The benefits and harms of citric acid. Citric acid: harm and benefit

Citric acid is a natural component of many foods: it is present in citrus fruits, berries, some vegetables and takes part in the metabolism of living organisms. This substance is found in nature very often, therefore it will be useful to find out what citric acid is, what are its benefits and harms.

What is Citric Acid

For the first time, citric acid was obtained at the end of the 18th century in Sweden: the pharmacist Karl Scheele isolated it from the juice of unripe lemons. The substance participates in the biochemical reactions of cellular respiration of all organisms that live and develop if there is oxygen in their environment.

Citric acid (food additive E 330) is a white crystalline powder that dissolves perfectly in water and ethyl alcohol. Currently, it is synthesized chemically: through citric acid fermentation of sugary substances with the participation of mold.

Where is applied

The scope of citric acid is very wide. It is used:

  • as a preservative;
  • acidity regulator;
  • as a flavoring agent;
  • in medicine, as part of drugs, the action of which is aimed at improving energy metabolism in the body;
  • as an additive to gypsum and cement in construction (inhibits the setting of mortar);
  • in cosmetics: in hair products (shampoos, balms, varnishes) and skin;
  • in household chemicals - as a means for cleaning, since E330 dissolves calcium well and helps to easily remove scale or white deposits.

When consumed in small quantities, for example, if you eat an orange or lemon, it speeds up the metabolism.

Beneficial features

Citric acid is present in the human body. In optimal doses, it has a beneficial effect on the body: it promotes rejuvenation, destroys pathogenic bacteria. The lack in the body is indicated by the craving for "sour". If there is not enough substance in the body, then malignant tumors and the appearance of kidney stones are possible due to alkalization of the internal environment.

The health benefits of citric acid:

  1. Breaks down some minerals, preventing the formation of kidney stones and destroying those that have already appeared.
  2. Possesses antioxidant properties, neutralizes free radicals, providing cleansing of the body from toxic substances.
  3. Helps remove toxins, harmful substances, salts through the cells of the skin.
  4. Accelerates metabolism.
  5. Promotes the burning of carbohydrates.
  6. Increases immunity.
  7. Improves vision.
  8. Increases the amount of calcium in the body.

Important! Citric acid is absorbed by the human body in the best way if it comes from natural products: lemons, oranges, grapefruits.

Citric acid is often used by people who want to lose weight. The use for weight loss is justified and gives excellent results, due to the ability of the substance to accelerate metabolism and use fats as an energy source. In combination with vitamin C, citric acid will not allow you to gain excess weight, but you need to use this tool with caution, since there are contraindications.

Advice: The magazine "Polzateevo" recommends the daily intake of citric acid - no more than 5 g, this is approximately 1 teaspoon without a slide. And even this amount should not be consumed at one time, it is necessary to divide it into several receptions at regular intervals.

As a cosmetic product, the additive E 330 has the following properties:

  • narrows enlarged pores;
  • whitens the skin;
  • strengthens the nail plate, therefore it is often used in cosmetic procedures for nails.

What harm can it do

Citric acid serves as an excellent complexing agent and affects the absorption of trace elements, which explains, in some cases, the toxic effect on the body.

Harm to the human body:

  1. Cannot be used internally by people with gastrointestinal diseases, as their course will worsen.
  2. With prolonged use of drinks and foods in which there is a lot of "lemon" erosion and destruction of tooth enamel, caries is possible.
  3. If dry crystals or a concentrated solution get into the eyes, it provokes severe irritation, it has a weak irritant effect on the skin.
  4. Inhalation of the fine crystalline powder will irritate the respiratory tract.
  5. If you eat a lot of such a substance, it will lead to burns of the digestive system (especially, the esophagus).

What products contain

Some foods contain a lot of citric acid, others practically do not. A lot of citric acid:

  • in citrus fruits: lemon, orange, tangerine, lime;
  • in some vegetables: peppers, tomatoes;
  • in fruits: apricots, pineapples;
  • in berries:, strawberries,;
  • in from sourdough dough;
  • in cheese as an emulsifying agent;
  • in and dried fruits.

Dried fruits contain some nutrients in high concentration. Citric acid is not included in the number of these substances, since fresh vegetables and fruits contain three times more of it.

Healthy recipes

Water with citric acid helps to eliminate excess skin pigmentation, whitens it. Prepare a 2 or 3 percent solution and rub over the skin. The tool will not only get rid of freckles, but also give the skin a matte shade.

An excellent remedy for sore throat is a 30% aqueous citric acid solution. It is necessary to gargle them every half hour during the day. If there is no powder, two or three slices of lemon can be used for the same purpose: you need to slowly dissolve the slices, while throwing your head back a little. The juice should envelop the walls of the throat, repeat every hour until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

To get rid of excess weight faster, you can add citric acid to pure water (for 1 liter of water - 1 teaspoon). Since the tool speeds up the metabolism, it will be possible to lose weight at a faster pace.

Important! Do not consume more than 1 teaspoon of citric acid per day, otherwise it will harm.

The recipe for descaling the kettle:

  1. Pour water into the kettle.
  2. Pour 30 g of acid into the water.
  3. Boil the solution.
  4. Drain.
  5. Pour clean water and boil again.

Thanks to citric acid, cut roses will last much longer in the vase. It is necessary to make a nutrient solution from 1 liter of water, 40 g of sugar and 0.2 g of citric acid, mix and put flowers in it.

Citric acid can be beneficial for your washing machine as it effectively removes limescale deposits.

Cleaning procedure:

  1. To clean a washing machine designed for 3 or 4 kg of laundry, you will need 60 g (2-3 tablespoons) of citric acid.
  2. Pour the detergent into the detergent compartment, turn on a full wash cycle with rinsing and spinning, for example, 60 ° cotton. A higher washing temperature is justified if there is a suspicion of a thick layer of limescale due to the fact that the machine has not been cleaned for a long time.
  3. Press start.

This method is the most inexpensive and simplest of all. In addition, small quantities of citric acid are washed out of the washing machine without residues, which cannot be said about expensive descaling agents added to washing powder - they remain on clothes.

There are restrictions when cleaning washing machines with citric acid:

  • using a large amount of funds can be detrimental to the details;
  • water temperature of 90 ° C during cleaning is undesirable, since acid can corrode rubber and plastic elements.

In order for the interaction with scale to begin, heating is not necessary. A high temperature is needed to speed up the cleaning process.

Baths for nails:

  • For strengthening thin and brittle nail plates. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil with 1 teaspoon of citric acid, warm up in a water bath and immerse the fingertips (nails) in the mixture for 15 minutes. Remove residues with a napkin.
  • Against tuberosity of nails. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sea salt and 1 teaspoon of citric acid in 1 glass of warm water, add 2 drops of iodine. Dip your fingertips into the solution for 10 minutes, then dry and apply the cream.
  • For shine nails. Take 1 teaspoon of honey and citric acid, dissolve in warm water (1 glass) and put your hands in the mixture for 10 minutes. Then rinse with water, wipe off and apply shea butter.

Citric acid is a white crystallized substance. It dissolves easily in water and alcohol. Citric acid is found in citrus fruits and some berries, grants, and pineapples. Citric acid is used as a food supplement. It is also a good preservative.

Why is citric acid useful?

Citric acid helps a person get rid of toxins, toxins, excess salts. It has a healing effect on digestion processes, burns carbohydrates under anaerobic conditions, and improves vision. Scientists have found that citric acid enhances human immunity and prevents the formation of tumors. The supplement also promotes more active absorption of calcium, normalizes the psycho-neuro-endocrine system.

Citric acid is astringent and bactericidal. Thanks to citric acid, metabolic processes in the body are very active. The acid has established itself as an effective remedy for hangover. A drink made from citric acid dissolved in water can be used for weight loss.

Citric acid is often used in cosmetics. It participates in cell metabolism, eliminates fine wrinkles. The skin becomes more elastic and firm. Citric acid can be used as a peel. It helps to get rid of skin imperfections such as freckles and pigmentation. Citric acid, as part of cosmetics and care products, removes toxic substances through the pores. The face becomes healthy and fresh. Acid has a beneficial effect on hair. They become less greasy and acquire a silkiness and natural gloss. Also, the component can be used in the form of a brightening hair mask, as a rinse, and as a home highlighting agent.

The harm of citric acid

Citric acid can harm people with stomach ailments. In this regard, the use of this supplement should be reduced or completely eliminated from use. It can aggravate the patient's condition.

If you abuse citric acid, you can get a burn of the mucous membrane of the mouth and digestive organs. This can be painful and may lead to coughing and vomiting. Powdered citric acid can cause significant harm if it gets on the mucous membranes. Therefore, this supplement should be used diluted, in acceptable concentrations. Inhalation of citric acid is unacceptable, as this can provoke burns or irritation.

In the modern food industry and industry, it is impossible to imagine the manufacture of any product without any additive. Manufacturers often use a substance such as citric acid. In the household, the hostess has this ingredient, which is added to desserts, baked goods, and is used to clean the apartment. Few of ordinary people know what citric acid is, the benefits and harms of its use.

Citric acid is a white crystalline powder, readily soluble in water and alcohol (ethyl) (see). This substance is a natural antioxidant found in citrus fruits and berries. But getting it from berries and fruits is unprofitable, it is much easier to synthesize the substance from products containing sugar (sugar cane, beets, molasses). This substance was first isolated by the end of the 18th century from unripe lemons. What are the benefits of citric acid and is it harmful to humans?


In food production, the additive is used for the preparation of all kinds of baked goods (see), sauces (mayonnaise and ketchup), jam, confectionery. As a preservative, the additive increases the shelf life of products (mushrooms, fish), housewives use it to preserve homemade preparations. In the production of processed cheese, acid is used to improve the consistency of the product, the cheese becomes plastic, easily spread on bread. This acid is known as food additive E330-E333.

In the household, the substance is used to acidify water, remove scale in washing machines, kettles. With the help of this substance, you can easily, qualitatively clean the plumbing, wash the windows to shine, and disinfect the home. Acid has useful properties in cosmetology. To make your hair manageable and shiny, it is recommended to rinse with acidified water after shampooing. It is also added to various masks and wraps, skin lotions (it has a whitening effect), nail care products.

Benefits for the human body

Health-conscious people consume lemon water, which contains dissolved acid. What is the use of such water? Citric acid has the following qualities for the human body:

  • promotes good digestion by stimulating the secretion of gastric juice;
  • helps to reduce the sweetness of many foods, which is especially important for diabetics. In addition, to maintain normal glucose levels, stir a little of the powder with warm water and drink before eating;
  • cleanses the liver. Thanks to this substance, the secretion of bile increases, which contributes to the rapid removal of toxins and poisons from the human body;
  • cleans blood vessels;
  • helps to lower high blood pressure;
  • with regular use of such acidic water, the skin becomes clear. The formation of rashes, acne or pustules is reduced;
  • helps to fight excess weight. Food additives break down fat. Daily use of acidified water (within a month) will make it easier to lose the hated extra pounds;
  • if there is alcohol poisoning, then citric acid dissolved in water will help to quickly cope with intoxication of the body;
  • for colds, it is recommended to gargle a sore throat with a 30% acid solution. The pathogenic microbes that caused the disease will die.

Harm from use

Is citric acid harmful to the body? Unfortunately, this substance has not only positive properties, in some cases it is very harmful. You have to be very careful when using the supplement. It is capable of destroying tooth enamel, so it is not recommended to take water with its content for a long time. Teeth from an excessive amount of this substance become thinner, lose their strength, and caries can appear.

For those suffering from heartburn or ulcers, this supplement should not be used, as it will aggravate the symptoms of the disease. Some people are allergic to citric acid, so you need to be very careful and try not to consume it at all.

Inhalation of undissolved powder should also be avoided. Once on the mucous membranes, it can cause severe irritation and erosions. Before you start taking citric acid, it is useful to consult with your doctor about the possible dangers.

Poisoning by substance

Sometimes poisoning is possible, mainly children or pets can eat citric acid. It happens that a person does not even suspect that he can poison himself, for example, if acid is poured into a kettle (from scale), and he drinks water from this kettle. In such cases, the poisoning is considered very serious and can be fatal. A person affected by citric acid has symptoms such as:

  • nausea and an attack of vomiting with blood. This is due to bleeding (internal), when there is damage to the vessels of the esophagus, the walls of the stomach and intestines;
  • severe soreness of the mouth and chest area. It occurs due to a chemical burn of the mucous membrane of the mouth, esophagus;
  • headaches, weakness;
  • black color;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • increased heart rate;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • intermittent breathing;
  • fainting and coma.

Important! If any sign of poisoning appears, it is necessary to urgently call the injured team of medical workers. It is strictly forbidden to independently wash the stomach, since vomit entering the esophagus will again cause a severe burn of the mucous membrane.

Before the ambulance arrives, the victim needs to be provided with first aid:

  1. Lay the poisoned person on the bed, ensure complete rest.
  2. Open the windows in the room so that the victim has access to fresh air.
  3. You can put a bottle of cold water or ice on your stomach. The cold will relieve spasms in the vessels and stop internal bleeding.
  4. Give the victim plenty of warm liquid to drink.

Poisoning treatment

As soon as the ambulance arrived, they begin to carry out the necessary procedures to help the person poisoned with acid. Doctors, with the help of a probe, will inject the victim with painkillers and antiemetic drugs, hemostatic drugs, and put droppers with saline.

If necessary, the poisoned person is hospitalized in a hospital. In a hospital setting, hemodialysis is performed (blood is purified), sorbents, blood thinning drugs are injected (for the prevention of thrombosis). In some cases, surgery may be required.

Prevention of poisoning

To eliminate the possibility of poisoning, the supplement should be kept out of the reach of children and animals. Use only in a clear dosage and after consultation with your doctor. When carrying out any sanitary work with the substance, you need to use rubber gloves and masks in order to avoid burns of the skin and mucous membranes.

E330-E333 is a useful and at the same time dangerous thing. But when used correctly, citric acid has a positive effect on the body, making it healthy, helping around the house, and improving a person's appearance. Failure to follow the rules for using the substance can seriously harm your health, up to and including death.

Citric acid is found in the kitchen of every housewife. Such a product is widespread in everyday life, complex dirt is washed with a lemon, things are bleached and jars are sterilized. The loose composition is indispensable in the preparation of confectionery, meat and fish dishes. Otherwise, citric acid is called a food additive with an E330 index. Today you can find a bag of powder in any store at a relatively low price.

What is citric acid

In terms of external similarities, citric acid resembles crushed sugar (beetroot). Lemongrass itself is a tricarboxylic acid derivative.

The benefits of this compound are undeniable not only for humans, but also for the health of animals and other microorganisms. Some plants, berries and fruits can accumulate a lot of citric acid. As an example, citrus fruits.

For a more accurate definition of the concept of citric acid, it is necessary to have knowledge of the technology of its production and basic properties.

How citric acid is obtained

The first who was able to identify the lemon is considered to be the Swedish pharmacist Scheele. He realized that the very acid can be extracted from an unripe lemon.

The product was heated and later melted at a temperature of 154 degrees. In the process of heating, the composition disintegrated into water and carbon dioxide.

At first, lemon was obtained from citrus juice, but in modern production, acid is prepared on the basis of moldy mushrooms of the Aspergill family and sugary products.

Citric acid properties

The properties of citric acid have been thoroughly studied. The loose composition accelerates all metabolic processes, cleans the cavity of internal organs from free radicals, removes salts of heavy metals.

Interestingly, citric acid has anti-cancer properties. With its help, you can block the access of blood to cancer cells, thereby triggering the complete destruction of the tumor.

There are many more properties that make it possible to successfully use lemon in everyday life, cooking, the field of cosmetology, and nutrition.

The use of citric acid

  1. For culinary purposes, a powder is used, which is produced as a food additive E330. You can also find a lemon with the index E333. Citric acid is a preservative that prevents food spoilage.
  2. When added to dough or other dishes, food takes on a sweet and sour aftertaste. Lemon acts as a compound that prevents oxidative processes. When consumed in moderation, the acid is safe and very beneficial.
  3. Not without the use of citric acid for industrial purposes. It is added to mayonnaise, various sauces, ketchup, tomato paste, drinks, processed cheeses, confectionery, canned food, twists, etc. On the basis of lemon, they prepare household products for cleaning plumbing fixtures.

  1. Citric acid, like the citrus fruit itself, has the ability to cleanse the body cavity from slagging and toxic substances. With the regular intake of a solution with lemon, you will also carry out the prevention of atherosclerosis. After all, the free-flowing composition cleans the blood channels from cholesterol.
  2. Due to its special properties, citric acid increases the protective functions of the body. It is indicated for consumption by people with low immune systems by nature, as well as during the spread of the flu epidemic and the off-season.
  3. Citric acid solution enhances food digestion. This cocktail does not irritate the stomach mucous membranes, as it gently removes various pollutants from the digestive tract. Lemon has a positive effect on the kidneys, removing small stones and sand.
  4. It is useful to use a solution with the addition of powder for people who have experienced severe hangover. This cocktail will accelerate the breakdown of ethyl alcohol and its removal from the body. All this greatly facilitates the work of the liver.
  5. If you have an oral condition, rinse your mouth with a citric acid solution. In such a simple way, you can prevent tooth decay, reduce bleeding gums, disinfect mucous membranes from bacteria and eliminate bad breath.
  6. Compresses with citric acid whiten the skin from age spots and freckles, so they are often used in the field of cosmetology. It is enough to prepare a weak solution, then lower the gauze folded in several layers into it, squeeze and apply to the face. But such manipulations are best done not on tanned skin.
  7. Sometimes citric acid is used to gargle with pain and perspiration. When you take the solution inside, you can free the airways from mucus, and also help alleviate the symptoms of bronchitis, pneumonia.
  8. The composition has the ability to prolong youth, so you can use citric acid periodically. It is enough to dilute it with water and pour this composition on fish, meat dishes, salads, snacks, fresh fruits and berries.
  9. For people who are experiencing excessive oiliness and enlarged pores, a mixture of water and citric acid powder can be used as a tonic. Most importantly, do not overdo it with concentration, so as not to get skin burns. With this lotion, wipe your face once a day in the morning.
  10. If you smoke, tar will negatively affect your nails and teeth, making them yellow. To partially bleach these areas, prepare a weak citric acid solution. Dip a piece of cheesecloth into it and wipe the yellowed areas. After that, the remnants of the product must be washed off with water.

The benefits of citric acid in everyday life

  1. Almost every housewife knows the unique properties of citric acid. The raw material is excellent at fighting rust. Dissolve 25-30 gr. powder in 1 liter of boiling water. Use a rust remover solution.
  2. The powder is considered an excellent antibacterial agent. The product cleans kitchen surfaces well and destroys all pathogenic bacteria. To disinfect, you need to make a solution. The proportions are 1 to 9 (acid and water).
  3. The acid is excellent at removing scale inside household appliances. If you treat the washing machine, you can clean the drum and heating element properly. In addition, the machine is disinfected. To carry out the procedure, you must set a long wash cycle with hot water. Pour 100 gr into the powder section. acid.
  4. Likewise, you can descale the inside of the kettle. For this, 10 grams are taken. composition for 1 liter of liquid. Boil water.
  5. To bring beauty and shine to the bathroom and kitchen, it is recommended to prepare a simple solution. To do this, combine a liter of water and 70 g in a suitable container. powder. Stir and screw on the spray. Apply to shiny taps, handles, etc. Wait for a while, rinse with water and wipe with a soft cloth.
  6. To clean the toilet properly, you need to pour 180 gr. lemon powder. Try to distribute the composition evenly. Leave the product on the surface overnight. It is forbidden to wash off the acid. With the onset of the next day, scrub the walls thoroughly with a brush, then rinse.
  7. To remove wine stains from fabric, you need to combine citric acid and baking soda in a 1: 2 ratio. Sprinkle on the spot you get dirty and drip a little water. The composition will sizzle for a while. Remove the gruel after a few minutes.

Everyone knows that it is not safe to use pure powder. To improve health, you can prepare a solution of lemon by mixing it with warm water.

  1. The composition enhances the secretion of gastric juice, thereby speeding up the digestion of food. The likelihood of food fermenting in the esophagus is reduced. From here, the digestive processes are established, the intestines and rectum are cleansed.
  2. Lemon water cleanses the liver, replenishes holes in its structure and generally facilitates the work of the internal organ. Against this background, the risk of developing cirrhosis and other serious ailments decreases.
  3. If you wipe the skin with a citric acid solution, you will cope with excessive oily sheen, acne, purulent closed acne, boils and other problems.
  4. Lemon water is used for detoxification. To cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, it is necessary to prepare a weak solution and consume it 10 minutes before the main meal.
  5. Lemon water is useful for people with diabetes. Such a cocktail has the ability to lower blood glucose levels and reduce the number of sugar surges.
  6. The solution cleans arteries and blood vessels, preventing atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. It is useful for hypertensive patients to learn that lemon water lowers blood and intracranial pressure.
  7. Many girls are used to using lemon water to lose weight. This way of dealing with extra pounds is not considered very safe. If you decide on an adventure, consult your doctor first.
  8. Lemon water disinfects the mouth and freshens breath. Also, when taking the drug inside, the immune system is strengthened, so it is easier for a person to endure the off-season and viral epidemics in the winter.
  9. Water with citric acid is considered to be of particular value for men who do not mind sitting down with friends over a glass of vodka and a cigarette. In case of intoxication, such a solution will save the liver and improve the human condition.
  10. Citric acid, in combination with water, gets inside and has a positive effect on joints and bone tissue. Reduces the likelihood of fractures, sprains, joint pain.

The harm of citric acid

  1. It is not recommended to take citric acid solution for stomach ulcers, mouth, esophagus and heartburn. In this case, the composition will aggravate the situation and can cause great harm to the mucous membranes.
  2. Consider, the drink has a detrimental effect on the tooth enamel, the composition begins to destroy it. Caries and tooth erosion will soon form. Therefore, rinse your mouth with water after use.
  3. In rare cases, you may encounter an allergic reaction. If you take into account some sources, you can find out that industrial raw materials contribute to the development of cancer cells. Irreparable harm is done to the body.
  4. There is no confirmed data on this, but you should be careful when consuming the powder. However, it is worth remembering that if you take the product in moderate doses, then apart from the benefits, you will not be in danger.

It is worth remembering a simple advice. If you intend to use citric acid for a specific purpose, then do not exceed the recommended dose. Otherwise, problems will await you. In all other respects, the powder is extremely useful for humans.

Video: the benefits and harms of citric acid

In the kitchen, any housewife always has an irreplaceable product - citric acid. Many do not even realize that it is used not only for preparing various dishes, but also for medicinal purposes, cosmetology, in everyday life and even in the oil industry. The substance has a crystalline structure of white color, has many benefits, but there are some precautions when using it.

Composition and chemical properties, glycemic index

It was first obtained by the Swedish pharmacist Karl Scheele in 1784 from the juice of not yet quite ripe lemons. In science, it is called the food supplement E330, which is a natural or synthetic antioxidant. The technique of extracting from citrus fruits, needles, from the stems of tobacco crops was not very effective, because the amount obtained was minimal. For the production of large volumes of lemons, specific strains of the molds Penicillium and Aspergillus are now used.

The product has a high content of vitamins E and A, as well as useful minerals - sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus. E330 additive dissolves quickly in water, when heated to a high temperature it decomposes into carbon dioxide and water.

Chemically, E330 is a tribasic oxycarboxylic acid, and its esters and salts are called citrates.

The glycemic index of citric acid is quite low - it is only 15 units. Caloric content is 1 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

Where is citric acid used

The product is used in cooking, as a remedy, cosmetology, everyday life and other areas. Its unique properties are noted:

  • Combines easily and quickly with other chemicals.
  • Excellent solubility.
  • Completely safe for the environment.
  • Lowest toxicity level.
  • Has a wide range of medicinal properties.
  • It is a water softener.
  • Acts as a cleanser.

Important!Throughout the CIS, E330 is included in the list of approved food additives. This antioxidant belongs to the group of safe substances for health.

General Health, Organs and Systems Benefits of Citric Acid and Citric Acid

The product is useful in many areas, but most of all it is distinguished by its medicinal properties. Many do not even realize that not only citric acid itself has a positive effect, but also water with its addition.

2. Citric acid is used to cleanse the intestinal tract of harmful toxins and bacteria.

3. Warm drinking water with a food additive cleanses the liver. This drink promotes the production of bile, is useful for the normal digestive process. Drinking one glass of such water daily on an empty stomach will help to improve the work of your intestines, relieve constipation and heartburn.

4. Reduces the risk of irritation of inflamed skin (boils, acne).

5. Water with citric acid is a wonderful way to cleanse blood vessels and arteries.

6. This drink is useful for people suffering from high blood pressure. One glass of citric acid water will instantly boost your health.

7. Has a positive effect on the oral cavity. When rinsing, it kills all bacteria and germs, freshens breath.

8. Citric acid is one of the substances that minimize the risk of diseases of the joints, tendons, ligaments.

9. Daily inclusion of one glass of water with citric acid in the diet strengthens the immune system.

10. Food supplement E330 has a positive effect on the skin. By its action, it regulates the moisture content of healthy skin, making it firm and elastic.

11. During a hangover, water with citric acid will bring you invaluable benefits. The drink will detoxify the entire body.

Features of the effect on the human body

This valuable substance is found in many foods that bring many benefits to humans, but sometimes it affects our body in completely different ways.

Benefits for adult men and women

  • The use of citric acid in food increases the amount of calcium in the body of an adult several times.
  • This food supplement helps to normalize the endocrine system.
  • It is a means of preventing the development of cancer cells.
  • The product helps in the fight against kidney stones. It breaks down the minerals that contribute to their appearance, and also removes those already formed. The more of this substance in the urine, the more effective the alkalization process.
  • Citric acid also benefits the circulatory system. It reduces the risk of metabolic acidosis, thereby protecting the body from serious illness.
  • The active substances of this product neutralize free radicals in the body and act as antioxidants, thereby reducing the risk of various tumors.
  • In men and women, with the help of citric acid, the digestive system improves, the metabolism is accelerated.
  • For the beautiful half of humanity, she is simply irreplaceable in cosmetology. When using citric acid, the skin of the face becomes smooth, wrinkles are removed and a rejuvenating effect is observed.
  • As a peeling, this substance will help get rid of age spots, acne. After cleansing the skin, the face becomes light and radiant.
  • Benefits citric acid and hair care. If you add a little powder to the water, then they will become lighter, silkier and healthier.

Beneficial properties for pregnant and lactating women

  • Expectant mothers are strictly forbidden to take various medications, so tea with citric acid will be an excellent remedy for flu and colds.
  • Water with the addition of this powder will become an indispensable assistant in removing puffiness from hands and feet, both during and after pregnancy.
  • For normal bowel function for expectant and nursing mothers, lemon will be simply priceless.
  • The light solution helps in the production of lactose.
  • Improves the functioning of the immune system of mom and baby.

Benefits for children

If you saw the food additive E330 on the packaging of baby food, then there is no reason to worry, it will not bring harm at all. Citric acid brings many benefits to the child's body, but it should be used with caution in food. For a child, the daily dose of the substance is about 60 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

If your child accidentally ate a lot of pure citric acid, you should urgently call a doctor or give him a glass of milk to drink. You can also take plenty of water to induce vomiting. Exceeding the daily norm can cause allergic processes, which are quite difficult to identify without specially tested tests.

Benefits in old age

Over time, our body begins to age and many changes occur. In old age, a person is faced with various diseases, water with citric acid will help in the fight against some of them.

The daily introduction of this drink into the diet will improve the quality of vision several times, relieve joint pain, minimize the risk of varicose veins and blood clots, improve the general condition, and also give strength.

Special categories

For people diagnosed with diabetes, experts recommend using citric acid to lower blood sugar. Drinking warm water and this substance will help regulate levels on a daily basis.

Potential danger and contraindications

Citric acid brings not only benefits to the human body, but also harm, in some cases:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use a food supplement for stomach, oral and esophageal ulcers.
  2. You should always adhere to the daily dosage, otherwise you can cause irritation of the skin and gastric mucosa. The consequences of this can lead to serious poisoning and illness.
  3. Avoid contact with eyes and nasopharynx, as this can lead to severe burns.
  4. People who are allergic to citric acid are strictly prohibited from eating it.

Recommendations for use. Which is healthier - citric acid or lemon?

To avoid dire consequences with this product, you should always adhere to the daily allowance, which is about 4-5 grams. Before use, it should be thoroughly dissolved in water and divided into several parts. You need to consume such a drink 20-30 minutes before a meal.

If we compare two such valuable products as lemon and citric acid, then, of course, lemon will outweigh its advantages. It contains some vitamins and minerals that are not present in the food substance, but it also has beneficial properties that are absent in this fruit.

How to use in cooking

Citric acid is used in many dishes. It is added to carbonated drinks, tea, jam, fruit puddings, jellies, mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces, to canned food, processed cheese, etc. It becomes an irreplaceable assistant in home canning.

One of the simplest homemade cold drink recipes using this product is as follows:

  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Citric acid - 2/3 tsp.

Pour one spoonful of sugar into a saucepan, heat and bring to brown. Add hot water and pour out the remaining granulated sugar. Then pour the lemon into it and mix everything thoroughly. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and let cool.

Eating for weight loss and diet

This substance contains antioxidants that cleanse the body of harmful toxins, speed up metabolism, and burn fat. This effect occurs only when you often eat foods containing a lot of citric acid: lemon, black currant, orange, tangerine.

But it should also be remembered that to get rid of excess weight, the use of some products will not be enough. It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, as well as exercise.

How to Pick a Good Product

To buy a quality lemon, you should always look at the date of manufacture on the package - it should not exceed three months. The color is slightly yellowish or colorless. The consistency should be free-flowing, not sticky, with a sour taste. Be sure to check its water solubility.