How to make an Olivier salad. New Year's salad Olivier We decorate a traditional dish in a new way

26.11.2019 Salads

Popular not only for the New Year, but also for other Russian holidays - Olivier - has its roots in the 19th century. For the first time on Russian soil, this dish, alien to the Russian taste, was prepared by a French chef for the first time and immediately became a favorite delicacy of the intelligentsia. Today, this salad has undergone a number of changes and does not cause such delight due to its popularity and availability. Now, in order to somehow surprise the guests, you have to impress them with the serving of the dish. It remains to figure out how to decorate Olivier for a spectacular appearance of the "king of salads"?


It's no secret that the first chef who came up with an original combination of ingredients was a Frenchman. It contained an inn with the cultural name "Hermitage". The name of the tavern had nothing to do with the St. Petersburg Museum, it means "a secluded place" in French. The high-class establishment was attended by noblemen.

Question: "How to decorate an Olivier salad?" the cooks did not have a tavern then. The dish was served with unmixed ingredients: the food was laid out in layers or laid out separately on a plate.

Today, the familiar salad can be found in different interpretations, and all because after the death of the innkeeper Lucien Olivier, no one knew the real recipe for this delight. Of course, the predecessors of the French chef tried to reproduce it, and the recipe as close as possible to the original was published in a cookbook of 1897.

In the Soviet restaurant "Moscow" in the thirties of the XX century, Ivan Mikhailovich Ivanov invented a salad from available ingredients, which became a kind of Olivier. He was dubbed "Capital".

"Royal" recipe

How to decorate Olivier, a photo, a description, a cutting technique - for a modern housewife this is available information, not like a recipe for a classic dish in tsarist Russia. Nevertheless, there were also craftsmen who repeated the taste of the salad as much as possible.

The ingredients of the tsarist dish were as follows:

  • hazel grouses;
  • veal tongue;
  • salad;
  • boiled crayfish;
  • black caviar;
  • pickles;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • eggs, capers, kabul soybeans.

The dish was dressed with a sauce based on French vinegar and egg yolks.

The list, headed by the ideologically intolerable hazel grouses, clearly did not resemble the products of the working-peasant class. Therefore, in Soviet times, chef Ivanov replaced the tsarist ingredients with affordable products. Then the thought did not arise: "How to decorate Olivier?" His mere appearance at the New Year's table was a luxury.

A modern interpretation of the dish

For workers and peasants, the ingredients of the tsarist recipe for meat salad were alien, and even more so black caviar, crayfish, pickles. The New Year's dish combined potatoes, carrots, boiled sausage, pickled cucumbers, eggs, green peas and mayonnaise.

All family members ran in search of scarce products for the salad, and after purchasing them, there were no more ideas: "How to decorate Olivier for the New Year?" Peas, mayonnaise were bought far before the arrival of the holiday and were kept under the inviolable slogan: "This is for the New Year!"

In modern society, it has become easy to get the listed ingredients for a meat snack, and the appearance of salad on a festive table does not surprise anyone. Here are advanced housewives and are looking for options for the execution of "how to decorate a salad Olivier beautifully" in order to add sophistication to the dish.

Carrots: to put or not?

Many amateur cooks, when preparing Olivier, are wondering about the need for the presence of such an ingredient as carrots in it. Indeed, the Soviet list of products is somehow analogous to the tsarist ingredients of sophistication. Except for potatoes and carrots. But if the presence of potatoes can be explained by an attempt to make the dish satisfying, then the insignificant presence of boiled carrots in it is not entirely clear.

There is a legend that resourceful chefs also replaced crabs, which were present in traditional Olivier, with an orange root vegetable. So, the presence of boiled carrots in a favorite salad has become not an obligatory ingredient, but a desirable one. However, if the question is about how to decorate the Olivier salad, then the presence of a bright root vegetable in it should not be in doubt, since the dish becomes more noticeable with carrots.

The subtleties of cooking

No matter how beautifully the salad is served, the impression of the dish can fade from the lack of taste or the correct consistency. The popularity of the dish is great, so an unreasonably large amount is cooked up, which is an unreasonable translation of products. It is recommended to calculate the volume of the salad based on the number of invited guests, equal to the number of medium potatoes. That is, if you plan to take 5 people, then you need to prepare 5 potatoes for Olivier.

So that the future food does not look like porridge, it is necessary to boil carrots and potatoes, peeled and cut into equal cubes. It is recommended to add vinegar (one teaspoon) to the water in which the nightshade will be cooked. He will save the vegetable from crumbling, and the question: "How to decorate Olivier, and not porridge?" will be relevant.

It is better to choose beef as the meat for this delicacy. Moreover, it is worth boiling it after the water boils, then the juiciness of the meat will remain inside the piece.

It is important to cut the food using one technique. Brunoise is suitable for Olivier, that is, potatoes, meat, carrots, pickled cucumbers and eggs must be chopped into even cubes.

Refueling and storage methods

If before the holiday the hostess is tormented by the thought of how to decorate the Olivier salad, then after the feast the question is worried: "How can I eat all this beautiful so that it does not disappear?" To avoid this situation, it is recommended to form the serving not from the entire part of the prepared salad. If it so happened that after combining all the products, a bowl of Olivier came out, then you should not sculpt Christmas trees, sticks and themed animals from the entire mass obtained.

An economical option for serving salad is canapes or boats. You can quickly arrange them at any time, and such an appetizer will be individually one-time. That is, there is no common plate of the seasoned dish, which must be disposed of after the holiday.

It is recommended to add eggs and mayonnaise / olive oil to the salad just before decorating the Olivier, and it is better to leave the rest of the salad in the refrigerator without the listed products, then its shelf life will last up to three days.

Restaurant serving

Home table setting is somewhat different from restaurant. And this applies not only to cutlery, but the presentation of salads by haute cuisine chefs is more sophisticated: they lack the design of snacks in the form of any animal, which is very popular at home.

But the question remains the same: "How to decorate Olivier?" Photos of the restaurant presentation of this salad are impressive with their genius and aristocracy. The most affordable homemade version is considered to be the option of serving a snack using a molding ring. His absence is not a cause for grief. The ring can be obtained by cutting the plastic bottle on both sides. When it is ready, all that remains is to put the improvised ring on a flat plate and fill it with seasoned salad, and before serving, the "bottle" device must be removed. The circumference of the resulting stump can be decorated with halves of boiled eggs.

How to decorate Olivier for the New Year?

Snack options for serving salads are considered a guest-friendly alternative to the common meal. Olivier is no exception. This is not only a way to extend the shelf life of a delicacy, but also a tricky trick to prevent overeating.

How to decorate Olivier for the New Year in a snack version?

  1. Serving in wine glasses. In glasses for wine, the salad looks very original, laid out in layers. It also takes up less table space than a plate.
  2. In cucumbers. It is necessary to cut fresh cucumbers lengthwise and clean the pulp with a teaspoon. It remains to fill the vacated space with salad.
  3. In baskets. You can bake molds for Olivier yourself, but shopping baskets will be an excellent replacement.
  4. In pita bread or lettuce leaves.

Children's table: how to decorate Olivier beautifully?

How often do adults try to trick a child into trying something! One of these tricks is considered to be the design of dishes in the form of fairy-tale characters or animals.

Olivier can be served to children in the form of fly agarics in an egg. The salad also looks advantageous and appetizing in the form of a Christmas tree decorated with peas and corn. Children's delight is guaranteed at the sight of a mouse from a traditional Olivier. Ears, tail and legs of an animal can be cut from boiled sausage. Any form of salad will already add originality to the dish and arouse the appetite of the kids. At the discretion of the parents: it is better to season the children's Olivier not with mayonnaise, but with sour cream.

How to decorate Olivier salad for the New Year

How to make an Olivier salad.

In order to prepare a classic salad, take the meat of poultry or poultry. There are recipes where the poultry is replaced with boiled meat, tongue, ham or even shrimp. Of course, this can be done, but in this case the salad will turn out different. Not worse and not better, just different! But, we are one hundred percent sure of this, it is still tasty, although already new, original. It is not at all recommended to use sausage instead of chicken when preparing salad. Although such cooking recipes are also found. But the sausage itself is already a cold snack and it is better to eat it on its own. Gourmets believe that it does not go well with salad ingredients.

For cooking Olivier, it is recommended to use pickled cucumbers, not pickled ones. That is why Olivier salad is considered to be a winter salad. Olivier's classic recipe includes apples. Moreover, it is better to take sweet varieties, but sweet and sour are also suitable. Apples and cucumbers are recommended to be peeled. An Olivier salad is also prepared with fresh cucumbers, but this is no longer Olivier, but a completely different salad turns out, although it is also very tasty.

In preparing Olivier salad, as in any other salad, it is extremely important to observe the correct proportion. Therefore, in order to prepare the Olivier salad, the classic recipe takes the following ingredients:

For 6 potatoes

3 carrots

2 onions

1-2 small pickled cucumbers

1 apple

200 g boiled chicken

A glass of canned green peas

Salt and ground pepper to taste.

The composition of the recipe refers to medium-sized vegetables.

And one more prerequisite for success is not to be too lazy to cut all the ingredients of the salad into smaller pieces. Gently mix chopped vegetables with mayonnaise. Mayonnaise can be bought or made at home.

The result will be such that your guests will say that you have the most delicious Olivier salad and you will not regret the effort!

Nowadays, the recipe for Olivier salad is winter and summer. "What's the difference?" - you ask. the difference is in the cucumbers. We include salty ones in the recipe - we get a winter salad. We use fresh cucumbers - we get summer.
How to decorate an Olivier salad.

Options - the sea. We spread the salad in a high slide and decorate with slices of pickled cucumbers or parsley leaves, chicken pieces or apple slices. It is possible in a common salad bowl, or in portions ... For New Year's Olivier - his decoration. In short, turn on your imagination and create your culinary masterpiece! Here are some photos of how you can decorate and serve our famous salad on the festive table:

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that many are already tired of Olivier for the New Year. Like, how much can you put on the table this familiar, traditional and such a simple composition of ingredients salad? But New Year's traditions were not created so that they could be easily abandoned.

If you want to make this salad somehow unusual and special during the meeting of the next year, then you should think about how to decorate Olivier in an original way for the New Year 2018. If you approach the issue of decorating this salads correctly, then you will see that Olivier for the New Year you can still surprise!

Features of decorating New Year's Olivier:

The simplest and most sophisticated decoration of Olivier salad is to pour the dish with mayonnaise, and put parsley, dill, green onions, lettuce and celery stalks on top. You can find different ways of laying greens: by separate branches or leaves;

Green peas, slices of cucumbers and eggs, carrot slices are also an easy way to decorate a dish. Of the listed vegetables, you can easily cut Christmas trees and snowflakes, stars at home. To get a neat shape, you can use cookie cutters;

You can make some really themed decorations from the vegetables that make up the salad. For example, the hands of the clock, which will show the time of the festive midnight or chamomile on the bow, so that the winter salad will return to summer;

Products that are not included in the salad will look the most original in the decoration. How beautiful to decorate Olivier in this case? You can use lemon slices or apples, grapes, olives. Decoration elements can be laid out on the surface of the salad in a chaotic manner, or you can lay out some themed decoration with a plot, come up with original patterns;

The salad will look beautiful if you make a net of mayonnaise on it, and put an olive or grape, a handful of pomegranate grains in each cell;

And you can also make a mesh of Korean carrots, as in ours.

If you do not have any ideas at all how to decorate a New Year's salad with the help of the available products, then you can simply use a good color ratio of the products. On a white background made of mayonnaise or grated protein, orange or green spots will look advantageous. Just scatter the carrot cubes on the surface, this will already make the New Year's Olivier bright and original.

No matter how much Olivier is "boring" for the New Year, the salad dressing should still be moderate so as not to cover the surface of the salad. After all, the guests who will be at the table must definitely consider the dish. Moreover, fortunately, most Slavs still love and do not represent the New Year of the troubles of Olivier's basin.

And if some of your guests do not eat meat, then we suggest you cook it.

It is interesting! Mayonnaise for salad dressing can be colored. To do this, you can add a little beet juice or red wine (to get a red tint), tomato puree (to get an orange color), spinach or sorrel juice (for a green color), a little mustard (for a yellow color) into the finished mayonnaise.

If you can't figure out how to decorate the Olivier salad for the new year, then you can try to experiment not only with the appearance of the salad, but also with the ingredients that make up it. For example, replace sausage with fish (salmon or trout). You can decorate such a fish Olivier with quail eggs, red caviar and shrimps. There will be a very bright and rich dish on the New Year's table, moreover, traditional.

Another option for an interesting salad serving is to lay it out in an unusual shape. For example, you can lay out Olivier with a herringbone, sprigs of which to make dill. You can also lay out Olivier in the form of a Goat's head or a small Goat. If you don't feel like adding so much creativity to your salad layout, use simple geometric shapes like a circle, triangle, or square. It is important to understand that even a slight deviation from tradition in Olivier's presentation will cause surprise and, if you try and put in a little effort, even delight.

Connect more imagination, try to make sure that this New Year's salad during the celebration of 2018 carries not only traditionalism, but also some unusual actual New Year symbols.

It is interesting! Housewives who like to quickly and easily decorate dishes will be helped by onions. To make beautiful onion lilies, cut the onion in the middle with cloves to the center. Then disassemble into cups, fold in the shape of a flower and put on a salad. The bright center of a lily can be a carrot cut into strips.

You can just take colored mayonnaise, how to prepare it was written a little higher in this article, and write some kind of congratulation on the salad or just the phrase "Happy New Year!" or simply "2018". Much here depends on the hostess's imagination and on how much time she is willing to spend on serving Olivier to the unusual New Year's table. But, in this article we have collected the most interesting, useful and applied ideas on how to decorate Olivier for the New Year 2018. Combining ideas or simply using them will definitely help to make Olivier the center of the New Year's table again!

It just so happened that throughout the post-Soviet space in every house on the New Year's table flaunts in the center of the table a festive salad Olivier. Our people fell in love with this salad, one might say it became favorites and a favorite among all salads. Almost no holiday or New Year's table is complete without this salad. And how many different anecdotes are circulating about this, perhaps one of the most famous, about how to fall asleep in an Olivier salad. Today we want to offer you a selection of recipes for this popular favorite, because there are a lot of salad preparation options. In addition, it can be designed in different ways.

The most delicate, the most delicious, the most beloved! First, we present the classic, or as it is also called the Soviet recipe for Olivier, such as we usually see it in different restaurants or cafes. The classic salad consists of boiled sausage, in Soviet times it was a doctor's "boiled" or boiled beef, pickled cucumbers (exactly pickled!), Peas, eggs, boiled carrots and potatoes.

Initially, the salad was made with boiled beef, but in perestroika times, when meat became a luxury, they began to add boiled doctor's sausage instead. Which one you use depends on your preference.


  • Potatoes - 4 pcs. middle
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Cooked sausage "doctor" (or boiled beef) - 300 g
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs. medium size
  • Canned peas - 1 can weighing 200 g
  • Provencal mayonnaise - 200-300 g
  • Parsley and dill leaves optional for garnish
  • Salt, freshly ground black pepper - to taste


In one saucepan, boil the potatoes in their uniforms and carrots. The other eggs. Do not cook eggs for a long time, because if you overexpose them, the yolk will turn blue, which will ruin the appearance of the salad, because it is beautiful when the yolk is bright yellow.

Cool boiled vegetables, peel them. Peel the eggs.

Dice the potatoes and carrots. Crumble eggs.

Pickled cucumbers, cut into cubes, yes, salted! In Soviet times, this salad was made with them. The hostesses often rolled pickles themselves and always opened the jar before the new year.

We also cut boiled beef or boiled sausage into cubes.

Open a jar of peas and drain the liquid.

Pour all ingredients into a salad bowl, stir. Season with a little salt and pepper, season with mayonnaise.

Remember that the flavor of the mayonnaise greatly affects the final flavor of the salad. Therefore, for a festive table, pick up a good and tasty mayonnaise, or better make it yourself!

Festive classic Soviet Olivier is ready, you can serve it to the table! Enjoy your meal!

Capital Olivier

As you know, the Olivier salad was invented by the French restaurateur Olivier who worked in the Hermitage restaurant in Moscow. the real salad he made was very different from the current adapted version. It consisted of hazel grouses, capers, crayfish tails, other ingredients and a delicious sauce that the chef kept secret.

Later, in a Moscow restaurant, chef Mikhail Ivanovich Ivanov repeated this salad, since Ivanov had previously worked as an assistant to the Frenchman Olivier. Only in the salad the hazel grouses were replaced with chicken. The salad became very popular, because it was very similar to the original Olivier salad and was named Capital. Let's try and prepare this salad.

Olivier salad ingredients:

  • Boiled chicken fillet - 300 gr
  • Boiled potatoes in uniforms - 300 gr
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Pickled cucumbers - 200 gr
  • Canned green peas - 100 gr
  • Green onions
  • Mayonnaise
  • Ground salt and pepper to taste


So, we found out how Olivier differs from Stolichny's salad, in Stolichny the meat ingredient is boiled chicken fillet, and also by the fact that carrots are not put in Stolichny.

Boil potatoes and eggs. Make sure that the eggs are not overcooked and the yolk turns blue, as this will ruin the look of the salad.

Cool the boiled potatoes and peel them. Peel the eggs too.

Boil the chicken breast.

Cut meat, potatoes and pickles into cubes. Finely chop the green onion feathers. Finely chop the eggs.

Mix all ingredients, add canned peas and mix again.

Add salt and pepper to taste. Season with mayonnaise. Choose high-quality and tasty mayonnaise so that the taste of the salad is not spoiled.

Olivier Stolichny salad is ready! Transfer it to a beautiful salad bowl or portioned bowls or cups, garnish with a sprig of herbs and serve.

Enjoy your meal!

Olivier salad with pork tongue "Bourgeois"

This salad is perfect for a festive table. Familiar and beloved by all Olivier will sparkle with other notes if you use boiled pork tongue instead of boiled sausage or meat. Also, such "bourgeois" ingredients as red caviar and crayfish tails are included in the salad. We use quail eggs.



Boil the potatoes in their skins and cool. Also boil eggs.

Cut boiled tongue, pickles, potatoes and eggs into small cubes.

Pour all the ingredients into a large salad bowl, add the crayfish tails and mix. Salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise.

We put the salad in a clean salad bowl and decorate with quail eggs, red caviar and crayfish tails. You can serve salad in portions.

Olivier Bourgeois salad is ready!

Olivier salad with beef


  • Boiled beef - 100 gr.
  • Hard boiled egg - 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Canned peas - 100 gr.
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  • Salt and ground pepper to taste
  • Provencal mayonnaise - 80 gr.


Boil the beef. Cool and cut into cubes.

Boil vegetables (carrots and potatoes) and eggs, cool, peel and cut into cubes the same way.

Place the ingredients in a salad bowl and stir. Cut pickled and fresh cucumbers into cubes.

Add cucumbers to a salad bowl. Drain the water from the jar with canned peas and add the peas to the rest of the food. To mix everything. Chop the onion finely, you can marinate it in vinegar for 10 minutes.

Salt, pepper and season the salad with beef mayonnaise.

Put the salad in a festive salad bowl or serve in portions in glasses or bowls.

Enjoy your meal!

Jellied Olivier

Olivier salad can be served as aspic. This unusual version of the salad will delight and surprise your guests.

It is done quite simply, first the salad itself is prepared. When the salad is ready, dissolve 10 g of gelatin in 120 ml, dissolve for 5 minutes. Add gelatin to the salad and mix.

We lay out the salad in tins, and put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Before serving, remove the jellied Olivier from the molds, garnish with herbs and serve!

How to arrange an Olivier salad for a festive table

Not a single New Year's table is complete without this favorite salad. But I want to somehow diversify and get creative with the design of the salad. Serving in a common salad bowl is of course the easiest option, but on a holiday you want something unusual, more festive and beautiful! Therefore, let's look at how you can beautifully decorate an Olivier salad on a festive New Year's table. And there are many options! Tartlets, bowls and cups to help if you want to serve salad in portions. You can also serve salad in the form of a roll. Fantasy, as they say - rules!

For you a selection of photos, beautiful and original design. Take your pick!

Portion salad

Olivier in tomatoes, or an appetizer of tomatoes stuffed with olivier

Olivier salad in tartlets

Olivier's most creative salad design

Rubik's cube salad.

Jellied salad Olivier

New Year's wreath salad

Olivier can be decorated with a wreath for a Christmas or New Year's table. To do this, use sprigs of fresh dill and red currants or cranberries, you can decorate with blueberries.

Olivier "Gift"

And the salad can be decorated as a gift with ribbons. Make ribbons from fresh cucumber, and make flowers around from boiled carrots and olives.

Well, what can we say about Olivier salad? I think everyone knows him. It is both everyday and obligatory festive. I already spoke about it briefly in the article, and also briefly talked about it in the article -.

Therefore, I will not spread much. Check out past articles for some very interesting holiday salads. You will not regret.

Detailed recipes for making Olivier salad, methods of serving, decorating the salad for the holiday


  1. New Year's salad olivier


  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled or pickled cucumbers - 5 pcs. middle
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Canned green peas - 1 can (200-250 g.)
  • Several black olives for decoration
  • Mayonnaise - 200-250 g.


1. Boil potatoes and carrots until tender, after washing. Boil eggs hard-boiled. Boil the chicken breast in salted water for about 30 minutes, until cooked. It is best to do this in the evening, and do the salad the next day. All salad ingredients should be cold.

2. Peel the carrots and cut them into small cubes.

3. Cut the cucumbers into cubes of the same size as the carrots.

4. Peel the onion and also cut into cubes. Can be chopped finer than other ingredients. Onions should set off the salad, and in no case give the salad its sharp taste.

5. Peel the potatoes and cut them in the same cubes as other vegetables.

6. Remove the meat from the chicken breast and cut it into cubes. You can tear into fibers with your hands. Do as you like.

7. We clean the eggs. Separate the whites of the two eggs from the yolks, we will need them for decoration.

8. Cut the remaining eggs and separated yolks into cubes.

9. Rub the separated proteins on a grater or finely chop.

10. Put all the chopped ingredients, except for individual proteins, into a deep cup. We open the jar of peas, drain the liquid, and add the peas to the other ingredients.

11. Season the salad with mayonnaise. Add mayonnaise to taste, as well as other ingredients. For example, we reduce the amount of peas and mayonnaise.

12. Mix everything thoroughly.

13. Put the salad on a flat dish, give it a round shape and sprinkle with finely chopped or grated proteins.

14. Lubricate everything with mayonnaise, distributing it evenly from above and from the sides. Now we just have to decorate the salad.

15. From carrots we make mouth, nose, cheeks. From olives, eyes, eyelashes.

Add some carrot hair and our salad is ready.

It turned out funny, festive and tasty.

Enjoy your meal!

  1. A very beautiful festive recipe for Olivier salad


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Quail eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Green bow - 5-6 arrows
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4-5 pcs.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Chicken breast
  • Canned green peas - 1 can (250 g)
  • Capers
  • Sesame seeds
  • Green leaves
For refueling:
  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Granular mustard - 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon - 1/2 pc.
  • Salt pepper
  • Sour cream


1. As always, in the evening we made preparations. Boiled carrots, peeled potatoes, chicken breast. Hard-boiled all the eggs.

2. We boiled potatoes and carrots together. The carrots were taken out a little earlier than the potatoes, they cook faster.

If you want your eggs to clean easily, don't put them in boiling water directly from the refrigerator. Eggs should be at room temperature. To prevent cracking, add a little salt to the water. After the eggs are boiled, soak them in cold water for a couple of minutes.

In the morning we start cutting the ingredients.

3. First, cut the cucumbers. Cut into cubes about the size of a pea. This is from the peas that we will add to the salad.

4. Pour the cucumbers into a colander or sieve so that excess juice drains from them. Put canned green peas there, right with the liquid and leave the liquid to drain.

5. In the meantime, peel a fresh cucumber, it will add freshness, aroma to the salad and cut it into small cubes like peas. Pour it into a colander with peas and pickles.

6. Cut the chicken breast in the same way as all other ingredients. Don't overcook the breast to keep it dry. When cooking, you can add bay leaves and allspice. It will become more aromatic and add that flavor to the salad. Place the sliced \u200b\u200bbreast in a deep salad bowl.

If there is, you can add crab meat or crab sticks, shrimp to the chicken. These products combine well and give a special flavor to the dish.

7. Cut potatoes, carrots and eggs in the same way. We add all this to the sliced \u200b\u200bbreast in a salad bowl.

Be sure to save one carrot and quail eggs for garnish. Pour the beet juice into a glass and put the carrots there, with the thick part down. This can be done earlier. The most important thing is that the carrots are painted over.

8. We chose a green, sour apple. Perhaps a whole apple will be a lot, we cut off half, peeled off seeds and stalks and cut it in the same way as everything else. The apple will add a subtle, aromatic scent to the salad.

9. Thinly chop the green onions and add them to the salad bowl. You can add some dill if you like.

10. Now put in a salad bowl the defended sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers and peas. Set aside for a while.

Cooking salad dressing.

First, let's prepare homemade mayonnaise:

11. Put the yolks in a small deep cup, add a tablespoon of granular mustard and begin to beat. Beat by hand with a small whisk. The yolks begin to turn white, we begin to add olive oil little by little.

12. At the beginning, add oil in a thin stream, quite a bit. Beat without stopping. When the mayonnaise begins to thicken a little, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it. We continue to whisk. Now, without fear, add butter and beat, beat. Add oil and beat until you get the consistency of mayonnaise.

We got a lot of mayonnaise. If you don't need all of it now, put it in a jar and put it in the refrigerator. It goes very well with meat and other dishes.

13. We continue to refuel. We make the dressing at the rate of two portions of sour cream, for one portion of the mayonnaise we have prepared.

14. Put sour cream into a deep cup. Salt, if you wish, you can pepper. Add our mayonnaise and stir well. Take the amount of sour cream depending on how much you want to serve immediately on the salad table. To get started, take 5-6 tablespoons of sour cream and 2-3 tablespoons of homemade mayonnaise.

The dressing is tender and very tasty. You can add more or less mayonnaise to taste.

15. Put all the chopped ingredients in a large saucepan and mix thoroughly. Not adding anything yet.

16. Put some of the ingredients that will be used immediately in a separate salad bowl. We fill them with our gas station.

17. Pepper a little ground allspice and salt to taste. Mix everything well.

18. Begin to lay out the salad for serving. Put a square dish on a dark dish and carefully put the salad in it. We remove the form and start decorating.

19. Remember we put carrots in beet juice. We take it and cut thin ribbons with a vegetable peeler. We lay the ribbons crosswise on the salad, and in the center we make a flower from the same carrot.

20. Around the salad we put green petals and the first serving option is ready.

21. Second option: We fill tartlets or bread baskets with salad. This option is individual. Those. Serve each one personally, because there is not much salad. The baskets can be taken in different sizes and put a couple of pieces on each dish.

22. Decorate the salad in baskets with quail eggs, flowers, leaves of greenery, cut in half, sprinkle with sesame seeds and capers around.

Well, we have prepared two beautiful options for serving this delicious salad.

Our holiday salad is ready. We serve and accept congratulations for making such a delicious and beautiful.

Enjoy your meal!

  1. Five ways to serve salad

For the holidays, I want everything to be beautiful. And clothes, and table decoration, and dishes on the table. Here you will see how you can serve a salad by decorating easily and simply.

Method 1

We take lettuce or Peking cabbage leaves, it will also be very tasty and tender with it. Cut off the hard part. And put the salad in the leaves. We fold the leaves.

We get something similar to stuffed cabbage.

Method 2

We buy tartlets, now you can buy them in almost any grocery store, and put salad in them.

It's easy and simple.

Method 3

Take a cucumber, cut it in half. Cut out the pulp from both halves and fill the space vacated in the cucumbers with salad.

We level the pea by pressing it a little with a spoon.

Method 4

The fourth way is classic. We put a mold on a beautiful plate, if you do not have a special one, make it from a large bottle of soda water, cutting out the middle. Put the salad into the mold, lightly compacting and leveling each layer with a spoon.

Remove the form and decorate the salad with herbs.

Method 5

We take pita bread. Cut off a strip 12-15 centimeters wide. You can cut any width you like. We spread the salad on one edge of the cut sheet of pita bread and wrap it in a roll.

Cut the pita bread into portions.

We have considered such simple ways of serving salad. It looks more original than just a bunch of salad in a large salad bowl.

Enjoy your meal!

  1. Video - Olivier with meat

  2. Video - Olivier recipe

Enjoy your meal!