Successful career in a restaurant: from a waiter to…. Responsibilities of the restaurant administrator

23.08.2019 Egg dishes

What does the administrator of a catering establishment (cafe, restaurant, etc.)

Not in every cafe, especially when it comes to a large institution, the director is able to quickly solve all the problems and issues that arise. For these purposes, a special employee is hired - an administrator, sometimes also called a manager or manager.

The main labor tasks of the administrator are to organize and control the work of the institution. These two concepts include a huge amount of work - both with the service staff of the cafe and with the guests of the establishment, including solving any issues that arise, resolving problems and even scandals.

At the same time, the positions of a cafe administrator and a restaurant administrator, if they differ, are insignificant, since these establishments themselves usually differ only in the assortment of dishes and pricing policy (sometimes in the interior and serving). Thus, the main set of job responsibilities of cafe and restaurant administrators is the same; job descriptions can only provide for a wider or, conversely, a more limited list of job responsibilities of a particular specialist.

Job description for a cafe / restaurant administrator (structure, design, content)

Since the job description is an internal document of the organization, employers can independently generate this kind of documentation without restrictions in appearance and content. However, most often, when developing this kind of documentation, employers use standard forms of documents formed by the rules of personnel records management.

So, what is a typical job description for an administrator in an establishment such as a cafe or restaurant? On the first page of the document, at the top right, there is a place for information about the date of approval of the instruction and the official of the company that approved it. It also contains information about the employees who agreed on the text of the document during its development.

  1. General Provisions. This part defines the basic requirements for the employee, such as:
    • education;
    • work experience;
    • professional skills.

    In the same section, the procedure for hiring, dismissing and replacing an employee is established, the place of the position in the general organizational and staff structure of the organization is indicated and the immediate superior of the employee is determined.

  2. Job rights and duties of an employee. This section is the main one in the job description, it lists everything that the employee must and can do in connection with his work in this organization. Special attention should be paid to the development of this section, since an employee, in accordance with labor legislation, has the right to carry out only those instructions and instructions that correspond to his job duties, established by the labor contract and job description.
  3. Employee responsibility. This section defines the list of labor violations for which punishment is possible, and lists the types of punishments. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that the responsibility determined by the job description cannot be stricter than that provided for by the norms of the current labor legislation.
  4. Requirements for a cafe / restaurant administrator

    The education of a candidate for the position of administrator of a cafe or restaurant is usually not as demanding as for specialists in another field of activity. In most cases, secondary vocational education is sufficient, and, depending on the prestige of the institution, it can be non-core. Note: there is a specialty "Organization of services in public catering", in connection with which some employers may require a diploma of graduation in this particular direction.

    The leading place among the requirements for a possible cafe administrator is work experience. Each employer sets the duration of work in such a position independently, so the terms may vary depending on the level of the institution where the specialist is admitted. However, in the absence of relevant experience, a candidate can only count on the position of an assistant administrator.

    In addition to the above, depending on the profile of the institution, the candidate for the position may also have requirements for knowledge of a foreign language, computer, etc.

    The main duties and rights of the administrator of the catering establishment

    The list of standard job duties of the administrator of a cafe or restaurant may include such job functions as:

  • organization of effective work of the catering establishment;
  • management of subordinate employees, including scheduling of shifts, training, control of the work process and compliance with the requirements of the institution;
  • monitoring activities in relation to the quality of the food served;
  • control over compliance with the terms of sale of products, the rules of commodity neighborhood when storing food and other rules and regulations for working with food;
  • control over the operation of machinery and equipment;
  • settlement of disagreements, including between the staff and customers of the institution;
  • preparation of the necessary documentation and reporting;

In addition, the official duties of the administrator of a catering establishment may include:

  • recruiting activities;
  • conducting inventory activities;
  • work with the cashier;
  • organization of banquets.

The list is not exhaustive, since in addition to the above, each employer, when drawing up a job description, can indicate some other job responsibilities of the cafe administrator.

As for the official rights of the catering administrator, their main purpose is to facilitate the performance of labor functions by the employee and increase the efficiency and productivity of labor. The following powers can be attributed to the main official rights of the administrator of a cafe / restaurant:

  • notify the management of the shortcomings identified in the process of work and demand their elimination;
  • make proposals to improve the efficiency of their activities;
  • ask the management of the institution to resolve any conflict, if it is impossible to do it on your own;
  • get acquainted with the decisions of the management in the activities of the administrator;
  • have access to the information necessary for the operation of the institution (within the competence).

Responsibility of the administrator of the catering establishment

Determining the responsibility of the cafe / restaurant administrator in the job description, the institution's management establishes a list of misconduct for which the employee can be punished.

So, the administrator of a cafe / restaurant can be held liable in the following cases:

  • if losses are caused to the institution through the fault of the administrator;
  • equipment malfunctions due to the fault of the administrator;
  • non-fulfillment of official duties;
  • incorrect informing of the management about the real state of affairs in the institution;
  • non-compliance with the norms and requirements of legislation and local documents of the organization;
  • non-observance of labor discipline;
  • disclosure of information classified as a commercial or official secret.

As in the case of official rights and duties, the management of the institution can make its own adjustments to the list of misconduct determined in the job description. You can download a sample job description for a cafe administrator that complies with the rules and regulations of current legislation on our website.

In all cultural and entertainment centers, institutions, it is necessary to maintain order, cleanliness, and organize work.

For such places, these factors play a very important role. For example, in places where people eat, it is necessary to observe all the rules of sanitary norms, to organize a favorable environment. The administrator of a restaurant, cafe, pub, bar does just that. Such a profession was created long ago in order to be able to monitor all processes during the work of the institution.

In this article we will tell you about all the intricacies and responsibilities of a restaurant administrator.

Restaurant manager

From Latin "administrator" is translated as "manager". Nowadays, the administrator is the person who provides management. It is the responsibility of the restaurant administrator to supervise all employees. That is, it can be called the main thing in the institution during the working process. Its task is to organize the functioning of the institution. This person is responsible for the operation of the facility, for its success and popularity. In a restaurant, the main goal is to have a lot of people visiting it. To do this, the administrator must make every effort so that visitors see him as a professional. After all, a good atmosphere in an institution always has a positive effect on the visitor.

Responsibilities of the restaurant administrator

Since the administrator is the manager and has the status of the chief during the labor process, it can be concluded that he has the most duties and powers.

The restaurant administrator must come to work before everyone else in order to monitor the state of the establishment before the working day. After that, make a plan for the day to improve everything that is needed. The duties of the restaurant administrator include meeting with the guests, greeting and receiving them, and sometimes the administrators take the visitor to the table. Often this employee does small social surveys in order to find out the opinions of guests about the institution and draw certain conclusions on how to improve the work. Also, the duties of the restaurant administrator include servicing and checking all household appliances, you need to check them for serviceability and normal performance. It is necessary to arrange the work of cooks, bartenders, waiters, to monitor their correct actions and compliance with all guidelines. Another important part of the administrator's work is organizing the work of the dishwashing department, because the good reputation of the restaurant depends on their work.

The restaurant administrator is responsible for keeping track of all financial moments during the working day, all cash registers must be in good working order, and cashiers must work competently and accurately.

Duties during banquets

Often people celebrate high-profile events in restaurants, this is due to the fact that there is no need to cook anything, then clean it up, just come to the restaurant, take a walk, and calmly go home. In order for everything to happen this way, all requirements must be met by the institution. It is necessary to organize a banquet hall or venue. To arrange everything in a beautiful way, so that vacationers would be pleasant and would like to come here again. All this is the responsibility of the restaurant administrator. It is also necessary to monitor the arrangement of the venue for the banquet with musical accompaniment, for the high-quality and timely preparation of all dishes and drinks. Before the start of the event, the instructions of the restaurant administrator should be worked out, because he has a clear sequence of actions.

The administrator should warmly welcome all guests, take them to their tables, tell them what and where to be, what guests can expect and what to expect. During the banquet, he must monitor the performance of the waiter's work and ask the visitors what they lack and how they can help. At the end of the event, the administrator should thank the guests and guide them to the exit. After that, follow the cleaning in the room.


The restaurant administrator should look personable during the working day. Most often, classic suits are assumed, as they are best suited for this profession. The administrator is the face of the establishment. Therefore, it must have a well-groomed appearance. Taking care of your appearance is a very important part of your responsibilities.

It can be concluded that a difficult and responsible job is a restaurant administrator.

Work as a waiter is perceived by many as temporary. They do not require a diploma and often do not ask about their past place of work. The art of serving food can be learned in a few shifts. The responsibilities are simple: take orders, send information to the kitchen, serve ready meals and get paid.

The job seeker is attracted by both the salary, which may be slightly higher than the average in the city, and earnings in the form of "tips", which are paid daily in some establishments. According to the site, the site offers a salary of 20 to 40 thousand rubles. Tips, which may equal the rate, are of course not included here.

Looking into any bar, cafe or restaurant, you will meet a young man or girl. Most often these are students who need a part-time job during their studies. But many of them stay here after graduation.

It is easy to get into the restaurant business, but to get out of it, if this activity has become to your liking, it is very difficult. This idea illustrates well the specifics of catering. And a waiter who is just starting his career, working with genuine interest, has much more significant prospects in the restaurant business than a graduate of the Faculty of Management.

« My career in the restaurant business started from the position of a waiter. It was in the USA, but that school and the amount of knowledge that I received there, I was happy to apply at home. And in a short time it turned out to open several of our own establishments. We try to make sure that employees grow in the company. In all our enterprises, the positions of managers and administrators are occupied by people who came to us several years ago in line positions. During this time, we see the dynamics of human development, his desires, opportunities. The employee understands what he needs and whether he wants to develop further. He shares our values. That is why we practically do not take on the position of the leader of new people from outside."- Nikolay Shalygin

So who the waiter could be tomorrow

Senior waiter

You can climb a notch above your colleagues by becoming a senior waiter. The difference in "rank" is small, but the responsibility is added. In addition to meeting and serving guests, you need to coordinate the work of waiters and bartenders, resolve conflict situations and report to the administrator. The list of responsibilities may differ from company to company.


If you type the site "" in the search for vacancies on the site, among the requirements will necessarily be "experience in catering from 1 year." And if you can get a job as a waiter without experience, then the vacancy "administrator" is suitable for a waiter with experience, who believes that he has already outgrown his position.

An administrator is a person who must know everything. He is responsible for the work of waiters, bartenders, washers, doormen,. During the shift, you have to solve a lot of tasks: check if the staff have a clean uniform, if the bartender has placed the bottles at the counter correctly, if there are any stains on the plates, if the tablecloths are evenly laid, if there are enough napkins on the tables, who booked the VIP room, what salads ordered for a banquet and so on.

It is not enough to know the menu, the composition of cocktails and detergents. You need to have sociability in a square and stress resistance in a cube, because there will be many problems and the administrator must first of all solve them.

Restaurant manager

The manager is responsible for the work of his shift. His responsibilities include opening and closing an institution, recruiting and training personnel, resolving conflict situations. He must also monitor the quality work of each employee. In small establishments, his functions coincide with those of an administrator (they often hire only one person). But in large restaurants and cafes, the manager will be responsible for order.

Managing director

A good waiter knows what the cocktail consists of and which side to put the dessert spoon on. will reassure a customer who has been spilled this cocktail on their knees and will book a table for them for the next weekend. A good manager will never overturn a cocktail, because he will hire people with normal coordination and teach them how to serve drinks without dropping glasses and the honor of the establishment. And if this manager occasionally shares with the restaurant owner his thoughts on how to attract new customers and what dishes to add to the menu, justifying ideas with economic indicators, it is likely that he will be the first to be considered for the position of manager when such a vacancy is opened.

Managers in the restaurant business without experience in this area are rarely encountered in practice. And, first of all, they will be looking for an employee from among their own people. After all, you will have to control not only the staff, but also the key areas of business - finance, marketing, advertising, licensing, and the development of the institution. The person who will be responsible for all this should have maximum trust.

Owner / co-owner of the establishment

It is almost impossible to save up for your own coffee shop while working as a waiter. But on the other hand, you can come up with an original idea for a new establishment and find investors “for it”. This is not an easy task, and in addition to desire, you will need knowledge of business processes, the ability to deliver presentations, firmness, confidence and many other qualities.

For those who do not want to work for hire, there is another option - to open a franchise establishment. You can start with a small coffee shop, which over time can be promoted to the network.

Who else can work in a restaurant

For example, a graduate with a degree in Public Relations can become a PR-manager or art-director of the institution in which he previously worked as a waiter. Knowing the specifics of the work and having certain skills, it will be easier for him to navigate in a new position.

You can entrust the bookkeeping or marketing campaign of a restaurant to your waiter employee who has received the appropriate diploma.

With taste and creative thinking, you can become an interior designer and design a new restaurant or cafe.

A sociable, "lively" person who knows how to maintain a conversation and always turns out to be the soul of the company, you can try your hand at organizing celebrations or holding events.

Nikolay Shalygin

co-owner of Papa John's pizzerias, Cheburechnaya snack bars and the Harmochka restaurant

To build a career in the restaurant business, you need to love what you do, sincerely love your guests, understand your desires and try to predict them. In this case, everything will turn out very well. It is also true that good skills are impossible without deep knowledge. A good employee is interested in everything from the methods of making malt whiskey to the specifics of making table textiles and meat. Of course, a general knowledge of the service culture is also vital.

If you like working in cafes and restaurants and want to advance in this area above the position of a waiter, you should inquire in advance about possible vacancies in your company. It is likely that an employee who already works as a waiter and has managed to get acquainted with the specifics of this particular institution will be invited to take them.

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26.10.2018, 12:35

A large cafe or a respectable restaurant requires a properly organized management, and the director does not always have time to quickly cope with all the issues that arise. A hired administrator becomes his assistant. This employee is responsible for organizing management and solving day-to-day tasks. The duties of the restaurant administrator should be spelled out in a special instruction.

How to compose

To begin with, this document defines the terms of reference, rights, duties, and also fixes the responsibility of the employee. The instruction is drawn up in free form, its content depends on the specifics of the work of a particular institution.

In fact, the job duties of the administrator of a cafe and a restaurant practically do not differ; these employees perform the same functions. To determine the complete list of functions, a standard document is drawn up. It must be approved by the head of the institution. The manual consists of several basic sections:

Job description section Content
General Provisions.It is necessary to prescribe the requirements for the qualifications of the administrator, his level of education and work experience in a similar position. It is indicated to whom this employee is subordinate in the structure of the organization, the procedure for hiring, dismissing and replacing, if necessary, is prescribed.
Main section.It lists the job responsibilities and rights of the restaurant administrator. This section should contain an exhaustive list of the functions that the employee must perform. If any instruction goes beyond the scope of official duties, the employee has the right not to comply with it.
The responsibility of the employee for non-compliance with the requirements.Disciplinary responsibility is imposed in accordance with the norms of labor legislation.

Also, the instructions can prescribe special requirements and responsibilities that are important for a particular institution, taking into account the specifics of its work.

Basic list

In practice, the administrator of a cafe or restaurant usually performs the following set of job functions:

Administrator functionality Explanation
Workflow control.The administrator organizes the activities of the institution, draws up a schedule of shifts and shifts, monitors compliance with the requirements.
Organization of timely training of personnel.The administrator is obliged to monitor compliance with the advanced training schedule.
Control over the production process.Monitoring compliance with the rules and terms of storage of food products, as well as compliance with sanitary and hygiene standards in the institution.
Equipment check.Equipment operability control, involvement of specialists to troubleshoot equipment problems.
Work with documents.Preparation of the necessary documentation, filling out reports.
Dispute Resolution.Resolving conflict situations arising between employees or between staff and customers of the institution.

In addition, the list of responsibilities may include:

  • organization of celebrations and banquets;
  • work with the cashier;
  • selection of qualified personnel;
  • taking inventory and more.

This is not a complete list of functions that an administrator can perform. They depend on the form of work of the institution, the number of employees and not only.

Employee rights

The administrator of a cafe or restaurant, in addition to official duties, has a certain set of rights:

  • notification of managers about discovered deficiencies for quick elimination;
  • making your own proposals to improve the work of the organization;
  • involvement of the leadership in resolving the conflict situation, if this cannot be done on our own;
  • gaining access to information that is required to organize the full-fledged work of the institution.

The list of rights can also be expanded in accordance with the specifics of the restaurant.

Employee responsibility

The administrator of the institution may be held liable in the event of:

  • non-observance of labor discipline;
  • causing material damage to the institution;
  • equipment breakdown and other misconduct (all of them must be spelled out in the job description).

Also, the administrator can be punished for disclosing information that is considered a trade secret. This item must be registered separately.

Let us remind you that liability measures must comply with the provisions of the Labor Code. The main disciplinary measures remain:

  • comment;
  • rebuke;
  • dismissal.

Also, the employee can be held liable for causing damage to the organization.

A correctly written job description ensures that the rules are followed and that each employee performs his duties. This contributes to the successful operation of the restaurant. It is better not to abandon the formalities, as this prevents serious problems in the future.