Pilaf with dried fruits in a Panasonic multicooker. Pilaf sweet in a slow cooker

03.04.2019 Salads

When choosing a name for their newborn baby, many are guided by different goals. Some of the parents want the baby to have the name of the mother or father, for some it may even be a family tradition, and someone simply chooses from the list of fashionable and popular names. In order not to be mistaken in such a difficult choice, it is still better to read specialized literature, which describes in detail the meaning of a name for a child and the traits that it can bring to a baby.

The name Tatiana does not lose its popularity today. Many parents are happy to call their babies so. If you carefully study the history and origin of the name, then many argue that Tatiana may have a tendency to clairvoyance, many have a very well-developed intuition. Therefore, it is often Tanya that they turn to for advice and listen to her words. There are many versions in history of where the name Tatiana came from, some argue that it comes from Rome. Where these were named after the daughters of the consuls, someone is inclined to believe that this is one of the variations of the name of the Sabine king Tatius. In the ancient Greek version, the translation sounds like "founder or organizer." There is another very interesting interpretation of the origin in the Orthodox faith. It originates at a time when Christianity was severely punished and persecuted. Tatiana was a Christian, and the ruler ordered her to be thrown into a cage with lions if she did not renounce her faith, but when she entered the predator's lair, he just looked at her and did not touch her. The woman withstood all the trials, but did not deny her Lord.

The character of the child.

Tatiana will most often grow up to be a very emotional child. All her principles and beliefs are very important to her, she is ready to defend them in adults and not give in in anything. From the kindergarten the child will position himself as a real leader. In the event that children from the very beginning do not accept such a position, she is able to change the tactics of behavior, but in the end she will still make sure that everyone does as she says.

Tanya will be very fickle from childhood. She just needs bright and real emotions for her it is difficult to do something monotonous and monotonous. Such activities make her bored. At school, a girl can reveal herself as a very talented person, most often one can observe an interest in dancing or some kind of sports section.


In a relationship, a girl can very often take the initiative. She will by any means achieve that young man, which aroused her interest. In the company of young people, where the object of hobby will be, she can simply shine with all her charm, she will try to do everything to win the attention of a young man.

Entering into an intimate relationship with a man, the girl is very great attention will focus on the sexual side of the relationship. For her, harmony and full compatibility are important. She can go headlong into relationships and dissolve in them, while closing her eyes to all the shortcomings of her chosen one. There are two poles in such a woman - she can love to her fingertips or remain indifferent, despite everything that a man will do for her.

If a woman is disappointed in relationships with men, then, most likely, she will plunge headlong into work and with her workaholism will fill the void in her heart and lonely evenings in front of the TV.

A family.

In her family, Tanya tries to fully realize herself. More often than not, she may have two children, for whom she will become just the perfect mother. Household chores can be performed on her part with great reluctance, she will constantly need to overpower herself for this, but she will always find time for children. Their interests will stand above their own all their lives, she is inclined to close her eyes to their misdeeds and shortcomings. The only activity in the kitchen that can bring her pleasure is baking. She eagerly and with great desire masters new recipes and constantly pampers her family. delicious cakes or cookies. In this area, she tries to improve herself, gradually studying cooking more thoroughly. In this area, Tatyana sometimes simply cannot be equal.

For a woman, the material condition of the family is very important. She will try to do everything in her power to provide for her children only better conditions... Tanya can put pressure on her spouse and force him to act only as she sees fit. Very often, such manipulations fail. With age, a woman will gradually learn not only to trust her husband, but also to reckon with his opinion. This period will bring long-awaited harmony to the family and mutual understanding. For Tatiana, marriage is very important. In the event that the union failed, she can remarry until she finds a person with whom she will be comfortable.


All Tatyana are characterized by good communication skills, so the specialty should be chosen in this direction. Many people choose the profession of a teacher and succeed in this field. Oratory skills and persuasiveness with which the teacher addresses the class makes even the most difficult and inattentive students behave well in the classroom and listen to the teacher's words.

Also Tatiana can try herself as an administrator. In this position, the ability to find a common language with people will also come in handy. She will be able to effectively resolve conflict situations between employees or clients of the organization in which she works. Sometimes Tanya can try herself in the role of a public figure and this option can be quite successful. Thanks to the ability to speak well and beautifully and her talent of persuasion, she will be able to convey the necessary information to people and persuade them in her direction.

The owner of such a name can build a very successful career, because she simply does not take up determination and vigorous activity. In some cases in the workplace, conflicts can still arise due to character. The fact is that a woman can be overly impulsive. Excessive emotions and worries will not be the best helpers in your career.

General characteristics of the name.

Tatiana most often show themselves as very purposeful and persistent personalities. In disputes with others, a woman is very critical of all objections. She is almost always confident that she is completely correct. Unfortunately, some Tani choose to simply not use that one. huge potential that is hidden inside them. Instead, they are content with what they have and do not try to improve the situation.

Acquaintances and friends can say about their friend with such a name that she is very proud and in some cases this can be a significant disadvantage. It should also be noted such a negative character trait as vindictiveness. A woman does not forget her offenders and can suddenly and rather unpleasantly recall the past. In some cases, she herself becomes a provocateur of high-profile scandals at work.

Tanya can be called a good friend, she will always help, but she will not sacrifice something important and meaningful for this. In the circle of her acquaintances, she practically does not worry about what they may think of her, most often she is inherent in the position that everyone should accept her as she is.
Tanya will be a wonderful child who can turn into a confident young and happy woman, or the opposite can happen. Do not blame only the name for this, because the main part of the upbringing and development of the daughter still lies only with the parents.

On January 25, 2019, there are 2 holidays in our country at once - women with the name Tatiana celebrate their name days, and all of Russia celebrates Student's Day.

On Tatiana's day, they congratulate relatives and friends who bear the name Tatiana, give Tatiana flowers and gifts. In the old days, it was believed that a woman born on January 25 - on Tatyana's Day, is a good housewife.

The Holy Martyr Tatiana was born into a noble Roman family - her father was elected consul three times. But he was a secret Christian and raised a daughter devoted to God and the Church.

Having reached adulthood, Tatiana did not marry and served God in one of the churches, caring for the sick and helping those in need in fasting and prayer.

In 226, the girl was arrested during another persecution of Christians. When they brought her to the temple of Apollo to force her to offer a sacrifice to the idol, the saint prayed - and suddenly an earthquake occurred, the idol was blown to pieces, and part of the temple collapsed and crushed the priests and many pagans.

The demon inhabiting the idol fled with a cry from that place, while everyone saw a shadow sweeping through the air. Then they began to beat the holy virgin, gouged out her eyes, but she endured everything courageously, praying for her tormentors that the Lord would open their spiritual eyes to them. And the Lord heeded the prayer of His servant.

It was revealed to the executioners that four Angels surrounded the saint and deflected blows from her, and they heard a Voice from heaven addressed to the holy martyr. All of them, eight people, believed in Christ and fell at the feet of Saint Tatiana, asking them to forgive them their sin against her.

For professing to be Christians, they were tortured and executed by being baptized in blood. On the next day they again betrayed Saint Tatiana to torture: they bared her, beat her, began to cut her body with razors, and then milk instead of blood flowed out of the wounds, and a fragrance spread in the air.

The torturers were exhausted and declared that someone invisible was beating them with iron rods, nine of them died immediately.

They threw the saint into prison, where she prayed all night and sang praises to the Lord with the angels. A new morning began, and Saint Tatiana was again brought to trial.

The amazed tormentors saw that after so many terrible torments she appeared completely healthy and even more radiant and beautiful than before. They began to persuade her to make a sacrifice to the goddess Diana. The saint pretended to agree, and she was brought to the temple.

Saint Tatiana crossed herself and began to pray. - and suddenly there was a deafening thunderclap, and the lightning incinerated the idol, the victim and the priests. They again cruelly tortured the martyr, and again threw her into prison for the night, and again the Angels of God appeared to her and healed her wounds.

Then the girl was taken to the circus arena, a terrible lion was released on her, but the beast only caressed the saint and licked her feet. And when they tried to take him back to the cage, he suddenly rushed at one of the tormentors and tore him to pieces. They threw Tatiana into the fire, but the fire did not harm the martyr either.

The pagans, thinking that she was a sorceress, cut her hair to deprive her of magical powers, and locked her in the temple of Zeus. But the power of God cannot be taken away. On the third day, the priests came, surrounded by a crowd, preparing to make sacrifices.

Opening the temple, they saw an idol cast into the dust and the holy martyr Tatiana, joyfully calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

All torture was exhausted. In the end, the judge ordered to cut off the head of Tatyana and her father, and she was entered by Christians in the calendar as perished for the faith.

As history testifies, Tatyana's day was special among the Moscow patronal holidays.

Why is Student's Day celebrated on Tatiana's Day

In 1755, the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana (Tatiana's Day) acquired a new meaning in the history of Russian science - Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a "Decree on the establishment of a university of two gymnasiums in Moscow."

Then followed the decree of Nicholas I, where he ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the signing of the act on its establishment. This is how a student holiday appeared - Tatiana's Day and Student's Day.

Moscow students honored the memory of Martyr Tatiana with solemn prayers and performances of their choirs in churches. And the university church was consecrated in honor of Tatiana.

Many generations of students and university professors have prayed in this temple for many years. The Soviet government closed the church.

In 1994, on January 25, according to the new style, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia for the first time served a prayer service in the Tatian Church.

On the same day, the First All-Church Congress of Orthodox Youth began its work at the university. Tatyana's Day has become a favorite holiday for students also because in the Russian system of higher education it traditionally coincides with the end of the fall semester and the beginning of winter holidays ...

Do not forget this historical fact: On January 12, according to the old style, the namesake of Her Imperial Highness, Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna Romanova, daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, who was shot by the Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg in 1918, was celebrated.

Tatiana's Day with its fraternal feasts, pranks of venerable professors, sleigh rides has become an indispensable object of student folklore, an attribute of student traditions.

Folk traditions and customs on Tatyana's day

Since ancient times, on Tatiana's day, it was customary to bake loaves in the form of the Sun. “Tatyana and the loaf bakes, and the rugs on the river beats, and the round dance leads!” - they used to say in the old days.

This is the day of Tatiana Kreschenskaya and Babiy Kut. Babi kut is a place near the Russian stove, a woman's corner, where all household items were kept, and the hostess spent a lot of time.

The family called this place the sun. Therefore, on Tatiana's day, the "big women" - the elders in the family of the hostess - baked a large rug, a symbol of the sun.

These same housewives took out the baked goods from the oven, let the bread cool down a little and broke off a piece of bread warm and handed it out to all family members. Such was the tradition on Tatiana's day - to call for spring, inviting the luminary to return to the people as soon as possible and drive away the fierce Epiphany frosts.

By tradition, each family member had to eat at least a piece of such a loaf so that the Sun would give him a little of its warmth.

On Tatyana's day, women twisted balls of yarn as tight and large as possible - so that the cabbage heads would be taut and large.

From ancient times it was considered necessary on Tatyana's day to go to the river and knock out of the rugs all the dirt accumulated in them for winter holidays... Then the rugs were hung on the fences so that the guys could judge the girl by them - what kind of wife she would turn out to be.

Signs for Tatyana's day according to the national calendar

  • the sun peeps through - the birds will arrive early;
  • a lot of snow will fall - summer will be rainy;
  • frost and sun - summer will be good;
  • if it is frosty and clear on Tatiana, there will be a good harvest.

The character of a woman named Tatiana

What does the name Tatiana mean? Translated from ancient Greek - arranging (something), organizer, founder; on behalf of the legendary Sabine king Tatius *.

Since childhood, Tatiana has been distinguished by emotionality and at the same time the ability to stand up for herself, pragmatism and adherence to principles, however, her principles can change depending on her mood.

In the circle of her peers she tries to be a leader. During his school years he attends sports sections, a dance club; dancing is the weakness of many Tatyans. It is burdensome with monotony.

Adult Tatyana is stubborn enough and domineering, knows what she wants, does not like objections and will always try to insist on her own.

Will do well with any work, especially if it happens in front of the immediate boss; being often the leader herself, she has the habit of pulling down subordinates, putting them in their place.

This woman is artistic, especially in public, egocentric, prefers male society. At home, she is somewhat despotic, shouts at home.

In family life, she is often unhappy, as she strives to lead her husband and at the same time wants a strong, courageous person to be next to her.

Children are a little afraid of Tatyana: she is strict and quick-tempered, she can shout at them without any particular reason. She does not have very many friends, she is alien to sentimentality; in relations with others, including the mother-in-law, a pragmatic approach dominates.

He likes to dress fashionably, but, having no imagination in this area, pays, as a rule, a lot of money for ready-made clothes.

Lover home canning, thrifty. In the family, he often initiates repairs, alterations, rearrangements of furniture. With age, more tolerance appears in Tatyana's character, which has a beneficial effect on family relationships.

Doesn't like to complain about life to her friends. Jealous, but stubbornly hides her jealousy. Cannot stand monotony; her passion is long trips, travel.

Among all Tatyans, the most calm - with the patronymic Mikhailovna, gifted and rather calm - Vladimirovna, very stubborn - Nikolaevna.

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day short in verse

Tatyana's day, Tatyana's day,
The lilac is still not happy
There are still snows all over,

Even outside the windows a blizzard
But it's time for January
Prepare the sled from the yard.
And February is in a hurry to the throne,

Piercing the distance with the whistle of the wind.
Go to Tatiana and tell
Words from the heart from the soul
Congratulate her and wish

Happy days and years,
So that joy overflows,
And the light of good signs came true.

* * *
Tatiana! Birthday - happiness
And bad weather does not suit you.
Today, I know for sure
Happiness has enough room for you!

* * *
Our dear Tatiana!
Can't find a flaw in you!
You are still desired
And, as before, it is good.

* * *
Good hostess
And a kind soul
"Tatiana, - happy birthday!", -
We whisper, barely breathing.

Live without bad weather
Unaware of adversity
And may great happiness
The holiday will bring you.

* * *
Tatyana, you inspire us
And for study, and work,

And let you have fun
And you protect from harm.

* * *
Tatiana is a Russian soul,
At home, endowed with beauty,

And the king, whose name he bears since childhood,
She inherited royalty.

Whatever the cost, she
She is firm in her decisions and often

Rights. Strong in character
Yes, and knows how to joke aptly.

Empty does not tolerate objections -
The facts are weighty, the importance of topics ...

It's easier for her to build relationships
With men with whom there is no problem.

Among them, she is comfortable and sweet.
Full of charm

All your artistry without a trace
She will show among men.

Everyone is looking for Tatiana's company:
She is quick for invention,

As in a toastmaster, there is no flaw in it,
Like the sun, warmth is generous.

And symbolically - in January,
When the frost is longer than the day

The sun is brighter in the yard
Tatiana's day comes to us.

Congratulations to everyone on name days,
Whom to call Tatyana,

And we will celebrate the noisy Tanyam holiday,
Let's give the opportunity to shine.

* * *
Good hostess
And a kind soul
"Tatiana, - happy birthday!", -
We whisper, barely breathing.

Live without bad weather
Unaware of adversity
And may great happiness
The holiday will bring you.

* * *
The amber cup is full for a long time,
Wine splashes white foam.
Light is dearer to the heart,

So who will we drink wine for?
Let's drink to Tanya, Tanya wine,
May happiness be given to her in life!

* * *
Wonderful name - Tatiana!
If you, friends, are not lazy,
Celebrate the victory of knowledge
It was on Tatiana's day!

* * *
Well, Tatyana, you give,
You live very cool!
As a student and as a lady
You only recognize the smart ones.

And you are not so lazy
Have fun this day.
You bring your shadow to the fence
You have been that day.

You walk and sing
And you don't get tired at all.
And they walk with you
All the students are already two hundred years old.

Video: Tatiana's Day - a comic holiday script for students

Tatyana - Greek tatteo - arrange, arrange.

Tatyana's birthday according to the church calendar:

  • January 18:Tatiana, St.
  • The 25th of January:Tatiana of Rome, mts., Deaconess, virgin
  • October 3:Tatiana

Characteristics of the name Tatiana

As a child, Tatiana is very sensitive and modest. You cannot call her a calm child. She always arranges some fun and games, is mobile, laughing Tatiana reacts sharply to insults, can withdraw into herself, and can respond with harsh, unpleasant words. She loves to draw, read, invent her own stories and make whole performances out of them. Tatiana loves to tinker with animals, to observe their behavior. She helps around the house, but she does it with great reluctance, as needed and, on occasion, gladly avoids this matter. Tatiana is attached to her parents, treats them with great respect and always obeys them.

Tatiana is a great student, but she achieves all success with hard, painstaking work. Natural laziness lives in her character, which she often has to overcome. Tatyana does not want to do her homework, read a long boring text, fiddle with a drawing, but she realizes that this is necessary. Tatiana is incredibly talented, and her talents can manifest themselves in various fields. Most often, she is inclined towards humanitarian subjects and the arts. Tatyana amazingly analyzes texts, masters the language, draws well and, draws, makes crafts. She is an unusually artistic person, feels music, moves perfectly, reads and recites poetry with expression. Her memory is simply overwhelming. Tatiana will be happy to take part in a school event that is interesting to her. However, for a long time, as a rule, she is not interested in anything. She can't stand anything that lasts too long at all. Tatiana willingly helps her classmates with a difficult task. In class, she is usually loved and respected, and her opinion is appreciated. Tatiana is friendly to everyone, hates conflicts, but if something happens she knows how to stand up for herself and defend her opinion.

Adult Tatiana is stubborn, independent, strives for complete independence. She is very efficient, clearly defines her life goal and confidently strives to achieve it. Tatiana cannot be forced to turn off the intended path. She is proud, somewhat selfish, has a sharp mind and observation. She works hard, takes responsibilities responsibly. Sometimes Tatiana is overly arrogant. She rejects the advice of outsiders, preferring to "step on the same rake" several times in a row until she is convinced of her mistake. She takes any decision alone. Tatiana will never remain aloof from the team, she is curious, she can express her point of view straightforwardly. As a rule, Tatiana considers herself extremely shrewd, but her position is far from the truth. She often does not understand people and is mistaken about them. She has an even relationship with colleagues at work, she is friendly, smiling, but she will easily turn into an arrogant irritable person, as soon as she makes a public comment. Tatiana is endowed with colossal potential, infinitely talented - the main thing is to use it for its intended purpose. She can take place as a creative person - an artist, a writer or an actress. Able to become a good engineer, literary critic, critic, journalist, doctor, teacher, translator, scientist. Tatyana will make a good leader - quite firm, but fair.

For Tatiana, communication and friendship are of great importance. She doesn't have that many friends. Tatiana is responsive, will not leave you in trouble, will always offer help and support, if all this, of course, does not interfere with her own interests. She is devoid of meanness, but she does not forget offenses, and she will not forgive betrayal. Tatiana will perfectly keep someone else's secret. She herself is not completely open, her innermost thoughts are hidden in the depths of her soul.

Tatiana is endowed with a huge reserve of charm. She tries to dress elegantly, but she also loves something original. Tatiana likes male society, attention and admiration. However, she does not tolerate excessive sentimentality, passionate expression of feelings and importunity. She is flattered by exquisite beautiful courtship, compliments, gifts, but this will not win her heart. Tatiana makes her choice herself. Her chosen one is a strong, interesting man with taste and sense of humor. Tatiana is attentive caring hostess... She loves her children, is able to understand and forgive them perfectly. Tatyana strives to become the sovereign mistress of the house, but she knows how to give in and find an approach to her husband. She will be offended by treason, but she may not dare to divorce. Tatiana is a person of habit, it is difficult for her to change the way of life. She can take revenge on her husband in return.