Delicious stewed lamb in a slow cooker. Lamb in a slow cooker - oriental dishes without a cauldron

Time: 100 min.

Servings: 5

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Almost exotic - lamb stewed with vegetables in a slow cooker

Lamb is not the most popular type of meat among housewives. Most prefer to work with pork or beef.

The dishes are delicious and satisfying, and there is no worry that the meat may turn out differently than you expect.

Why are lamb recipes underestimated? It is believed that lamb meat has a pungent, unpleasant smell, and the finished dish also retains its characteristic aroma.

Meanwhile, many recipes (especially Asian cuisines) are ideally implemented on the basis of lamb: pilaf, lagman, shurpa, lula kebab.

But what to go far, kebab is also made from this meat! And just a piece of lamb baked with spices is so delicious, you will lick your fingers.

However, before mastering national recipes, you need to learn how to cook something simple. And what could be easier than

So why was the mutton left out? It's very simple: we don't know how to choose it. Fresh meat of a young animal has a pleasant, slightly sweet smell, delicate texture.

Dishes made from such an ingredient are delicate, aromatic and incredibly tasty. But you will hardly be able to cook deliciously an old ram with tough meat. Therefore, before reading into the recipe, let's go through the main nuances of choosing products.

As cruel as it may sound, the best dishes are obtained from milk lambs, which are barely three days old.

Such meat does not need preliminary marinating and spices. But in a big city, you can't buy this, unless by special order. Therefore, we will build on what is.

The maximum permissible age of an animal is three years, after this age, its meat can only be cooked with tricks and witchcraft manipulations. How to distinguish the carcass of a young animal? It has pinkish flesh, firm to the touch, and light fat.

If you do not like the pungent smell of a piece offered by the seller, do not fall for persuasion and feel free to walk by.

As a rule, sellers try to sell their goods by any means, assuring the naive buyer that “the meat should smell so unpleasant, it's mutton”. Complete nonsense!

Only the meat of a very old animal has an unpleasant smell (and there is a possibility that it died a natural death).

In addition to age, the sex of the animal also matters. The pulp of the ram is quite tough, it will not be possible to cook it in a short time.

To make the food tender, you will need to stew it well. In addition, dishes made from castrated ram meat can have a characteristic flavor.

Sheep or young lambs are another matter. It is from them that real delicacies are obtained, with pieces of pulp melting in your mouth.

Lamb in a slow cooker can be cooked in different ways. You can bake it in a piece; cook stew; stew with potatoes or vegetables.

Our recipe is meat plus vegetables. As a result, our slow cooker cooked juicy, tasty meat with a fragrant vegetable sauce.

A few words about the preliminary preparation of the main ingredient. Our recipe allows using both a young lamb and an “aged” animal for cooking.

If you are incredibly lucky to get a juicy, tender, rosy young lamb - hurray! You have saved yourself time and definitely won in the taste of the dish.

The lamb pulp does not need any preparation, it just needs to be washed and chopped. With an older animal, things are not so simple. But below we will show you the recipe for the correct preparation of "raw materials".

To get rid of plaque, rinse the purchased piece under warm water. Please note: the water temperature must be at least 30 degrees!

If you are afraid that you will not be able to cook tasty treats, since the meat is tough, beat off the chopped pieces with a kitchen hammer.

To make the lamb tender, you can marinate it. Traditional Georgian spices and herbs are used as a marinade. From liquids - vinegar, lemon juice, fresh tomato puree, kefir.

Step 1

Cut the prepared meat into pieces. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, set the “Quenching” mode. Lay out the chopped lamb. It will take 40 minutes to prepare. During this time, you need to prepare vegetables.

If your slice was fat, you can cut off the excess fat, melt it in a slow cooker, and only then lay the meat cut into pieces.

But this is only when the fat has a beautiful light color. Yellow fat is a sign of an old “beast”; it can only ruin the dish.

Step 2

Add all the prepared spices to the bowl and leave the dish to simmer for another 10 minutes. Eggplants are the first to go to the multicooker.

While the lamb stew was being prepared, you had to cut off the peel from them, cut into cubes, add salt, stir and leave for 15 minutes. After that, the released moisture should be drained - all the bitterness will go away with it.

Step 3

The next participant in our dish is onions. Cut it into rings and add to the common pot.

Step 4

Cut the carrots and peppers so that the slices are approximately the same size (as in our photo), add to the rest of the ingredients.

Step 5

Cut the tomatoes into small slices and add to the bowl. Garlic is also sent there (it can be put directly with whole teeth or passed through a garlic press). Next, we will use the “Extinguish” mode, 50 minutes.

If there are no fresh tomatoes at hand, the recipe allows you to use tomato paste - you will need a couple of tablespoons.

But in this case, you will need to top up with a third of a glass of water, in order to compensate for the liquid that fresh tomatoes give.

The lamb stew is ready. When serving, you can decorate the plate with sprigs of fresh cilantro. And, of course, don't forget a glass of good red wine.

See another version of this dish:

Simple step-by-step recipes for cooking lamb at home in a slow cooker - fast and tasty!

  • Lamb 1 kg
  • Carrots 2 pcs
  • Onion 2 heads
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Ground paprika to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Cut the meat into pieces, put in a multicooker pan. Add some vegetable oil.

Fry the meat in the "Baking" mode for 10-12 minutes.

Then add some water. Switch the multicooker to the "Stew" mode and cook for 1 hour.

Simmer until the liquid evaporates. Then add the carrots.

Add onions.

Season with spices, salt.

Fry in the "Baking" mode for 10-15 minutes. Add the garlic a few minutes before the end of cooking.

The recipe for "Lamb in a slow cooker" is ready, bon appetit.

Recipe 2: stewed lamb in a slow cooker

Delicious, juicy, tender-soft meat, with fried potatoes.

  • Lamb - 1 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs;
  • Potatoes - 5-6 pcs;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • Kinza.

Cut the meat into large pieces. Put in the multicooker bowl. Set the extinguishing mode for 2 hours. No oil or water needs to be added. The meat will let the juice out and be stewed in its own juice. Stir the meat periodically.

After an hour and a half, add pepper cut into half rings. Season with salt and pepper. Leave the meat and pepper for another half hour. The most delicious, tender meat is ready. While the meat is stewing, fry the potatoes in a separate frying pan.

Put fried potatoes on a plate, meat on top. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro. Serve with pita bread.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: lamb with vegetables in a slow cooker

Delicate lamb accompanied by vegetables. Try it!

  • Lamb 0.5 kg
  • Salt, pepper mix to taste
  • Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon
  • Bay leaf 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots 1 pc.
  • Greens for serving

Cut the lamb into pieces, salt and pepper, fry in vegetable oil on all sides, put in a multicooker bowl, pour 0.5 liters of water or broth, add bay leaves. Cook in Soup mode for 1 hour.

Then add coarsely chopped carrots,

then potatoes.

Cook for 40 minutes in the "Braising" mode.

Arrange the finished dish on plates and serve with herbs. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4: how to cook lamb in a slow cooker

This is the best meat for family lunches and dinners! It is only important to know how to properly cook lamb so that it turns out tasty, soft and juicy. I "called for help" a wonderful kitchen unit - a Brand 6051 model pressure cooker-multicooker, and took the simplest recipe for lamb stew, focusing on the spices most suitable for this type of meat.

The dish is being prepared in only 40 minutes, try to cook it on a regular stove during this time - it will not work. And with special kitchen appliances, everything is simple. Braised lamb in a slow cooker, the recipe for which I propose, turns out to be very tender and fragrant.

  • lamb loin on the bone (semi-finished product) - 600 g
  • 2 onions (three possible)
  • ½ teaspoon of rosemary (the inscription on the bag is dried, cut)
  • a teaspoon of dried mint
  • a few peas of black pepper
  • vegetable oil

For garnish:

  • arugula;
  • cherry tomatoes.

Peel the onion and cut into thick half rings.

Put the lamb in a preheated frying pan, lightly greased with vegetable oil, and fry on both sides until brown.

This is necessary in order, as the cooks say, "to seal all the juices inside the meat."

Place all the chopped onions on the bottom of the multicooker.

Put the fried meat on top of it. As you can see, this amount of lamb for the multicooker was exactly enough to evenly cover the bottom.

Sprinkle with rosemary and dried mint rubbed in your fingers. These are the most suitable spices for lamb, which I definitely put in potato soup with this meat as well. They perfectly set off the natural aroma, making it unique. Also salt your dish to taste, I used about half a teaspoon of salt.

Pour in water to about half the onion layer. I could not resist and added another quarter glass of dry white wine, just like that, for the soul.

Close the multicooker, turn the lid to the "lock" and select the "Extinguishing" mode. The default pressure will be 50, but I increased it with the "+" button to 60 to cook faster.

I chose the time 40 minutes to get softer meat. At the 12th minute of cooking, the kitchen began to fill with a wonderful aroma ...

After waiting for the beep, turn off the multicooker according to the instructions and release the steam. Open the cover. Braised lamb in a slow cooker is ready.

I chose arugula leaves for a side dish, because I was preparing a dish for Valentine's Day, and I wanted a romantic dinner to be hearty, but light. It is a very healthy herb that contains a lot of fiber, vitamins, and even protein. In our case, simply place it on a serving plate as a "pillow".

Top with pieces of lamb, stewed onions and garnish with cherry tomatoes. You can serve it to the table. Good appetite!

Recipe 5: lamb with apples in a slow cooker

Lamb is a healthy, tasty and nutritious meat. But you need to know how to cook it. If you do not follow the technology and rules for cooking lamb, it can be tough, smell unpleasant, or chew badly. We will teach you how to properly cook this type of meat. According to our recipe, lamb is juicy, tender, tasty and aromatic.

  • 400 gr Lamb (pulp)
  • 50 gr Lamb fat
  • 2 pcs Large apples
  • 1 pc Onion
  • 3 cloves Garlic
  • 1 tsp Wheat flour
  • 1 tsp Curry
  • To taste Salt and allspice
  • 0.5 pcs Zest

Take lamb lard. You need to cut it into pieces. Best of all - in small cubes. Take the lamb pulp, rinse in water, dry thoroughly and cut into medium-sized cubes. You can focus on the size of the pieces in the photo.

One medium-sized onion is sufficient. Peel the garlic cloves as well. It must be finely chopped.

Place finely chopped pieces of bacon in the multicooker bowl. Melt them until golden brown in a bowl on the FRYING program. You need to wait until the bacon acquires the required degree of readiness. Then add the onion and garlic to the multicooker bowl. Continue working with the "FRY" program for another 8 minutes so that the onions and garlic also acquire a golden hue.

Transfer the sauteed onions and garlic from the multicooker bowl to a plate. Now you need to fry the lamb pieces in a bowl. You do not need to wash the multicooker, use the remnants of lamb fat. Cook the meat for about 10 to 12 minutes, frying it on both sides, then sprinkle the lamb pieces with flour. Stir.

While the lamb is roasting, you need to wash and peel the apples. Cut them into cubes. Remove the zest from half of the lemon.

Add onion with garlic and lamb lard to the lamb in the multicooker bowl, then apples, lemon zest, pepper and salt. Stir the contents of the bowl. Now you need to fill the contents of the bowl with 1.5 - 2.0 measuring glasses from the multicooker. It is better to use hot boiled water, so the lamb with vegetables will boil faster. Close the multicooker with a lid, turn on the STEWING program and let the dish cook until the end of the program, and in time it will take 50 minutes. You can prepare a side dish during this time. Mashed potatoes, crumbly rice, bulgur, couscous are very well suited as a side dish.

Serve the lamb hot. It is best not to leave such a dish the next day. It tastes just fresh. If lamb is heated, it loses its taste and aroma properties.

Recipe 6: delicious lamb in a slow cooker (step by step)

Lamb is not so common in Russian cuisine, compared, for example, with pork and other types of meat, but in the East it is a queen. Mostly lamb is cooked there stewed or boiled. A cauldron is best suited for these purposes. As experience shows, a multicooker copes with stewing just as well.

Today I will tell you how to cook lamb in a slow cooker with a wave. Mash are small green beans popular in the cuisines of India, Japan, as well as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The dish turns out to be very satisfying and aromatic.

Preliminary preparations can be made for convenience in a pan, and entrust the stewing to a multicooker, and the result will surely please you.

  • Lamb 1 kg
  • Mash 2 glass
  • Bulb onions 2 pcs.
  • Tomato 3 pcs.
  • Tomato paste 2-3 tbsp the spoon
  • Salt 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Sugar 0.5 tbsp. the spoon
  • Garlic 1 tsp
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Coriander 0.5 tsp
  • Zira 0.5 tsp
  • Basil 0.5 tsp
  • Ginger 0.5 tsp
  • Barberry 0.5 tbsp the spoon
  • Water 350 ml

Soak mung bean in cold water, after rinsing and removing spoiled grains. Since the cooking will be in a slow cooker, it will take enough time to prepare the other ingredients.

Rinse the lamb with bones, dry with a napkin, remove films and fat as much as possible, sprinkle with coriander and pour in a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil, grate the meat. In no case do not salt, so that juice does not stand out from the meat and it subsequently does not become tough.

Put the meat in a preheated pan, fry until lightly browned over high heat for just a couple of minutes from different sides.

Lamb, which I baked in a slow cooker in foil, in my opinion, is suitable not only for an everyday lunch or dinner, but also for a holiday as a hot dish.

Lamb is loved not only in the Middle East and South Asia, but also in the Mediterranean and Europe. Meat is consumed in different forms - stewed, fried, baked, cooked, cutlets and similar dishes, rich soups are cooked. Nutritionists consider lamb to be a healthy product, low in cholesterol, high in iron, rich in B vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and sodium. They also debunk the myth about the fat content of lamb, claiming that it is 2-3 times less fat than pork.

As I said, and as you, friends, already understood from the name, today I bake lamb in a slow cooker. And I do it in a whole piece and in food foil. Thanks to the foil, all the juiciness of the meat remains inside. And thanks to preliminary pickling, the specific taste of lamb will not be felt. Perhaps the only drawback will be the inability to give the dish a golden brown crust in a slow cooker. After all, if at the end of cooking we cut the foil, as we do in the oven, then in our devices, even in the presence of 3D heating, a baked crust on top will not work. However, I do not consider this a disadvantage. The meat may not be so beautiful on the table, but juicy and tender. Well, if someone certainly wants a piece of ruddy, take out the finished lamb from the multicooker and put the meat for a few minutes under any grill. This can be a Redmond airfryer lid, any full-fledged airfryer (for example, Hotter), an oven.

You can also eat lamb baked in foil in a slow cooker in a European manner - with a side dish, for example, potatoes or rice, with vegetables. And in an oriental manner - serve with tortillas and vegetables.

Baked Lamb Ingredients

  1. Lamb - 1 kg
  2. Sour milk or kefir - 1.5 cups
  3. Cilantro or parsley - 1 bunch
  4. Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  5. Ground black pepper - to taste
  6. Salt to taste

How to cook lamb baked in a multicooker-pressure cooker in foil

1. You will need a good piece of lamb. Ideally, this is a leg of lamb. But, in principle, there can be any part, except for the neck, shoulder and scapular, since these parts require a long heat treatment in the form of cooking or stewing. If you are at a loss with a choice, ask the store for the butcher to help you choose a piece to bake. I bought a leg of lamb and cut it in half. The lower part will go for kharcho, and the upper one for this recipe. In the photo you can see that my meat is already in the marinade.
After all, the lamb must be pre-marinated and left in the refrigerator until X. I did this in the evening.

2. For the marinade, we use one and a half ordinary glasses of yogurt or kefir, cilantro or parsley greens (cilantro is better!), A couple of garlic cloves (it is not advisable to overuse garlic), ground pepper and salt. Finely chop cilantro or parsley (only leaves, no stalks) and put in a bowl. Squeeze the garlic there, add salt and pepper. Then, with a pestle or wooden crush, grind everything into a gruel. Wash my lamb, dry it, cut off excess fat. With a sharp knife, we randomly make several punctures in the meat on each side. Then, rub the lamb with the cooked gruel well. Place the grated meat in a convenient dish and fill it with kefir or yogurt. Cover the dishes with a lid or plastic wrap and refrigerate. Marinating time from four to ten hours.

3. Let's start cooking. We unfold the foil, put a piece of lamb on the sheet. The rest of the marinade (or part) can be poured onto the meat. Then we wrap the lamb firmly and tightly in two layers of foil. We try to keep the "tucks" of the bag on top.

4. Place the bag in the multicooker bowl. (I am afraid of damaging the bowl, so I always put a "backing" of baking paper under the foil.) Close the multicooker and turn on the "Baking" mode. Cooking time 90 minutes. After the signal, we open the multicooker and check the meat for readiness. To do this, carefully tear (or cut) the foil on top and the meat with a fork (knife) the meat. If necessary, turn on Baking for another 30 minutes.

5. Any lamb is served only hot. After all, this type of meat has one feature - mutton fat quickly solidifies. Therefore, we serve our dish immediately after baking. We release a piece of lamb from the foil, put it on a plate, pour over the juice that has formed inside the package, and put it on the table. Enjoy your meal!

  • Lamb - 600 grams;
  • Carrot;
  • Bell pepper;
  • Mushrooms - 300 grams;
  • Young shoots of garlic (garlic arrows) - a large bunch;
  • Young peas - 200 grams;
  • Red wine - 150 grams.

For soaking:

  • Mineral water;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Ground ginger;
  • Salt;
  • Cardamom;
  • Zira;
  • Barberry.

Cooking in steps:

In summer, nature gives the opportunity to diversify our menu. Let's take advantage of this by adding various vegetables, mushrooms, green peas and young garlic shoots to the meat.

In order for the dish to be chewed even by the youngest member of the family, the meat must be marinated. We take a piece of lamb and soak it in mineral water overnight with lemon juice, dried barberry, ground ginger, cardamom, cumin, salt and pepper.
The next morning, you can start cooking and start creating!

Tip: Zira (or cumin) has a distinctive and strong flavor and is found in many oriental dishes. However, if you are not yet familiar with this spice, do not rush to obediently add it to food, just because it is written in the recipe. Zira has a very rich taste and not everyone likes it. Therefore, it will be best if you chew a couple of grains thoroughly beforehand and answer the question: "Do I like this taste and will my family eat it? In any case, when cooking with cumin for the first time, it is best not to put too much of it. ...

We wash the garlic arrows. Then we remove the tops with inflorescences, the lower parts of the arrows (if they have already become tough and fibrous) and cut.
Cut the sweet pepper into strips. I love it and put it around in huge quantities.

Tip: If you don't have the opportunity to buy garlic arrows, or just out of season, you can replace them with frozen or fresh asparagus. And for flavor, you can add a little finely crushed garlic.

We peel carrots, onions, wash mushrooms under running water. We cut all this as you want. I love everything in large chunks, although my family does not share it;).

Then we fry vegetables and mushrooms in corn oil in a multi-cooker. We set the "Baking" mode for 20 minutes and close the lid.
After the signal, put the lamb in the bowl (without mineral water, of course). Fill everything with boiling water for 2/3 and set the "Quenching" mode for 2 hours.

Why boiling water? Because cold water in the "Extinguishing" mode boils for a very long time. Whether or not this time is enough for the lamb to become soft depends on the meat.

After half an hour, pour red wine into a bowl and continue to simmer.

30 minutes before the end of cooking, add the peas and garlic shoots.
Here is such an unusual recipe that does not require constant attention and presence in the kitchen. Enjoy and write comments!

You can also make a soup from lamb, read the recipe for.

Lamb stewed in a multicooker Panasonic SR-TMH18LTW was prepared. Power 670 W.

Today I will tell you how to bake a whole piece of mutton in a slow cooker. The dish turns out to be juicy, tender, soaked in garlic and a mixture of herbs. And it does not at all have that specific lamb flavor, because of which many do not eat this type of meat. Cilantro plays a key role here. For the most part, thanks to her, that specific "smell" disappears from the meat. Well, the cooking process itself, although it seems to you a bit lengthy, is not burdensome.


  • Lamb - 600-700 gr.
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Cilantro (fresh) - 1 bunch
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Thyme to taste
  • Marjoram - to taste
  • Black pepper (ground) - to taste
  • Salt to taste


1. Since I bake the meat in one piece, in the store I choose it of such a size that it fits into the bowl of the multicooker. And I make sure that the meat is not too fatty. For baking, it is good to buy a lamb saddle or loin. This time I don’t know the name of the purchased part, because my husband bought it, and in the store they often cut it so that it’s not always clear from which part of the carcass (how the butcher waves an ax, such a part will come out). Anyway, the mutton is bought. Wash it thoroughly and dry it with a paper towel or napkin. Mine and dry a bunch of cilantro. I prepare olive oil (you can replace it with sunflower oil, but odorless), garlic, salt, pepper and dry herbs.

2. In a bowl (its size should correspond to the size of a piece of lamb), pour oil, squeeze out the garlic, add salt, pepper, thyme and marjoram. I also send cilantro there, which I cut finely with a knife (you can chop (leaves together with stems) in the processor). I mix everything well - a mixture is obtained, with which I rub the meat on all sides. In order for it to penetrate better, you can make cuts or punctures on the meat with a knife. I leave the smeared lamb in the same dish and, covering it with a lid, put it in the refrigerator for several hours (you can even stand it all night).

3. After marinating, transfer the lamb to foil. If part of the mixture remains in the dishes, then I shift it with a spoon under the meat and on top. Then I "wrap up" the lamb in two layers of foil. I try to wrap it tightly, but neatly. I make sure that the bones do not break the packaging. I pay special attention to the "seams".

4. Next, I place the bundle in the multicooker bowl. Many people assure that the bowl will not suffer from the foil, that it's okay. I have no particular desire to test how true this is. I'd rather be on the safe side. That is, I cut out a circle from baking paper and put it on the bottom of the multican. This way the foil does not come into contact with the bowl. It was a retreat. Now I continue to cook. I close the multicooker (Redmond m170, power 900 W) and turn it on to “Multipovar” with a choice of 150 degrees. Roasting time 2 hours. The process will take place without my further participation.

5. I take out the finished mutton from the multicooker, carefully cut the foil. Alternatively, you can further “brown” the meat under the airfryer. It will have a nice golden crust. However, for my taste, the meat itself will become drier. Therefore, I leave it as it is and….

6.… .. I just put it on the dish, pouring the juice formed in the foil on top. Served with cilantro. In my opinion, it is not superfluous here either.