New banquet dishes. On the festive table

30.10.2019 Salads

In just a week, it is able to restore the body's strength, which will affect both the general and its immunity. This is especially true in the fall, when gastrointestinal diseases may worsen.

We have prepared for you 5 recipes for dietary dishes that will not leave you in doubt that such food can be delicious and varied. And children will love these dishes too.

Zhenya Gorozhankina
culinary blogger

There are times when children are prescribed for one reason or another. Whether it's allergies or something else. Do not be afraid of this. In most cases, “diet food” means responsible food consumption. Often all fatty, fried, spicy, industrially produced sweets are simply excluded. In some cases, foods that contain yeast dough or, rarely, foods containing gluten are added to the prohibited list. But in general - nothing scary.

It is also advisable to adhere to: eat at the same time. Three main meals plus two to three snacks. It can be fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, yoghurts.

Plav with dried fruits

Obvious, but somewhat. Not a dessert, but an independent main course. If desired, pieces of pheasant, rabbit or turkey meat can be added to dried fruits. In this case, the meat is lightly fried separately, and then spread on a layer of ready-made onions. Then everything goes according to plan.

Diet meals for children: a recipe for sawing with dried fruits

  • For such pilaf, you will need any: dried apricots, raisins, pitted dates, prunes (150 grams each). You can also take nuts: walnuts, cashew almonds (only 300 grams).
  • The main ingredient is long grain rice such as jasmine. Soak 700 grams in hot (60 degrees) water and salt.
  • Wait for the water to cool and check the rice - it should grow in size and can be easily crushed with your fingernail. If the rice is not ready, then repeat the operation with boiling water.
  • In the meantime, cut one large carrot into fairly thin cubes, and cut three medium onions into "feathers".
  • Fry the onions in vegetable oil, first over medium heat, then over low heat. There is no need to rush, bring the onion to a confident golden color and breathtaking aroma.
  • Fry the carrots in a separate skillet in butter. Put rice in a cauldron with onions and carrots on top. Pour boiling water so that the water covers the contents of the cauldron on your finger, salt, add a teaspoon of cumin and barberry each.
  • Keep the cauldron over high heat, without a lid, until all the water is absorbed into the rice.
  • Meanwhile, separately in butter, fry the dried fruits, and then the nuts. As soon as the water is absorbed into the rice, put the dried fruit in a cauldron, turn off the heat, cover it with two clean waffle towels and cover tightly.
  • In half an hour it will be ready. Stir the contents gently so as not to break the carrots and serve the pilaf hot.


Thick, aromatic Italian is prepared with seasonal vegetables. And the more of them in the refrigerator, the richer the taste will be.

Diet meals for kids: minestrone soup recipe

  • Peel and finely chop one red onion and a clove of garlic.
  • Cut 2 carrots, 2 celery sticks and a small fennel tuber into small cubes and transfer to a bowl.
  • Cut the leeks in half lengthways and rinse well to remove the sand. Then cut it into 1cm slices. Add to the bowl with the vegetables.
  • Peel one large potato and cut into small cubes.
  • Using a blender, grind 800 grams of canned tomatoes in your own juice (if you come across tomatoes with skin, then it must be peeled).
  • In a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat, heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil, add garlic, onions, carrots, celery, zucchini, leeks, half a teaspoon of dry oregano and simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Add potatoes, chopped tomatoes and vegetable broth (you can substitute some of the broth with homemade tomato juice). Focus on the fact that you need about a liter of broth, but you can pour it in parts, bringing the soup to the desired consistency.
  • Mix all vegetables thoroughly, cover the pan and leave to simmer for half an hour until the potatoes are cooked.
  • Meanwhile, chop one large red tomato, courgette and bell peppers (optional) into large cubes. 10 minutes before the potatoes are ready, add chopped vegetables and a can of canned beans to the soup (you must first drain the liquid).
  • Top up with hot vegetable stock, if necessary, and season the minestrone with salt and pepper to taste. Pour into bowls, sprinkle with chopped basil leaves and grated Parmesan.

Rabbit soufflé

Diet meals for kids: rabbit soufflé recipe

  • Boil 200 grams of rabbit meat in steam or water.
  • Soak 80 grams of white bread crumb in milk. The milk should lightly coat the bread slices.
  • The finished meat must be cut into small pieces and chopped with a blender along with soaked bread until smooth.
  • Add 4 quail eggs, salt to taste and beat well again. If the mince is not airy enough, you can add a little milk.
  • Lubricate muffin cups with vegetable oil. Fill them with minced meat and place in a baking sheet filled with water.
  • Cook in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
  • tasty both hot and cold.

Fish dumplings

Not a bad alternative to and. Homemade or fruit sauces, such as peaches, are perfect for them.

Diet meals for children: recipe for fish dumplings

  • Pass 350 grams of white fish fillets: pike or pike perch through a meat grinder.
  • Lightly dry 2 teaspoons of flour in a dry frying pan, pour milk into the pan in a thin stream, stir vigorously so that there are no lumps, and add salt.
  • Cool the sauce and add it to the minced fish. Beat in the yolk of one egg there, and beat the white into a strong foam and gently mix into the minced meat.
  • Form the minced meat into small balls and boil them in boiling salted water until tender.
  • Sauce: Peel 300 grams of peaches, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes.
  • Heat the olive oil in a saucepan, lightly simmer a quarter cup of finely chopped onions (about five minutes), add chopped garlic cloves and a generous pinch of sweet paprika flakes to the onions.
  • After a minute, add three tablespoons of lemon juice, a couple of tablespoons of sugar to a saucepan, season with salt and pepper and cook over low heat for about five minutes. Then put the peaches in a saucepan and cook for another 5-10 minutes.
  • If the sauce is too thick, add 2-3 tablespoons of water.
  • Grind the finished sauce well in a blender.

Soba noodle soup

Soba noodles are an unusual alternative to the usual buckwheat soup. The main thing is that to the base - broth plus noodles - you can always add ingredients to your taste: spinach, shrimp, green peas.

Diet meals for children: with soba noodles

  • For the soup, you can prepare a vegetable broth in advance. You can use one of the Japanese stock broths as a basis. There is nothing complicated, the ingredients can be bought in Chinese shops or online. Kombu seaweed broth and dried fish shavings are best for take-out soup.
  • To prepare the broth, wipe a couple of 10 x 10 cm sheets of kombu seaweed with a damp cloth and soak in 4 cups of cold water in a saucepan for 20 minutes. Then heat the water to a boil and reduce the heat as much as possible (the water should not boil violently).
  • Add 30 grams of fish shavings and boil for a few more minutes. Wait for the shavings to settle and gently strain the broth through cheesecloth. Done.
  • Cook the soba noodles separately according to the instructions on the package. The amount depends on how thick you want the soup to be. Do not cook it for future use, it is better to cook immediately before serving. Rinse the finished noodles in cold water and set aside.
  • Boil the required number of eggs. You can cook hard boiled (10 minutes), you can crumple for 4-5 minutes. Peel the finished eggs.
  • Heat the broth well. Add mushrooms (or oyster mushrooms or shiitake) sliced \u200b\u200binto slices and a bunch of bok choy. Add shrimp if desired.
  • We collect the soup. Put a serving of soba, cut an egg lengthwise into a plate, top with boiling broth with mushrooms and other ingredients, add bok choy.
  • Sprinkle with sesame seeds, finely chopped green onions and serve immediately.

With these recipes, your child's dietary food will be tasty, healthy and varied. In addition, these dishes perfectly diversify the diet of the whole family in the cold autumn time, when you really want something hearty and original.

The health and happiness of children for many people is more important than their own, since the child has a whole life ahead, therefore, wrong habits, omissions and emerging ailments can affect the socialization of the child in society and the comfort of his existence.

In many countries, including in Europe, due to the abundance of fast food restaurants, pizzerias, stalls with hot dogs, chips and breadcrumbs, both adult and childhood obesity is developing. It is extremely difficult to disaccustom a child to eat "tasty" things, especially if regular meals outside the house are a habit. However, who, if not caring parents, are the first to diagnose the problem of excess weight in a child and begin an effective fight already in the early stages.

In this regard, nutritionists and doctors around the world have developed a special diet for losing weight children, which includes all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals for the growth and development of a young body.

The essence and features of the children's diet, important rules and advantages

First of all, the parent should realize that the child's excess weight does not just appear. As a rule, children are quite active, restless and energetic, and their metabolism is many times faster than that of adults. If your child regularly plays with others, spends enough time outdoors and consumes fruits, vegetables and dairy drinks, then it is time to see a doctor, as there may be some metabolic disorders, genetic abnormalities or diseases.

In our time, the problem of excess weight in children has become aggravated due to a change in lifestyle. You will rarely see children on the slides, hiding in the entrances or in the trees, running to visit each other with packages of dolls or cars. All the attention of the younger generation is occupied by computers, tablets, telephones and other computerized gadgets, in the virtual world of which children can spend hours. Often, "freezing" in the computer is accompanied by small snacks, so as not to be distracted from the process, and all sorts of harmful things are often at hand - chips, sausage sandwiches, crackers, nuts, chocolates, lollipops and other industrial delicacies. This is how excess weight appears - a minimum of physical activity and a maximum of junk food.

A child can and should be put on a healthy diet, but it will differ significantly from the adult version. First of all, a growing body needs all substances - polyunsaturated fats, slow carbohydrates, vegetable and animal proteins, antioxidants, organic acids, minerals, macro- and microelements. In no case should you exclude foods containing fats or carbohydrates from the diet, you just need to learn how to control the child's menu and his appetite.

Important rules for a child's diet:

  1. The menu should always contain healthy products: vegetable fiber (vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits), proteins (dairy and sour milk products, lean meat and offal, fish and seafood), slow carbohydrates (whole grain bread and cereals, dried fruits).
  2. It is very important to establish a healthy lifestyle along with a healthy diet: enroll a child in a sports or dance section, go out into nature with him more often, take long walks, and encourage him to play with other children.
  3. At the same time, you should limit your child's stay near a computer or TV, especially while eating. The process of eating food should be systematic and purposeful without distracting circumstances in the form of a book, a movie, or conversations. Each piece should be chewed thoroughly and slowly.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to transfer and eat at night looking. The last meal should be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime. Just before going to bed, you can drink 100 ml of warm low-fat milk or kefir to revitalize the intestines.
  5. The diet consists of 4-5 full snacks (at least), while making small, but nutritious portions, based on the following proportion: 30% of the food is eaten for breakfast, no more than 10% snack, the richest lunch - up to 40%, dinner - up to 20%.
  6. It is best to include healthy proteins for breakfast and lunch, and leave all dietary fiber products for dinner (cereals, vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits).
  7. All food should be cooked boiled, stewed, or steamed. Frying and baking on the fire or on the grill is strictly prohibited. Do not use during cooking food additives, spices, animal fats, vegetable and other oils, lard, margarine, spread.
  8. The child should consume enough fluids, appropriate for his age and weight.

If parents do not pay attention to the need for a child's diet in time, serious consequences are possible. First, social obstacles appear - no one wants to play and be friends with a fat child, he feels different from everyone in the kindergarten, then at school, therefore, from childhood, certain complexes and attitudes are formed. Secondly, there are physical problems - it is difficult to choose the size of clothes for a child, it is difficult for him to perform elementary exercises during physical education, swim, play outdoor games, and swim. A vicious circle appears - the less the child plays and leads an active lifestyle, the more extra pounds continue to accumulate. Thirdly, in the future, manifestations of some diseases associated with excess weight are possible - cardiovascular diseases, defective development of muscle and bone corset, shortness of breath, weakness, diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis, problems with the digestive tract.

The duration of a healthy diet for a child varies from 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the initial weight, lifestyle, health, individual characteristics. During this period, all harmful products should be excluded from the menu and spend more time with the child, involving him in outdoor games and spending time in the fresh air. Also, the whole family should follow the correct food culture during the diet. Agree, it will be difficult for a kid to stuff boiled asparagus and vegetables in himself when relatives enjoy cutlets with potatoes and sweet buns for tea.

Benefits of a baby diet:

  • Good habits are formed: eating in small portions several times a day, no snacks before bedtime and overeating, a favor for vegetables and fruits, other useful components, regular sports activities or games;
  • The volume of the stomach gradually decreases to the required size, which in the future will allow the child to be saturated with portions of a smaller volume;
  • The metabolic rate is normalized;
  • Effective weight loss within the acceptable norm for childhood;
  • Losing weight occurs without the appearance of stretch marks, sagging and other skin problems;
  • The protective properties of the body increase, immunity improves;
  • The bone and muscle corset is strengthened, which will in the future prevent the occurrence of bone diseases such as osteoporosis;
  • The body and the gastrointestinal tract are comprehensively cleansed of toxins, radicals, salts, metabolic products, toxins and excess fluid, relieving tissue swelling and reducing the initial weight;
  • The diet is fully balanced for the needs of the developing child's body;
  • The menu is varied and interesting, while the child will not feel hunger or side effects associated with weight loss

Children's diet menu and food set

Every diet, whether adult or child, contains a selection of recommended and forbidden foods.

In a children's diet, of course, only healthy and beneficial ingredients are encouraged:

  • Meat products (beef, rabbit, turkey meat, nutria, skinless chicken, offal, natural liver pate, chicken and quail eggs);
  • Whole grain cereals (oat, buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley, corn);
  • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, yogurt, sour cream, cheese);
  • Vegetables, herbs, legumes;
  • Fruits and berries;
  • Whole grain bread (rye, bran);
  • Healthy drinks (fresh fruits and vegetables, nectars, fruit drinks, smoothies, natural jelly, uzvar, brewed cocoa, green tea, herbal teas, rosehip infusion, mineral water without gas and salt);
  • Natural desserts (chocolate without flavors and additives, marshmallows, meringues, marmalade, curd mass and curds)

But the rest of the products are prohibited, namely:

  • Harmful industrial snacks (chips, fast food, crackers, nuts, snacks);
  • Confectionery and sweet pastries;
  • Wheat products, including pasta;
  • Semi-finished products and food from bags / briquettes;
  • Spicy, fatty, smoked, fried, baked (pies, pasties);
  • Canned food, pickles, marinades;
  • Pure food additives (sugar, salt, starch, soda, yeast, gelatin and others);
  • Fatty dairy products (goat milk, fatty cheeses, ice cream, mayonnaise);

Let's go directly to the children's diet.

Children's diet for 5 days.Already planned program of balanced dietary nutrition, which will allow a child to lose about 1 kg per week without harm to health. Do not forget to maintain a drinking diet from permitted drinks and exercise with your child.

Day number 1.

We will have breakfast with a steamed omelet of 1 egg, lean milk and rice. We wash it down with apple juice.

Snack - whole grain toast with a thin layer of butter, a slice of low-fat cheese and a slice of cucumber. We wash it down with dried fruit compote.

For lunch, cook steamed potatoes with chicken liver and herbs. We wash it down with fresh carrot.

For dinner we serve muesli, a light salad of boiled beets and walnuts with sour cream. We wash it down with cocoa or tea with lemon balm.

Day number 2.

For breakfast, prepare semolina pancakes, eat 1 medium apple. You can drink it with weak green tea with lemon.

Snack - Greek salad, 1 boiled egg and fresh citrus.

For lunch, prepare a soup of beef meatballs with buckwheat and eat 1 whole grain toast.

We have dinner with a light salad of cabbage, carrots, grated apple, seasoned with a small amount of low-fat sour cream. We wash it down with fruit jelly.

Day number 3.

We will have breakfast with a salad of boiled rice, eggs and squid, seasoned with sour cream. We wash it down with pomegranate juice.

Snack - steamed fish meatballs. For dessert, a milkshake with banana and strawberries.

For lunch we cook fish soup with vegetables, stewed cabbage with chicken hearts. We wash it down with fruit drink from unsweetened berries.

Dinner consists of rice porridge with raisins, fruit salad (apple, orange, pear, plum), seasoned with unsweetened yogurt. We wash it down with citrus juice.

Day number 4.

For breakfast there is a steam omelet with mushrooms, celery and chicken. Also included is 1 whole grain toast and green tea.

Snack - a portion of cottage cheese with unsweetened fruit.

We dine with borscht on chicken fillet, a portion of vinaigrette and apple juice.

For dinner, muesli, 1 any fruit and berry jelly.

Day number 5.

We will have breakfast with pumpkin porridge with honey, dried fruit uzvar.

Snack - a baked apple, a glass of berries.

For lunch, prepare green beef borsch, vegetable salad and citrus fresh.

Dinner consists of raisin corn porridge and fruit yogurt.

Children's type-setting diet for 1 and 2 weeks.This diet option assumes that you independently form the child's diet from the proposed menu options for the period necessary for him. Losing weight, as in the previous version, occurs gradually without harm to the body - up to 1 kg per week. Don't forget about water and physical activity. Below are 6 menu options that you can combine in the order that suits you, or stick with the same menu for several days.

Option 1.

Breakfast includes carrot omelet with milk, rye toast and tea.

Snack - whole grain bread with low-fat cheese, dried fruit uzvar.

For lunch, prepare mashed potatoes and chicken fillet soup. We wash it down with citrus juice.

We have dinner with a stew of vegetables, potatoes and beef, washed down with berry jelly.

Option 2.

Milk buckwheat porridge with honey and tea are put for breakfast.

Snack - steamed beetroot and carrot meatballs, fresh apple juice.

We have lunch with borscht with fresh cabbage and beef. The second is served with a serving of vinaigrette and whole grain toast.

Dinner consists of vegetable salad, 1 chicken egg and fermented baked milk.

Option 3.

We will have breakfast with muesli and tea.

Snack - 1 baked apple, 1 whole grain toast with a slice of slightly salted salmon and a slice of tomato.

For lunch, cook okroshka, serve 1 whole grain toast and carrot-apple fresh.

Dinner consists of zucchini stuffed with mushrooms and chicken. We wash it down with jelly or warm low-fat milk.

Option 4.

For breakfast, prepare a sweet steam omelet with rice and apples. We wash it down with a decoction of wild rose.

Snack - potato pancakes with low-fat sour cream.

We dine with mashed potatoes, chicken chops and fresh vegetables. We wash it down with fruit juice.

For dinner, muesli and fermented baked milk (kefir).

Option 5.

For breakfast we prepare semolina pudding with jam. We wash it down with grapefruit juice.

The snack consists of whole-grain toast with liver pate and 1 apple.

We dine with chicken soup with fillet pieces, whole grain toast and fresh cabbage.

For dinner we serve boiled potatoes with herbs, steamed meatballs and rosehip broth.

Option 6.

We will have breakfast with fruit puree and tea.

Snack - pancake with honey and citrus fresh.

We have lunch with vegetable puree soup, whole grain toast and cocoa with milk.

Dinner consists of stuffed peppers with sour cream and berry jelly.

How to get out of a child's diet

The question that worries many mothers concerns getting out of the diet. Firstly, you should stop the diet only when you have reached your optimal weight. All of these diets are balanced enough to be followed for a long period.

At the end of the diet, you should follow a rational menu, as your child has shown a tendency to be overweight. You can add another snack to the proposed menu - a light vegetable salad, a couple of quail eggs, cereal bread, fresh carrots and any other healthy products. Also, in the morning, pamper your child with a healthy dessert - homemade bun with fruits, pudding, fresh fruits or berries, natural ice cream or yogurt, curd mass, chocolate covered marshmallows, milk chocolate, marmalade, halva or kozinaki.

Disadvantages of a children's diet and contraindications

This diet was developed specifically for children, whose body is just developing and growing, and therefore does not tolerate "games" with weight, diet, lifestyle. If you strictly adhere to the menu, control portion sizes and be sure to combine diet with active pastime, then the child will lose weight with health benefits without any side effects. So, as such, there are no downsides to the diet.

There are still contraindications to the diet. It is prohibited to sit on it in the following cases:

  1. The presence of gastrointestinal diseases in a child (ulcer, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, bloating, hyperacidity and others), excretory system (kidney), genitourinary, and liver;
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  3. Allergy to individual components in the diet;
  4. Serious metabolic disorders;
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system;
  6. Rehabilitation and postoperative period;
  7. Inflammatory and chronic diseases.

Healthy eating habits should be established as early as childhood. If a child eats a lot of fatty or sweet foods, inevitably, after a while, he easily gains extra pounds. Obesity in children and adolescents requires a very different approach than in adults.


Considering the peculiarities of the structure of the child's body and the functioning of all body systems, it is impossible to use adult diets. The child's psyche is very labile and depends significantly on age. The methods that will work for toddlers of preschool age are completely unacceptable for schoolchildren, and even more so for adolescents.

The only age throughout life when a person cannot become obese is the period from the moment of birth to the first feeding. The baby at this time receives food only through the mother's milk. Breast milk is an excellent source of all nutrients, vitamins and trace elements in the ideal proportion for growth and development. It is absorbed by the child's body by 99.9%.

After the introduction of complementary foods, the number of overweight children increases markedly. Mothers try to feed the baby as much as possible. Many people explain this by the fact that they want to finish breastfeeding faster, because the baby is already receiving complementary foods. This is a fundamentally wrong belief.

All pediatricians are unambiguous in their opinion on the issue of breastfeeding. The longer you breastfeed your baby, the less pain it will have and the less risk of obesity. Complementary foods up to 8 months are only auxiliary sources of nutrients, giving leadership to breast milk. Only closer to the first year of the child can you reduce the number of breastfeeding and switch to regular foods.

All children's diets that are designed to reduce body weight are based on the same principles:

  • Balanced diet. The correct ratio of nutrients with the predominant inclusion of protein products (up to 50% of the total diet).
  • Fractional nutrition. It is set depending on the age of the child. Children under one year old should eat every 2-2.5 hours. From one year to two - 5-6 times a day. From 2-3 years old - 5 times a day. After three years - 4 times a day.
  • Daily calorie content... It is also calculated using special tables (according to the age of the baby).
  • The right combination of dishesexclusion of foods that contribute to weight gain.

We take into account the age

When drawing up a diet, be sure to pay attention to the age of your baby.

All types of weight loss are strictly prohibited for children under the age of five. At this time, all systems of the body are still being improved and changed.

The abrupt cancellation of some foods in the diet of such a baby can lead to an imbalance of nutrients, which can negatively affect the metabolism as a whole. In the future, the child will have big problems: it is difficult to normalize weight if the metabolism has been impaired.

If you observe that your child began to gain weight at the age of 5-6, pay attention to what you give him to eat. At this age, harmful sweets and carbonated drinks should be completely excluded. The huge amount of sugar provokes sudden jumps in insulin, which can lead to obesity and even diabetes. All cakes, sweets and chocolates are strictly prohibited for overweight children! Only natural fruits and berries. Encourage your child to eat them instead of dessert.

Children aged 7-8 should get more exercise.This time is the beginning of school. Previously, a more mobile child sits more at a desk and at home, doing homework. This leads to childhood hypodynamia and contributes to weight gain.

Be sure to send your child to the sports section. This will help increase your baby's physical activity. After physical aerobic exercise, metabolism is activated, and extra pounds literally start to burn! Choose sections strictly according to the wishes of your child. In no case do not force the kid to attend classes against his will. It is better to choose a new sport that he likes and will bring joy.

Children aged 9, 10 and teenagers usually spend a lot of time at the computer playing computer games.

The second important reason for weight gain can be an excessive love of fast food and fatty foods. Children of this age are very fond of various snacks and chips with bright salty flavors.

The abundance of flavorings whet their appetite, and they can eat a huge pack in just a couple of minutes. Such nutrition, in combination with physical inactivity, contributes to the deposition of extra centimeters on the hips and abdomen.


When planning to choose any diet for weight loss, be sure to consult your doctor. A child may have various diseases in which it will be simply dangerous to lose weight.

Among the common contraindications for losing weight:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic gastritis, colitis, enteritis, pancreatitis and many others).
  • Cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmia and other heart rhythm disturbances). In such cases, a cardiologist prescribes a diet.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1.In this disease, endocrinologists prescribe insulin injections. It has a lipotropic effect, that is, it breaks down adipose tissue. Children with diabetes are strictly prohibited from using any type of diet. They use a special system for calculating carbohydrates and bread units.
  • Malignant and benign tumors.In such cases, it is very important to have an adequate supply of nutrients to strengthen the immune system. The use of conventional diets is prohibited, only special medical food prescribed by an oncologist.

Is extreme weight loss harmful?

Losing weight quickly, especially rapidly, is strictly forbidden for a child's body! Losing weight quickly without harm to the body will not work under any circumstances. The breakdown of fat is slow.

Only 1-2 kg of fat can be burned per month with diet and exercise. Everything else is water or muscle. Rebuilding lost muscle tissue is much more difficult than losing it.

It is important to remember that you need to lose weight at home slowly but correctly. Be patient and support your little one in all stages of weight loss.

Types and types of diets

All diets can be conditionally divided into several types:

  • Low-calorie. They imply a decrease in daily calories. The body perceives a lack of calories as a stressful reaction and begins to activate all forces to maintain the desired level of energy. Fat stores are an excellent source of energy. With a decrease in calorie content, the child loses weight.
  • Monotonous low-calorie.These diets include eating the same foods for a long time (for example, only buckwheat porridge or cottage cheese). Such diets are strictly prohibited for use in childhood. Fasting days are allowed, but only for adolescents over 13 years old. This can only be done once a week. At this time, the child can be offered 800 g of cottage cheese and a liter of kefir for the whole day. Before prescribing mono-diets, be sure to consult with your pediatrician or endocrinologist.
  • Correct healthy diet... Includes fractional meals every 3-3.5 hours (only permitted foods). All fast food, sugary soda, fatty and fried foods, chocolate bars and chips are strictly prohibited. Such food should include a lot of healthy protein products, cereals, fresh fruits and berries in season, an abundance of vegetables.

Sample menu for a week


Breakfast: Homemade granola made from multi-cereal flakes with milk.

Lunch: Banana.

Dinner:Vegetable soup with chicken. Tomato and cabbage salad dressed with yogurt.

Afternoon snack: A glass of low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: Chinese cabbage salad with herbs and turkey meatballs.


Breakfast:Cottage cheese with dried fruits.

Lunch: A handful of walnuts.

Dinner: Soup with mushrooms and vegetables.

Afternoon snack: Rice pudding with pear.

Dinner:Hake meatballs with cucumber and tomato salad, garnish - buckwheat.


Breakfast:Fruit salad with whole grain crackers.

Lunch: Apple.

Dinner:Vegetable and turkey soup.

Afternoon snack:Grated carrots with raisins and yogurt.

Dinner:Baked chicken with fresh vegetable salad.


Breakfast: Cottage cheese with dried apricots.

Lunch:Dried fruits and green tea.

Dinner: White fish dumplings with boiled rice.

Afternoon snack:Low-fat kefir.

Dinner: Chicken with cabbage salad.


Breakfast:Oatmeal cupcakes with kiwi.

Lunch: Pear.

Dinner:Chicken balls with tomato salad.

Afternoon snack: Low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt and strawberries.

Dinner:Stewed cabbage and chicken cutlet.


Breakfast: Buckwheat flakes with boiled quail eggs.

Lunch:A handful of almonds.

Dinner:Tomato salad with veal meatballs.

Afternoon snack:Grated carrot with green apple.

Dinner:Steamed white fish with boiled rice.


Breakfast: Homemade granola with berries

Lunch: Low-fat kefir.

Dinner: Mushroom noodles with cucumber salad.

Afternoon snack: Kiwi.

Dinner:Cabbage and turkey salad.

Should I use vitamin complexes?

The appointment of any vitamin preparations should be carried out only by a pediatrician. The child's body does not need to constantly take vitamins. Even during weight loss, with proper nutrition, a sufficient amount of all necessary vitamins and minerals is supplied.

Vitamin complexes should be taken only during the period of colds. This will help strengthen your immune system and prevent infection.

How to stimulate a child?

Forcing a child to follow a diet is absolutely stupid and fundamentally meaningless. The psyche of babies under 5 years old is designed in such a way that they copy the behavior of adults and peers. They do not yet understand why and how this happens, but in their behavior they are guided by what they saw.

If it is customary in the family to eat wrong and unhealthy foods, to get carried away with fried and fatty foods, then the child perceives this food as delicious. Explaining to children what is useful is a super impossible task! This is not worth doing. Just show by example that wholesome, healthy food can be delicious. If you have salad and a slice of lean poultry on your plate, rather than a fried pork cutlet, your child will eat the same way. Eating habits are best taught from early childhood.

Often, parents do not know how to put a child on a diet. You don't need to plant anyone anywhere! Just revise your baby's nutrition by adding the right and healthy foods to the diet. Discard all prepared convenience foods and meat sausages from the refrigerator. Cook for your baby yourself, do not add a lot of oil during cooking. Bake or bake in the oven. Teach your child the right eating habits (from a very young age). In this case, the problem of obesity will be irrelevant for him.

How to help psychologically?

Support your little one at all stages of weight loss. He is a great fellow to achieve such results. Reinforce your positive attitude with small gifts. Build on the interests of your child. If the kid loves to draw, for the lost pounds, give him beautiful coloring pages or a set of paints. In a word, whatever he likes!

For children, it is better to choose all the exercises from the practice of physiotherapy exercises. They are safe, have been developed specifically for babies and will definitely not harm a small body.

A few simple exercises to remove your belly:

  1. Have your baby lie on the floor. Place a special mat under your back first. It should be soft enough, but at the same time elastic, so that the baby does not injure his back. The legs are bent at the knees, the arms are behind the head. On exhalation - lifting the body to the knees. The head, back and neck form one straight line. On inhalation - return to the starting position. You need to do 2 approaches at least 15 times.
  2. Starting position standing. Hands on the belt. The back is straight. On inhalation, the baby should draw in his stomach and hold his breath. Count to 5, then exhale sharply. It should be repeated 10-15 times in two approaches.
  3. Exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles. Starting position - lying on the rug. The legs are bent at the knees, the arms are behind the head. On exhalation, the baby raises the body and tilts towards the right leg. On inhalation, it returns to its original position. Then the tilt to the left leg is repeated in the same way. Do 15 times in each direction.


As the ancients said, diet is a way of life. This is true. Any proper nutrition can also be called a diet, only medicinal. The use of such proper nutrition throughout life will help maintain not only normal weight, but also health (this way a person will not be able to accumulate many chronic diseases).

  • Required control your diet baby. Make up the menu in advance, preferably separately for each week. Follow all the principles of good nutrition. Remember to divide your meals by time. To lose weight, the baby must eat at least 4-5 times a day.
  • Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. They have a low calorie content, but perfectly saturate. In combination with protein food, they give the body energy for a long time and without feeling of heaviness.
  • Watch out for that how much liquid your child is drinking.Often, when water intake is reduced, metabolism slows down markedly. Foods are poorly excreted from the body, which contributes to more pronounced weight gain.
  • Instill a love of physical activity from your baby since childhood. For the child, classes should become a habit - how to brush your teeth in the morning or wash your hands before eating.
  • Form the right eating habits.Show by example that wholesome and healthy food is delicious. Don't keep high-calorie chips and soda at home. Only healthy foods should be in your refrigerator.
  • Become a friend to your child. This will help you more easily motivate him while losing weight and achieve good results. Replace the habit of eating the wrong food with others, such as going out into the countryside with the whole family or going to a pool or water park.

The diet for children should be selected strictly individually, taking into account the existing characteristics of the body and chronic diseases. Losing weight gradually over the course of several months will help you lose weight and improve your baby's health. The main thing in any process of losing weight is a positive attitude and patience.

Prepared from the cutlet mass cutlets, cuts, meatballs, rolls, zrazy, meatballsthat differ in shape and size.
Cutlets have an oblong oval shape with pointed ends, cue balls are rounded flattened, meatballs are spherical, meatballs are in the form of small balls.

Recipes from raw and boiled minced meat (from minced meat)

Cutlet mass.
Fat, tendons and films are cut off from meat intended for minced meat, cut into small pieces, passed through a meat grinder, water is added, salted, and thoroughly kneaded. For cutlets, add white bread without a crust, pre-soaked in water or milk and squeezed. Bread and water in the cutlet mass should be, respectively, no more than 20-25% and 30% of the amount of meat.

Steam meat balls
Pass the meat pulp through a meat grinder twice with white bread soaked in milk, add butter, salt and mix thoroughly. Cut the minced meat into cue ball and steam it, placing it on a water bath grate moistened with water.
Meat - 100 g, bread - 25 g, milk - 30 ml, butter - 5 g.

Zrazy meat stuffed with vegetables
Cut the cutlet mass into flat cakes with wet hands. In the center of each place finely chopped stewed carrots and cabbage, sautéed onions and a chopped hard-boiled egg. Pinch the edges of the cakes, giving them the shape of a zraza, lightly fry in butter, then place in the oven for 10-15 minutes.
Cutlet mass - 90 g, carrots - 10 g, cabbage - 10 g, onions - 5 g, eggs - 1/4 pcs, butter - 7 g.

Steamed meatballs
They are prepared from cutlet mass. Place the formed meatballs on the wire rack of a steam pan with boiling water, close the lid and steam for about 15 minutes.

Boiled meat gache
Boil the meat, mince it twice, combine with milk sauce, beat well. While stirring, bring to a boil, season with butter before serving.
Meat - 100 g, milk - 15 ml, wheat flour - 5 g, butter - 5 g.

In case of intestinal diseases, bread in cutlet mass is replaced with viscous rice porridge, with diabetes and obesity - with cottage cheese

Boiled meat soufflé
Boil the meat, cool, mince it three times, combine with white (sour cream or milk) sauce, stirring thoroughly, add the yolk of a raw egg. Salt, gradually add the whipped protein to the meat puree. Beat the mass well, transfer to a frying pan greased with butter and, with a lid, bring to readiness over low heat.

Steamed boiled meat soufflé
Boil the meat, cool, mince it three times, combine with white (sour cream or milk) sauce, stirring thoroughly, add the yolk of a raw egg. Salt, gradually add the whipped protein to the meat puree. Beat the mass well, put in a greased dish and cook until cooked in a steam bath in a water bath.
Meat - 100 g, sauce - 35 g, eggs - 1/2 pcs., Butter - 3 g.

Boiled, stewed and baked meat dishes

Boiled meat
If it is necessary to significantly reduce the amount of extractives in it, the meat must be cut into small pieces, dipped in cold water and cooked until tender. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, put coarsely chopped carrots, parsley root, onions, and salt at the end of cooking.
If it is necessary to preserve extractive substances in the product, boil the meat in a large piece, dipping it into boiling water, add salt at the end of cooking. Cut the finished meat into pieces of the required size.
Meat - 100 g, carrots - 3 g, onions - 3 g, parsley root - 2 g, water - 150 ml.

Boiled beef stroganoff
Cut off the tendons and fat from the meat, boil it, cut into oblong pieces of 5-8g each, put in a saucepan, pour with milk or sour cream sauce, salt, stir and cook under a lid at a low boil for 10 minutes. Serve with the sauce, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.
Meat - 90 g, sauce - 50 g.

Beef baked in milk sauce with potatoes
Boiled meat, cut into small pieces (2-3 per serving), put in a greased frying pan, line with sliced \u200b\u200bboiled potatoes, pour milk sauce, sprinkle with grated mild cheese on top and bake in the oven.
Beef - 80 g, potatoes - 150 g, sauce - 100 g, cheese - 5 g.

Beef stew with prunes
Simmer meat without films until half cooked, add chopped blanched onions, carrots chopped into circles, tomato paste and simmer under a lid over low heat for an hour. Then add the washed prunes, from which the pits have been removed, and continue braising until tender. Serve the meat along with prunes and carrots, pouring over the sauce in which it was stewed.
Beef - 120 g, carrots - 15 g, onions - 10 g, tomato paste - 6 g, prunes - 20 g, butter - 5 g, water - 50 ml.

Boiled meat goulash
Pour boiled meat cut into small pieces with sour cream sauce and simmer under a lid over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Serve with the sauce.
Meat - 100 g, sauce - 60 g.

Chicken (rabbit) boiled in milk sauce
Immerse meat without skin and tendons in boiling water and cook under a lid over low heat (chicken - 25-30 minutes, young chicken or rabbit - 40-60 minutes, old chicken - 2-3 hours). Put carrots, onions, parsley root and salt in the broth 25-30 minutes until tender. Cut the boiled chicken (rabbit) into pieces (2-3 per serving), pour over the milk sauce and boil under the lid for 7-10 minutes. Serve with the sauce.
Chicken (rabbit) - 100 g, carrots, onions, parsley - 3 g each, water - 250 ml, milk sauce - 50 g.

Fried meat
Wash soft veal, young beef or lean pork, dry, remove films, tendons, cut into thin slices across the fibers, lightly beat with a kitchen hammer and fry in butter. At the same time, a dense crust forms on the surface of the meat, which protects against the loss of mineral salts and extractive substances. To make the fried meat soft, add a little water to it and simmer under a lid over low heat. Season with salt before serving.
The readiness of the meat can be determined by piercing the thickest part with a fork. The meat is ready if colorless juice appears at the puncture site. The reddish juice released indicates the need to continue heat treatment.
Meat - 100 g, butter - 5 g.

Salt the pieces of meat prepared for stewing, place in a pan with vegetable oil and fry until a crust forms. This prevents the juice from leaking out when the meat is cooked, as a result of which more nutrients are retained in it, it becomes aromatic and juicy.
Then add to the meat, chopping, onions, carrots, celery or parsley and continue to fry it together with vegetables over low heat for another 8-10 minutes. Then in the bowl where the meat was fried, pour the broth or hot water 1/2 of the height, add the tomato puree and simmer for 1.5 hours under the lid. The finished meat is easily pierced with a fork, the juice protruding at the puncture site should be light in color.
Meat - 100 g, vegetable oil - 5 g, onion - 10 g, carrots - 15 g, celery or parsley - 5 g, water (broth) - 150 ml, tomato puree - 4 g.

Boiled meat stew
Boil pieces of meat with bone until half cooked, transfer to a small saucepan, add water so that the meat is completely covered, add tomato paste and simmer under a lid over low heat until tender (40-60 minutes). In the remaining broth, prepare the tomato-sour cream sauce, pour over the meat and simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Serving, pour over the sauce in which the meat was stewed.
Meat - 100 g, flour - 5 g, sour cream - 20 g, tomato paste - 7 g, butter - 7 g.

Pork stewed with cabbage in a pot
Cut the lean pork into small pieces and fry lightly, combine with chopped fresh cabbage, finely chopped onions and carrots sauteed until half cooked, transfer to a clay pot, add tomato paste, sour cream, sugar, salt and simmer in the oven until tender.
Meat - 70 g, cabbage - 100 g, carrots - 10 g, onions - 5 g, tomato paste - 5 g, sour cream - 10 g, sugar - 3 g, butter - 5 g.

Meat offal recipes

Cue balls from the heart
Pass the heart through a meat grinder several times, add semolina, water, mix, shape the cue balls, roll in flour and fry in ghee. Then put the cue balls in the oven and cook until tender. Serve with butter.
Heart - 70 g, semolina - 5 g, flour - 5 g, butter - 5 g, water - 30 ml

Beef stroganoff from the liver
Liver, cut into oblong pieces 4-5 cm long and 1 cm thick, lightly fry, salt, pour over with sour cream sauce, boil for 5-7 minutes. Serve with the sauce in which the liver was stewed.
Liver - 100 g, butter - 10 g, sour cream sauce - 50 g.

Liver pate
Simmer the liver in a skillet under the lid along with onions and carrots in a little water until soft. When it cools down, pass through a meat grinder together with carrots and onions, add salt, add whipped butter. Form the liver mass in the form of a roll, cool.
Liver - 75 g, carrots - 15 g, onions - 10 g, butter - 10 g.

Liver stewed with vegetables
Peel the liver from films and cut into small pieces. Washed and peeled carrots and cabbage, chop the onions into strips. Put pieces of liver on a greased portioned pan, on top of it - a layer of chopped vegetables, sprinkle with salt, pour in milk. Simmer in a moderately hot oven for 30-35 minutes.
Liver - 100 g, carrots - 20 g, cabbage - 20 g, onions - 10 g, butter - 3 g.

Liver pudding with carrots
Pass the liver through a meat grinder, add boiled carrots grated on a grater, butter, raw egg yolk, ground crackers, salt, beat thoroughly, carefully add the whipped protein. Put the mass in a mold greased with butter and simmer for 40 minutes, pour over melted butter when serving.
Liver - 60 g, carrots - 20 g, eggs - 1/2 pcs., Ground crackers - 10 g, butter - 5 g.

Beef tongue aspic
Cut the boiled and peeled beef tongue across the fibers into 1-1.5 cm slices. Dissolve the gelatin pre-soaked in cold boiled water in hot broth or vegetable broth, strain, pour a thin layer into a tray or plate. When it hardens, lay the cut pieces of the tongue and pour the dissolved gelatin in several steps.
Tongue - 75 g, meat broth - 150 ml, gelatin - 4 g.

Boiled beef tongue
Rinse the tongue, put it in boiling water and cook for an hour, then add chopped onions, carrots, parsley root and continue to cook until tender. Remove the finished tongue, place in cold water for 5-10 minutes, remove the skin, cut into slices, pour the broth in which it was cooked and bring to a boil. Serve with butter.
Tongue - 100 g, carrots - 10 g, onions - 5 g, parsley root - 5 g, butter - 3 g.

Dishes from meat, vegetables and cereals

Lazy stuffed cabbage
Pass the meat through a meat grinder, grate the cabbage on a vegetable grater, finely chop the onion. Combine everything, add rice boiled until half cooked, a little salt, a raw egg. Mix thoroughly, divide into flat cakes, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Transfer the cabbage rolls to a shallow saucepan, pour over tomato paste diluted with hot water and simmer for 30 minutes. At the end of stewing, add sour cream.
Meat - 50g, cabbage - 50g, onion - 5g, rice - 10g, eggs - 1/3 pcs., Vegetable oil - 5g, tomato paste - 4g, sour cream - 10g, water - 70ml.

Cabbage rolls with meat
Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add rice boiled until half-cooked and grated carrots and finely chopped onions, sauteed in vegetable oil, a raw egg, mix. Wrap the resulting minced meat in cabbage leaves scalded with boiling water. Put the stuffed cabbage in a saucepan, pour over the tomato-sour cream sauce and simmer.
Cabbage - 100g, meat - 50g, sauce - 60g, rice - 10g, carrots - 10g, onions - 5g.

Potato casserole with meat
Boil peeled potatoes and mince. Put half of the mashed potatoes in an even layer on a greased frying pan, put the minced meat mixed with chopped onion, stewed with butter, cover it with the remaining mashed potatoes. Smooth the surface, brush with an egg mixed with sour cream, and bake in the oven.
Potatoes - 150g, meat - 75g, onions - 5g, eggs - 1/6 pcs., Butter - 5g, sour cream - 5g.

Meat casserole with pasta
Dip finely broken pasta in boiling salted water and cook for about 20 minutes. Then drain the water, season the pasta with butter, when cool a little, combine with the egg-milk mixture.
Put half of the pasta in a greased frying pan, flatten, put the minced meat from the boiled meat on top, and then a layer of the remaining pasta. Grease the surface of the casserole with butter and sour cream, bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
Meat - 50g, pasta - 30g, water - 300ml, eggs - 1/2 pcs., Milk - 15ml, butter - 10g, sour cream - 15g.

Zucchini stuffed with boiled meat and rice
Peel a small young zucchini from the skin, cut into pieces across, remove seeds from the middle. Dip the prepared rings for a few minutes in salted boiling water, then fill with boiled meat passed through a meat grinder, mixed with boiled rice, sautéed in butter, chopped onions and a raw egg. Put the zucchini rings in a pan, pour in the tomato-sour cream sauce and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
Zucchini - 100g, boiled meat - 50g, rice - 8g, onion - 3g, eggs - 1/4 pcs., Sauce - 60g.

Buckwheat cutlets with meat
Cook crumbly porridge from buckwheat, cool, add boiled meat passed through a meat grinder, mixed with onions fried in butter and a beaten egg, salt. Mix everything thoroughly. Form cutlets from the resulting mass, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in butter.
Buckwheat groats - 50g, boiled meat - 50g, onions - 10g, eggs - 1/4 pcs., Butter - 10g.

Vegetables baked with meat in a pot
Boil carrots, cabbage, turnips, sauté onion in butter. Put chopped boiled vegetables, pieces of boiled meat, sautéed onions and tomatoes in layers in a pot, pour melted butter and sour cream on top, bake in the oven.
Carrots - 50g, cabbage - 50g, boiled meat - 50g, tomatoes - 40g, onions - 5g, butter - 5g, sour cream - 10g.

Pilaf is prepared from soft beef or lean pork. Cut the meat into pieces, fry in highly heated fat and, pouring hot water, bring to a boil. Then add sorted and washed rice, chopped onions, coarsely grated carrots (fried), tomato paste, salt and, covering the dishes with a lid, place in the oven for 1 hour.
Meat - 50g, rice - 25g, onions - 5g, carrots - 20g, water - 100ml, tomato paste - 5g, vegetable oil - 6g.

Tomatoes stuffed with boiled meat
Cut off the top from the tomatoes, carefully remove the core with seeds, lightly salt and fill with minced meat from boiled meat mixed with boiled rice and chopped onions sautéed in vegetable oil. Place the tomatoes in a greased skillet and bake in the oven.
Tomatoes - 150g, boiled meat - 50g, rice - 8g, onions - 5g, vegetable oil - 6g.

Sausages (small sausages) in potato dough
For the dough, boil the potatoes in a peel, peel and pass hot through a meat grinder. Add a raw egg, mix, salt, then add semolina and flour. Mix well and roll out on a floured board. Cut the dough into rectangles.

Remove the casing from the sausage or part of it and wrap it in a rectangle made of dough, connect and pinch the edges. Mix the melted non-hot butter with a raw egg and coat the sausages in the pan with this mixture. Bake in the oven over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. Sausages are prepared in the same way, only potato dough cakes are made square.
Sausages (small sausages) - 50g, potatoes - 120g, eggs - 1pc., Semolina - 8g, flour - 25g, butter - 5g.

Every mother wants her child to be cheerful, healthy and full of energy. A complete diet of a younger student is the basis of his excellent health and successful study.

It is necessary to explain to the beloved child what proper nutrition is and why it is necessary from an early age. Indeed, if in infancy and preschool age vegetables, fruits and cereals predominate in his menu, then the older he becomes, the more harmful products he uses.

When talking about proper nutrition, one cannot ignore the fact that there are too many excesses that are harmful to health in the menu of a modern person - both an adult and a child.

Neither adults nor children, especially, think about the degree of usefulness or harm of the products presented on the shelves of supermarkets. Parents do not care about how to organize a healthy diet for their child, and as a result, he does not even realize the dependence of the state of the body on a particular food. But the health of children of 7 years old, no less than at an earlier age, depends on the products present in the daily menu.

It is important to educate your child about the dangers of unrestricted eating of chips, crackers or sweets. But you need to take into account that stories alone are not enough. Nothing brings up a child better than a personal parental example.

Formation of the diet of children of 7 years old requires a special attitude. At this age, the child becomes selective in food. Therefore, you will have to think over the children's menu, taking into account not only the degree of usefulness of the products, but also the taste preferences of your beloved child.

The food should be high in calories to provide your child with energy throughout the day. The average rate that he should receive per day is 2400-2500 kcal.

One of the main elements of a balanced diet for children of 7 years old is a regimen. Only if it is observed, the body will receive energy evenly and in a timely manner. For younger students, meals are recommended at least 4-5 times a day.

This is an approximate meal schedule:

  1. 07.00-07.30 - breakfast;
  2. 09.30-10.00 - lunch (at school);
  3. 12.30-13.00 - lunch (at school or at home);
  4. 15.30-16.00 - afternoon snack;
  5. 18.30-19.00 - dinner;
  6. 21.00 - light dinner (optional).

The first breakfast at home is an essential part of the diet of children of this age. It is advisable that the menu includes milk porridge, a bread and butter sandwich, cocoa or tea. Be careful that the child does not overeat: a full stomach will negatively affect the assimilation of educational material.

If you are giving your child a snack for school, do not put it in a plastic bag, but in an airtight container. Second breakfast can be: unsweetened bun or sandwich, banana, cookies, juice or fruit drink.

Lunch is necessarily soup for the first, meat or fish with a side dish for the second. A vegetable salad seasoned with sunflower oil or sour cream is also desirable (it is unacceptable to season with mayonnaise). From drinks, dried fruit compote is best suited for dessert.

An afternoon snack usually takes place at home. It is good if you offer your child a pudding or casserole and fresh fruit (apple, kiwi, pear). A great option: oatmeal or corn cookies with milk.

A 7-year-old child's dinner should be light and not repeat the dishes he has already eaten during the day. Mom needs to carefully study the school menu in order to avoid repetitions. For dinner, diet steamed meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey) or fish and a side dish of cereals or stewed vegetables, as well as an omelette steamed or in the oven, are perfect.

An additional light dinner is included in the daily diet of children 7 years old, if desired. It can be a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or warm milk. But it is important to drink it no later than an hour before going to bed.

Permitted and Required Products

A child's body at the age of 7 needs nutrients from 5 groups:

  • proteins (the norm is 80 g per day, of which 48 g are animal proteins);
  • fats (norm - 75-80 g per day);
  • carbohydrates (the norm is 300-350 g per day);
  • vitamins;
  • minerals (calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and others).

Proteins (proteins) - the main building material for the cells of the body. Associated with proteins: growth, metabolism, muscle contractility, transmission of impulses along nerve fibers, the formation of immunity. Especially important is the use of proteins in childhood, and both vegetable and animal sources are needed, as well as dairy products.

Nowadays, such a phenomenon has become popular as vegetarianism, preaching a complete rejection of animal proteins. But in healthy baby food, this component must be included, and its exclusion or limitation is unacceptable. Lack of animal food is fraught with pathologies of mental and physical development of the child.

Protein foods should be included in the diet of a seven-year-old child on a regular basis. These include:

  • lean meat;
  • sea \u200b\u200band river fish;
  • milk - up to 500 ml per day;
  • dairy products;
  • cottage cheese, daily volume - 40-50 g;
  • legumes: beans, peas, lentils;
  • nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews;
  • eggs.

Fats are part of every cell in our body. They, like proteins, are plant and animal. Animal fats are rich in vitamins A and D, vegetable fats are rich in vitamin E.

Both types of fats must be included in the diet of a primary school student. In this case, the volume of animals, ideally, should be 2 times the volume of plants.

Fat-rich foods:

  • various unrefined vegetable oils: sunflower, soybean, olive, corn, etc .;
  • nuts: Brazilian, cashews, walnuts;
  • fatty fish: herring, salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, etc.;
  • cream;
  • sour cream;
  • butter.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for a growing body. It is desirable that the need for carbohydrates in children of 7 years old is met mainly as a result of the inclusion of cereals and cereals in the children's menu. These are sources of "slow" carbohydrates that supply energy to the body for a long time. But the volume of "fast" carbohydrates (pastries, cakes, sweets) should be no more than 10-20% of the total volume per day.

Carbohydrate-rich foods:

  • cereals, cereals: buckwheat, rolled oats, corn, barley, pearl barley, rice, etc.;
  • legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins, prunes;
  • corn;
  • potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin;
  • bananas;
  • wholemeal bakery products;
  • jam, honey, jams, jam.

Vitamins and minerals are mandatory for the child with food. The main sources of minerals and vitamins are:

  • fruits (the required volume is 300 g per day);
  • vegetables (volume - 280 g per day);
  • berries and greens;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • meat and fish;
  • cereals.

The main principle of preventing the lack of minerals and vitamins in children of 7 years old is a varied children's menu.

Particular importance should be attached to the drinking regime of a child of 7 years old. The total volume of water that he should consume per day is 50-70 ml per 1 kg of body weight, that is, approximately 1400-1500 ml.

The required volume is achieved through the use of soups, drinks (tea, cocoa, milk, juices, fruit drinks, fruit drinks) and clean drinking water.

Unwanted menu items

It is undesirable to include the following products in the children's menu:

  1. Sugar - no good, only empty calories. But it worsens the condition of the teeth and is a common cause of childhood obesity.
  2. Refined wheat flour, like sugar, does not have healthy qualities.
  3. It is better to replace white wheat bread with rye or with.
  4. Products with dyes, preservatives, flavors, food additives (marking starting with the letter "E").
  5. Margarine is a source of trans fats that can disturb digestion.
  6. Vegetables and fruits sold out of season - they are treated with hazardous chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
  7. Store sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard.
  8. Sweet carbonated drinks.

Illiterately organized baby food will not pass without a trace for the child and will certainly affect the general physical condition and academic performance. But the right menu will serve as a guarantee of strong immunity, excellent health, physical and mental activity of your child, which will entail success in school and in his entire subsequent life.