Recipes for children 5 6. Children prepare themselves: simple illustrated recipes

26.12.2020 Healthy nutrition

We offer you 5 recipes ,. Recipes are simple and occupy a minimum of time.

If the child knows how to cope with the kitchen stove, and looks at the kitchen with interest when you cook, do not miss the moment. Show him a few simple and delicious dishes that

What can you cook a child: recipes

We have prepared several options for dishes that will surely enjoy your student.

Dry breakfasts are quick, useful and easy to prepare. If you do not want to use the store mixtures, you can mix nuts, fruits and berries. With the presence of an oven and free time, prepare with a child of the grangle.

Now we offer the recipe for a nutritious breakfast of nuts, which can easily prepare a child himself.

Yogurt with fruit and crispy sprinkle

You will need:

  • 500 g yogurt
  • 250 g of favorite berries
  • 50 g almond flakes
  • 50 g of purified pumpkin seeds
  • 50 g of purified sunflower seeds
  • 50 g Funduka
  • 50 g Sungua
  • 4 st aphouses of liquid honey

How to cook:

  1. Mix nuts, seeds and sesame.
  2. Fields with honey and, at will, put a nut mix in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. So honey will spread and evenly covers nuts.
  3. Add yogurt, washed berries and gently mix.

Rash salads with potatoes are one of the favorite children's dishes. There are no "exotic" ingredients and spicy sauces - everything is simple and understandable for a child. Potatoes can be booked in advance if you do not want the child to turn on the stove itself.


Potato salad with bacon

You will need:

  • 500 g of young potatoes
  • 100 g of bacon or ham
  • several stems of green onions or lettuce leaves
  • 150 g mayonnaise or greek yogurt or sour cream
  • salt and pepper to taste

How to cook:

  1. Clean potatoes, cut in half, booze until soft in salted water. If there is ready - get out of the container, fly to the plate and a few minutes of rushes in the microwave.
  2. Demgerate bacon on stripes and add to potatoes.
  3. Narvi hands lettuce leaves and sprinkle top. You can use onions and any other greenery to taste.
  4. Add salt, pepper, yogurt or mayonnaise or sour cream.
  5. Mix gently.

Macaroni Most schoolchildren eat with pleasure. This dish is easily prepared and well combined with both sausages and any cheese. If the child himself is not ready to boil pasta, for this recipe you can cook in advance and fold into the container.

Pasta with cheese

You will need:

  • 200 g of boiled macaroni al-dance
  • 75 g of grated cheese
  • 50 g cream
  • 25 g of butter

How to cook:

  1. Smart circular shape or deep cache
  2. Lay out pasta.
  3. Pour cream.
  4. Sprinkle with cheese and mix.
  5. Put into the microwave for 3-5 minutes so that the cheese is melted.

If the child loves pasta in different ways, try to cook more. He is also preparing simply, according to the principle of "all-in-one-saucepan".

Sandwiches, sandwiches, buns with different fillings - food from which the child is unlikely to refuse. Fillings can be different: PAstets, cream cheeses, sausages, smoked or salted fish, vegetables, greens. In general, everything is suitable for your schoolboy.

If you are experiencing that the child will be covered when it will cut the desired ingredients - prepare everything in advance and fold into the containers.

Sandwiches with different fillings

You will need:

  • Chiabata, Bagels or other favorite bun
  • Creamy cheese (can be replaced with melted)
  • Sliced \u200b\u200btomato
  • Salad leaves or other greens at will
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bham or salami slices

How to cook:

  1. Cut the bun in the pressure.
  2. Namazazh raw raw bread. Creamy oil can be used.
  3. Share ham slices, greenery leaves, tomato slices.
  4. Cover from above the second half buns.

Prepare an omelet quickly and easily even a child. In addition, all the ingredients are useful, which is good for child health. Skipping can be changed at its discretion from vegetables and greenery to sausage or ready meat and chicken.

Air Omelet with ham

You will need:

  • 3 eggs
  • 25 g of butter
  • 50 ml of milk
  • 50 g of grated cheese
  • A couple of ham slices, sausages, or bacon
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Greens at will

How to cook:

  1. In the deep bowl of the wake of the egg with milk.
  2. On the middle fire, the frying pan.
  3. Creamy butter.
  4. Pour egg mixture on a preheated frying pan.
  5. After 2 minutes, add sausage, tomatoes, grated cheese. Cut the frying pan with a lid.
  6. Zhar 5 minutes.
  7. Turn off the fire and let the omelette lifting a couple of minutes under the cover on the plate turned off.

Praise the child for any attempts to cook something alone. At the case, tell and show what you do in the kitchen so that the schoolboy understand how to use the technique, stove and studied with you to use the knife.

Several training and parent support will definitely lead to delicious dishes that the child can cook himself.

Adult preparation is often considered as a routine process that can be associated with the lack of useful skills purchased in childhood. The kids perceive cooking as a game and a certain manifestation of growing up. If you explain the rules for processing products and safe operation with kitchen devices, you can get a good helper in the kitchen.

Cooking contributes to the development of shallow motility, forms children such as focus and ability to be fully involved in an interesting thing. This process has a stimulating effect on toddler unsure, allowing them to see the results of their efforts faster.

To prepare recipes for simple dishes, you must attract your children!

Martushkina Snack

A simple recipe for useful treats, which will appeal to both an adult and a child - "Martishkin Snack". For cooking you will need:

  • 1 small baguette;
  • 2 melted cheese without additives;
  • 3-4 garlic slices;
  • 2-3 tbsp. sour cream or mayonnaise;
  • 2 fresh cucumber;
  • parsley;
  • vegetable oil.

Preparation steps:

  1. Cut the baguette with slices about 2 cm in thickness. Heat the pan, pour some sunflower oil on it and fry bread from two sides to a golden crust (a child of 10-12 years old can do it yourself, but under the control of adults).
  2. The melted cheese should be twisted with a fork and mix with garlices crushed through garlic. Add mayonnaise or sour cream.
  3. The resulting mixture should be smeared on slices of baguette. From above putting the leafs of parsley and thinly sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber circles.

Hot dogs in a puff dough

Children 9-11 years old can prepare miniature hot dogs themselves:

  1. sausages (5 pcs.) It should be cut into small pieces of about 3 cm long and fry on vegetable oil until a golden crust appears;
  2. ready puff pastry (1/2 packaging - approximately 250 g) should be cut into small triangles and wrap in each of them for a piece of roasted sausage;
  3. share hot dogs on a baking sheet with parchment, and bake at 180 ° C 15-20 minutes, the finished dish can be served with your favorite sauce.

Simple and tasty salads

10-12-year-old child can easily prepare a vegetable salad on the following recipe:

  1. Cut 1 sweet pepper, 2-3 tomatoes, big cucumber and red onions.
  2. Mix the ingredients with chopped greens, salt and fill with vegetable oil, you can experiment using a balsamic vinegar with olive oil, lemon juice or mustard with honey as a refueling.

Salad is not only a vegetable dish. Salads using tropical fruits are very popular with children - they are easy to cook themselves without resorting to the help of parents.

Fruit salad preparation stages:

  1. clear and cut into 1 kiwi cubes, 2 banana and apples, mix;
  2. the resulting fruit mixture is to fill with light yogurt without additives;
  3. the finished dish can be decorated with cutting inhrolls or whole grapes.

First and second dishes

Children 12-14 years old are better to start their culinary activities with the preparation of food with a small amount of ingredients.

Bean soup

Simple version of the first dish is the bean soup:

  1. mix in the heat-resistant dishes 400 g of canned legumes and 400 g of tomatoes in meakty;
  2. heat this composition on the plate or in the microwave;
  3. decorate with grated solid cheese and fragrant greens.

Pizza on a puff dough

As a second dish, children are easy to prepare pizza. It is better to use ready-made puff pastry:

  • defrost and roll out the rolling dough;
  • the resulting korge to mark with ketchup;
  • put slices sausages or chicken breast, zucchini, tomatoes, top - grated cheese;
  • place in the oven before the appearance of a golden cheese crust.

Finished pizza decorate greens. The quantitative and qualitative composition of the ingredients may vary depending on the taste preferences of a small chef.

Pasta with cheese and hunting sausages

Makaroni are especially loved by children of all ages. Easy second dish, which a child can do itself - a paste with cheese and sausages:

  1. in the pan hewal 1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil, fry sliced \u200b\u200b"hunting" sausages;
  2. in boiling salted water, lowered curly pasta, stirring, cooking to the complete readiness of pasta;
  3. combine the ingredients of the dish in a pan, add 50 g of grated cheese and wait until it melts;
  4. stir, put it in portion plates and sprinkle finely chopped in the taste.

Cakes and other desserts for beginners

Cake from ready-made cortex

To prepare a cake without the help of parents, you need to take ready-made biscuit or waffle cakes that are sold in every grocery store. The filling of the dessert consists of a mixture:

  • 1 banks of condensed milk;
  • putching butter;
  • 200 g of the most beloved nuts (peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, etc.).

Dessert with cranberries and lemon

For children who are preparing for the first time, the recipe for a useful cranberry and lemon is suitable, which will become not only the decoration of the festive table, but also an excellent prophylactic medium from a cold.

For cooking filling:

  1. skip through the meat grinder 500 g of fresh cranberries and 1 large lemon along with the zest;
  2. add 400-500 g of sugar and mix;
  3. put in the refrigerator for several hours for thickening.

For cooking ...

  1. beat 5 eggs and 250 g of sugar;
  2. add 200 g of margarine melted in microwave, 300 g sour creams of any fat, 1 tsp. Busty and bag vanillina;
  3. mix the ingredients to add flour to the resulting mixture so that the dough in its consistency began to resemble a fatty sour cream;
  4. beat the mixer or mix the wedge to uniformity;
  5. separate the dough on 6 equal parts and bake the pieces of the cakes in shape, lubricated with oil or fastened with parchment (about 25-30 minutes).

With baking the cortex, the child cannot cope with himself, so parents must control this process. From the cooled cortex, it is necessary to collect a cake, missing each of the layers with a cranberry-lemon stuffing. The top of the cake is also covered with fragrant berry-fruit mass, lubricate the sides. Put at night in the fridge for frozen.

Curd cupcake

Beginner cooks are 11 years old can cook with parents delicious curd cupcake. The main condition is the presence of accurate kitchen scales that will allow measure the desired amount of ingredients. The weighing process will deliver great pleasure to the child. Preparation steps:

  1. beat the mixer 75 g of oil and 165 g of sugar;
  2. add 130 g of greasy cottage cheese, 2 eggs and mix to homogeneous mass;
  3. pour 150 g of flour and 1/2 C.L. bass, mix thoroughly;
  4. the resulting dough pour into a rectangular shape for cupcakes (10x20 cm) and send to the oven preheated to 170-175 ° C;
  5. cool cupcake and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Each mother knows that the breast baby up to a year it is necessary proper nutrition, it must obtain a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and microelements.

Breast milk is, of course, well, but for the baby, starting from 6 months, it becomes not enough. Therefore, from this age it is necessary to acquaint an infant with vegetables and fruits in the form of a puree, with cottage cheese, porridge from various croup, meat and fish dishes. They most fully meet the needs of children of the second half of life.

Today, many young mothers, despite the diversity of industrial - jams - nutrition for children, prefer natural products. That is, they find recipes for children up to a year and they prepare them themselves.

What are the advantages of natural nutrition?

  1. Some moms do not trust the cannut food and prefer to buy products for their babies themselves, thereby controlling their quality. But there is a big "but": it is not always possible to understand whether the fruits and vegetables are sold in the near supermarket, not to mention meat. Therefore, for fruits and vegetables, it is recommended to get a nitrate tester. And if they are yours, the country, it is generally an ideal option. With meat, everything is harder: take only those sellers who trust.
  2. Another proven fact - homemade dishes are much tastier. Sometimes the translation of a newborn on a natural table allows you to solve the problem of a bad appetite and a regular failure of food.
  3. Food prepared at home better looks. And this is very important, because when feeding, the baby should form the right attitude towards food.
  4. You can always show and tell the child how the dishes are preparing, as the food is born, which they eat. Feeding at the same time happens easier, without coercion.

Natural home diet has its advantages: you can control the quality of products. Dishes that cook mom is tastier. And still food can be prepared with the crumb

Features of the menu of the child up to the year

Child menu before the year has its own characteristics.

  • Newborn and children up to 3-4 months, as a rule, be fed only with breast milk or mixture.
  • The first lures begin to receive 4-5 monthly kids-artificials and children on mixed feeding. As a rule, these are vegetable and fruit puree, porridge. Children who are completely in breastfeeding are started to fit no earlier than 6 months.
  • From 6-7 months, the baby's nutrition becomes more diverse. His dinners and dinners will be "coach": in addition to vegetable and fruit puree, he can offer meat puree, some fermented milk products (curds), cookies. The range of drinks is also expanding - juices, compotes, frost, children's tea, kissel.
  • In the diet of 8-9 months old, fish, kefir, bread, egg yolk are added. To note, many pediatricians are advised not chicken, but quail eggs for children up to a year. It is proved that they are more useful and less often cause allergies (though, this problem is still not excluded). Children of this age are offered only yolks.
  • Note! The child is still getting breast milk or a mixture in the morning and evening feeding.
  • 10-11 monthly kids are gradually learned from the chest. Suggest the crumb before bedtime instead of Milk kefir. Now in the menu of almost one-year-old child, you can also add vermicelli.

And now, knowing about the set of products that are allowed by the kids in a certain period of their life, you can make an individual menu for crumbs (taking into account the characteristics of its body and, of course, taste preferences).

Recipes of delicious dishes for kids up to year

Feed the baby delicious and useful just! Below your attention is offered simple and tested by many moms recipes for kids up to the year.

Rice porridge with pumpkin

The dishes from cereals (porridge) contain many beneficial substances, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for children to properly form their food tract. Porridge is made for breakfast, but they are suitable for dinner.

Required products:

  • rice is circulation - 30 g;
  • milk + water - 300 ml;
  • pumpkin - 50 g;
  • butter;
  • salt;
  • sugar (incomplete chn. l.)

Rice porridge with pumpkin - a wonderful breakfast for the baby. Preparing very simple, and to taste like all children without exception

How to cook:

  1. Crupe must be rinsed under cold running water.
  2. 150 ml of water is brought to a boil and lay a pumpkin chopped into it, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes. Pumpkin can be fresh or frozen. We cook it within 5 minutes, cook almost until readiness. Then lay out on the plate.
  3. In the resulting vegetable bulr, add a rice croup. Cook 5-10 minutes after boiling.
  4. We add milk, mix and bring to a boil, after which we boil 10-15 minutes.
  5. Lay out the pumpkin. We add sugar and slightly salt.

Oatmeal casserole with apple

Casseroles are the perfect breakfast and dinner for newborns. With love prepared by a caring mother, they will become a favorite delicacy of small mom.

Required products:

  • oatmeal №2 (medium or fine grinding) - 4 stl. l.;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • sugar - ½-1 CN. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • apple - half.

Prepare your baby oat casserole with an apple for breakfast - even the biggest moments will not be able to deny themselves to enjoy this dish

How to cook:

  1. Cook thick oatmeal. To do this, we add oatmeal to boiling milk and cook for about 5 minutes under the lid. We add sugar. Remove from the slab and cool.
  2. We cut the apple with small cubes (it is better to remove the peel).
  3. Apple cubes lay in touch and mix.
  4. In the cooled oat-apple mass, we interpore the egg yolk, and by adding the protein, whipped by a pre-blender to the foam. Protein will make casserole gently.
  5. Baking shape Lubricate with butter and sprinkle the walls of the cake to the casserole then easily removed.
  6. We put in the oven by 180 ° for 30 minutes.
  7. The dish needs to be cooled and cut into portion pieces.

Fish souse with rice and potatoes

Soups for children up to a year - a very important dish, so do not exclude it from the children's diet, offer a child a useful soup for lunch. The fluid is needed for the proper formation of the intestinal and gastric path of the newborn.

Required products:

  • cod -100 g (or any other white fish - Heck, Mintai. These fish contain the smaller protein, which is allergic for children);
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - ¼ pcs.;
  • onion - ¼ pcs.;
  • rice - 2 stl. l.;
  • salt (to taste).

Fish is a very useful product, but in relation to children under a year you need to be careful. It is entered only by 8-9 months of the child's life, and the fish soup is brewed on the secondary broth. This will help reduce the number of allergens in protein.

How to cook:

  1. Fish we rinse and lay in a saucepan with 600 ml of water (2 portions will be obtained). I bring to a boil.
  2. Painted potatoes cut into small cubes, carrot three on the grater, bow bang. For babies-semi-year-old, the Supchch will still have to pürish, so in this case it doesn't matter how you cut.
  3. After the broth boils, the foam is necessarily removed. This is a protein. Following vegetables.
  4. When soup boils, lay out rice.
  5. Cover the lid and cook the soup to readiness.

Please note: we do not pass vegetables, do not make roasting for a children's soup. Pepper is also not put.

Tip: When feeding with such a soup for the first time it should be cooked on the secondary broth, since the protein concentration in this case decreases, which means that the risk of allergies is reduced. Potatoes should also be pre-soak in water to leave extra starch.

Chicken meatballs for a couple

Meat is the necessary product in the diet of a small little man. If you were put into the babysitter of meat in the form of purees in 6 months, then by 8-9 months you can prepare this product as a souffle and meatballs.

Required products:

  • chicken fillet - 150 g;
  • vegetables at your discretion: you can take 20-30 g of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, onions;
  • sour cream - 1 CN. l.;
  • manka - 1/3 CH. l.;
  • salt.

Prepare meatballs for your baby for lunch. Garnish can be vemiscel or vegetables

How to cook:

  1. Cut the chicken in bed and fold into the blender.
  2. There are laid out vegetables, pre-sewing them. If they are frozen, they should be booked first.
  3. Grind everything to stuffing condition.
  4. In the resulting minced stuff, add sour cream, which will give meatballs softness, and the semi.
  5. Mixed in water with hands form small balls and spread them into a double boiler, a slow cooker (in a bowl for a pair of cooking) or in a mantle. Cooking time is 30 minutes.
  6. Decorate the meatballs on top of the dill branch and add a spoonful of sour cream.
  7. Chicken meatballs can be served a vegetable side dish or vermicellum (by 10-11 months).

Classic compote from apples

6 and 7-month kids can drink a tasty compotic, cooked from fresh fruits, berries and dried fruits. Compotes are sources of vitamins, so it is very good to cook them in the fall and winter to strengthen the immunity.

Required products:

  • apple - 1 pc.,
  • water - half-liter.

Compote Not only delicious drink, but also very useful: strengthens immunity, harmful substances from the body

How to cook:

  1. Apple cut and throw in a saucepan. To fill with water.
  2. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from the fire. Let it be broken for 1st hour.

Advice: During this hour, do not remove the cover with the pan. If you want compote with the flesh, just beat it with a mixer or blender.

Yogurt in thermos

As you know, the so-called milk is not recommended for children to 6 months, so as not to cause the newborn allergies. But by 6 months, the kid can be pamping yogurt. It is better to make yogurt yourself, as the stores are doubtful quality, and the expiration time is also often not respected.

To home yogurt, offer a crumb cookies. This "couple" is suitable for the second breakfast or dinner.

Important! Cookies are not so innocuous "luch", as it may seem. Until six months, it is better to abandon this delicacy. First, because of sugar, which prevents the assimilation of beneficial substances, and secondly, due to gluten, which contains. Some newborn gluten can cause intolerance to certain products.

Required products:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • dry Swiss (you can buy in a pharmacy).

Home yoghurt cook easier than it may seem at first glance. You can do this in the usual thermos. And from the ingredients you will need only milk and dry sourdough. Yogurt, cooked at home, is extremely tasty and useful!

How to cook:

  1. Thermos we run boiling water.
  2. We add milk. It must be boiled before it and cool a little.
  3. Add Zavskaya to it.
  4. All mix and pour into thermos. We leave for 5-9 hours. The longer the milk will be in the thermos, the brighter in taste there will be an acid.
  5. You can store in the refrigerator 2 days.

As you can see, to provide a child with delicious and useful food, you do not need to rummage strongly. Simple food is the most delicious. Let your kid grow healthy, and feeding will turn into a daily holiday!

It's no secret that health is laid from early childhood. A child growing in the tummy at Mom will receive all the best and useful, even if mom is eating that it fell (alas, and it happens ...) But the human cub is born, broke away from his chest, and now it needs to be gradually accepted to adult food. Buy jars and boxes with ready-made feed. The food prepared by the industrial way does not always bring the benefit that is assigned in commercials. Some purees, cereals and juices can be literally naked with preservatives and dyes, and the most terrible - to such food, children get used to very quickly, and there is a "normal" food refuse. And then we are surprised - why there are no health from our kids. By buying ready-made food and semi-finished products to your children, we own hands pushing them to a hospital bed. So the conclusion suggests only one: to cook food for children (and also yourself, by the way!) Ourselves, and from the best products.

Nutrition of any person, and especially the child must be diverse. In the diet of the child, milk and dairy products, meat, fish, bird, eggs, fruits, vegetables and greens must be present. But diversity is not all. Children need to be prepared not as adults. In no case cannot be prepared for children fried dishes. Frying and adult is harmful ... no special dishes to invent you need, just try to practice the basic principles of healthy nutrition. Here are some tips of nutritionists who will help you prepare children's dishes are delicious and helpful.

It is necessary to refuse to abandon deep frost products, as meat and fish very often to increase weight with water or, which is much worse, specialty chemical solutions. A test for the syringe is simple: Try to fry a piece of meat or fish and see what happens - the normal meat will quickly cover the ruddy crust and only slightly decrease in size, but the meat, a stuffing God knows what will boil in strange juices, which will eventually adhere to The bottom of the frying pan, and the piece itself will be bored and will become rubber. Choose chilled meat in proven shops, do not overpay for "chilled" chicken meat in supermarkets - it's just right frosthed carcasses, and buying fish, require certificates of conformity and look at the manufacturer's country - radiation after an accident at a nuclear power plant in the Japanese Sea We are ...

Do not buy semi-finished children (dumplings, dumplings, cutlets, fish sticks and chicken nuggets), do not be lazy and prepare the stock of homemade semi-finished products in case you need to prepare something quickly. The same applies to mayonnaise and ketchup. In no case do not feed the children shop sauces, make them yourself, because it is much tastier!

If possible, prepare fermented fermented children's dishes from natural homemade milk. Unfortunately, most of industrial cottage cheese, yogurts, kefir, sour cream prepared with the use of vegetable fats and vegetable powder. Look carefully on the composition specified on the package by the manufacturer. Milk is better to buy short-term storage produced at local dairy enterprises. If you have the opportunity to buy milk from familiar farmers or homemade rustic milk, it is better to take it, "only in this case you will be sure of 100% as cottage cheese or sources. Delicious cottage cheese masses are also better prepared by itself by adding sour cream or fat yogurt and a variety of fillers (fruits, dried fruits, chocks, nuts, chocolate).

Do not "sit down" children on sugar and products with its content. In any department of healthy nutrition, you can always find fructose, it is 1.5 times, it is 1.5 times and does not cause such a destructive harm to health. Instead of sugar, you can use honey. Honey is a concentrate of nutrients and trace elements, and besides, it is well digested and absorbed. Instead of sweets, give children dried fruits or natural candied chunks cooked without sugar. They can be made much more tastier if you start nuts and dip in good chocolate. Such a delicacy quickly saturates and brings only benefits.

Try to prepare homemade baking by replacing some refined flour on bran. Bran contain a large number of group vitamins B and valuable as a source of unsecured fiber. Bran, by the way, you can add to porridge.

When cooking a soup, do not make a roaster, the carrots are welded with stars, and pure the whole and remove it when feeding it. The coat for borscht is not extinguished by hours, but welcome or bake and put in a saucepan of almost at the very end of cooking, so you save not only color, but also useful substances. If you are preparing the cutlets, then for children do not burn them, but boil the pair.

Little children are best to prepare dishes for a couple, stew, cook and bake in a foil or sleeve. With such methods of cooking in food, vitamins and useful substances are preserved. Be sure to add to children's dishes of chopped fresh greens - it will enrich the food with vitamins. Not all children like a strong kinsea fragrance or dope - put a parsley, nettle. Try more often to give children raw fruits and vegetables, this is a source of fiber and phytonutrients.

Everything is not so difficult, right? Case for recipes.

2-3 potatoes,
4 eggs,
1 tbsp. milk
1 bulb,
2-3 cloves of garlic,
50 g of solid cheese
Stuffing - optional (boiled steam vegetables, mushrooms or meat).

Drink potatoes and grind in mashed potatoes. Onions and garlic sprucely until soft and mix with potatoes. Put the mixture on the bottom of the form or frying pan, lay on the potato filling and pour eggs, whipped with milk and salt. Sprinkle the cheese and put in the hot oven for 10-15 minutes (until the eggs are ready.

500 g chicken breasts without skin,
1-2 eggs,
1 tbsp. water,
Spices, salt - to taste,
Panication (white crackers, crushed rice or corn sagging flakes, chopped seeds or nuts, sesame or linen seed) - to taste.


Chicken breasts cut with chopsticks, cut in a mixture of flour, salt and spices in a mixture, dry into an egg, breaking with water, and cut in breading. Breading can be any - dry white bread and a mixture of spices, or breading with nuts - to taste. Place the nuggets on the tray and put in the hot oven for 20-25 minutes.

400 g chicken breast,
2 eggs,
2 carrots,
1 stack. milk or low-fat cream,
2 tbsp. flour
Salt, butter.


Cut the carrot, cool down and soda on fine grater. Chicken breasts shred in a blender or meat grinder. Mix milk, eggs, flour and sweat well. Connect all the ingredients, take up and pour the mixture into a lubricated oil shape and put in a double boiler for 40-45 minutes.

Pudding from fish

750 g of fish,
3 tomatoes,
3 eggs,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil

Pour fish on vegetable oil, remove the bones. Scratch tomatoes, remove the skin and grind in the puree. Eggs sweat with salt. Connect the fish, puree from tomatoes and eggs and pour into the form. Prepare in a double boiler for 1 hour.

2 eggs,
2 tbsp. milk
½ carrots,
2 tbsp. Green peas


Sattail carrots on a fine grater. Eggs sweep with milk and salt in the foam. Add carrots and polka dots to the egg mass and pour into the shape, lubricated with oil. Cook for a couple for 10-15 minutes.

200 g of cottage cheese,
1 banana,
1 egg,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tbsp. mankey
1 tbsp. crackers or bran
Salt, lemon juice.

Perfect banana with lemon juice to homogeneous consistency. Cottage cheese through the sieve, add a gun, crackers (bran), banana mass and mix. Take the egg with a pinch of salt to the lush mass, gently enter into cottage cheese and mix. Put in the molds, lubricated with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs (or in silicone molds is more convenient). Put it at a temperature of 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes.

400 g chicken fillet,
100 g of sweet pepper,
100 g of green peas,
2 eggs,
1 bulb,

Chicken fillet Grind in a blender or meat grinder and connect with eggs. Vegetables crush on a grater or in a blender, connect with minced meat and spray. Form the cake and boil them for a couple for 20-25 minutes.

Chicken cutlets with a surprise

600 g chicken fillet,
1 carrot,
100 g of solid cheese,
1 egg,
1 bulb,
2 pieces of dry white bread,

Meat misses through the meat grinder together with twisted in milk or cream crops. Onion Sattail on a fine grater or grind in a blender. Mix onion cleaner with minced meat, add an egg and spout. Stodit the carrot on the grater and spruce on the vegetable oil until soft. Saw cheese Mix with carrots. Take the cutlets, laying in the center of the stuffing from carrots and cheese. Boil a couple.

500 g of cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
170 g of flour,
4 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp. baking powder
½ CHL soda,

Dry cottage cheese wipe through a sieve, mix with eggs, sugar, pinch of salt and mix. Separately mix flour, soda and baking powder, you can add a little bran. Connect both mixes and knead the rather dense dough. Flow from it the balls with an egg size and put on a baking sheet at a distance from each other. Suppress slightly from above. Put in the oven preheated to 180-190 ° C, and bake for 30 minutes. Cheesecakes will very much in size.

1 kg of young zucchini,
600-700 g of calf minced
2 carrots,
2 bulbs,
150 g of solid cheese,
2 eggs,
1-2 clove of garlic,
1 stack. sour cream.


Grinding carrots and onions put on vegetable oil until soft. Ground beef saline and extinguish on slow fire. Clean the zucchini and cut along the thin plates along the thin plates. Mix sour cream with crushed garlic, eggs and spices to taste. In the shape, lubricated with oil, lay the zucchini layer, pour the sour cream, then the carrot layer and the minced layer. Layers repeat again. Top sprout with cheese and pour the pouring residues. Put in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, 45-50 minutes.

200 g of boiled beans,
½ bulbs,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil


Beans wipe through a sieve or grind in a blender. Grinding onions Spruce on vegetable oil until soft. Connect the beans and onions, mix. Unlock the mold of the food film and put the bevel mass tightly. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

200 g of home noodle,
200 g of cottage cheese,
1 egg,
50 g of butter,
1 carrot,
½ stack. sour cream
2 tbsp. breadcrumbs,
green salad,
1 tbsp. Sahara.

Did a pre-cooked homemade noodle and leak on the colander. Carrot soda on a large grater and put on cream oil until soft. Egg sweat with milk. Cottage cheese with sugar and salt. Connect cottage cheese, noodles, carrots, crushed salad and egg, mix. In the shape, lubricated with oil and rubbed with breadcrumbs, lay out the resulting mass and put into the oven, heated to 180 ° C, for 20 minutes.

500 g of cottage cheese,
2 tbsp. butter
1 egg,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
2 tbsp. manna cereal
1 tbsp. Ground sucharas
100 g of raisin.

Cottage cheese wipe through the sieve, connect with oil, egg, pinch, sugar and raisins, mix. In the shape, lubricated with oil and rubbed with breadcrumbs, lay out the curd mass. Top spill sour cream. Put in the oven, heated to 170 ° C, 25-30 minutes.


300 g of veal,
2-3 potatoes,
1 carrot,
400 g pumpkins (or any other vegetable - cauliflower, broccoli, etc.),
1 egg,
Greens, salt - to taste.

Boil the veal until half ready and 2-3 times turn through the meat grinder. Broth strain, put carrots in it, pumpkin and boil until readiness. Space. Add meat and crush the soup with a blender in a homogeneous puree. Put on the fire and bring to a boil. Reduce the heating and remove the soup 10-15 minutes. Enter the egg, greens in the soup and let it stand under the lid of 10 minutes.

Children love all fast food, so why not beat this topic and do not prepare something like a shawarma, only with useful fillers?

Vegetables - salad, grated carrots, sweet corn, sweet pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, boiled mushrooms.
. Proteins - grated cheese, boiled meat, canned or boiled fatty fish, boiled shrimps, ready-made beans or beans.
. Carbohydrates - boiled rice, cous, potatoes, or pasta.
. Sauce - tomato mashed potatoes, natural yogurt, sour cream, cream cheese, hummus, avocado with lemon juice, greasy cottage cheese.
. Fragrances - fresh greens, garlic, sweet pepper, lemon juice or lime.

Connect five components by trying to combine them to taste, and wrap in thin pita. Shawarma warm on a dry pan, pressing a flat lid, on both sides.

Enjoy your appetite and health to your children!

Larisa Shufkaykin

Child skills develop gradually. This process is fascinating, reminds the game. And if mom is able and wants to ask the desired vector, then the child will grow great and indispensable assistant. Therefore, taught from the small years of child to the culinary business.

What useful culinary skills?

Allow your baby to wash potatoes or carrots in a basin. Let him fold the products in the blender and click the button. Give a piece of dough, let it sculpt various figures or rolls a bun. The sooner you begin to encourage the work made by the child in the kitchen and at home, the more successful will be its development.

As you grow up and the skills of your baby are developing. By two years, the child is already confident enough. Participation in cooking will contribute to the development of small motility of hands, will develop the coordination of movement, the muscles will strengthen. Allow it to help disassemble bags with purchases, lay out products in its place. Trust salt the dish, sprinkle herbs. Suggest stiring a hot dough in a bowl, anxious baking with a culinary brush. A child at this age will independently be able to clean the tangerines, eggs and cut the bananas not a sharp knife.

From three years to five, motor skills have already been worked out. Therefore, you can entrust more complex and detailed work. For example, roll out the dough for pizza, measure dry ingredients, clean boiled vegetables. You can give a task to clean raw vegetables and fruits with a small knife. Show the child how to ride foods on wooden spanks, beat with a mixer cream, shape cutlets or mells.

What will the child help over seven years old?

From six to ten years for children, work in the kitchen is an already understandable and conscious process. The child at this age is already able to read. Offer him to read your recipes out loud while you cook. So he will remember the norms applied to the products will understand with the volume and weight measures. Under your supervision and control will be ready to use the stove and oven yourself. When working with a knife, there was already enough skills. Therefore, it's time to trust work with big knives. But do not forget that at all stages that require compliance with precautions, fully control the process. Never be lazy once again remind of caution and care when working in the kitchen. Cooking, though it looks like a game of exciting, interesting and exciting, but the kitchen is not a place for games.

Skills in self-preparation of food will be useful for boys, and for girls and allow the child to feel independent.

What can cook baby 11 years old?

A simple vegetable or fruit salad will not require complex skills. For this dish, offer to cut onion and greens, peel the cucumbers, carefully chop tomatoes and sweet peppers. Stir, salt and fill with sour cream, mayonnaise or oil. For the preparation of fruit salad, ask the kid to come up with my personal recipe. Well, if a dish that a child can cook at 11 years old becomes a branded, with some secret ingredient.

Useful breakfasts

Breakfast prepared independently, excellent help parents. Now we will tell you to prepare a child for breakfast. 11 years is the age when the choice determines the personal tastes. For breakfast, fast food porridge is suitable. You need to boil the water, fall asleep porridge, damage time - all this will not be difficult. You can make different additives in the form of berries, dried fruits or jam.

What can cook baby 11 years old? Scrambled eggs or omelet. This is a lightweight and nutritious breakfast. You can break the eggs, roast and decorate, so that it looks like a funny face or face of the animal. There is another option. You can beat eggs, milk, cheese to add any vegetables and omelet ready. The process itself will cause a huge interest in a child.

Lazy dumplings

What can you cook for children yourself? 11 years old - age when the guys will be able to do it simply. Easternally will beat the fork 2 eggs, add half aulogram of cottage cheese, pour a glass of flour and add sugars 2 or 3 tablespoons.

It will remain rolling out the sausage, cut into small pieces, trace the water boil, throw dumplings, and after three minutes you can get and pour sour cream.


Offer a dish that a child can cook for 11 years for the whole family. Suppose, make pizza.

Cake in Casha

Creating desserts is probably the most exciting and creative process. What can a child cook for 11 years? The simplest cake in the cup. In the tank using a microwave oven melts 4 tablespoons of butter, it is stirred with four tablespoons of flour, two sugar spoons. Separately, the egg is whipped and poured into the finished mass. Gently stirred. Half of the mug of milk is added and is thoroughly mixed again. Raisins, Kuragi and Nuts will not be superfluous. The mug is placed in the microwave to the highest power, for 3 minutes. Freshly prepared cake watering condensed milk.

It is desirable to even make a small list of what dishes can prepare a child of 11 years. For example, this can be: canape, cottage cheese casserole, cooked in the microwave, stuffed eggs, a variety of salads (no more than 7 ingredients), cocktails from ice cream and fruit, marshmallow or sand cake without baking.

Other dishes

If parents work, then a small assistant can be given a task for the day. You already know your child's capabilities. Choose that cooking a child is 11 years old yourself, not so difficult.

A boy or girl at this age can easily cope with frozen semi-finished products. What can cook baby 11 years old? It can boil dumplings or dumplings. Skills are already enough to prepare a simple vegetable soup, make a side disk, scaring pasta or buckwheat.

A pretty good reason for the development of independence will be a proposal to cook something for friends or participate in the process along with them. Do not be afraid to give children a kitchen for use for several hours. Just adjust the process. Offer to choose from what you can cook for children at 11 years old, without your intervention. It may be pancakes or pancakes, simple baking cakes or simple pies from the finished test.

Naturally, we must not forget to conduct a detailed instruction on the rules of behavior in the kitchen and compliance with precautions.

Hold the cleaning time

Do not miss such an important point in the cooking process as cleaning. You should be worried not only the question that can prepare a child of 11 years, but also how to instill it the skills of cleanness and accuracy. Get a separate his own apron for him. Girls explain what hairstyle is invalid in the kitchen. Come up with your child your special hairstyle for cooking. Show what the cook cap or hair band looks like. Naturally, it should be not only conversations, but also stimulation in its own example. Explain why after cooking it is necessary to remove the workplace. Always encourage the child if he does it alone.

Plan a chad birthday menu

The biggest holiday in the life of any child is his birthday. Drawing up a menu and distribution of duties Pleasant troubles in front of the celebration. Discuss with your chance that a child can cook at 11 years old on his 12th anniversary. Let him decide himself.

Maybe he will think to cook a few simple desserts, with an interesting design. Or will come up with an original decoration for the cake that you are implementing together.

Fantasize, create with your small, but already such an indispensable assistant.