, you need to chop the onions and mushrooms and fry them until golden brown. Then mix the finished omelet with onions and mushrooms, add chopped lettuce and salt. Season the resulting mixture with olive oil and pour the quail egg cut in half on top of it.

Quail eggs and chicken fillet salad

For the salad you will need: chicken fillet, 3-4 boiled quail eggs, 2 tomatoes, bell pepper, three slices of white bread for croutons, olive oil, balsamic vinegar (1 teaspoon), salt, pepper, herbs.

Chicken fillet should be carefully beaten off, salt and pepper. Then fry in a pan until golden brown and cool. Next, cook the croutons in the oven. To do this, cut slices of white bread into cubes, sprinkle with vegetable oil and dry in the oven.

Cut the finished eggs in half, cut the tomatoes, peppers and fried fillets into pieces, combine the ingredients and mix. The salad is dressed with a mixture of balsamic vinegar and oil. Put salt and pepper to taste. Before serving to guests, we decorate the dish with herbs and croutons.

You will learn another version of the salad with boiled quail eggs, chicken and gherkins by watching the video.

The subtleties of cooking in the microwave

It is not necessary to use the stove to boil quail eggs. They cook great in the microwave. The main thing is to follow a few rules:

  • Take any container suitable for a microwave oven, put eggs there and fill with cold water so that it completely covers them;
  • Set the oven power to about 500 W, put a container with water and eggs there;
  • Set the cooking time to 3 minutes;
  • Place eggs in cold water after cooking.

Quail eggs are laid by quails - small birds from the Chicken order, the Kurapatkov subfamily. Quail eggs differ from chicken eggs and have a number of useful properties.
Quail eggs are half the size of chicken eggs, but they are very tasty and nutritious at the same time, while containing a large amount of biologically active substances.

Quail eggs. What you need to know about their benefits

Quail eggs have a varied variegated color of brown and greenish specks of various sizes and shades.
The weight of one egg is from 12 to 18 grams, which is three to four times less than the weight of a chicken egg.
Quail eggs are the richest source of amino acids:

  • cysteine;
  • asparagine;
  • lysine;
  • tryptophan.

They also contain very important minerals, especially quail eggs are rich in potassium, which is important for the functioning of the heart and the state of blood vessels. They also contain calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus and cobalt.
Quail egg yolk contains vitamins A, B 1, B 2 and PP, it is a source of saturated fatty, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids.
100 grams of quail eggs contain 13 grams of protein and 11 grams of fat.
Quail eggs have a unique composition and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, nervous system, lungs, heart, and gastrointestinal tract. They are shown to children suffering, strengthen the immune system in such serious diseases as tuberculosis and radiation sickness, after large doses of radiation. Are included in the composition.
The simplest quail egg dish is hard boiled eggs.

How to boil quail eggs correctly

Boiling quail eggs is as easy as boiling chicken eggs. The only difference is that they cook a little faster and will be ready in three to four minutes. To boil quail eggs hard-boiled, they are placed in a saucepan, poured with cool water, heated to a boil and boiled for 3 to 4 minutes.
Then they take out the quail eggs from boiling water and immerse them in cold water for a couple of minutes.

Many people refuse to eat boiled quail eggs just because they don't peel very well. However, this is just a misconception, there is a little secret on how to quickly peel boiled quail eggs.

How to quickly and accurately peel boiled quail eggs

After the eggs have been removed from the cold water, they should be allowed to cool completely in the air. Then, gently tapping on a hard surface, crack the shell from all sides. As soon as it is covered with a fine mesh, roll the egg either between your palms or on the table surface. Pick up a piece of cracked shell at the top of the egg and pull it either down and the shell is simply removed from the egg entirely, or start unwinding it in a spiral until the egg is freed from it.
Thanks to the dense shell, the shell does not crumble, but stays on it even after the egg is peeled. Thus, you can polish several dozen boiled quail eggs in a matter of minutes.

Hard-boiled quail eggs can be eaten immediately, or can be used to prepare a variety of salads and other dishes.

How to cook quail eggs deliciously

Quail egg croutons

For breakfast or dinner, the simplest but most attractive dish of quail eggs, especially for children, is fried toast with an egg. For them, you need to cut the bread into slices 5 - 6 mm thick. Cut curly pieces from them using a glass or any other solid confectionery form. Make small holes in the center, large enough to fit a raw egg. Place prepared pieces of bread in a greased frying pan, gently pour into the middle of the egg, add salt and bake in the oven.

Video recipes

Quail eggs marinated with basil

Quail egg marinades can range from the simplest, such as water, salt and vinegar, to the most complex, with olive oil and overseas herbs. One of the most enjoyable is obtained with fresh basil. For 20 boiled and peeled eggs, you need half a glass of water, 25 grams of fresh basil, one spoonful of wine vinegar and half a teaspoon of salt. Peeled eggs along with basil leaves, it is better to take with a purple color, put in a jar.
Boil the water, add salt and vinegar and pour the hot marinade over the eggs. Close the jar and leave in the refrigerator for a day.
Quail eggs marinated with basil make not only a good snack, but also a tasty, healthy addition to the festive and daily menu.

Raw quail eggs are an indispensable ingredient for a medicinal cocktail.

Cocktail "Men's health"

To prepare a portion of this magical man's drink, you will need three fresh quail eggs, 30 grams of good brandy and 30 grams of natural mineral water.
Combine all ingredients and beat lightly with a fork. A cocktail of quail eggs and cognac is ready.

A small dose of alcohol and mineral water helps the rapid absorption of all nutrients. In many sources, the authors recommend adding coca-cola and sugar to such a cocktail, but an artificial drink with an unclear composition will not add positive and useful properties to quail eggs.
In children's drinks based on quail eggs, cognac can be replaced with any natural juice.
In addition to the above dishes, there are several dozen different dishes, which include raw and boiled quail eggs. It is important to observe moderation in their use so as not to harm the body by overeating even healthy foods.

Quail eggs Is a rich field for culinary creativity. They are convenient for making small snacks. Boiled eggs, peeled from the shell, are strung on skewers, alternating with vegetables, ham, cheese, tomatoes or grapes.

Oregenal quail egg appetizer


  • 36 quail eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 4-5 carnation buds;
  • 10-15 coriander kernels;
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 1 clove of garlic

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the eggs in slightly salted water and peel them. Then the shell will completely dissolve, and a thin film will remain on the eggs, which can be easily removed.
  2. Together with chopped garlic, put the quail eggs in a jar. At the same time add sugar, salt, cloves, coriander to boiling water, then cook the marinade for 5 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. Then pour them eggs and add vinegar to the jar.
  3. We put the product in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. These marinated quail eggs can be used to make salads and snacks. Or you can even eat them in their pure form with rice or potatoes. It will turn out very tasty.

Baked potatoes with quail eggs

Large boiled potatoes are cut in half and cored (can be used for salad). Raw quail eggs are poured into the resulting void, covered with a piece of Camembert cheese and baked in the oven. Fast, tasty and beautiful.


  • potatoes
  • quail eggs
  • camembert.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil large potatoes in their uniforms, salt the water after boiling.
  2. Cut into halves, cut the butts for stability, scoop out the middle with a teaspoon.
  3. Break the quail testicles into the holes, add a little salt.
  4. Top with Camembert triangles. Bake until golden brown.
  5. In the meantime, make a salad - cucumbers grated on a coarse grater, olives in halves, lemon juice, olive oil, dill and parsley greens, well, potatoes from the middle that remain, you can also grate a little green apple, salt and pepper. We serve everything.
  6. You can also add salt and pepper on top to taste. Camembert gives a creamy flavor. In general, not sausages, but nothing tastes like that and looks pretty.

Quail Egg Tartins


  • quail eggs - 5 pcs.
  • black rye bread - 3 slices
  • liver pate (ready-made) - to taste
  • fresh herbs for dyeing.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the quail eggs, put in cold water, bring to a boil and boil the eggs. Put the boiled eggs in cold water, let cool slightly and peel. Cut each egg in half.
  2. Cut the brown bread slices into squares. In total, you need 10 squares of bread for tartins. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry bread on both sides until golden brown. Allow to cool slightly, sprinkle with salt and ground black pepper. Each slice can be rubbed with garlic if desired.
  3. Spread liver pâté on a slice of bread, place half a quail egg on top. Transfer the pâté tartins and quail eggs onto a platter and sprinkle with chopped herbs. The snacks are ready.

Toast with bacon and quail eggs


  • quail eggs - 6 pcs.
  • white bread (for toast or baguette) - 6 slices
  • bacon - 1 pack (about 150g)
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat skillet, add thinly sliced \u200b\u200bbacon and sauté, turning and stirring, until the slices are well browned and crispy. Transfer bacon to a plate, cover with foil to keep warm.
  2. Add a little vegetable oil to the pan and sauté, stirring frequently, onions cut into thin half rings. Salt it slightly, stir and transfer to a separate plate.
  3. Dry the slices of bread in a pan or in the oven under the grill. They should be lightly browned and crispy. While the slices of toast are being prepared, fry the quail eggs. Salt lightly.
  4. Now you can make toast: on each slice of toasted crispy bread, place a layer of toasted onions, on which - toasted bacon and quail eggs. Hearty breakfast toast is ready, serve while hot.

Bacon nests with quail eggs


  • loaf - 6 slices
  • quail eggs - 12 pcs.
  • bacon - 12 strips
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. The dish is prepared in muffin tins. It is more convenient if the mold is silicone, it is easier to get ready-made bacon baskets from it. Small ceramic tins are also suitable, for example, for crème brulee, in which the finished dish can be served without putting it on a plate.
  2. The first step is to cut circles from the loaf at least 1 cm thick and with a diameter equal to the diameter of the bottom of the mold. Dry the slices in the oven or lightly fry in oil. Place the toasted bread on the bottom of the molds. Fry the bacon slices on both sides.
  3. Place the toasted bacon on the sides of the molds (2 slices each), trying to arrange them so that the bacon slices cover the toasted bread from all sides. Beat 12 quail eggs into a bowl.
  4. Pour 2 eggs into each mold. Season with salt and bake in an oven preheated to 180C for about 15 minutes. During this time, the protein will be completely ready, and the yolk will remain creamy inside. Transfer ready-made bacon nests with quail eggs to a plate, garnish with herbs and serve for breakfast.

Tartines with quail eggs and salmon


  • quail eggs - 5 pcs.
  • black rye bread - 3-4 slices
  • vegetable oil for toasting bread
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • salmon (or any lightly salted red fish) - 150g (thin slices)
  • mayonnaise to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the brown bread slices into 10 small squares so that halves of boiled quail eggs can fit on them.
  2. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry bread on both sides until golden brown. Allow to cool slightly, sprinkle with salt and ground black pepper. Each slice can be rubbed with garlic if desired.
  3. Put the quail eggs in cold water, bring to a boil and boil the eggs hard. Put the boiled eggs in cold water, let cool slightly and peel. Cut each egg in half.
  4. Wrap each half of the egg with a thin plate of slightly salted salmon.
  5. Spread a little mayonnaise on a slice of bread, put a half of a quail egg wrapped in red fish on top, and fasten everything with toothpicks. The snacks are ready.

Quail egg appetizer


  • quail eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 60-80 g;
  • carrots - 1/4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper - to taste;
  • fresh tomato (for serving) - 1 pc .;
  • greens for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour quail eggs with cold water, put on fire, after boiling, reduce the heat and cook for 4-5 minutes. Pour the finished boiled eggs with cold water, let cool and peel.
  2. Grate cheese and carrots on a medium or fine grater, add garlic passed through a press.
  3. Salt everything to taste, add mayonnaise and mix well. Form small cakes from the cheese mass, place boiled quail eggs in the middle.
  4. And then roll the balls so that the quail eggs are inside the cheese mass.
  5. For serving snacks: cut fresh tomato into 5 slices, put on a dish, salt a little. In the center, lightly brush the tomato slices with mayonnaise.
  6. Put prepared quail eggs in cheese on the tomatoes, pepper a little, garnish with herbs and insert skewers.
  7. Serve an original and delicious quail egg appetizer to the table.

Delicious quail egg appetizer

Choose small mushrooms for this appetizer. Lettuce is suitable for almost any variety or assortment. When I came up with the version of this appetizer, I had a Caesar salad dressing (homemade mayonnaise-based) close at hand and it went perfectly with this dish.


  • Quail eggs - 8 pieces;
  • Champignons - 8 pieces;
  • Lettuce - 0.5 fork;
  • Parmesan to taste;
  • Gas station "Caesar" - 2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare champignons, quail eggs, lettuce, parmesan for the salad, and mayonnaise, soy and Worcester sauces, capers, garlic and parmesan for dressing.
  2. Remove the legs of the champignons and beat one quail egg into the caps, bake in the oven at 160-180 degrees for about 15 minutes.
  3. For dressing, use a blender to punch mayonnaise, with soy and Worcester sauce, chopped garlic and capers until smooth.
  4. Ratio: 250 ml mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon of soy and wustres sauces, 1 clove of garlic, 1 teaspoon of fine capers and 2 teaspoons of grated Parmesan.
  5. The champignons are baked, you can serve them almost immediately, they cool down quickly. I liked them when cooled down even more than when warm.
  6. Lay a layer of lettuce on a flat dish, drip the sauce
  7. Arrange the baked mushrooms with quail eggs, add grated or thinly sliced \u200b\u200bparmesan.
  8. The quail eggs appetizer is ready.

Quail egg and tomato appetizer


  • 20 cherry tomatoes;
  • 20 quail eggs;
  • 2/3 cup natural yogurt
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise;
  • curry powder;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Preparation of the sauce: heat the curry in a dry frying pan over low heat for 1 minute, add to yogurt, add mayonnaise, salt, mix well, put in cold for 2 hours.
  2. Until ready to boil quail eggs, immediately drain the water, put under cold running water for several minutes and peel gently without damaging the eggs.
  3. Cut off the top of the tomatoes (one third), take out the pulp from the most part with a spoon and rub the caps from the inside with salt, put one hat on each egg.
  4. String on two "mushrooms" on each one skewer, put on a flat dish before serving on the New Year's table.
  5. The appetizer is made with a toothpick sauce, the rest of the sauce is served separately.

Quail egg and smoked sausage appetizer

Quail eggs are very healthy. And due to the fact that the eggs in this recipe are frozen, they can be eaten raw. The taste of the yolk after freezing is very interesting, stringy, something between raw and boiled eggs.


  • Quail eggs
  • Smoked sausage
  • Parsley or dill
  • Salt, black pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the quail eggs, dry them and put them in the freezer for 12 hours.
  2. We take out the eggs, let them lie for about 10 minutes, so that they melt slightly. And you can start cleaning them.
  3. We remove the shell and protein. Put the yolks on a paper towel (not napkins!) And dry them slightly. Protein can be used somewhere if desired.
  4. Place the yolks in a suitable dish.
  5. Chop the sausage finely enough and fry in a pan. We also spread it on a towel to remove excess fat.
  6. Salt and pepper the yolks, put the sausage on top and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Quail egg cutlets

Quail egg cutlets look very cute on the dinner table. If you are tired of ordinary, banal cutlets, then please your loved ones with this simple but elegant dish. Minced meat can be prepared from any meat, I have it beef and pork. Chicken or turkey will work well. Boiled eggs go well with meat and create an interesting range of taste.


  • ground beef,
  • minced pork
  • quail eggs,
  • flour,
  • white loaf,
  • bulb onions,
  • garlic,
  • sunflower oil,
  • salt and ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and wash 1 onion and 2 cloves of garlic. Pass 350 g of beef and 150 g of minced pork with onions and garlic through a meat grinder.
  2. Soak 100 g of a white loaf in cold water and squeeze. Also mince.
  3. Season the minced meat with salt and pepper to taste, mix thoroughly. I also always beat the minced meat with a blender.
  4. Hard boil 6 quail eggs, cool and peel.
  5. Form a flat cake from a portion of minced meat. Put an egg in the middle of the cake.
  6. Blind the edges of the cake and form an oblong cutlet.
  7. Dip the cutlet in flour.
  8. Place the cutlets in a hot skillet with sunflower oil.
  9. Fry the cutlets on all sides until golden brown.
  10. Then send them to the oven for 10-15 minutes for additional heat treatment.
  11. Quail egg cutlets are ready. We serve them with any side dish for lunch or dinner.

Marinated quail eggs

The texture of pickled quail eggs becomes elastic, springy, an unobtrusive mushroom flavor appears, and the degree of pungency is easy to regulate. Thanks to the miniature "caliber", such a cold appetizer is suitable for all kinds of mixes, canapes, tartlets, it successfully complements both a dinner party, a buffet table and an ordinary feast.


  • fresh eggs,
  • vinegar,
  • greens,
  • spice,
  • natural honey,
  • chile,
  • garlic.

Cooking method:

  1. Throw the saffron into about 40 ml of warm water and paint the liquid.
  2. Bring 220 ml of water to a boil along with salt, bay leaves, peppercorns.
  3. Pour in vinegar, saffron solution (you can strain it), boil again and immediately remove from heat, add honey - mix.
  4. Boil hard-boiled quail eggs, cool, remove the shell.
  5. Put chopped garlic teeth, chili, purple basil, dill in a clean jar.
  6. We lower the boiled eggs, add herbs, pepper, garlic.
  7. Fill to the top with warm marinade. Cool, keep covered for 2 days on the refrigerator shelf.
  8. Thanks to saffron, pickled quail eggs turn yellowish, with a subtle spicy taste.
  9. For a more intense, richer color, use turmeric.

Scottish quail eggs


  • Flour - 2 Art. spoons
  • Quail eggs - 12 Pieces
  • Parsley, twigs - 3 Pieces
  • Chicken fillet - 300 Grams
  • Vegetable oil - 500 grams
  • Chicken egg - 1 Piece
  • Bread crumbs - 150 Grams
  • Pepper, salt - To taste
  • Dijon Mustard - 1 Teaspoon
  • Garlic - 1 Clove

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the chicken fillet in cold running water, then dry it with paper towels or a towel. We cut into small pieces and send them to the blender bowl. We wash the parsley leaves, dry and add it to a blender, also add pepper, mustard, salt and garlic. We grind everything.
  2. Put quail eggs in a small saucepan, fill them with cold water. We put the pan on the fire, and cook the eggs until tender, it takes about three to four minutes after the water boils. Carefully remove the finished eggs and peel them.
  3. Break the chicken egg into a bowl, beat it lightly with a fork, then pepper and salt. Pour bread crumbs and flour into separate plates. Now we divide the minced chicken into twelve parts. We take one piece of minced meat in our hand, and flatten it into a cake. Place the quail egg in the center of the cake.
  4. Then we roll the cake into a ball. We do the same with the rest of the eggs and minced meat. Breaded each ball in flour, then dip in an egg, then in bread crumbs.
  5. Shake off excess breading. Preheat a saucepan with oil (or deep frying pan), medium heat. We put the balls here, and for about seven to eight minutes, until tender, fry.
  6. Serve chilled or warm.

Canapes with quail eggs


  • Quail Egg - 5 Pieces
  • Bacon - 5 Slices
  • Bread - 3-4 Slices
  • Feta Cheese - 100 Grams
  • Garlic - 1-2 Cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon
  • Greens - 1 Pinch

Cooking method:

  1. The set of ingredients used in the recipe is actually quite small. I recommend using smoked-boiled bacon.
  2. Cut long slices of bacon in half. Cut the crusts from the bread and cut out small squares.
  3. Boil the eggs and peel. Wash, dry and chop the herbs.
  4. Send chopped garlic and bread to a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. Fry it slightly on both sides to soak it in the garlic flavor.
  5. Combine cheese with herbs and mix. Carefully cut the eggs in half. When the bread is ready, you can start collecting the canapes.
  6. Brush the bread with cheese and herbs. Use a skewer to secure a slice of bacon and half an egg to it. What a beauty!

Baskets with vegetables and quail eggs


  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • quail egg - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • butter - 2 pcs.
  • broccoli - about 100 g
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • cream - 30 ml

Cooking method:

  1. Knead shortbread dough - pour flour into a bowl, cut butter into small pieces into the same bowl. Grind the butter with flour. Add the yolk of one chicken egg and 2-3 tbsp. l. cold water. Knead the dough. Read more:
  2. Roll out two small circles according to the size of the baking dish. Put into molds, forming baskets. Pierce the bottom of the baskets with a fork several times so that the bottom does not swell. Put in the oven and bake until golden brown.
  3. Boil broccoli until half cooked. Drain the water.
  4. Cut the bell pepper into small squares, simmer in a small amount of vegetable oil until half cooked.
  5. Lightly beat the chicken egg, the protein remaining after the preparation of the dough, cream, salt, spices (to taste).
  6. Put broccoli, pepper into baked baskets, pour the egg mixture (so that it does not overflow over the edges of the baskets). Gently break a quail egg in the middle of each basket. Bake for 5-10 minutes.