Chicken cutlets pp. How easy is it to make juicy minced chicken diet cutlets? Healthy Chicken and Veal Cutlets

In numerous searches for magic means for losing weight, most people find information that at present there is some kind of brewer's yeast for getting rid of excess body weight. They are great for helping those who want to lose weight quickly. Some people, however, argue that with the help of brewer's yeast, you can gain excess weight.

Brewer's yeast are a special type of yeast used in the brewing process. Like many other yeasts, this type is also very rich useful vitamins and minerals, they contain a large amount of protein and other valuable components. A valuable composition (B1, B6, B3) turns brewer's yeast into a real preparation for creation beauty and health, since the presence of these vitamins allows a person to have beautiful velvety skin, beautiful hair and strong nails. In addition, the high content of the B complex vitamin has a beneficial effect on strengthening and strengthening the immune status the human body.

Using brewer's yeast for weight loss can be applied due to the fact that they contain essential amino acids that allow stimulate metabolic processes organism. And when metabolic processes occur at a normal accelerated pace, it becomes very easy and simple to lose excess weight.

Exists two types of brewer's yeast - pressed tablets or powdersconsisting of dry brewer's yeast, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy kiosk. AND liquid brewer's yeastthat are used in the brewing process. By the principle of their action, they, of course, completely coincide, but the easiest way to purchase, of course, is pharmaceutical preparations. Pharmacists have a large selection of such preparations, namely, brewer's yeast with added calcium, iron and many useful additives.

Where to stop your choice is up to you, everything will depend on what goals you set for yourself. Each package of tablets or powder is accompanied by detailed instructions for the correct use of brewer's yeast, indicating the correct dosage and safety measures. Important, individually calculate necessary amount of brewer's yeast, based indicators body weight and age losing weight person.

In order to get rid of excess, using the miraculous properties of brewer's yeast, you must completely revise and analyze your composition and diet throughout the entire time of their application.

Using such simple rules and requirements, you can easily and easily get rid of excess weight using brewer's yeast. The slimming process will take place slow, and the lost kilograms will never return to the previous marks of the original weight.

Judging from the above information, we can conclude that it is quite possible to lose weight with the help of brewer's yeast.

It is worth not forgetting that the use of brewer's yeast will stimulate the appetite; for this, the principle of "eating fractionally, but little by little" should be applied. If you ignore this recommendation, then in the end you will not lose weight, but rather get better.

Unfortunately, not everyone can use brewer's yeast for weight loss.

  • the presence of individual intolerance (after taking, there is an eructation, bloating, a feeling of heaviness in the pancreas, diarrhea);
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • the presence of allergic reactions to penicillin;
  • thrush, gout.

In all other cases, brewer's yeast will never harm your health.

Public opinion on the benefits or harms of yeast is very divided.

One half of the camp asserts that yeast made using modern technologies should not be categorically consumed, while the rest, laughing at the paranoid nature of their opponents, eat bread and treat many diseases with yeast.

Let's try to analyze in detail the arguments of both sides.

In biology, yeast belongs to the category of unicellular fungi, but they are somewhat different from the rest of their fellows.

Being dry or compressed, they do not manifest themselves in any way. But getting into a warm liquid medium filled with organic substances, yeast begins to "come to life", grow and multiply actively.

This is especially noticeable if you throw them into a sugar solution. Foam will immediately begin to appear and a slight smell of alcohol will be felt.

The yeast dough rises due to the fact that during the life of the yeast fungi, sugar begins to ferment and this leads to the formation of alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Alcohol evaporates during the baking process, and carbon dioxide bubbles increase the dough volume several times. In finished bread, they can be observed as pores. The more carbon dioxide is released into the dough, the looser the baked goods will be.

On an industrial scale and in domestic use, several types of yeast are used today:

  • bakery pressed;
  • bakery dry;
  • beer houses;
  • wine.

Debunking and confirming opinions about yeast

This is indeed the case. They consist of two-thirds of the protein mass. They contain a huge amount of B-group vitamins, fatty acids, amino acids and trace elements.

With regular use, yeast promotes recovery after active physical activity, increases immunity, healthy appetite, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heals skin, hair and nails.

This is also true. Medicines are made in which yeast is the main active ingredient. They are prescribed for people with furunculosis and other skin problems, for children and adolescents with disorders of the central nervous system and hypovitaminosis.

Not true. The designation "thermophilic" should not be used in conjunction with the concept of "yeast" at all, because thermophilic organisms live at a temperature of 47-50 degrees Celsius, and yeast at such a high temperature already perishes.

Yes, we do not collect yeast in forests and wild meadows, but they are grown in factories. But a person simply noticed the benefits of this organism and began to breed it like wheat, pigs or cows. No one will argue that cows have become some kind of synthetic

This is the result of someone's wild imagination. Any doctor can confirm that yeast already lives in our body and that it is an important component of normal microflora.

Baker's yeast inevitably dies during the preparation of bread and thus only enrich the baked goods with microelements. And live yeast enters the human stomach, being on the surface of berries and fruits, contained in lactic acid products and cheese. But they are only beneficial.

Eating yeast for weight loss

Almost everyone who is trying to lose the hated excess weight ask themselves the question: can yeast baked goods be eaten?

From the above, we can conclude that yeast is no longer present in the prepared bread. They only play the role of a "blower" of the dough, make it airy and fluffy.

Yeast does not affect the process of losing weight.

So, yeast in baking does not affect the process of losing weight. But flour and other ingredients are, of course, a topic for thought. If without addition, then its moderate use will not cause any harm to the figure.

The beneficial properties of yeast have been used by mankind since ancient times. They baked bread from them, they were taken as medicine and a source of vitamins.

Therefore, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of eating freshly baked bread because of someone's played out complexes. But only everything should be in moderation!

Good day to you, friends! Often when we hear about diets, we imagine endless restrictions that need to be imposed on our food. For many, the diet is associated with a constant feeling of hunger and a complete lack of tasty foods.

I hasten to dissuade you, it is not so! And today I want to prove to you that. As a proof, we will learn how to cook dietary minced chicken cutlets.

In order to lose weight, you need to adhere to a small calorie deficit. This is a known fact. But deficiency alone is not enough for high-quality fat burning. It is important for you to consume enough protein. And one of the most affordable, easily digestible and low-calorie protein sources is chicken breast.

But just boiling it and consuming it with a side dish can soon get bored. Therefore, I want you who will add variety and new taste experiences to the diet!

In order for the cutlets to turn out to be truly tasty, and not only healthy, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Before cooking, rotate the meat through a meat grinder twice. This will make it more tender. In the second scroll, add bread, onions and other ingredients recommended by recipes to the minced meat
  2. How to make the cutlets juicy in the oven? Add onion, it adds juiciness. Do not spare this ingredient, adding it in a ratio of 1: 3 - 1: 5 in relation to the meat. Use breadcrumb when cooking. It retains moisture. But it is better to soak bread not in water, but in milk. Before sending to the oven, grease the cutlets with vegetable oil. Cover the baking sheet with foil and do not miss the readiness of the dietary dish.
  3. Serve the dish with a side dish - buckwheat, brown rice, or fresh vegetables.
  4. It is not necessary to use the oven to cook diet cutlets. They can be steamed or!

Diet cutlet recipes

So, prepare your cookbooks, pens, and write.

Recipe for the "Classic" oven

To make high-protein and low-calorie chicken cutlets, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Chicken fillet - 500 gr.
  2. Onion (preferably large).
  3. White bread without crust - 100 gr.
  4. Egg - 1 pc.
  5. Milk - 100 ml.
  6. Salt.
  7. Black pepper.

Soak the bread in milk for about 10 minutes. Pass the chicken fillet through a meat grinder, adding the onion and bread crumb. In the resulting minced meat, add the milk that remains from the soaked bread. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Blind the cutlets with wet hands. Place them on a greased baking sheet and place in the oven on medium heat. Check readiness after 20 minutes. Press on the cutlets with a fork, if clear juice is released, then they are ready. Serve with a side dish. Enjoy your meal!

Oven recipe "Cabbage cutlets"

If you want to diversify the dish, you can add cabbage. And use both white and colored.


  1. Cauliflower - 500 gr.
  2. Onion - 1 pc.
  3. Greens and / or bell peppers
  4. Chicken fillet - 500 gr.
  5. Breadcrumbs
  6. Spice

Peel the onion and chop it into large pieces. Pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Divide the cabbage into inflorescences and throw in boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain the water and cool the cabbage. Chop the meat into small pieces in a blender with cabbage.

Combine the minced meat with the onion and add finely chopped herbs or bell peppers. Blind the patties and roll them in the breadcrumbs. Place the dish in the oven at 180 degrees and bake until tender. Bon appetite!

For a couple

The cooking process for steam cutlets is almost identical. The only difference is that after the cutlets are formed, we put them in a steamer bowl slightly oiled. Pour water into a special tank under our bowl of cutlets and close the lid. The dish will be ready in 30 minutes.

If you want to make cutlets not only rich in protein, but also add carbohydrates for satiety, then prepare a dish with oatmeal.


  1. Chicken fillet - 500 gr.
  2. Oat flakes - 50 gr.
  3. Yogurt (no additives) - 100 ml.
  4. Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  5. Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  6. Greens, salt, spices
  7. Water - 50 ml.

Pour the yogurt over the oatmeal and stir. There should be enough yoghurt to soak the flakes. Let the oatmeal swell for 20 minutes. Prepare the fillet mince and add the finely chopped onion, egg, and oatmeal prepared earlier. Refrigerate the minced meat for 15 minutes to help shape the patties.

Blind the patties and place on a greased baking sheet. Place the dish in the oven and bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. After 20 minutes, remove the baking dish and add warm water. Then bake for another 20 minutes until golden brown. For fun, compare what you got with the photo. Enjoy your meal!

Diet meals too, and today we are convinced of this. I hope you will like the recipes, and you will delight not only yourself, but also your loved ones with them!

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Initially, a cutlet was called meat on the bone, fried in a pan in a large amount of oil. The first cutlets appeared in France in the 18th century. Only a century later, they appeared in Russia, but they were not prepared for long according to the original French recipes. They soon became more like French croquettes - stuffed minced meat cakes. In our time, we can no longer imagine this dish in another way.

There are many recipes for making cutlets in our time. They are prepared from minced meat, minced meat, minced fish. Nutritionists advise a variety of vegetable cutlets from potatoes, carrots, rice, pumpkin, etc. Each recipe is original and unusual.

Chopped cutlets are especially popular among all other types of this dish. And for good reason. Since the meat is not passed through a meat grinder, but is cut with a knife, it retains more juice, and therefore the food turns out to be much more juicy and tender. Chopped cutlets do not contain bread or other ingredients that can muffle the flavor of the meat. Chopped chicken cutlets are especially tasty and easy to prepare, the photo recipe for which we bring to your attention. The soft chicken breast is quickly fried without losing its juiciness. For these cutlets, absolutely no other ingredients are needed. All you need is an egg, which will act as a ligament.

So, we propose to cook chopped chicken cutlets according to our recipe with a photo.


- chicken fillet - 1 pc .;

- egg - 1 pc., Salt, spices.

How to cook chopped chicken cutlets:

That's the whole photo recipe for chopped chicken cutlets. Try it out in your kitchen to feed your family a delicious juicy dish.

Gourmets who watch their diet are in constant search of recipes for dishes that would be not only healthy, but also delicious. These are the chicken cutlets PP, the recipe of which the portal "Your Povarenok" will carefully share with you today.

These aromatic meatballs will amaze you with their simplicity of preparation and the highest taste, which is a rarity for healthy dishes.

Tips for making chicken cutlets with proper nutrition

Chicken cutlets, even if we are talking about a PP dish, is a simple dish. Even a novice cook can make them. However, there are some recommendations that will allow you to create a real gastronomic masterpiece.

In addition, using these tips, you can make your own adjustments to recipes and modify them, adjusting to your taste.

  • Good nutrition means avoiding fried foods. That is why chicken bits should be steamed or in the oven. This will not only significantly increase their usefulness, but also reduce the fat content.

PP cutlets are made only from chicken fillet. This part of the carcass is fat-free. Chicken breast is almost entirely protein and contains a minimal amount of fat and carbohydrates.

  • When preparing meat, it is important to remove all cartilage from it and check it for small fragments of bones that often remain on the fillet. This procedure ensures that your patties are smooth and that nothing spoils the tasting process.

  • Minced meat for cutlets can be made in various ways - using a meat grinder, blender and even a sharp knife. In the first two cases, the mass will be as homogeneous as possible. Chopping the meat with a knife will preserve its texture.
  • Usually, the crumb of a white roll is added to simple cutlets - thanks to it, they become softer. However, such a product cannot be called suitable for proper nutrition. That is why oat flour is used instead of white bread. You can also replace it with a rye counterpart.
  • Add onions to chicken cutlets. This vegetable gives juiciness and flavor to the meatballs. It is important to note that the ground onion will be less noticeable in patties. If you chop it with a knife, then the dish will turn out to be as juicy as possible.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Vegetables such as chopped bell peppers, sauces and cheese can be added to patties. Naturally, only healthy foods will do if you want a PP dish.

Most often, when it comes to proper nutrition, steaming becomes the priority method of cooking. With such heat treatment, useful substances are not destroyed in products, and they themselves retain their original shape and structure.

Step-by-step recipe for steamed minced chicken cutlets


  • - 0.5 kg + -
  • Oatmeal flakes - 5 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 head + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 2 cloves + -
  • - taste + -
  • to grease the bowl + -
  • - 1 tsp + -

How to cook PP steamed chicken cutlets at home

First, let's start preparing minced meat. Since we will be steaming, we will need it as chopped as possible.

  1. Remove the skin from the breast and separate the fillet from the bone. We wash the meat well and remove the cartilage and films.
  2. Cut the chicken into small pieces to make it more convenient, and grind the fillet with a blender, or pass it through a meat grinder.
  3. Then use a coffee grinder to turn the oatmeal into flour. Of course, if you wish, you can purchase a ready-made product. Pour the resulting flour into our minced meat and knead it well.
  4. Peel the onion together with the garlic and pass it through a meat grinder, or use a blender. You can also just chop the vegetables with a knife to make the patties even juicier.
  5. Add chopped onions and garlic to the minced meat, add salt, a mixture of peppers and basil here. If you want, you can add any other spices, for example, paprika. The dish will only benefit from this.
  6. We put the minced meat in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the tastes of all the ingredients combine. At this time, we put a double boiler to warm up, the water in it should boil.
  7. Lubricate the bowl with a little butter, then with wet hands form small meatballs from the minced meat. We put them inside the bowl.
  8. We put it in place and leave our patties to boil for 40-50 minutes, depending on their size and quantity.

It is better not to keep the finished cutlets outside the dishes with a lid, because when they cool, they can dry out a little, which is why all the juiciness is lost.

Recipe for PP chicken breast cutlets in the oven


  • Chicken breast - 0.6 kg;
  • Red bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Chicken egg of the highest category - 1 pc .;
  • Rye bread - slice;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Salt and pepper mixture to taste;
  • Medium fat milk - 50 ml;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Low-fat cheese - 100 g.

How to properly bake at home PP chicken cuts

Preparing minced meat for future minced chicken cues

  1. Remove the skin from the chicken breast, separate the meat from the bones and remove the cartilage along with the films. We rinse the fillets well under running water, and then blot them a little with paper towels or napkins.
  2. With a sharp knife, first cut the chicken into small cubes, and then chop it into minced meat. It is not necessary to grind it at all, it is enough to obtain an average mass homogeneity.
  3. Cut off the cap of the pepper and cut out the seed part. Shred the vegetable finely enough with the same knife. Then we shift the chopped pepper to the minced meat.
  4. Put a piece of rye bread in a blender bowl. We also put peeled and medium-sized chopped onions and garlic here. We also pour milk into the bowl and break the egg. Beat everything until smooth.
  5. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater. Pour to the meat and pour the contents of the blender bowl here. Salt and pepper the minced meat to taste and mix everything well.

How to fry PP cutlets in the oven

We put the oven to warm up to 190 degrees. If the minced meat turned out to be very liquid, then first we simply spread our future cutlets with a tablespoon on a baking sheet.

We put the baking sheet into the oven and wait for the cue balls to grab. Then add a little water and bake for half an hour at the same temperature. In the same case, if the minced meat turned out to be thick, pour water immediately and keep the baking sheet in the oven for 40 minutes.

Such PP chicken cutlets turn out to be very beautiful, as if from a professional culinary photo. An appetizing crust forms on their top, and inside they retain incredible juiciness and aroma.

How else can you cook chicken cutlets

Minced meat dishes, such as cutlets, are cooked all over the world, but only here such a dish has acquired the status of a national one. Today the portal "Your Povarenok" will share with you the experience of cooking incredibly tasty chicken cutlets with various additional ingredients.