Dessert Tiramisu - real Italy in the classics. What is Tiramisu

Those who have been to Italy say that about one of the favorite desserts in the whole world - tiramisu, there is one wise piece of advice. A sad person is told: "If you are sad, friend - eat tiramisu!"

"Cheer me up!", "Lift (pull) me up (up)!" - this is how you can translate the name of this delicate Italian delicacy.

And therefore, when they ask what this word means, you always want to answer that this is a delicious, delicate dessert that first of all raises the mood! And if it is made with soul and desire, then, most likely, it may well raise to the very top of the bliss that tastes it!

Today we will prepare this delicate delicacy at home according to a classic recipe. And it provides for such basic ingredients as mascarpone cheese, savoyardi cookies (or ladies' fingers), espresso, or black strong coffee and Marsala wine, which can be replaced with liqueur, rum or skate. And of course you need eggs, sugar and cocoa.

Sometimes people ask if it is possible to replace mascarpone cheese with something else. It is possible, but such a dessert will already be called by a different name. The same applies to the Savoyardi liver. And if other components can still be replaced, then these two components are irreplaceable.

Mascarpone cheese is made with cream and has a creamy taste. All other cheeses are made from milk. And since we need exactly cream cheese, it means that we use only mascarpone for the preparation of dessert, and no other.

It is believed that the best cheese with a fat content of 55% can be tasted only in one place - in Lombardy, located on the Apennine Peninsula. But this place is not available to us, and therefore we buy cheese from the local supermarket.

This is a Galbani cheese, which is claimed to be the number 1 cheese in Italy and is also considered very good for making a delicious dessert.

You can also buy it in some stores, but I did not waste time searching and baked it myself. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in its preparation.

I replace the Marsala wine with cognac, since I also could not find this famous Sicilian wine in the culinary environment in our area.

Now that we have everything we need to make dessert, it's time to get down to the creative process.

The recipe is given for 10 people, this is how many guests came to us on October 9, on the Day of the creation of our family. My husband and I have lived together for 35 years, and on this occasion our closest people came to congratulate us. And how not to treat people close to us with a delicious dessert!

We need:

  • mascarpone cheese -500 gr
  • savoyardi cookies (ladies' fingers) - 250 gr
  • espresso or black ground coffee - 300 - 350 ml
  • eggs (fresh) - 6 pcs.
  • sugar - 150 gr (6 tablespoons)
  • cocoa powder - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • cognac - 1-2 tbsp. spoons (or liquor, or Marsala wine, or rum)


1. Make an espresso coffee. To do this, place finely ground coffee beans in a Turk and pour cold water over them. Cook the coffee over very low heat, without bringing it to a boil. As soon as the foam starts to rise, this is a signal that the coffee is ready and it is time to remove it from the heat.

Pour hot coffee into a cup, add some sugar, stir and cool. Then strain it through cheesecloth so that no grains of coffee get into the dessert.

You can brew strong coffee in a geyser coffee maker. This is how my husband made me coffee for dessert.

2. When the coffee has cooled down, add cognac, or what is listed above. Since not everyone uses alcohol in our country, and there will be children at the table, I poured some of the coffee, and did not add cognac to it. The dessert is delicious without any alcohol.

They also add almond syrup, literally a couple of drops, but unfortunately, I don't have such syrup! They say that when adding syrup, the dish tastes as if Amaretto was added.

3. Prepare two clean, absolutely dry containers. Wash eggs with soap and wipe with a paper towel.

Only fresh eggs should be used to prepare tiramisu! Since we will prepare the cream from raw eggs, it is imperative to wash them in order to protect ourselves from salmonellosis infection.

To find out if an egg is fresh, you need to shake it. If inside you can hear the liquid floundering, then the egg is not the very first freshness. It is better to refuse such eggs in the preparation of dessert!

Sometimes quail eggs are used instead of chicken eggs. They are not susceptible to contamination and are safe to cook with. The proportion is as follows: 1 chicken egg -4.5 quail, that is, 6 chicken eggs - 27 quail.

4. Separate the whites from the yolks, and place the whites in one of the prepared containers, and the yolks in the other. In this case, you need to try to separate the proteins in such a way that not a single drop of yolk gets into them.

It is convenient to separate the eggs by splitting them into two halves. And by shifting the yolk from one half of the shell to another, and slightly tilting it at the same time, all the white, under the influence of gravity, will itself flow down.

5. Add sugar to the yolks and beat with a mixer all together until a homogeneous thick mass, almost white. At the same time, no grains of sugar should remain in it.

It is because of this that sometimes powdered sugar is used for churning. To do this, grind the specified amount of sugar, that is, 150 grams, into powder, and then beat the yolks with it.

Here we have such a dense and dense mass.

6. Then add first half of the Mascarpone cheese (I have one can of 250 gr). As I said, the cheese I use is “Galbani”. This cheese is really good, and never let me down with any of the recipes in which I used it.

Gently mix the mixture from top to bottom using a spatula. Then add half more, and mix everything as well.

7. Beat the whites with a mixer. At first, we begin to shoot down at a not very high speed. As soon as a lush foam with an abundance of bubbles appears, and this happens quite quickly, we increase the speed. Beat the whites until they are quite thick, but at the same time an airy protein mass.

When the cup is tilted from side to side, the finished mass does not dump in either direction. And on the surface, stable peaks form that do not descend.

8. Put the whites to the yolk mass, or vice versa (there is no significant difference), and gently mix with movements from top to bottom. It is advisable to use a wooden or silicone spatula, or in extreme cases, a spoon. We no longer use a whisk and even more so a mixer.

For the same reason, in no case do we mix the contents in a circle.

9. When both masses are mixed, you can start collecting tiramisu in molds or bowls. It is desirable that they are transparent. This is necessary in order to enjoy not only the taste, but also the appearance of a wonderful dessert.

10. Quickly dip the Savoyardi cookie stick in the coffee with the side that you sprinkled with the icing sugar. It is not necessary to keep cookies in coffee for a long time. It is enough just to dip it slightly, and even then not all the cookies, but only half with powder. If the cookie stick is large, you can break it off as much as you need.

11. Lay out the first layer of cookies. It takes about 3.5 sticks per serving. That is, we put 1-1.5 pieces down, and, accordingly, we leave 1.5-2 on the second layer.

12. Next, put a layer of air cream on the cookies. You can lightly tap the cookie cutter on the table, or shake it slightly to make the cream sit better on the cookie.

13. Then lay out the second layer of cookies. And then cream again.

14. Cover the molds prepared in this way with cling film and refrigerate. For a minimum of 3 hours. But of course, the longer the dessert is in the fridge, the better the cookies will be soaked in cream and the tastier it will be.

It is best to keep the dessert in the refrigerator for at least 10-12 hours, and even better for a day.

15. Before serving, remove the film from the molds, and sprinkle the top layer with plenty of cocoa powder. For an even and neat coating, it is best to use a small sieve.

Sometimes grated chocolate is also used to decorate the dessert. This option also turns out to be very beautiful and tasty.

And in the summer season, when there are a lot of tasty and fresh berries, you can decorate tiramisu with them. Then you will definitely get a fireworks of taste!

Decoration is of course good! But everything is inside! When you taste the first spoonful of dessert, you feel complete delight! Delicate, airy, with an amazing creamy, slightly sweet taste, echoing the bitter and invigorating aroma and taste of coffee, the dessert simply creates an explosion in your mind.

There is never enough such a dessert! You want to eat and eat it!

But it should always be remembered that tiramisu is very high in calories. Due to the fatty mascarpone cheese, it's better to take a decent break between the first and second portion. Especially if you are watching your figure.

This is what it is - a delicious and invigorating dessert!

Dessert tiramisu classic - recipe without eggs

On hot summer days, I'm not always sure about the freshness of the eggs you buy. And I want to cook a delicious dessert both in winter and in summer. And in this case, a dessert recipe comes to the rescue, according to which you can prepare your favorite delicacy without eggs. I bring to your attention a video recipe.

The recipe is not complicated at all. And if you buy ready-made cookies, then cooking is not at all difficult. The most difficult thing will be waiting for the whole day.

By the way, did you know that tiramisu can also be prepared in the form of a cake.

Classic tiramisu cake

Such a cake is prepared in the same way as the previous version. The only difference is that we make a different design for it.

You need a shape to form a cake. It can be round and square or oblong. It should be understood that it will be difficult to get such a cake out of the mold. Therefore, you need to think about the method of presentation. And there may be several ways.

You can cook it in a glass form, and when ready, cut into portions, and serve separately to each on a silver platter.

If you want to serve the cake as a whole, then it is best to use a small split form. By removing the side walls, the cake will remain intact and it will be pleasant to put it on the table to the delight of all guests.

Or you can just make a small cake with a side length of the cookie.

It should be borne in mind, however, that such a cake will be quite difficult to cut beautifully. Brittle biscuits and airy cream! You should be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult to cut it beautifully!

But in order to have good chances for this, it must be kept in the refrigerator for a longer time. The more it is in the cold, the better the cream thickens. Therefore, leave it in the refrigerator at least overnight, and best of all for a day.


1. Put some cream on the bottom of the mold. On top, put savoyardi cookies tightly to each other, which were previously dipped in coffee with one side.

2. Put a layer of cream on top.

3. Then cookies again. And again the cream. Usually, two layers of cookies are made. But if you really want to, you can make a tall cake and add another layer.

4. Top should be covered with cream. The side walls, if you have an open cake, are also better to grease with cream.

5. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 12 hours, and preferably for 24 hours.

6. Then take it out, sprinkle it with cocoa powder, or decorate, as your imagination tells you.

7. Cut into portions and enjoy!

I believe that whatever the form of tiramisu, in the form of a cake or as a separate dessert in a bowl, the content is still more important.

Although the shape can be great too!

Tiramisu cake without eggs

I found a very interesting video tiramisu cake recipe on the Internet. Its originality lies in the fact that it is cooked without first baking savoyardi cookies. Instead of cookies, a biscuit is baked and the cake is prepared from this biscuit. By the way, I agree with that. Such a cake is convenient to shape, easy to cut, and it can also be very nicely served at the table.

And one more feature is that such a cake is prepared without eggs at all, using cream. I really liked the recipe and I am happy to share it with you.

Well, how do you like the recipe? Really good! And you don't have to worry about the freshness of the eggs. Everything is spectacular, beautiful and very tasty!

Now that you know several ways to cook a delicious Italian dessert that has received the acclaim and love of millions of people, I think you can easily cook it according to any of them.

And don't look that much has been written. In fact, everything is much simpler and easier! One has only to start, and everything else will go like clockwork.

And I wish you that you will have the most delicious tiramisu possible! So that you "cheer up" the mood of those for whom you are cooking!

Enjoy your meal!

You probably know about the taste of styramisu: what kind of dessert it is, what it is eaten with. Translated from Italian, tiramisu literally means "pull me up."

Delicate, airy creamy cake attracts with its divine aroma of Espresso coffee, melts in your mouth with snow-white cheese cream in harmony with pleasant bitter chocolate and wine. A small piece of dessert will cheer you up for the whole day.

Magic tiramisu has driven many generations crazy. Erz-Duke of Tuscany Cosimo III de Medici was the first to taste this masterpiece, appreciating its exquisite taste and calling it “sweet soup”. This is how tiramisu got its first name "Duke's soup", and its recipe spread all over the world. Today the dessert is a creamy cake with an improved recipe for Italian tiramisu, a photo of which can be seen below. It no longer resembles soup, since it is a jelly-like sweetness and is beautifully decorated in portioned dishes or in the form of a cake.

This delicacy has another characteristic feature: the top of the dessert must be sprinkled with grated and cocoa.

Italian tiramisu

What are the ingredients in a real Italian dessert? This special sweetness is incomparable to the tiramisu that you tasted, for example, in a restaurant. The most delicate cheese filling is made from Mascarpone cheese, which can only be bought at This is the best 55% delicate cottage cheese, which has an impeccable taste and is made from heavy cream without adding milk according to a special recipe.

One of the important components of real tiramisu is the delicate, mouth-watering Savoyardi biscuits. Of course, you will find such cookies only in the homeland of tiramisu.

But you should not despair, because you can find a way out of any situation. Our culinary specialists are enterprising, so they can replace Mascarpone cheese with our curd mass, and Savoyardi with ordinary biscuit or similar cookies.

What is tiramisu without Marsala wine? Of course, without this Sicilian red drink with a pleasant aroma, the taste of the dessert will not be as complete. But at home you can easily replace expensive overseas wine with ordinary Amaretto.

You should not stick to all the nuances in preparing tiramisu - you will only waste time looking for overseas products. You can turn on your imagination a little and show your culinary talent by choosing ingredients that are only identical to the real ones. If tiramisu is not the first sweet dish that you have taken on the preparation, then you will perfectly cope with the task. Making a dessert does not take much time, it does not need to be baked, but only kept in the refrigerator. Therefore, adhering to the recommendations in the recipe below, you can easily and with pleasure create this delicacy for yourself, without thinking about what Italian tiramisu is.

Tiramisu recipe

We take 6 eggs,

separate the yolks and beat them until smooth with 1 cup of sugar. Add 400 g of fat sour cream and a few grams of wine to this mixture. Next, add the whites whipped into a strong foam.

Cool the brewed Espresso in a separate bowl, add wine. We put cookies in this "cocktail".

We take portioned glasses or bowls, pour the sour cream mixture at the bottom of each. Then we put a layer of cookies soaked in coffee. Spread it with cream and put a layer of biscuits soaked in coffee and wine again. Top with sour cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate with cocoa.

This dessert will delight not only your relatives, but also beautifully decorate the festive table and will certainly please the guests who will appreciate your masterpiece for the first time. They will surely love and learn what tiramisu is.

In the last post, many called the most famous and popular Tiramisu dessert. This is quite fair, the dessert is known all over the world and it has long gone beyond the borders of Italy, which is considered the birthplace of this masterpiece. For many, as well as for me, Tiramisu was the first encounter with something interesting and surprising, a dessert that was different from the usual pies, cookies, custard rolls and lemon tartlets. I know that for many it became a matter of honor to try everything Tiramisu in local coffee shops and compare which one is the real one (although, of course, we did not know anything about it).

Tiramisu is an amazingly tender and airy dessert! Traditionally, it contains Mascarpone cream cheese, eggs, coffee soak and Savoyardi biscuits. They love him because everyone likes him. The perfect combination of light, weightless cream and coffee-soaked biscuit gives you the opportunity to enjoy the best of different worlds. Of course, today no one will say what the first recipe was, with which it all started, but that doesn't matter. Everyone sees the dessert differently, but it is always a masterpiece, about a couple of spoons of which no one will ever refuse. Not too sweet, with a slight bitterness of cocoa and a rich taste of coffee at the very end - it's hard to come up with something more universal. It melts in your mouth, enveloping at first with a creamy texture, and then giving out a strong coffee punch of aroma and taste, which is hidden in the delicate biscuits of the layer.

I decided to assemble it in the form of a cake so that the dessert looks like a real host of the festive table! We ourselves will prepare Savoyardi cakes for soaking, I will tell you how to properly prepare the cream and what can be done to make the taste richer. And in the decor I used waves, which even more support the Tiramisu concept - “lift me up”, giving the dessert more airiness and weightlessness. And all this can be prepared without any tools, just a form and a pastry bag. If you don't need a cake, make Tiramisu in portioned cups, assemble in a ceramic mold and eat with the whole family from a common bowl. Isn't it amazing to fight with spoons because of the last couple of pieces that were left after just a couple of minutes, as the dessert was put on the table!? ..

Let's start with the Savoyardi cookies (also called ladies' fingers), which are usually used for Tiramisu dessert. We will bake ourselves, but in the form of round biscuits, so that it is easier and faster to assemble them into a cake.

Separate the whites from the yolks (2 pcs).

Divide whites and yolks into two glasses. Add 30 grams of sugar to each.

Whisk the mixture in each glass until it is snow-white foam with clean mixer beaters. With proteins, you get a meringue of soft peaks. And with the yolks, achieve a fluffy mass.

Combine the masses with a silicone spatula. Do this carefully so as not to lose volume. At the same time, try to lift the mass from the bottom of the glass with a spatula to achieve more uniformity.

Sift flour (60 g) on \u200b\u200btop.

Stir in again with a spatula.

Transfer the dough to a bag with a 12-14 mm nozzle. The dough should be amazingly airy and hold its shape well.

Place two cakes with a diameter of 16 cm from the bag. For this I used a silicone mat and rings. If you have a solid mold, place parchment on the bottom to help separate the cakes from the molds. By and large, if everything is whipped and mixed correctly, circles can be baked without rings (you will see below that they did not change shape and the dough did not float). But, if you are still not sure about the result, use rings. You need to bake such a dough right away, if there are no identical rings, take 16 and 18, for example. It will be less scary than waiting for the first cake, and then baking the second.

We use the bag in order to get biscuits of the same thickness and at the same time not waste time leveling the dough, it is too airy and does not spread itself.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar from a sieve on top. This will make the top crust crispier.

You can wait a minute and go over the powder again.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Top-bottom mode. Baking will take 15-18 minutes. Expect a confident blush. Cut the finished cakes immediately with a ring (or a knife and a round template) with a diameter of 14 cm. This way we get rid of the crust at the edges, the dessert will be softer.

Look, this tenderness is a fairy tale!

  • Coffee - 125 + 200 g
  • Powdered sugar - 50 g
  • Mascarpone - 250 g
  • Cream 33% - 250 g
  • Yolks - 4 pcs
  • Ewald sheet gelatin - 10 g
  • Alcohol - 25 g

Let's take care of the cream itself. Nobody will be able to say which recipe was the first, and whether it is necessary ... One thing remains unchanged - a delicate creamy texture with a richly delicate taste. Usually eggs or yolks go into the cream, Mascarpone cheese is always used and, at times, other ingredients are added.

I decided to use only yolks, mascarpone and cream. I think this is the most interesting and rich combination.

Let's start by making coffee syrup. To do this, you need 125 grams of good espresso. If you can cook it yourself, it will be amazing. Or, go to a coffee shop and ask for 325 grams of espresso to go. In any case, it will be better than any instant coffee.

Place a saucepan with coffee on the stove and boil the mass so that it decreases in volume by 10 times. The mass will boil, do not be alarmed. It should thicken noticeably.

In this time, we will take care of the rest of the components of the cream. Place the mascarpone (250 g) in a bowl and microwave to soften. We are very afraid to spoil it, overheat or burn it. Therefore, use pulses of 10 seconds. Two times will be enough.

Place heavy cream (250 g) in a bowl and beat with a mixer until soft peaks. Set the cream aside.

In the third bowl, collect the yolks (4 pcs) and sugar (50 g). Place the mixture in a water bath immediately. Beat with a mixer on high speed until crisp white foam. Remember that the hot water in the pan should not touch the bottom of the bowl, otherwise the yolks will curl.

We want them to warm up (pasteurization) and melt the sugar.

The mass will turn out to be lush, increase in volume and turn white.

If you run your finger along the shoulder blade, a trace will remain.

Soak sheet gelatin (10 g) in ice water.

Transfer the yolks to the mascarpone and mix together. You can use a whisk, but without fanaticism. Then transfer the whipped cream and mix again, using a spatula this time.

Turn the cakes several times and repeat the soaking. Do not be fooled, although it seems that the cakes are already wet on the outside, they often remain dry inside. To be sure, you can break the cake in half and check if it is soaked to its full thickness.

See what came out of the first part of coffee - a thick mass. There is a lot of taste in it, but little liquid is what we need.

Add squeezed gelatin to the still hot syrup.

Pour coffee over the surface of the cream. Mix with a whisk.

Prepare a ring (16 cm). Cover the bottom with plastic wrap. And lay the sides with acetate film. It will help remove the frozen dessert from the mold.

Place the ring on the board. Pour half of the cream out.

Put in the first cake. Be careful. To prevent the cake from diving into the cream, you need to put it as horizontally as possible. If you are afraid, hold the cakes in the freezer for about 10 minutes. They will become stiffer and will not bend in your hands.

Pour in the second half of the cream and place the second crust. Place in the freezer for 4-5 hours.

  • Coffee - 100 g
  • Powdered sugar - 50 g
  • Cocoa powder - 10 g
  • Creamy curd cheese - 75 g
  • Mascarpone - 75 g
  • Alcohol - 3 g

When the dessert is completely frozen, prepare the top cream. This step is optional, you can easily skip it or replace it with your favorite cream. It is only needed to make the decor that you see from above (waves).

Boil the coffee 10 times again. Beat all ingredients with a mixer until smooth.

The result is a smooth and long-lasting cream. Transfer the cream to a bag with a nozzle.

Take the dessert out of the ring, but do not remove the acetate film.

For convenience, put the dessert on a podium (wide cup or glass).

Spread the cream with any decor so that it protrudes slightly beyond the boundaries of the upper surface. I made waves. You could make a spiral in a circle or draw flowers, round domes, etc.

Take a flat, small spatula (or knife). And line up the decor neatly. You need to, as it were, go in a circle with a spatula so that the borders of the decor become even. I held the spatula slightly at an angle, so the Tiramisu tapers upwards. This adds even more dynamics and "air". After that, remove the acetate film.

Sprinkle the cocoa powder on top through a sieve. In order to dust and sides, lift the dessert a little to one side. I advise you to use it, its color will adequately complete the whole idea with a dessert.

Here's what you should get. Note that the waves are not completely covered with cocoa on top. On the one hand, I wanted to get a non-uniform color, but on the other hand, I realized that if you pour more cocoa, too much will accumulate in the bases of the waves and the cocoa will start to taste bitter and collect on the tongue.

Note to the hostess

Let's take a look at some points.

The reader Inna asked if it was a lot, 325 grams of espresso. In fact, no, because we evaporate a third and add to the cream. Part goes into impregnation. If you are worried, you can make 325 grams of Americano, but then don't say that I didn't try to stop you)


This is perhaps one of the most important ingredients. Yes, Tiramisu is, first of all, a coffee impregnation and a delicate cream, but without alcohol it will turn out to be too simple, flat. Therefore, I highly recommend adding alcohol, which will make the dessert better and tastier. And if you count, then this amount will not harm even children)

Two options are best suited here: Marsala wine (this is from the classics) or Kahlua coffee liqueur.

Marsala - a strong dessert wine originally from Sicily, which has some resemblance to Madeira, but differs from it in a higher sugar content. It is clear that white and red wines will definitely not suit us. Kahlúa (Kaluah) - Mexican coffee liqueur, (alcohol content - 20-36%).

Both drinks will give Tiramisu bright notes of taste and some astringency. Another bonus, the dessert will feel less filling. Less preferred options are amaretto, madeira, cognac, whiskey, and other liqueurs of your choice.

I suggest making Tiramisu in the form of a cake, because it looks especially impressive there. Moreover, a diameter of 16 or 18 cm is ideal for him. However, this is not the only option. Sometimes Tiramisu is collected in a rectangle. It happens that it is made in ceramic or glass forms. Or, the idea of \u200b\u200bportioned cakes is perfect, for which small glassware is suitable - wide glasses, bowls and something like that.

Since we are freezing Tiramisu, then it will be possible to store it in this form for up to two weeks. Feel free to keep it in the freezer if you understand that you won't be able to eat it right away.

Tricky economy.

In some variations of Tiramisu, both yolk and white are used. If you want to save on cream, make a Swiss meringue with the remaining four proteins (plus 30 grams of sugar). The cream will still be delicate and airy, but its taste will change slightly.

I wrote how to cook meringue in the article ““.


Finally, I wrote an article on how to work with gelatin. Now I will not rewrite all the instructions for working with it, but I will only give a link to the material "". Hope you find this helpful.

The name "Tiramisu" consists of three Italian words: tira mi su, which literally can be translated as "lift me up" - according to one version, because of its high calorie content. But the majority argues that the Italians mean the emotional state and this translation should be understood as "cheer me up." And there is also a version that Tiramisu is considered an exciting delicacy (due to the combination of coffee and chocolate). The nobles ate Tiramisu before love dates, which is why this dessert got its name.

It is useless to explain what Tiramisu is by comparing it to a delicate cake, pudding, or soufflé. We can only say with certainty the following: this is an exquisite Italian dessert that cannot be eaten on the go, in the car or sitting on a bench in the park - after all, Tiramisu has an aristocratic origin, and therefore requires an appropriate attitude towards itself. This is a gentle, airy, weightless "something".
History of tiramisu

Tiramisu is one hundred percent Italian, like spaghetti or pizza. The first portion of the famous dessert was prepared in northern Italy at the end of the 17th century. It happened almost by accident. The Tuscan Archduke Cosimo III de Medici, a famous sweet tooth, decided to pay a visit to neighboring Siena one day. Local chefs, wishing to please the distinguished guest, showed their imagination and prepared a completely new dish for sweetness, calling it zuppa del duca (duke's soup). The Archduke liked the “soup” so much that he ate every last spoonful, and took the recipe with him to Florence, because he could no longer imagine his life without this delicacy. Florence, thanks to the wise rule of the Medici dynasty, turned by the end of the 17th century into a center of the arts, where artists, sculptors and poets flocked from all over Italy. They appreciated the know-how of the Sienese pastry chefs, drawing from it the creative powers to create their immortal masterpieces.

From Florence, the "duke's soup" migrated to Treviso, from there to Venice. Golden-haired Venetian courtesans quickly saw through the charm of this high-calorie dessert and began to use it before the most responsible dates. Staunch supporters of sensationalism, experienced priestesses of love argued that "Duke's soup" not only cheers up, but also has stimulating properties. It was with their light hand that the fashionable dish received a new, now final name "Tiramisu", which in translation from Italian sounds somewhat ambiguous: "cheer me up" (cheer me up).
According to one version, Tiramisu received real recognition already in Venice, where he got thanks to the ubiquitous merchants.
There are other versions, more dry and boring. For example, there are skeptics who argue that there is nothing like Tiramisu in old Italian recipes, so it was invented quite recently and only "disguised" as a traditional dish with a century-old history to draw attention to this dessert.
In 2006, the Baltimore Sun newspaper published an interview with pastry chef Carminantonio Iannacone, who claims that he invented Tiramisu and cooked it for years in Treviso bakeries.
Finally, there is a very economic and practical theory: the Italians supposedly came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating Tiramisu, simply dipping stale cookies in coffee. Then they began to add liqueur to the cake, and even later - cheese.
Tiramisu. Not Tiramisu? Tiramisu.

Nowadays, this delicacy is known all over the world, but give up the hope of trying the real Tiramisu outside sunny Italy. If in the window of a confectionery store on one of the central Moscow streets you see a large round cake with the inscription “Tiramisu” on its price tag, do not believe your eyes: this is not Tiramisu. If in one of the Moscow restaurants they brought you a dessert cut into neat portions, do not trust the waiter - this is not Tiramisu.

The fact is that it is based on the freshest mascarpone cheese, which is produced only on the Apennine Peninsula, or rather, in Lombardy. Petrarch, Dante and D'Annunzio also admired the Lombardy landscapes, singing in their works the green meadows and the mirror-like surface of the lakes of this region. To this day, fat cows graze on the emerald expanses of Lombardy, from whose milk they get high-quality cream, and from the cream - a unique cheese (55% fat). The product is a cross between very fat sour cream and butter. Its name comes from the word mascherpa - this is how curd is called in the Lombard dialect. If all other cheeses are a product of milk processing, then mascarpone is a product of cream processing, which gives the cheese a delicate aroma, delicate, unique taste and a powerful calorie charge.

The next, no less important component of Tiramisu is savoyardi, an airy Italian cookie made from protein, flour and sugar, in the form of tubes. Sometimes, in the absence of cookies, enterprising would-be chefs use biscuit cakes, but this is no longer the same.

The quintessence of Tiramisu is Marsala wine, which, along with rum, cognac and liqueurs, is very popular with confectioners. Therefore, Marsala, with its unique aroma and taste, is often called “culinary wine”. Marsala fine and superiore are usually used for the preparation of confectionery, while vergine, especially vergine soleras, is served exclusively as an aperitif or digestif (like port or sherry). Marsala began to be produced in 1773 in Sicily, in the vicinity of the city of Marsala. The Mediterranean squadron of Admiral Nelson, on its way to Egypt, brought on the ship a consignment of new wine to be appreciated by the "sea wolves" - true connoisseurs of strong drinks. The sailors (and the admiral himself) liked the wine so much that when they returned to their homeland, they arranged a successful promotion campaign for him. Today Marsala is DOC certified, which means that the quality of the famous wine is beyond question. In the production of Marsala, a variety of additives are used to give the drink the taste of bananas, oranges, tangerines or coffee.

So, you probably already realized that it is almost impossible to cook Tiramisu according to the classic Italian recipe at home. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you go to sunny Italy.
Tiramisu a la russe

If there is no time and opportunity for this yet, let the domestic version of the overseas sweets console you. Try to cook Tiramisu yourself - "Tiramisu a la russe" (or whatever you like). Mascarpone can be replaced with cream and fat cottage cheese, Marsala - with cognac or Amaretto liqueur, and savoyardi - with biscuit cakes.

The dessert is not baked in the oven, but simply cooled in the refrigerator, therefore, even those who are very far from cooking can try to impress their guests with this masterpiece of confectionery art.

To prepare a classic Tiramisu, grind 6 yolks with sugar until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then add 450 grams of mascarpone, a little marsala and mix everything well. Then carefully transfer the whipped egg whites into the mixture. Brew 200 grams of espresso coffee, cool it and mix in a wide bowl with Marsala. Quickly dip the savoyardi cookies one by one into the coffee-marsal mixture and lay them on the bottom of a square dish (plastic, Teflon, foil). Above - a layer of mascarpone cream. Be sure to sprinkle it with chocolate chips. Next is another layer of coffee and wine-soaked cookie sticks and a layer of chocolate chip cream. Put all this in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours. Sprinkle generously with bitter cocoa powder before serving. By the way, many people use Amaretto liqueur instead of Marsala, and instead of mascarpone - fat sour cream from the central Moscow market, the one that is not poured, but transferred from can to can with a spoon.
Tiramisu recipe

Tiramisu Recipe Sugar (75 g),
egg (3 fresh yolks),
cheese (250 g Mascarpone)
coffee (instant 2-3 teaspoons),
biscuits (biscuit in the form of sticks 120 g),
cocoa (1 table spoon),
brandy (3-4 tablespoons).

Make coffee, bay 2-3 teas. tablespoons of instant coffee 200 ml of boiling water. Cool, pour into a deep bowl, add brandy or Amaretto liqueur to the drink.
Beat the yolks and granulated sugar thoroughly with a broom until the sugar is completely dissolved. In portions, add the Mascarpone cheese to the egg mass and knead until a thick homogeneous mass is formed.
Quickly dip half of all biscuit cookies into the prepared coffees mixture and immediately put right next to each other in a deep rectangular dish.
Spread half of the mascarpone cream evenly on the biscuits soaked in the coffee mixture and gently smooth.
The rest of the biscuits are also quickly dipped in the coffee mixture and put in a thick layer on the cream. Drizzle with the rest of the coffee mixture.
Spread the rest of the cream evenly on top and smooth. Cover the tiramisu with cling film and refrigerate for at least 4 hours to soak the dessert well.
Before serving, sprinkle tiramisu with a thin layer of cocoa powder, it can be mixed with a small amount of powdered sugar. Immerse the knife in hot water each time before slicing.
Tiramisu three-layer

Egg - 6 pcs.,
sugar - 6 tablespoons,
mascarpone cheese (fat cottage cheese can be used) - 750g,
rum - 6 tablespoons,
strong coffee - 1.4 l,
ready-made biscuit - 3 round cakes,
cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons

Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with sugar until frothy, add cheese (or cottage cheese previously grated through a sieve) and rum with constant stirring. Beat the whites into a strong foam and, stirring gently, add to the mixture.
Quickly dip the sponge cake into the chilled coffee, remove it and place it to drain on the wire rack.
Put the biscuit cake on the bottom of the mold, cover it with some of the cream, put the next cake and cream on it, then the third cake and a layer of cream. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3 hours. Sprinkle with cocoa powder and garnish before serving.

They say that you have not been to Italy if you have not tried tiramisu there. The name Tiramisu literally means "lift me up." If you like - to cheer up. The most popular dessert in the world, I'm not kidding. It is unlikely that this is a cake, or a cake, as many believe.

Tiramisu is something in between, a mascarpone cream cheese, native to the Lombardy region and first made over 500 years ago. These are dry porous savoiardi cookies, biscuit and tender, soaked in alcohol (cognac, rum, brandy, liqueur). These are coffee, sugar, eggs and cocoa powder.

The preparation of this dessert is a laborious process. A large number of ingredients, some of their exoticism, a long cooking process and long exposure in the cold. But in the end - a beautiful, delicate, soft and incredibly tasty dessert.

Sometimes they say tiramisu cake, sometimes they cook it without eggs, but it never looks like itself. Even the classic tiramisu cooked at home will end up with a completely original dessert. It seems that everything is the same, but, in the end, it is completely different. Every time a new experience, like from home.

Perfect tiramisu - a unique combination of layers of mascarpone cream cheese, savoyardi soaked in alcohol, coffee, cocoa. A masterpiece of Italian cuisine. The original recipe is the use of ready-made ingredients. The secret of the cooking recipe is that the dessert is not baked according to the original recipe. For its preparation, they usually use ready-made biscuit delicate savoyardi cookies.

Italian cheese Mascarpone is not a cheap product. We do not produce it for various reasons. There are many homemade recipes for making mascarpone at home. Take homemade young cottage cheese, fatty thick sour cream, fat good cream and by manipulation get something that vaguely resembles mascarpone.

But, as experience shows, it's still better to spend money and buy the original mascarpone. Instead of brandy or liqueur, they often try to add essence with the aroma of strawberry, lemon, cherry. From this, the taste of tiramisu becomes like candy, and the smell becomes like fragrant muffins. Savoyardi cookies are also better to buy than to cook the biscuit yourself.

Tiramisu. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (servings 4-6)

  • Mascarpone cheese 500 gr
  • Cookies "Savoyardi" 1 package
  • Eggs 4 pcs
  • Powdered sugar 250 gr
  • Strong black coffee 1 cup
  • Liquor or brandy taste
  • Vanillin to taste
  • Cocoa powder to taste
  1. Before you start preparing the dessert, you need to cool the eggs, then they are beaten easier and better. And you also need to brew coffee - for tiramisu. Brew a strong cup of coffee - natural, aromatic and without sugar.

    Make a strong cup of coffee

  2. First you need to carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks - in different dishes. It's easy as long as you don't drop the egg to the floor and damage the yolk. An important point: the eggs are used raw, without heat treatment. Therefore, it is advisable to use exclusively fresh eggs from a trusted source.

    First you need to carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks.

  3. Pour the proteins into a mixer bowl and place it in cold water.

    Pour the proteins into the mixer bowl and start whisking.

  4. Beat the whites until they form a dense foam. Masters recommend adding a small pinch of salt before whipping. Beat the whites at medium speed, adding 2 tbsp in the process. l. icing sugar. In 12-15 minutes you will have perfectly whipped egg whites.

    Beat the whites until they form a dense foam.

  5. The protein foam is very dense. When the container is turned over, the proteins do not spill out and remain in place. Everything is exactly the same as when cooking.

    When turning the container, the proteins do not spill out

  6. Beat the yolks separately white with powdered sugar, adding it gradually - up to 1 cup to taste, and vanilla (a pinch of vanilla or a few drops of vanilla essence). It takes a long time! The whipped yolks should be almost white and creamy.

    Beat the yolks separately with sugar and vanilla

  7. In general, the whipping process is always a long time if you want to get a really good whipped product. And most importantly, you do not need to beat at a high speed - there is nowhere to rush.

    The whipping process is always long if you want a really good whipped product.

  8. Put the mascarpone cream cheese in a separate bowl and knead with a spatula. Closely with mascarpone, several times I saw clearly not at all mascarpone, although the packaging is similar. And the freshness of the cream cheese is extremely important.

    Creamy mascarpone cheese

  9. Next is an important point. You can turn off the mixer and gradually, gently stirring the cream with a spatula, start adding the mascarpone little by little. Stir the mixture gently until completely homogeneous. Gradually add all the mascarpone cheese to the cream for the dessert.

    Stir the cream gently with a spatula and add the mascarpone little by little

  10. Further, continuing to stir the tiramisu cream with a spatula, gradually mix the whipped proteins into this mass. It is necessary to get a homogeneous, without lumps and inclusions, thick mass.

    While stirring the cream with a spatula, gradually stir in the whipped egg whites

  11. Attention! There are complaints that sometimes when whipping with a mixer, the mixture exfoliates. There is no need to force the process. Just set the mixer aside and stir the mixture with a spatula.

    Set mixer aside and stir mixture with spatula

  12. That's all, the cream is ready. Put it in the refrigerator temporarily.

    That's all, the cream is ready

  13. Cool coffee to room temperature. Pour a glass of liqueur into the cooled coffee - Baileys, Cointreau, Kahlua, etc. Strictly speaking, liqueur and brandy, or something else - at your discretion. We decided to use Kahlua, although we spent a lot of time going through the bottles in our bar.

    Pour a glass of liquor into the cooled coffee

  14. Next, you need to make a decision: to cook the dessert in portions or in the form of a cake. As I said, this is hardly a cake. We prefer dessert in separate bowls. But here it is already strictly - as you like.

    Savoyardi Cookies

  15. Put a thick layer of butter cream on the bottom of the vase. It is necessary to try to ensure that the bottom layer is up to half the height of the mold in thickness.

    Put a thick layer of butter cream on the bottom of the vase

  16. If the Savoyardi cookie is longer than the size of the mold, the cookie can be cut into pieces, this is normal. Take one (or part) of the Savoyardi cookies and quickly (!) Dip it in a mixture of coffee and liquor. It is important to do this really quickly, because porous biscuit biscuits almost instantly absorb coffee and liquor, and immediately soak.

    Dip savoyardi cookies in a mixture of coffee and liqueur

  17. Immediately place the Savoyardi on the cream layer. It is necessary that the savoyards cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe cream, or almost the whole.

    Immediately put the Savoyardi on a layer of cream

  18. When all the vases are filled with cream and soaked cookies, carefully place the remaining cream on top of the cookies.