Rice pudding: recipes with photos. Curd pudding - favorite recipes

19.09.2019 Lenten dishes

The word "pudding" brings to mind the most delicate baked goods that melt in your mouth. This is partly true. But how do you cook pudding to make it like this? This is a traditional Christmas dish for the British - a dessert baked in a water bath. In its composition, sweeteners are required: sugar, honey, as well as milk, flour and vanillin. Initially, pudding was called porridge with meat and plum sauce. The fat tail fat was added to the composition, and before serving, it was soaked in cognac or brandy and set on fire. And now, varieties of meat puddings have been preserved in English cooking.

How to make pudding: you can't do without milk ...


Chicken eggs 3 pieces) Vanillin 1 gram Cottage cheese 1 package

  • Servings:2
  • Time for preparing:1 minute

Cooking pudding

Features of the dish:

  • The main ingredient is not only flour, but also semolina, rice - the dessert sometimes resembles porridge.
  • We prepare pudding not only in a water bath, but also in a multicooker, in an oven, or in a microwave oven.
  • It is enough to use puddings in bags - you need to dilute it with milk according to the instructions.

But the main difference is that the dish is eaten fresh, and does not ripen for several weeks, like in the ancient Angles.

The recipe will benefit from the addition of dried fruits, bananas, berries. Ready-made pudding is served with jelly, custard or creamy, sour cream and sauces.

How to make pudding at home: a curd story

A cheese-based dessert turns out to be healthy and tender. You need to line it with parchment or grease the pan with vegetable oil and put the dough there. Before cooking, grind the curd - use a sieve or blender.

  1. Beat 3 eggs, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, salt to taste, send vanillin on the tip of a knife or a small bag of vanilla sugar to the mass.
  2. Introduce 3 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina - replaces flour. Then it is the turn of the cottage cheese. Everything is mixed until smooth. Transfer the dough to the pan.
  3. They are sent to the oven for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 160 - 180 degrees.

A dish is baked in a microwave oven for up to 10 minutes, iron containers, containers with gilded and metal ornaments are not used!

Meet, Alice, this is pudding: how to cook it?

The classic recipe for "angelic" dessert also does not require flour. But it looks like baked goods. You will need the usual products that are in almost every kitchen: 0.1 kg of rice; 400 ml of milk; a handful of raisins; zest from half a lemon; a couple of Art. l. Sahara; 4 eggs and 2 tbsp. l. butter.

  1. Put a piece of butter at the bottom of a heated frying pan, put rice washed under running water to it, pour hot boiled milk over it and send the zest there. Everything is languishing under a closed lid until the cereal is half cooked.
  2. Separately, whip the yolks with sugar, vanilla, salt, stir in the raisins. The mixture is combined with rice "porridge", set aside from the stove.
  3. Beat the whites separately until they become thick and fluffy. Everyone connects. Place in a baking dish.

Dessert is prepared for 40-50 minutes at a standard temperature of 160-180 gr. When laying out on portioned plates, it is easy to notice that this dessert resembles a biscuit when cut, so you should not be afraid of falling off.

The main thing is that there is nothing easier than making pudding at home; even a teenager who is allowed to use the stove will master the recipe. And even if something does not work out, sauce or aromatic brewed tea will always help fix everything. This is how the atmosphere of a home holiday is created.

“Meet! Alice, this is pudding. Pudding, this is Alice. " Everyone remembers Carroll's tale, but what kind of pudding did the girl get to know? There is a version that it was English plum pudding, which for many centuries decorated the Christmas table of the British. Thick oatmeal with prunes, raisins, nuts, honey and bread crumbs, cooked in meat broth, looked beautiful, festive and appetizing. In later centuries, porridge was watered with cognac, set on fire and served on the table. It remains to be seen how the British people ate such exotic things.

Many travelers wrote that they did not really like plum porridge (plum - plum), and some described another version of pudding - made from chicken, eggs, bovine tongues, dried fruits, sugar, citrus zest and spices. A very unexpected combination, right? Modern puddings look different and there are many different recipes for making them. And you, too, can learn how to make your own pudding with the advice of professional chefs.

Pudding is a mystery dish

Pudding is a dessert or appetizer that is prepared on the basis of a variety of products, with the addition of eggs, beaten with (or without) sugar, with milk or butter. This dish is somewhat reminiscent of the familiar casserole. In classic recipes, the pudding is steamed or baked in a saucepan or oven, which gives it a special texture, not like baked goods. Modern housewives prefer to bake this dish in the usual way, they cook it in a multicooker or microwave.

Once upon a time, the poor English would put together leftover food, and each time they made a new pudding. However, the puddings that were prepared in noble houses were also a mix of different ingredients, only the products were more refined and expensive - for King George V, for example, they made pudding from 16 components. Pudding can be used as a stand-alone dish and used to prepare other desserts.

The classic sweet pudding is made on the basis of rice porridge with egg, milk, berries, fruits and dried fruits. Sometimes alcohol, nuts, chocolate and cottage cheese are added to dessert puddings. Making pudding gives you a lot of creativity as the chef can mix and match different flavors, adding spices and seasonings without ever getting bored. The English have a proverb: "You can only learn the taste of pudding while eating." So they shouldn't be considered prim conservatives!

Cooking pudding at home: a few secrets of a successful dessert

Secret 1. Pudding proteins must be whipped perfectly - to firm peaks, so that the dessert is fluffy and fluffy.

Secret 2. Do not get carried away with a lot of additional ingredients, otherwise the dish may not rise.

Secret 3. Pudding should be baked in a greased pan. Do not pour too much dough into the mold, it should be maximum three-quarters full, otherwise the pudding will leak out during baking and the dish will be hopelessly ruined - at least from an aesthetic point of view.

Secret 4. Cook the pudding at about 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes. Forget about the dish while cooking, do not look into the oven, and even more so - do not slam the door, otherwise the pudding will settle, lose its shape and turn into an ugly flat cake. You can observe the dish through the glass - if the pudding has risen and the edges are lagging behind the shape, remove it from the oven after checking the readiness with a dry wooden stick.

How to make rice pudding at home

Try the classic rice pudding, which can become one of your family's favorite desserts. To do this, boil half a glass of rice in water and, when it becomes soft, drain the water, add a glass of milk to the cereal and cook a little more. Towards the end of cooking, sweeten the rice porridge with ⅔ cups of sugar, let it cool, while whisk well 1 cup of powdered sugar with с cup of soft butter until fluffy.

Add 3 raw yolks in turn to the butter and mix it with rice porridge. Beat 3 egg whites and a third of a glass of sugar into a foam separately. Place the dough in a greased baking dish and bake until tender. Serve the finest rice pudding with sour cream and powdered sugar. It can be eaten both warm and cold - this will not affect the taste of the dessert.

Curd pudding with oranges

This light and airy cottage cheese pudding will leave no choice to any sweet tooth. It is eaten instantly! Prepare it for breakfast and see for yourself.

Beat 3 eggs and 100 g of sugar in a blender, add to them the fragrant zest of one orange and the juice squeezed from half of the fruit, add 100 g of raisins and 100 g of prunes, cut into pieces. Mix the mass with 250 g of fresh cottage cheese, put in a mold and bake until tender. There is one interesting point - first the pudding will rise, and then it will begin to gradually lower until it is completely baked. Don't worry - it should be so. Serve the curd dessert with condensed milk, chocolate syrup, or jam.

Semolina pudding: cooking at home

If your kids don't like semolina porridge, prepare semolina for them, and they will love to eat it, especially if you cook this dish with fruits, dried fruits and nuts, and serve it with a sweet sauce. Kids will also ask for a supplement!

So, cook semolina from 2 glasses of milk, 150 g semolina and 50 g sugar, put 100 g of butter in it and leave on the stove.

Beat 2 yolks with 50 g of sugar until it is completely dissolved, mix with porridge, and then combine everything with whites whipped into a strong foam.

Cut the banana into slices, gently mix it into the resulting mass, put it in a mold and bake in the oven for half an hour. When the pudding is browning on top, reduce heat to low and bake further, or if you don't have time, you can bake dessert in 15 minutes in the microwave. This delicious and mouth-watering pudding will be requested by little ones!

Meat pudding for a light dinner

Pudding snacks are very original and perfect for receiving guests. Meat pudding is a hearty, appetizing and at the same time light dish that will not burden your stomach in the evening and make you forget about food until the morning.

Whisk in a blender 500 g minced chicken, 3 egg yolks, a pinch of salt and any spices you like. Instead of chicken, you can take any other meat, but minced chicken is more tender. Combine the meat with the onion, chopped and sautéed in vegetable oil, and 3 beaten egg whites. Grease the pan with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, lay out the dough and bake for 15 minutes at 220 ° C, and then another 15 minutes at 180 ° C. Serve with fresh salads and herbs.

Steamed fish pudding

Let's try to cook the pudding according to all the rules - in a water bath. This delicate and nutritious dish is ideal for baby and health food. This pudding is easy to digest, satisfies hunger well and has a very pleasant taste.

Grind 1 kg of any fish fillet in a blender along with 150 g of white bread soaked in 150 ml of milk, add 80 g of sour cream and 5 egg yolks, 1 small grated carrot to the minced meat. Season with salt and pepper, mix with 5 beaten egg whites and place in a greased dish, or portioned forms.

Place the dish in a bowl of boiling water and let sit for 40 minutes. Pudding, similar to soufflé, children eat with pleasure, and since seafood is rich in vitamins and microelements, cook this dish more often from different varieties of fish. Serve with light sauces, mashed potatoes and rice.

Diet apple and zucchini pudding

Few people would guess that the basis of a low-calorie and light pudding is ordinary zucchini. This dish will brighten up your dietary routine and will not let you get off the "path of the true". By the way, very tasty!

Cut one medium zucchini into cubes, add 150 ml of milk and simmer until medium soft. Don't overdo it with milk, or the pudding will be too soft. Dice 2 apples, add to the zucchini and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Mix the squash and apple mass with 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal, simmer for 3 minutes and leave to cool on the stove. And then beat everything with a blender, add 1 egg, beat a little more, season with 1 tbsp. l. honey and cinnamon. Pour the "dough" into a silicone mold, garnish with raisins and bake for 25 minutes at 200 ° C. The finished pudding is very tender. It turns out that diet and desserts are quite compatible!

English pudding is called the mystery of Foggy Albion, and it is quite possible that you will be able to solve it. Especially if you cook puddings often - and not only classic, but also unusual. It turns out that they come with buckwheat and millet, with cheese and mushrooms, and even with avocado and coconut. Many interesting pudding recipes are collected on the Eat at Home! Website, so you will not have to get to know one pudding, like the heroine in Carroll's fairy tale, but many delicious desserts. Enjoy your trip to the world of English cuisine!

Some people think that pudding and casserole are the same thing. Therefore, it is enough to mix all the ingredients, bake or steam it and get the pudding.

Most likely, the first puddings were prepared in this way. But cooks are meticulous people. They have perfected pudding recipes and proved that pudding is a very special kind of culinary art.

For puddings, they use almost the same ingredients as for casseroles: cottage cheese, semolina, rice, crackers, eggs, sour cream and milk. And also all kinds of spices, berries and fruits, cocoa and chocolate, rum, cognac, juice and fruit essence.

Puddings are not only sweet, but also made from meat, fish and various vegetables.

In order not to turn the pudding into a regular casserole, you need to know a few simple rules:

  • To make the pudding fluffy, the whites are separated from the yolks, whipped separately, and sequentially combined with other ingredients. The whipped protein is added to the mass at the very last turn, being careful not to destroy the bubbles.
  • For baking, use a special dish with a hole in the middle so that the pudding is baked well. Or they use small tins, for example, for a cupcake.
  • The pudding should not be put in a very hot oven, otherwise it will immediately become golden brown, and inside it will remain raw and unbaked. When removed from the oven, such a product quickly falls off.
  • First, the pudding is placed in an oven heated to 180 °, and then the temperature is gradually increased, bringing it to 200-220 °.
  • Take out the pudding from the oven only after it has cooled down a little.

Cheese pudding with orange

  • Heat the oven to 180 °.
  • Eggs, not dividing into whites and yolks, are beaten with sugar until light, homogeneous.
  • Cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve or chopped with an immersion blender.
  • The zest is removed from the orange, peeled, disassembled into slices and squeezed out. This makes about half a glass.
  • Mix the curd mass, egg mixture, zest and orange juice in a bowl.
  • The mold is generously greased with butter and filled with curd mass.
  • Bake for 30-40 minutes until golden brown. If the top of the pudding begins to brown actively, the temperature is lowered slightly.
  • The pudding is allowed to rest in shape, and then spread in portions on plates.

Microwave cottage cheese pudding

  • semolina - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • baking powder - 0.5 tsp;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • oil for lubricating the mold.
  • In a bowl, grind an egg with sugar, add vanillin and salt.
  • Cottage cheese is ground in a blender.
  • Combine with egg mixture.
  • Semolina and baking powder are added.
  • Mix everything and put it in a greased cup.
  • Place in the microwave and cook on high power for 3 minutes. Then they wait 2 minutes and turn on for another 1.5 minutes.
  • Served with jam or sweet sauce.

Bread Pudding with Raisins

  • vanilla crackers - 200 g;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • raisins - a handful;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g.
  • Separate the whites from the yolks. The yolks are ground with sugar until white. Combine with milk and put on fire. While stirring, bring to a hot state. Remove from fire.
  • Crackers are broken into pieces and placed in an egg-milk mixture. Mix well, cover with a lid and leave to swell for 20 minutes.
  • Beat the egg whites to "peaks" and combine with the rusk mass. Washed raisins are also placed here.
  • Gently mix the mixture and place in a greased baking dish or small muffin tins. Leave to solidify.
  • For the sauce, the washed dried apricots are poured with boiling water.
  • When dried apricots are softened, they are ground in a blender along with water and sugar.
  • The pudding is served, laid out on a plate, along with the sauce.

Rice pudding with raisins

  • Rice is washed and boiled in milk until tender.
  • Separate the yolks from the whites and beat with sugar.
  • Combine with cooled rice, adding vanillin and washed raisins.
  • Beat the whites until they peaks and gently combine with the rest of the mixture.
  • The round shape is abundantly greased with oil and the resulting mass is spread into it.
  • Pieces of butter are spread over the entire surface.
  • Boil the pudding in a water bath for 50 minutes.
  • Cool and serve with fruit or syrup.

English pudding

  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • almonds - 140 g;
  • icing sugar - 150 g;
  • candied orange fruits - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • fruit from jam - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • cookies - 80-100 g;
  • rum - 50 g;
  • cognac - 50 g;
  • ground crackers - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • refined sugar - 4 cubes;
  • wine alcohol - 1 tsp;
  • vinegar - a drop.
  • Candied fruits and berries (fruits) from jam are poured with cognac and kept for 1 hour.
  • The liquid is poured into a bowl of crushed cookies.
  • The butter is ground with yolks and powdered sugar (take 2/3 of the total volume). Combine with cookies, fruits and almonds.
  • Whisk the whites with the remaining powdered sugar, salt and vinegar to "peaks" and gently mix with the rest of the mass.
  • The round shape is abundantly greased with oil and the resulting mixture is spread into it.
  • Cook in a water bath for 1 hour.
  • The pudding is chilled and tipped onto a flat dish. Sprinkle with rum, put sugar soaked in alcohol on top and set it on fire. Serve immediately.

Semolina pudding with prunes

  • semolina - 150 g;
  • prunes - 250 g;
  • milk - 600 ml;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • The prunes are washed and boiled until half cooked. Cut into small pieces.
  • Semolina in a thin stream is poured into boiling milk and boiled, stirring, until thickened.
  • Beat the yolks lightly and combine with porridge. Prunes are also added here.
  • Beat the egg whites with a mixer until a thick, stable foam and mix with the porridge.
  • The molds are lubricated with oil and filled with the resulting mass.
  • Cook in a water bath for 40-50 minutes.
  • Put the pudding on a plate and pour over the apricot sauce. For the sauce, dried apricots are boiled in a small amount of water and ground in a blender along with sugar.

Chocolate pudding

  • The butter is placed in a saucepan and melted on the stove. Pour cream and flour.
  • Mix everything with a whisk and bring to a boil.
  • Continuing to stir, add sugar, vanillin and chocolate.
  • Beat the yolks with a whisk until smooth, and beat the whites with a mixer until they “peaks”. Gently combine with the rest of the mass.
  • The mold is generously greased with oil and filled with the resulting mixture.
  • Place in an oven heated to 180 ° and bake for 30–40 minutes.
  • Cool and place on a flat dish.

Apple and pumpkin pudding

  • sour apples - 400 g;
  • pumpkin - 400 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • semolina - 50 g;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • raisins - a handful;
  • nuts - a handful;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon zest - 1 tsp.
  • Semolina is soaked for 20 minutes in a little milk.
  • Pumpkin is cut into small pieces and stewed in milk until half cooked.
  • The apples are chopped, added to the pumpkin and stewed until soft.
  • Put sugar, stir and remove from heat. Cool down.
  • Add semolina, melted butter, raisins, nuts and zest.
  • The yolks are ground with sugar, the whites are whipped into a stable foam. The eggs are combined with the rest of the mass and everything is gently mixed.
  • The mold is greased with oil, sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs and filled with dough.
  • Place in the oven and bake for 30–35 minutes.
  • Cool and serve with fruit or jam.

Milk pudding

  • milk - 300 ml;
  • semolina - 50 g;
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt to taste;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • bread crumbs - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • Semolina is poured into hot milk in a thin stream and porridge is boiled. Close with a lid and leave for 10 minutes on the edge of the plate.
  • Butter and sugar are added to the porridge.
  • The whipped egg yolk and white are added separately. Mix gently.
  • The molds are oiled, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and filled with pudding dough.
  • Put in a double boiler, cover with a lid and cook for 40 minutes.
  • Spread on a plate and sprinkle with jam or sweet sauce.

Banana pudding

  • milk - 250 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • wine - 50 ml;
  • lemon zest - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • any fruit sauce.
  • A thin stream of semolina is poured into hot milk and porridge is boiled, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps.
  • Egg yolks are ground with sugar until whiteness and added to porridge.
  • Bananas are chopped in a blender and mixed with wine, zest and lemon juice.
  • Beat the whites with a mixer until "peaks".
  • Gently mix porridge, bananas and proteins.
  • The mass is spread in a greased form and placed in the oven. Bake for 30-40 minutes.
  • Allow the pudding to cool slightly in the mold, and then spread on a plate. Pour over with fruit sauce.

Meat pudding in the oven

  • minced beef - 500 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • parsley to taste;
  • salt to taste;
  • breadcrumbs.
  • Finely chop the onion and sauté in vegetable oil until transparent.
  • Minced meat is passed through a meat grinder twice.
  • Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with salt and combine with minced meat.
  • Chop greens and garlic, add to meat.
  • Beat the meat mass in a blender until fluffy.
  • Beat the proteins until a strong foam and add small portions to the minced meat.
  • The form is generously greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Spread the minced meat and level. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and spread the pieces of butter evenly.
  • Place in the oven and bake at 180 ° for 50 minutes.
  • Serve hot with a side dish or vegetable salad.

Meat pudding in a slow cooker

  • minced chicken - 500 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • white bread (loaf) - 100 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • butter for greasing the mold.
  • chopped dill greens.
  • The crusts are cut from the bread, and the pulp is soaked in milk.
  • Minced meat, onions and bread are passed through a meat grinder twice. Pour out the remaining milk, add pepper and salt.
  • Yolks are added to the minced meat.
  • Whisk the whites until firm foam and gently combine with the minced meat.
  • Grease the mold with oil and put the minced meat in it. Level with a spatula.
  • 3 glasses of water are poured into the multicooker bowl and the form with minced meat is placed in a steaming container.
  • Lower the lid and set the "Steam" mode. Prepare the pudding for 25 minutes.
  • Cool slightly and place on a plate. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Steamed meat and semolina pudding

  • The meat is boiled and passed through a meat grinder twice.
  • Carrots are finely chopped and stewed with butter. Then grind in a blender.
  • Semolina porridge is boiled in milk and cooled to a warm state.
  • Minced meat is mixed with carrots, porridge and yolks.
  • Beat the egg whites until they “peaks”, add them to the minced meat and knead gently.
  • The molds are greased with oil, the minced meat is placed in them and placed in a steamer bowl or in a mantool. Cook for 30 minutes.
  • Serve hot with butter.

Any of these recipes are easy to follow and have available ingredients. Knowing the peculiarities of preparing puddings, the hostess can replace one additional product (fruit or spices) with another, resulting in a completely new dish.

How to make pudding at home: 13 recipes including curd and rice pudding (reviews)

How to Make Pudding Some people think that pudding and casserole are the same thing. Therefore, it is enough to mix all the ingredients, bake or steam it and get the pudding. Most probably,

How to make pudding

  • butter - 175 gr.
  • brown sugar - 175 gr.
  • It is better to prepare the fruit filling in advance, preferably a couple of days in advance. Dried fruits or fresh fruits must be cut into small cubes, and so that they do not stick to the knife, the blade is dipped in powdered sugar.
  • Mix fruits, dried fruits with nuts and spices (cinnamon, ginger, ground cloves - all 1 tablespoon each), in a deep bowl and pour with rum. The prepared filling is placed in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Combine flour with bread crumbs. Rub the diced butter. The finished mixture should look like crumbs.
  • Mix the so-called "dough" with the present fruit filling, add eggs. Put the resulting mixture in oiled or greased molds. Cover with foil, securing tightly around the edges.
  • While you mix and fill the molds with the mixture, the water will boil.
  • Place the molds in a pot of boiling water and cook over low heat. Top up with water if necessary.
  • Cool the pudding.
  • Cover with foil and store in a cool place for about a month.
  • During this time, the English dessert is "infused" and acquires an unforgettable taste and aroma.
  • When it's time to serve the treat, heat it up in a water bath (about 2 hours).
  • Put the reheated pudding on a platter. Christmas dessert is ready. Don't be afraid to make the pudding. This is an incredibly tasty and unusual dessert, a worthy replacement for cakes and pastries. Enjoy your meal!

    How to make pudding - step by step cooking, real recipe, photo - Culinary recipes

    👍 ★★★ This dish, in fact, like many others, came to us from abroad. Pudding is a native English dessert.

How to make pudding at home

Cooking pudding at home

“Meet! Alice, this is pudding. Pudding, this is Alice. " Everyone remembers Carroll's tale, but what kind of pudding did the girl get to know? There is a version that it was English plum pudding, which for many centuries decorated the Christmas table of the British. Thick oatmeal with prunes, raisins, nuts, honey and bread crumbs, cooked in meat broth, looked beautiful, festive and appetizing. In later centuries, porridge was watered with cognac, set on fire and served on the table. It remains to be seen how the British people ate such exotic things.

Many travelers wrote that they did not really like plum porridge (plum - plum), and some described another version of pudding - made from chicken, eggs, bovine tongues, dried fruits, sugar, citrus zest and spices. A very unexpected combination, right? Modern puddings look different and there are many different recipes for making them. And you, too, can learn how to make your own pudding with the advice of professional chefs.

Pudding is a mystery dish

Pudding is a dessert or appetizer that is prepared on the basis of a variety of products, with the addition of eggs, beaten with (or without) sugar, with milk or butter. This dish is somewhat reminiscent of the familiar casserole. In classic recipes, the pudding is steamed or baked in a saucepan or oven, which gives it a special texture, not like baked goods. Modern housewives prefer to bake this dish in the usual way, they cook it in a multicooker or microwave.

Once upon a time, the poor English would put together leftover food, and each time they made a new pudding. However, the puddings that were prepared in noble houses were also a mix of different ingredients, only the products were more refined and expensive - for King George V, for example, they made pudding from 16 components. Pudding can be used as a stand-alone dish and used to prepare other desserts.

The classic sweet pudding is made on the basis of rice porridge with egg, milk, berries, fruits and dried fruits. Sometimes alcohol, nuts, chocolate and cottage cheese are added to dessert puddings. Making pudding gives you a lot of creativity as the chef can mix and match different flavors, adding spices and seasonings without ever getting bored. The English have a proverb: "You can only learn the taste of pudding while eating." So they shouldn't be considered prim conservatives!

Cooking pudding at home: a few secrets of a successful dessert

Secret 1. Pudding proteins must be whipped perfectly - to firm peaks, so that the dessert is fluffy and fluffy.

Secret 2. Do not get carried away with a lot of additional ingredients, otherwise the dish may not rise.

Secret 3. Pudding should be baked in a greased pan. Do not pour too much dough into the mold, it should be maximum three-quarters full, otherwise the pudding will leak out during baking and the dish will be hopelessly ruined - at least from an aesthetic point of view.

Secret 4. Cook the pudding at about 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes. Forget about the dish while cooking, do not look into the oven, and even more so - do not slam the door, otherwise the pudding will settle, lose its shape and turn into an ugly flat cake. You can observe the dish through the glass - if the pudding has risen and the edges are lagging behind the shape, remove it from the oven after checking the readiness with a dry wooden stick.

How to make rice pudding at home

Try the classic rice pudding, which can become one of your family's favorite desserts. To do this, boil half a glass of rice in water and, when it becomes soft, drain the water, add a glass of milk to the cereal and cook a little more. Towards the end of cooking, sweeten the rice porridge with ⅔ cups of sugar, let it cool, while whisk well 1 cup of powdered sugar with с cup of soft butter until fluffy.

Add 3 raw yolks in turn to the butter and mix it with rice porridge. Beat 3 egg whites and a third of a glass of sugar into a foam separately. Place the dough in a greased baking dish and bake until tender. Serve the finest rice pudding with sour cream and powdered sugar. It can be eaten both warm and cold - this will not affect the taste of the dessert.

Curd pudding with oranges

This light and airy cottage cheese pudding will leave no choice to any sweet tooth. It is eaten instantly! Prepare it for breakfast and see for yourself.

Beat 3 eggs and 100 g of sugar in a blender, add to them the fragrant zest of one orange and the juice squeezed from half of the fruit, add 100 g of raisins and 100 g of prunes, cut into pieces. Mix the mass with 250 g of fresh cottage cheese, put in a mold and bake until tender. There is one interesting point - first the pudding will rise, and then it will begin to gradually lower until it is completely baked. Don't worry - it should be so. Serve the curd dessert with condensed milk, chocolate syrup, or jam.

Semolina pudding: cooking at home

If your kids don't like semolina porridge, make semolina pudding for them and they'll love it, especially if you cook it with fruits, dried fruits and nuts, and serve with a sweet sauce. Kids will also ask for a supplement!

So, cook semolina from 2 glasses of milk, 150 g semolina and 50 g sugar, put 100 g of butter in it and leave on the stove.

Beat 2 yolks with 50 g of sugar until it is completely dissolved, mix with porridge, and then combine everything with whites whipped into a strong foam.

Cut the banana into slices, gently mix it into the resulting mass, put it in a mold and bake in the oven for half an hour. When the pudding is browning on top, reduce heat to low and bake further, or if you don't have time, you can bake dessert in 15 minutes in the microwave. This delicious and mouth-watering pudding will be requested by little ones!

Meat pudding for a light dinner

Pudding snacks are very original and perfect for receiving guests. Meat pudding is a hearty, appetizing and at the same time light dish that will not burden your stomach in the evening and make you forget about food until the morning.

Whisk in a blender 500 g minced chicken, 3 egg yolks, a pinch of salt and any spices you like. Instead of chicken, you can take any other meat, but minced chicken is more tender. Combine the meat with the onion, chopped and sautéed in vegetable oil, and 3 beaten egg whites. Grease the pan with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, lay out the dough and bake for 15 minutes at 220 ° C, and then another 15 minutes at 180 ° C. Serve with fresh salads and herbs.

Steamed fish pudding

Let's try to cook the pudding according to all the rules - in a water bath. This delicate and nutritious dish is ideal for baby and health food. This pudding is easy to digest, satisfies hunger well and has a very pleasant taste.

Grind 1 kg of any fish fillet in a blender along with 150 g of white bread soaked in 150 ml of milk, add 80 g of sour cream and 5 egg yolks, 1 small grated carrot to the minced meat. Season with salt and pepper, mix with 5 beaten egg whites and place in a greased dish, or portioned forms.

Place the dish in a bowl of boiling water and let sit for 40 minutes. Pudding, similar to soufflé, children eat with pleasure, and since seafood is rich in vitamins and microelements, cook this dish more often from different varieties of fish. Serve with light sauces, mashed potatoes and rice.

Diet apple and zucchini pudding

Few people would guess that the basis of a low-calorie and light pudding is ordinary zucchini. This dish will brighten up your dietary routine and will not let you get off the "path of the true". By the way, very tasty!

Cut one medium zucchini into cubes, add 150 ml of milk and simmer until medium soft. Don't overdo it with milk, or the pudding will be too soft. Dice 2 apples, add to the zucchini and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Mix the squash and apple mass with 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal, simmer for 3 minutes and leave to cool on the stove. And then beat everything with a blender, add 1 egg, beat a little more, season with 1 tbsp. l. honey and cinnamon. Pour the "dough" into a silicone mold, garnish with raisins and bake for 25 minutes at 200 ° C. The finished pudding is very tender. It turns out that diet and desserts are quite compatible!

English pudding is called the mystery of Foggy Albion, and, quite possibly, you will be able to solve it. Especially if you cook puddings often - and not only classic, but also unusual. It turns out that there are puddings with buckwheat and millet, with cheese and mushrooms, and even with avocado and coconut. Many interesting pudding recipes are collected on the Eat at Home! Website, so you will not have to get to know one pudding, like the heroine in Carroll's fairy tale, but many delicious desserts. Enjoy your trip to the world of English cuisine!

Delicate dish: cooking pudding!

Cooking pudding

  • The main ingredient is not only flour, but also semolina, rice - the dessert sometimes resembles porridge.
  • We prepare pudding not only in a water bath, but also in a multicooker, in an oven, or in a microwave oven.
  • It is enough to use puddings in bags - you need to dilute it with milk according to the instructions.

But the main difference is that the dish is eaten fresh, and does not ripen for several weeks, like in the ancient Angles.

The recipe will benefit from the addition of dried fruits, bananas, berries. Ready-made pudding is served with jelly, custard or creamy, sour cream and sauces.

How to make pudding at home: a curd story

A cheese-based dessert turns out to be healthy and tender. You need to line it with parchment or grease the pan with vegetable oil and put the dough there. Before cooking, grind the curd - use a sieve or blender.

  1. Beat 3 eggs, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, salt to taste, send vanillin on the tip of a knife or a small bag of vanilla sugar to the mass.
  2. Introduce 3 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina - replaces flour. Then it is the turn of the cottage cheese. Everything is mixed until smooth. Transfer the dough to the pan.
  3. They are sent to the oven for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 160 - 180 degrees.

A dish is baked in a microwave oven for up to 10 minutes, iron containers, containers with gilded and metal ornaments are not used!

Meet, Alice, this is pudding: how to cook it?

The classic recipe for "angelic" dessert also does not require flour. But it looks like baked goods. You will need the usual products that are in almost every kitchen: 0.1 kg of rice; 400 ml of milk; a handful of raisins; zest from half a lemon; a couple of Art. l. Sahara; 4 eggs and 2 tbsp. l. butter.

  1. Put a piece of butter at the bottom of a heated frying pan, put rice washed under running water to it, pour hot boiled milk over it and send the zest there. Everything is languishing under a closed lid until the cereal is half cooked.
  2. Separately, whip the yolks with sugar, vanilla, salt, stir in the raisins. The mixture is combined with rice "porridge", set aside from the stove.
  3. Beat the whites separately until they become thick and fluffy. Everyone connects. Place in a baking dish.

Dessert is prepared for 40-50 minutes at a standard temperature of 160-180 gr. When laying out on portioned plates, it is easy to notice that this dessert resembles a biscuit when cut, so you should not be afraid of falling off.

The main thing is that there is nothing easier than making pudding at home; even a teenager who is allowed to use the stove will master the recipe. And even if something does not work out, sauce or aromatic brewed tea will always help fix everything. This is how the atmosphere of a home holiday is created.

Cooking pudding at home

Surprisingly airy, soft dessert, which migrated from the meat table to tea drinking, still arouses interest among cooks and housewives. How to make pudding at home?

If you like cottage cheese, then you already understand everything. If you are indifferent to it, find out: cottage cheese and curd pudding are not the same thing. It's impossible not to love curd pudding. Basically. Although it usually contains only cottage cheese and nothing but cottage cheese (almost), it is a magical food. There are such amazing dishes in which products are transformed during the cooking process.

Here are 5 recipes for curd puddings, so that you have a choice between delicious, simply delicious, very tasty, incredibly tasty and terribly tasty. Which one is which, decide for yourself, but all the recipes for curd puddings are favorites.

Curd pudding - recipe number 1, basic

The recipe is classic, basic. This is how it is prepared in England, in the homeland of puddings: with eggs and flour. Knowing the basic recipe, you can complicate the composition and cooking technology. But such curd pudding is good in itself, so additional manipulations are not necessary.

Basic recipe ingredients

  • cottage cheese - 750 grams
  • eggs - 3
  • salt - a pinch
  • flour - 300 grams
  • sugar - 120 grams
  • vanilla essence or vanilla sugar - a couple of drops or a couple of teaspoons
  • baking powder - a quarter teaspoon

How to make curd pudding

Put cottage cheese, sugar and vanilla sugar (or drip the essence) into a bowl. Divide the eggs into yolks and whites. Add the yolks to the curd and put the whites in a separate bowl.

Thoroughly, using a mixer, mix the curd with the rest of the ingredients.

Add baking powder and flour and mix well again. The dough will be quite steep, especially if the curd was dry.

Whisk the whites, adding salt, until soft peaks.

Add a third of the whipped proteins to the curd. Stir very gently and carefully with a spatula or spoon, moving them from the bottom up - do not lose the air that enriched the protein and which will give softness and airiness to the future pudding. Next, lay out the remaining protein and gently stir again.

The curd mass from the steep will become soft.

Preheat the oven to t 180. Grease a baking dish with butter. Place the dough in the mold, spreading it evenly.

Bake for 40-55 minutes, check readiness as usual with a wooden stick. Remove the finished pudding from the oven, let it stand for 10-15 minutes, and then turn it over or remove it from the mold onto a dish.

Delicate curd pudding can be served warm or cold. Milk and fruit gravy are asking for him. In addition, it can be served with condensed milk, any jam, sour cream.


You can take cottage cheese for pudding of any fat content. If you use fat-free, then the baking powder can be omitted. You can also combine two types of cottage cheese: pasty and grains, in this case the texture of the pudding will be softer than if you take only grains.

Do not add a lot of flour, do not clog the curd flavor.

Curd pudding - recipe number 2, with cherries

By adding fruits or berries to the curd, we get a completely new taste and texture of the pudding itself. You can make curd pudding with any fruits (berries), but it is desirable that they are sweet. Dryer ones, such as cherries, are better suited so that excess liquid does not interfere with baking and raising during baking.

Sweet cherries are also good because they practically do not change their shape after baking, remaining the same elastic and attractive. It is ideal for those who do not like sugary sweetness.

Fruit Curd Pudding Recipe Ingredients

  • cottage cheese - 750 grams
  • cherries - 400 grams, pitted
  • eggs - 4
  • semolina - 80 grams
  • sugar - 150 grams
  • a pinch of salt, vanilla optional

How to make cherry curd pudding

Divide the eggs into yolks (in a deep bowl) and whites (not very deep). Whisk the yolks with sugar - the sugar should dissolve almost completely, and the yolks should increase in volume and lighten.

Put all the cottage cheese to the whipped yolks and mix thoroughly (you can use a mixer at low speed).

Add semolina, vanilla and add a small pinch of salt. Stir well again.

Whisk the whites until a firm but soft foam.

Pour the whites over the curd and stir. Do this carefully, lifting the curd mass from below. Do not use a mixer, only with a spatula or spoon.

Wash the cherries, dry them and remove the seeds. Grease a baking dish with butter. Heat the oven to t 180.
Place half of the curd dough into a mold. Place the cherries on top.

Then pour the second half of the dough and layer the cherries again.

Put in the oven for 50-1 hours. Check readiness with a wooden stick.

Let the pudding cool slightly, remove from the mold and serve. A variety of fruit and berry sauces, sour cream, jam, fruit, vanilla or plain yogurt are suitable for pudding.


If you want to make a pudding with cherries or canned fruits, be sure to remove excess moisture (discard on a sieve). Sour ones must first be sweetened, sprinkled with sugar and left for 20-30 minutes.

Semolina can be replaced with flour or cornstarch.

Curd pudding - recipe number 3, with sour cream

Undoubtedly, any curd pudding is delicious with sour cream. And what if you do not serve it with her, but do it? Two in one, so to speak. Here's a pudding, for example.

Ingredients for the recipe

  • cottage cheese - 750 grams
  • sugar - 150 grams + 6 tbsp. spoons
  • flour - 250 grams
  • eggs - 4
  • sour cream - 500 grams
  • vanilla - 1/2 tsp
  • soda - on the tip of a knife

How to make sour cream curd pudding

Beat together cottage cheese and 150 grams of sugar, add eggs one at a time, continuing to beat with a mixer.
Add flour and baking soda.
Grease the mold with butter, pour the dough and bake in an oven heated to 180 ° C for 45-50 minutes.
Remove, let cool for 15 minutes.
Mix the sour cream with the remaining sugar (if you are not sweet, add the amount of sugar) and vanilla. Spread over the surface of the pudding.
Refrigerate for 4 hours.


Use fatty sour cream to keep it from spreading.
Bake in a spacious pan to leave room for the sour cream. Remove the form after taking it out of the refrigerator.
Serve curd pudding with fruits or berries such as chopped strawberries.

Curd pudding - recipe number 4, with dried fruits and nuts

When there is no fresh fruit at hand, you can make curd pudding from dried fruits, taking, for example, dried apricots, raisins and prunes. And add some nuts. Despite such an abundance of additional ingredients, the pudding will turn out to be airy and tender.

Ingredients for the recipe

  • cottage cheese - 750 grams
  • eggs - 3
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla sugar - 15 grams
  • semolina - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • prunes - 50 grams
  • raisins - 100 grams
  • dried apricots - 60 grams
  • nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios - to your taste) - 100 grams
  • salt - a small pinch

How to make dried fruit and nuts curd pudding

Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Mix yolks, sugar And vanilla too) and cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass.
Pour in semolina, mix.
Cut prunes and dried apricots into small pieces.
Add nuts to the curd (you can grind a little beforehand), raisins, dried apricots and prunes, mix again.
Whisk the whites separately with a pinch of salt until soft peaks. Add them to the curd mixture (do it gently).
Lubricate the mold with butter, put the dough in it and put in the oven preheated to t 170 for 50 minutes.
Cool the pudding (first in the form for about 15 minutes, and then remove) and serve.

Curd pudding - recipe number 5, for children

It is unlikely that the baby can resist this curd pudding, even if he does not really like curd. Fragrant, airy, sweet - well, how not to eat this. If you have silicone baby molds, for example, bears or toy cars, flowers or others, then bake baby curd pudding in it - the shape also matters when it comes to children.

Ingredients for the recipe

  • cottage cheese - 600 grams
  • semolina - 60 grams
  • milk - 150 ml
  • egg - 3
  • sugar - 150 grams

How to make curd pudding for your baby

Cook semolina porridge in milk. Cool it down.
Divide the eggs into yolk and white. Beat the yolk with 100 grams of sugar, then add the cottage cheese and porridge, mix well.
Whisk the protein with the remaining sugar until stiff. Enter into the curd mass, do it carefully.
Molds (no curly ones, take small portions) grease with butter, put the curd mass, put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 20-30 minutes (if in small forms) or 40-50 (if in large).
Serve lukewarm with sour cream or berries.

Long ago, pudding was the name of a dish made up of leftovers from a wide variety of dishes - lemon or orange peel, chicken, eggs, raisins, sugar, sausage scraps and many other ingredients. But now pudding is no longer the remains of food, but a full-fledged dish that both children and adults love very much, which, moreover, is easy to prepare. And in this article you can read the top of the most delicious recipes for making pudding at home.

And before familiarizing yourself with our selection, we recommend that you look at the photo of pudding recipes that have already been published on our website:

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One of the simplest, but very tasty and fragrant desserts is orange curd pudding, which requires very little time and effort to prepare. First of all, you need to break 3 eggs into a bowl, add 100 grams of sugar to them and beat all this for 5 minutes using a mixer. Then the pudding recipe requires you to take 250 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9%, add juice squeezed from half an orange, juice and finely chopped peel from a whole orange to it, and then mix well.

Now all that remains is to mix the curd and egg mass, and then pour the resulting mixture onto a mold covered with parchment and oiled, which will need to be put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for half an hour. And in half an hour, the orange curd pudding will be completely ready for use!

If the previous recipe does not suit you, and you are looking for other options for how to make cottage cheese pudding, use the recipe for cottage cheese-semolina pudding, which conquers with its delicate taste. And first of all, you need to cook ordinary semolina porridge in milk, for which you first need to put 0.5 liters of milk on the fire, and as soon as it boils, add 150 grams of semolina there, and cook the porridge, stirring constantly until tender.

In the meantime, the semolina porridge is cooking, take a pound of cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9%, knead it, and immediately add a pinch of vanilla, 50 grams of raisins, finely chopped lemon peel and 4 egg yolks to it. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly and combine with the cooked semolina. After that, beat 4 egg whites with 50 grams of sugar until foam forms there, and combine them with the curd-semolina mass.

Now all that remains is to put the mixture in a mold covered with parchment and brushed with butter, and send it to the oven preheated to 1800 C. Bake the pudding until golden brown.

You will also love it.

Appetizing bread pudding

Thinking about what and how to make pudding at home once again, look around you in the kitchen and you will surely see a stale, half-eaten loaf or white bread that has already become hard as stone, but has not become moldy. Here it will be the basis for the preparation of another mouth-watering dessert.

First, let's prepare the ingredients for the pudding. To do this, break 250 grams of bread into small pieces, mix them in a plate with finely chopped three apples, pears or apricots, remove the peel and seeds from them, and set them aside.

Then we mix in a small saucepan a glass of milk, half a glass of sugar, a splinter of cinnamon and a teaspoon of vanilla, and send the resulting mixture to the fire. As soon as the milk boils, you need to remove the pan from the heat and wait a little for it to cool. After that, add 4 eggs to it and mix thoroughly.

Now all that remains is to put the bread and fruit on a mold covered with parchment and pour milk and eggs over them. Then you should wait 10 minutes until the bread is soaked in milk, and send the form to the oven preheated to 1800 C for half an hour. You can serve pudding with cream, jam, condensed milk, jam or honey at your discretion.

Rice pudding is popular with families and is similar to bread pudding. To make it, first pour half a liter of milk into a saucepan, then add finely chopped lemon peel, a glass of cream and half a glass of sugar there. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly, and then put the saucepan over medium heat. As soon as the liquid boils, remove the pan from the heat and add 50 grams of butter and finely chopped nutmeg to it.

Then we take 200 grams of rice, wash it thoroughly under running water and put it on a mold covered with parchment and oiled with vegetable oil. After that, pour the rice with liquid from a saucepan, and put the mold in an oven preheated to 1800C for 20 minutes. After this time, we take out the mold, mix the almost finished pudding, and then send it back to the oven and bake until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Sweet tooths will love the easy-to-prepare chocolate pudding. To prepare it, the first step is to grate 100 grams of dark chocolate. Then you need to melt 2 tablespoons of butter and mix them with 100 grams of flour, and then add half a glass of cream there, mix everything again and pour the mixture into a saucepan. We put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and immediately add grated chocolate, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of vanilla there. Then we wait until it all boils again and set the pan aside.

While the mixture is cooling, separate the yolks from the whites of 4 eggs, then beat them separately and add to the pan, then mix again. Now it remains only to cover the baking dish with parchment, grease it with oil, pour the resulting mixture there and send it to the oven preheated to 1800 C for 30 minutes. After the allotted time, we take out the mold from the oven, sprinkle the pudding with grated milk chocolate, cut it into portions and serve it to the table.

But also, be sure to try it, it turns out very tasty.

On holidays, chocolate-vanilla pudding, which is not only very tasty, but also looks very impressive, will be a great success. True, in order to cook it correctly, it is necessary to constantly look at the pudding recipe with a photo during cooking.

The first step is to mix a glass of sugar, 3 tablespoons of flour and a glass of milk in a saucepan, and then put the resulting mixture on medium heat. We wait until the mixture boils, reduce the heat and continue to cook it until it thickens, remembering to stir from time to time so that nothing burns. In parallel with this, melt 1 tablespoon of butter, and as soon as the mixture thickens, remove the stewpan from the heat, add oil to it and stir.
After that, you will need to divide the milk mixture in half, pouring half of the milk into another saucepan. Then add 2 tablespoons of vanilla sugar to one saucepan, and 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder to the other, after which we put both mixtures on fire, and cook until they thicken even more, remembering to stir.

Now it remains only to chop 3-4 walnuts with a knife for a layer and you can proceed to the last stage. To do this, take transparent cups and pour, alternating, mixtures from the first and second stewpan, between which we pour some nuts. Decorate the dessert with grated chocolate on top and send the holiday pudding for children and adults to the refrigerator for half an hour, so that it finally thickens.

Apple Banana Pudding

Apple-banana pudding, which is both tasty and rich in vitamins and minerals useful for the body, will be very nutritious for children and adults. To prepare it, you need to grate 2 sweet apples and 2 bananas peeled from the peel and seeds on a coarse grater, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to them, the same amount of lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly. Then grind 1 cup of rolled oats in a coffee grinder and add it to the fruit, after which we mix everything again. Then add 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 glass of milk to fruits and rolled oats - and mix again.

Then we take another bowl, break 4 eggs there, add a pinch of salt and half a glass of sugar to them, and beat it all until a white foam appears. As soon as the foam appears, pour the egg mixture into a bowl with the rest of the ingredients and, again, mix thoroughly. Now it remains only to transfer the mixture to the multicooker bowl, close it with a lid, set the "Fry" mode and bake the pudding in the multicooker for an hour. And after 60 minutes, the finished pudding can already be served with tea.