Pectin useful properties. Marshmallow with pectin

Pectins (from the Greek pektos - curled, frozen)are vegetable polysaccharides of a complex structure, contained in various fruits, berries, vegetables and other types of plant raw materials. Their highest content was found in fruits of large-fruited citrus fruits, apples, apricots, plums, black currants, carrots, etc.

Pectin substances are extremely effective and completely harmless natural detoxifiers... Pectin is very important for stabilizing metabolism, it lowers cholesterol in the body, improves peripheral circulation, and intestinal motility. But, nevertheless, its most valuable property is that it has the ability to cleanse living organisms from harmful substances: heavy metals, radionuclides, nitrates, pesticides and other toxins... Moreover, this natural cleaner works very diligently and efficiently, without leaving behind any debris and without disturbing the bacteriological balance of the body. Many experts call pectin the sanitary of the human body for its unique ability to remove such harmful substances from the body.

If in the list of food additives on the label you come across the designation E440, rejoice - this is pectin, it belongs to the class of consistency improvers: stabilizers, thickeners and gelling agents. Negative action pectin not installedand its use as a food additive is permitted without restriction in all countries of the world.

As a substance, pectin was discovered over 200 years ago. In nature, pectin is found in an insoluble form - in the form of protopectin. Pectin is extracted under industrial conditions from apple pomace, peel of large-fruited citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, tangerine, lemons), sugar beet pulp. It is produced in the form of powder and concentrate. Pectin powder is odorless, the color varies from light cream to light beige, depending on the type of raw material. When dissolved in water, it forms a colloidal solution. Pectin concentrate is a viscous opaque liquid with an odor characteristic of the feedstock.

Pectin has two main properties - complexingand gelatinousabilities used depending on their area of \u200b\u200bapplication.

Complexing ability.

The complexing ability of pectin is based on its ability to form insoluble complex compounds with heavy metals and radionuclides... It is this property that determines pectin by recommendation World Health Organization (WHO)as a preventive measure in ecologically contaminated areas... Preventive daily allowance the dose of pectin is 4 - 5d, in unfavorable environmental conditions, including in conditions radioactive contamination - 15 - 16 g per day.

Studing ability.

The property of pectin to form jellies is used in the production of such favorite confectionery and canned products as marmalade, marshmallows, jellies, marshmallows, confitures, preserves and jams with a low sugar content and calorie content and excellent fruit taste and aroma.

Scopes of pectin.

for food purposes:

· As a stabilizer for juice-based drinks, giving them, in addition to functional properties, improved organoleptic properties;

· As a thickener for the production of fruit fillings for sweets, creams for pastries and cakes;

· As an emulsifier in the manufacture of mayonnaise and liquid margarines in the oil and fat industry;

As an improver in the quality of bakery products, ensuring that they retain freshness for a sufficiently long time without deteriorating the taste and aroma of bread ;

· As a stabilizer in the production of fruit yoghurts, pectin-containing milk and fruit drinks and ice cream;

· As a bactericidal agent in the canning industry as a prescription component of marinades, which makes it possible to improve the nutritional value of canned fruit and vegetables;

· In the production of dietary and therapeutic and prophylactic food, including for children.

in healthcare:

It is known that the human body is organized in such a way that a person must live a long time. The great Hippocrates believed that “A person should live 120-150 years. Almost all diseases come to him through the mouth with food. Our body consists of what we eat, but sometimes we also get sick because of what we eat. "

There are more than 100 million chemicals in the world and about 100 thousand are synthesized annually. A person has permanent or temporary contacts with them throughout his life. Therefore, functional food products are becoming increasingly important. Pectins, being soluble dietary fibers, are classified as ballast substances and are recommended as a mandatory component by the modern theory of adequate nutrition.

At the same time, the use of therapeutic doses of pectins, which is on average 2-15 g per day in terms of dry pectin, does not entail the development of side effects even with prolonged use.

· Pectin substances affect the process of intercellular interaction.American oncologists from the Michigan Cancer Foundation have established that cancer cells and pectin form a strong complex. According to scientists, galactose structures on the pectin macromolecule bind protein complexes on the surface of cancer cells, which are responsible for "sticking" to healthy tissues, and thus prevent the process of metastasis. Recently, pectin as non-toxic immunomodulatorbegan to be considered more often by doctors.

· Hemostatic properties of pectin preparations used for pulmonary bleeding, bleeding of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, in dentistry and hemophilia, gynecological diseases.

One of the most interesting and most effective uses of pectin in medicine is their use in surgical practice in the treatment of wounds and burns... Wounds treated with 2% pectin solution do not become inflamed and heal quickly.

Detoxifying properties of pectin substances determine their use for the treatment of allergic diseases, in particular diathesis in children... It was found that after taking 1% pectin solution, one teaspoonful 3 times a day 20 minutes before feeding the child for 2 weeks, a positive effect was observed: a decrease in skin manifestations of diathesis and intestinal dysfunction, an improvement in well-being and appetite.

· One of the important known physiological actions of pectins is a change in the viscosity of the contents of the stomach and intestines after ingestion, which leads to a slowdown in transit through the gastrointestinal tract. This, in turn, with maximum assimilation nutrients,reduces appetite.

· Due to their strong water-holding capacity, pectins increase the water content in the stool, which has a beneficial effect on human well-being. At the same time, after passing through the small intestine, pectins are fermented in the large intestine by anaerobic bacteria into short-chain fatty acids, which leads to an increase in stool volume and accelerated transit through the large intestine. These properties are used to treat constipation and diarrhea.

Another pharmacological property of pectin is its enveloping and protective action... Being high-molecular polysaccharides, pectin substances are able to form a gel on the surface of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which protects them from the irritating influence of aggressive factors.

The results of clinical observations also confirm the experimental data on the ability of pectins lower blood cholesterol levels.

Pectin substances can also be used as hypoglycemic agent... Clinical observations have shown that in diabetic patients, pectins reduce the rate of increase in blood glucose after a meal without altering the plasma insulin concentration.

In addition, pectin is used:

· As a highly active treatment for radiation sickness;

· In the treatment of poisoning with heavy metals, various intoxications of the body;

· For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

With polyarthritis and other diseases of the joints;

· For preventive purposes when working with toxic substances;

· As an integral part of the structuring of pharmaceuticals in pharmacy.

in the production of cosmetic products :

· As a hemostatic agent in the production of special and medicinal toothpastes;

· As a bactericidal agent for the release of antibacterial creams. Apple pectin, which is part of the cream, forms the thinnest layer that moisturizes and protects the skin from the adverse effects of microorganisms;

· In order to normalize water balance, eliminate peeling and cracking, pectin substances are introduced into cosmetic preparations for dry and aging skin (lotions, liquid and thick creams, lipsticks, powders, etc.);

· Pectin substances are also included in cosmetic anti-aging agents, for example, in lifting creams for wrinkles. They provide maximum skin hydration;

· Used in the production of skin and hair care products with moisturizing, healing, regenerating and stimulating properties. The pectin content in the developed cosmetics is 0.1 - 3%. Pectin-containing shampoos and conditioners are especially effective for fine and thin hair.

· It is known that the most common infection of the scalp is dandruff, which is often difficult to treat.

· In the production of protective cosmetics for special purposes as an active component in the formulation of shampoos and liquid soaps for special purposes for persons whose professional activities are associated with the use of heavy metal salts.

for technological purposes

· Production of D-galacturonic acid;

· For finishing and design of the composite structure of fabrics in the textile industry;

· To consolidate printed materials in the printing industry.

Pectin is a plant-based adhesive. It was isolated from fruit juice two hundred years ago. At the same time, it was found that it helps to regulate metabolic processes, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and normalize the beneficial intestinal microflora. It is a soluble fiber that the human body needs on a daily basis.

Pectin comes in the form of a powder and liquid extract, which are widely used both in industry and in home cooking. The powder is added to cold fresh fruits and their juices. The extract is mixed with hot foods.

What is pectin valued for? Benefit

The beneficial properties of pectin have found a wide range of applications in pharmaceuticals. It has the following actions on the human body:

Helps lower cholesterol and sugar levels;
With its help, the performance of the intestine is activated;
Helps improve blood circulation;
Cleans from radioactive elements, pesticides and heavy metals;
In diseases of the stomach (ulcer, gastritis) it is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent, this is due to its enveloping and astringent properties.

Who is pectin dangerous for? Harm and contraindications

Pectin can have a harmful effect on the body if its consumption is abused. At the same time, the absorption of important microelements, such as iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, decreases. Also, protein and fats are not absorbed, the development of fermentation and flatulence begins.

As a rule, the consumption of pectin from fruits, berries and vegetables does not have any harm on the body, they contain it in small quantities. High concentrations of it in industrial products, as well as in dietary supplements, can cause harm. With their excessive use, an overdose of pectin can occur, which sometimes leads to intestinal obstruction. It must be remembered that when using these products, you need to increase the amount of water consumed.

Where to get pectin? What foods does it contain?

Pectins enter the human body with berries: currants, viburnum, rowan, plum, gooseberry, rosehip. A large number of them are found in apples, pineapples and bananas, beets, pumpkins and watermelons. There is also a lot of it in the peel of citrus fruits.
Also, a lot of pectin contains marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, oriental sweets.

In industrial production, for the production of pectins, mainly apple and beet cake are used. Sometimes they use citrus peels and sunflower baskets for this. The pectin obtained in this way is widely used not only by the food industry, but also by the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Where else is pectin needed? Industrial applications

For industrial purposes, pectin is used as a thickener, stabilizer, gelling agent and clarifier. It is a registered dietary supplement.

Food industry

In the confectionery industry, it is used to produce candies, fruit fillings, desserts, marshmallows, marmalade and other jelly products, ice cream. It is a part of mayonnaise, ketchup. Some dairy products (such as yogurt) also contain it, usually citrus pectin. Sometimes in the food industry, not isolated pectin is used, but raw materials in the form of applesauce.

For home cooking, you can purchase powder or pectin gel. They will save time when preparing jellies, jams and other dishes. In addition, pectin saturates the products with a fruity aroma. When added to dishes, less sugar is required than usual, and, therefore, their calorie content is reduced. You should know that unripe fruits and berries contain more of this substance than ripe ones. Therefore, pectin need not be added to the dishes prepared from them. Moreover, most of it falls on the fruit peel and core.

You should not use expired pectin as it will lose its gelling effect. The same happens with long heat treatment. Long-term storage products with its addition should not be stored in large containers, they may soften.

Cosmetic industry

In the cosmetic industry, pectin is used as a stabilizer for creams, masks, gels and many other products. Its use for these purposes is increasing every year. This can be explained by the fact that more and more manufacturers are trying to naturalize their products.

Pharmaceutical industry

In pharmaceuticals, pectin is used as an additional additive to certain medicinal products as an emollient (acetylsalicylic acid and others) or an enhancement agent. It is also used to detoxify certain medications as it has binding and cleansing properties. Its regular use prevents the accumulation of harmful substances in the body. It is shown to workers in the lead and zinc industries.

Interesting to know!

To lower cholesterol in the blood, it is enough to consume 15 grams of pectin per day.
For weight loss, you need to consume up to 25 grams of pectin daily.
However, in order to extract 5 grams from the fruit, you will have to eat them at 500 grams.

However, if the body needs pectin, then whole fruits and vegetables should be preferred over juices, as more of it is found in the pulp. Its daily intake is important! In a dry summer, vegetable and fruit crops will contain a greater amount of this substance, since with a low intake of moisture during ripening, it actively accumulates in fruits. Therefore, you can effortlessly provide your body with a useful substance.

Have you ever wondered how a manufacturer manages to make marmalade? Have you ever wondered how some housewives manage to cook thick jam? It's not about the culinary skill at all. It is enough to know one simple secret. Pectins are found in fruits and berries. These substances are natural thickeners. Some fruits contain more pectin, others less. It is enough to know which products to combine to obtain the desired consistency.

If you cook strawberries with the addition of red currant juice, you get a real jam. You can go the other way. Add special powder to the product. Pectin extracted from plants is available to buy at your local supermarket. By the way, on the shelves of the same store you can find a huge amount of food products that contain pectin. These are marmalade, and jelly products, and dairy products, and ketchup, and many others. Are these supplements good for the body? Can pectins be harmful to humans? These issues require detailed consideration.

Pectin is a structural element of plant tissues. It is present in almost all higher plants. Fruits, vegetables, berries and even some algae contain more or less pectin. This substance plays an important role:

  • retains moisture in plant cells, helps to withstand periods of drought;
  • regulates chemical processes at the cellular level;
  • keeps the product fresh during storage.

Polysaccharides are formed in plant tissues from residues of galacturonic acid. In fact, these are pectins with adhesive properties.

People have long found use for pectins. Back in the first half of the twentieth century, the production of purified polysaccharide was established. And for the first time, Henri Braconno drew attention to this substance. A French chemist discovered it in fruit juice two hundred years ago. Since then, pectin has been characterized as a separate substance. And its properties have been repeatedly studied.

If your diet is low in fruits and vegetables, then the lack of pectin can be replenished with dietary supplements sold on iHerb. Pectin is an excellent enterosorbent that removes heavy metals, radionuclides, microbes and viruses from the body.

Where is the most pectin?

Pectin in herbal products:

  1. Citrus fruits: oranges, nectarines, lemons, grapefruits.
  2. Fruits: apples, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, melons.
  3. Root crops: beets, carrots, potatoes.
  4. Vegetables: pumpkin, cabbage, eggplant, cucumber, onion.
  5. Berries: gooseberries, red and black currants, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon.

Most of the pectin is found in citrus peels. There is a lot of this substance in apples. On an industrial scale, the purified polysaccharide is obtained precisely from citrus pomace or apples. Sometimes sugar beet pulp is used as a raw material. Sunflower baskets can also be a source of production.

You have a tendency to constipation, the digestive system does not work well, it gives constant disruptions gastrointestinal tract? Try this pectin from world renowned manufacturer Solgar.

Where is pectin used?

There is a table that indicates the pectin content in grams. Housewives are primarily interested in the question of which products contain pectin. Possession of such knowledge is the ability to cook delicious jelly, jams, confitures, preserves, jellies. But this substance is used not only at home.

Pectin is used in the following directions:

  1. food industry;
  2. pharmaceuticals;
  3. cosmetology.

What properties make pectin so popular? The pure polysaccharide is used as:

  • gelling agent;
  • thickener;
  • clarifier;
  • stabilizer;
  • filtrate;
  • means for encapsulating.

In the food industry, it is an approved additive E440. It is found in many desserts and not only. The manufacture of such products cannot do without it:

  • ice cream;
  • yogurt;
  • marmalade;
  • marshmallow;
  • paste;
  • juice drinks;
  • filling for sweets;
  • jelly;
  • jam;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • spread;

How beneficial is the use of pectin? Maybe you should avoid it so as not to harm your own body? First, it is extremely difficult to organize your diet in such a way as to exclude this substance from the diet. Man needs plant foods. But practically every plant contains pectin. Secondly, there is nothing wrong with the moderate intake of this polysaccharide into the body. On the contrary, it is of great benefit.And undesirable phenomena can occur only with abuse.

Modified pectin is better absorbed into the bloodstream of the human body than normal pectin, thus providing more benefits.

Benefits for the human body

Everyone knows that eating fresh vegetables and fruits is a blessing. They contain many useful substances, including pectins.

The benefits of pectins are undeniable. They have a beneficial effect on the body:

  1. help to improve metabolism;
  2. improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  3. slow down the aging process;
  4. preserve the natural turgor of the skin;
  5. reduce blood cholesterol;
  6. normalize blood circulation;
  7. remove harmful elements;
  8. have anti-inflammatory effects;
  9. reduce the risk of developing cancer cells;
  10. support the functioning of the liver.

The beneficial effect is provided by the components that make up the pectin. The largest amount of dietary fiber in it. There are also mono- and disaccharides. Ash, organic acids and PP vitamins are present. And also a number of such elements necessary for a person as iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium.

Eating foods rich in pectin is recommended for people with ulcers.These substances have enveloping properties. Therefore, they contribute to the healing of wounds in the stomach. In addition, it will help to stop the inflammatory process. However, it is worth considering that many fruits contain acid, which can be harmful in this situation.

Another undoubted benefit for the body is the elimination of toxins and pesticides, elements of heavy metals. But their accumulation in the current ecology cannot be avoided. This is especially true for residents of megacities. A person living in contaminated areas inhales carcinogenic substances along with the air. Natural cleansing of vital systems contributes to the overall healing and rejuvenation of the body.

People whose work is related to harmful substances are in greater need of pectins. The use of natural enterosorbents for workers in the chemical industry is an opportunity to avoid toxicity and maintain health.

It is possible to replenish the pectin deficiency in the body with the help of nutrition. This does not mean that by starting to eat marmalade in unmeasured quantities, you will saturate the body with the necessary substance. You need to eat plant foods, which are a natural source of polysaccharide.

In some cases, the use of special food additives is indicated. The duration of the course, as well as the dosage, must be agreed with a specialist.

Many fruits contain pectin, the benefits and harms of which need to be studied in detail by supporters of a healthy diet. Correct introduction of a natural food additive into the diet can have many positive effects. Ignoring the specifics of a natural component sometimes plays a cruel joke with people and causes quite serious problems.

In the food industry, pectin, marked E440, is used to thicken ingredients and dishes. It was first synthesized about 200 years ago and since then its popularity and demand have only grown.

List of foods rich in pectin

To obtain pectin, apple or citrus pulp is extracted. According to scientists, this substance is contained in one volume or another in all fruits, berries, vegetables and even a number of algae. Commercially synthesized, pectin retains a number of positive properties. To obtain therapeutic and prophylactic effects, it is still better to eat foods with a high content of the substance, and not its powder analogue.

Citrus fruits are the leader in pectin content. Their dietary fiber is 70% unique. It is worth considering that not only the edible pulp is saturated with a chemical compound, but also the peel of the fruit, their rind. The second place can be given to apples and, which are at times inferior to the leaders.

The rest of the fruits - plums, apricots, currants, strawberries and many others - have even less pectins. Nevertheless, the regular use of these products helps to replenish the reserves of the substance in the body and gives the desired effect. As for vegetables, among them food additives are most in carrots, beets, peppers, cabbage, etc. It is noteworthy that the younger the vegetable, the higher the content of the chemical compound in it.

Industrial application of pectin

The ability of pectin to form gel-like substances is actively used in the food industry. It is added to jams, preserves, jellies, marshmallows, ketchups and various desserts. Increasingly, the additive can be found in the composition and canned food. The powder version of the composition is introduced into cold raw materials. The liquid extract is added to hot workpieces.

Advice: People living in ecologically unfavorable areas should definitely introduce pectin into their diet. It can be either fruit or a food supplement. The main thing is that its daily volume is not less than 15 g. This will allow cleaning the body, maintaining the functionality of organs and systems.

Pectin is used in medicine and pharmaceuticals. It does not change the properties of drugs, but it brings them to an optimal consistency. Most often, it turns out to be necessary in the manufacture of capsule forms of drugs and various gels.

Useful properties of pectin

Pectin is not only the convenience of preparing various dishes, but also benefits for the body. The presence of a natural thickener in the human diet can cause the following beneficial effects:

  • Improving the quality of digestion. The astringent and enveloping properties of the product help protect the gastric mucosa from irritating factors, which contributes to its restoration.
  • The metabolism is stimulated, which leads to the improvement of the work of systems and organs, getting rid of excess weight. The consumption of foods rich in pectin is especially justified in diabetes and obesity. A specially developed pectin diet allows you to lose up to 3-4 kg in just a week and improve the body.
  • There is an improvement in peripheral circulation. This speeds up the supply of nutrients to the organs and their cleansing from all that is superfluous. Excess urea and bile acid are removed from the tissues.
  • The food supplement helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. This reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart disease, blood vessels and brain.
  • Pectins increase the activity of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which promotes better absorption of vitamins and strengthens the immune system.

Eating foods rich in pectin is indicated during pregnancy. This is the most effective and safest way to normalize your bowel movements and improve your overall health. Even if there are no special indications for taking a substance, its intake into the body can have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

The harm and danger of pectin

Practice shows that it is quite difficult to exceed the daily consumption of pectin in the case of natural products. Even vegetarians and vegans have little fear of this. But with the abuse of products in which the substance acts only as a food additive, this is quite possible. This is fraught with the following consequences:

  1. The quality of absorption of minerals decreases, which leads to the development of deficiency states.
  2. In the intestine, fermentation begins, leading to flatulence, poor absorption of proteins and fats.

The use of the product in the form of a dietary supplement under the age of 6 can only cause harm, therefore, you should carefully monitor the child's diet. Allergy to pectin in fruits and vegetables is extremely rare, but no one is immune from intolerance to E440. Unfortunately, today more and more manufacturers use chemical substances rather than their usual sources for the extraction of raw materials. Therefore, it is difficult to say what quality of pectin is used in a particular product.

Pectin Diet Principles

The introduction of a special dietary regimen into the usual regime allows not only to get rid of fat deposits that have accumulated over the years, but also to significantly improve the general condition. True, to obtain such results, you need to strictly follow the rules of the program and not make arbitrary changes to it:

  1. On the first day for breakfast, you need to eat 3 grated apples with a couple of chopped walnuts and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. For lunch, you should prepare a salad of boiled eggs, grated apple and a large amount of chopped greens. Dinner will consist of 5 apples in any form (raw, baked, grated).
  2. On the second day, breakfast will be presented with a mixture of the pulp of 3 grated apples and 100 g of boiled rice without any additives. For lunch, a dish is prepared from the same ingredients, but this time the apples will have to be boiled. Lemon zest can be used to enhance the flavor of the dish. For dinner, you will have to limit yourself to 100 g of boiled rice.
  3. On the third day for breakfast, the usual grated apples are mixed with 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese. For lunch we take 3 apples, grate them and combine with 2 teaspoons of honey and 2 walnuts. Additionally, you need to eat 100 g of cottage cheese, but not together, but separately.
  4. The fourth day begins with a breakfast consisting of 3 grated carrots and the pulp of one apple. For lunch, they eat exactly the same salad, but this time it is seasoned with lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of honey. Dinner will consist of 4 baked apples.
  5. On the fifth day, a salad of fresh carrots and beets is prepared for breakfast, we take the ingredients in any volume. Lunch will consist of 3 tablespoons of oatmeal infused with boiling water, small boiled beets and 2 boiled eggs.
  6. On the 6th day, the menu for 1 day is repeated, and on the 7th - the menu for 2 days.

While observing this regimen, you need to drink at least 6 glasses of clean water per day. Coffee and alcohol are prohibited. Let's admit tea, but not very strong and without sweeteners. The return to the usual diet should be smooth so that weight loss does not stop.

The mechanical processing of the ingredients does not in any way affect the pectin content. Purees, smoothies, juices with pulp, vegetable stews and even fruit drinks are rich in the beneficial compound. Even in the jam made from the components listed above, the content of the substance is such that one can count on bright positive effects.

Pectins, pectin compounds or pectin substances are polysaccharides formed from galacturonic acid residues. Found in plants and algae. Pectins have found their application in the food industry as structuring and gelling elements and thickeners. Since pectins have a number of properties useful for the human body, they are successfully used in medicine and pharmacology. To obtain pectin compounds in industrial quantities, apple and citrus pomace, waste of sugar beet, sunflower baskets are most often used.

The use of pectin in the food industry

The purified polysaccharide is included in the formulation of the following products: fruit and berry fillings for sweets, jelly-like confectionery, marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade, soufflé, desserts, jam, confiture, preserves, ice cream, juice drinks with pulp, ketchup, margarine, canned food, dietary and ...

Why is pectin useful for the human body?

- improves metabolism, taking a direct part in metabolism and stabilization of redox reactions;

- reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;

- stimulates blood circulation;

- activates intestinal peristalsis;

- normalizes the intestinal microflora, eliminates dysbiosis;

- cleans cells from dangerous toxic compounds, including radionuclides, pesticides, salts of heavy metals, carcinogens and toxic substances.

Scientists have noted the ability of pectin substances to activate the processes of hematopoiesis. A sufficient intake of pectin with food leads to an improvement in indicators - normalization of humoral and serum factors, regulation of the number of T-lymphocytes, T-hellers.

It was experimentally revealed that after eating food rich in pectin, patients with a decrease in the rate of glucose formation at a stable level of insulin concentration in the blood are noted. The main therapeutic effect of polysaccharides is associated with an increase in the viscosity of food masses in the stomach and intestines, leading to a decrease in the speed of their transit through the digestive tract, which has a direct effect on the absorption of sugars and fats.

The positive effect of pectin substances on the digestive organs is noted. The benefit of pectin is that, when bound to bile acids, it reduces lipid absorption, while simultaneously lowering the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. When pectin compounds enter the stomach, they delay its emptying, enveloping the mucous membrane, while the rate of absorption of sugars is significantly reduced. In addition, pectins significantly improve parietal digestion and promote the development of beneficial intestinal microflora.

Polysaccharides exhibit antibacterial and antimicrobial action, inhibiting pathogenic microflora and pathogens of intestinal infections, while not reducing the activity of friendly bacteria. Pectins are natural enterosorbents, since they are practically not absorbed by the digestive system of the body. The detoxifying properties of pectin are due to the fact that when entering the intestine, the substance swells, enveloping the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, thereby leading to a decrease in inflammation, preventing the formation of ulcers and damage, slowing down the destructive effect of some toxic substances that enter with food.

The use of pectin in medicine

Due to the cleansing properties of pectin substances, they are successfully used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, as well as metabolic disorders, obesity, dysbiosis, hypertension, polyarthritis and other joint diseases. In pharmaceuticals, pectin is actively used in the manufacture of capsules for medicinal formulations.

What fruits have a lot of pectin

The largest amount of natural organic compounds - pectins - is found in vegetables, root crops, and fruits.

  1. Vegetables-sources of pectin:, carrots, bell peppers, eggplants, zucchini.
  1. Fruits and berries are sources of pectin: quince, plum, cherry, pear, all citrus fruits, figs, pineapple, bananas. A large number of pectin compounds are found in (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried persimmon, dates).
  1. Fruit juices are saturated with pectin compounds, especially unclarified with pulp: tomato, peach, plum, apple, quince, cranberry, as well as combined (bell pepper + tomato, apple + carrot, cranberry + sea buckthorn, etc.).
  1. Berry mixtures ground with sugar or sugar substitutes are also a natural source of complex polysaccharides: gooseberries, currants, strawberries, feijoa, blueberries, raspberries.
  1. Food supplements with pectin obtained from fruits, most often from apples.

The daily intake of pectin substances is from 4 to 10 grams per day. If you live in an area with high radiation or work in hazardous industries, then the recommended amount of pectin per day is increased to 15 grams. The consumption of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits in the amount of 500 grams per day - fully replenishes the recommended amount of polysaccharides. It is impractical to consider industrial confectionery products as a source of pectin, since, for example, to obtain 1 g of a useful substance from marmalade, it should be eaten at least 7 packs, while you can get the same dose from half a grapefruit or a small apple with a peel ...

The benefits of pectin have long been proven and beyond doubt. Enrich your diet with pectin-containing foods, and you will significantly improve the condition and tone of the body. In addition, fresh fruits are rich not only in polysaccharides, but also in antioxidants, dietary fiber, organic acids, micro- and macroelements, flavonoids, vitamins, and easily digestible forms of sugars. Be healthy!