Buffet - what is it and what is the buffet menu. Buffet in the Russian way What is the buffet in the boarding house

08.09.2020 Lenten dishes

In resorts, buffet-style sanatoriums are popular with vacationers. And not only for those who come to improve their health and gain strength. Regardless of age and habitual lifestyle, such a food system has a number of advantages.

Why a buffet in a sanatorium is convenient

Many establishments have a shared dining or kitchen area where guests can cook for themselves. But both options have drawbacks. Too much time is wasted in the dining room, and breakfasts and lunches are usually on schedule. Your own kitchen is an option exclusively for those who do not mind spending an hour or two standing at the stove. And on vacation, not everyone wants this.

As for the buffet, the advantages are obvious:

  • The maximum choice of food and drinks - you can independently choose what you like, based on your preferences.
  • There is no queue like in the dining room. A minimum of time is spent - you can not be afraid to miss a sun bath or medical procedures.
  • The schedule is also minimal - the buffet initially means that the guest can easily come one hour later than usual.

There is no need to cook, reheat or brew anything. On the table, as a rule, "quick" dishes are presented, completely ready to eat. This can be food made from meat, seafood, fruits and vegetables - including vegetarian, dietary, diabetic.
The buffet does not need advertising. It is enough to ask people who went to be treated and rest in the sanatorium of Anapa and other resorts of the Black Sea coast. The overwhelming majority agree that such a food system is the best time saver without compromising the quality of food.

Examples of high-quality and competent implementation

The very concept of the buffet is good. But for guests to experience its benefits, consistent implementation is required. Several important points that the employees of the sanatorium must follow:

  • Maximum free space. It is important to calculate everything so that guests do not crowd and do not interfere with each other, so that everyone has free access to the table.
  • Products are only fresh and of high quality. No delay and "second freshness". In an institution intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases, special attention should be paid to healthy eating.
  • The more variety the better. It's hard to think of anything worse than a buffet that takes quantity instead of quality. Repeating the same menu every day is not the best option either.

If you look at the available offers with these requirements in mind, then there are much fewer places to really go to. For example, if you study the sanatoriums available in the city of Anapa, the buffet is competently implemented in the Rodnik establishment.
Going up to the dining room on the second floor, guests get to the buffet with 180 seats. This is a really high figure. And if you add here a variety of tasty and healthy dishes, it becomes clear why many return to Rodnik for the second and third time.

We are what we eat. Among other medical procedures in the voucher, the most important place is given to medical and dietary nutrition in the canteen of the sanatorium. Eating is not a race to throw coal or wood into the furnace. No wonder the French take an aperitif 20-30 minutes before the start of the meal - stirring up Agnia. While eating, they talk only about food or tell interesting and funny stories, and after that they have a quiet rest. Therefore, France has the smallest percentage of stomach diseases and the smallest number of obese people.

In our sanatorium "Yurmino" in the Crimea, medical nutrition is based on "three whales" - on meals in the canteen of the health resort according to the principle buffet, drinking cure in the pump room with mineral waters (Sakskaya and Morshinskaya No. 6) 20-30 minutes before each meal, oxygen therapy - this is the name of the reception of oxygen-singlet foam, which is especially useful in the children's dietary food menu. In addition, patients with certain diseases are recommended enotherapy - treatment with Crimean wines. You can take advantage of the doctor's advice in a restaurant on the seashore, where you can also eat, but already on a customized menu.

Guests need to know that the spa meals in our sanatorium also have the following features:

  • most dishes are steamed
  • for lunch and dinner, a rosehip decoction is served, which is not prepared like a regular compote, but according to certain requirements, from pre-chopped fruits, which is why it is so tasty and extremely healthy
  • whole meats and fish are prepared for breakfast and dinner, minced meat dishes are served for lunch (these are cutlets, zrazy, pates). Tea and coffee are provided during breakfast and dinner, for lunch - compotes, rose hips, jelly, fresh fruit, for dinner - fermented milk products (kefir, ryazhanka).

Without going into complicated descriptions and details, we will just tell you how our sanatorium, with a buffet, organizes the meals of the holidaymakers according to diets. Diet nutrition begins with the appointment of the patient by the attending physician, to whom the guest tells about his possible nutritional problems, and the doctor prescribes one or another medical table.

In our sanatorium, food is possible according to diets 1-2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15.

Meal time:

breakfast - 8:00 - 9:00

lunch - 13:00 - 15:00

dinner - 19:00 - 20:00

Diet No. Indications and menus
1-2 It is indicated for peptic ulcer disease. The first diet is prescribed in the acute period of the course of the disease. At this time, all 1st dishes are cooked in water, in vegetable broth. Raw vegetables are prohibited. With the second diet, when the patient's well-being is more stable, light broths are prepared, the rest of the dishes are steamed and boiled. For sweet dishes, steam puddings are useful.
4 It is prescribed for diarrhea. The food menu includes all kinds of jelly (except for plums), rice water, tea, rose hips, crackers and dry biscuits. If the patient improves for dinner, you can offer steamed dishes, cutlets, meat pudding.
5 and 5p Special nutrition for liver and biliary tract diseases.
The 5p diet (pancreatitis) also belongs to this group. Do not raw vegetables, smoked meats, spicy and fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, raw sour fruits. All dishes should be steam, boiled and chopped. Baked apples, rosehip decoction are extremely light and healthy.\u003e
6 It is prescribed for gout, urolithiasis. You can cook various cereals in water or milk, you cannot cook legumes, lentils, cut meat, fish.
7 Diet food for kidney disease (nephritis). Complete exclusion or limitation of salt.
8 The disease is obesity, the goal is to lose weight. When drawing up the menu, it is necessary to calculate the calories, at the same time, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle in such a way that the expenditure of energy exceeds its arrival in the form of food. Similar to the 5th diet. Preference is given to fresh vegetables, meat sweet flour products - in very limited quantities.
9 Diabetes. The exception is carbohydrates, 4-5 meals a day, steamed low-fat food, stewed vegetables. Sugar will be replaced by xylitol.
15 It is allowed to eat everything, without limitation, a person is in the stage of recovery.

The "Buffet" food line menu changes daily for 7 days

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Many catering establishments prefer the buffet system. This approach is very convenient and practical: all the preparatory work has been done, a varied menu is offered on the tables. This allows you to feed a large number of visitors at the same time, which is perfect for places with high traffic of people, for example, for hotels, hotels. So, food is freely available, everyone can choose what they like best. The solemnity of the format makes the meal extraordinary.

What is a buffet

The way of serving the buffet is the serving of ready-made dishes, in which the visitor chooses the one he likes from those that are displayed on special tables or distribution lines. Any appetizer is taken in moderation, transferred to your table. There are no waiters, everything is self-service. This meal is almost always free, the cost is already included in the ticket price.

The term "buffet" is found only in Russian. In Asia, European countries, this way of eating is called "buffet", in Sweden - smorgasbord or "sandwich table", where sandwiches mean absolutely any food. Another idea for the emergence of the Swedish food system is related to the Scandinavian principles of self-restraint in the absence of control.

The "sandwich table" system is widely used by hotels, when each client needs to be fed very quickly, tasty. Beer houses, pizzerias often host salad bars, democratic cafes and fast foods - buffets that offer hot and cold snacks, desserts. This approach solves the main tasks of restaurant service: to feed tasty food, make it quickly and conveniently for everyone, and attract new customers.

Features of the

The organization of the buffet has several advantages. They are attractive to clients and organizers:

  • A large selection of dishes gives the visitor a feeling of abundance, the impression that there are a lot of menu options for one price.
  • The price of food is lower than traditional food.
  • Democratic additional service.
  • Saving time for guests and kitchen workers.

The features of this system depend on the religious and cultural traditions of a particular people. Very often there are days of national cuisine. Some countries prefer spices, sweets, others refuse pork and beef. Most of the establishments on the buffet menu include European cuisine, although the local chef always makes his own adjustments. The quantity and quality of dishes depends on how many stars the hotel has: the higher the category, the more varied the menu will be.

Each country has its own gastronomic preferences, depending on the characteristics of the people. For instance:

  • many peppers and spices are used in Indonesia;
  • pork is not cooked in Egypt, Tunisia, UAE;
  • Eastern countries offer a wide variety of sweets;
  • in Southeast Asia, besides pork, beef is not used, but they prefer a large number of seasonings;
  • Europe loves meat: boiled, fried cooking options;
  • Italy prefers spaghetti;
  • Spain is not complete without paella;
  • Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia include cheese and olives on the menu.

Drinks deserve special attention. If the hotel or hotel does not work on the "all inclusive" system, then any drink - water, coffee, juice, tea, wine - is sold for money at all meals except breakfast. In Spain, for example, even champagne is served for free in the morning. The variety of drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic, paid or free) depends on the characteristics of the country, and not on the "star rating" of the hotel. Fresh juice is rarely served in Europe, Turkish and East Asian cuisines, on the contrary, are happy to offer any natural drink.


There are two types of buffets according to the method of payment for the food consumed. Both are not included in the price of the voucher (if it concerns meals at the hotel). Their features are that:

  1. You can come up to food an unlimited number of times. The price is fixed and does not affect the amount of food eaten. Any plate size.
  2. This food organization is based on the "plate system": payment depends on the size of the dish (small, medium, large) and the number of approaches to the table.

Serving formats according to the Swedish system are designed to satisfy the tastes of all visitors. Varieties are as follows:

  • salad bars (salad, light soup, simple snacks) - for those who did not have time to have breakfast;
  • american table (cola, hamburgers, fatty snacks) - set next to places of entertainment, for example, near the beach;
  • national cuisine;
  • the dietary ration is designed for wealthy clients and those who prefer only healthy food;
  • lunch buffet is organized in the afternoon;
  • a coffee or tea table is offered between main meals.

A form such as brunch or "family lunch" is ideal for a weekend meal at lunchtime. Often, bonuses are offers for partial payments or free meals for children of a certain age. Brunch is often used for birthdays and other holidays. The income from this form of eating is small, but it is considered a good marketing method for attracting customers.

The banquet provides for the simultaneous service of many guests. Drinks, juices are poured at the bars located in several places. The most popular drinks - mineral water, orange juice, wine, champagne - are served by the waiters. Snacks are displayed on special tables (round, oval, rectangular) with tablecloth skirts attached to them.

Catering or themed events are organized on the principle of banquets, when the celebration is held in nature or in a room not intended for such purposes. For the organization, special catering companies are invited to take care of all the worries about the event, from arranging tables, decorating the hall or territory, and ending with cooking.


There are a number of rules to which the serving of the buffet should be subordinated, and the most important thing is the grouping of dishes: an appetizer is displayed on one part, a hot dish on the other, sweets, fruits - on the third. For example, at the beginning of the table are appetizers, then bread, then - the first courses, the second, at the end - desserts. Mixing products is strictly prohibited, so as not to create the impression of chaos. Fish and meat cannot lie side by side on a tray or plate, seafood is allowed next to fish dishes. Do not lay vegetables, berries, fruits next to each other.

The grouping rules also apply to dishes, drinks, spices and sauces. They are as follows:

  • Trays, plates are placed at regular intervals.
  • Appliances for applying food to each dish are different. It is important that they are made of stainless steel, wooden appliances can be used, plastic is prohibited.
  • Separate places are organized for drinks (near the entrance), used dishes (further away).
  • Sauce, spices are placed in small containers next to the dishes they are suitable for.
  • Honey, yogurt, jam are served in small glass or ceramic rosettes.

The shift and frequency of serving dishes is also subject to certain rules. In hotels, all food is displayed immediately, but at banquets, the sequence must be observed:

  • Snacks remain until the end of the banquet, are renewed 2 times per hour in the summer, and one time during cooler times.
  • Hot meals are served before consumption.
  • Cold snacks are laid out on metal dishes (for cooling), salads can be served on ceramics.
  • Baked goods are in baskets or on pie plates.
  • Space-saving multi-level stands.
  • Drinks can be served by glass.

Particular attention is paid to the decoration of the buffet. Flowers, tablecloths, bows, etc. are used. The rules for decorating the table are as follows:

  • The presence of flowers speaks of a special chic, but they need to be changed periodically.
  • The tablecloth should not reach the floor by 10 cm.
  • Napkins are preferable to paper (it is more convenient to throw away, rather than fold with dirty dishes). They are laid out next to the plates in a stack or fan.
  • The decor of the table should match the interior.
  • The use of tall candelabra or small candlesticks with lighted candles is acceptable.

Menu in the hotel

The buffet serves more than just cold snacks. It is important that there is no cooked food that you need to cut off for yourself with a knife: all dishes are exclusively portioned. The hotel does not have any more restrictions on the buffet menu in the hotel. It consists of:

  • snacks;
  • first hot dishes;
  • meat or fish hot;
  • side dishes for fish and meat;
  • drinks;
  • desserts.

In different countries, they use their own food and drinks for the "sandwich" table. For example, the buffet menu in Turkish hotels offers the following:

juice, tea, coffee, milk, tea, coffee, drinking water is offered unlimited throughout the day

eggs, cereals, cheese, sausage, butter,

tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, bread

not served

Main dishes:

porridge, omelet, scrambled eggs, sausages,

mashed soups, borscht,

stewed vegetables, fish, chicken, meat;

garnish: rice, pasta

not served

casseroles, stewed vegetables, fish, meat;

garnish: rice, potatoes, pasta

jam, honey,

yogurt, buns

dessert and fruit according to the season

The Spanish diet is somewhat different from the Turkish one. In hotels in Spain, chefs are ready to offer the following menu:

coffee, a glass of fresh orange juice

juices, beer, dessert wine, water

wine, beer

spicy "bocadiyo" with cheese, jamon, herbs, tuna, tomatoes;

Tostada, egg, lettuce, white asparagus

salad, flatbread

jamon, cheese, sliced \u200b\u200bbread

Main dishes:

potato omelet, tortilla, boiled ham and cheese sandwiches

paella, pasta, pork, beef, lamb, fish, liver

Meals in the "Buffet" hall are the most popular type of meals among the guests of the sanatorium "Russia". A wide assortment of the presented menu, the ability to see the dishes, to form a portion convenient for oneself, to approach the table as many times as you like - these advantages have made the buffet a favorite food system for vacationers.

The gastronomic animation (cooking demonstration) presented in the Buffet room is another advantage. Hot fried eggs and grilled sausages and vegetables await our guests every day. The waiters will kindly offer to prepare crispy toasts with and without filling, the chefs will bake fragrant Viennese waffles and pancakes in front of the guests, all that remains is to season them with your favorite jam and enjoy the delicate taste.

In 2016, new equipment for gastronomic animation appeared on the Swedish line, significantly expanding the offered menu. A modern oven was installed in the center of the hall, and now our guests are treated to hot and aromatic pizza with different fillings three times a day. Here, in the hall, chefs cook pasta, fry crispy meat and potatoes, pasties and chicken wings in a WOK frying pan.

On the Swedish line of the sanatorium "Russia" considerable attention is paid to the technology of continuous preparation and serving of dishes, therefore, even in the "hot" summer season, the full assortment from the proposed menu remains throughout the entire meal.

Buffet etiquette

  • It is advisable to come to the dining room no later than half an hour before the end of the meal time.
  • For your convenience, you can leave packages and bags in special cells at the hall administrator and take only valuable things with you.
  • The buffet does not have to be self-service. Our staff is always happy to take care of the guests, just ask the waiter to help you.
  • You can take cutlery on a special table.
  • It is recommended to start lunch or dinner with light meals such as salads. If you are not familiar with a dish, take a small portion of it.
  • According to international buffet rules, food cannot be taken outside the hall.
  • The number of approaches to the buffet is not limited.
  • After the meal, you can leave feedback on the work of our team to the hall administrator.

Helpful information

  • We are waiting for you: for breakfast from 8:00 to 10:00, for lunch from 13:30 to 15:00, for dinner from 18:00 to 19:30 and for an evening treat with fermented milk drinks - from 21:00 to 22: 00.
  • Children under 14 years old (inclusive) are invited to lunch at 11:00 and afternoon tea at 17:00.
  • Meals for children under 4 years old are paid at the rate of 360 rubles / day. Child's entrance to the dining room is by smart card.
  • If you have a dietitian doctor's recommendation for a specific diet, please notify the hall manager in advance.

Enjoy your meal!