Bake a wedding cake with your own hands. DIY wedding cakes: the best recipes

30.04.2019 Lenten dishes

Regardless of the scale and splendor of the wedding, its indispensable attribute is the wedding cake. The fact that a wedding cake must be present at a wedding is far from accidental.

Since ancient times, wedding cake has symbolized abundance, and many rituals have been associated with it. For example, at the end of the wedding ceremony, the ancient Romans broke the cake over the bride's head, while the crumbs were gathered by the guests as a sign of good luck. In medieval England, guests brought pies with them, piled them up in the center of the table, and the bride and groom tried to kiss on top of a pile of pies. By the way, it was from this mountain that the tradition of making a wedding cake was certainly multi-tiered. The wedding loaf is mentioned in many ancient Slavic books; a lot of customs and signs are associated with it.

But another cake, the bride's, belongs to a vanished tradition, and little is known about it. Meanwhile, back in 1800, a wedding table was unthinkable without the bride's pie: without it, the chances of a marriage for good luck were considered minimal.

The shape of the bride's pie was invariably round, like the sun - a symbol of light and happiness.

By the way, in the old days, in addition to the bride's cake, there was also the groom's cake. Usually this was a kurnik with a figurine of a groom made of dough. In America, it was a special fruit cake - it was cut into pieces, each of which was placed in a separate white box tied with a white silk ribbon and decorated with the initials of the bride and groom. All the boxes were placed on a table by the front door, and each guest took a piece of cake with him before leaving the wedding reception. This custom is now not as widespread as it used to be, but you can still sometimes see the groom's cake at a wedding.

Of course, the wedding menu of different countries is very different, but the concepts with which this or that dish is associated are similar everywhere - probably because people everywhere seek to find happiness and find faithfulness in love and marriage.

In ancient times, the wedding cake was dark in color, but now wedding cakes are almost always white - the colors of the bride's dress, the color of purity, the color of the holiday.

The current wedding cake isn't just a holiday dessert. This is a work of culinary art. His appearance at the wedding is traditional, but in different countries it is furnished differently.

We all know our national custom, when the bride's parents hand over a loaf to the newlyweds from hand to hand. And whoever bites off a larger piece from him - the groom or the bride - will be the main one in the house. After that, each guest eats a piece of loaf, which should bring him happiness and prosperity. In Western countries, young people cut the cake together, as if thus performing their first conjugal task.

The cake is most often still ordered in a pastry shop, if the wedding celebration takes place in a cafe or restaurant, it is ordered there. But you can bake it yourself - it's not such a difficult business.

Wedding cake. Step by step recipe

For 6 servings: For cakes: 7 eggs, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of warm water, 175 g of sugar, 150 g of flour, 1 incomplete teaspoon of baking powder, 50 g of starch, 10 tbsp. tablespoons of cherry vodka. For spreading: 720 ml apricot jam. For cream: 600 g butter, 250 g icing sugar, 2 bags of vanilla sugar, 8 yolks, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cherry vodka.

For decoration: 100 g almonds, 80 g powdered sugar, 1/2 protein, 1 teaspoon of liquor, 150 g powdered sugar, some sugar balls.

For coloring marzipan mass: 50 g icing sugar, 15 g cocoa.

Cooking process

Prepare separately a biscuit mass for three cakes: separate the whites from the yolks, beat the yolks into a white foam with warm water and sugar. Sift flour, add baking powder and starch. Beat the whites until firm and add sugar. Gradually mix the whipped whites and flour mixture with the yolk cream. Pour the biscuit mass for one cake into a mold (30 x 25), oiled and sprinkled with flour, level. Bake the cakes in turn for about 50 minutes. in a preheated oven. Put the cakes to cool overnight.

Make cloud templates out of paper. Place two biscuit cakes next to each other, place a small and large template, cut out the clouds. Cut out the middle cloud from the third cake. Sprinkle the biscuit clouds with cherry vodka. Heat the apricot jam and pass through a sieve. Brush the top of the clouds with Jam and lay on top of each other. Spread the jam over the surface of the biscuit again.

To prepare the cream, beat the butter 15 foam. Add the sifted icing sugar and vanilla sugar. Gradually add, while continuing to beat, the yolks and cherry vodka. Grease the cake with cream.

Prepare marzipan mass for decoration. To do this, on the eve of cooking, pour boiling water over the almonds, dry, mince, knead thoroughly with powdered sugar, proteins and liqueur, put in a cold place for 24 hours. Then knead the marzipan mass again with powdered sugar. Color part of the marzipan with food coloring. Blind the "Bridegroom" and "Bride" from marzipan. Mix the powdered sugar with cocoa and a little hot water, grease the coat and the “Groom's” hat with this mixture. Cut out small stars from the remaining marzipan. Put the "Bridegroom" and "Bride" on the top cloud. Decorate the clouds with stars, colored sugar and sugar balls.

A very serious problem for many newlyweds in preparing for a future wedding is the choice of a wedding cake. After all, this is not only a beautiful decoration of the entire holiday, but also it is the main culmination of the feast. In addition, such a cake will be immortalized, as it will forever remain in the multi-colored photographs taken during the feast. Therefore, the choice of such an important element should be taken very seriously.

In this article, we will look at several recipes for making delicious cakes that are perfect not only for a wedding, but also for other holidays. You will be able to use these recipes, for example, also on.

Biscuit dough wedding cake with butter cream

How do we imagine a modern wedding cake? It should be beautiful, large, white, and most importantly tasty. This is a standard three-story sponge cake with butter cream. Why biscuit dough? Because it is easy to prepare and almost any kind of cream will suit it, and moreover, the biscuit can be prepared with chocolate or other additives, which is an excellent composition. Therefore, biscuit dough is used in most sweets.

The preparation of our cake consists of three main processes: preparation of biscuit dough, butter cream and sugar syrup to soak the cake. Let's start with the first one. To bake a great biscuit dough, you need the following ingredients:

  • 100 g flour;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 15 vanilla sugar.

These ingredients are easy to find, and the dough from them will turn out to be very tasty, so the method of making a biscuit is not very difficult. First you need to prepare a baking dish. To do this, it is advisable to lightly grease it with oil. It is important that the butter is of good quality, then the dough will be tender. Next, you need to sift 100 g of flour twice and separate the chilled whites from the yolks.

As many famous culinary experts advise, you should very carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Beat them well on medium mixer speed so that a lush foam forms. Continue whisking the whites, adding a little sugar to them. After you have successfully dealt with the proteins, we will deal with the yolks. To them should be added half the amount of sugar required for the cake (75 g), as well as vanilla sugar.

The resulting mass must be thoroughly grinded until it increases in volume. Add the whipped whites with sugar to the yolks and stir. Also add the sifted flour and stir again. We should have a good dough consistency. It must be carefully laid out in a prepared form and leveled. The biscuit is baked in a preheated oven (180 ° C) for about 35 minutes.

The next technological process of making our cake is butter cream, it can be with any fillings: condensed milk, sour cream, or just creamy. To prepare it you need:

  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon regular sugar
  • 1 egg;
  • 0.5 tablespoon heavy cream;
  • 250 g butter.

It is prepared like this: first you need to heat the cream and sugar, stir and gently add the egg there. Cool the resulting syrup. Next, you need to knead the butter in a bowl, add our syrup to it and beat this mixture, adding vanilla sugar.

In order for our cake to be well saturated, it is also necessary to complete the third process - the preparation of sugar syrup. Only 2 ingredients are needed to make it:

  • 100 g sugar;
  • 40 g of water.

Preparing this syrup is very simple. You just need to pour 100 g of sugar into a saucepan, pour cold water and boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. It remains only to thoroughly soak the biscuit cakes with the prepared syrup and decorate the cake beautifully. Such a three-story product can be used both for the wedding itself and for the anniversary. In any case, he will definitely pamper you on any occasion!

Wedding cake with white chocolate and butter cream

How often do you think people who have been married for a whole year have a feast? Moreover, do they prepare a cake for the wedding year? Of course. After all, a wedding anniversary is an individual holiday date for each married couple, which has its own traditions, rituals and customs. Technologically correct cake is perfect for such an event, not only for its appearance, but also for its taste. This cake is very easy to make with your own hands. Now you will see for yourself.

To make the dough for the cake we need:

  • 200 g of white chocolate;
  • 250 g butter;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder.

The following ingredients are needed for the cream:

  • 250 g white chocolate;
  • 130 g butter;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of cherry vodka;
  • ¼ l fresh cream.

For filling:

  • 100 g of jelly of your choice;
  • 1 tablespoon cherry vodka

So, now that we know all the necessary ingredients, let's start cooking. First, cut the white chocolate into small pieces and heat it in a water bath. Let it cool down. The chocolate should be warm and creamy. Next, you need to beat the butter with sugar, as well as the egg yolks, but in a separate container. After that, you need to mix the baking powder with sifted flour and add to the whipped yolks. Beat the whites separately and add them to the general process along with white chocolate. The cake dough must be baked at 180 degrees for about 45-50 minutes. It is advisable to cut a well-baked cake into several separate plates of the same thickness.

To properly prepare the cream for this wedding cake, it is important to bring the cream to a boil and add the chocolate to it at that time. Next, you need to soften the butter and beat it well with a mixer. After that, add cream and chocolate to the butter in small portions, during this process it is important to stir the mixture all the time. When everything is ready, it remains only to add cherry vodka to the finished cream and mix the mass again.

The assembly of the cake, as well as the process of its preparation itself, does not have any particularly difficult culinary tricks. Saturate the bottom of the cake with cherry vodka - this will make it even more delicious and aromatic. Put a thin layer of jelly on the bottom cake and grease it with cream. Put the second cake on top of the structure and on the sides, the resulting part of the cake, grease with cream. And so on ... Such a cake can be made with a huge number of floors, but the main thing is not to go too far. Present this cake to your guests for their wedding anniversary. We are sure that everyone will be satisfied. Enjoy your meal!

Wedding bustle! I think every girl, woman faced her on the eve of her own wedding or the wedding of her daughter, son. A lot of things need to be prepared: rings, outfits, a bouquet, a hall, a table and, of course, the main attribute - a wedding cake!

Well, since we have a culinary site, we will make a homemade wedding cake with our own golden handles! I doubt very much that it will be the bride who will cook it, more likely a mother or mother-in-law, or maybe a grandmother or aunt will have enough strength to please her granddaughter / niece?

Homemade wedding cake recipe:

  1. Prepare a honey biscuit for the base. In order for the cake to be tall and voluminous, you will need to bake 2 biscuits and divide them into cakes. First, prepare one biscuit. Sift 2 cups flour.
  2. Beat separately until white and bulky: 3 eggs, half a glass of sugar and a pinch of salt.
  3. Take 3 rounded tablespoons of honey and melt over the fire, as soon as it melts, add 1 tsp. soda and as soon as the reaction begins, bubbling soda, immediately remove from heat and stir.
  4. Add honey to the beaten eggs and beat well. Whisking a little or stirring well, add all the flour there.
  5. Cover a baking dish (30 cm in diameter) with parchment, pour the dough into a large mold so that it takes up 1/3 part. Cover the top of the mold with foil to prevent it from burning. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes. Check the readiness with a stick, if the dough sticks, put it back in the oven for another 10-15 minutes.
  6. Remove the foil from the mold. Line a cake rack with a tea towel and gently place the biscuit on top of it. Remove the parchment from the biscuit. Leave to cool for 6-12 hours. Make another biscuit as well.
  7. When the biscuits are cold, divide each of them into 2-3 cakes.
  8. Now let's prepare the cream. Whip 600ml of special store-bought cream "for whipping" 30% fat, add 1 ordinary jar of boiled condensed milk and beat again. You will get a caramel cream.
  9. Place an even bottom crust on a cake stand. Divide the cream into 4-5 equal pieces and brush over each crust. The top cake should be even and do not smear it on top with cream.
  10. Now we are preparing a cream for sugar mass (mastic). Separate 6 egg whites, add some salt, 2 bags of vanilla sugar. Whisk in a water bath, add 1 cup sugar and beat more. Cool the proteins slightly. Remove from the bath and beat until stable peaks. Add in pieces 1.5 packs of butter (82% fat) and beat until well thick, white.
  11. Spread the butter and protein cream on the cake thinly, leveling under the mastic. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours until the oil solidifies.
  12. You can make mastic and various decorations to your taste!
  13. Previously, we make lace from icing, roses, flowers, paint them in a silver color with a spray and when they dry, decorate the cake on the sides.
  14. We wrap the cake with white mastic and decorate, in the center we put a figurine of the bride and groom.

for biscuit:

  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 3 tbsp honey

for cream:

  • 600 ml whipping cream (30% fat)
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk

for mastic cream:

  • 6 proteins
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 pack. vanilla sugar
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1.5 packs of good butter (82% fat)

Making a cake for a wedding is a good way to distract yourself from thoughts and worries about what could go wrong.

Of all the wedding moments, I knew most accurately that I would cook the cake myself. And there was not a single person who would support this decision. Therefore, the desire to conduct such an experiment and prepare a wedding cake for 35 guests has only grown.

To make a wedding cake, an amateur level of knowledge, like mine, will be enough.

Making a cake for your wedding is easier than for someone else. This is you and your close relatives and friends. Of course they will say that it was delicious for them :) Like by friendship is familiar to everyone.

And if it's no joke, then I was preparing a cake with thoughts of how the guests would like the cake. After all, I love baking, and I wanted to convey my joy and gratitude to them through the cake.

We all know how many worries a bride has the day before, and even more on her wedding day. This is a meeting of visiting guests, coordinating all involved people, preparing outfits for the newlyweds, answering numerous phone calls, making up, hairstyling and, most importantly, getting some sleep. And this is the case if you have an organizer and decorator who will take over the decoration of the hall and coordinate the staff.

In my case, there were no wedding coordinators, organizers, managers, we took over the entire organization, and, despite this, the cake was prepared. If you have wedding assistants, it will be even easier for you to cope.

I must say right away that my thoughts and judgments are relevant for those who love and know how to cook.

Before you put on your apron and tackle the cake, read on for tips that can help you avoid pre-wedding chaos.

10 tips for brides who decide to make their own wedding cake

1. Judge your strengths

Can you bake cakes? If the answer to the first question is yes, do those around you agree? Do you taste good? Do you like to cook? Do you easily deal with stress and many things at the same time?

Remember, there is no turning back. The day before the wedding, it will be very difficult to find someone who will make your cake. If you make your own cake, your act and your wedding will not be forgotten soon. But if you cannot assess your strength, there is a chance to be left without cake at all and spoil your mood well.

2. Try to close as much wedding affairs as possible in advance

Free the last two days before the wedding. Even if things seem very small. For example, cut out elements for a competition, or run in to buy missing balls or eggs for a cake. Small things like this take up the most time on the eve of the wedding.

Bake biscuits 2-3 days before the wedding. The biscuits can be stored wrapped in foil in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Prepare the cream on the eve of assembly / wedding day, and refrigerate to stabilize overnight. The cream can be prepared much in advance and frozen.

3. Buy ingredients with a stock

Just in case, buy twice as many ingredients as indicated in the recipe. Even if the ingredients remain, you use them at home. For me, this very point was the reason for the exit from the schedule. When I was finishing decorating the cake, there was not enough cream to decorate the top sponge cake. And for a new batch of cream, there was not enough curd cheese, I had to run to the store. But, thanks to the well-laid down time, my fiance managed to run to the nearest store. It's good that the groom has less worries on the eve of the wedding)

4. Don't overcomplicate

We live in a wonderful time when simple eco-friendly decor came into fashion. Mastic cakes and butter flowers with ruffles and beads look out of date and not appetizing.

The wedding cake does not need to be completely covered with cream. The best option is a naked cake. The color of the biscuits can be light or dark. It will be beautiful if you shade the cream with a different color. You can decorate the cake with fresh flowers or seasonal fruits, depending on the theme and season.

5. Use a proven recipe

Leave the experiments with the recipe and design for another day.

We recommend making a trial cake a few weeks before the wedding in a smaller proportion. You can get together with friends and take a sample, from this everyone will only be delighted. I did just that, a week before the wedding I made a cake and already knew that everything would turn out deliciously and according to plan, so on the eve of the wedding I was not nervous about the cake.

I have already published the recipe for a naked cake that I prepared for my wedding, only the proportions of the ingredients were twice as large.

6. Only make a cake if you love it

If you decide to make a cake just because it is expensive for you to afford a fancy big cake, it is better to give up the cake altogether. You can buy candy and cookies at the store, replace the cake with a candy bar.

Only bake if you really enjoy the cooking process.

7. Prepare your "workshop"

If you are planning to accommodate guests from other cities, you need to make sure that while preparing and decorating the cake, crowds of relatives do not hang over you with outstretched phones, broadcasting everything to Instagram and giving advice on how best to do it. When someone is watching from the side, we always try to show our skills, this is a hurry and irritation.

Free up the kitchen just for yourself while assembling the cake, send everyone on the wedding day to see the surroundings of the city. Although one assistant to help clean up and wash the accumulating dishes will not hurt you.

8. Clean up the kitchen

Try to hide all unnecessary items and ingredients in kitchen cabinets.

Leave or bring into the kitchen only what you need.

Remove any wedding materials from the kitchen that may be in there. Those who were preparing for the wedding are aware that wedding decor materials are scattered throughout the apartment: ribbons, bows, bonbonnieres, extra boxes for bonbonnieres, printed toppers, attributes for contests, etc.

9. Consider transporting the cake to the restaurant

If you do not go directly to a restaurant from home, you need to find a responsible person who will deliver the cake there. To deliver the cake intact in the car, it is better to transport it on the floor. The cake can also be transported fixed in the trunk if it is a cool season. It is important to provide the cake with a strictly horizontal surface. The temperature in the car should be cool. The sun should not fall on the cake. The larger the cake, the lower the speed.

10. Adjust the time

The time that you think you will spend on preparing the cake, double.

Scenario for making a wedding cake

2 days before the wedding.

Prepare biscuits. The biscuits themselves do not take long to prepare, about 1.5 hours for 1 batch, but anything can happen, so two days before the wedding, I set aside a day for making biscuits, although I finished it in 4 hours. The main time for making biscuits is baking and cooling them in the oven, so you can do other things in parallel.

Prepare the fillingif you have it in your recipe. Also, do not forget that the filling can be ordinary jam, nutella or condensed milk. I had a lemon curd, I cooked it in a week and kept it in the refrigerator. The second filling I had was raspberries, ground with sugar, which I cooked back in the summer.

1 day before the wedding.

Buy flowers or fruitswith which you will decorate the cake.

Prepare the cream - it's fast. It needs to be done the evening before assembly day, so that it is as fresh as possible and has time to stabilize overnight. If you have enough ingredients at home, it shouldn't take more than an hour to make the cream.

The night before also needs cut biscuits on even layers. Then wrap them again with foil, or place them in a bag so that air does not penetrate, and return to the refrigerator.

And the last thing to do the day before is make syrup if you have it in your recipe.

Wedding day.

You have all the blanks, only collect cake.

It is easiest to assemble a naked cake with open biscuit cakes, even if there is some kind of untidiness, it will not be striking on it. You will succeed!

And here's what I got:

Alternatively, you can assemble the cake the night before the wedding by moving my script. Assemble the cake, pack it in a box, and wrap the box in plastic wrap to prevent the cake from absorbing odors. The cake can be delivered to the restaurant the day before.

I also want to add that even if your cake doesn't look 100% perfect, it won't matter. Guests can see the cake for a couple of minutes, most of all they will appreciate the taste. For example, I managed to make a beautiful and even cake, but it didn't work out like that. In the restaurant, the cake was straightened as best they could with whipped cream at hand, but the curvature of the cake was slightly visible. So what? But I have one more story in my piggy bank.

Despite everything, the cake turned out to be very tasty, some guests still remember the taste of the cake. One of my friends asked me to cook the exact same cake for her son's birthday, and the second guest finally tasted the cake only after 4 slices.

I was pleased with this initiative. I often want to relive that day again, and, dreaming about that day, I make a cake in it.

It is difficult to imagine a wedding without a cake - a huge, multi-storey one, symbolizing the sweet life of the newlyweds. Confectioners offer a variety of options for a fabulous dessert, but if you want to put a piece of your soul into a treat, then why not make it yourself? Despite its impressive appearance, even those who are not very friendly with the kitchen can make a wedding cake.

There are many options for both the base and the impregnation of the cake. Sponge cake, shortcrust pastry, honey cake - choose what you like best. As for the filling, it is better to use light options - soufflé, yogurt, cream, since there may simply not be room left for a hearty butter cream at the end of the banquet.

Idea! Simple and tasteful - soak the cakes with syrup or cover with melted chocolate.

For the cakes, choose a base that is easy to cut - biscuit, muffin, well-soaked shortbread dough. The waffle layer or meringue will inevitably deform and crumble during the portioning process.

Pros of home cooking

Of course, you can order a ready-made cake, but if you decide to make it yourself, you will be able to:

  • showcase your talents;
  • choose the best and freshest products;
  • get absolute confidence that there are only safe substances in the cake;
  • to save a decent wedding budget without losing the taste of the dessert.

A good solution for beginners is a thin layer of sliced \u200b\u200bfruit or berries. Apples that darken quickly or other chopped fruits that lose their attractive appearance in the air are poured into jelly.

Unusual options can be used. For example, instead of one large cake, put the same cakes or cupcakes on a multi-tiered stand. In this case, the treat does not need to be cut, and each guest will receive the same piece.

It's easy to create and cake from candy or cheese heads. In this case, you don't even have to approach the stove. If you have experience in making pies, the cream cake is replaced with tall loaves, pies or pies, which fit perfectly into a rustic wedding or rustic style.

Size and weight

Before you start cooking, it's worth calculating how many servings you need. It depends on the number of guests, as well as on their taste preferences, because someone is eating a spoonful of dessert "for decency", and someone is asking for a supplement. One serving is approximately 150 g.

  • If the cake is heavier than 3 kg, then it is better to make it multi-tiered. So the structure will turn out to be stable and will definitely not fall apart during transportation;
  • If the weight of the wedding cake has exceeded 5 kg, then a third tier is required;
  • The maximum number of tiers you can cook at home is five. If you try to make the cake higher, then it will turn out to be unstable;
  • Each subsequent tier must be made lighter than the previous one by 2-3 kg;
  • The bottom base should be the largest and heaviest. Other intricate options are possible, but their implementation requires a lot of experience in the pastry craft.

Design and color

The wedding cake can be multi-tiered or solid, depending on the preferences of the young people. The classic round shape is still the most popular., but no one bothers to come up with something of their own: starting from a polygon-star and ending with complex drawings in the form of two connected hearts, angels, doves or a flower basket.

Several tiers of a wedding cake do not need to be placed one above the other. An equally elegant solution is a multi-level stand for each part. Such a cake looks amazing and is more convenient to cut.

Courageous newlyweds order a treat in the form of a suitcase, a giant “love is…” gum or their own volumetric sculpture, but such masterpieces cannot be created without experience on their own. However, even with the usual rectangular or round shape, the individuality of the base is given with the help of an original decor.

The color of the newlyweds is limited only by the style of the wedding. A time-tested classic - a snow-white cake or dessert in soft pastel shades of pink, blue, ivory. A bolder decision is to use your leading accents - green, purple, red, even black. And a wedding cake with polka dots or stripes will not leave anyone indifferent!

Idea! The "naked" cake is very popular. Not covered with anything from the sides, it appetizingly demonstrates the cakes with filling, and berries, fruits and cream become a wonderful addition.

What is required?

To make a DIY wedding cake, you will need the following tools:

  • molds for cakes of different sizes, while the biscuit feels better in a detachable tray, and the cake - in a silicone one;
  • blender or mixer (it is difficult to prepare such an amount of product with a hand whisk);
  • baking paper;
  • sieve;
  • several deep bowls for mixing ingredients;
  • beaker;
  • well sharpened knife;
  • scapula;
  • rolling pin;
  • cutting board;
  • a saucepan for making syrup;
  • for jewelry - a syringe or a bag with attachments.

Step-by-step master class

The recipe below will make it easy for you to make a delicious treat yourself. In the indicated proportions, the cake will turn out to be not very large, one-tiered, for 12-15 people.

The foundation


  • 0.5 kg of butter;
  • 0.5 kg of flour;
  • 12 eggs;
  • 0.5 kg of almonds;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • lemon zest;
  • salt;
  • a teaspoon of nutmeg.


  1. Separate the whites from the yolks;
  2. Grind the yolks with butter and sugar, add nutmeg, zest and ground almonds to the resulting mixture;
  3. Beat the whites with a mixer, add salt and sifted flour. Combine the resulting mass with the yolk part;
  4. Distribute the dough into forms and put in a slightly warmed-up oven;
  5. Bake at 200 degrees until tender;
  6. After the base has cooled, set it to "rest" for 12 hours.



  • 330 g sugar;
  • 6 eggs;
  • juice from 6 lemons;
  • 0.5 l of whipping cream;
  • 140 g butter;
  • 10 sheets of gelatin.


  1. Melt butter, soak gelatin;
  2. Beat the yolks with the zest and lemon juice, add them to the melted butter. The food temperature should be the same - room temperature, therefore, the eggs must be removed from the refrigerator a few hours before cooking, and the ghee must be cooled after removing from the heat;
  3. Put the resulting mixture in a water bath. While stirring, gradually add sugar;
  4. As soon as the sugar has dissolved and the mixture begins to acquire splendor, add gelatin and grind;
  5. Cool to room temperature;
  6. When the cakes are "resting", grease them with the resulting cream.

The delicacy is ready, now it remains only to arrange it to taste.


The decor of the wedding cake does not limit the imagination: coconut flakes, frosting, marzipan, fondant. You can paint on the cake like on a canvas, mold figures, set the next tier, which will differ in shape from the previous one.

In addition to edible decoration, there are artificial flowers, figurines made of plastic or other material, ribbons and much more. It is not at all necessary to dwell on one thing, but you should not forget about moderation either. Often, neat, creamy lace looks much more elegant than a complex, heterogeneous and multicolored composition.

Important! It is not recommended to use fresh flowers in contact with the edible part for decoration. Firstly, you do not know how you treated the buds, and secondly, some of the guests may have an allergy. If you want to decorate the dessert with flowers, then use special mounts or miniature stands for them.


The glaze is prepared elementarily from powdered sugar, butter and vegetable oils, milk, vanilla, and a drop of blue food coloring to neutralize yellowness.

If desired, you can add a dye of a different color, then the glaze will not be pure white, but any other shade you wish. If you do not spare the pigment, the glaze will acquire a rich dark color.

Usually the entire surface is poured with glaze, but all kinds of drawings with inscriptions can be created from it.

Colored chocolate

If you love chocolate, but want a bright unusual shade, then food colors will come to the rescue again.

Add them to regular white chocolate, previously melted in a water bath. The resulting mixture is poured over the top of the cake entirely like icing or patterns are drawn and inscriptions made.

Idea! Decorative chocolate smudges around the edges look extremely appetizing.


Mastic allows you to create a wide variety of figures - young, rings, doves. Flowers sculpted from mastic look very gentle and elegant. Just create the desired outlines by remembering how they sculpted in childhood from plasticine or polymer clay. Doubt you have the necessary artistic talent? The mastic also looks good when applied in a continuous layer.

A delicious delicacy is prepared simply - from sugar, proteins and gelatin. You can also add marshmallow melted in the microwave. Such mastic looks more spectacular, but it is more difficult to form.


A very cute decoration that will appeal to both children and adults. Figures can be either classic in the form of a bride and groom, small white birds, hearts, angels, or completely unique, reflecting the hobbies and interests of the newlyweds, or - a bicycle, a tourist tent, a piano.

You can place one large part in the center or make a whole composition of smaller ones. Chocolate, mastic, cream, marzipan are used as material for making figurines.

If there is no time for jewelry work, ready-made artificial figures are used. But if you chose the latter option - one large ready-made plastic figure or several small ones, do not forget to remove them before you start cutting the cake.


In addition to the classic stand of dishes located at different heights, there are also completely unexpected solutions - stands in the form of a carriage, a tower, a waterfall.

The material from which the accessory is made also varies - iron, food grade plastic, wood. Gold or silver plating is often used, giving the baked goods an aristocratic look. And on a glass stand, a wedding cake will "float" in the air, attracting admiring glances.

The shape of the stand does not have to follow the geometry of the cake. You can place square baked goods on an oval dish and round ones on a heart-shaped tray. The main thing is that the cake fits entirely on the stand without hanging over the edge. It is a good idea to place special cake bases on each dish. So you can be sure that the delicacy will not collapse around the edges at the most exciting moment and will not even melt on.

From sweets

Candy cake - an amazing end to an unusual banquet, which will delight all guests with its original performance. Making it yourself is very simple.

You will need:

  • styrofoam;
  • wrapping paper or thin cloth;
  • satin ribbon;
  • corrugated paper;
  • individually wrapped sweets or chocolates (preferably rectangular).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We cut out two circles from polystyrene: one is smaller, the second is larger;
  2. From above we glue the foam with a cloth or wrapping paper;
  3. We decorate the side edge with flounces made of corrugated paper, and on top we attach candies one after another. It is best to fix them on double-sided tape, but you can also use glue;
  4. We tie the cake with satin ribbons, if desired, add any other decor - feathers, beads, bows.

Culinary secrets

  • Be sure to sift the flour for the biscuit dough so that the finished cake turns out to be airy;
  • Never beat the yolks in an aluminum bowl - they will darken;
  • All products are brought to the same temperature before mixing;
  • Fill the baking dish with the mixture no more than two-thirds, because your biscuit will rise a lot when cooking;
  • Shortcrust pastry should not be kneaded for too long, otherwise it will lose its softness;
  • Strive to ensure that the rolled sand cake is of the same thickness over the entire surface;
  • Shortcrust pastry does not require additional oil on a baking sheet;
  • Place the crust in a well-preheated oven. Too low or, on the contrary, too high an initial temperature will deteriorate the appearance of the product;
  • Try not to open the oven door too often, otherwise the middle of the cake will sag;
  • The readiness of the test is checked with a wooden stick or a toothpick. When piercing the base, it must remain dry;
  • Do not take out the finished cake immediately, leave it to cool slightly in the oven already turned off - this way it will retain its splendor;
  • To make the dough easier to separate from the walls, place the baking sheet in a container with cool water for a few minutes;
  • If you have not tried any decor option before, for example, cream roses from a bag with a nozzle, then be sure to practice before placing decorations on the surface of the cake.

Advice! If a mistake in decoration is still made, do not be sad. The defect can be hidden with decor.

Useful video

Not a single wedding feast is complete without such a delicacy as a cake, but any hostess can bake it. How to do it - in the video:


A handmade wedding cake will surely please guests and leave pleasant memories. Unique design and favorite taste solutions - all this will add uniqueness to the holiday, remind about the peculiarities of the heroes of the occasion. Making a confectionery miracle is not difficult. The main thing is quality products, time, recipe and, of course, a little imagination.