Maranina baked in marinade with kiwi. How to pick up lamb kebabs so that it was a soft and juicy lamb pickled in Kiwi

19.12.2020 Soups

Spring begins, and soon solar calf days will call us spend more time in the fresh air, in a funny company. And what in this case may be better than the rosy fragrant kebab? We will tell you a few excellent recipes marinade for kebabs from lamb so that it turns out juicy and tasty.

Shine-based marinade secrets

As you know, lamb - meat is special, quite complicated for processing. It can be harsh, dwelling, and many consider her smell specific. Therefore, lamb is made to withstand in marinade based on acid-containing products to get rid of unpleasant features.

The main secret of lamb marination is the high acidity of the marinade. Therefore, the vinegar is considered the easiest, and at the same time a common product. Acetic acid softens hard meat, makes it gentle. During the preparation of the marinade, it is very important to withstand the proportions specified in the recipe, otherwise the meat can get sour.

Meat in acetic marinade

In half a lamb, you will need the following products:

  • middle Size Bulbs - 2 pcs;
  • lemon - 1 pc;
  • vinegar - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • to taste pepper, salt, bay leaf.

Such marinade is very easy to manufacture:

  1. Take a deep bowl, put a chopped meat into it, add onions, sliced \u200b\u200bby rings.
  2. Fill with juice squeezed from lemon, oil and vinegar.
  3. Mix thoroughly, sprinkle with salt, pepper, add a bay leaf and leave marinated.

Note: It is very important to cut meat for kebabs correctly. Too small pieces will take more marinade than necessary, and after frying will be dry and hard. Large pieces are not soaked entirely and may not be sucked in full: they will be twisted outside, and from the inside - raw.

If you leave the lamb in acetic marinade, it will be prepared at room temperature, then the meat will be finished literally after 2-3 hours. But it is better to prepare in advance, and hold the workpiece in the refrigerator for about 6 hours, so the meat is soaked more evenly. Do not forget every hour to mix the pieces of lamb with marinade.

Lamb kebab in kefir

Marinade from kefir will help make meat gentle and piquant. It will work perfectly if the vinegar does not seem to you the optimal option. For example, for children a kebab in such a marinade is the most suitable recipe.

We offer you 3 options for recipes marinade in kefir.

For the first recipe you will need:

  • lamb - 3 kg;
  • kefir - 3 glasses;
  • middle Size Bulbs - 3 pieces;
  • basil, dill, parsley, mint - to taste.
  1. Clean the bow and cut it with half rings.
  2. Dill and parsley need finely chopping, but to break the mint and basil with their hands.
  3. Fold everything into deep dishes, mix evenly and pour kefir.
  4. With this marinade, pour meat and leave about 3-4 hours.

Maranina in marinade on kefir

In order to prepare marinade on the second recipe, take:

  • lamb - 3-4 kg;
  • kefir - 1 liter;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • bulbs - 4 pcs;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.
  1. Purified and sliced \u200b\u200bonions fold into a bowl, add pepper and salt there.
  2. Mix thoroughly to leave the bow, and then pour the oil and kefir.
  3. Mix again and fill the marinade meat.

Third view of marinade:

  • lamb 3 kg;
  • kefir - 1 liter;
  • onions - 500 grams;
  • seasoning hops-Sunnels - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt and black pepper - to taste.
  1. Sliced \u200b\u200bonions, salt, pepper and seasoning with a kefir and mix thoroughly.
  2. In such a marinade you need to withstand meat about 3-4 hours.

Kefir and yogurt for spicy and acute marinade

The peculiarity of previous recipes with kefir is that the salt can be added not to the marinade, but directly before you drive meat on the SHAMPOR. And the next recipe will help you to cook a spicy spicy kebab. Take these products:

  • lamb - 1.5 kg (try to take soft, young meat);
  • kefir - 500 ml (fatty 3.2%);
  • onions - 5-7 pieces;
  • sugar powder - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Lamb cool, cut, rinse and put in dishes. Start the preparation of marinade.

  1. Half onions finely cut. If there is an opportunity, it is better to wear on a large grater. Add bow to meat, pepper and spray.
  2. Pour in the dishes with lamb kefir. The meat should be so good to soak, but not drown. Sprinkle with sugar powder, once again mix.
  3. The remaining bulbs lie rings and put on meat on top. Cut the dishes with a lid and put in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

The next marinade is prepared on the basis of yogurt. Acute, so important for meat, he will give seasonings. You will need:

  • lamb - 1 kg;
  • yogurt - 0.5 l;
  • mayran - 3 pcs;
  • paprika - 1 tablespoon;
  • bulbs - 2 pcs;
  • 1 Pern chili;
  • 7 cloves of garlic;
  • rosemary - 3 pcs.

Meat in yoghurt marinade

  1. Meat cut into cubes with the sides of at least 3 cm - the most optimal size.
  2. Finely lie onions, garlic, rosemary, mayorran and chili pepper (you can take ground pepper).
  3. Thoroughly mix with meat, pouring everything with yogurt. This marinada is enough to strengthen about 3 hours at room temperature.

Soy sauce and wine - excellent meat option

Thanks to the optimal content of acids, soy sauce is great for marinating meat, especially lamb. This absolutely natural product is obtained at the expense of fermentation of soybeans, and the sodium glutamate contained in it will eliminate lamb from its specific smell. Do not add salt in such marinade, it is enough in the sauce itself.

For 1 kilogram of meat you will need the following products:

  • 100 ml of soy sauce;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • half juice of lemon;
  • sugar - 0.5 h.;
  • spices to taste: Basil, Pepper, Estragon (Tarkhun) and others.
  1. Finely cut or soda garlic, mix it with sauce, lemon juice and spices before receiving a homogeneous mixture.
  2. The resulting marinade fill the chopped meat so that it is covered evenly. Leave for 3-4 hours.

Wine contains a large number of different natural acids - apple, amber, acetic, milk and lemon, in the proportions necessary for the body. Therefore, wine from time immemorial was used to marine meat, especially lamb. Dry red wine is considered the most appropriate because it gives meat tart taste.

Wine is very popular as marinade for meat

On a half kilogram of lamb you will need:

  • 1 cup of red wine;
  • 4-6 medium bulbs;
  • spices and salt - to taste.
  1. Cut meat, fold into the dishes, sprinkle with salt and spices and leave it for half an hour.
  2. Cut onion rings and add to meat.
  3. Pour wine so that it does not cover the meat with the top. Otherwise, it is better to merge a small part. Onions do not mix with meat, let it remain from above.
  4. Cover the dishes with a lid and put in the refrigerator. By morning, the kebab is fully wound. If you leave it at room temperature, then the period of marinization will be reduced to 4 hours.

Fruits at your service: lamb in kiwi and orange

Kiwi, due to the content of natural acids, it is also perfectly suitable in order to pickle meat. Moreover, this fruit is useful if your lamb is old and hard: Kiwi will make meat very soft, as if from a young lamb.

Please note: Kiwi contains substances that split animal protein. Do not use too much kiwi so that marine meat does not turn into pate. The optimal amount is 1 medium-sized fruit per 1 kg of meat.

Cut the lamb, mix it with salt and spices to taste. 2-3 bulbs Grind in a blender or meat grinder together with a purified and chopped lemon. Stir this mass with meat and leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Try to pick up meat for kebabs in Kiwi

The main ingredient is Kiwi, - in the marinade you need to add no later than 2 hours before the kebab frying. Therefore, when the meat is imagining, kiwi flesh with a blender, meat grinders or grain, and mix this puree with a pickled lamb. The kebab will be ready for frying just by the time the coal of the fire will reach the desired condition.

Orange marinade will not only make meat juicy and soft, but also give him an unusual fragrance. Such a kebab is a little different ort of the usual, but for sure will conquer your love.

Take these products:

  • 1 kg of lamb;
  • 1 l orange juice;
  • 2/3 cup of orange liqueur;
  • 1 pod of green chili pepper;
  • 100 g of Coriander seeds;
  • 6 oranges;
  • Fresh kinza for decoration.

For this kebab, take a young non-fat lamb. Cooking will require time and patience.

Skewer in orange marinade

  1. Sliced \u200b\u200bmeat fold into deep dishes. Stit it with chopped coriander. Fill with liquor and orange juice.
  2. Grind chili peppers, add to meat. There, send the purified and sliced \u200b\u200boranges. Cover the dishes with a lid and leave in the refrigerator for a day. Stir every 3 hours.
  3. After time, get lamb from marinade. Meat are hung on skews in turns with orange slices. Place them on the grill or coal for frying.
  4. While the kebabs are preparing, prepare the sauce from the marinade. Put a saucepan on fire and boil until the liquid becomes sticky, but not thick. With this sauce, paint the finished kebab, and decorate the fresh cilantro.

Skewers on mineral water and mayonnaise - the most common options

Mineralka is a very popular base for marinade. It is not only inexpensive, but also enough in the cooking process. All you need for such a kebab is:

  • 3 kg of lamb (it is desirable to take meat from the hammer);
  • 500 ml of carbonated mineral water;
  • 2 medium-sized lemon;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 2 medium bulbs;
  • 300 g of rye bread;
  • pepper, salt, spices - to choose from to taste.
  1. Wash the lamb thoroughly and cut the meat with small pieces. Be sure to cut across the fibers.
  2. Put the meat into deep dishes, sprinkle with chopped semirings onions, accumulate a little. To put tomatoes chopped in circles. Leave for a while.
  3. Take another bowl, fold into it chopped with small pieces of rye bread.
  4. Lemons cut into 2 parts and squeeze their juice on the pieces of bread.
  5. Fill with gashed mineral water. Stir and add to dishes with meat.
  6. Sung wash, season with pepper and spices.
  7. Stir and leave in the refrigerator for 6 hours to marinate. Such a marinade softens the meat to the desired consistency without disturbing its structure.

Mayonnaise, like mineral water, is very popular as the basis for marinade. You will need:

  • 2 kg of lamb;
  • 6 bulbs;
  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • 200 g mustard;
  • pepper, salt - to taste.

Maonez mixture with mustard - great option for marinade

  1. Sliced \u200b\u200bmeat to put in the dishes, sprinkle, pepper and add a finely chopped onion. Remember to let juice.
  2. Mix mustard with mayonnaise, pour into dishes with meat, remember once again.
  3. Cover the lid and leave for 6 hours.

Tip: From the choice of mustard largely depends the taste of kebab. If you like sharp meat, choose a traditional Russian mustard. If there is more fragrant meat with a mild taste, then the sweet mustard is french or dijonskaya.

Spices, spices and herbs that are well suited to kebab

Video cooking marinade for kebab

As you can see, the options for cooking marinade are many, and among them there are rather unusual. Surely you have your original recipes. Share them with us in the comments. Pleasant appetite and warm spring days!

This is a rather unusual lamb chip picking recipe for kebabs. An ordinary garlic, lemon, and mineral water, but the most interesting is the use of Kiwi.

Shashleb - the National Georgian dish, which is most often prepared from the young lamb. And this type of meat is the easiest of meat, if it is cut off all the unnecessary fat.

That is why one of the most favorite species in connoisseurs of dishes on coals - lamb meat kebabs. Marinade with Kiwi and Mineralka cleaves meat fibers well, because both of these ingredients give meals incredible softness!

For kebab from lamb with kiwi for 3 portions we will need:

  • range meat - 600 g
  • 1/2 Kiwi
  • box kinse
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/3 Lemon.
  • 1 Baku Tomato
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil
  • 200 ml of strongly carbonated mineral water
  • salt, pepper to taste

In the original recipe marinade for lamb from Kiwi and mineral water, an amplifier of taste is a sodium glutamate. It is not necessary to eat it, because it is a very harmful additive.

How to cook lamb kebab marinated in kiwi

1. Cut the lamb with large pieces with a side of 2.5 cm.

2. The onions cut down the big and skip through the meat grinder so that he gives more taste marinada. You can grind a blender.

3. Tomato Cut on 4 parts and peel it into a bowl where meat marinated. Pieces throw there.

4. Slices grind garlic and chop the cilantro.

5. Relieve the lemon and squeeze it slightly.

6. Add salt and pepper to taste.

7. Fill mineral water and mix well.

8. Cut the Kiwi cleaned from the skins and squeeze it into the marinade.

9. Pour the oil, mix well and leave in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

Barbetes kebabs on a recipe with kiwi on mineral water is ready for frying. Serve a ready-made dish with fresh vegetables, greens, be sure to be lava and, if desired, with red wine. Enjoy your appetite and a good rest!

People prepared a kebab since the fire was mined. Since that time, the dish is constantly being improved. It is a kebab, cooked from lamb, is considered traditional.

It is important to prepare lamb kebabs correctly, with the observance of the subtleties, then the meat will be very tasty, fragrant and juicy.

Lamb kebab in Caucasian

The best recipe for the correct kebab from Caucasian with the addition of grape vinegar in marinade. Calorie - 1800 kcal. For cooking takes 2 hours and it turns out 4 servings.


  • kilogram of meat;
  • pepper hammer and salt;
  • row;
  • vinegar grape;
  • fresh kinza and parsley;
  • 0.5 liter of water.


  1. Peeled bulbs rinse and cut thin rings.
  2. Warm water rinse meat and cut.
  3. Add salt and pepper to the meat to taste, alter and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Add several spoons of vinegar into the water.
  5. In a bowl, put meat, on top of the rings onions. Fill the kebab marinade and close the lid. Leave it for five hours in the cold.
  6. Take meat on the skewer and fry on the coals of 25 minutes, turning over. Periodically splash meat marinade so that it is not burnt.
  7. Serve a classic lamb skewer with fresh parsley and cilantro.

You can replace the grape vinegar with lemon juice and add more fragrant spices for kebab to meat.

Lamb kebab with kiwi

Marinade from Kiwi makes even tough meat juicy and soft. It is important not to overdo it with the number of fruit and do not reverse the meat in the marinade. Calorie - 3616 kcal. It turns out 8 servings. The most delicious lamb kebab is preparing 12 hours with pickling.

Required ingredients:

  • slim pitaway;
  • two kg. meat;
  • one fruit;
  • four bulbs;
  • salt - one and a half century;
  • one zira, coriander and pepper ground;
  • four laurel sheets.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Three bulbs cut half rings and sprinkle. One leave for decoration.
  2. Slit onion with hands before the formation of juice. Add spices.
  3. Cut into pieces of meat and connect in deep bowl with onions. Stir, cover the film and leave for 2 hours in the cold.
  4. An hour before the roasting kebabs, clean the Kiwi fruit and grind on the fine grater. Add to pickled meat. Stir and leave for an hour.
  5. Slices of meat. Slide on the skewer and roam on the grill, turning over, 20 minutes.
  6. Put ready kebabs on the pita and decorate onion with rings.


  • kilogram of meat;
  • mayonnaise - 250 g.;
  • five bulbs;
  • floor. liter of water;
  • salt, pepper ground black and red;
  • three tbsp vinegar.


  1. Cut the meat and lay out in the dishes.
  2. In water, dissolve vinegar, add spices.
  3. Cut together the bulbs, add to meat and pour mayonnaise. Stir. Pour marinade.
  4. Leave the kebab under the lid to pickle three hours in the cold.
  5. Meat ride on the skewer and fry on coals to ruddy color.

A total of 4 portions of a lush kebab from lamb, calorie content of 3360 kcal. Preparing kebab 4 hours.

Make a kebab from lamb in the oven is very simple. It turns out delicious. Calorie - 1800 kcal, leaves 4 servings. Cooking time - 3 hours.

Required ingredients:

  • 400 g. Shala Barani;
  • 1 kg. meat;
  • two bulbs;
  • half of lemon;
  • shiny zira;
  • pepper and salt;
  • coriander ground.

Preparation steps:

  1. Meat cut the middle pieces.
  2. Salo cut into small pieces, less than meat twice, and connect with meat.
  3. Bulbs Clean and soda on the grater. Add to meat.
  4. Sleep the kebab, add spices to taste.
  5. Squeeze juice from lemon and pour to meat. Stir.
  6. Cover the dishes with a kebab and leave for 2 hours.
  7. Heat up to 240 gr. And stack foil baking sheet.
  8. On the baking sheet put the grid. Take meat and fat on small skewers or skewers, alternating.
  9. Put a little sala on the bottom of the opponent.
  10. In the dishes from the heat-resistant material, pour boiling water to half and put it in the oven to be over meat.
  11. Skewers lay out on the grille and leave for 10 minutes, after putting the dishes with water under the baking sheet. Prepare another 7 minutes.
  12. Turn the dishes with water, turn the meat. Cook for 20 minutes.
  13. Finished kebabs with eaten, lubricate meat with a glass sauce and let cool.

Serve soft lamb kebabs with homemade sauces and fresh greens.

The combination of lamb with kiwi is, of course, not quite in Caucasian. But this is lamb! This is a lamb kebab! And lamb kebab is the Caucasus! And kiwi, thanks to fruit acid, which is contained in it, makes meat incredibly juicy and soft, easily replacing vinegar and other marinades.


  • Lamb -0.5 kg
  • Bow-120 gr
  • Kiwi - 100 gr
  • Salt, pepper- to taste

Cooking method:

1. Rinse meat, dry and cut into small portion pieces.
2. Clear onions and cut into half rings.
3. Kiwi wash and cut into circles along with the skin.
4. Stay in deep dishes, add prepared onions and kiwi, salt and pepper. It is advisable to use a large grinding salt. Optionally, you can add other suitable spices.
5. Thoroughly move everything, a slightly commentary, to the onions and Kiwi let the juice necessary for marinating. Close the lid and leave to pickle in a cold place. The optimal time for marinating lamb kebabs with kiwi is about a day.
6. Forky meat to fry on skewers or on a grid over hot coals until ready, that is, before the formation of an appetizing ruddy crust.

Kiwi lamb kebabs are well combined with fresh vegetables, greens, adzhika or tomato sauce. And if you want your feast to become truly Caucasian, give a grenade sauce to the kebab - Narsharab, as is customary in the Caucasus.
Pleasant appetite!

9 out of 10 points. Delicious. Lady is obtained very juicy and melting in the mouth.

Cooking 4 h
6 servings

Baransh leg weighing about 3 kg (or about 2 kg of lamb pulled from the back leg, one piece)
5 ripe kiwi
4 large cloves of garlic
1/2 Bunch of Parsushki
1/2 bundle of dill
1 Large bulb
2 tbsp. Soy Sauce.
2 tbsp. mayonnaise
2 tbsp. Whole grain mustard
Ground black pepper


1. Prepare meat, removing films, tendons and extra fat.

2. To make a longitudinal incision along the whole bone on the raggy leg. Slide the meat with your hands and, making a knife with small cuts from all sides, separate the bone from meat and remove it. Dispatch meat on a cutting board so that the inner side is on top, and to put together all the thick places so that the meat is approximately the same thickness (so the meat is better grilled). In the case of a one-piece piece, simply cut it along the wide part to turn out the layer of the same thickness.

3. Prepare marinade: Kiwi clean from the peel and cut into slices. Parsley and dill grind. Leek clean and cut into rings. Clear and chop out garlic. Mix in a deep mission kiwi, crushed greens, onions and garlic. Fill with soy sauce, mayonnaise and mustard, after which everything is well shuffled with your hands.

4. Half of the received marinade apply a thick layer on the inner side of meat. Posted to meat the shape of a foot or a roll, covering the edge with skeins, and then pulling the stems with culinary thread.

5. The remaining marinade to deceive meat outside. To put the roll in a bowl, cover with a film and leave to pickle in the fridge for 1.5-2 hours.

6. Put the pick-up meat into the form for baking, cover the foil and put the oven in heated to 220 degrees. After 15 minutes, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake another 1.5-2 hours, depending on the weight of the leg. To merge from the form allocated juice and fat in a separate bowl, get into the oven without foil and bake to the formation of a light crust, about 30 minutes, richly watered meat saved juice every 10 minutes.

7. Finished lamb wrap foil, cover with a towel and leave for 10-15 minutes, then cut into portions and serve to the table.