Culinary portal Mastercock. How to cook a homemade rooster in the oven

Calorie content: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

Domestic rooster meat is somewhat different from chicken. It is more flavorful and contains less fat, but is slightly harsher. In our recipe, the cockerel is very soft and juicy! It's all about the "sleeve" and the apples with which we will stuff it. The baking sleeve prevents moisture from evaporating, and the rooster is baked in its own juice. Apples give the meat an interesting sweet and sour flavor. But that's not the point. Thanks to the fruit acid found in apples, rooster meat becomes more tender and soft. You will learn how to cook a homemade rooster in the oven from our recipe. It's delicious, try it! Try to cook it as well, perhaps this recipe will be useful for you for a festive dinner.

We need products:

- rooster carcass - 2 kg,
- apples with sourness - 3 - 5 pieces,
- garlic - 3-5 cloves,
- mayonnaise - 100 g,
- soy sauce - 5 tablespoons,
- table salt - to taste,
- ground black pepper - to taste,
- hazel - 3 pinches,
- a mixture of Provencal herbs - 2 pinches.

How to cook from a photo step by step

Let's prepare the rooster. We remove all unnecessary things from the skin: hairs, remnants of feather roots. If necessary, lightly scorch under an open fire (this is required if the meat is homemade, it often has a skin with fluff). We remove excess fat (whoever loves, can leave it), cut out the glands in the tail, or completely cut off the tail. We remove the insides, if the rooster is not gutted, rinse it under running cold water. Dry with a lint-free towel.

We take on the sauce. Combine mayonnaise with soy sauce, spices and salt in a cup. Squeeze the peeled garlic here. Stir until smooth. It should be noted that soy sauce is salty, so be careful with the addition of salt.

The resulting sauce is carefully applied to the entire surface of the rooster carcass and in the middle. Leave the meat to marinate for 1 hour. Can be left in the refrigerator overnight.

While the rooster is pickling, we take up the apples. Better if they are sweet and sour. We wash them, blot them with a towel, cut them in half or into quarters, if the apples are large, peel them.

We send the rooster into the "baking sleeve", fix the edges with clamps.

We spread it on a baking sheet or form and send it to the oven.

Preheat the oven by 200 degrees. We leave our dish to bake for two hours. For 15 minutes when ready, the sleeve can be slightly cut from above so that a ruddy crust is obtained on the rooster.

That's all! You have learned how to cook a homemade rooster in the oven. Are you convinced that this is not difficult at all? A wonderful delicious rooster with apples is ready! It is good with any vegetable side dish, such as

Many housewives ask the question - What can be cooked from a domestic rooster? Or how to cook a young rooster? Let's first figure out what kind of meat a domestic rooster has. It differs significantly from domestic chicken, firstly, it is harder, but at the same time much more aromatic, it contains more extractive substances inherent in poultry. If you love or have tried game, then the meat of a domestic rooster can be attributed to the taste of game. But unlike lean game meat, rooster meat benefits from its more tender structure and good body fat.

From rooster meat, chic, aromatic broths are obtained. Young bettas win in quality, but an adult can be cooked so that you swallow your own tongue. By the way, for those who buy broiler poultry, I will say that you are buying roosters. On a poultry farm, chickens are disposed of as soon as they hatched from an egg, and only roosters are raised, they gain more weight and are larger than chickens, and eat the same. But poultry, which is sold in stores, I do not consider as meat, it is just a substitute for poultry.

A variety of first courses can be prepared on the broth of a homemade rooster, Ukrainian borscht is especially chic. The only negative quality of a domesticated rooster is the longer cooking time.

I will tell you how to cook a great stewed homemade rooster in sour cream sauce.

The rooster carcass must be chopped into large pieces, small pieces will lose their juiciness.

Roll the chopped pieces well on all sides in flour,

and fry in a pan on all sides until golden brown.

We use vegetable oil for frying, and the pan must be well heated.

While the cockerel is fried, in a cauldron or a thick-walled pan, not enameled, we sauté cut carrots and onions into cubes.

Here on this "pillow" of browned vegetables and spread our pieces of fried rooster. Pour boiling water into the cauldron so that it covers the meat and put it on the fire.

After boiling, we make a low fire and go about our business. The meat of young roosters is stewed for about an hour, for adult roosters from 1.5 to 2 hours. When the meat is almost ready, add sour cream, salt and ground bitter pepper and fresh sweet pepper, cut into strips. Bell peppers can be used ice cream.

Simmer for another 10 minutes, and then add finely chopped garlic and herbs.

Let it simmer for 2-3 minutes and our delicacy dish is ready. You can serve any side dish with it, but the most successful will be mashed potatoes.

© Mastercock

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In autumn, when on the farm , we select. And we let young cockerels eat meat, and sometimes we write off old ones. But the meat of the cockerels is tough, and not at all fatty, not like that of chicken, so the first courses and broth from it will not turn out to be rich. This means that it must either be stewed or baked. So the challenge is how to cook a rooster so that it turns out to be soft and tasty at the same time. Rooster meat is tough and completely fat-free, so you only need to cook it with sauces or stew in sour cream. Culinary experts have always tried to come up with a recipe to make meat soft and tender. One way to cook soft meat is to stew or cook it for a long time.

Vinegar, soy sauce and other sour condiments are excellent softeners. Therefore, before cooking the rooster, it must be marinated. If the males are young, they can be cooked at once for 2-3. For vinegar marinade per liter of table vinegar, take - 1 tablespoon of sugar, 20 g of salt, bay leaf, black peppercorns, carrots, parsley root.

Cut the vegetables and add to the vinegar, boil the marinade, cool and pour over the rooster carcass. Soak in the marinade for 3-4 hours in a cool place.

Then remove the carcass from the marinade, coat with mayonnaise or butter, tie the legs, carefully put on a baking sheet. Put in the oven and bake, pouring over the resulting juice. When the carcass is browned, the rooster is ready. You can serve it whole or chop it into portions.

But you can use wine as a marinade, such meat will be both soft and aromatic. Any homemade wine is suitable for preparation. Of course, it's better to take red.

Prepare the rooster carcass, put it whole in a saucepan or brazier and pour over the wine. Add spices, salt and sugar, garlic, coarsely chopped onions, fresh mushrooms. Soak in wine for 2-3 hours in the cold. Then put on a baking sheet and cover with foil, bake for 30-40 minutes. After this time, remove the foil, cover the rooster with pickled mushrooms and continue to bake. Bake the rooster until it is golden brown, pouring juice from a baking sheet.

Serve with pickled apples and pickled corn.

In order to prepare a delicious dish, it is not enough to know a good recipe! How to cook a rooster correctly so that it becomes a decoration on any holiday table in your family? The main thing is to choose a quality and fresh product. And of course add a piece of your soul to the dish.

Rooster meat properties

Energy value:

  • Proteins - 24.0 g;
  • Fat - 18.6 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g.
  • Calorie content per 100 g is 230 kcal.

Rooster meat has been used for making jellied meat, broth, borscht for a long time. As a separate dish, it has been prepared recently. The fact is that the meat of this bird is tough, unlike, for example, chicken or turkey. To soften it, you have to cook it for a long time. But, fortunately, with the development of gastronomy, a huge number of exits appeared: seasonings, sauces, pickling.

The meat of this bird contains an invaluable treasure of proteins and amino acids we need. It also contains a rich supply of B vitamins, which are so necessary for our central nervous system, as well as A and C, which improve our immune system and vision.

Even despite its calorie content, it is considered a dietary product due to the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

How to choose fresh rooster meat

To sell a good rooster, producers must follow some rules: the diet of the rooster must be varied (cereals, cereals, vegetables), the rooster should be chopped at a young age (the older the bird, the harder the meat). Unfortunately, sellers often try to deceive us. A chicken is passed off as a rooster or an old carcass is sold as a young bird.

A few things to look out for when choosing fresh poultry:

  • if you feel at least a small presence of the smell of rotten meat, refuse to buy it;
  • a fresh bird has full and shiny eyes, the skin is not slippery and dry;
  • the meat should be dense and elastic, if it breaks easily - it is not fresh;
  • the color of a young cockerel is white, both in the meat and in the skin;
  • an adult has a pink skin color with a slight yellowness;
  • the old man has bright yellow meat, often cyanotic.

In order to distinguish a chicken from a rooster, it is enough to look at the paws of the bird, in the latter they are much longer, and the body is larger and, as it were, slightly rounded.

What to do if you still bought an old bird

If the meat is still tough, it can still be cooked tasty, soft and juicy. Most often, the rooster is served on the Christmas table in the form of jellied meat. For jellied meat, you can also use tougher meat, you need to cook it for at least 3 hours, after which the meat will become tender and soft.

You can also bake the bird in the oven with juicy vegetables, but you need to bake it for a couple of hours. Another interesting way out of the situation is stewing the cockerel in a large amount of butter or sour cream.

Rooster Cooking Secrets

If you bought an uncut rooster, be careful when gutting. The main thing is to try not to cut the gallbladder, but if this does happen, you should immediately rinse it under running water.

  • proteins - 10.9,
  • fats - 8.0,
  • carbohydrates - 4.0.

Ingredients: (for 10 servings)

  • Rooster carcass 2 kg;
  • Bulb onions 3 pcs.;
  • 2 carrots;
  • Peppercorns 15 pcs.;
  • Salt 2 tsp;
  • Garlic 6 cloves;
  • Gelatin 2 tbsp;
  • Parsley or celery root 1 pc.

First you need to cut the bird, then rinse it and divide it into small pieces (but you can cook it whole, in which case the cooking time will be longer). We take a saucepan with a capacity of 4-5 liters, pour 3 liters of water into it. Immerse the rooster in cold water, then put the pan on a low heat and leave for 60-90 minutes. From time to time we remove the fat on top so that the jelly is not very cloudy. After that, add all the remaining ingredients, except for the gelatin. We leave it for 60-90 minutes. We continue to remove the fat. After the specified time has elapsed, we take out the leg and check how the meat is separated from the bone, if it is easy, then our bird has failed well, if not, then we continue to cook for another 20-30 minutes.

When the meat is well removed from the bone, we take out the cockerel and filter the broth.

We prepare the gelatin, pour it with a glass of boiling water for 5-10 minutes until it is completely dissolved. Meanwhile, we break the bird into small pieces and put it in a bowl under the finished dish. Pour the finished gelatin into the broth, mix thoroughly and pour the meat into it. Leave to cool at room temperature and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

At home, stewed rooster can be cooked in the oven, in a slow cooker, or in a pan. The cooking principle is not particularly different. You can cook from a rooster, by stewing, a huge number of different dishes. For example, adding wine, beer, making a sauce or preparing a side dish. For example, let's take a recipe for rooster in red wine, and take potatoes as a side dish.

Energy value: (for 1 serving)

  • proteins - 25.8,
  • fats - 15.1,
  • carbohydrates - 10.3.

Ingredients: (for 8 servings)

  • rooster carcass 1.5-2 kg;
  • potatoes 5-6 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) 100 ml;
  • onion 2 pcs.;
  • dry red wine 250 ml;
  • tomato paste 1 tablespoon;
  • tomato 1 pc .;
  • spices: red bell pepper, black pepper, salt, cumin.

The bird must first be butchered, washed and divided into pieces. Peel potatoes, put on fire in cold water for 10 minutes. Then cut the peeled potatoes into cubes. Then the rooster is rubbed inside and out with salt (400 grams of a teaspoon of salt without a slide), as well as other spices. Finely chop the onion and chop the tomato with a blender. Put the stewing dishes in the oven preheated to 180 C, after a minute add oil to the dishes, after another minute add all the parts of the rooster and simmer until golden brown. Next, add the onion, wait five minutes and pour the wine, open the lid to evaporate the wine. Wait two minutes and add red pepper, black pepper, caraway seeds to the oven. Your meal will be ready in just a minute. If you cook the whole rooster in a dish, it is better to cover the wings with foil before immersing in the oven, as they have little meat and they burn quickly, so they can spoil the taste of the whole dish. Only at the end, when you add wine, to get a slightly drunk crust, you need to unfold the foil.

If you do not have suitable utensils, you can bake a young rooster in foil or a plastic sleeve.

It also turns out juicy meat when the rooster is stewed in a slow cooker.

A delicious young rooster can also be cooked in a frying pan, but it is better to add another 50 g of butter to the olive oil in the pan, break all the garlic with a hammer and add to the oil mixture for 30 seconds, then remove it from there. This will add an unforgettable flavor to your dish!

The easiest recipe

Baking a young rooster with salt, caraway seeds and pepper is the easiest way to cook.

The roasted rooster is tender and of course delicious. Coat the rooster with salt (for 400 g of meat, 1 tsp salt) and spices (3 grams of caraway and pepper). We take a deep dish (you can use a plastic sleeve), put a rooster in it, you can add a side dish to it, but then you can't do without oil. Preheat the oven to 180 C and put the bird in it. Do not forget to cover the wings with foil to avoid burning them.