Brushing duck sauce recipes. Four tasty sauce to poultry meat

19.12.2020 Dishes from Yaitz

I really love duck.
No, not correct. We love duck very much. As I noticed, in any form. Bake, fry, put out. It is always good with the right side dish and accompaniment. The main thing about this issue is the quality of the source product, that is, the duck itself.

And with this in the native Belarusian products there is impermanence. The most delicious product was the duck of Hungarian origin. It is better, of course, Ukrainian, but it is only in the cut and expensive. But there were advantages and in our ducks - they were finally learned to hang out completely (or was it lucky?)

Having bought a duck fillet in the store, I found that it really is pure fillets. Usually, the duck fillet is taken from the skin, so that the meat is not dry and is juicy and soft.

  • Total time: 15 minutes
  • Preparation: 5 minutes
  • Preparation: 10-15Minut
  • Portions: 2


  • - 500 g
  • - 50 g
  • - 25 g
  • - 70 ml
  • - 150 g
  • - 50 g
  • - 2 sticks
  • - taste
  • - 1 twig

Cooking order:

If you have fillets with skin, make on the skin of the cuts on the oblique, so that the skin does not be deformed when frying. Pretty blocked with paper towels so that the meat is completely dry. Sattail salt and freshly ground pepper.
Preheat vegetable oil in a pan, add creamy to it. Fry on high heat until golden crust on both sides. Then reduce half the fire and fry back on each side. Place the fillet into a plate or any comfortable dishes, carefully pack the foil and put it in a warm place.
In the pan, in which fillet roasted, put the lingonberry, sugar, pour the wine and add cinnamon sticks. Tomit on slow fire is five minutes (do not cover the lid!). Then "Return" to breast sauce (formed juice to drop to sauce) and remove 1 minute.

Now you can cut the fillet with oblique slices, one and a half or two centimeters thick, pour the sauce and serve :). Very tasty with gentle potato mashed potatoes :)

In this article, we will look at how to make a duck in the oven to get a gentle, juicy and incredibly tasty meat.

How to bake duck in the oven: preparatory stage

The correctly selected and prepared duck is a pledge of a delicious dish. It is impossible to give accurate instructions, what bird to buy - shop or homemade. Some noted that the purchase of meat is more gentle, and someone highlights an incredible taste and juice of homemade duck. This aspect already depends on personal preferences and capabilities. But, like any other meat, the duck is better to take fresh!

  • If you have purchased a frozen product, then follow the recommendations for defrosting meat. That is, get out of the freezer first in the refrigerator for a day, and after already split at room temperature.

IMPORTANT: Do not use express methods in any way! If you defrost in cold or, moreover, hot water, as well as in the microwave oven, will ruin the taste of duck. After all, the fibers are destroyed, and the dish will turn out to be dry and tough.

  • By the way, pay attention not only to the freshness of the product, but also at the age of the bird. You can cook the young duckling much faster, and he is softer meat. Low recommendation - take weight up to 2-2.5 kg.
  • Duck inspect and cleanse from the residues of feathers or thin hair. They are plucking up with tweezers or upset with a knife. By the way, the hairless can be simply falling over the burning burner. And in order not to mess with the rest of the feathers, it is plentiful to sprinkle a carcass with flour and pull the towel. After it remains only to slip it under running water.
  • Check the duck inside for cleaning quality. Do not leave offal Get together with a carcass. They will give an unpleasant, and even a bitter taste when baking.
Be sure to remove the sorce of ducks and fat folds around it
  • Be sure to remove the ass or "tail" duck! Otherwise, the finished dish will acquire an unpleasant smell. After all, it is in this place that there are odoring spank glands.
  • Also cut the eye on the neck. It is not so tasty, how much will there be a lot of fat. By the way, this place is worse than everything is plugged, so small feathers often remain on it.
  • Wings also do not carry a large use of the dish. We are talking for their extreme phalanxes. Nor, on the contrary, in the process of baking are very dried and becomes unsuitable for eating. Therefore, they can also be removed immediately.

Note: When baking an open way, you must watel foil to the wings. Especially if you did not cut the extreme part. It still has the property to burn, which will spoil the appetitality of the dish. Or, as an option, remove the phalanges before serving on the table. By the way, the edge of the legs will also not prevent the foil.

  • Duck need to be washed under cool water, then give a track. By the way, it is recommended that the meat "fell" on the board of 15-20 minutes before riding with spices. Consider paper towels.
  • So that the dish does not work too fat, you need skirt pierce in some places Toothpick. Just follow the meat off. After a carcass, you need to hold a couple of minutes to a couple of 30 minutes or quivel so that the excess fat melted and start to flush.
  • You can exclude the pretreatment of hot water. Just put the duck a little higher than the opposition so that the fat was where to drain, and the carcass itself does not "swim" in it.

  • Regarding cooking ducks! It requires long thermal processing so that the fat can be wrapped up, and the crust is fried. On average, you need 2-2.5 hours to cook duck plus for another 25-30 minutes to form a golden crust.

Important: Home duck, in general, should prepare 3-3.5 hours. Then it will be tender, juicy and with an appetizing crust. By the way, it is a long tomression on slow fire that will provide a slight separation of meat from the bones.

  • After all these procedures, duck rubbed with spices. We can use liquid sauces based on juices, vinegar, oil, soy sauce and honey, as well as white wine. And you can do only dry spices. The duck is harmonized with the following components:
    • nutmeg;
    • cardamom;
    • coriander;
    • badyan;
    • oregano;
    • rosemary;
    • pepper;
    • ginger in any form;
    • garlic;
    • parsley.
  • Not particularly be sure to use the entire list of products. Duck must be soaked and breed. This is also a small secret of tenderness and juiciness of meat. After you laid the spices in the carcass skin, let it stand at least 3 hours at room temperature. Ideally, on the festive table you need to keep the duck the whole night in the refrigerator. That is, at least 12 hours.

Duck in the oven with apples, whole - classic recipe

When you correctly prepared a duck, you need to do it filling. Let's start with the selection of apples - it must be sour or sour-sweet apples. They are harmoniously combined with duck meat. By the way, take better grades, so that in the cooking process they did not turn into porridge.

  • The following components will be required:
    • duck itself - 1 carcass weighing in 1.8-2.2 kg;
    • apples - 9 pcs.;
    • lemon juice - 1-2 h.;
    • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.;
    • nutmeg, cinnamon - at will;
    • salt and pepper - to taste.
  • Immediately it is worth noting that the amount of lemon juice depends on the variety of apples. If they are sufficiently sour, then enough 1 tsp. But if apples are sweet, then you can increase the dose to 1 tbsp. l.
  • The duck is processed by the above scheme, wash and slightly loose with paper towels. In a separate bowl, mix all the spices. By the way, you can change their list slightly by choosing the most favorite seasonings. And so that they let it with a more rich fragrance, overtake pre-in mortar.
  • Sutitate the duck with spices and wait 20 minutes until the salt crystals are melted. After this time, stick the spices in the bird's skin and leave for 2-3 hours for impregnation.
  • Half the apples cut the slices and put in the duck. Do not forget the hole to fasten the culinary thread or toothpick.
  • Cooking the duck right without foil and sleeves. The main thing - do not forget it regularly water fat! The duck is bugs necessarily in shape with high sideboards, because a lot of juice will be distinguished. No need to lubricate.
  • The oven is warming up to 220 ° C. Mix the shape with duck and leave for 1 hour. Every 15-20 minutes take out the shape and water the duck with fat, which was pulled out of meat.
  • An hour later, the fire is reduced to 170-180 ° C. Put the rest of the apples around the bird, cutting them before the slices. And leave the duck in the oven by readiness. It does not hide it several times to pour it fat.

A whole duck with apples in the oven, baked in foil: recipe

For such a recipe you can make a delightful dish even novice cook. Foil will accelerate the cooking process, since its particles attract heat and retain it inside. But most importantly - it will prevent the burning of any of its parts.

  • Take:
    • duck - 1 carcass;
    • apples - 5-6 pieces;
    • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • garlic - 6-8 teeth;
    • salt, pepper and spices - to taste.
  • Duck prepare, cutting and removing everything too much, wash and dry. Garlic cleans. Next you can grind it through the press and mix with the rest of the spices. We want to offer you an option, which will allow you to satisfy the duck with garlic notes.
  • Purified garlic cut a little along (but not to the end) so that it reveals his fragrance. Make small deepening with a knife in a duck carcass and put inside garlic.
  • In a separate bowl, you mix all the spices, fueling them with mayonnaise, and rub the duck from the external and inner side. Send into the refrigerator at least 10 hours.
  • Apples cut into slices or cubes and stacking the duck. Secure the hole with toothpick or thread.
  • Share on the table several layers of foil. Moreover, it is necessary to cut them so that the total length is enough to complete the entire duck. For baking in the foil, tightness is very important that the air and all the juices remain inside and impregnated meat.
  • I spread the backside down and wrap a foil well, tightly fastening the seams. Watch it to do not break!
  • The oven is warming up to a temperature of 200 ° C, the duck lay out on a baking sheet with high sideboards (in case the juice runs out). Send duck in the oven. Bake you need 1.5-2 hours.
  • After that, cut the foil in the middle and carefully unfold. See that the allocated juice is not a bit. The temperature is reduced to 180 ° C.
  • Now it remains to grab the bird until ready and golden color. If there is still fat on the foil, we will not interfere with it periodically pour the duck in the cooking process.

Baked duck in the oven with apples in sleeve: recipe

Also a quick way to bake a duck in the oven, not fearing for its preparation. The sleeve duck is drinking with all fat and juice, so it will never be dry. If you want to get a less bold, then we offer to prepare a juicy duck on this recipe.

  • Required:
    • duck - a whole carcass up to 2 kg;
    • apples - 3-4 medium sized sour-sweet;
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • coriander - 0.5 h.
    • nutmeg - 0.5 h.;
    • a mixture of spicy herbs and peppers - to taste;
    • dried ginger - 0.5 h.;
    • salt - in fact.
  • The duck cleanse from the excess remains of feathers and hair, cutting the ass and fat parts around it, as well as on the neck. We rinse, foam with paper napkins and rub dry spices.

Note: You can add 1-2 art. l. Orange or pomegranate juice, if you do not want to use only dry seasonings.

  • Apples are not needed from the peel. But if it is too rude or fat, then it should be removed. Cut into arbitrary pieces (leave one apple). So that they do not darken, sprinkle them with the juice of halves of lemon. By the way, this will allow me to soak meat with juice.
  • Place apples inside the duck, but not tampering too tight. Inside should also circulate air. It is these pairs that will saturate the taste and aroma of the flesh from the inside.
  • So that the juice did not flow, and the apples themselves did not fall out, fasten the hole with toothpick or thread. Sut off so much sleeves to fit all game, and there is a place to tie "tails".
  • Now a very important step - you need to make a "pillow" from apples. For this, the remaining apple crushes on the slices, removing the first core. They carefully lay out the sleeve. That is, you create a kind of bird stand. This will allow her not to "swim" in fat. Therefore, it is so important to choose solid varieties, which will not soften in the cooking process.

IMPORTANT: You can replace IWA apples. She is relatively firm! Even under the influence of high temperatures, it does not soften. But this fruit, which relates to the meaning of apple varieties, will become an excellent seasoning for meat, because there is a tart sour-sweet taste. Only quince must be bold with lemon juice to kill viscosity.

Make a "pillow" from apples or other ingredients so that the duck does not "swim" in the fatty juice
  • Now lay out on this "pillow" duck breast up. Tie a sleeve on both sides. By the way, make sure that a little excess space remains. Otherwise, the sleeve can burst. It is also recommended to make 1-2 punctures for a small air outlet.
  • Heat the oven to the temperature of 180-200 ° C and put a baking sheet with a sleeve. It is necessary to bake at least 2 two hours, but time may vary depending on the magnitude of the carcass. You can easily check it with a toothpick on softness.
  • Now you need to cut the sleeve and leave the duck to be twisted for about 20-30 minutes. You do not need to turn over in the process of cooking or water the fat. The whole secret is that couples in the sleeve themselves perform all the work.

Important: Watch the polyethylene does not touch the walls of the oven. From this he can burst. And the remaining traces are then very hardwheeling. Therefore, control the sleeve does not infiltrate much. If such a picture is observed, then make another puncture of the toothpick.

  • You can decorate a dish with chopped fresh apples or prepared separately, and you can lay out baked potatoes. By the way, feeding the duck on the table as a whole, and then cut or broke into parts.

Baked duck in the oven with potatoes: recipe

More often, they prepare a duck in the oven with potatoes in foil or sleeve. We want to offer you a recipe for a festive dish baked in shape. And our recommendations will be prompted how to cook the bird entirely to impregnate it and potatoes with fragrant juice.

  • For one whole carcass, ducks need:
    • potatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
    • onions - 1 pc.;
    • bacon - 150-170 g;
    • garlic - 3-4 teeth;
    • rosemary and spinach - to taste;
    • a mixture of peppers, paprika and salt - in fact.
  • First of all, you prepare duck, and rub it with all spices. Be sure to make a fork shallow punctures in some places. Garlic is pre-grinding.
  • Bacon Cut with straw or medium sized squares. Purified potatoes cut the strokes, thickening into the finger. Can be separated by wide rings. Onions chopped by half rings, either not too small.
  • Put the potato layer, sprinkle with bacon and onions from above. Sleash a little and pepper. Placing a pickled duck from above. Cover all foil. Try to press the seams well so that the slots are not formed.
  • Bake the duck in the oven at a temperature of 200 ° C for 1 hour. After that, it is necessary to reduce degrees to 180, remove the foil and bake another 1-1.5 until readiness. By the way, you need to periodically get a duck and water everything with allocated juice.

Duck in the oven in ginger-orange marinade: recipe

This recipe has a long list of ingredients, but the duck is just the Divine. On the festive table, it will become a crown dish. And even those who consider duck meat rigid or tasteless to appreciate it. Thanks to this recipe, they will change irrevocably.

  • Need the following components:
    • duck up to 2.5 kg - 1 carcass;
    • sour apples - 3-4 pcs.
    • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • orange juice -3 st. l.;
    • zedra from one orange;
    • ginger - 25-30 g;
    • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • cinnamon - ¼ h. l.;
    • garlic - 4-5 teeth;
    • a mixture of peppers and salt - to taste.
  • Prepare a duck, removing all unnecessary parts. Mix orange juice, soy sauce, having toolate honey, grated ginger and orange zest. It is very important to rub the crust without a white part, as it can give the dish unnecessary bitterness.
  • Next, you need to grasp this marinade, folded into the dish and cover the food film. Leave to be soaked 24 hours. Regularly water her marinade from all sides.
  • Apples do not clean, remove just the core and cut on the slices. Sprinkle with cinnamon and pour with honey. All mix well.
  • Take the duck, remove pieces of orange and ginger from it. Strip salt, pepper and garlic.
  • The shape stood in the foil, lay out the "pillow" from the apples, and on top put the duck. The remaining apples are stuffing the duck, fixing well a hole with toothpick.
  • Close the foil and send into the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 200 ° C. To shove the bird, open it and leave another 20-30 minutes. By the way, you can just pour more breasts with a seaside juice.

Duck in the oven in Peking: recipe

  • Prepare:
    • duck carcass up to 2 kg;
    • rice wine or dry sherry - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • honey liquid - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • sea (!) Large salt - 2 h.;
    • soy sauce without any additives - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • sesame oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • grated ginger - 1-2 hours l.;
    • cinnamon - 0.5 h.;
    • ground seeds of Fennel - 0.5 h.;
    • badyan - 3-4 stars;
    • carnation - 1-2 inflorescences;
    • acute red pepper - 1/3 h.;
    • garlic - 4-5 teeth;
    • water - 2 liters.
  • Workflow starts with duck. It must be cleaned, remove the extra parts, wash and dry.
  • After you start cooking marinade. Mix in a saucepan of 2 tbsp. l. Honey, cinnamon, Badyan, Fennel and half of ginger, as well as carnation and pepper. Add rice wine or sherry. If neither that nor the other turned out to be at hand, replace any dry grape wine. The main thing is that there is a minimum percentage of alcohol.
  • All fill with water and send on the stove. Wegan up for no more than 5 minutes on low heat. Immediately hide the duck from all sides by the hot marinade. Sprinkle with chopped garlic and ginger.
  • After that, the duck feature a cut on the jar. Be sure to place it in a deep bowl, because a lot of juice will stand out. There are still marinade on top. Without covering, put the duck in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  • Take out and leave for 1-2 hours at room temperature. Shoot the bird on a baking sheet with high sideboards, cover the foil and send to the oven for 1 hour. Temperature should not be higher than 200 ° C.
  • After which the foil is removed. Mix the soy sauce with sesame oil and abundantly lubricate this marinade duck. Return the bird into the oven for another 20 minutes. Remove and smear the remaining honey. Put another 10-15 minutes in the oven.

Baked duck in the oven with oranges: recipe

This dish can be called a masterpiece, because with such an aroma and taste no cooked meat will be compared. By the way, with apples, potatoes and other familiar sketches, Many tried duck. And you will surprise our guests an incredibly harmonious sour-sweet taste of birds and a little christmas fragrance.

  • You will need:
    • duck - 1 carcass up to 2.5 kg;
    • orange - 4 pcs.;
    • celery - 2-3 pets;
    • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • sweet white wine - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • garlic - 2-3 teeth;
    • paprika, coriander, pepper and salt - to taste.
  • Mix the lemon juice and one orange in a large saucepan. Add all spices and crushed garlic. Duck prepare, remove body parts and extreme phalanges of wings. Lower to the cooked marinade.
  • Leave it to marinate at least the night, and better for the whole day. Periodically water her marinade or turn over.
  • Without cleaning, two oranges cut on slices. Celery pour into small pieces. By the way, you can replace it with an apple or carrot. Mix the components and place the duck inside. Tie legs thread so that the vegetable and fruit do not fall out in the cooking process.
  • Bake the duck in the oven it is necessary in deep form 2-2.5 hours at a temperature of 190 ° C. The first hour can be covered with foil so that the legs and wings are burned. Several times it does not hind the resulting juice.
  • Squeeze the juice of the remaining orange and mix with wine and honey. Cook on slow heat until a reduction in volume is twice. Pulle the duck with this syrup and leave even in the oven turned off for 15 minutes.
  • You can decorate rosemary or parsley sprigs, pomegranate grains, lingonberry or cranberries, as well as slices of small tomatoes.

Baked duck in the oven with oranges

Baked duck in the oven with a ramberry sauce: recipe

Another dish that will be the attribute of any table. The acid, which the lingonberry will give meat, perfectly shakes his taste. In addition, the brushing sauce is perfect for meat dishes, including a bird. Therefore, by having prepared the duck in the oven for this recipe, you can become on a par with a chef.

  • Required:
    • duck - 1 carcass;
    • apples - 1-2 pieces;
    • lamberry - 300 g;
    • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • cinnamon - on the tip of the knife;
    • starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • salt and pepper - to taste;
    • water - 125 ml.
  • Clean, smooth and cooked duck rub marinadas. For its preparation mix mustard, soy sauce, salt and pepper. You can also add your favorite seasonings, such as curry or paprika. Orange spices will help get more golden color. Although the soy sauce will give a bird's beautiful shade. Send to the fridge for 24 hours.
  • Prepare filling. To do this, remove the cores with apples, cut them on the slices and mix with 3-4 tbsp. l. Lamberry. Pretty duck well, leaving a little space for evaporation of juice from berries and fruits. Be sure to tell the thread or close the hole to the toothpicks so that the berries will not be lost when baking.

Barber Sauce Duck
  • Cut the sleeve size size. Place a duck in it, and tie on both sides. Do not forget to pierce the hole in some places so that the air is not accumulated. Send duck in the oven for 2-2.5 hours with a temperature of 190 ° C.
  • It's time to cook sauce. Approximately 250 g remaining lingers flood cold water. Bring to a boil and add sugar. Tomite for another 2-3 minutes. You can add cinnamon. Remove from the stove.
  • Divide starch in a small amount of water. Thin jet pour it into the sauce constantly stirring. Otherwise, lumps are formed! Bring to a boil and remove from the fire.
  • Duck open for 15-20 minutes until ready to form a crust. Before serving on the table, divide into portion pieces and water the sauce. You can decorate at your discretion.

Video: How to cook duck in the oven: Cooking secrets

What only sauces and gravy are not invented for meat! The foundations for them can be the most different, and the abundance of additional components, probably, cannot be listed. However, one of the most attractive and finely extending taste features is still a brushing sauce to meat. Moreover, on the autumn, the lack of main component is not observed. And in winter, prudent and stocked mistresses it will be quite accessible.

As easy as pie

If you have conceived to prepare a brushing sauce to meat, recipes for the implementation of the idea to pick up the set. However, for a start, try the most simple. For him, a glass of berries will be required (it is completely appropriate and frozen), which should be pouring boiling water and cook a quarter of an hour. The decoction merges (household people from it after they prepare compote), and the strained mass is passed through a blender, after which it is rubbed through the sieve. In a thick paste, a half-table of dry (white or red - not fundamentally) wines are poured, salt in taste and sugar are sugar - a large spoon. After boiling (up to 5 minutes) sauce, consider ready. But for greater taste brightness, you can squeeze a lemon into it, pepper and pour any spicy greens. A brushing sauce is served to meat, fish or bird - with these products he wonderfully harmonizes.

Garlic-line sauce

Soften, but at the same time and more saturated brushing sauce to meat, in which garlic and oil are added. For the start of the berry is brewed and rubbed. Then the mass returns to the stove, butter is added to it (1 large spoon on a glass of lingers). When it is completely dissolved, a crushed garlic cloth is put in the mixture, a little salt and a half spoons of sugar (less or more - to solve you, you need to try). In the off state, the sauce is insisted. Many fear that it will have too sharp smell, but after insistence it turns out exactly what it is necessary.

Sauce with various additions

Even more sophisticated, seasoning is preparing, if you enter into it different ingredients. So, you can make a brushing sauce to meat with brandy. Since the drink and so has a pronounced taste, we manage only berries and sugar. After cooking and wipes, a tablespoon of cognac was added per 100 g of lingers, and five minutes - on fire.

A little harder will be the process if you want to add a balsamic vinegar to the rowing sauce to meat. But also nothing long and difficult! At first, it is this component that heats up and minutes 2 is evaporated (stack of vinegar per glass of lingers). Then berries, sugar, salt, pepper (to taste) and a small spoon of fresh tweeted thyme. After six minutes later, the mass is poured into a blender and goes on an exhibition. By the way, the longer it costs, the agening sauce to the meat is tastier. But minimum - a couple of hours.

Duck breast under ramberry sauce

Be that as it may, the sauce is only escort. Let's see how it can be cooked with a duck, for example. It is best to dinded breasts. Their skin is advised to cut the diamonds - to expire excess fat. Then it is necessary to pick up meat: half a cup of soy sauce is mixed with a dessert spoon of honey, paprika and peppers - red and black. Such a mixture of breast is cooked and left at least 20 minutes. Seasoning to meat is made according to the recipe that you like the most, but the most gentle is a duck breast with a ramberry sauce, which is added a little ginger. You can take dried or grated fresh. It remains to treat breasts. They quickly fry on their own fat. Then the duck is placed in a shape or pan, covered with foil and baked somewhere a quarter of an hour. Immediately after this, it should not be disclosed - it should be late and soaked with juices. Only after improving the breast cuts into slices, watering sauce and is fed by hungry guests waiting for a delicacy.

This recipe was inspired by a recent trip to France and an acquaintance with them, without exaggeration to say, gorgeous cuisine. Ask any Frenchman about the very exquisite dish from the bird, and he will start talking about the duck and various variations of her cooking. At the same time, it is deer than all of it, it is French: from the Mishlen restaurant to the most common eatery with plastic tables.

The duck is the most fat from all poultry, but there is a duck in it - this is a duck breast.

Before cooking, it is better to pick up that there is a slightly soften muscle fibers and give meats an extra fragrance, as well as remove a specific smell that not everyone likes.

Just like beef for a steak, duck breast is best prepared to a state of medium or weak roasted. Fully roasted breast becomes dry, tough and absolutely not interesting from the point of view of texture and taste.

As a rule, the breast is supplied with a berry or citrus sauce, which, thanks to the slightly acidic taste, it is beneficial for it.

I suggest you to cook duck breast without traditional roasting - just bake in the marinade, so it will work out very juicy and tender.

Since Marinade gives her a sweet taste, I am preparing sauce to her with the tartness of wine and sour berries.

Finally, I will say from a clean heart - it's just a stunning dish, and, having prepared it, you will understand why the French love him so much!

Interesting: The duck breast meat is very nutritious, because it has a whole set of vitamins of the group B, D, C, as well as all the most useful micro and macroelements. A large amount of protein in the breast makes it possible to recommend it to people exposed to severe physical and mental loads. With all the wealth of nutrients, the dying breast fillet is considered dietary meat, especially if it is from a wild duck. Duck breast without skin and subcutaneous fat contains only 156 kcal.

Time for preparing: 50 minutes

Preparation time: 2-2.5 hours

Number of portions: 2

You will need:

· 500 g duck breast fillet

· 3 tablespoons of honey

· 1 (with a slide) tablespoon of cerebral mustard

· Salt (to taste)

· 50 ml of red wine

· 80-100 g lingers

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare breasts: rush with cool water, drain with a paper towel, clean the films, soda salt.
  2. Prepare marinade: Couple 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 tablespoon of cerebrals.
  3. Put the breast into the shape, pour the marinade, close the foil and leave (you can put in the refrigerator) for 1-2 hours (I usually marina them in the morning, and I am preparing only in the evening).
  4. Pour the parser with red wine and leave for 1-2 hours.
  5. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  6. After 1-2 hours, put the breasts in the heat-resistant shape, cover the foil and send a pre-warned oven for 30 minutes (the baking time may vary depending on your preferences regarding the degree of roasted).
  7. After 30 minutes, remove the foil and leave the breast in the oven for another 3-5 minutes in the convection mode to form a golden crust.
  8. Get breasts from the oven and let me relax a little.
  9. At this time, prepare the sauce: warm up the pan, pour a little fat in it, in which breasts were baked and add a lingonberry, slightly pull it out.
  10. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and give a lingonberry confidently caramell. Periodically interfere.
  11. As soon as the sauce breaks a little, pour the wine in which the lingonberry was pickled, slightly add the fire and, stirring, let the sauce finally thicken. It will take about 10 minutes.
  12. Put the dice duck breast on the plate (you can cut on slices), pour it with sauce and apply to the table!

Brushing duck sauce Recipes - four delicious sauces to poultry meat are presented in this article. Fried duck, seasoned with a brusal sauce, acquires a spicy taste and an additional fragrance. From the ramberry sauces set forth, choose an interesting and deliver a holiday to loved ones.

Brushing sauce to meat universal, classic.

To the sublifting Brushing duck sauce recipes Acquire:

- Berries Lamber fresh, and can also be frozen (500 grams)

- Water (250 milliliters)

- Sugar sand (150 grams)

- Potato starch (1 spoon tea)

- White dry wine (100 milliliters)


- Initially, we swore berries if they are fresh and defrost in the case of a lingonberry ice cream.

- It is also necessary to rinse a lingonberry.

- We load the berry into the pan and fill with water (200 milliliters).

"We put a saucepan on a small fire and, stirring, so that the berry does not burn, bring water to the roar.

- Also continuing to stir, cook a lingonberry while the berries will start losing its shape.

- Turn off the plate, leave the sauce in a saucepan so that it cooled a little.

- Then we wipe through the fine sieve, in order to exclude the rigid shell of berries and grains from the sauce.

- Sauce without solid impurities overflow into the pan and put on fire to re-bring to a boil.

- Surface sugar and cinnamon, cook, stirring, achieving complete dissolution of sugar (3-4 minutes).

- We pour dry wine, we also continue to cook until the volume of sauce decreases by 1/3. Constantly mix so that it is not burnt.

- While the sauce was boosted, in the remaining 50 milliliters of water we divor the potato starch and as soon as it boils, we pour a solution into a saucepan.

- We welcome the lingonberry sauce for 2-3 minutes to thicken.

- Remove the saucepan from the fire.

- A little cooled sauce overflow in a saucer and serve to roast duck or other meat.

Fast simple sweet brushing sauce.

For podliva Brushing duck sauce recipes, Acquire:

- Lamberry (100 grams)

- Red semi-sweet wine (200 milliliters)

- Honey Bee (50-70 milliliters)

- Cinnamon Powder (1/2 Spoons of Tea)

Preparation steps.

- Melt honey, it is better to do it in a water bath, so as not to overlay honey.

- Catch and rinse a lingonberry.

- As soon as the berry is ready, we put in a saucepan, we pour honey with wine, cinnamon.

- Relieve sauce on slow fire on 1/3, constantly stirring so that it is not burned.

- We fold a mass on the sieve, we carry.

- Ready sauce pour into a suit to serve on the table.

Brushing sauce with quince or apple.

In the gravy Brushing duck sauce recipes, Acquire:

- Lamberry (200 milliliters)

- Herez wine (100 milliliters)

- Quince, also apple (1 piece)

- Carnation (2 pieces)

- Cardamon (1/2 spoons of tea)

- Olive oil (20 milliliters)

- Honey bee (1 spoon dining room)

- Black ground pepper (1/2 spoons of tea)

Preparing step by step.

- We rinse a lingonberry and crush it with a brush, pour wine and leave for 30 minutes so that the berry is blown away.

- Sliced \u200b\u200bquince of cars on olive oil so that it becomes soft, pouring wine from a purse with a lingonberry.

- Add spices and honey.

- As soon as the sauce starts to darken (3-5 minutes), add a lingonberry and wait for boiling.

- After boiling, we immediately turn off the fire and also serve sauce on the table.

Brushing ginger sauce, onions.

For podliva Brushing duck sauce recipes, Acquire:

- Lamberry (300 grams)

- Ginger root (2-3 centimeters)

- chili red pepper (1/2 pieces)

- Sugar sand (3 tablespoons of dining)

- Apple vinegar (1 spoon dining room)

- Bow Red (1 head)

- sunflower oil (2 tablespoons)

- Cinnamon (1 Spoon Tea)

- Salt cooking (to taste)

Preparing sauce.

- He fry in a frying pan on the sunflower oil of a semiring of Luke so that the bow becomes transparent.

- We introduce a grated ginger and chili chili pepper, mix.

- As soon as 1 minute passed, add a lingonberry and a hundred 2 minutes.

- We pour vinegar, salt and season cinnamon.

- We interfere with sugar, warming up and mix that sugar completely dissolved (3-4 minutes).

- Ready sauce serve on the table.

Dinner is served! Brushing duck sauce recipes. Four delicious sauce to bird meat.