Is fish good for you? The healthiest fish for humans or which fish is healthier

08.08.2019 Lenten dishes

Surely many have heard that fish is a useful product that must be eaten as often as possible. No wonder our grandmothers and mothers were stuffed with fish oil throughout childhood, not paying attention to the fact that it is "tasteless and disgusting."

However, most likely, few people know why fish is so useful, how much it must be consumed in order for all the usefulness to get down to business and enrich our body.

First of all, we will cite a lot of useful fact: fish is an easily digestible product that does not leave heaviness in the stomach, and also contributes to good and easy health. Of course, people with absolutely healthy intestines and stomachs can be surprised, they say, what's the difference, how much is there and what will be absorbed.

But for the elderly, as well as for children, people with stomach problems, fish can become an irreplaceable food product, because it is absorbed in just 2-3 hours. If we take meat as an example, then the process of its assimilation can take up to 6 hours!

But fish is in no way worse than meat, on the contrary, its energy value is even higher. Some fish representatives may be 20% protein, a very valuable protein that contains all the 17 amino acids necessary for the human body, and in ideal proportions. And this is not all that fish is useful for.

The composition, for example, includes the well-known omega-3 fatty acid, which has an endless list of benefits: it favorably affects the health of the arteries, and also prevents the formation of blood clots that can clog arteries and lead to heart attack or stroke.

In addition, it is necessary for people who suffer from high arterial. In addition, omega-3 contributes to the normal functioning of the brain and eyes, prevents inflammatory processes in the body, and also helps to overcome them, helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

What vitamins are found in fish?

In this matter, fish is also not inferior to many food products known to man, it is rich in vitamins A, D, G, vitamins of group B, they must enter the body along with fats, some cannot be absorbed without them.

All fish are divided into 3 groups: low fat, medium fat and fat. For example, crucian carp and goby are low-fat fish, but salmon and saury are fatty types of fish. The more fat a fish contains, the more vitamin your body can get from eating it.

In addition to the vitamin content, it is also rich in valuable minerals: calcium and magnesium, which affect the healthy appearance of hair and nails, phosphorus, which is actively involved in energy metabolism, as well as fluorine, copper, zinc and potassium.

The indisputable benefit of sea fish, of course, is the high content of iodine, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Also, the caviar of sea fish contains a considerable amount of iron, it is often recommended in dietary nutrition, as well as in iron deficiency anemia.

As for the benefits of river fish, it is slightly lower, since marine fish is fatter than river fish, therefore, the content of such beneficial omega-3 fatty acids is lower. But at the same time, it is river fish that is the main supplier of easily digestible protein to the human body. That is why river fish can become an excellent dietary product, which can be safely consumed by people who are struggling with obesity and also have diseases from this area.

How to choose and cook healthy fish?

The taste and usefulness of fish depends not only on its variety, but, in many respects, on the conditions of its habitat, food, spawning period and, of course, the conditions of its storage. It is best to purchase fish from specialized fish stores, where a qualified specialist can advise you on a specific type of fish.

It can be dangerous to buy fish on the markets, as a rule, the control over the quality of the product is lower there, and the level of decency of the sellers is also very different. The main reason for the deterioration of fish products and the loss of their original quality is repeated freezing of the product. It is best to buy live or chilled fish, in extreme cases - frozen "in glaze", which means the presence of a light crust of ice, which is applied in a special way to the fish.

The main criteria for quality and fresh fish:

  • Pay attention to the gills, in fresh fish, they should be scarlet or burgundy, but not gray or black.
  • Fresh fish should not have a cloudy look.
  • The flesh of the fish should be firm and firm, without bluish or purple spots. When you press your finger on the carcass, the pulp should quickly return to its original shape. The meat of high-quality red fish should not have a yellowish tint, and the meat of white fish should not be dirty gray. Such shades indicate multiple frosts of fish.

There is an opinion that the most useful fish is an expensive fish, but this is not at all the case. Fish that are at the bottom of the food chain, that is, they feed on zooplankton, will be assimilated by the body much easier than rare and valuable specimens of predatory fish. Although there are expensive and rare species among fish lovers of zooplankton.

What is the healthiest fish?

The question immediately arises, which of the popular and consumed fish is the most useful? The question is complex, but we will try to give a few examples. Among the salmon species, it is believed that salmon are the most useful, they are able to slow down the aging process of the human body, and also carry out the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

If we turn to codfish, then pollock and haddock are useful, they are considered the most dietary types of fish, and are also very useful for pregnant women and expectant mothers.

Also useful are herring and sardines, which are considered one of the most nutritious fish (33% fat), which contributes to the high content of vitamins. But, for example, pike is a very dietary product, it contains only 3% fat. Among cyprinids, carp and crucian carp are very useful, they help to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and also have a beneficial effect on the health of the skin and mucous membranes.

As you can see, each fish is useful and unique in its own way, therefore, it is necessary to choose which one is best to use in your case, depending on your personal needs. But as for the cooking method, the most useful and safe way for health is grilling, as well as options for dishes where fish is baked and stewed.

In order for the fish to be able to enrich the human body with its useful substances and vitamins, as well as to maintain this process at the proper level, it is necessary to consume it 2-3 times a week, alternating between river and sea fish.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), eating fish and fish products about 2 times a week reduces the incidence of various diseases. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer, atherosclerosis - and this is not the whole list. Fish is the most unique product that, due to its composition, simply cannot be replaced. Fish contains all vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids.Such a content of nutrients and enzymes is no longer found in any food product known to science. Omega acids are the most valuable of all enzymes; their high content in fish helps the human body to equalize the amount of lipid and cholesterol that is dangerous for blood vessels. It is because of this property that nutritionists love fish so much. Cholesterol plaques are the main cause of atherosclerosis and heart attacks in humans. Fish is also the most favorite food of nutritionists, the process of digesting fish takes about two hours, while digesting the same amount of meat will take about five hours. Type of fish. Fish are divided into three types: fatty, medium and skinny. Protein is the main building material in the human body, and in fish the average content of complete and easily digestible protein is 15%, as well as irreplaceable elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body - iodine (for the central nervous system), zinc, phosphorus and fluorine. The statement that beneficial properties are contained only in live fish is erroneous. Fish is an amazing product in this sense, with proper storage, all useful and necessary substances and enzymes are preserved. But fresh river fish can be dangerous to the body. If the fish just caught from the river contains eggs of worms, then the use of such fish can negatively affect health. To avoid trouble, it will be enough to properly heat the product or salt it with a significant amount of salt. It is also a mistake to believe that the higher the price on the price tag in the fish store, the higher the amount of nutrients in this fish. Price and quality. Value for money is not about fish. If we take, for example, cod, in which a sufficiently high content of methionine, can prevent the deposition of fat in organs and normalize fat metabolism. And expensive types of fish, such as salmon, trout, are classified as oily fish. The consumption of such fish is not recommended for obese patients. Useful properties of river fish., And fish with a low fat content (lean - the fat content is no more than 8%) helps people with overweight and atherosclerosis to cope. In order to get all the beneficial properties of fish and not lose anything, you need to cook it properly. The most correct way is to boil the fish; baking or cooking over an open fire is also perfect. If the fish is baked in the oven, then it is necessary to discard the foil, because all the fat will be on the fish. During the frying process, some rules must be followed. The pan, preferably cast iron, should have thick edges. It is better not to cover with a lid when frying in order to avoid the accumulation of excess moisture, otherwise the appearance of the cooked fish will be unappetizing. The fish can be cooked over an open fire or over charcoal. In terms of beneficial enzymes, salting the fish is not the best option. All nutrients remain unchanged, but a high salt content is unacceptable for people with kidney disease, cardiovascular system. Eating smoked fish can negatively affect human health. When smoked, carcinogenic substances appear, which, if used regularly, contribute to the development of cancer. The highest content of such substances is in hot smoked fish. How to choose quality fish? There is a huge amount of fish in stores, but how to correctly determine the quality? A quality fish has red eyes and dark red gills. If there is mucus on the gills, and the eyes are cloudy, this is the first call that the fish is not the first freshness. The mucus on the skin surface should be colorless and free from foreign odors. When pressing on the scales, there should be no dents. At home, the freshness of fish can be determined by putting it in a bucket of water, fresh fish will sink to the bottom, and stale fish will surely float up. For a deeper and more detailed study, a special laboratory and specialists will be required. What is the healthiest river or sea fish? Marine is of course healthier - high content of fatty acids, vitamins and macronutrients. It is better to eat fish of medium or small size, as they do not have time to accumulate harmful substances. Also, proper preparation will help reduce the concentration of harmful substances. The fish was not only used as food. Properties known to us for a long time ... Even ancient healers discovered and actively used the medicinal properties of river fish. Fish glue was used for bleeding, and in some tribes, the liver of fatty fish was used to remove leucorrhoea. Some fish species have antibacterial and antipyretic properties. Time passes, science, thanks to its achievements, has advanced medicine far ahead. Insulin is now being obtained from fish, which is vital for patients with diabetes mellitus, pancreatin and other drugs. Fish is an amazing food that has a lot of positive aspects. Eating fish. Regular consumption of fish and fish products reduces the risk of dangerous heart diseases - heart attacks, by almost half. The heart is the perpetual motion machine of our body and fish, especially river fish, are ideal for prevention and treatment. It is impossible, because of dislike or harm, to refuse to use this product. If you eat fish at least once a month, then the positive effect will be much stronger than just eating meat products with vegetables. So do not forget about the properties of fish, and first of all, river fish, since it often appears on our table than sea fish.

Fish is a favorite food of many people. In addition, it is very useful, so it should be consumed as often as possible. The product is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals necessary for normal human development. The usefulness of fish is described in the article.

Beneficial features

What is fish good for? It is considered an easily digestible food that does not create heaviness in the stomach. With him you will feel good and easy. For the elderly and children, this food will be indispensable, since it is absorbed in 2-3 hours. If we compare with other products, then, for example, it takes about 6 hours to digest meat.

The energy value of fish is higher than meat. Some of its representatives are 20% protein, a protein containing 17 amino acids necessary for the body. What else is fish good for? It is fortified with fish oils. For example, it includes omega-3s, which have many positive properties: improving the condition of the arteries, protecting against the appearance of blood clots, due to which a heart attack or stroke can occur.

In addition, how is fish useful for humans? The product is essential for people who have high blood pressure. The omega-3 component is essential for the normal functioning of the brain and eyes. It prevents inflammation in the human body, reduces blood cholesterol.

What is contained?

In addition to vitamins, the product is enriched with valuable minerals. These include calcium, magnesium, which are required for a healthy look of hair and nails. Phosphorus is essential for participating in energy metabolism. The minerals include fluorine, copper, zinc and potassium.

A huge benefit of sea fish is the high content of iodine, which is required for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. This component is also present in caviar, therefore it is used in dietary nutrition and in case of anemia.

The most useful fish is sea fish. The river product contains less valuable omega-3 fatty acids. But it does include essential, easily digestible protein that everyone needs. Therefore, river dwellers are recommended for diets, as they are suitable even for those who are struggling with overweight.

Choosing a quality product

Taste and benefits are determined by the variety and habitat of the fish, the spawning period and storage conditions. It is advisable to buy it in specialized stores, where sellers advise on a specific type of sea or river inhabitant.

It is dangerous to buy products on the market, since quality control there is lower, and the decency of the sellers is different. The main reason for the deterioration of such goods is considered to be repeated freezing. It is advisable to choose live or chilled fish, but frozen “in glaze” is also suitable when the product is covered with a light crust of ice.

The following rules will help you choose high-quality and fresh products:

  1. You need to pay attention to the gills: for fresh produce, they are scarlet or burgundy, but not gray or black.
  2. Fresh marine and river inhabitants do not have a muddy appearance.
  3. The flesh should be firm and firm, without blue or purple spots. When pressed, it is important that it returns to its shape. The meat of the red variety of marine life should not be yellowish, and the white species should not be grayish. These signs indicate multiple frosts.

There is an opinion that the most useful fish is expensive, but this is not the case. Inhabitants feeding on zooplankton are assimilated by the body more easily in comparison with rare and valuable predators. What is the most useful fish for humans, described in the article.

Useful species

What kind of fish is good for humans? There is no unequivocal answer to this question, since many inhabitants are valuable for human health. Of the salmon, trout and salmon are considered the most useful. They slow down the aging process of the body, serve as the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Considering cod, it is preferable to choose cod, pollock, hake, haddock. These are dietary types of foods that are especially useful for pregnant women.

What other sea fish is healthy? It also includes herring and sardine. These foods are considered nutritious (33% fat). And pike is dietary, since it contains 3% fat. Of the carp, carp and crucian carp are considered useful, which strengthen the musculoskeletal system, have a positive effect on the health of the skin and mucous membranes.

Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally which is the most useful fish for humans. You should choose it as you wish. The safest cooking method is grilling, baking and stewing. You need to use the product 2-3 times a week, alternating river and sea types.


It should be borne in mind that marine and river inhabitants also have a negative impact. Only those organisms that have grown in natural reservoirs that are not polluted by industrial waste are useful. The fish can live in harmful water, it absorbs all the poisons. The harm is as follows:

  1. Salts of heavy metals were often found in tuna and salmon meat. It includes lead, cadmium, arsenic, strontium. These components are hazardous to humans.
  2. An adult contains many poisons. The packaging in stores usually does not indicate the age of the seafood.
  3. It is rare in which fish farms that the products are of really high quality. The mass is built up with biochemical additives. Sick individuals are also used for sale.

What are the consequences of eating sick fish? The downsides are as follows:

  1. Heavy metal salts have a harmful effect on the kidneys, adrenal glands, and ovaries.
  2. If the individuals are highly infected, they can affect the development of oncology and infertility in men.
  3. Due to old fish, the blood composition deteriorates, metabolism and the hormonal system are disrupted.
  4. The consequences include stomach irritation, dysbiosis, diarrhea.

It is almost impossible to recognize that the fish is sick when frozen. But be sure to look at the expiration date. You also need to pay attention to the belly: it should be light. Do not take products with yellowness. It is advisable to purchase a peeled fish. There are many harmful components in the intestines. And during storage, poisons enter the meat.


Thus, fish is only useful if it is fresh and caught in clean waters. Then it is usable. And a spoiled product will not bring any benefit.

Doctors say that all human diseases occur for three reasons:

  • Improper nutrition;
  • Incorrect temperature conditions;
  • Nervous disorders.

Obviously, one of the most important causes of serious negative consequences is unhealthy diet. To balance minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that can support a healthy body, a person should eat fish. Therefore, we all need to pay attention to drawing up a weekly diet in which these dishes will take their rightful place.

Useful properties of fish

Seafood contains many substances that are beneficial to humans. In particular, fish oil, which contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, is of great value. The liver and fillets provide the body with archidonic and linoleic acids necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and cell membranes.

Thanks to the consumed fish fillet, a person's cholesterol level decreases, the work of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems is stabilized.

So, nutritionists and chefs consider the following types of fish to be the most useful:

  • Tuna is 100% protein and tops the list of vitamin-containing seafood. At the same time, the calorie content of tuna does not exceed 80 kcal / 100g.
  • Salmon - trout, salmon, pink salmon - strengthen the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of blood clots, contain vitamins A, B, D, phosphorus, selenium, Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids;
  • Cod, the most useful part of which is the liver. With almost no cholesterol in its composition, cod pulp consists of protein (19%), fat (0.3%) and other useful substances. Cod strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body.

Sea fish: benefits for the body

Seafood contains many substances that are beneficial to the human body. Fish protein is easily absorbed by the body, and the nutritional properties of this food product beat all records.

Sea crucian carp, or dorada, is a very tasty product, although it is "fierce" in appearance. Its meat contains lauric, myristic acid, which prevents the formation of blood clots.

Flounder contains vitamins A and D in large quantities. The beneficial properties of selenium contained in flounder can hardly be overestimated. Interestingly, there are over 500 flounder species in the seas.

Salmon is low in calories and high in calcium and protein. It is important to take into account that fish raised in artificial reservoirs are not as useful as “wild” fish that live in the natural marine environment.

Capelin is the most charming marine life, which contains many useful substances. It tastes great and doesn't take long to cook.

What types of river fish are good for the body

In terms of its nutritional properties, river fish is slightly inferior to sea fish, but experts point to the presence of nutrients in individuals living in rivers. In particular, river fish is high in protein combined with amino acids, taurine, lysine and tryptophan. Moreover, nutritionists noted that such useful substances as phosphorus and calcium obtained with food from river fish are more easily and quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, for people adhering to dietary nutrition, doctors advise precisely river fish, since it is easier for the body to absorb.

Pike perch is a very tasty fish, it contains a lot of taurine and protein. In addition, dishes made from pike perch have long been distinguished by their unique aroma and excellent taste.

Carp is a freshwater ray-finned fish, very similar in nutritional properties to carp. In nature, there are several varieties of carp: scaly, mirror and naked. Currently, the more accessible commercial fish is the scaled carp, which lives near the coast.

Perch can be sea and river, while the fillet of river perch is softer. It is easily broken down by the body, and this is what nutritionists recommend to their patients.

Which one should women choose?

For the female body, fish living in the depths of the sea is of particular value. It contains: iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids. They are very beneficial for the normal development and functioning of the pelvic organs. This fish is especially useful during conception and gestation.

Halibut Atlantic lives at a depth of 300 - 2000 meters. This is a rather large fish that spawns at a depth of 300 meters. Fish meat has excellent taste. Of particular value is liver oil, which surpasses cod liver in the content of vitamins A and D.

Mackerel is the common name for 48 industrially harvested fish species. For the female body, Atlantic mackerel is of particular value, which in size can reach 80 cm in length. Interestingly, in spring, mackerel fillets are characterized by a low fat content (3%), and by autumn this figure increases to 30%.

Salmon, or Atlantic salmon, spends most of their life in the sea, but they spawn in fresh water. Eggs of fish develop in river pebbles from autumn to May, until hatching begins. After 2 to 5 years of growth and development, the fry become capable of "adult" life, after which they leave the river pebbles and go into the sea.

The best choice for the stronger sex

The beneficial properties of fish are due to the content of nutrients that contribute to:

Mackerel contains magnesium, sodium, fluoride and protein, which are easily absorbed by the body. The systematic use of mackerel increases erectile function, increases the rate of blood circulation in the genitals, and prevents the development of cancer.

Pink salmon contains sodium, zinc, chromium and fat-soluble vitamins that slow down the aging process and strengthen the strength of blood vessels. Pink salmon prevents the occurrence of hypertension, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system, stroke and heart attack.

Tuna contains the most useful vitamins B1, B6, B12, A1, the fillet of this fish is 25% protein. In addition, tuna contains a lot of iodine, molybdenum and cobalt. Regular consumption of this fish helps to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system and malignant neoplasms.

What fish to choose for feeding children

Oceans Environmental Alert recommends moderate use of fish in feeding children. One or two times a week is enough to feed the child with fish and provide the developing body with useful substances found in this wonderful food product.

What restrictions are pediatricians talking about?

In the presence of certain diseases (for example, rickets), the doctor prescribes fish oil for the child, but you should not experiment with this issue on your own.

If no contraindications have been established, then starting from 8-10 months you can prepare food for the child with fish spices. In particular, for children under the age of one year, you can cook cod, flounder, sea bass, pollock as bait. Later, for example, after 2 years, you can feed your child with medium-fat fish, dishes from carp, perch, trout or catfish. The fattest species - pink salmon, herring, halibut and sturgeon - can be used to feed children aged 5 and over.

Complementary foods should be started carefully, monitor whether the child has allergies with the introduction of fish dishes into the diet. Naturally, the first portions containing this product should be very small.

During the preparation process, special attention should be paid to the absence of seeds in the fish fillet. So that, as much as possible, vitamins and minerals are preserved in ready-made dishes, salted water should be used to defrost seafood.

For children, the fish is first steamed. Later, as the child's body gets used to fish dishes, baked or fried pieces can be served.

What is the most delicious and healthy fish

As an irreplaceable food product, fish attracts the attention of nutritionists, chefs, doctors and consumers. The elements and minerals found in seafood contribute to:

Persons wishing to have fish dishes in their diet should decide which types of it are better to use:

  1. skinny (1-4% fat);
  2. moderately fat (4 - 8% fat);
  3. fatty (more than 9% fat).

Fatty fish has a high content of Omega-3 acids. You will not be able to lose weight if you frequently consume salmon, mackerel, halibut, salmon and herring. However, once a week will be enough to supply the body with the nutrients found in these types of fish.

The following types belong to the category of medium fat content: pink salmon, tuna, carp, catfish, horse mackerel and other species. Dishes containing such fish can be enjoyed with pleasure 2 times a week, and at the same time do not worry about the figure at all.

Finally, lean fish that can be given to children as bait, as well as cooked and served on a common table, regardless of the frequency.

This species includes: cod, flounder, hake, blue whiting and pollock. This fish can be included in your daily diet and enjoy its excellent taste.

About which fish is considered the most useful by scientists, you can find out in the following video:

Before fish products reach your table, take care of your loved ones, and use the recommendations suggested in this article.

In contact with

Fish is one of the most beloved foods of people all over the planet. We love different fish: river, sea and ocean, white and red, oily and not oily. We eat it in any form and it pleases us with its unique tastes in the form of boiled, stewed, fried, baked, salted, pickled, smoked and even raw. There are many more supporters of fish than meat, because even some vegetarians eat fish, knowing what is in the contents of its meat.

It contains vitamins A, D, E, calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc.

Like chicken meat, fish contains very high quality protein, which is well absorbed by the human body. It, in turn, contains almost all the essential amino acids the body needs.

The benefits of fish are manifested in the following:

- saturation of the body with high-quality protein;

- normalization of blood coagulation function;

- lowering blood cholesterol;

- normalization of thyroid function and prevention of thyroid diseases;

- improvement of vision;

- normalization of the nervous system, improvement of memory, sleep, reduction of irritability;

- increase in life expectancy;

- improving the condition of the skin, hair, nails, bones and teeth;

- normalization of metabolism;

- helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases and strengthen the cardiovascular system

- fish does not lead to weight gain, even fatty fish, due to its unsaturated fatty acids, does not contribute to weight gain and when consumed, you can lose weight, therefore nutritionists often advise eating boiled or baked fish for losing weight.

Now it's worth talking about the dangers of fish. Fish can be harmed due to the action of several aspects:

- if the fish itself is harmful, contains harmful and toxic substances. It can be oily fish (contains fatty acids indigestible by the human body, therefore it causes severe intestinal upset and diarrhea), Brown Skalozub or Fugu (contains toxic substances in meat), Dog fish, Hedgehog fish, Spinhorn, Moonfish , Crimean barbel or madder, barracuda or sea pike - all these fish are toxic and can cause paralysis or even death;

- if the fish was stored improperly. Fish is a perishable product and requires special storage conditions.

- It is believed that smoked fish is harmful due to the excess in it of carcinogenic substances that cause cancer. Cold smoked fish is not very harmful, but hot smoked fish contains many carcinogenic substances.

How to eat fish?

How to choose a fish?

Fresh fish should have a pleasant specific fishy smell, it should not be unpleasant and harsh. The flesh of the fish should not be loose, it should be elastic and when you press it with your finger, quickly restore its shape. The color of fish meat can differ depending on the type of fish (it can be white, translucent, red-orange, pinkish-red), but should not be green or yellow.

How to store fish?

Fresh fish can be kept refrigerated or frozen. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several days, and in the freezer it can be stored for up to several months.

Says a lot about benefits of fish, but in order to get it exactly, you need to follow the rules for its selection, storage and preparation.

What kind of fish do you like and what do you think of it? Share your opinion in the comments below.