Preparation of Easter Honey with Honey. Delicious, sweet, fragrant cakes on Easter - Best cooking recipes

19.12.2020 Dishes for children

Today we will share with you a proven recipe: Easter cakes with honey that will certainly be able to cook if you follow the above recommendations, and you will not move away from the recipe.

The bright holiday of Easter is approaching. The hostesses begin to stock up the products for the preparation of cakes and everything necessary for the Easter basket. Online space is filled with cake recipes, but, unfortunately, they do not always succeed as delicious as they would like.

The fact is that there are many nuances in the technology of cooking Easter baking, which should be considered:

  • if possible, you need to purchase "live", farm milk and sour cream (maximum fatty);
  • creamy oil Use quality and non-neglect margarine. Oil combined with margarine is ideal for baking baking. These two ingredients before cooking must be made in advance from the refrigerator, in order to start the cooking, they become room temperature, softened;
  • use "live" yeast, dry may not "raise" the opar and cakes will not work "air";
  • sugar in the recipe should not be fully replaced with honey (use the proposed proportion - the cakes will be in moderation sweet and they will have a pleasant taste and aroma of honey);
  • flour before cooking, be sure to suit the sieve;
  • eggs must be room temperature (pre-get them from the refrigerator);
  • mix the dough as long as possible and do not touch (free most of the working surface, place the dough with effort, hit the table and throw up);
  • if you want the cakes to have a yellow tint, add some turmeric to the dough (do not forget that it has specific smell and taste, like any spice);
  • before adding raisins in the dough, pour it out with flour. Thus, the raisins will be evenly distributed throughout Kulichu and does not fall on the bottom of the form.

To prepare Easter cakes with honey you will need:

  • 4 kg. flour
  • 1 l. + 250 ml. Milk (as high as possible from 3.2%)
  • 25 eggs (of which 22 yolks and 3 full eggs)
  • 0, 5 kg. Sahara
  • 200 gr. Honey (for the preparation of kulukhae, we recommend using any variety of the Crimean Honey, which you can choose in the section "Honey" Our online store)
  • 300 gr. sour cream
  • 300 gr. butter
  • 250 gr. Margarine
  • 2 tbsp. mankey
  • 2 wands of "living" yeast
  • 300 gr. vegetable oil (for mixing)
  • 500 gr. Izyuma
  • vanilla

Easter cakes with honey - Cooking:

  1. Heat the glass of milk and scroll through the yeast, adding sugar and flour across the tablespoon.
  2. Separate the disarm separately.

To do this, bring 1.5 glass of milk to a boil, add 1 tablespoon of sugar to it, 2 tablespoons of the manca and hold 5-7 minutes on low heat, constantly stirring (as if you cook the semal porridge).

Then the resulting mixture should be cooled and combined with pre-prepared yeast (step No. 1).

  1. The remaining milk will warm up (without bringing to a boil), add sour cream to it, stirred thoroughly and add to the opaire. Follow the sifted flour and bring the dough to the denot of fritters.
  2. Eggs (from them 22 yolks and 3 full eggs) Connect with the remaining sugar and honey using a blender or kitchen combine. The resulting "Gogol-Mogol" and 2 cups of flour add to opar.

Leave the dough for 20 minutes.

  1. Heat the butter and margarine, pour them with a thin flowing into the dough. Add the remaining flour and knead the dough to such a consistency so that it does not stick to the hands.

Leave the dough approach for 20 minutes by closing it with a cotton towel.

  1. After 30 - 40 minutes, add raisins in the dough, vanilla and begin to wash it out thoroughly for the maximum possible time (up to 1 hour). Use vegetable oil for mixing, so the dough will not stick to the hands.
  2. After mixing, leave the dough to approach another 30-40 minutes (as long as the dough is three times the volume).
  3. From the test, form small balls so that they occupy 1/3 of the form. After you fill the shape of the test, let him come true (15-20 minutes).
  4. Bake the cakes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees, checking the availability of a dry wooden stick.
  5. After the cakes are ready, they need to give a "rest" so that they are cooled, and decorate.

With the Holy Holiday Easter!

Peace and good in your homes!

Be healthy!

With love, honey Crimea!

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

How I love pre-holiday troubles, especially if we are talking about such a bright holiday like Easter. When everyone is running around, fussy, buy products, prepare, bake. At one time we lived in the private sector, and I remember, I go home from school down the street, and literally from each yard there are aromatic smells of fresh-eyed kulukhai. I come home, and there the grandmother clogs over his pastries, folds carefully ready to the table, and another portion bakes in the oven. Here I do not know how to whom, but I have always been unfortunately to taste a snatch right with heat from the heat. But the grandmother did not allow, said until the holiday comes (and it was thought to be when the grandmother was returned from the temple in the morning home), it is impossible to try cake. But then I didn't really want him to me.
When I started the cake oven myself and saw the little son with expectation watches the process, I got a habit, cook for him a little trial cake. Just a piece of dough put in a conventional ceramic cup and bake. At the same time, then we try - it turned out either either no.
I have several recipes for cooking, this year I am going to cook a Culich honey, a recipe with the photo of which I specifically prepared for you. Such cakes are obtained very tasty with a pleasant honey aroma, as well as air and porous, as the dough always fits well.
From the specified formulation, 3 medium honeystorms are obtained.

- Wheat flour of the highest grade - 500 g,
- yeast (dry active) - 11 g,
- Cutlery chicken eggs (medium) - 3 pcs.,
- solid milk (warm) - 125 ml,
- Sugar sand - 120 g,
- Honey - 2 ppm,
- oil (butter) - 100 g,
- Salt - 0.5 ppm,
- Raisin (without seeds) - 100 g,
- Vanillin - at will.

How to cook with photo step by step

How to cook honey cake on Easter
We are preparing the dough for kulukhai, so, first of all, in a bowl, squeeze sifted wheat flour in the amount of 100 g and dry yeast. Next, we pour milk, body temperature, mix.

And then cover and leave the opar for 1-1.5 hours in a warm place.

The next step is to prepare for the knead. We divide yolks from proteins, and then connect yolks with sugar sand, honey, as well as vanilla and salt and carefully larger the mass.

Proteins with a mixer are whipped into a homogeneous magnificent mass.

And now I introduce my opar.

And whipped squirrels in rolling yolks.

Then add melted oil.

We wash everything until uniformity and we have a sifted flour, while mixing the dough.
We add washed and dried raisins.

Roll it into the ball and put in a bowl that we wash the oil.

We cover with a towel and waiting for approximately an hour.

During this time, we prepare forms for cakes. If you have silicone molds, they do not need to be lubricated, but the tin-laying paper is laid.
From the rising dough, we tear the balls, a little kneading them and lay them out in the forms, so that the amounts of the dough are up to half the mold volume.

We leave the dough in forms for another hour to fully fit.

And then put them in a preheated oven to a temperature of 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Important - Do not open the cabinet door for the first 20 minutes, otherwise the cakes will fall.

Finished cakes with honey remove to cool on a towel from forms.

And after decorating the icing and putting on.

Bon Appetit!

Try the same way

Delicious, sweet, fragrant cakes on Easter - the best cooking recipes.

Delicious, sweet, fragrant cakes on Easter.
Honey cake on Easter

Easter meal symbols - painted eggs, cottage cheese Easter and Easter cakes. By tradition, Easter cakes are preparing in advance - 2-3 days before the bright holiday of Easter, so that the sinky bread is blown, gradually scored the taste.

The dough adds a large number of eggs, sugar, butter, so Easter cakes do not worry for a very long time.

There are several important moments in the cooking of a crumb on Easter. The dough does not like a hurry, he needs to put out and go well - on how lush and high will be the Easter cake.

Wander the dough from drafts, dishes with the test do not shake and do not rearrange from place to place. And of course, you need to start cooking a festive baking with a good mood - the dough feels not only the warmth of our hands, but also spiritual heat.

Ingredients for honeystorm for Easter:

Milk of any fatness - 1 cup;
Wheat flour - 4-4.5 glasses;
Fresh yeast (in bundles) - 30 g;
Sugar - tablespoon;
Salt - pinch;
Yolk eggs - 4 pcs;
Egg proteins - 2 pcs;
Sugar - 1 cup;
Honey thick - 2 tbsp. l;
Creamy butter - 200 g;
Raisin - 100 g


Egg protein - 2 pcs;
Salt - pinch;
powder sugar - 100 g

Prepare all products in advance: a few hours before cooking, get the oil and eggs from the refrigerator, yeast. Sketch the flour, measure the desired quantity of sugar, steal raisins.

When everything is prepared, you can start your opar. Milk warm to such a temperature so that the hand felt a pleasant warmth. Pour into a large bowl or pan. Razd up in the milk of yeast.

Pour salt with sugar. Mix all, wait until yeast disperse. We will put a glass of flour into the liquid.

Spoon mix flour with milk and yeast. It turns out a homogeneous dough average in thickness. If the spoon is tilted, the dough will be poured into the waves, leaving traces on the surface of the layers.

Remove the opar into the heat, be sure to cover. After half an hour, it will increase much in volume, will rise 2-3 times.
By the beginning of the kneading test, egg yolks with sugar are confused in one dish, to another egg whites in the foam. Add honey to yolks - it will give the thumbs of an unusual honey flavor and a pleasant fragrance. No spices in the dough are added to the honey taste dominance.

Oparu stir. Pour yolks with honey and sugar into it, whipped squirrels, add soft butter. Stir the spoon or blade until the mass becomes homogeneous (the opara must be connected to other ingredients). Now you can sift another 3 cups of flour and add raisins.

Stir the layer with flour until loose dough does not work. When it starts to gather in a lump, lay out the dough on the table (with a table and hands. Lubricate the oil), wash your hands until the softness and smoothness of the dough. Adjust flour if necessary. The knead the dough is needed at least 10-15 minutes, you must feel that it has become very plastic, but not sticky. Form the ball from the dough, put back to the bowl. Cover it or tighten the film. In the heat of the dough will stand until the increase in the volume is twice.

It should be changed, divided into pieces of the same value, decompose according to the forms. To make the cakes easily removed, the bottom and the walls of the shape smear the oil, sprinkle with flour. It is desirable to put a circle of washesized paper for baking. Fill out forms on 1/3 or half of the volume (the smaller the form is filled, the more cakes will be).

To the top of it, a dense crust formed, cover the shape with a towel or film. Give the test to climb.

When the dough in forms will get almost to the edge, put them in the oven heated to 180 degrees. Bake until readiness (small cakes are about 30 minutes, big about an hour). If the top is smoothed, close it with paper or foil.

To decorate cakes, take the chilled egg whites with a pinch of salt and powdered sugar. Beat to stable peaks (if you raise the whisk, whipped proteins will not fall, they will hold on it).

Get ready-made cakes from the molds, cool down under a towel and cover with icing. You can decorate them with pieces of citades, dried fruits or sprinkle with colored pastry packing.

Easter cake with Cuts and raisins

Dough for a crumb.

Flour - 5 glasses
Cream fat - 1.5 glasses
Sugar - 1 cup
Yolk egg - 6 pcs
Creamy butter - 250 g
yeast dry - 1 bag (or 50 g of fresh yeast)
Raisin - 0.5 cups
Cougates - 0.5 cups
Nuts - 0.5 glasses

For glaze

Egg protein - 1 pc
Sugar - 1 pc

First you need to cook the dough for the crumb.

First of all we are preparing opar. Dilute yeast in warm cream, add 1 tbsp. Sugar and half flour, mix everything.

Give a prayer to come in warmth.

Yolks to be confused with sugar and softened butter.

Nuts crushed, Cutty chopped finely, rinse a raisins.

When the opara rises, add a yellow-oil mixture into it, pinch salt, flour residues and knead the dough for the crumb.

Add to the dough nuts, raisins and candied, mix gently.

Dough cover with a towel, give to come twice, every time the oven.

In the shape for the grinding, lay the wash paper for baking, the forms themselves lubricate with vegetable oil.

Fill the shapes with a dough up to half and cover with a towel.

Give the test to climb almost the edges of the form.

Bake cakes in the oven, heated to 200 * C, within 40-50 minutes.

Ready cakes from the forms and cool, putting an interior on the grille.

Cooled Easter cakes to decorate with icing and candied fruit.

Easter cake on Smetan Babushkin

Recipe cutting on sour cream.

Flour - 1.2 kg
Milk - 0.5 l
Sugar - 2 glasses
Eggs - 5 pcs
sour cream - 3 tbsp
Raisin - 300 g
Fresh yeast - 100 g
Creamy butter - 250 g
Vanilla sugar - 1 bag
Sol- 1 tsp
Eggs protein - 1 pcs for glaze
Sugar - 1 cup for glaze

We begin cooking a delicious Easter / sour cream.

First you need to prepare the pole.

Mix milk, yeast, half flour and 1 tbsp of sugar.

Put in a warm place for 30 minutes.

Eggs beate with sugar, salt and vanilla sugar, add to opar, stir.

In the dough, enter melted oil and sour cream, add flour and knead the dough.

Add to the dough raisins, gently stir.

Dough cover with a linen napkin and leave in a warm place for 1 hour.

Dough decompose into molds for cakes, lubricated with oil, on 1/3 volume, cover with a napkin and give it to double.

Bake in the oven heated to 200 * C, within 30-40 minutes.

For glaze, beat the protein with sugar.

Cooking cakes to cool and lubricate with icing, decorate with a candied with a chicken and a colored chips.

Easter cake with poppy filling

Easter handsome cake with poppy filling, undoubtedly, will take the main place among other treats on the festive table.

The composition of the products for the crib:

Flour - 1 - 1.5 kg
Egg chicken average - 5 pcs.
Sugar loose - 1 cup
Milk - 2 glasses
Vanilla sugar - bag
Fresh yeast - 100 g
Margarine creamy - 200 g
Sour cream - 150 g
Salt - 8-10 g
For filling:
Mac - 1.5 glasses
Raspberry sugar - 180 g
Lemon - Half of a large fruit

Preparation of Easter Mood:

Heat a small amount of milk, melt the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in it, leave the mixture for a time to come up.

At the residue of milk, pour half the weight of flour and add the cracked yeast, give time "on the approach".

Eggs beat with sugar and vanilla sugar sachets, add sour cream and melted margarine (can be replaced by butter), stir well.

When the opara raises add an egg-oil mixture to it, stir and then add flour, sprinkling it with small portions and thoroughly stirring.

After adding all the flour to the dough to knead the dough, return to the bowl, cover with a clean fabric napkin and wait for about an hour and a half to double the dough double.

While the dough is climbing, cooking stuffing from poppy.

In the pan pour a half cup of water, fall asleep poppy and, on slow fire, cook for half an hour.

Ready dough decompose on high molds, lubricated oil, on 1/3 of the volume, separating the portion of the dough and inside each laying the stuffing from the poppy.

Forms with threads again cover with a clean tissue napkin and leave for a while the dough rose in forms again.

Bake the Easter cakes at a temperature of 200-220 * C over 30-50 minutes (depends on the size of the forms).

Ready cakes to remove from the forms, cool, then cover with icing or sweet and decorate.

Delicious cake on kefir

Pretty simple snitch recipe. Dough on kefir obedient, easily puts out. In the finished form, the cake soft, lush and sweet, long does not worry.

Required products:

Kefir - 0.5 liters
Creamy butter - 200 g
Dry yeast - 1.5 tbsp.
Eggs - 3 pieces Large
Sour cream - 0.5 glasses
Sugar - 1 cup
Vanilla sugar - 1 bag
Salt - 0.5 ppm
flour ~ 1 kg

How to cook cake on kefir:

First you need to prepare the layer.

Kefir to warm up a little, add yeast, 1-2 tbsp. Sugar and 1 cup flour.

Mix everything prematurely, cover the dishes with a towel and put in a warm place.

Prepare eggs for the crumb - yolks to separate from proteins.

Yolks are well confused with simple and vanilla sugar.

In the proteins add salt and beat the mixer in the foam.

When a lush foam cap is formed on the layout, you can knead the dough for the scene.

Add to powder sour cream and softened butter, mix.

Then add yolks with sugar, mix, add proteins, mix again.

To add flour to the finished mixture to add flour, sieving through the siter, each time stirring the dough.

The dough for the grip knead on the table, sprinkled with flour, it should not stick to the hands.

Finished dough cover with a towel and remove into a warm place.

When the dough raises a little, it needs to be challenged and let it go again.

The finished dough for cakes is shielded in the shape, lubricated with oil, filling them on 1/3.

Wait when the dough in the molds will rise half.

Put the cakes into the oven, heated to 180 * C, and bake until shutting.

Baked cakes to cool, and then cover with icing or sweet and decorate with multi-colored sprinkle and marmalade.

Easter cake with chocolate icing

Ingredients for vanilla silence:

Milk - a half cup
Flour - 800-820 g
Creamy oil - 145-150 g
Pakers yeast - 15 g
Vanilla Sugar - Package
Rapid sugar - 150 g
Egg for lubrication

For skin glaze:

Dark chocolate - 50 g
White chocolate - 130-150 g
Cream - 100 ml
Creamy oil - 10 g


In 0.5 cup of milk, stir yeast and, when bubbles will appear in the mixture, to pour into a comfortable majority.

Pick up the flour before sifted and put the dishes with the jar in a warmer place, you can, for example, to use hot water as a thermal conductory.

When the opara rises, add two types of sugar, milk and oil, in advance melted.

Gradually, pouring the flour with small portions, knead the dough for a crumb, cover it with a clean cloth and rearranged to heat.

By that time, when the kneading raises, the molds for cakes should be slightly lubricated with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

Decay the dough in forms, half of the volume, give rise to re-climb, lubricate with a whipped egg.

Bake cakes in the oven, heated to 180-200 * C, within 30-40 minutes.

Ready cakes to cool a little in the forms, then pull out and completely cool on the grille.

For the glaze, break white chocolate, lower it into hot cream and stirring, melt.

Finished cakes to pour out a white chocolate icing and decorate the "threads" of the shaken dark.

You can also be made on the contrary - to cover the eaves with dark chocolate icing and on top to decorate with melted white chocolate.

Flashing for a crumb.

Sugar glaze

Sugar powder - 1 cup
Juice lemon - 6 tbsp.

Add lemon juice to sugar and mix well.

Put a saucepan on a very small fire and stirring all the time until the icing becomes homogeneous.

Easy cake with hot icing and decorate marmalade.

Pink squelch icing

Egg protein - 1 pc
Sugar powder - 1 cup
Lemon juice - 8-10 drops
thick syrup from red jam - 1 tbsp.

Raw eggs wash with soap and dry. Separate the protein from the yolk.

Beat a mixer protein within 5 minutes to a stable white foam.

Do not cease to beat the sugar powder with small portions.

Then you need to add lemon juice drops, all the time whipping.

At the end of adding red syrup. Skin glaze is ready.

Sugger sweet

Sugar - 1 cup
Water - 0.5 glasses
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

Pour sugar in a saucepan, add water, stir. Put a saucepan on a small fire.

Cook sugar syrup, periodically stirring.

When syrup will boil you need to check availability.

Caps a little syrup into cold water if the drop is not dissolved, but it is warm up as soft dough, syrup is ready.

Remove the saucepan from the fire, add lemon juice and stir.

Surop surface to sprinkle with cold water and cool the syrup to the temperature of the pair milk.

Having cooled syrup to beat the mixer to obtain a homogeneous white mass.

Sugar sweet is ready.

Tips for beginners:
1. Yeast! See the expiration date on the package !!! I always buy small packages - a large open package may worsen the quality of yeast.
2. Do not forget the flour to sift through the sieve.
3. Products - take everything strictly by prescription! You can reduce the quantity of sugar. In this cake, it is allowed to "shift" flour - within a reasonable, of course. It will still work out, "the time of the proofing of the test and time of baking will increase!
4. Poisu is well stirred, let it come true! The time depends on the temperature in the room - now Easter late, warm on the street, so it is enough for her. It is no longer necessary, the opara will settle, so look like it behaves.
5. Introducing the dough-butter just room temperature, do not top it, - otherwise the dough will take more flour. Proteins just beat the foam (we do not do misery). A gradually add the egg mixture into opar, at all stages of cooking the test, it is well stirred. The oil will remain a bit with pieces, then when adding flour, it intervenes well in the dough. Pour flour by portions. The dough can be left periodically during the kneading per 1 min. Each time it will be more plastic and not so sticking to the hands. The dough on milk is always more sticky than on the water. But when it breaks a little, it becomes much more pleasant. At first, the dough is more convenient to mix in the bowl, then you can shift it on the table (you can slightly lubricate it. Oil) and replace it well. The finished dough can be pulled out into the braid on the table. But it will still be a little sticking to the table.
The dough is well kneaded (so that a homogeneous-tight ball, which can be played in football, we do not need!) And put it approach.
6. Expressive test - do not rush! Give the test well in volume. For such a number of test, a bowl or 3-liter sauters will fit. It should take the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe capacity at the end of the proof. If a warm day, I put the dough on the windowsill to the sun, cover the towel on top. In winter, such a dough will rise at least 2 hours. The more sugar, eggs and oils, the more difficult the yeast to work. And if it is also cool indoors, the fermentation process is delayed. Therefore, not in a hurry !!! Let them rises!
7. Forming Kulichi: Well-rising dough divide on portions by molds. I have a form of factory 800ml, 750 ml and 650 ml. I often do not even lubricate them with oil when you do not make fires for height. At the bottom of the molds to put a circle in the form of Pekarsk. Paper (butter not lubricating my paper is good). The dough is divided into three almost equal parts, each rolling into the ball, and lowered into the form. Fit the dough is not necessary! During proofing and baking, the test has a property of occupying the entire form. To do this, the folding form is desirable to fill out half the mold or slightly less (I always make balls, just under half the forms)
8. Flashing cake - put in heat (I am on the sun, on top of light kitchen. Towel) and waiting, the dough should increase, take 2/3 of the mold height. Again, the proofing time depends on the temperature and density of the test. Do not forget to turn on the oven for warming up.
9. Baking Kunichi- Check the oven, you can slightly reduced fire. We put the molds with herbs on the middle shelf in the oven: Temp 18-200 gr. C. Periodically, without opening, the oven follow the temperature. Little cakes can be prepared at around 20 minutes. Do not open the door earlier, - that you still do not help the test! Small cakes to check for readiness after 20 minutes, large in 30-35 minutes. Purify with toothpick or a skewer of trees. For kebabs, it should remain dry! Ready cakes can be left in the form or give them a little cool and gently lay out, roll out of the shape on the towel. If there is no experience, it is better to leave the cake to cool in the form. Freshly baked cake - very soft !! It may break, especially in high subtle forms.
Successful to you cakes !!! If you have questions, I will answer everything, with pleasure !!!