A story about dumplings in Ukrainian. Vareniki - a traditional and healthy dish of Ukrainian cuisine

Vareniki - a classic dish of Ukrainian cuisine, akin to dumplings, mantas and sorcerers. Dumplings are pieces of dough stuck together with each other with various fillings inside, which can be varied with certain additives; in classic dumplings, a novelty is usually made from mashed potatoes.

Dumplings have the same symbolism as, for example, borscht - among the Belarusians. However, their roots are far from Slavic. Initially, this dish was popular in Turkey, it was made from unleavened dough, stuffed with meat or vegetables. Apparently, "Duche-Var", as the Turks called it, was liked by the ancestors of the Ukrainians, and having renamed it more "related" - dumplings, changing the recipe and filling, made it a classic for their people. So, for example, mentions of dumplings, as cult for Ukrainians, are found in the work of N. V. Gogol "Evenings on a farm near Dykanka"


For about 30 dumplings you will need:

  • potatoes - 1 kg. or 10 pieces of medium size.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 2 cups
  • milk - glass
  • 2-3 tablespoons of salt
  • spice

Additional ingredients

Cherries, mushrooms, cottage cheese can be used as additional ingredients. And you can also experiment with the recipe by adding something "from yourself"

Cooking method

  1. Thoroughly wash and peel the potatoes and put them to cook on the stove for about 20-30 minutes.
  2. While the potatoes are boiling, let's fry. Cut the carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into half rings. After that, we heat the pan, add sunflower oil and send our carrots and onions to it. Simmer for 10 minutes. Roasting for the night can also be done in different ways, adding other vegetables, spices, etc.
  3. After the potatoes have boiled, we crush them and add frying to them. We mix all the ingredients.
  4. While the potatoes are cooling down, let's make the dough. Take 2 cups of flour. We pour them into a deep container. Add one egg and a glass of warm water with salt to the flour. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Our dough is ready. Of course, you can buy ready-made dough, but then control over the quality of the dough and its taste is missed
  5. Roll out small cakes from the dough and put a teaspoon of our filling on them, and begin to sculpt our dumplings.
  6. We send the resulting dumplings to boil for 10 minutes in boiling water.

At the time of preparation of the dumplings, you can add greens or sour cream to taste. Enjoy your meal!


In addition to potatoes, cherry jam or cottage cheese is often used as a filling, however, the main advantage of dumplings is that the filling retains all the beneficial properties of vegetables or fruits, as well as a large complex of vitamins. In addition, dumplings are a really tasty dish, and almost everyone will like it. Dumplings are usually served on the table with sour cream or other types of sauces.

You can discuss this recipe or dish in a specially created topic on our forum. We will also be glad to make any additions or corrections to the article.

In the form of boiled products from unleavened dough stuffed with minced meat, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, cottage cheese, and berries.

see also

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.
  • dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc_pohlebkin/1349

An excerpt characterizing dumplings

The squadron where Rostov served, who had just managed to get on the horses, was stopped facing the enemy. Again, as on the Ensk bridge, there was no one between the squadron and the enemy, and between them, dividing them, lay the same terrible line of uncertainty and fear, like a line separating the living from the dead. All people felt this line, and the question of whether or not they would cross the line and how they would cross the line worried them.
A colonel arrived at the front, angrily answered the officers' questions and, like a man desperately insisting on his own, gave some order. No one said anything definite, but word of the attack spread through the squadron. A command of formation rang out, then sabers squealed from their scabbards. But still no one moved. The troops of the left flank, both the infantry and the hussars, felt that the commanders themselves did not know what to do, and the indecision of the commanders was communicated to the troops.
"Hurry, hurry," thought Rostov, feeling that at last the time had come to experience the delight of the attack, about which he had heard so much from his comrade hussars.
- With God, g "fuck," said Denisov's voice, "g" ysyo, magician "w!
In the front row, the cereal of horses fluttered. Rook pulled the reins and set off on his own.
On the right, Rostov saw the first rows of his hussars, and even further ahead he could see a dark streak, which he could not see, but considered an enemy. Shots were heard, but in the distance.
- Increase the trot! - he heard the command, and Rostov felt his backward, interrupting at a gallop, his Grachik.
He guessed ahead of his movements, and he became more and more cheerful. He noticed a lone tree ahead. This tree was at first in front, in the middle of the line that seemed so terrible. And now they crossed this line, and not only there was nothing terrible, but it became more cheerful and lively. "Oh, how I slash him," thought Rostov, clutching the saber ephesus in his hand.
- Oh oh oh ah ah ah !! - the voices boomed. “Well, whoever is now caught,” thought Rostov, pressing his spurs into Grachik, and, overtaking the others, let him go into his entire career. The enemy was already visible ahead. Suddenly, like a wide broom, something hit the squadron. Rostov raised his saber, preparing to cut, but at this time in front of the galloping soldier Nikitenko separated from him, and Rostov felt, as if in a dream, that he was continuing to rush forward with unnatural speed and at the same time remained in place. Behind the familiar hussar Bandarchuk galloped at him and looked angrily. Bandarchuk's horse jumped away, and he galloped past.
"What is this? I am not moving? “I fell, I was killed ...” Rostov asked and answered in an instant. He was already alone in the middle of the field. Instead of moving horses and hussars' backs, he saw motionless earth and stubble around him. Warm blood was under him. "No, I am injured and the horse is killed." Rook got up on his front legs, but fell, crushing the rider's leg. Blood flowed from the horse's head. The horse struggled and could not get up. Rostov wanted to get up and fell too: the tashka caught on the saddle. Where were ours, where were the French - he did not know. There was no one around.
Freeing his leg, he stood up. "Where, on which side was that line now that so sharply separated the two troops?" - he asked himself and could not answer. “Isn't something bad already happened to me? Are there such cases, and what should be done in such cases? " He asked himself, getting up; and at that time he felt that something superfluous was hanging on his numb left hand. Her brush was like someone else's. He looked around his hand, searching in vain for blood on it. “Well, here are the people,” he thought happily, seeing several people running towards him. "They will help me!" Ahead of these people ran alone in a strange shako and a blue greatcoat, black, tanned, with a humped nose. Two more and many more ran behind. One of them said something strange, non-Russian. Between the rear of the same people, in the same shako, stood one Russian hussar. He was held by the hands; behind him was his horse.
“That's right, our prisoner ... Yes. Will they take me too? Who are these people? " Rostov kept thinking, not believing his eyes. "Are the French?" He looked at the approaching French, and, in spite of the fact that in a second he was galloping only to overtake these Frenchmen and chop them up, their proximity seemed so terrible to him now that he could not believe his eyes. "Who are they? Why are they running? Really to me? Are they really running to me? And for what? Kill me? Me, whom everyone loves so much? " - He remembered the love of his mother, family, friends for him, and the intention of the enemies to kill him seemed impossible. "Or maybe - and kill!" He stood for more than ten seconds, not moving and not understanding his position. The front Frenchman with a humped nose ran so close that his expression was already visible. And the flushed, alien face of this man, who with a bayonet overweight, holding his breath, easily ran up to him, frightened Rostov. He grabbed a pistol and, instead of firing it, threw it at the Frenchman and ran to the bushes with all his might. He ran not with the feeling of doubt and struggle with which he went to the Ensky Bridge, but with the feeling of a hare running away from the dogs. One inseparable feeling of fear for his young, happy life possessed his entire being. Jumping quickly over the boundaries, with the swiftness with which he ran, playing with the burners, he flew across the field, occasionally wrapping his pale, kind, young face, and a chill of horror ran down his spine. "No, it's better not to look," he thought, but, running up to the bushes, he looked around again. The French lagged behind, and even the minute he looked around, the front one had just changed the trot to a step and, turning around, was shouting something loudly to the back comrade. Rostov stopped. Something is wrong, he thought, it cannot be that they wanted to kill me. And yet his left hand was so heavy, as if a two-pound weight had been hung from it. He couldn't run any further. The Frenchman also stopped and took aim. Rostov closed his eyes and bent down. One, the other bullet flew, buzzing, past him. He gathered his last strength, took his left hand in his right and ran to the bushes. There were Russian arrows in the bushes.

Although I am not Ukrainian, but a mixture of Polish, German and Russian blood, I love dumplings very much, like my whole family! Mom cooked them wonderfully, with cracklings, onions and, of course, cherries! For this reason, I decided to rummage in the internet and find interesting about dumplings and the history of their appearance in Ukrainian cuisine.

Vareniki is one of the most common dishes of Ukrainian cuisine made from boiled dough with filling.

Patsyuk opened his mouth, looked at the dumplings and opened his mouth even more. At that time the dumpling spilled out of the bowl, plopped into the sour cream, turned over to the other side, jumped up and just got into his mouth. Patsyuk ate and opened his mouth again,
and the dumpling set off again in the same manner. " Perhaps this is one of the most famous culinary scenes in Russian literature. Gogol always delighted his reader with tasty and juicy descriptions of the feasts. They say that Andrei Bely counted as many as 86 "deliciously served dishes or carnivorous references to them" in Gogol's prefaces, everyday stories and "Dead Souls".
Nikolai Vasilyevich knew a lot about food and he himself was not averse to making the aforementioned dumplings.

Ukraine is the homeland of lard with garlic, borscht with sour cream and dumplings with cherries.
Delicious and hearty Ukrainian dishes have spread far beyond
their homeland. However, this was not always the case. Culinary traditions have emerged
only in the 18th century and finally took shape by the beginning of the 19th - after all
it was then that the territory of Ukraine was formed. And before this dish,
settling in Ukrainian stomachs were like two drops of water similar
for food of Poles and Belarusians.

Ukraine was just as eagerly absorbing the culinary techniques of the German,
Hungarian, Tatar and even Turkish cuisines - although the Turks in Ukraine
oh, how they did not love. Still Turkish dumplings
dush-vara was to the taste of the Ukrainians. By the way, not only to them.
In Azerbaijan, the dish took root in its natural form, has it really changed
that the name - there it became a dushbara. Used as a filling
no cherry, but the most natural mutton with fat tail fat and
garlic. Azerbaijani "dumplings" are pinched with a triangle,
then fried in oil and only then boiled in broth with
aromatic spices. Turkish dumplings were good for everyone,
but Ukrainians are far from mutton.

Turkish dush-vara first turned into varaniki, and then into famous dumplings with fillings familiar and understandable to Cossacks - cherries,
cottage cheese, onions and cracklings.

For a long time in Ukraine, housewives have prepared dumplings with various fillings.
The filling for Ukrainian dumplings could be lean or smooth in
depending on the religious calendar. For the preparation of fillings
used cottage cheese, stewed cabbage, boiled crushed potatoes;
poppy, viburnum, cherries and other berries; apples, boiled and crushed
dried fruits (sushina), boiled beans, mashed peas, millet or
buckwheat porridge and even flour.

The flour filling was typical for the Poltava region and the south of Chernihiv region.
To prepare the flour filling, lard was fried until
it did not turn into dry yellow greaves, and into boiling lard
add flour gradually, stirring until it has absorbed
completely lard. The frying was cooled, and dumplings, which were called "dumplings with sand", were stuffed with it. Greaves are by no means a dietary dish,
but giving a special aroma and taste to any dish.
It was from the word "cracklings" that the verb "squirt" came from, meaning
sounds like the hissing of toasted bacon in a pan.
Ukrainian delicacy is reflected in the pages of Yaroslav Hasek.
The Czech writer tastefully describes the cracklings in The Adventures of the Brave
soldier Schweik ", awakening all senses of the reader and forcing him
actively salivate:

“Even the simplest pork rind can be eaten as long as it is warm.
When the bacon begins to crack and sprinkle, squeeze them, salt, pepper,
and then, I tell you, no goose greaves can compare with them ...
They are not brown, not yellow, their color is some kind of middle between these
two shades. Homemade greaves should not be too soft,
nor too hard. They shouldn't crunch. Crunchy means
overcooked. They should melt on your tongue, but you shouldn't
it looks like fat is flowing down the chin. "

Hasek is familiar with cracklings firsthand, they are also loved in the Czech Republic.
(true, from goose fat), but they are not eaten with dumplings, but with dumplings.
The advantageous difference between dumplings and dumplings is the filling.
In addition to the favorite berries and cottage cheese, they put apples, poppy seeds in dumplings,
plums, mushrooms, beans, potatoes and sauerkraut.
Urda was also a common lean filling.
(gurda - Podillia, vurda - Volyn).

The dough for dumplings was made from wheat, rye, buckwheat flour or
from a flour mixture. Unleavened dough was kneaded with whey and egg,
let him stand. William Pokhlebkin recommends using
ice water when kneading the dough, as it does not dry out
dough during the manufacture of dumplings.

At the same time, the dough for the progenitors of dush-var dumplings was made
based on fermented milk products. Ukrainians have simplified the recipe, and
in my opinion, very much in vain. Kefir dough tastes much softer,
does not dry during modeling, dumplings from it are cooked quickly and do not
have time to boil.
The prepared dough is rolled into a layer 1-1.5 mm thick,
for dumplings with juicy berry filling, the dough should be twice as thick.
You can cut into squares - then they are folded into a triangle, or you can
cut out mugs with a glass and mold more familiar crescents out of them.
In the latter case, the dough waste dries quickly and is difficult to use.
again. However, from my own experience I can assure you that in the case of a test
this inconvenience is not observed on kefir.
Although Gogol described dumplings the size of a hat, it is still better
stop at circles 5-6 centimeters in diameter. Stuffing
put no more than 1 teaspoon of the filling in the dumpling, otherwise you risk
catch boiled rags instead of tight dumplings.
The joints of the dough (seams) can be greased with egg white -
then the dumplings are easier to cover. Ready dumplings must be omitted
in a large saucepan of boiling salted water (1 tsp salt for
3 glasses of water). Size matters as in a small saucepan
the dumplings can stick together.
The cooking time depends on the filling. But you can easily determine their readiness - boiled dumplings float up, demonstrating with their whole appearance
that it's time to run after the slotted spoon. Transfer the dumplings to a deep plate,
dish or pot, drizzle with melted butter.
Do not forget to serve sour cream to the table, because, as Gogol wrote, you can't sip dumplings like dumplings - you need to first
dip in sour cream.

In some western Ukrainian regions, dumplings were called "pies"
or "boiled pies". Dumplings were cooked in boiling water, and ready-made
took out a ladle from the vine, put it in a makitra, poured
frying from vegetable oil (olia) or lard with onions.
Sour cream was added to dumplings with cottage cheese, fruits or berries
or fermented baked milk, poured them with cold fresh or sour milk.

In the everyday menu of the Ukrainian peasant, dumplings met
infrequently, they were a decoration on Sunday and festive tables.
Dumplings were also served at festive meals -
at weddings, christenings, funerals, during feasts dedicated to
temple holidays, they were cooked on cleanup and grub. The dumplings were
a must-have dish carried by girlfriends on the second day
weddings, for a young woman for breakfast, women - for a woman in labor "for her mother's day."
Handing this simple gift to a young mother, the friends said:
"To always be full, like a dumpling." In these cases, dumplings
symbolized the continuation of childbirth. Dumplings with cottage cheese, greased
sour cream, were a must on Shrovetide (Syropust) along with
with pancakes, pancakes, patches.

Traditional dough (according to Pokhlebkin)

3 cups flour
0.5-0.7 cups of water
2 eggs
0.5 tsp salt

Kefir dough (according to Nezabudkina)

2 cups lukewarm kefir or whey
1 egg
1 tsp soda
½ tsp salt
1 tsp sugar (if the filling is sweet)
700 g flour

1. With cherries.
Peel 1 kg of cherries, put in a glass dish,
cover with sugar, let stand for 2-3 hours.
Drain the juice into another bowl and fill the dumplings with dry cherries.
Make sugar syrup, stir in cherry juice and
serve with dumplings.

2. With cottage cheese.
Mix 600 g of squeezed dry cottage cheese with 1-2 tbsp. l. sour cream,
1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and a pinch of salt

3. With potatoes and cracklings.
Mash 0.5 kg potatoes, add salt and pepper.
Cut 150-200 g of chicken or goose fat into small cubes,
fry with 250 g of onion to make cracklings, good
stir with mashed potatoes.

4. With cabbage.
Stew 4 cups sauerkraut with 1 tbsp. oil, add
fried 2-3 onions and 1 carrot. Salt, sugar to taste.
And then simmer so that the minced meat dries a little. Ready-made dumplings
serve with fried onions.

By the way, women and dumplings in Ukraine were bound by a special ritual.
Hot dumplings were served to a woman who had just given birth with the words:
"The ball is tight, yak a dumpling!" Which is what I wish for you.

Old recipes of Ukrainian dumplings

1. Buckwheat dumplings

4 stacks buckwheat flour steamed 2 stack. hot baked milk, stir so that there are no lumps, salt.

Rub 2-3 lb. (1 lb. - about 400g) curd through a sieve, rub with 2 eggs and 1 pinch of salt. Sculpt a rocking chair from the dough with your hands, cut it into pieces, roll out flat cakes from which to sculpt dumplings. Dumplings are placed in boiling water, boiled until tender, poured over with hot oil and served with sour cream.

2. Dumplings with cabbage

Mix the stewed cabbage with fried onions, salt and pepper. After kneading the dough in water with salt, mold the dumplings, put them on a sieve sprinkled with flour. Boil the dumplings in salted boiling water 10 minutes before serving. Pour over melted butter and serve.

3. Vareniki with cottage cheese

Knead one and a half cups of flour with an egg, a spoonful of vegetable oil and half a glass of cold water, adding a little.

Cottage cheese is pounded with melted butter and yolks. Having made dumplings, they are boiled in salted boiling water, those that will float are placed in a heated deep bowl, poured with melted butter. Sour cream is served separately.

4. Dumplings with cabbage and herring

Chop a small head of fresh cabbage, stew it with butter, add mushrooms (4 pcs.), Boiled and finely chopped, one herring (finely chopped), onion, fried in oil, pepper and salt. Blind the dumplings and boil, pour over with oil and onions and serve.

5. Vareniki with mushrooms

Steam ½ (200 gr.) Pound dry mushrooms, boil them, chop finely, add 2 onions baked and stewed in butter, 2 tablespoons of grated stale rolls, salt, a little mushroom broth, mix everything and simmer slightly.

Roll out the dumplings dough in a thin layer, mold small dumplings and boil them. Serve with oil.

6. Dumplings with beans and mushrooms

Boil the beans and rub through a sieve. Stir in finely chopped boiled mushrooms, add oil, fried onions, salt and pepper. The dough is ordinary.

7. Dumplings with spinach

Boil spinach leaves, drain and rub through a sieve. Put butter steamed with flour, add a little cream or milk, salt, a little sugar. The filling should be thick enough. Blind dumplings from ordinary dough, cook in salted boiling water, pour with butter and crushed breadcrumbs.

8. Dumplings with cherries

Knead flour dough in water, not very steep, roll out a thin crust. Peel the cherries, sprinkle with sugar.

Digest the juice that escapes the cherries with sugar. Make small dumplings. Boil them, strain through a colander, pour juice on a plate. Serve cold with sour cream and sugar.

9. Dumplings with jam

Knead regular dough. Blind small dumplings with plum jam, boil, sprinkle with sugar, serve with sour cream.

10. Dumplings with plums

Peel the plums, sprinkle them with sugar, drain the juice and digest with sugar. Blind dumplings from regular dough, boil them with juice and serve.

11. Dumplings with blueberries

Wash the blueberries and sprinkle with sugar, knead the usual dough. Take a handful of blueberries, add water and boil the juice (syrup). Pour over boiled dumplings with strained syrup and serve with sour cream.

To the Ukrainian people preparation has long been known boiled pies with different fillings, which are referred to as vareniki... According to old legends, this is a primordially Slavic dish, but in fact, the recipe for these fabulous boiled pies was borrowed from the Turks, who called them "dush-var".

This Turkish dish looks more like our dumplings, but the Ukrainians liked them so much that, having slightly altered the recipe for the dish, they became one of the main "guests" on our tables. They were especially often prepared for holidays or Sundays, and were even prepared as a gift for a pregnant woman and for a wedding.

As for "dush-var", they are made from dough, and the main filling is meat. But the Ukrainian people are so versatile that several dozen have turned out from one dish. After all, you and I can endlessly list what happens vareniki.

About the name "dumplings"

The origin of the name "dumplings"went from the word "cooking". But this dish also had another name - "dumplings with sand", which means hearty dumplings. They never have a sweet filling, but only fried bacon with flour. Such dumplings are popular in Chernihiv and Poltava regions.

"Hearty dumplings", got their name also because of the hearty filling: cabbage, crushed peas, beans. They are popular in Kharkov.

IN regions of western UkraineThe dumplings are called "pies". They were boiled in boiling water, then taken out with a ladle, put into makitra and poured with frying from vegetable or butter, as well as from bacon with onions. They let it brew for ten minutes and served it on the table.

There are also "Dumplings with a surprise", they are often prepared for the New Year and Christmas holidays, when it was possible to guess.

All unmarried girls, as well as those who did not have a family life, prepared dumplings on holy evening, together with a married woman, and while they were talking about the upcoming fortune-telling, this woman added bitter pepper to one of the dumplings in the filling, and to which of the girls I came across such a dumpling, this year, according to the prediction, should get married.

Dumplings so entered the Slavic culture that in Cherkassy was erected monument to dumplings... The author is the honored sculptor and artist of Ukraine Ivan Fizer.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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History of dumplings: on the role of dumplings in culture. Probably, it is difficult to find a person who would not know what dumplings are. Indeed, in addition to the fact that dumplings are a favorite dish of home cooking, they, along with dumplings, represent one of the most common types of ready-made semi-finished products. Traditionally, dumplings are considered an element of Ukrainian cuisine. Although, if you delve into the history of the origin, you will find that dumplings were not born in the Ukrainian open spaces.

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Originally, a dish of boiled unleavened dough stuffed with meat or vegetables originated in Turkey. Under the name dush-vara, it came to Ukraine, and the locals liked it so much that it became an indispensable element of the national cuisine. The Ukrainians gave the once overseas dish their own name "dumplings" and began with enthusiasm to improve the recipe for its preparation. The eastern dish "dush-vara" became "varaniks", and then dumplings. In Ukrainian dumplings, mainly sweet filling is used.

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A separate line should be said about lazy dumplings, they are also dumplings. Dumplings in the Ukrainian village were prepared almost daily, mainly for dinner, since dumplings are an easy-to-cook dish, very nutritious and satisfies hunger well, especially after hard work in sowing, mowing or stubble. By the way, in Russia a similar dish is called dumplings.

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Dough for dumplings was prepared from different flours, usually wheat, buckwheat, or a mixture of wheat and buckwheat. Dumplings boiled in water were thrown into a colander and seasoned with frying onions in vegetable oil or lard. Dumplings boiled in milk or in broth were eaten with liquid. Buckwheat dumplings differed in the way they were cooked. Buckwheat flour was whipped with water and an egg until sour cream thick, then, after moistening a spoon in water, they took the dough and gently dipped it into boiling water. When the dough floated, the dumplings were carefully removed from the vine with a colander. The big dumpling's mouth rejoices.

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In his immortal works, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol mentioned the famous dish more than once. Solokha cooked his dumplings in a cast iron, and in the story "Viy" the heroes eat dumplings the size of a hat. And, indeed, until the middle of the 19th century, it was customary to sculpt dumplings up to 30 cm in length.

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Then Vakula noticed that there were no dumplings or tubs in front of him; but instead there were two wooden bowls on the floor: one filled with dumplings, the other with sour cream. His thoughts and eyes involuntarily rushed to these dishes. “Let's see,” he said to himself, “how Patsyuk will eat dumplings. He probably won't want to bend over to sip like dumplings, and he can't: you first need to dip the dumplings in sour cream. " As soon as he had time to think it over, Patsyuk opened his mouth, looked at the dumplings and opened his mouth even more. At this time, the dumpling spilled out of the bowl, slapped into the sour cream, turned over to the other side, jumped up and just got into his mouth. Patsyuk ate it and opened his mouth again, and the dumpling set off again in the same manner. He only took on the trouble of chewing and swallowing. N.V. Gogol "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka"

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Monuments to dumplings, dumplings and dumplings Dumplings, dumplings, dumplings are international dishes, they are loved in Russia, Ukraine and even abroad. They love so much that they erect monuments to their favorite delicacy. Today we will tell you about some of them.

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Monument to dumplings in Cherkasy, Ukraine In the city of Cherkassy there is the most famous monument to dumplings, which was installed in 2006. It is called "Cossack Mamai and the crescent dumpling". It represents the figure of a seated Cossack Mamai against the background of a huge dumpling. The author of the monument is the Cherkasy artist Ivan Frizer. By the way, for the celebration in honor of the opening of the monument, a dumpling 75 cm wide and 174 cm long was cooked, and it weighed almost 70 kilograms!

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Here I would also like to mention the Poltava dumplings. In 2006, the monument appeared on Cathedral Square in Poltava. The author of the composition is Anatoly Chernoshchekov. He captured his favorite dish in the form of a deep bowl, filled to the brim with appetizing dumplings asking for a mouthful. There is also a spoon next to the plate.

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yeisk, Taganrog embankment, Russia There is also a monument to dumplings in Russia, and it is located in Yeisk. In the park, on the Taganrog embankment, on the square near the Palace of Culture, there is a white pedestal in honor of the dumpling. The author of this masterpiece is Inna Sapozhnikova, artist and sculptor. The composition is a concrete image of a dumpling nestled on a festive tablecloth next to a jar of butter. An inscription in Russian and Ukrainian was carved on this creation of Kuban architecture: "Let everyone live like a dumpling in oil" ...

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