How to cook a French omelet in a pan. French omelette: some interesting recipes

For our distant ancestors who lived in prehistoric times, bird eggs were probably one of the most easily obtained animal products. At first, they were eaten raw, and then simply baked, buried next to the hearth.

It is not known who and when first guessed to cook fried eggs for the first time, but the French claim that it was they who invented the omelet. This dish is prepared in a couple of minutes and is a real lifesaver when you need to have a quick snack and roll it in the refrigerator.

There are several recipes, following which you can make a French omelet. Since this dish is extremely simple, for many it makes a successful debut in cooking.

Classic French omelette: ingredients

The authentic version of this hot appetizer (many consider it a side dish or even the main course) involves the use of a simple set of products. Among them:

  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces (per serving);
  • milk - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • black pepper (ground) and salt to taste.

French omelette: the secret of cooking

It would seem that such a dish is easy to prepare. However, it may turn out that you have cooked the wrong omelet all your life. A French chef, for example, will never beat eggs. He simply mixes them with milk, salt and black pepper with a regular fork. In addition, the omelet should not be cooked with anything other than good butter. Put it in a frying pan set on high heat, wait until it stops foaming, and carefully pour out the milk-egg mixture. After that, you need to lift the gripped edges of the "pancake" and wiggle the pan. In this case, the omelette mass will flow under the pancake, and it will become more magnificent. When the omelet is almost ready, that is, all the liquid substance disappears, you should take a wooden spatula and fold the pancake in half. We wait another 30 seconds, transfer to a plate and serve. If desired, you can sprinkle the dish with finely chopped green onions.

Omelet with cheese

If the previous recipe seemed too primitive to you, we hasten to reassure you: there are about a hundred more savory options. For example, French is prepared in the same way as the previous version. However, there is a difference: when the egg-milk mixture is completely seized, sprinkle with grated cheese on its surface, cover with a half and leave the pan on fire for a few more seconds. Some cooks advise adding chopped green onions with cheese, and there are those who suggest using slices of cherry tomato as an additional ingredient.

The only thing to know is that the cheese must be hard, although there are variants of this recipe when the omelet is not folded, but thin slices of mozzarella are placed on its surface.

Ducan's Variant: Ingredients

Today many people are addicted to diets. If you are one of them, then try the French omelet, which is offered by Dr. Pierre Ducan. Its calorie content is 124 kcal per 100 g, and you will need the following foods:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 ml skim milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • 70 g low-fat minced veal;
  • ground pepper on the tip of a knife;
  • half a head of onion;
  • 1 sprig of parsley.


French omelet is prepared in the following sequence:

  • finely chopped onions;
  • fried without oil (you can add a drop to grease the pan);
  • add minced meat and stew with onions, covering with a lid;
  • if the juice does not stand out, add a little boiling water;
  • the egg is shaken with milk;
  • salt;
  • minced meat is poured with an egg-milk mixture;
  • fry until tender over low heat;
  • sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Place the omelet on a plate and serve immediately until the dish has cooled.

Multicooker recipe

If you have such a kitchen helper, then try to prepare a classic lush version of this dish from the simplest ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • spices (optional) and salt;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 slice of white bread
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk;
  • some vegetable oil.

The dish is prepared like this:

  • cut the crust off the bread;
  • soaked in milk;
  • beat eggs in a blender;
  • put soaked bread there and continue to mix;
  • grated cheese;
  • pour into a blender and add spices and salt;
  • a little vegetable oil is poured into the bottom of the multicooker bowl;
  • set the "Fry" mode.
  • waiting for the oil to heat up;
  • pour the omelet mixture;
  • switch the multicooker to the "Extinguishing" mode;
  • get the omelet out of the bowl;
  • put it on a plate;
  • roll up a tube.

If you wish, pre-spread the filling on the omelette "pancake", for example, finely chopped ham.

Now you know in what ways you can make a French omelet (see the recipe with a photo of the classic version above). These are popular in many countries. In addition, nothing will prevent you from coming up with your own option, which, perhaps, will be no worse than those described in this article.

It is hardly possible to meet at least one person who would not be familiar with such a dish as scrambled eggs. Indeed, what else could be tastier and more satisfying for breakfast? Plus, it's quick and easy to prepare. Today there are many recipes for scrambled eggs: they are cooked with bacon and tomatoes, in a pan and in the oven. The list is endless. And what is French fried eggs? What are its features and how is it prepared?

Let's answer these questions together.

French fried eggs: cooking secrets

The very name of the dish tells us in which country it originated. Yes, France is considered his homeland, and everyone knows how exquisite French cuisine is. Real scrambled eggs in French are prepared in the form of an omelet and do not have pomp and height, since they are used as the basis for the filling. That is why the omelet is rolled immediately in a frying pan into a tube. This dish is necessarily complemented with slices of toast, which makes it more satisfying.

To get an unforgettable and delicious French omelette, you need to consider the following subtleties of its preparation:

  • you do not need to add milk to the French omelet, as it adds splendor to the dish;
  • to prepare scrambled eggs, they take butter, not vegetable oil: it is used not only for frying, but also added to the egg mixture in melted form;
  • eggs cannot be beaten until foam forms, so you need to mix the egg mass with a fork or whisk, and not with a blender;
  • spices and herbs are practically not added to fried eggs in French in order to preserve the delicate creamy taste of the dish;
  • be sure to make sure that the omelet is not overcooked.

Classic French fried eggs: recipe


  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 slices of loaf;
  • onion head;
  • oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • salt.


When cooking scrambled eggs in French, you do not need to cover the pan with a lid to make the dish thin and look like a pancake.

How to cook scrambled eggs in bread?

Scrambled eggs in bread is an original and very tasty dish that can be served as an appetizer to the festive table. In addition, it will not take you much time to prepare it.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • toasts - 4 pcs.;
  • oil (it is better to take olive) - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • some greenery;
  • salt.


By the way, you can cut out any figures, for example, a heart, and you will have an unusual dish.

French omelette: recipe


  • 4 eggs;
  • salt;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • white pepper.


  1. First you need to mix the eggs until smooth, and then salt and pepper.
  2. Now you should melt 40 g of butter in a separate bowl and slowly pour in the eggs, while stirring all the time.
  3. In a frying pan, also melt the remaining butter and pour the egg mixture.
  4. When the edges of the omelet begin to turn slightly white, use a special spatula to roll it up to form a tube (usually the frying process takes a few minutes).
  5. We keep the omelet in a frying pan for about two minutes and turn off the oven.
  6. Put the omelet on the dish down with the so-called seam.

French omelet with tomatoes and cheese

The classic French omelet is prepared only from eggs and butter, but for the filling you can take any ingredients: ham, cheese, mushrooms, vegetables. Let's take a look at how to make a tomato and cheese omelet.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 50-70 g;
  • some walnuts;
  • salt.


  1. As in the previous recipes, beat the eggs and salt.
  2. The tomatoes should be diced and the cheese grated.
  3. Chop the nuts.
  4. Melt the butter in a skillet and pour the egg mixture.
  5. As soon as very little liquid remains on the surface of the omelet, you need to immediately lay out the filling: tomatoes, nuts and cheese.
  6. We roll the omelet into a tube and serve it to the table in a way we already know.

Original toppings for French omelette

As already mentioned, the choice of filling for a French omelet is quite large. But what kind of original fillings are offered to us by experienced hostesses:

  • green pea;
  • mushrooms with sauce;
  • potatoes with cheese;
  • chopped greens;
  • croutons with smoked meats;
  • fish with parsley.

The variety of options for cooking scrambled eggs in French allows each housewife to choose the most suitable recipe for herself. Feel free to experiment, add new ingredients, and maybe you will come up with your own recipe for scrambled eggs.

Oh, this classic French omelet ...
Have any of you tried to cook it?
Not so simple, as it turned out ... but interesting ...
At first I saw the recipe and cooked according to it. Well, how could you not try when the author praised him so:
"Friends, this is something! Very delicate in appearance, but it tastes even softer !!! It's hard to believe that there is nothing else but eggs and butter! no milk, no cream ... and you don't need to whip until maddening ... that's what it is, French cuisine! In general, I'm outrageously glad that I found such a gorgeous recipe for an exquisite dish, I will cook it again and again ... I would be glad if you like this omelette too! Source: Big culinary dictionary, issue 136 of 13.03.2006 "

You will need:
  • eggs - 3 pcs. (room temperature)
  • drain. oil - 50 g
  • salt, pepper (white) - to taste
Preparation: (words of the author)
We take a medium-sized frying pan and melt about 50 g of butter in it (yes ... the French respect butter very much) over low heat, that is, the butter should melt, and not sizzle and sizzle.

At this time, break 3 eggs into a bowl and beat a little with a fork or whisk until smooth, you don't need to try hard, it's not about the strength of the foam, you don't need to achieve foam at all.

Into the eggs mixed in this way, add almost all the butter in a thin stream (yes, yes, hot, straight from the pan), stir constantly so that the eggs are not cooked ahead of time; -).

Salt and pepper (white pepper) to taste. I do not recommend adding any spices, as the omelet is very delicate and you don't want to defile it with bright flavors.

Pour the finished mixture into a frying pan in which the butter was melted, and on low heat wait for the edges of the omelet to begin to turn white.

We grab the most whitened edge with a spatula and very carefully, since the omelet is of a delicate structure, we begin to twist the fly over into a neat roll with the help of a spatula and hands. No need to wait until the top of the omelet is ready, we twist it exactly when the edges turn white, otherwise it will be wrong! While we roll it, it has time to cook on the inside and remain light (not fried) on the outside.

Put the omelet over the edge of the pan on a plate, seam down.
The omelet turns out to be special ... tender, porous ... mmm ...

Don't believe me? Try it!

But then I found another interesting version of the French omelet from Julia Child
There is even a video!
1 part. Rolled omelet

1) Julia points to the pan and says that this is the right size for making an omelet with two or three eggs.

2) Break two eggs and add a large pinch of salt and some pepper

3) Beat eggs with chopsticks (in the book Julia writes that you need to beat with a large fork). Add some water if desired, about 2 tsp.

4) You can then use a whisk to quickly and thoroughly blend the yolks and whites together. But don't beat them up, we don't need a lot of air bubbles.

5) Add 2 tablespoons to a skillet preheated over high heat. l. butter. Spread the oil all over the pan by rotating it in your hand. The pan should be very hot; reheat it over high heat.

6) Pour the eggs into the pan just before the butter starts to brown.

7) Wait 2-3 seconds for the eggs to coagulate. Start by rotating the pan in a circle first and then pulling the pan vigorously away from you and towards you.

8) Your omelet is done, tilt the pan away from you while continuing to pull the pan away from you and towards you to move the eggs to the far edge of the pan.

9) Flip the skillet over to place the omelet on the plate. Julia shows this technique twice. Your omelet should be on the opposite edge of the handle. Take the plate in your left hand and the pan in your right, as Julia shows (grip such that the thumb is on top). Place the side of the skillet on a plate and gently flip the omelet into it.

10) You can shape it with two forks. Brush the omelet with butter and add some chopped parsley.

Part 2. Chatterbox omelet
1) Heat the frying pan strongly, add oil.

2) Pour out the eggs and with one hand begin to sharply move the pan away from you and towards you, and holding the fork in the other hand, stir the eggs in a circle.

3) Move the eggs to the opposite end of the skillet and flip the omelet onto a plate. Give it shape. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

You can practice moving the pan correctly using the beans you have poured into it. As you can see, Julia is not very worried about the beauty of the omelet.
Choose any recipe!

Enjoy your meal!

Break the eggs into a bowl. Pierce the yolks with a fork, salt and pepper if desired.

Stir the eggs quickly with a fork to combine the yolks with the whites. The egg mixture should stretch when lifted with a fork.

Heat a 20–22 cm non-stick frying pan vigorously. Add butter: it should begin to foam, but not brown. Pour the egg mixture and wait 5-6 seconds until the eggs set slightly.

Shaking the pan in a back and forth motion, actively stir the omelette with a fork so that the eggs thicken more quickly.

Once the bottom of the omelet has thickened and is still runny on top, run a fork along the edges of the omelet to separate it from the pan. Shaking the pan, move it to the opposite side from you. Then fold the edge of the omelet closest to you toward the middle.

It is easy to hit the pan on the table so that the opposite edge of the omelet from you moves forward. Grasp the handle of the pan so that your thumb is on top. Place the plate and with a sharp movement turn the omelet on it so that the free edge turns down. Trim the edges, sprinkle with chopped herbs if desired.