Dry milk desserts. Dry milk dishes

19.12.2020 Restaurant Notes.

Irina Kamshilina

Prepare for someone much more pleasant than for yourself))


On the shelves of stores, along with the usual milk, you can find a dry, which differs from the classic powder consistency. The product is used in various fields of cooking, it is used to manufacture whole milk, bread, sausage products. In animal husbandry, powder goes to animal feed.

What is dry milk

Concentrate from a conventional pasteurized drink or milk powder is the dried milk. It eliminates many shortcomings of the liquid version - is stored longer, it is easier transported. At the same time, it retains an excellent composition and contains all the necessary useful substances and vitamins. The prototype of the modern product was the Milky Balbs who made residents of Siberia, freeing up milk.

For the first time, I received a dry powder Russian doctor Krichevsky, who had long evaporated liquid with the use of special technology so that all the beneficial properties of the source product were saved. After several decades, the powder is used in cooking and the food industry, enters the diet of the adult and the child.


The petition of the product is a milk powder milk, which contains 25 times less fat than solid. Other useful substances there remains as much. Due to the low fat content, the product is stored for a long time, does not require special conditions. If you mix low-fat milk with solid, bore the ferry and dry, it will be a quick-solved product used by a barista for a coffee supplement.


High calorie and low storage is different solid milk. It is a uniformly colored powder of a white-cream color of a homogeneous consistency. Get a product from solid cow's milk. Ready powder can be dissolved without precipitation. It does not have the inclusions of yellow or brown, it is easily frozen between the fingers.

What makes dry milk

The classic product includes only one-piece cow pasteurized milk. The raw material is subjected to a complex five-step procedure for drying and homogenization, allowing you to maintain the composition of almost unchanged. The product is rich in protein, fats, lactic sugar lactose, vitamins, useful substances and microelements. No additional components (soy protein, starch, sugar) are not introduced into the composition - it worsens the quality and taste of the divorce drink.

How do

At five stages there is a dry milk production at the Russian Food Plants. The raw material serves the freshest cow's milk, which is subjected to the following changes:

  1. Normalization - bringing the fat content of the feedstock to the norm (reduced increase, increased - reduce). For this, the product is mixed with less fatty or with cream. This stage is needed to obtain a certain fatality ratio according to regulatory documents.
  2. Pasteurization is the heating of the fluid to clean it from bacteria and viruses. It is necessary to pasteurize milk for a short time, then cool.
  3. Thickening or cooking - at this stage, the product is boosted, divided into one-piece and low-fat subspecies, for which the processes are distinguished by time and parameters. If at this step add sugar to the product, condensed milk.
  4. Homogenization - receipt by the manufacturer of a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Drying - the resulting nutrient fluid is dried on a special machine until it reaches a certain percentage of humidity.

How to breed dry milk at home

When buying a product and subsequent preparation, it is important to comply with the proportions of breeding of the milk powder. For recovery, three parts of warm water will be required (about 45 degrees) and one part of the powder. Enter the liquid gradually, stirred thoroughly, leave for a few minutes to achieve a homogeneous dairy consistency and dissolving proteins.

Useful tips:

  • cold water is undesirable, because the particles are dissolved not completely, crystallized and felt on the teeth;
  • boiling water is also not suitable - it will simply turn milk;
  • insstruct the fluid after breeding is necessarily because it is so optimal product, and not a water with a non-discovered protein;
  • mixer for stirring use harmful - it gives too much foam;
  • enter water gradually and gently so that no lumps are formed;
  • cook coffee and season dry milk - it turns out delicious.

For pancakes

A popular dish in which the product under consideration is used is pancakes on dry milk. To prepare them, you will need a liter of whole milk, which is easy to dilute in the following proportion: 100 grams (8 teaspoons) of a dry powder in a liter of warm water. Add water to powder, and not vice versa, stir and wait 15 minutes so that the solution is homogeneous.

For Kashi.

A pleasant breakfast will serve porridge on a dairy powder, which will be made in proportion to a glass of water 25 grams of powder. Of this quantity, a glass of reduced milk is bipoded 2.5%, which is enough for one portion. For four people, 900 ml of water and 120 grams of powder will have to dilute. Dilution fluid should be warm, stirring lasts continuously until the product is completely dissolved.


Classic powder milk without additives on average contains 496 calories per 100 grams, which is almost 10 times higher than the usual drink. This is explained by the concentration of the product. Whole milk in the powder contains 549 kcal, and skimmed - 373. The product is rich in fats (saturated, greasy acids), sodium, potassium and food fibers. There are many sugars, proteins and vitamins.

Benefit and harm

The composition of the powder is not inferior to natural pasteurized milk. It contains calcium to strengthen bones, potassium to improve the work of the heart and blood vessels, vitamin A to increase the vision and health of the skin. In addition, milk is useful when rickets, because. Here are some more useful properties of the product:

  • useful for anemia;
  • choline normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
  • chlorine removes swelling, cleans the body;
  • magnesium and phosphorus provide comprehensive health support;
  • useful in diabetes, gastroenterological diseases;
  • rich in vitamin B12 and protein, according to reviews important for vegetarians or non-consuming people;
  • easily absorbed, does not waste the digestive tract;
  • does not contain bacteria, does not need boiling;
  • the benefits of vitamins, Buz complex for the health of the body as a whole.

Dry milk harm is not so obvious, rather, it can be called a disadvantage. You can not use allergy powder, people with lactose intolerance or reacting rashes into components. It is not necessary to get involved in the product with a tendency to a set of excess weight - high energy value affects the rapid set of muscular body weight, which is then hard to return to normal - it does not fit for weight loss. This harm factor is transformed in favor of bodybuilding athletes.

Dry milk dishes

Widespread dishes from dry milk at home. Powder can be bought on the shelf of any store. It is used in cooking, confectionery and dessert business. When the milk is added to baking, makes the consistency of the finished product more dense, and during cooking creams and the paste extends their shelf life. It is convenient to use milk powder in order to restore the drink, and then use the liquid in different ways - mix with flour for pancakes or oldes, add to porridge, candy, cakes.

Dry powder in the drying process can caramell, therefore smells of candy. For this fragrance, milk love confectioners that make condensed milk, filling for glorifying cakes and pastries, candy cow. From dried milk, you can cook baby mixtures, chocolate, Ganachi to cover biscuits and cupcakes. Adding a powder to yogurt makes a consistency of homogeneous and prolongs the shelf life.

Prepare dough products. I increased the amount of products twice and prepared a cake with a diameter of 26 cm.

Eggs to join with sugar in a comfortable brewing room.

With the help of a mixer, beat eggs with sugar in lush mass. I scored the eggs for 3-4 minutes.

Then pour into the egg mass of sifted flour and a baking powder, mix with a silicone spatula.

In the resulting mixture to sift dry milk, add vanilla sugar.

Mix the dough thoroughly with a silicone spatula to a homogeneous state. The dough will not be dense, like condensed milk.

Baking shape lubricate vegetable oil, pour the dough into shape. Put the shape with a dough in a cold oven.

Turn on the oven for 200 degrees and bake the cake, mixed on dry milk, approximately 30-35 minutes to dry toothpicks. The cake will become a beautiful golden color and increase in the volume.

Baking a slightly cool in the form, then get and cut into pieces. The cake from the dough on dry milk is obtained very tasty and, for sure, will like it to many.

Dry milk is an infrequent guest in our kitchen cabinets. And very in vain, dear subscribers! This product can be used not only for direct purpose (read - dilute with water and drink). It turns out of it, which are many times more useful shopping. Moreover, some home delicacies on dry milk can eat even on diet.

Editorial "With taste" Asked for you 5 simple recipes for sweets from dry milk. Dietary marshmallow, "Truffles" and even dry cream for coffee - for each recipe you will spend no more than 15 minutes, and at the exit you will get clean yummy without preservatives, thickeners and flavors.

What can be made of powdered milk

Primarily, what powder to choose? We advise low fat milk, because it dissolves better and faster than one-piece. The latter needs to be diluted only with warm water, but even then it can go lumps.

If you do not tolerate lactose, It is possible to replace the usual dry milk on coconut, goat or rice - also in powder. They can be found in specialized stores.

Now let's go to the recipes!

This dry blank is practical than liquid cream, because it is stored much longer, does not contain chemistry and also gently softens the favorite drink.

You will need:

  • 1 cup of sugar powder (half a cup - for moderate sweetness, 2 glasses - for saturated)
  • 4 cups of dry milk
  • 3 tbsp. l. Liquid coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa or vanilla powder at will

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, pour into a sealed container or a glass jar. Store in a dark dry place.

You will need:

  • 1 cup of dry milk
  • 4 tbsp. l. Room temperature cream oil
  • 0.5 h. L. Vanilla extract
  • third glasses of boiling water
  • 150 mg sugar

All ingredients (except for dry milk) carefully sweep the mixer. At the end, add a dry mixture and mix again on medium speed. Ready! You can store such a mixture in the refrigerator no longer than the week. Although rarely condensed milk "experiences" more than two tea drinking, especially with or pancakes.

You will need:

  • 0.5 glasses of dry milk
  • 0.5 glasses of ice water
  • couple drops of vanilla extract

Immediately note: the number of components individually and depends on how much the final product you need. The main thing is to comply with the proportions 1: 1.

To cook homemade, sculpt the mixer dry milk with water at maximum speed. When fluffy foam is formed, drip vanilla extract into it and continue to beat the mixture to the density.

You will need:

  • 1 egg protein
  • 0.5 Art. l. gelatin
  • 0.5 glasses of water
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Degreased dry milk
  • saharo substitute for taste
  • vanillin on taste
  1. Soak gelatin in water temperature for half an hour. The swollen mixture heats on a slow heat until complete dissolution, but do not bring to a boil. Add sweetener, vanillin and mix.
  2. In a separate bowl, take the cooled protein into a dense foam. Now in a spoon, shock the mass into gelatin, continuously whipping a mixer 2-3 minutes.
  3. Shipping a plate or a parchment board, sprinkle with dry milk, quickly lay out the finished chattering mass and form a high rectangle. Through the sieve, suck the marshmallows with the remaining dry milk and remove 1.5-2 hours in the refrigerator.
  4. Cut the finished marshmallow squares and serve.

Calorie per 100 g of product - 119 kcal.

1. The recipe for cooking sweet milk candies is good because the main ingredients can be at hand at any time, so that the delicacy can be made for suddenly seen guests. Spices are additional ingredients that can be added to taste - vanillin, cinnamon, cardamom, and for adult lovers of original combinations, you can use pepper.

2. First of all, it is necessary to weld sugar syrup. To do this, in a small saucepan need to connect water and sugar and send to fire. After boiling on slow fire, dried syrup about 7-10 minutes until it starts a little thick.

3. In the hot syrup, put the creamy oil and leave for a couple of minutes. Then mix it thoroughly to uniformity.

4. Gradually, in several stages pour dry milk, constantly stirring. The weight should be soft, elastic and without lumps.

5. It's time to add to the pinch of your favorite spices. Candy from dry milk at home can be made from cocoa (if you wish, it can not be added, replacing the coconut chips, for example). Mix everything thoroughly and send a lot to a frodder refrigerator. After 35-45 minutes you can get a blank and sculpt candy. They can be given absolutely any shape and before serving to go into cocoa.

Milk is a very nutritious liquid, without which people of any age do not fail. In view of the individual characteristics of the body, not everyone can use a cow or goat milk. To get rid of such problems, dry milk was created, which can be successfully used in cooking, but for this you need to know how precisely from the dry mixture make a liquid ready to use.


Dry milk is a natural product, and it receives it using the technology of drying cow's milk in specialized machines. The advantage of such a process is that dry powder weighs much less and is kept much longer. For powdered composition, you do not need to create special conditions, stored in the refrigerator, as ordinary milk. The bag will be perfectly stored until six months in a dry place in the kitchen. If in rural areas get natural milk right from the cow or goat is simple enough, then in big cities it becomes a real problem, and the store product is significantly different from the rural.

The drying of whole milk makes it possible to have an unlimited supply of milk at home, which will not contact, which will not be allergies that will always be at hand. You should not doubt the naturalness of the product, because for cooking exclusively the cow's milk is taken, which is to be thickened and drying at temperatures up to 170 degrees in special machines, after which it is packaged and fed to the store shelves. This option of processing the product has been developed in the XIX century, where people were already interested in increasing the storage time of this fluid.

Typically, the caloric content of the product is 550 kcal per 100 grams, but in the case of the use of skimmed milk, it decreases to 370 kcal.

It has a lot of beneficial substances, including:

  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, B12, D, C, RR, E;
  • micro and macroelements - sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, cobalt, selenium, manganese, sulfur, iodine, iron, etc.;
  • set of the most important amino acids for the human body.

The composition of dry milk may differ depending on its varieties.

  • Whole It has in its composition the largest percentage of fatty, therefore is the most nutrient for the human body. In connection with this feature, this option has the shortest life of the product. Most often for the preparation of a variety of dishes in food, they are trying to use this particularity.
  • Degreased.For its preparation, one-piece milk is taken, but it additionally removes extra fats from it, after which it is already dried to the state of the powder. Such a product in finished form almost does not have fats, and it makes it possible to store it for almost 9 months. Safety milking milk is often used to prepare cheese, it is added to bread, meat and confectionery.
  • Instant.The composition of such powder contains previous components mixed together, after which the moistened and dried again. Of great importance, such milk acquires in the production of baby food and products that should be prepared very quickly.

In dry milk, 50% carbohydrates occupy, and the rest is separated between proteins and minerals.

Nuances of cooking

To get the usual milk from dry milk, you need to return it to the original condition by adding water. To properly dissolve the mixture, you need to strive for a 3: 1 proportion, where the water should be more than milk. So, on the 1 liter of water, there are 300-350 grams of powder on average. It is best to use warm water for this, in it the mixture is dissolved faster. For different purposes, the proportion of the above components may differ.

To do everything correctly, it is important to comply with such recommendations.

  1. Dissolve dry milk will be much easier to warm water, because from the cold part of the composition dissolve, and the part will take the crystallines that will be felt during drinking.
  2. Prepare ordinary milk from dry will not work if the water is too hot. From the effects of boiling water, the powder will begin to roll.
  3. The correct sequence of preparation of ordinary milk from dry at home is the gradual addition of water into the powder, and not vice versa, otherwise the product without lumps do not work.
  4. The use of a mixer in the case of the preparation of milk will be undesirable, because it creates an unnecessary foam.
  5. After the milk was prepared, it is necessary to give some time for the complete dissolution of its particles and obtaining a fully finished drink.

Do not everyone know that it is possible to use dry milk on an ordinary milk, and it does not lose it. Restored milk is practically no less inferior to whole, therefore should not be afraid to eat it in food. Different in these products will be only nutritional value, which is in a dry variety lower than in the usual. An important nuance is that with allergies on lactose, it is impossible to use milk in any form.

Buying a dry powder, it is important to read the composition of the product and ensure that it does not have vegetable fats, which are often replaced by milk fat, unscrupulous manufacturers. In addition, the resulting composition will be deprived of useful qualities, it can still be dangerous to human health.

Most often in stores you can see such product options:

  • one-piece milking milk, which is sold in the packaging of 200 grams;
  • skipped with a packing of 250 grams;
  • 26% fat, which can be found in packs of 400 grams.

Depending on the purpose of consumption, it is possible to pick up the appearance, and the packaging of the composition, from which with the help of simple manipulations it is possible to obtain the desired result.


Due to the fact that for different tasks in cooking, it is necessary to use various proportions of water and dry milk, it is important to know exactly the specifics of the process.

  • To get a liter of ordinary milk, the fat content of which will be about 3%, it is necessary to take 8 teaspoons of powder. If you need to achieve a less fatty product (no more than 2.6%), then only 6 spoons are made.
  • When the optimal amount of powder is prepared, you need to be watered with water, the temperature of which should be no higher than 60 degrees.
  • Powder must be in deep containers, where the heated water is poured. It is important to do it slowly, stirring the composition. If you jump powder into the water at once, then the likelihood of the formation of a large number of lumps is great.
  • The process of stirring milk must be made until the whole powder is dissolved.
  • At the end, you need to leave ready-made milk for 10 minutes for full instead.

In addition to self-preparation of milk from powder for personal needs, the same principle uses large enterprises that produce dairy products. If there are no problems with obtaining fresh products during the warm season, then in winter it is not possible to get the required amount of milk from the cows, because dry powder is used to produce products.

Production technology is reduced to such processes:

  • calculation of the amount of dry mixture to obtain a certain amount of finished product;
  • determination of the optimal amount of water under the prepared powder prepared;
  • mixing is made with hot water heated to 40 degrees;
  • the resulting solution is sent to purification from undeveloped particles and is passed through a special sieve, the diameter of the holes of which does not exceed 0.3 mm;
  • the process of cooling the resulting liquid and shutter speed for 4 hours for the full swelling of the particles is carried out;
  • to accelerate the above-mentioned enterprise, the installation of SDM-10 is used;
  • the resulting milk is sent to the verification to determine the level of fatty and, if necessary, the normalization of this component is carried out;
  • in order for the quality of the reduced milk to be higher, part of the natural product is added to it.

Thus, the milk purchased in the store is mostly a mixture of powdered and solid products, therefore it will benefit it a little less than from fresh or pair milk.

Dilution proportions

To prepare a useful and delicious food with the content of milk in it, you need to be able to properly breed the powder, adjusting the proportions for a specific dish. If the dry composition is divorced for the preparation of porridge, then it is necessary to proceed from the fat content of the finished product of 2.5%, which is best suited for any option of dairy kas: rice, buckwheat, manna and not only.

To prepare 1 portion of porridge, it is necessary to prepare a glass of water and 5 spoons of powdered milk.For four portions - about one liter of water and 6 spoons of milk, but this time a table is needed, and not a tea device.

In the prepared powder, add the desired amount of heated water, while constantly stirring the contents to obtain a homogeneous mass. When milk is completely ready, you can add any porridge to the choice and cook until readiness.

Dry milk can also be used to feed a child after a year, when moms often end breastfeeding. In order not to limit the baby in nutrients and increase the day portions due to the growth of the body, the dry option of milk is suitable as it is impossible. Thanks to the absence of certain requirements for storage, it can be taken with you to the street and even in long journeys without any risk for the child.

To properly breed dry milk and make a baby nutrient liquid food, it is important not only to read the instructions on the packaging, but also consult with a doctor who can more accurately help with the definition of the fatty of the dairy compositions that will benefit the child. Too fatty drink can cause allergic reactions, because the water ratio with a dry mixture will be individual.

Not always in the process of cooking, it is necessary to first breed dry milk, and then conduct further manipulation with it. When cooking pancakes, it is more convenient to pour powder, salt and sugar into knocked eggs, and only after thorough mixing add water. For this recipe, you will need 2-3 eggs, five spoons of dry milk, chopping salt and several sugar spoons. For such a quantity, it is optimal to use 300 ml of heated water, after which all components are thoroughly mixed. When the contents became homogeneous, without any lumps, it will be necessary to add 1-2 cups of flour and bringing the composition until uniformity.

After that, a little lean oil is poured, and you can start frying.

Erroneous action

To any manipulations with dry milk led to positive results, you need to know not only the technology of their holding, but the most common mistakes to do not commit.

The main problem situations.

  • Using cold water for mixing. In cold water, sugar is practically not dissolved, what to talk about powder. Make a full milk from it will not work.
  • The ignorance of the main features of the process of breeding milk can lead to the use of boiling water for these purposes, which is also inappropriate, because the powder will begin to roll, and not dissolve.
  • Dilute powder with water is better manually, because the use of electrical appliances leads to the appearance of a foam, which is suitable only for milk cocktails.
  • To restore milk from the powder it is important to choose the correct sequence of actions. If you just dilute the composition of the water, it will be difficult to stir so that no lumps remains, and the infusion of a small amount of water and constant stirring make it possible to get the desired result.

Despite the fact that dry milk is a useful product, it is necessary to use it neatly and in the correct proportions. Due to the fact that the resulting liquid has a high percentage of fatty, then, with a constant consumption, the person increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which harms health. Restored milk should not be drunk before bedtime or after the morning charging due to the presence of casein, for the processing of which is needed at least two hours.

Running dry milk should be neat with proportions, because the use of too fat product leads to atherosclerosis. Such a dairy product harms the heart and vessels, which is very quickly affected by the general condition of the person. Use dry milk powder is needed with the mind, clearly determining the necessary proportions for drinking, cooking, feeding a child or a massset for sports accomplishments, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

For details on how to make ordinary milk from dry, you will learn from the following video.