How to quickly salt the char at home. How to salt fish at home? The best ways to pickle red fish at home

10.09.2019 Healthy eating

The recipes describe delicious and healthy ways to cook char fish. This fish can be quickly cooked by pan-frying or a more time-consuming smoking recipe for an incredibly tasty delicacy.

Salted fish can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, and those who love a healthy lifestyle will like fish baked in foil.

How to salt char at home

Salted char is incredibly tasty.


  • char - 1 piece;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • half a lemon;
  • sunflower oil - half a glass.

How to cook:

First you need to prepare the fish for cutting:

  • rinse in cold water;
  • clean from scales;
  • remove fins, head and tail;
  • rinse in water again.

Then you can start cutting with a sharp knife. It is required to remove the bones; for this, the char is cut along the ridge into two equal parts. The bones are removed and the meat is dried with a paper towel. Please note that you do not need to remove the skin at this stage.

The next step is salting. The fish needs to be cut into small pieces, mix salt and sugar and rub with the resulting mixture. The prepared pieces are put into a pickling container with a lid and sent to the refrigerator overnight.

The next day, you need to remove the skin from the salted fish. Put the peeled pieces back into the container, sprinkle with pepper, add lemon pieces and cover with oil. After three hours in the refrigerator, the fish is ready.

How best to cook char

There are many recipes for cooking fish. The tastiest and easiest way to cook is to fry in a pan in breadcrumbs. This is a very simple recipe and takes very little time. But since oil is used in cooking, the dish turns out to be quite fatty.

The most useful option is baking in foil in the oven. In this case, oil is not used, the dish turns out to be dietary. Also, when cooking char, bones, head, tail and other trimmings are often left. They can be used to make a wonderful soup.

To make the soup, you need the following ingredients:

  • trimmings from cooking fish;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs;
  • Bay leaf;
  • sweet pea;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

How to cook:

  • fish trimmings are poured with water and boiled for 10 minutes;
  • drain the broth through a colander into a saucepan;
  • separate meat from bones;
  • the broth can be diluted with water until the required amount is obtained, and brought to a boil;
    Add chopped potatoes and cook until tender;
  • add meat, salt, pepper and bay leaf and cook for another three minutes.

The char soup is ready. When serving, you can add herbs or sour cream to the plates.

How to cook char in the oven in foil


  • fish - 1 piece;
  • lemon - 15 gr;
  • basil - 1 leaf;
  • coriander - a pinch;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook:

  • before starting cooking, you need to thoroughly rinse the fish, gut and remove the gills;
  • prepared fish need to be salted, pepper and coriander added;
  • put slices of lemon and basil inside the char;
  • send the fish wrapped in foil to an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes;
  • after half an hour, the foil must be unfolded and placed in the oven for another 10 minutes. This will produce a tender and crispy crust;
  • baked fish must be cut into pieces and can be served.

Fried char in a pan


  • char - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • cold water - 1 tablespoon;
  • rice or wheat flour - 4 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook:

First you need to prepare the fish:

  • rinse thoroughly in cold water;
  • remove the insides;
  • cut off fins and tail;
  • rinse with water again;
  • cut along the spine and remove bones;
  • cut into small pieces for frying.

Prepared pieces of fish must be pickled. To do this, they are placed in glassware and poured with lemon juice. Then the container with the fish is covered with a lid and left to marinate for 15-20 minutes.

Pour oil into a frying pan and heat over medium heat. The breaded fish should be fried on both sides until it has a characteristic golden crust. Ready-made char can be served with a side dish such as mashed potatoes.

Smoking char - cold and hot cooking

Preparing fish for smoking.

The first step is to gut the char. To do this, use a sharp knife to make an incision along the abdomen between the pectoral fins. Next, the insides are removed using the wide side of the knife. In this case, damage to the insides should be avoided so as not to spoil the taste of the fish.

Next, you need to remove the gills. This will avoid the appearance of blood stains that can appear during smoking and spoil the appearance of the fish. After that, you should clean the carcass from the scales and rinse thoroughly with cold water.

At the next stage, the prepared fish needs to be salted. For dry salting, you need to rub the salt inside and outside the char. Then the fish is placed in a container on a layer of salt and left for an hour and a half.

For wet salting, you need to prepare a salty solution. You can use two main options. When using an 8% solution per liter of water, 80 grams of salt is required. The fish is salted for 10 hours at room temperature.

To speed up the salting process, you can use the brine option. Dissolve salt in water until it stops dissolving. Depending on the temperature, an approximately 30% solution is obtained. Salting time in this case is only two hours.

When using a wet brine, the fish is salted more evenly than with a dry one. For one kilogram of fish, preferably one and a half liters of solution. Reuse of the brine is strongly discouraged. Spices can be added to the brine to taste if desired.

Cold smoking

Cold smoking is carried out using smoke at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. There are several ways that are slightly different. For the first method, the salted fish must be hung and dried. Smoking with smoke takes place at a temperature of 30 ° C for 4 days.

The second method differs in that the char must be cut lengthwise into two halves. Pieces of salted fish should be rinsed and dried with a paper towel. Then the fish is placed in the oven on the wire rack and smoked at a temperature of 30 ° C for at least 24 hours. As a result, the finished pieces will acquire a reddish-yellow color.

Hot smoking char

Hot smoking with smoke occurs at temperatures above 60 ° C. The first method consists in tying the medium salted fish with twine or piercing it with sticks. Smoking is carried out at a temperature of 100-140 ° C for three hours. Fish smoked using this method is not stored for long, no more than two days.

For the second method, slightly salted char is needed. The fish is hung in a still cold oven with the door open and dried for 30 minutes. When the fish turns slightly yellow, the temperature should be increased to 70 ° C. The heating should be increased gradually so that water vapor does not form. The oven should not be heated above 110 ° C. Smoking takes about 30 minutes, readiness can be determined using a thin wooden stick.

The smoking process gives the fish a beautiful light yellow color. You can turn it into golden, for this, burning wood is sprinkled with ash and sawdust is added, which enhances the formation of smoke. To obtain the desired color, smoke in this way for another 45 minutes.

The third cooking method can be used outdoors. It will require a bucket or barrel. At the bottom of the bucket, wood chunks are placed, preferably from alder, and juniper is added. In the middle there is a grate on which the previously salted char is laid out. The bucket is tightly closed with a lid and a fire is made under it.

Smoking lasts for an hour, then you can check the readiness by the color of the fish, the skin should be dry and golden in color. Please note that it is not recommended to open the lid before the end of smoking.

What is this char fish, how is it useful

The char is a salmon fish. The peculiarity of this fish is that it has practically no scales. This greatly simplifies the preliminary preparation for its preparation. Commercially available char is usually small in size, which is also convenient for its use.

The fish has a medium fat content; when baking, it is important to monitor its readiness so as not to dry it out. During heat treatment, it practically does not change in size, nutritional properties and appearance are well preserved. This fish has a delicate and harmonious taste that can outshine the popular salmon.

Char fish are rich in fatty acids (omega-3), which support the body's defenses and help fight inflammation. It also contains vitamins: E, A, D, K, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and B12; minerals: magnesium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Due to the increased calcium content, beneficial properties are retained even in salted or smoked form.

One hundred grams of meat contains:

  • proteins - 19.09 g;
  • fats - 5.86 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g.

Caloric content is 135 kcal.

When buying at retail, the price of frozen char fish per 1 kg is 300-350 rubles.

Fish from the salmon category is a great culinary success and is usually one of the main places on the festive and everyday menu. Practical advice, subtleties and trivia of good cuisine will help you learn how best to cook char. Any housewife, having familiarized herself with the culinary recipes of fish dishes, will receive a pleasant praise: “Tasty!”.

What is the best way to cook fish?

Many dishes are prepared from char; it can be fried, boiled, salted, baked. It can be cooked whole or as a fillet. The cutting technology is very simple and does not depend on the size of the fish. The first thing to do is wash it well under running water, then remove the guts, gills and fins. The tail and head are left as desired.

The main advantage of the product, which will not spoil the mood of the hostesses, is that the Kamchatsky Char does not have large scales, so there is no need to clean its top cover. Cutting the carcass into two halves, removing the vertebral bone, get 2 fillets with skin from one pulp, which can be prepared in the most elementary way.

The fish will turn out delicious, tender and retain useful vitamins, if you adhere to simple cooking rules, these are:

  • fry fish in a large amount of oil for no more than 5 minutes, in a moderately heated pan;
  • bake only in foil or parchment paper, preserving its juice and flavor;
  • do not use spices when salting;
  • boil in large pieces, dipping them in boiling salty water with the addition of dill or parsley;
  • use only enamel and earthenware, cast iron pan.

At home, if you want to learn how to cook fish in different ways, everyone can do it. Using different ingredients, you can give it a unique taste and aroma. The main thing is to know three basic rules that are suitable for cooking any fish. Before eating a product, it must be soaked in water, oil and wine.

Frying Loach in a pan is tasty and satisfying

In order for the char cooked in a pan to be tender, juicy with a crispy crust, you first need to go through all the main stages of its preparation - defrosting, cleaning, cutting, removing the water odor. Fillet with skin is usually used for cooking.

Having made several cuts on the skin and lightly dipping the fillet in flour, fry it on different sides for 5 minutes in a large amount of hot oil, over medium heat. The main thing here is not to overexpose the fish in the pan, so that it does not turn out to be dry. The finished fillet can be poured over with white wine.

Baking char in the oven

Medium-sized fish baked in the oven in a sauce of wine and sour cream will be the easiest preparation in 30 minutes. First, the fish must be peeled, rubbed with salt on the outside and inside, put in a deep baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil and placed in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. The product must be baked for 20 minutes, periodically pouring over the released fish juice.

After the time has elapsed, pour in half a glass of white wine and leave to simmer for another 5 minutes. Finally, add 200 grams of sour cream, prolonging the baking for 7 minutes. Oven-baked char goes well with fresh vegetable salad.

Salting red char fish at home

Salted red fish is considered a versatile, healthy cold appetizer and goes well with any vegetable. The home salting process takes only 20 minutes. Put the fish fillet with the skin upside down in an enamel bowl, sprinkle with a mixture of mixed ingredients, cover with foil and set to salt for 2 days.

For normal salting for 1 kg of carcass, you will need:

  • sugar ─ 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt ─ 1 tbsp. l .;
  • a pinch of lemon zest;
  • odorless sunflower oil.

A slightly salted char can be obtained by keeping it in salt for 8 hours. To make the fish softer and tastier, rub it with sunflower oil before salting. For a piquant taste, you can add pepper, bay leaf, garlic.

Char stuffing options

So that for any housewife the fish dish is not ordinary and known to everyone, there are recipes that can become the subject of her pride. A hearty, healthy fish dish can be prepared quickly and cost-effectively with one of the tastiest cooking methods available.

With ham and vegetables

The most affordable and simple recipe for novice housewives. Clean medium-sized fish, remove the head, rinse the fins under running water. After drying the carcass with a napkin, salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, leave to marinate.

Required Ingredients:

  • char ─ 1 kg;
  • bell peppers ─ 5 pcs.;
  • ham ─ 250 g;
  • lemon ─ 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt, dill, oil.

Finely chop the ham, bell pepper, onion, dill and mix. Then grease the fish with sunflower oil, stuff with the resulting mixture. Make cuts on top, where to place lemon wedges. Bake the fish on a baking sheet greased with butter in the oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

Kamchatka char stuffed with shrimps

Peel, wash, salt 1 kg of fish. Make oblique cuts on the top and insert lemon slices into them. For the filling, fry finely chopped onion and mushrooms until tender in butter, 150 g of shrimp, boil in salted water, peel off the shell and divide into fibers.

Mix all products and place in a prepared carcass. Put the fish in a greased baking sheet, sprinkle with pepper, sprinkle with olive or sunflower oil, sprinkle with bread crumbs. Bake in a moderately hot oven for 30 minutes.

Loach with cheese and almonds

The recipe for char baked with cheese and almonds will impress even an avid gourmet. To begin with, the fish must be carefully gutted, cut off the fins, removed the gills, and rinsed thoroughly under running cold water. Then season with salt, pepper, lemon juice and leave to marinate for a couple of hours.

For the filling, peel and chop almonds, grate hard cheese, finely chop the crumb of bread and dill, add 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, salt and mix. Put the stuffed product in a baking dish, pour olive oil and white wine on top. Bake in a moderately preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Fish Loach with potatoes and mustard sauce

Small fish, gut, rinse, salt and pepper. For the filling, boil the potatoes and cut into strips, lightly fry the chopped onion in sunflower oil. To mix everything. Put the fish stuffed with potatoes on the bottom of the stewpan, oiled, and pour the mustard sauce.

Products for sauce for 1 kg of fish:

  • vegetable oil ─ 200 g;
  • ready-made mustard, apple cider vinegar ─ 1 tsp;
  • two egg yolk;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Stir the yolk, mustard and salt well. Whisking continuously, pour in slightly warmed sunflower oil in small portions. Vinegar is added to the resulting mixture and mixed thoroughly. The dish is baked in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 ° C.

Before you cook the char fish, you need to check it for freshness. A pure sea or river product has a pleasant, sweetish algae scent. The gills and fins of the fish are red, its upper cover is even and shiny, and it is dense and elastic to the touch.

In the absence of characteristic indicators, the char is considered stale and it is hardly possible to cook something from it. It is important to know that when cleaning and cutting fish, it is convenient to use only a sharp knife of medium length or special kitchen scissors made of stainless steel.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

In general, fatty fish are best suited for salting. Of course, salmon or trout are out of competition, but they are very expensive. In addition, they can not always be found in a good quality store, because of the high price, they sometimes stale on the shelves.
Chum salmon and char are good alternatives to salmon and trout. They are moderately fatty and have rather dense meat. At the same time, it is much cheaper.
I prefer to salt the char because it is smaller than the chum salmon. And I usually salt the whole fish and for my small family, consisting of two people, a large chum salmon is simply too much. Although they taste very similar.
I want to tell you how to salt char at home deliciously. I have one recipe for salting any red fish. If a loach with a head and a tail weighs one and a half to two kilograms, then it is considered large. Large char is more suitable for salting than small char, as it is much fatter.
For salting, choose char with light gray skin so that there is no yellowness on it. Yellowness indicates that the fish is no longer fresh. Doesn't interfere and sniff the fish before buying. The smell of fish shouldn't be unpleasant to you. Take another look.
If you pickle char according to this recipe, then not everyone will be able to distinguish it from salted trout or salmon.


- large char (1.5 - 2 kg) - 1 pc.,
- salt - 2 tbsp. l.,
- sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook from a photo step by step

Cut off the fish's head and tail. Take out all the insides. Be especially careful to clean the inside along the ridge, there is usually a collection of blood.

Make an incision along the spine.

First, use a knife to cut the meat along the ridge to the spine on one side. Then do the same on the other side. Now set the knife aside and use your hands to separate the rest of the meat from the rib bones. Why with your hands? Because. If you start to act with a knife. You just cut all the bones. And if you trim the spine by hand, then all the bones that are attached to it. Remain on the spine. And you will get two pieces of fish fillet with little or no bones. Agree, eating bony salted fish is not very pleasant.

Rinse the fish fillets thoroughly and dry just as thoroughly with paper towels.

In a bowl, combine the pickling mixture: two tablespoons of salt and one tablespoon of sugar. Stir the mixture well and sprinkle the pieces of fish with it evenly, first on one side.

And then on the other.

Wrap the plate along with the fish that is in it in cling film and put it in a cold place (in the refrigerator or on the loggia) for a couple of days. This one turns out to be very tasty too.

After two days, you can safely cut the char and make a delicious sandwich with butter and fish.

Recipe from Milena

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Char is a lightly salted type of red fish. Salted fish is a real seafood delicacy of simple and quick preparation. Self-salting red fish is a winning option for any festive occasion. The most delicate soft taste of amazing fish will please your guests. A step-by-step recipe with photos posted on our culinary portal will tell you how to salt char at home deliciously. Also take a look.


- frozen or fresh char fish - 1 pc.,
- coarse salt - 2 tablespoons,
- granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon,
- vegetable oil - 125 ml.

Necessary information.

The cooking time is approximately 2-3 days.
Salted pieces of char should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. Then the fish is placed in a plastic bag and in the freezer.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. The first step is to carefully prepare the fish carcass. Remove the internal intestines from the fish, cut off the tail, head, gills and fins. Then rinse the pieces under water, dry on a wooden board or paper towel to remove any remaining liquid.
Tip: The frozen fish carcass does not need to be thawed to make the pieces dense and elastic.
Tip: The waste from the fish does not need to be thrown away, it can be used to cook delicious rich fish soup.

2. Put the fish pieces into a plastic container, cover with sugar and coarse salt, tightly close the lid. Mix gently and refrigerate for 2 days.
Tip: It is recommended to add char only in plastic containers, because plastic dishes, unlike other materials, do not give off odors to products.
Tip: If you want a citrusy aroma and a rich, spicy taste for salted fish, add fish spice and lemon wedges.

3. Open the container every day and stir the pieces.

4. After a two-day salting interval, you need to get the fish out of the plastic container, transfer it to a deep bowl and sprinkle the pieces with vegetable oil. Refrigerate for about 2 hours. I want to draw your attention to.

5. Then take out and put on a plate, garnish with parsley leaves and olives.
Tip: Onion rings are ideal as a decoration and addition.
Bon appetit, everyone!

The char is a small-sized red fish from the salmon family. This is a very tasty and healthy product for the human body. Most often, so that it does not deteriorate quickly, they choose the option to salt fish carcasses. There are recipes available on how to salt char fish at home, each of which is worthy of attention.

Preparing for salting

Before salt the char, they wash it, allow the water to drain, remove excess moisture with paper towels. It is allowed to immediately free it from the scales, especially since this type of fish has a little of it. It is also possible to leave the scales and peel off the skin 12 hours after the product has been salted. Regardless of what is chosen - to remove the scales or not - the fins with the tail and the head must be cut off. After that, the washed loach fish is cut in half to remove all the bones and salt without them. Take a paper towel again and remove the moisture. Then the semi-finished product is ready to be salted.

Tip: frozen char should be thawed gradually before cutting by moving it from the freezer to the refrigerator and later to the kitchen table. It is better not to defrost completely. But it is better to slightly freeze fresh fish - all this helps to facilitate labor when processing the carcass.

Variations to choose from

The list of popular methods - how to salt - is based on nuances with additives in the recipe. In any case, they are prepared based on individual preferences, time frames, and the amount of fish:

  • Dry salting with lemon wedges.
  • Creamy loach in brine.
  • Express option to salt under yoke.
  • Three-day ambassador of frozen raw materials.
  • Salting caviar.

Lemon dry salted version

This method differs from others in its lemon additive and light-salted taste.

To salt, you will need:

Step by step cooking:

    1. To salt, the carcass prepared in advance is cut in portions or put so that it fits completely into the dishes in which the ambassador will take place.
    2. Separately, a sugar-salt mixture is made, with which the fillet is rubbed (100 g: 1 kg).
    1. The dishes are hermetically sealed and placed on the refrigerator shelf from the evening to the whole night.
    1. In the morning, the skin is removed from the fish, and if the scales were cleaned in advance, then this item should be skipped.
    2. The fish is sandwiched with lemon slices and sprinkled with ground pepper.
  1. The salting is flavored with vegetable oil, hermetically sealed and returned to the refrigerator for about 3 hours. After which, the cooked products can be safely served at the table.

Pickled Pickled Creamy Recipe

The pickled base extends the shelf life of the fish. A feature of this option will be a delicate creamy aftertaste. How to cook pickled char? For this, it is taken:

    • Lemon juice for pickling (1 pc.: 1 kg fillet).
  • Salt, preferably sea salt (no additives), coarsely ground - for rubbing char slices.
  • Cream + vegetable oil (5: 1) - for the marinade - at the rate of 60 g per 1 kg of fillet mass.

In glass (enameled) dishes, you need to marinate the prepared raw materials with lemon juice for 30 minutes. Then the char meat is rubbed with salt. The product is poured with cream mixed with vegetable oil, covered with a lid or food film base and sent to the refrigerator for two days. Serve well directly in the pickle brine, or, as an option, rinse it off, let it dry a little, additionally cut large pieces into slices and enjoy the taste.

Recipe Under the Yoke of Fast Food

This option will allow you to quickly get salted char, although you will have to endure several stages of its preparation.

    • Stage 1: fillet of char without skin is poured with cold brine (½ l of water: 3 tablespoons of salt). A small load is placed on top. The raw material, therefore, must be salted under the yoke for 1.5 hours.
    • Stage 2: the liquid is drained, the fish is placed in a vinegar solution for 5 minutes (1 tablespoon: 1 glass of water).
    • Stage 3: a sauce filling is prepared from: vegetable oil (100 ml) + lavrushka (2 leaves) + peppercorns (to taste) + large onion, cut into half rings or rings. The vinegar water is decanted, and the char is covered with oil and onion filling with spices.
  • Stage 4: the product should be salted at room temperature for only ⅓ hour, after which the char can be tasted with pleasure.

Three-day frozen char

The peculiarity of this recipe is that it does not require defrosting, since in salted char, prepared from frozen raw materials, it turns out to be especially elastic. In addition, this makes it possible to facilitate the entire procedure for the implementation of the plan. All you need is: chop into pieces and, placing in a bowl, cover with salt. It is recommended to take the salt "by eye", do not oversalt, in general, it will be salted exactly as needed. Spices, herbs, etc. are often added to taste. The whole process will take three days. For the first day, the char should stand on the kitchen table in a warm atmosphere. Then you need to put salt on the refrigerator shelf for a couple of days. After that, it is allowed to eat.

Caviar delicacy

Homemade char caviar is prepared in the same way as for other types of red fish. If caviar needs to be salted, the brine method is often used. Brine is made from granulated sugar, table coarse salt (2 tsp: 2 tbsp) and boiled water, hot to the touch. Char roe is placed directly into the brine liquid for ⅓ hour. At the end of this time period, the brine is drained. Then the caviar is flavored with lean oil, which does not have a pronounced odor. Now you need to put the container with the products on the refrigerator shelf for about five hours. Once time has passed, it becomes usable.

Tip: to make caviar easier to get rid of the films, the bags with it are carefully removed from the peritoneum and lightly sprinkled, flooding with water at eighty degrees for 180 seconds. Then the product is tilted to the bottom of the colander so that the liquid is completely drained, and the film bridges curl up and freely separate from the caviar.

After salting, caviar can be stored for several days on the shelf of the refrigerator, although, usually, it does not have time to deteriorate, since it is eaten even faster.

Salted fish is a delicacy that has not only excellent taste, but also high usefulness. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of cooking and delighting yourself and those around you.