Acute pepper blank for winter with honey. Gorough pepper cooking recipes with honey for winter

19.12.2020 Healthy nutrition

In winter, when truly fresh vegetables and fruits on store shelves are a big rarity, home blanks help to diversify the diet. You should not limit yourself with traditional pickled cucumbers and tomatoes - let your home buffet fill unusual, sophisticated snacks, such as bitter pits, pickled in honey.

Such a blank for the winter will add a refined note with the easiest everyday dish, and the jar of sharp bright red peppers in the golden honey marinade will become a real decoration of the festive table. Simple recipes of unusual snacks you will find in our article.

It is believed that snacks from bitter pepper - a dish on an amateur. However, everyone needs to be at least once to try it to understand how harmonious his tart, sharp and spicy taste. The sweetness of honey, in turn, shaves the sharp taste of the vegetable, softens it and makes more saturated.

It is ideally combined with such a snack with traditional soups (borsch, solanka) and a variety of meat dishes, birds or fish. Spicy aroma of bitter punch awakens appetite, and natural bitterness stimulates the work of the stomach.

However, it is worth remembering that such sharp dishes are not recommended for the use of people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, colitis, etc.)

Marining acute bitter pepper for the winter does not take much time: even if you are a newcomer in the preparation of home billets, you can easily cope with their preparation. But remember: cooking dishes from a sharp blower is better in rubber gloves to avoid skin irritation.

For the preparation of home billets from pickled pen and honey for the winter are suitable for both fresh and dried vegetables. In order for the dishes to have a truly unique taste and aroma, only natural honey is needed for their preparation.

Depending on what the recipe is suitable for both fresh, liquid lime or floral honey and crystallized. If the season of liquid honey has already passed, but I want to pamper yourself an unusual snack, melt a little sugar honey in a water bath - he will again acquire his own and plastic consistency.

Only you should not heat it directly on fire: at temperatures above 46 degrees honey irrevocably loses most of its useful properties.

Before starting conservation, bitter pits need to rinse thoroughly and dry the towel, and also clean from seeds.

Sharp bitter chili peppers with vinegar and honey

A tart snack in which bitterness and sweetness combines, will help to diversify meat dishes, informing them an exotic note. The recipe is very simple! To cook it, you will need:

  • 2 kg of sharp bitter little chili peppers;
  • half-liter boiled water;
  • half-liter table vinegar;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar sand;
  • 2 teaspoons of liquid natural (lime or flower) honey;
  • 4 teaspoons of shallow table salt.

In advance prepared, sterilized glass containers are placed by the peppers. Do not stand too tightly till them: leave a place for marinade. We add sugar and vinegar to the water, bring marinade on moderate heat to a boil.

Boiling marinade flooded chili peppers laid in banks and immediately ride. Spicy snack ready! Store salmon can in the refrigerator or cellar all winter.

Multicolored bitter pepper in a cold honeycomb marinade

Another simple recipe for canning the peppers with honey, its advantage is simplicity and cooking speed.

For pickled multicolored bitter peppers, you will need:

  • 3 kg of colorful bitter peppers;
  • Candied honey;
  • Table vinegar.

Washing, dried and peeled from fruits and seeds bitter multicolored peppers put into glass jars, not trying to do it too tight.

Marinade for such a snack should not be boiled, the recipe for its as simple as possible: add 2 full tablespoons of thick honey to a glass (200 ml) of vinegar, thoroughly stir and pour blanks so that the marinade is completely covered with pepper.

Such preservation does not require sterilization: the acid contained in vinegar and the natural bitterness of pepper is natural antiseptics that prevent the reproduction of bacteria. You can store the blanks all winter not only in the refrigerator, but also in the cellar and even in the cool pantry.

Bitter pepper in honey and oil marinade

The recipe for bitter punch in a honey and oil marinade for the winter:

  • 3 kg of sharp bitter peppers (red or orange);
  • 1/2 l sunflower oil;
  • 1/2 l of table vinegar;
  • 0.4 kg of natural honey;
  • 2 table. spoons of shallow salt;
  • Black peas;
  • Bay leaf.

On the bottom of the glass jar sterilized over the ferry, we put on several laurels and put 4-5 peas of black peppers. Gorky pepper Thoroughly, we dry, clean from seeds, and then cut into three parts and put them in each other on the principle of matryoshki.

In deep dishes, we mix the oil, honey, vinegar and salt, bring on a moderate fire marinade to a boil and pour them peppers. Conservation Standard: Sterilize for 10 minutes and ride banks. A canned pepper is stored can all winter in the refrigerator or cool pantry.

Tip: Small tomatoes Cherry, added to the bitter peppers, will make marinade more fragrant and saturated, and at the same time they will acquire a delightful sharp taste.

Bitter pepper in fragrant marinade with honey and cinnamon

Recipe for sophisticated lovers: mixing flavors and spices make marinated peppers truly exquisite. To prepare a pickled bitter pepper with you need the following products:

  • 5 kg of seeds of sharp bitter peppers;
  • 1 liter of 6 percent vinegar (or 350 ml of water mixed with 9 percent);
  • 250 g of natural (lime or floral) honey;
  • 350 ml of vegetable oil (refined sunflower refined);
  • 2 peeled from husks and divided into garlic slices;
  • 20 g of cook salt;
  • cinnamon hammer;
  • seeds of carnations;
  • bay leaf;
  • allspice.

Peppers are cleaned of seeds, cut into 3-4 parts. From the other ingredients, you need to weld the marinade, mixing them and bringing to a boil. Peppers blanches for 5 minutes in the marinade, then folded into the cans and poured the harvesting boiling brine.

Marinade with honey is well combined with bitter red pepper, because this billet is designed mainly to decorate various meat dishes. Red rings always look appetizing, green does not possess such visual appeal.

Inspect the pods carefully, damaged and marked, emit. Acute peppers wash, cut off the frozen, leaving only small green tails at the base.

All dry spices are poured into a liter sterilized jar, purified garlic teeth are added, filled with red peppers.

Pour the jar with boiling water, covered with a lid. Acute pepper warms up and insist for 15 minutes, then hot water poured.

Prepare the basis for marinade with honey: salt and some mustard grains are put in the saucepan.

Pour vinegar and liquid honey prescription. Stir the mass so that the salt began to dissolve. Pour cold water.

The saucepan is on fire, honey marinade should boil no more than one or two minutes.

Peppers poured boiling marinade, rush the jar, turn over and covered with a blanket.

The cooled bank is attributed to the storage room or another cool place. A sharp pepper marinated for the winter on this simple recipe with honey can be stored for a long time, the maximum term is 12 months.

An open bank must be refrigerated. All marinated pods can not eat in one day, but the sharp and spicy marinade will not allow the workpiece to spoil. Peppers add to pilaf, filling for pizza and pies. You can use another quick and simple recipe for marination for the winter: a liter jar with pepper is immediately poured with a prepared honey marinade, covered with a lid and sterilize 15 minutes with slow boil.

Bitter (acute) pepper is rich in vitamins A, B, C. Alkaloid Capsaicin, giving a vegetable sharpness, promotes hair growth. Using the bitter pepper, it is stimulated by the production of endorphins, which means that blood circulation increases, the formation of thrombov is prevented, the appetite increases, stress decreases and much more. Following the advice of traditional medicine, a sharp vegetable is perfectly coping with a radiculitis, rheumatism, arthritis, if you rub into the skin.

A lot of recipes for bitter peppers are many, taste qualities are also different from each other, regardless of what he still remains islands. To the question: "How to close a pickled bitter pepper for the winter?" Below is the recipe for special rusting of the punch with the addition of honey. Canning in honey is an unusual spicy supplement to your dishes.

Ingredients for a 1.5 liter jar:

  • - Bitter pepper - 1 kg
  • - honey - 150 g
  • - vinegar 9% - 300 ml

How to Prepare Marinated Acute Pepper for Winter with Honey

Stages of the workpiece:

1. Banks with a spinning lid sterilize.

2. Acute pepper thoroughly wash, you do not need to delete the tails.

3. On the bottom of the glass container, pour honey - 2-3 tablespoons, depending on which banks you took (in the provided 2 capacity recipe: 780 ml, 450 ml and 200 ml). It is necessary to proportionally distribute 150 g of honey.

4. Vertically build in container sharp peppers to the very top.

5. Pour 9% vinegar.

6. To tighten with the lids and turn over half an hour to check whether they are tightly twisted.

7. Acute pepper with honey ready.

At the expiration of 3 months, pickled sharp peppers with honey is ready to use. Lovers of such a stunning taste may have a pennhotin to work with other vegetables and porridge.

Pleasant billets!

Olesya Nikolaevna shared the recipe for marinated acute peppers with honey for the winter.

Citsak - a cool recipe for salted bitter pepper in Armeniani from Maxim Punchchenko:

I present to you the first my recipe. He, before the disgrace, is simple, but trying, I think you will rate a snack of this seemingly not a popular vegetable vegetable pepper. Recipe - proven over the years, annually repeated and a wide gesture presented by the father of my friend's uncle Pasha. In the family, it is affectionately called Chipolinko, for the love of conservation of vegetables, especially onion and pepper. I just recently found out the story of such love ...

Ingredients for "marinated bitter pepper with honey":

  • (Any bitter pepper, any color of the skin. Of one and a half kilograms of bitter pepper by scattering, at the exit of 6 Paul liter jars marinated. One floor of a liter can - 8-10 large peppers.) - 1.5 kg
  • (The easiest 6% apple vinegar. Consumption from 1.5 to 2 liters by 6 sex liter cans (depending on filling).) - 2 l
  • (2 teaspoons per bank.) - 12 h. L.

Time for preparing: 50 minutes

Number of portions: 6

Food and Energy Value:

Recipe "Marinated Bitter Pepper with Honey":

Preparing our jars: mine, sterilize. In the meantime, banks are sterilized, I will continue ...
... it was in the mid-1990s. An employee of the polar station Paul (no longer a Pashka, but not yet uncle Pasha) fulfilled his daily responsibilities, simply speaking, work worked. The mood did not spoil even the polar landscape for the year. An annual watch approached the completion and after a week and a half weeks (plane) was to deliver it to the big land, and there the family and the apple tree in bloom ... and among this white magnificence, our Paul sees the Radious Radior Bake with a Radine with stunned eyes, and after him, pursuing , almost the entire watch, in a single impulse chanting an obscene word.

My pepper, cut off the fruit, clean from the stones (you do not want to bother the seeds). Important: In order to avoid burns, the eyes, hands, skin and households are all work in gloves!
... In short, the case was in the spirit of the 90s: a commercial enterprise bought or leased several polar stations, because the station is not just observing meteorological changes, as well as geological exploration (gas, oil, gold t., And so on ). The decision on the fate of the workers of the stations, from the Barco-gang sleeve of the leather jacket, was simple: while the firm enters the legacy - to extend all employees who are at stations and meteo beaches, an employment contract for another year. And I must say that our station was not small, there were two meteorological bases in her area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility and all types of contentments and staff were delivered exclusively through the air. They requested the remnants from the polarists, delivered everything you need and everything ... until next year Friends.

Cut the peppers "edible" for you. I have a centimeter cutting in oblique.
... food was delivered, but people engaged in sending products did not know the specifics of the Arctic. The whole station was surprised to consider a wonderful stew similar to the pate, wondered, to whom the rest of the chicken got, if the chicks got them, did not solve the taste of sausages in a bright bank with the strange name Hot Dog. Local linguists argued that Dog is a dog, which means that the food for animals, what supporters of their, original, objected, argued "so what are they there at all?" Everyone helped a radio lane, which in his channels found out everything and happily said "you can eat." The diet of the polar explorers got the dickey, but without vegetables and fruits.

At the bottom of each jar, we put on 1 teaspoon of honey (with a flood, but without fanaticism). Honey we use any: this year or the one that is "sometime Kumany Dariili", liquid or candied, lime, buckwheat or unnamed, collected by bees of different religions and any confession ... You realized that honey can be absolutely any.
We put the cutting into the jars and quietly "tribe" with a finger. And on top, on peppers, in each jar, put one more teaspoon of the honey (the description of the honey above).
... a year and a half lived with old stocks, then they made a revision in stock products, then one more, like this four months.
Our Paul came out with another polar in the morning, the mood - to throw out: I did not see the family a year and a half, a month ago, a month ago, the last canned carrots and vegetables were not foreseen. The owner firm sympathized, asked to enter the situation, promised a bunch of bunch on arrival. I decided our hero to comply with the daily ritual of all employees - to go to the Flap - "ABOCHOTEYUDE".

We fill every jar of 6% apple vinegar.
... I must say that the storage room is a long elling, separated by food, domestic, technical, etc. zones, and food racks were located just closer to the entrance. Once again, Paul is looking at - a friend of familiar racks with products, and already going to leave, suddenly understands that Elling's entrance walls is more than a meter thicker. Tender, but powerful televisions Paul explores this unexcapted meter of ice and the first thing finds - bitter pickled peppers (shaggy years) ... From the first exposure to the base of the station (judging by the labeling and date), man, and. about. The headwater shifted the most unpopular products straight to the entrance, but the north takes his own ... At first, it was simply turned off, and then banks with bitter pickled pepper and pickled onions in beetral juice (by the way, Bulgarian and Romanian production) were captured. Do I need to say that the station came to life ...

Supermarket shelves are filled with bright, beautiful jars with different vegetables, fruits and even berries. But the shopping products do not compare with the preservation prepared at home. When you open another jar in a cold winter evening, just enjoy your home delicacy. Fans of appetizing billets will appreciate this recipe. I propose to prepare a bitter pepper in the honey fill that will delight all fans of sharp. Bitter pepper with honey is well harmonized with meat dishes. It can be used as a snack to strong alcoholic beverages, add small portions to first dishes or sauces. From this number of products, two jars of 450 are obtained by

- Bitter pepper 330 g;
- Pepper black polka dot 6 pcs.;
- pepper fragrant polka dot 6 pcs.;
- bay leaf 2 pcs.;
- water 500 g;
- salt 25 g;
- vinegar table 50 g;
- Honey 110 g

For cooking take a large bitter pepper, preferably red. Vegetables must be dense to the touch, and without damage. Delete bad peppers. Rinse, cut the portion pieces. Green tail can not be deleted. If you use a small sharp pepper, you do not need to cut into pieces. To reduce sharpness, seeds remove. Work in disposable gloves so that there are no burns.

Prepare small jars with covers. They need to be thoroughly rinsed with soda, rinse and sterilize in a convenient way for you. Fill banks with chopped pepper.

Now prepare the marine honey fill. In a saucepan or a shill pour cold water. Add salt, honey, laurel leaf, black and fragrant pepper. Bring to a boil. Do not forget, mix to dissolve honey and salt. Pour the vinegar in the boiling solution, mix and disconnect the fire.

Gradually, so that banks not cracked, pour hot honey marinas to the very top of jars. Cover with sterile covers.

Now the banks have remained sterilized. In a deep saucepan, stack a piece of fabric. Lay banks with pepper. So that the banks are not cracked, take hot water and pour into the pan on the cannons. Send on fire. Sterilize 15-20 minutes, after the water in the saucepan boils.

Cold and turn, look well. If you do not want to bite, lower the cans with a lid down into the hot water in which they sterilized and leave up to complete cooling. Store in the cellar or storage room. Bright and delicious billets!

With respect. Svetlaya.

Another billet for stony lovers -