Housewives advice on fast and high-quality cleaning. Kitchen

11.05.2019 Restaurant notes

Article from the series useful tips for housewives will help you organize your working day at home.

Every woman knows that being a housewife in a house is like being the head of a large company. There are many tasks on the shoulders of a housewife, the fulfillment of which is responsible. To feed the children and husband, wash things, clean the house, keep track of flowers, do homework with the children, go to the store, etc., you can't keep track of everything, but you have to do everything. How do you deal with all this?

Advice to housewives who do not have time for anything, but really want to become good housewives.

  • You must understand that the first task is the right organization. The woman acts as a leader in household affairs, so it is necessary to be able to organize. Remember such a concept as the division of labor. Those. some things a husband or children can do, this will relieve your work day.
  • Next, you need to be able to prioritize. Those. which is more important at the moment, but you need to arrange correctly.
  • Then the main thing is planning. Planning is essential. Saying that you can't plan is just silly. Women are just experts in this business, they plan something all their lives. Moreover, planning should begin in the morning.

In the morning, too, everything should be in order, statistics show that about 60% of women housewives in the morning spend a lot of time just wandering aimlessly around the house, not knowing what to do.

In planning, focus on the distribution of tasks for days, i.e. you should not blame everything on one day, and then not know what to do with it.

Schedule everything by day of the week. For example: Monday - wash, Tuesday - go to the store, Wednesday - cook, Thursday - cleaning, Friday - cook food, Saturday - day off, Sunday - cook food. This will help you reduce the amount of work you do each day. But the plan should also be drawn up correctly.

Advice on how to make a plan for housekeeping.

There are five steps to this.

  1. Schedule regular meetings and activities.
  2. Define one main task for each day.
  3. Add three to five small things to your daily main task.
  4. Choose a time convenient for you to complete your main daily task.
  5. Schedule important events. Next, start compiling the modes. Morning and evening, which would include the sequence of your actions in the morning, when serving breakfast, and in the evening when you will serve dinner and do basic household chores.

And also remember that if you did not manage to do some main thing, then postpone it to the next week, and not the next day.

Pay attention to how much time you spend cleaning the entire apartment. Half a day will fly by in worries and you will not have time to look back. There is a good way to spend half an hour a day cleaning. To do this, distribute the housework as follows: today one room has been cleaned, the next one tomorrow. Or an option like this: one day to wash the floors. Another day - wiping dust, putting scattered things in places, too, allocate half an hour of free day. This way, you will keep your home tidy, spending 10 to 30 minutes a day.

Combine cooking with washing in a washing machine and you will do two jobs in one period of time. Of course, you won't get this effect with hand wash.

Prepare. for example, cutlets for several meals. Part on the day of preparation, the rest put in the freezer. In this case, you can freeze ready-made cutlets or formed raw ones. The taste will be preserved in both cases, after the freezer the food is like freshly prepared. You can freeze a lot of dishes in this way, you get a homemade semi-finished product.

Consider contingency times. It is advisable that your plan is written down, and you do not miss anything. Include time for personal activities in your plan, try to make it fit your lifestyle. And then you will succeed and you will become the best housewife!

Housewife: Food recipes, home tricks, gardening, parenting, and more.

A clean house is a guarantee of health for the whole family, therefore it is very important to pay special attention to cleaning the apartment and try to maintain freshness and order in the room. To achieve the desired order and cleanliness in a short time and without undue effort, you should adhere to some of the tips that will be discussed in this article.

Every housewife knows: in order to clean the apartment, you need to use special surface cleaning products. Indeed, using a rag soaked in water, you can only remove dust, but to clean, for example, a tiled surface in the bathroom or a greasy stove in the kitchen, it is better to use effective cleaning agents that will not only clean any surface, but also save time ...

Advice! To clean the apartment, store cleaning powders and various liquids are used, or, to help the hostess, they use products of natural origin, that is, traditional (baking soda, citric acid, etc.).

To clean the apartment, you need to use special surface cleaning products

Traditional means for cleaning surfaces in the apartment

The various cleaning products that fill the shelves of household chemicals stores are indeed very effective, quickly removing dirt and keeping your home fresh and clean. However, given the chemical composition that can harm your skin, it is best to use these products as needed rather than using them regularly.

For cleaning an apartment, a good piece of advice for housewives is the following: for daily use, natural remedies that are in almost every house and are environmentally friendly are suitable.

Baking soda is the first helper in the kitchen
  1. Cleaning with laundry soap. A soap solution based on this natural product will not only help clean contaminated surfaces, but also cope with microbes, as it has bactericidal properties. Laundry soap can be used to clean a dirty kitchen stove, tile surfaces, interior doors, it disinfects the floor and other surfaces well.
  2. Baking soda is the first assistant in the kitchen: it cleans greasy dishes, sink, stove, tile surface and so on. However, when using baking soda, try not to rub it too hard on the surface, because baking soda can leave scratches that will ruin the appearance and lead to new problems.
  3. For disinfection and cleaning, table vinegar is suitable, which copes well with dirt and grease. An important benefit of vinegar is its ability to eliminate any unpleasant odors. It is used for washing dishes, removing scale in a kettle, and using it you can get rid of mustiness in the refrigerator. Before use, the vinegar is diluted with water 1: 1, for greater convenience, the vinegar solution is sprayed with a spray bottle on the surface that needs cleaning (sink, stove, countertop, and others).
  4. Applying mustard powder can help you get rid of the fat quite easily. A budget, natural, and most importantly effective detergent for washing oily surfaces and dishes, even in cold water. To wash a frying pan or a saucepan, add a small amount of powder and dilute with water, as a result - clean dishes without much difficulty;
  5. The use of citric acid. Effectively cleans surfaces, has whitening properties. For example, a solution of citric acid (the powder is diluted with water) is used to flush out plaque formed on plastic surfaces or ceramic tiles. For greater convenience, you can use a sprayer that evenly distributes the product on a dirty surface and after 3-4 minutes remove yellow plaque with a damp cloth. After such cleaning, all the dirt will be washed off, and the surface will shine clean.

Citric acid effectively cleans surfaces, has whitening properties

The most modern means for cleanliness in the apartment

For quick cleaning without making any special efforts, it is better to use the most modern cleaning products in the apartment. Experienced housewives often share tips for cleaning an apartment on various websites. What is better to use?

  • various liquids for cleaning the stove and oven from grease; you just need to protect yourself by wearing gloves so that the product does not get on your hands and does not harm your skin;
  • to remove dust and other types of dirt, it is better to purchase microfiber rags;
  • to help housewives for cleaning floors, a real discovery was a variety of modern mops: based on foam rubber, microfiber or rope; cleaning will become much easier and the floor will be cleaner;
  • means for disinfecting and cleaning toilets occupy the main place in cleaning an apartment; various chlorine-based fluids are used.

At the moment, choosing a cleaning agent in a store is not difficult, it all depends on your financial capabilities, as well as the manufacturer.

At the moment, choosing a cleaning agent in a store is not difficult.

Advice! It is better to acquire funds from different companies, further noting which one coped with pollution most effectively. Thus, it will be possible to use the most effective means that significantly save time and effort.

Where to start cleaning the apartment?

To help housewives, you can offer several rules for cleaning the apartment. This will get rid of unnecessary thoughts about where to start in order to do everything.

  • As a rule, cleaning begins in the house from the far corners. You can proceed first to the bathroom or to the most distant room from the exit. So all the collected garbage and rubbish will gradually move to the exit, which will speed up the process of its removal and, of course, there will be no opportunity to litter in distant rooms before the end of cleaning - another plus;
  • Better to start cleaning with tall furniture, chandeliers, wall sconces. Yes, and it does not interfere with removing dust from the ceiling, at the same time making sure that there are no cobwebs. Next, you need to pay attention to windows and doors, thoroughly cleaning them from dust. After that, the sofa, chairs, carpets are put in order. The final stage of cleaning will be cleaning the baseboard and mopping.
  • Such simple rules will help you quickly and easily clean the house from the collected dirt and dust, and reduce the time spent on cleaning. Many seasoned housewives will agree that the recommendations described above are the only sensible solution for cleaning an apartment.

    Advice! But to maintain cleanliness, use the following useful tips: it is better to wash the dishes immediately after dinner, without leaving them for later; it is better to wipe the kitchen sink every day; dust should be removed at least once every 5-7 days with a clean cloth and water.

    These simple rules will help keep your home clean and fresh.

    Feng Shui experts say that for harmony in the house there must be perfect order. Particular attention is paid to the doors. According to the doctrine, a door facing one side of the world is responsible for a certain side of life. Therefore, if your career or health problems are not going well, check the cleanliness and grooming of the "responsible" door.

    Even if you don't believe the experts in this science of living space, you need to keep the doors clean. Just because a neglected, greasy door with a stained handle is so disgusting!

    Soft toys are children's favorite friends.

    Wherever the kid goes: to a kindergarten, to a family dacha, to visit friends, for a walk in the yard - everywhere he drags his beloved soft friend behind him. Therefore, soon the toys become very dirty, get greasy, and microbes accumulate in them. Not to mention, the stuffed toy is a great dust collector.

    Over the years, a dark gray or black coating, called patina, appears on silver items. It is by the thickness of this gray coating that jewelers and collectors determine the age of a silver piece. The blacker the product, the higher its value. Some people even use not-so-honest tricks like applying an artificial patina to a piece of silver in order to inflate its true value.

    Every woman who loves to cook has a standard set of dishes that always comes to her aid in preparing different dishes. But it often happens that in the kitchen there are a lot of unnecessary, unnecessary dishes that only take up space. Sometimes we do not even understand how this or that device can be used in the household.

    Let's figure out what items a good housewife should have in the kitchen.

    This is the most popular piece of kitchen utensils. It is advisable that you have several pots with lids of different sizes. Enamel cookware is the most practical. But thanks to new technologies, which are used to produce teflon-coated dishes, such a saucepan will not be superfluous. Nothing burns in it. The bottom of the pot should be thick, cast, so that it remains warm as long as possible. There must be a cast-iron saucepan for stewing. You can have several ceramic pots in stock for stewing in the oven or electric oven.

    Any work, including homework, requires a lot of effort. To make it easier, there are some useful home tricks. These are the things that make everyday chores and worries easier.

    A few examples

    If after that the brush remains in the paint so that it does not dry out, you can put the brush in a plastic bag and close it tightly. Paint from metal objects will crack less if you wipe the surface with vinegar solution and let it dry before applying it. It is not recommended to wash the knives with hot water. They quickly become dull from this. But to speed up their sharpening will help preliminary soaking for half an hour in a solution of kitchen salt.

    When painting window openings, you can rub the glass surface with an onion or vinegar solution. Now paint that accidentally gets on this surface can be easily removed.

    We do useful things with our own hands

    It is pleasant for any person to look at their own creativity, and it does not matter what it may be.

    The main thing is that it should be done with a soul and please the owner.

    Useful do-it-yourself homemade products can be made from scrap materials, for example, you can make an original shelf from used tin cans. You can use it to store small items. But the main thing is that you can endlessly fantasize about the size and shape of the future masterpiece. First, you need to prepare the jars, remove sharp edges, if any, then drill holes in each at several points, depending on how they will be located. Fastening can be done with bolts or screws to each other. You can screw it to the wall with an ordinary screwdriver, after driving a dowel into it.

    Useful homemade products are invented by home craftsmen not only from various materials, but also for different needs.

    These can be adaptations for a summer residence or a city apartment.

    Cleaning is not the most favorite activity of most women, but they do it and know the secrets of fast cleaning at home, and most importantly - without losing quality. There are many ways to help young housewives.

    There is a simple way to clean the iron from stains on the soleplate.

    You need to iron the salt scattered on the sheet of paper. If the iron is equipped with a steamer, then you don't even have to touch the surface, it is enough to bring the sole to the salt and turn on the steam. After that, the dirt will settle on the salt, and the ironing surface will be well-groomed and smooth.

    Kitchen rubber gloves will help to remove wool from furniture, it will stick to them and you just have to wash your hands.

    Scratches on an old wooden table greatly spoil its appearance. Little tricks for the house will help you get rid of them. A mixture of half a glass of olive oil and the same amount of vinegar should be rubbed into the wood with a damp cloth. After such a procedure, the appearance will be transformed, and the scratches will disappear.

    The appearance of the tap spoiled by water can also be transformed with the help of vinegar. It should be left on the surface for a while, and then just washed off with a sponge. If there is a hot stain on the polished furniture, an iron will help to remove it. On the blot, you need to put a thick rag dipped in water, pass it over with an iron for 15 seconds.

    This kind of furniture upholstery, like microfiber, is very beautiful, but not practical. Light-colored furniture must be cleaned carefully. To do this, take a white brush and a sponge, moisten the latter in alcohol and wipe the dirt, then brush off the dirt from the surface with a brush.

    If you want to lead a correct lifestyle and give up toxic chemicals, then you can replace it with natural remedies. For example, lemon can help remove stains from plumbing.

    Gas burners get very dirty but difficult to clean. You can try the following method. Put a burner in a plastic bag, pour a quarter of a glass of ammonia into it, leave overnight. Then wipe with a regular sponge.

    Wooden boards are always in use in the kitchen. To keep them clean, you can use this tool. Clean the board from dirt with a solution of two tablespoons of vinegar and water, then rub it with half a lemon, dipping it in salt.

    Cleaning the oven is tricky. Soda and vinegar will make things easier. First you need to clean the surface of debris, and then sprinkle soda abundantly. The vinegar should be poured into a spray bottle and sprinkled with baking soda. To achieve the desired reaction of these substances, then leave for 20 minutes, and then remove the composition with simple movements.

    You can clean the blinds with a simple sock, put it on your hand, soak it in a vinegar solution in half with warm water and wipe the surface to the desired result. Marker marks can be removed using some useful home tricks: using regular toothpaste, clean the mark off with a simple paper towel or rag.

    You can use a microwave to remove germs from a kitchen sponge. Place a washcloth in it for a couple of minutes, which will make it safe for future use. It is important that the sponge is not dry. Using these little home tricks, you can save a lot of cleaning time and not feel like an eternal Cinderella.

    Kitchen Utilities

    There are useful tricks for the home, designed for cooking, to comprehend all of them on your own, it will take more than one year.

    To beat the eggs into a lush foam, the whites are pre-cooled and a little citric acid is added, but it is better to beat the yolks warm, with the addition of sugar.

    To get a beautiful crust on meat, it is coated with honey before frying or baking.

    To stop the bitter onion, you need to chop it. After - pour boiling water for a couple of seconds.

    To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, they must first be washed with cold water.

    Any rice will become crumbly after cooking if it is pre-soaked for half an hour in cold water.

    To add transparency, you can dip the cereal in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

    Pasta and rice will not stick together if you pour a little vegetable oil into a saucepan or rinse with plenty of cold water when ready.

    In order for the salt in the salt shaker to always be crumbly, you can put several grains of rice in it. It will absorb excess moisture.

    A small concentration of vinegar solution will help give a good appearance to wilted onions or parsley.

    If vegetables are immediately dipped into boiling water, then after cooking they will be much tastier. But if you start to cook them in cold water, then the broth will turn out delicious.

    Any vegetables are cooked over moderate heat and salt is added only at the end. Thus, you can cook carrots for no longer than 15 minutes, then it will not lose its taste.

    Milk will not burn over medium heat in a saucepan rinsed with cold water.

    Applying home tricks, useful advice and the accumulated experience of many generations, even a novice housewife will feel confident.

    Allocating your time

    Many people think that they have a limited time and for it they cannot complete the task.

    How to have time to do everything? First you need to organize yourself. This can be done in several steps.

    Make a to-do list.

    Stop being distracted by things that are not related to business. This is especially true in our age of the Internet everywhere present.

    Determine your capabilities, do not take too many tasks. It is better to perform a couple, but with high quality, than a dozen, but with alterations.

    Maintain order in the workplace. This is a way to keep your thoughts in order.

    Any business, including homework, can be simplified and optimized.

    Rewarding successful performance is a great incentive to motivate.

    Do not accumulate unfinished business. They pull with them more and more, and thoughts about them simply do not give rest. Nobody canceled the expression: "I did the job - walk boldly!"

    If you need outside help, don't hesitate to ask for it.


    Such simple, at first glance, rules will help radically change the attitude towards life and its difficulties.

    And using little tricks for the house, you can significantly save cleaning time and not feel like a slave in your own home.