When to give a child to the Kuragu. Dried fruits for children: Nature Sweetness

26.12.2020 Fish dishes

Raisin, which is dried grapes, consider the useful alternative to sweets. This type of dried fruits have a pleasant taste that the children likes, so each mother is wondering, since how many years can be given to the baby raisins and what such a product is useful for a children's body.


When dried in grapes, almost all minerals and most of the vitamins are preserved.

  • Raisins is a source of glucose and fructose, so such a product will give the child energy for the knowledge of the surrounding world.
  • Dried grapes are rich in vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, manganese, selenium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iron and many other valuable for the children's body.
  • The raisins note the properties to maintain the right growth of the children's body and the immune function, as well as the work of the heart muscle.
  • The use of such dried berries positively affects the condition of the skin, bones, teeth and nails.
  • Ruzzle Izya helps compensate for loss of fluid during fever or vomiting. It is also recommended for acetone in children, with frequent colds, bronchitis, digestive disorders or vegetual-vascular dystonia.
  • Due to the high potassium content, the use of raisins stimulates the intestinal peristaltics, which has a soft laxative effect and helps in getting rid of the constipation, and is also its prevention.
  • Since the dried grape has a property of improving blood formation, such a product helps in the treatment or prevention of iron deficiency anemia.
  • Raisins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and stimulates the brain development. Its use improves sleep and mood.

Harm and contraindications

  • Although it is quite rare, allergic can occur on raisins.
  • Such a product cannot be given in meteorism and diarrhea.
  • Sometimes a chemical method is used to dry the raisin, which reduces the benefits of the product.
  • Raisins are contraindicated with diabetes mellitus, as well as in stomatitis.
  • Big content of carbohydrates and high calorie makes such a product undesirable and during excess weight.
  • Raisins can be contaminated (when rinsed with water, wrinkled berries are poorly laundered), which will provoke the appearance of intestinal infection.
  • When rebuilding, the raisins may appear nausea, meteorism, itching rashes on the skin, diarrhea.

Sometimes children like the compote from raisins so much that they begin to refuse ordinary water. To solve such a problem, gradually reduce the amount of raisins when preparing a compote.

From what age can you give?

Dried grapes in pure form recommend to give to children with which 1,5-2 years old. An earlier acquaintance with raisins may be dangerous for kids, because due to the lack of teeth or their small amounts, the infants can not be well checked berries, which increases the risk of stifling.

In addition, the digestive tract of children under 1.5 years old can hardly cope with the digestion of dried fruits.

Therefore, a one-year-old child is not worth giving raisins.

Baby years older than 6 months of raisins are allowed to offer in the form of a compote or bravery.These drinks can be prepared independently or buy in the store, for example, the Agush's compote from apples and a raisin with a drill, allowed to feed babies older than 8 months.

When cooking at home, other dried fruits can be added to Izyu, when the child turned 1 year.

Input to the diet

Prepare for an infant child or compote from raisins, give a crumb for the first time only one spoon of such a drink. It is preferable to make it preferable for breakfast so that by the end of the day it was clear whether the baby moved normally. Next, the volume of drink can be gradually increased to age norms.

Children over 1.5 years old can give a few pieces of raisins if:

  • The child has enough teeth for chewing berries.
  • The kid during the food does not indulge, but behaves calmly.
  • The crumbs turn out to hold small items.
  • The child learned quite well to chew food.

Dried grapes over the age of 1.5 years can be replaced by sweets, adding such a product in casserole, porridge, baking and other dishes.

How to cook decoction and infusion

With the help of a rage cooked from a raisin, you can diversify the child's menu, improve the sleep of baby and strengthen its immunity. Prepare this drink is very simple - rinse 200 g of raisins, pour a liter of water and cook on slow heat for about 20 minutes. Sugar in the decoction is not added, because without it, the drink will be tasty and sweet.After filping, the decoction is styled and only then give the baby from the row or a bottle.

If you replace 100 g of raisins in such a recipe for 100 g of prunes, it turns out a decoction with a light laxative action. Such a drink should treat a crumb that has problems with the work of the digestive tract. Like a decoction of raisins, drink with the addition of prunes helps to increase the protective forces of the children's body.

If instead of prunes take 100 g of kuragi, it turns out a decoction with a rich taste and a pretty color.It is advised to give in colds, as well as for quenching thirst and hunger. In the case when such a drink from the Kuragi and Izyum seems to be too sweet, it can be diluted with clean water.

Dr. Komarovsky advises to brew a raisin in the thermos, following such a proportion - on a tablespoon of a glass of boiling water. Drink will be ready after 30-40 minutes. Such an infusion is a popular doctor recommends to give children with elevated acetone or high temperature if there is a risk of dehydration, since this drink has a lot of kids who are eaten by the usual water and salt solutions.

Smart parents instead of chocolate chocolates and other harmful sweets please their children with various dried fruits. And this is the right decision, because it bears huge benefit for the child.

In dried fruits, there are many useful substances that contribute to harmonious development and the rapid growth of your baby. The mixture or separate types of dried fruits are added to compote and porridge, give children separate as a delicacy.

In the process of arcing from fruits, most of the liquid evaporates. In this case, the concentration of glucose and fructose increases, as a result of which the fruits acquire a special sweetness.

Do not confuse dried fruits with candied tuts. The latter do not differ in great benefit. The difference lies already in the process of production. Dried fruits are dried in the oven or in the sun without using additives. While the candle in front of dehydration is kept in sugar syrup high concentration.

Throughout the year and especially during the deficit of fresh domestic fruits, dried fruits will become an additional source of trace elements and vitamins for your fidget.

Among the diversity of dried fruits, the most useful properties are different for the child:

  • kuraga - necessary for growth;
  • - high-calorie product, improves digestion and increases appetite; But, if the baby is full, from dried figs it is better to refuse;
  • - It is customary to include in the diet of children to strengthen immunity;
  • - With daily use of several pieces, the endurance of the child increases, its muscles and bones are strengthened;
  • prunes - enriches a children's body with vitamins A and E, as well as, iron and vegetable proteins.

Compote from any combination of listed dried fruits is always very tasty. Children drink him with pleasure.

What's the catch?

Dried fruits have a lot of useful properties, but sometimes can be contraindicated. To extend the shelf life, most of these products that can be bought in the store is treated with preservatives and other chemical compounds.

The most common is preservatives, including sorbic acid. Usually on the package, they are valid under the E200, 201 and 202 ciphers. The minimum amount of these compounds used in the production of dried fruits is considered safe.

DANGER: Sulfur dioxide and various sulfites (as part of them are hiding under E220-260 ciphers), which are handled by pieces of dried fruits so that they look like appetizing and for a long time did not deteriorate.

Sulfur-based compounds can provoke allergies, various diseases of the stomach, intestines and respiratory tract. Therefore, before choosing dried fruits to prepare a compote, you should carefully examine the information on the package.

Choose with the mind

Parents will not prevent knowledge of some nuances of choice.

First, buy better products from proven manufacturers and in original packaging. At the same time, only the appearance of dried fruits can say a lot about quality, and therefore benefits:

  • grapes and apricots in the drying process darkens;
  • the presence of larvae in the pulps of dried apricots or dates speaks of low quality;
  • failure to comply with the rules for processing the feedstock leads to the fact that dried fruits acquire an unpleasant wine flavor.

The presence of either no bone does not affect the taste and nutrient characteristics of the product. In most cases, this is due to the variety and the degree of ripening of fruits at the time of drying. From the dates and grapes, the bones are usually not deleted.

How to store?

Important has the right storage.

Fruits can not be stored in polyethylene packages, plastic containers and glass jars. The best option will be a bag of tissue previously treated with a strong salt solution. This will provide dehydrated fruits the necessary air flow and protects from damage for many months.

Bags filled with dried fruits, it is better to keep in a dry and dark place.

Age restrictions

Optimal age for sample: 11 months. The first acquaintance, as a rule, occurs with dried apples, and cherries. They are added to various porridges or boiled tasty compotes based on them.

Children's menu can also be diversified by boosters from the Kuragi and Izyum, for this:

  1. Dried fruits are well wash in running water and thoroughly go through.
  2. Pour a mixture with boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid, wrapped with a towel and insist the decoction for a while.
  3. Liquid strain through gauze, if necessary to sweeten with honey or small sugar.

Around 2 years, children can be given cottage cheese, mixed with pre-sparkled and crushed drum, as well as buns with raisins. The child already eats and pieces of dried fruit, but before they should be unpiring in boiling water to give softness and cool.

Do not forget that dried fruits can cause allergies, so to introduce them to the diet of the child 11-12 months should be gradually and carefully monitor the possible negative reaction. Gradually, you can bring the amount of dried fruit consumed to 3-5 pieces per day.

Cook compote

Compote from dried fruits can already be administered in. An apple, dried apricots and prunes are allergic to others, so it will be the wisdom of everything from them.

  1. 50 g of the mixture listed above dried fruit is well rinsed.
  2. Pour warm water (500 g), cover with a lid and withstand about 8 hours.
  3. Do not merge water, put the container on a slow fire and boil.
  4. Let compote stand another hour.
  5. Sugar is better not to use, but to replace it with fructose, the handful of raisins or grape sugar.

Compote from homemade dried fruit is stored no more than a day. After this period, it can be worried. To increase the shelf life of the drink and save beneficial properties, recover it into the thermos. But for the baby under the age of 12 months, even such a compote is a big risk, so you always prepare a fresh portion.

Product combinations

When switching on dried fruits into a children's diet, it is important to take into account their combination with other components of the menu. Each fruit has its own set of "friendly" food products that strengthen the beneficial properties of the source product, contribute to the absorption of valuable substances in the gastrointestinal tract and facilitate digestion. It:

  • oatmeal for apples and pears;
  • current curd;
  • milk for dates.

Without the correct combination of other products with dried fruits, the useful effect of their reception will be minimal.

Kuraga is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the full development of the child. Dried apricots are superbly stored for a long time, so it is convenient to use them for feeding in the winter time. For the first dating, the baby with this dried fruit is perfectly suitable for drinks from the Kuragi: compote, decoction.

What is useful as a kuraga?

Kuraga is valued for its rich composition. It contains vitamin A, a complex of vitamins B, zinc, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus. Kuraga has a beneficial effect on the child's digestive system.

Compote or decoction of it is able to delicately solve the problem of constipation of infants. This dried fruit can be given to a child to strengthen immunity. It has a beneficial effect on the heart system, promotes the normal physical and mental development of the baby.

How to start an acquaintance with Kuragya?

Kuraga is not worth the babies in pure form. It is able to provoke their aggravation of colic attacks, cause discomfort in the abdomen. In addition, you should not forget that the apricot, like the Kurage, may be allergic, so introducing them in a pure form in the infant ration - unsafe.

For the first acquaintance with dried fruit, the baby can be prepared or compote. There are no such concentrations of substances in such drinks as in the dried fruits, so they are softer affect the fasterful body of infants.

In addition, compote can be additionally diluted with water if necessary, thereby reducing its concentration.

Drinks based on Kuragi can be introduced into the diet of the baby from 6 months when it starts the lure. For young children who suffer from constipation, weak decoction from the Kuragi and prunes can be offered in small quantities, starting from three months.

How to cook drinks from kuras to a child?

For a drink it is necessary to choose a culture of good quality. It must be elastic and dry.

The glossy gloss of Kuragi (like prunes, raisins) may indicate that fruits are treated with chemical reagents for a more presentable appearance. Natural dried fruits have a matte texture.

Before cooking, dried fruits need to be thoroughly wash and soak in water. Compote It is necessary to cook on a slow fire under a closed lid for 15 minutes. The decoction should not be too concentrated: 100 grams of dried fruits are enough for a liter of water.

To preserve the vitamin composition of the Kuragi at the maximum, you can not cook the drink, to soar boiling water and leave it for 5-6 hours. No need to add to compote. The Kurage contains enough fructose so that the drink has natural sweetness. You can add honey to the finished compote to taste.

In decoction for children over 6 months, you can add a small amount of raisin and prunes. These dried fruits are perfectly combined with each other and complement each other. Multicomponent drinks can be offered to the child only when it is already familiar with all the ingredients and there is no allergy.

From the prunes, raisins and kuragi can be prepared vitamin compote for infants. For this, all dried fruits are mixed in an arbitrary proportion, rinsed well and soaked in a small amount of cool water. If the prunes are large, it can be cut into several parts. When dried fruits become soft, they must be pouring boiling water and minimizely peel on slow fire.

The finished drink must draw in a few hours. It can be offered to a child as a full-fledged substitution of juices, which often in children of the first year of life is allergic.

Puree for the smallest

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From dried apricots, you can cook the infants with a delicious and useful puree. It is convenient to introduce into the diet of the child older than 6 months, which has already mastered the basic set of vegetables. For making mashed puree need:

  1. soak fruits in cold water for 3-5 hours (the structure should become soft)
  2. put cookies prepared dried fruits in the same water in which they soaked for 10 minutes
  3. grind the resulting composition to the gravel consistency using a blender or ordinary sieve

For the prevention and treatment of constipation in the infants, a part of the prunes can be added in the puree from Kuragi, which also has a laxative effect.

Puree from dried fruits is a concentrated product, so it needs to be particularly careful to offer kids who have diagnosed with food allergies.

The puree from the prunes and kuragi can be added to porridge (especially in rice), cottage cheese.

Allergy to Kuragu

Allergic to this product can manifest itself to the appearance of red spindles on the skin, its peeling, chair disorder, the occurrence of edema in the field of lips. Allergies may more often arise after the use of juicy fruits. If the family has a predisposition to this disease, the child should be protected from dried fruits at least three years.

Concentrated compotes, puree from dried apricot and prunes are contraindicated with children with food allergies.

Kuraga may be present in the diet of infants. Introducing the baby with dried fruits can be started from 6 months (or earlier in the presence of medical testimony). At home, it is easy to prepare a delicious cloth compote from dried apricot or a nitamined puree filling for cottage cheese.

Compote appears in the infant diet after the start of the introduction of fruit dust. Such a drink is useful to babies and is quite easy to prepare. Especially valuable for babies compote cooked from dried fruit. Let's wonder when you can introduce breast-karapuse with such a drink, in what cases you should not give it to which recipe you can cook.


  • In the drink, which was prepared from dried fruits, contains a large dose of vitamins. In particular, it has vitamins of group B, as well as Vitamin A.
  • Many in such compote and minerals. Compote from dried fruit can serve as a source of sodium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.
  • Eating a compote from dried fruit helps strengthen immunity.
  • If a prune is present in this compote, the drink will help with constipation.
  • Compotes are for a small child with an extra liquid source in hot weather.
  • Thanks to the content of fructose compote, it will be sweet and will be the source of energy for the baby.
  • The use of dried fruit compote is recommended when diarrhea and vomiting, as one of the sources of replenishing the lost liquid and minerals.


It is capable to harm the croching, to prepare purchased dried fruits treated with preservatives and other chemical additives. They may cause development in the infant allergies, diseases of the digestive tract and respiratory tract.

But even on high-quality and cooked-made dried fruits, an allergic reaction of a baby is possible, so their introduction to the children's menu should be gradual. Especially carefully giving the kid compote from the Kuragi.

Is there any contraindications?

  • Compote, welded from dried fruits, can not be given to a child with individual intolerance of its ingredients.
  • The drink, which contains prunes, do not give diarrhea.
  • Compote, cooked from dried apples, dried apricots, raisins and other dried fruits, do not recommend giving children with diabetes.
  • The compotes should not be given in gastritis or ulcerative disease.

At what age can I give?

The first product among dried fruits, from which you can cook the crumb compote, are dried apples. By welding them for the first time, the resulting liquid is bred by boiled water. Further, gradually, the kid also introduces with other types of dried fruits, not forgetting that the pear has a property to fix the chair, and the plums - to disappear.

Like any other previously unfamiliar crop product, the compote from dried fruits is introduced carefully, watching the reaction of the crumbs. On the first day, the baby can only give a teaspoon of such a drink in the morning. If no negative symptoms are revealed by the end of the day, the next day the drinking of the beverage can be doubled.

Calculate your dust introduction table

Specify the birth date of the child and the way of feeding

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Shape calendar

How to choose suitable dried fruits?

For a compote from dried fruits, which will drink infants, it is important to choose natural and high-quality components. A small child is unacceptable to cook compote from a product containing flavors, preservatives or dyes. So buying dried fruits is needed from a proven seller, and it is better to prepare dried fruits yourself.

Dried fruits, which will go to the Kids Compotic, should not be defects and mold damage. When choosing dried apples or pears, make sure that such raw materials for children's compote are not overwhelmed. Sew apples and pears for a compote independently not in the oven, but in the air.

By buying Crocha Kuragu, choose a hard on the touch and a non-rigid drift, which has no spots. Do not buy a baby soft and bright fruit, since they are treated with chemicals for a more presentable species.

Remember that dried fruits should not be stored in plastic or glass containers. It is best to put such fruits into linen bags that will lie in a darkened and dry place.

How to cook?

  • Dried fruits are necessarily washed before cooking, and also soaked. This processing allows you to get rid of the sera and pollution. Keep washed raw materials in warm water recommend 15 minutes.
  • Bring the required water volume to boil and only after that, lower dried fruits into the saucepan.
  • Remember that dried fruits during cooking increase their volume. At 50 g of dried fruits take a minimum of 500 ml of water.
  • Compote should not be prepared for a long time so that the useful substances are preserved in the maximum drink. By reducing the fire, allow a compote from dried apples or pears to get up to 30 minutes, and a drink from other dried fruits is up to 20 minutes. The least time is required for cooking compote from raisins.
  • After turning off the plate, the drink must be laid under a closed lid for 30-60 minutes.
  • Ready compote give the baby after cooling (the drink temperature should be comfortable) and the filtering.

Best recipes

  1. From dried apples: Take on the liter of water 100 g of apples in the dried form. Wash the raw material well and soak in warm water so that apples are slightly swollen. Swarge compote on slow heat for 25-30 minutes and cool down. Sugar is not worth adding to such a drink.
  2. From Kuragi: Take for a compote from one liter of water about 100 g of Kuragi. Rinse the dried fruits and let them live in the water for 5 minutes, then cut down on the quantity, lower in boiling water and negotiate 15 minutes.
  3. From raisins: Take 2 tablespoons of raisins, rinse and fill with a liter of boiling water. Leave overnight or negotiate for ten minutes, and after cooling, resolve.
  4. From prunes: Rinse several berries of prunes and cut to half. When the water boils, throw the prunes into the saucepan and let it rocker about 10 minutes. It is necessary to insist such a drink for 30 minutes, after which it will remain strain and you can give a baby.
  5. From a mixture of dried fruits: Washing several pieces of kuragg and prunes, as well as a bit of raisins, soak fruit in water for more thorough cleaning. Put the raw material in a saucepan with boiling water. Cooking such compote needs about 15 minutes.
  6. From dried and fresh fruits: Take the Kuragu, a few berries of prunes, as well as sliced \u200b\u200bfresh pear and apple sliced. After cleaning and washing fruits, put them in the boiled water, after which you cook for 10 minutes on small fire. Leaving the drink for 1 hour, then it needs to be strain and crumble.

How to prepare compote from dried fruits, look at the culinary school of the program "Eat at home".

  • Boil the compote infant without adding sugar to it. If you wish to sweeten the drink you can use fructose or grape sugar.
  • Take for a compote for a child, only pure filtered water. The best choice will be special purified water for baby food.
  • Best of all daily brew baby fresh compote. Store the cooked drink follows no longer a day, as it will be destroyed with the beneficial substances. At the same time, the compote should stand in the refrigerator, especially if there is raisins in its composition.

” №1/2007 30.01.12

Dried fruits in children's nutrition replace confectionery sweets. Date, Kuraga, Raisin. When can they offer a child? And how to choose dried fruits? Answers you will find in this article.
Our expert, children's nutritionist, Igor Kon:Dried fruits are few products that retain their useful qualities for a long time. Gradually, enter them into the diet of the child. If you act according to the rules, dried fruits will benefit him. Of course, you try to feed your child only with useful products. After all, its activity and good health depend on proper nutrition. Especially since it is important in the fall, when the body is weakened and requires recharging.

When can the child give dried fruits?

Dried fruits can be entered into the child's nutrition since 1 year. To begin with, take apples, pears or cherries. Of these, you can cook compotes, and can be used to prepare a porridge. Diverse his menu decoction from raisins and kuragi.

  • Pretty rinse the fruits under warm running water, and then thoroughly take.
  • Pour dried fruits with boiling water, close the lid tightly and insist, shook the pan in the towel.
  • Perfect decoction through gauze. If necessary, add some sugar or honey.

For 2 years, a child can be offered cottage cheese with sparkling and crushed drums, a bun with raisins.

In general, dried fruits can be given to a child, but they must be pre-equipped in boiling water and cool. Dried fruits will be softer.

Remember: dried fruits can cause allergies, so enter a new product gradually and carefully follow the reaction. Gradually bring the daily amount to 3-5 pieces.

In the course of drying, the fruits lost almost all the liquid. As a result of fructose and glucose, they contain in concentrated form. So, the sweet taste is secured! That is why dried fruits can become a wonderful alternative to the candies.

Just do not confuse these useful fruits with candied eggs. They have different conditions for industrial processing. The first dried in the sun or in the oven, the second pre-kept in concentrated sugar syrup and only then dried.

How to choose dried fruits

Real connoisseurs buy dried fruits made only by reliable manufacturers. Their original packaging is distinguished, which retains all the valuable quality of the product. It also guarantees strict compliance with cooking technology.

  • If you buy dried fruit for weight, look good for them.
  • Apricot and grapes during drying darken.
  • Dismiss the Kuragu or Pin in half and slightly scroll the pulp between your fingers. If you notice insect larvae, refuse to buy.
  • Try fruit. Wine taste talks about bad processing of raw materials.
  • Learn to keep dried fruits. Do not place them in polyethylene, glass or plastic jars. The fruits need air. Better keep them in a linen bag. If you are going to keep dried fruits for quite a long time, additionally protect them from rotting, as well as from the appearance of food moth. For this, the fabric must be predetermined with a strong hydrochloric solution and then dried. Keep the bag in a dark dry place.
  • The presence or absence of bones in the fruits does not affect their taste and benefit. This is due to the variety of fruit, as well as with the degree of its maturity by the time of drying. From ripe dates, drain and grapes bones are not taken out.

Dried fruits in child nutrition: delicious combinations

Dried fruits are excellent for dessert, as well as an addition to many dishes. They are added to the pilaf, to stew vegetables ... But each of them has optimal "companions" that enhance their useful properties.

  • A kuraga with cottage cheese takes care that Calcium strengthens the teeth and bones, and this duet is useful for the health of the eyes.
  • Date with milk or cream strengthens the child's immune system, help cope with dry cough and the first signs of cold.
  • Apples and pears in oatmeal is a wonderful breakfast. The child will receive the necessary trace elements who will provide him with an excellent mood.

Kuraga in nutrition of a child

Dried apricots are rightfully considered a magnificent source of vitamins A and RR, potassium and iron.

Thanks to the plant fibers, the kuraga perfectly cleans the intestines, relieves it from bloating, indispensable and constipation.

Raisin in child nutrition

Prunes in child nutrition

The dried plum contains vitamins, iron, rich in fiber and pectin.

These fruits regulate the intestinal motor function, optimize carbohydrate metabolism and relieve fatigue.

Child diet

Exotic fruit exceeds others by the number of vitamins and minerals. The dates contain a large variety of mineral substances (up to 15 species). The dates contain at least 6 vitamins, as well as a large amount of dietary fiber and pectin, which are very important for the normal functioning of the intestine. Dogs are "charged" with energy, increase performance, strengthen the concentration of attention.