Lush Ukrainian dumplings for a couple. Dumplings with potatoes on a couple of the recipe of Ukrainian dumplings with a pair of potatoes

19.12.2020 Beverages


To prepare dumplings on a pair, you can cook the simplest dough on the kefir.

Flour sift and mix with salt, soda and sugar (if dumplings are with berries). Not necessarily, but you can add 2 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil, from this dough will not fast quickly. Then add kefir (you can replace it with warm water) and knead the soft dough. If the dough is too soft, add flour. Sleeped dough cover and leave to relax 20-30 minutes.

Separate a small piece from the dough, knead a little, ride harness and cut into small pieces.

Dough for dumplings for a couple, especially with berries, it is necessary to roll not finely, 0.6-1 cm. Such mugs are easier to lay, during cooking they will not decay and will be very lush.

A prepared piece of dough roll out, put a few small berries or one large, sprinkle with sugar and carefully blind dumplings. Dumplings need to sculpt quickly and immediately send to boil. Berries allow juice if the dumplings should be loosened in advance, from the sweet juice the dough can smoke and loose it will not work.

To prepare dumplings on a pair, you can use the steamer, you can use a metal sieve, suitable size, and you can, like our grandmothers, use a pure cut of thick gauze. We take a wide saucepan, choose a suitable cut of gauze by its size. In the pan, we pour 1/3 of warm water, tightenfully tie a gauze around the pan, cover with a lid and bring water to a boil.

When the water begins to throw, quickly sculpt the dumplings (after all, pre-dumplings with berries are better not to sculpt). When water boils on medium heat, spread the dumplings on the gauze and cover the dumplings with a bulk lid.

Cook dumplings for a couple of 7-10 minutes. Dumplings will increase by about twice. You can trace when the dumplings have increased, cook for another 5 minutes.

My grandmother removed dumplings on a clean dry linen towel and covered the dumplings with the same towel. Finished dumplings are dry, you can shoot on a plate, just to cover must be necessary, they will quickly dwell. Now the fire is reduced and sculpt the next batch of dumplings.

If your dumplings are paired with cherries, strawberries or other berries, you need to wait a bit while the berries in the dumplings are cooled. Serve with sweet sour cream. I for my dumplings with strawberries made a pink sauce from sour cream, sugar and strawberries in a blender.

For those who eat dumplings for a couple with berries for the first time, there is a slight warning, it is necessary to bite dumplings carefully, it can be sprinkled from it or just pour juice. So that juice with berries stand out less, they can be sprinkled with starch. But for those who have such dumplings "from childhood", berry juice is the most delicious, and the more it is, the more tastier.

the original Slavic dish, which is highly popular in Ukrainian and Belarusian cuisines. They are often preparing for a couple and are obtained incredibly lush and amazingly tender. Berries, cottage cheese, potatoes and even meat can be used as a filler. Let's find out with you how to make a pair dumplings correctly.

on a couple


  • flour - 500 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • kefir - 300 ml;
  • food soda - 1 h. spoon;
  • vinegar;
  • salt is a pinch.

For filling:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • egg - 1 pc.


For the preparation of the dough for dumplings, take a deep bowl, sowing flour into it, throw the soda haired by vinegar and break the egg. Then we pour kefir and mix the homogeneous dough quickly. After that, we shift it onto the table, sidden to flour, and take the dough until it stops sticking to the hands. Next, cover it with a towel and leave to suit half an hour. Meanwhile, we make a filling for dumplings. For this, cottage cheese is rubbed with sugar, we introduce the egg and mix it up to homogeneity or whipped with a blender. Now we roll the dough into a thin layer, cut the glass of the circle and put a spoonful of the cottage cheese in the middle of each. Close the edges and form flattering dumplings. Then we take the deep and wide saucepan itself, fill it with half water, we set a colander with frequent holes on it, and in the distance, we lay the dumplings and cover the lid on top. We light the fire and prepare a dish for a couple of minutes 10, and then we serve a dumpling with cottage cheese on the table with sour cream.

Paper dumplings with berries


  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • soda - pinch;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - pinch;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • strawberry, Malina - to taste.


The dough recipe for dumplings is quite simple. For this flour sifting with salt, food soda and sugar. Then we pour water and knead the soft dough. Cover it with a towel and leave to relax for 20 minutes. After that, cut off a piece of the dough, roll it with a sausage and cut into small parts. Further, each piece roll, put a few berries, sprinkle with sugar and gently form a dumplings. Now we take a wide saucepan, pour warm water into it, and we bind the gauze from above, cover the lid and boil water. Then lay out the dumplings on the gauze, cover the bulk lid and cook for a couple of minutes 10.

Recipe dumplings for a couple with cherry


  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • salt - pinch;
  • sugar - to taste.

For filling:

  • sugar powder - to taste;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • cherry - 700 g


For the preparation of dumplings in a multicooker for a couple, we first knead the dough: we fumble in a deep bowl of sifted flour, throw the salt and mix. Now we form a slide out of the mixture, we make a recess in it and break the egg there. We pour water and mix thoroughly. We leave the finished dough half an hour to approach, but for now go to the stuffing. We wash the cherry, remove the bones and sprinkle the berries with starch and sugar powder. Next, take the dough, cut off a small piece from it, roll it into a long harness and cut into the same parts. We collapse every piece in flour, rolling into a circle, lay out several berries and wrap the dough, connecting the edges. Container-steamer with cream oil and lay out our billets. We pour water into the bowl of multicooker, turn on the cooking program to a pair, install a special container and prepare dumplings for a couple with cherries for 20 minutes. We serve a dish with sour cream or melted olive.

To prepare dumplings for a couple, you need to go to the store for the necessary products (however, it is likely that kefir is calmly worth you in the refrigerator), get a steamer from the pantry (lazy? A large saucepan with a metal colander or a multicooker with a pair of cooking is suitable And sign up for an unscheduled training in the gym (and better five workouts - because you are completely guaranteed there are steam dumplings until they run out, but believe me, this luxury costs any effort).

The first and perhaps the most important rule of successful dumplings for a couple is a complete ignoring of mechanized tools that facilitate the life of the hostess in the kitchen. Oddly, it sounds, but the proposed recipe for lush dumplings with berries does not tolerate the use of any modern gadgets. However, you have the right to dismiss the Council to remove the mixer away and forget for a couple of hours about the kitchen process, and make sure your own experience is that the dough for steam dumplings is better to wash it manually (well, or convincingly proving us that the recommendation is erroneous). You will simply try to solve you, why in this situation, manual labor is preferable to modern innovations.

The dough for dumplings for a couple is preparing at kefir and soda - it is the union of these two ingredients and provides pomp and softness that announced in the preface to the recipe. When you put the dough manually, the gluten develops slower, but carefully - and therefore it takes less flour. If you mix the dough with a mixer, the liquid will almost immediately connect with the dry component, and the need for a knee will almost disappear, however, if you continue to work with the whites in the hope of developing the gluten, you will achieve the fact that the soda will react with the acidic kefir. Such valuable air bubbles will appear, which provide the texture of the test, however, the speed of the mixer will simply "fade" them, turning the dough into a rigid "rubber" mass.

However, we will finish with extensive explanations, we turn to business.


for dough:

  • 5 full flour cups (750 g);
  • 1 teaspoon with a small "slide" soda;
  • 1/2 teaspoon salts;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 500 ml kefir.

for filling:

  • approximately 0.5 kg of prepared berries;
  • sugar to taste.


Big photos Little photos

    We fall asleep into a large bowl the required amount of flour.

    Add salt, soda, sugar and good, carefully stir all the bulk components with each other - this is important!

    We do in the flour mass of the deepening ("hole"), pour kefir into it.

    A spoon is pretty quickly and intensely mix the liquid component with dry. The challenge is to moisten the whole flour, about homogeneity, it is not yet.

    The next step is directly manual. First - in the bowl, to relative homogeneity. The dough will stick to the hands, it is normal.

    Then - on the flour of the working surface.

    Try not to add an additional amount of flour - so the dough will be softer, more pleasant. Mix promptly, without stretching pleasure, however, do not neglect the quality - there should be practically no sticking dough, gentle, delicate.

    For convenience, we divide it into two parts, each wrap in food or cellophane package. We leave for 10-20 minutes to "relax".

    Meanwhile, engage in filling. Depending on what kind of berry you decide to hide inside the dumplings, you will have to either tinker, or brew tea and relax with an interesting book. It is easiest to prepare dumplings with a blueberry - it is enough just to wash and dry slightly.

    Cherry will require immersion in the essence of the question - it is necessary to extract bone on white.

    By the way, in many villages and villages with old grandmother's hands, dumplings with cherries are cherished without this preliminary stage (there is simply no time in the edges, where people grow their food on their own and completely) - and yes, the bones are then spoiled, grandchildren compete in the range and The accuracy of "throwing", everyone jokes and eat treats with no smaller appetite than in the case when the cherry is first released from the bone.
    Large strawberry berries need to be cut into several parts, red currants - clean from the twigs. Black currant, blackberry, mulberry can not be touched.

    Half the dough gently stretch their hands into the layer, lay the surface on the flour-spared surface.

    Roll over in non-light layer, the thickness of the dough is about 3 mm. We are convinced that everything goes according to plan - on a smooth surface of the test, air bubbles should be clearly visible.

    Glass with sharp edges cut round blanks.

    In the center of each mug, smell a small amount of sugar.

    We post berries.

    Rising up, we take two opposite edges of a round blank.

    Carefully (this is important if you want all fragrant juice to remain inside the dumpling) fasten the edge of the dough from one side.

    And then on the other. Similarly, we process all the remaining dough.

    If desired, the dumplings in the kefir can be "sealing" a figure "scallop".

    Cooked dumplings on a pair of kefir - lay the pallet on a lubricated thin layer and set the pairing timer for 7 minutes.

    After the specified time, the dumplings can be taken.

    We shift in a bowl, be sure to grease the creamy oil.

Good! Dumplings welded on a pair are beautiful and warm and cold. And yes, there would be dumplings, and there is sour cream, right?


If you do not have a special separate double boiler, you can prepare dumplings in a slow cooker using a pair of pair. Another option is a metal flat colander inserted into a suitable pan with water. Well, and the old grandmother's method is stretched on the saucepan of march or thin fabric.

Have you tried dumplings with a pair of potatoes? It is incredibly tasty! Gentle and magnificent dough on kefir, potato filling and also a groker from a bass or bow - tasty! Here I am writing to you a recipe, and at the most directly in the stomach rushing, so I wanted such dumplings. Now I will add and cook Ida to the kitchen. Rather, write down and you!


  • 200 ml kefir;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 300-350 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • a pinch of salt.
  • potatoes - 400 grams;
  • 1 bulb;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Dumplings with potatoes for a couple. Step-by-step recipe

  1. Egg sweat separately, then mix it with kefir.
  2. Mix with salt and soda. Then add flour to the kefir mixture, also in the process of kneading the test, add vegetable oil.
  3. Leave the dough to rest for 20-30 minutes, in the meantime, clean and dare potatoes until readiness.
  4. Make a puree from potatoes. Onions are finely torn and fry on vegetable oil.
  5. Mixions with potatoes, add salt and pepper to taste - it will be our filling.
  6. From the test you need to form small balls, then roll out a cake of them, and lay out the middle of the stuffing, take the edges.
  7. Next, dumplings must be prepared for a couple. This can be done by placing a colander on a saucepan with boiling water, or tie a saucepan of gauze. And you can also use a mantle or a double boiler.
  8. Prepared dumplings for 5 minutes. You should not upload them tightly one to one, but then our dumplings will "grow up" and stick together.
  9. Then serve dumplings with sour cream, or with squalls from the bass.

Well, it seems to be told everything.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe shared - Lydia Ivanova

This simple food is very often prepared in the Ukrainian villages, since it used for her the most common products that were constantly in every family: flour, sour milk for kneading the dough and any simple filling, whether potatoes, cabbage or cottage cheese.

We are talking about dumplings. Prepare real Ukrainian lush dumplings for a couple in kefir will not be much difficulty if you follow our recipe.

According to the rules, such magnificent dumplings with fried squalls or sunflower oil with onions were fought. And those that with cottage cheese, of course, butter and sour cream.

We immediately want to reassure those who are saddown by the lack of a double boiler, there were no wise mistresses in the villages, but wise mistresses have built everything from progressive means, in a similar way we will do and with you.

Ingredients on 15 pcs.

  • On dough
  • Wheat flour - 2.5 tbsp.;
  • Kefir (or sour milk) - 200 ml;
  • Food soda - 1 tsp;
  • Salt kitchen - 3 / 4h.l.;
  • On filling
  • Potato - 250 gr;
  • Onions on or sterling - 1 goal.;
  • Creamy oil - 20-30 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 50-70 ml.

Of the listed number of products, there are about 15 pcs. Pretty large lush dumplings.


Preparing filling. Our dumplings will be with potatoes.

We put a saucepan with water on fire and getting ready to clean potatoes. Purified and washed tubers cut not finely and fall asleep in already boiling water, add a bay leaf and cook until readiness.

Without losing time, we will make the preparation of kefir dough on dumplings. To do this, in a volumetric bowl we fall asleep sifted flour and mix it with food soda and salt.

After that, we do in the center of the center the deepening and pour kefir (or sour milk) is necessarily not cold, and room temperature. And immediately begin to knead the dough. You see how bubbles appear, it means that the process goes correctly.

Take yourself a note still such a fact: the longer there was kefir at room temperature and the more proxim, the better it will work so that our boosters are really soft and lush.

Dough for dumplings in kefir is ready and we leave it for a while.

And they themselves make the manufacture of improvised steamer. To do this, we need a saucepan, a bowl that coincides with the diameter with the diameter of the pan and gauze.

In the pan we pour about 2/3 of the water. We fold twice the gauze and we bind the top of the pan rigidly (the march should not be saved).

We send a saucepan on the fire (watch not to touch the gauze) and cover the mission.

By this time, potatoes were already welded. We merge water from it and turn into a puree, salt and add butter. Stuffing is ready. We leave cool and proceed to the manufacture of refueling.

Onions clean and cut half rings. We ship fried on vegetable oil.

Roll over the dough on thick sausages and divide into pieces.

We turn the pieces of the dough into the cakes (not thin 2-3 ml). We lay out the filling and form dumplings.

Water in our double boiler is already boiling. We lay out dumplings (they should not touch) and cover the mission from above. Preparing about 5-7 minutes. Gently remove the bowl from yourself so as not to burn the ferry. And lay out dumplings, immediately watering them already ready to refill.

And here they are real steam Ukrainian dumplings with potatoes are ready for tasting. You can cook such dumplings with another stuffing: with cottage cheese, cherries, mushrooms, boiled meat. Try it a simple, tasty and budget dish!