Open a brewery. Private brewery: instructions for opening

03.09.2019 Meat Dishes

What is the most popular alcoholic beverage today? Of course, beer. A mug of cool life-giving moisture with noble bitterness and honey flavor makes us forget about all life's problems and failures.

However, the beer culture today is far from being up to par. This is especially true in Russia, where a "live" drink is considered a rather rare occurrence, and bottled and canned versions often have low taste. And you can make good money on this if you approach the matter wisely and with a sufficient amount of initial cash investments.

A home brewery is an excellent business option. This is a lucrative business that, with the right approach, will certainly bring you great income. And it's not just about the hot summer season. After all, the demand for a hoppy drink remains at any time of the year.

How to choose and equip a place

It all depends on how exactly you plan to sell your products. On average, a mini-brewery occupies approximately 50-80 square meters of production area (depending on the bulkiness and amount of equipment). This is the hallmark of small businesses in this area. A full-fledged beer production plant occupies an average of 100-300 square meters of area.

If you plan to ship a drink, then a technician should drive up to the premises without any problems. Be sure to provide for a separate room (warehouse) for storing ready-made beer and raw materials. The room must be equipped with a good system of uninterrupted ventilation, central sewerage, heating, and electrical wiring. In addition, do not forget about fire safety.

How to open a microbrewery? First of all, the room you have chosen must pass all checks without fail. To get started, the following permits will be required: SES - for the start-up and installation of equipment, state fire supervision, energonazdor, ZhEK - for the proper operation of the sewerage and water supply.

If you decide, in addition to the brewery itself, to open also a private retail outlet, then choose a room on the busiest street with a convenient location close to public transport stops. Renting such an office will be more expensive, but the business will pay off much faster.

Technical question

Brewery equipment is at the heart of this business. The level of the final product, as well as its taste, depends on how reliable and high-quality the equipment will be.

The basic set of equipment for brewing beer independently includes several items: a container designed for primary fermentation, a vessel of technological properties, a laboratory set, and a transfusion system.

Things like this are pretty easy to maintain. Such a minimum set will allow you to produce 500-700 liters of wonderful beer per day. But imported and more expensive equipment with high technical characteristics can produce a volume of 2000 liters. To dispense beer on tap, you must first buy special sealed kegs.

We purchase ingredients

Raw materials are an equally important aspect. A homebrewery won't be popular with customers if you consistently skimp on ingredients. As a rule, the standard set of raw materials required for beer production includes dry special yeast, hopped malt concentrate.

It is also necessary to acquire a special detergent and disinfectant, otherwise the SES will certainly note the fact that there are no components necessary for the work in its conclusion. Establish a constant, uninterrupted supply of raw materials. A brewery as a business is only profitable if it works without delay. Therefore, be sure to keep in mind at least one other supplier besides the selected main one.

Recruiting staff

If we are talking about a basic set of equipment for a mini-brewery, then the technique in this case can only be serviced by one person. However, you may well consider night shifts.

In addition, someone will have to keep the accounting department of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The room needs to be cleaned and cleaned regularly. An individual can take on these responsibilities. The second option is an additional payment to an existing employee.

A brewery as a business is a profitable business in itself. But if a retail outlet for a hop drink or a bar is opened in parallel, it is necessary to count on additional costs in the form of remuneration of labor for a larger number of employees. People should have an active lifestyle and be able to quickly serve visitors. To pay off the cost of employee salaries, assign a "deal". Therefore, the person will be directly interested in serving as many clients as possible.

We calculate the budget

The business plan for a brewery is relatively straightforward. It can be compiled by anyone who wants to start his own business, but at the same time has never dealt with preliminary financial calculations before. You need to highlight all the items of forthcoming expenses, as well as preliminary profits.

The business plan will allow you to visually see the items, the costs of which should be increased or reduced, as well as set the wholesale and retail prices for the prepared hop drink. He will not allow you to invest money in vain.

How much does it cost to open a brewery? Experts recommend starting your own business in this area with an initial capital of 150-200 thousand US dollars. This amount will allow you to purchase high-quality raw materials, rent a decent room that meets all sanitary requirements, and purchase high-quality equipment.

Nowadays, many beer drinkers know that brewed in a small brewery tastes much better than bottled beer from a supermarket. Therefore, mini-breweries are a successful and profitable business for those who want to start their own business.

Below we will consider how to organize such a business, what equipment for brewing will be required, whether it is possible to buy such a turnkey business and how much it will cost.

Benefits of home brewing

A mini-brewery equipped at home or other non-industrial conditions will allow brewing beer based on natural ingredients. Among them:

Naturally, the drink that is sold in a store called "Beer" has far from the same composition, it contains a large number of artificial components that allow the drink to be stored for a long time. The taste of homemade beer also differs from that of a store beer.

List of equipment for mini-brewery

To organize a small beer production at home, you will need to buy special brewing equipment. Below is a list of it:

Brewing equipment design

This equipment has its own design features:

Equipment price

Brewing equipment is produced in different countries, and its price largely depends on the manufacturing company. The most budgetary options are domestic, Chinese or Czech production. For example, German equipment with a capacity of 1000 liters per day will cost about 650 thousand dollars, and similar domestic equipment - about 170 thousand dollars, respectively. It is quite possible to purchase a very good option at an affordable price. Perhaps for your needs there will be enough breweries with less capacity, the cost of which will be more modest.

From a business perspective, it is a very cost-effective option to deliver the beverage in kegs, and to optimize production, beer can be brewed with malt extract rather than with the malt itself. It is not necessary to certify the product, but you will need to have a SES conclusion on hand.

Required raw materials for production

For self-production of beer, you need the following raw materials:

  • water;
  • hop;
  • malt;
  • brewer's yeast.

To taste the drink better, use soft water, you may need to use special devices to improve its quality.

Raw materials can be purchased at different locations:

  • in large quantities abroad;
  • from equipment suppliers;
  • at large breweries.


The profit in this case is due to the fact that fresh beer has a better gustatory quality compared to the store product. Connoisseurs of real beer will appreciate this hand-brewed product and will prefer it to the bottled factory drink.

Mini brewery can be used for entrepreneurial purposes as a separate business, or used on the basis of a restaurant or cafe. Before starting a business and purchasing the necessary equipment, you need to decide on the capacity:

  • from 50 to 500 liters per day (mini-brewery);
  • from 500 to 15000 liters per day (small brewery).

On average, small factories with a capacity of one thousand liters per day are popular among businessmen.

A professional technologist should control the brewing process, and the owner himself should also study the features of the production process. It includes the following stages:

  • making a miter box;
  • fermentation of yeast;
  • fermentation;
  • filtration and pasteurization on condition of pouring into glass containers.

What is included in the turnkey ready-made business package

Some companies-suppliers of this equipment offer their potential customers - owners of restaurants or cafes or small businesses selling fresh beer a number of turnkey ready-made solutions.

Let's give an example of such a solution, the capacity of which ranges from 500 to 3000 liters per day, costing from 7 million rubles... Its parameters are as follows:

The kit includes the following components:

Suppliers give a guarantee for such equipment for a brewery for an average of two years, and the term of execution, depending on the workload of production, can be about 2 months.

Necessary costs

To begin with, you can invest no more than 2500 USD... With regard to business registration, then the following will be required:

  • prepare the charter and articles of association of the enterprise;
  • certify them with a notary;
  • state registration;
  • then the company is registered with statistical and tax authorities.

All these actions require costs in the amount of about 300 USD.

You also need to have on hand:

  • permits from energy supervision;
  • fire control;

There is no need to license an open brewery. However, in some regions of the country, this will still be required. You need to find out about this at your local Office of Trade and Consumer Market Coordination. The products of such factories are subject to excise duty and are subject to a tax of about 400 rubles per liter. It is imperative for the brewery to receive a hygienic certificate at the SES.

The second step in starting this business is the purchase of equipment. It has already been discussed earlier. The technological process for the production of 50 liters of beer requires raw materials in the following composition:

  • concentrate - 2-4 cans;
  • yeast - 14 g;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

To organize the work of a micro-plant, on average, is from 2500 to 7000 USD. The payback is about two months.

If we are talking about organizing production from 100 liters per day, you need to have at least 1.5 million rubles of investments on hand. They will go to the purchase and installation of equipment, certification, permits and premises.

The paperwork here is the same as in smaller production. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room should be at least 60 square meters. Required personnel:

  • leader;
  • cook;
  • mechanic;
  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • cleaning lady.

Low-cost equipment for such production by domestic companies can be bought for 1-2 million rubles. A keg filling machine can cost about 150 thousand rubles.

The payback period for such a business is up to two years, and the monthly income is up to 600 thousand rubles, provided that the cost is set at 100-200 rubles per glass of beer.

In the first year of work, you will need to invest about 4.5 million rubles, including taxes, the income is 2.5 million, respectively, for the second income you can earn up to 5 million, respectively.

If your mini-brewery is actively developing, and your profits are growing steadily, then over time you can move on to the restaurant business and open a beer pub with a wider assortment.

There are many ideas for a successful business, and given the fact that people love beer and want to try new varieties and tastes, a mini-brewery would be an excellent investment option.

The commercial production of alcohol seems like a dark forest. Some excise taxes, EGAIS, reporting, do you need a license? What if you just want to put on an apron and brew craft beer? Doctor Guber produces brewing equipment for home and commercial use and will tell you how to start your brewery.

Can I brew beer in the kitchen?

To begin with, let's pay attention to a few key points to clarify the situation:

  1. It is not possible to make beer on a commercial basis using homemade equipment. The equipment must have a quality certificate.
  2. You cannot brew beer for sale at home or in a garage, because you can only engage in commercial activities in a non-residential fund.
  3. No beer production license required. You will only need it if you decide to make something stronger.

What documents are needed?

The main law that regulates the production of beer and spirits is Federal Law No. 171 "On State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products". All links to laws, instructions and sample documents will be at the end of the article, so read without distraction.

To open and start a beer production, you need the following procedures and documents:

1) Choice of legal form. To open a brewery, you need to register your LLC. Individual entrepreneurs can sell beer, but they cannot produce. In article 11, paragraph 1, we read: "the production and circulation of alcoholic (except for the retail sale of beer and beer drinks, cider, Poiret, mead) and alcohol-containing food products are carried out by organizations." That is, you first need to open your LLC. Article 11 paragraph 1.

Attention: when registering an LLC, you must specify the appropriate OKVED codes that allow brewing beer. You can choose as many codes as you like, so take with a margin.

2) Documents for registration of the brewery. The equipment you work on must be properly manufactured and decorated, otherwise you simply cannot register a brewery. The brewery must have serial numbers. A set of documents is also required: a declaration, a test report, technical specifications and a passport for equipment. These documents are provided by the equipment manufacturer.

3) Calculation of the capacity of the main technological equipment. The calculation is necessary so that Rosalkogolregulirovanie (RAR) can understand whether it is necessary to install meters on your equipment. If your equipment allows you to produce more than 300 thousand decaliters per year, you will have to install meters. The calculation is submitted to RAP in writing and electronically. The answer is within 30 days.

4) Application for the commencement of food production activities. Beer, beer-based drinks, cider, poiret, mead are alcoholic products. Therefore, if you want to produce them, you need to notify PAP about it.

5) Declaration of conformity for the produced beer.This document confirms that you are brewing beer and that drinking it is safe for your health. The declaration includes TU (technical conditions) and TI (technological instructions), drawn up by the chief technologist of the brewery, as well as analyzes confirming the safety of the product. You can get the declaration privately by contacting one of the accredited centers for declaration and certification.

6) Connection to EGAIS... EGAIS takes into account all produced and sold beer, which should exclude counterfeit products from circulation. To connect to the system, you will need:

  • Computer connected to the Internet
  • UTM (universal transport module) EGAIS is a program that is required to transfer data to the Rosalkogolregulirovanie server about your purchases and sales
  • JaCarta crypto-key is a unique electronic key that is required to work with the system. Buying a crypto key is the first step to connect to EGAIS.
  • Inventory program
  • Enhanced electronic signature - a record on a crypto-key issued by EGAIS.

Installation of specialized equipment is the competence of EGAIS employees.

A brewery employee who will use the EGAIS system must undergo compulsory training in one of the certified organizations. Training can be done both in person and remotely ..

7) Notification to the SES and fire inspection. Since beer is a food product, the SES must ensure that the production meets sanitary standards. Your premises should be "accepted" by the district fire inspection. It is necessary to notify her of the start of work and agree on a project that will indicate emergency exits, the location of fire extinguishers and a pressure tap, etc.

8) Production control program.This is a pretty formal document that shows that you really know how to do your thing. The production control program includes:

  • List of controlled stages and parameters of technological processes.
  • Frequency of production control, a list of its activities and responsible persons.
  • Schedules and modes of sanitization, cleaning, disinfection, disinsection and deratization of industrial premises, equipment and inventory.
  • Schedules and modes of equipment and inventory maintenance.
  • Measures to prevent and identify violations in the organization and implementation of production processes.

So, briefly on how to open a brewery:

  1. Register LLC;
  2. Own equipment, obtain a declaration of quality for beer;
  3. Buy or rent premises for at least 1 year;
  4. Submit power calculation to RAP;
  5. Connect to EGAIS;
  6. Notify SES and fire inspection;
  7. Submit an application for the commencement of food production activities and a notice of the commencement of turnover in the territory of the Russian Federation.

In the following articles, "Dr. Guber" will tell you what equipment you can start with and what kind of beer to brew in production.

In this article:

Beer is a barley-malt drink with a hop aroma, pleasant bitterness, and the ability to foam when bottled. Due to its unique taste, thirst-quenching effect, the intoxicating drink is in high demand among the population. And therefore, very tough competition has formed on the beer production market. But, despite this, an enterprising businessman who decided to open a brewery can always organize a profitable and promising business.

In order to start your own business, you do not necessarily need large investments. However, in order to carry out this activity, it is necessary to obtain a range of permits and certificates. Administrative barriers are difficult to overcome, especially for a budding entrepreneur. Therefore, further we will consider the features of registration of permits.

How to put a microbrewery into operation

In order to put a mini-brewery into operation, you must obtain the following documents for beer production:

  1. Permits from the FEZ and Fire Inspection, State Energy Supervision;
  2. Implement licensing of beer production and visit the STI department. A business involving the production and sale of beer is not subject to licensing. However, the government has issued a new regulation that stipulates that beer production at the federal level is subject to licensing. To obtain a license, you must write a request to the tax office. The beer production license is issued within three months.
  3. Hygienic certificate in sanitary and epidemiological supervision. The document is issued only after the hygienic assessment of the goods. The procedure can take up to 2 months.

Aspiring entrepreneurs should know that beer is an excisable commodity that is subject to an additional tax of 15%.

However, the administrations of some regions have created a law on the production of beer "On state regulation of the production of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages", which suggests that each liter of a hop drink is subject to a tax of 300-400 rubles.

Technological process for the production of a hop drink

The hardware technological scheme of beer production is shown in the photo below.

The technological process includes the following main stages of beer production:

1. Preparation of beer wort - preparation of malt for the production of beer, that is, weighing the required amount of product and grinding it. Next, water is poured into the mash-brewing device and chopped malt is poured.

Then the malt mashing is carried out, which can be carried out in two ways:

  • by infusion;
  • decoction method.

The candied mash is moved to filtration apparatus, in which it is divided. After filtering the first wort, the spent grain is washed with water.

Traditional technology assumes that at the end the beer wort is boiled with hops for 1.5-2 hours and cooled to a temperature of 6-70 ° C. 2.

2. Fermentation of beer wort - carried out in a fermentation apparatus with the addition of brewer's yeast.

3. Excerpt of beer - takes place in hermetically sealed metal tanks for 11-100 days. The fermentation temperature and duration of the process depend on the type of beer. As a result of aging, the beer becomes stronger, lighter and saturated with carbon dioxide.

4. After the organoleptic, laboratory and technochemical control is completed, beer is bottled. Automation of beer production allows filling the hop drink on special lines.

Equipment for the production of beer

Before you start purchasing equipment, you need to determine the capacity of the future enterprise:

  • Plant for the production of beer, with a capacity of 50-500 liters - a mini-plant for the production of beer;
  • Plant producing 500-15000 liters of beer - mini-brewery;
  • The plant with a capacity of over 15 thousand liters is an industrial giant. Mini-breweries use the top fermentation method. As a result of this method, the intoxicated drink is infused in a container, and the duration of the production process is reduced.

Microbreweries adhere to a technological process based on bottom fermentation method... As a result of this technology, a hop drink of a higher quality is obtained. There is also a technological instruction developed by a research and production association, which considers the features of each production process.

In order to organize the production of draft beer, you need the following equipment list:

  • malt grinder;
  • filtration apparatus;
  • pump for mash, wort and hot water;
  • mash and wort apparatus;
  • heat exchanger;
  • water heating apparatus;
  • pumps for young and finished beer;
  • electric steam generator;
  • fermentation tanks;
  • hydrocyclone apparatus;
  • refrigeration unit equipped with an ice maker;
  • dispensing containers;
  • yeast vats;
  • monitoring and control panel.

The technological line for beer production can include another set of equipment. The list of equipment depends on the type of beer produced, the name of the manufacturer, the type of malt and the characteristics of the technology.

Business plan for a mini-brewery

1. Purchase of raw materials and supplies

In order to purchase raw materials for beer production, you can consider such purchase options:

  • Purchase malt from abroad. This type of purchase of raw materials is beneficial when large quantities are purchased.
  • Buy malt from leading equipment suppliers or from the domestic market of the country.

The beer recipe determines the choice of raw materials for making a hoppy drink. Any kind of drink is brewed from yeast, malt, hops, water. However, there are a variety of ways to produce specialty beers that can alter the composition of the intoxicated beverage.

The brewing process involves making malt. Malt production - a profitable type of business associated with brewing. If a novice entrepreneur wants to buy malt, then he needs to know that 50 tons of German malt are sold at a price of 0.55 USD. per kilogram. You can buy this raw material only in large quantities, over 50 tons.

Yeast for beer production can be purchased at the brewery or from a private brewer. It is more rational to buy yeast from a large enterprise, as a rule, it is of a higher quality.

To date, the following prices have been established for raw materials and materials:

  • Water - 1 cubic meter m. - about 11 rubles;
  • Sewerage - 1 cubic meter m - 9 rubles;
  • Malt - 1 kg - 8-9 rubles;
  • Hops - 1 kg - 86 rubles;
  • Yeast - 1 kg - 200 rubles;
  • Electricity - kWh - 0.500 rubles.

Having compiled the material balance of beer production, and having carried out the product calculation, it is possible to determine the consumption of raw materials.

2. Purchase of equipment

To organize a mini-brewery with a capacity of 1000 liters of beer per day, you can purchase a set of equipment supplied by the Miass Machine-Building Plant, the cost of which is about 54 thousand US dollars. To buy auxiliary equipment, 200 thousand rubles are needed.

Imported equipment for the production of beer, the price of which can fluctuate in the price range of 300-700 thousand USD, is not advisable to buy at the initial stages of production and is economically ineffective. However, an imported beer production line can increase the productivity of a mini-brewery and improve the properties of a hop drink. Therefore, it is profitable to buy such equipment when the activity of the enterprise brings regular income and to obtain competitive advantages.

3. Preparing the premises for a brewery

Premises preparation Is one of the main problems for private business leaders. In order to organize beer production and a business based on the commissioning of a mini-brewery, you can rent or buy premises. To accommodate a set of equipment, a room is required, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich will be more than 150 sq. m. In view of the size of the equipment, it can be assumed that the beer production workshop will occupy about 100 sq. m. m, for a warehouse you need 35 sq. m, for an office - 15 sq. m. Monthly rental costs will be about 25 thousand rubles.

4. Personnel

To set up a mini-brewery, you need about 10 specialists, among which there will be a director, a cleaner, 4 specialists employed in the main and auxiliary production, an accountant-cashier, 2 brewers, a forwarding driver. The monthly payroll will be 250 thousand rubles.

5. Total costs of beer production

The total cost of organizing the brewery will amount to 3 million rubles.

6. Income from activities and calculation of economic indicators

In order to calculate the income from the commissioning of a mini-brewery, it is necessary to carry out daily accounting of beer production. If beer is bottled at the enterprise, then their quantity and capacity are taken into account, if in kegs - the capacity and number of kegs.

The monthly income of the mini-brewery will be 200 thousand rubles, and the income for the year after deducting taxes will be 2 million rubles. The payback period for a mini-brewery is 1.5 years. The short payback period and high income indicate that brewing is a lucrative business.

Our beer remains one of the favorite drinks of the people and is popular under any circumstances. The beer business is profitable and more and more breweries and small factories appear to produce beer according to different recipes.

Business plan

So, let's take a look at a free ready-made example of a small brewery business plan.

Organization of the beer business

The business is profitable because of the flavor advantages of fresh beer over bottled beer intended for long-term storage. Provided that the beer of local producers is of good quality, it is certainly more preferable for the majority of bars, cafes and restaurants. Before opening your own business and buying a mini-plant, you should decide on the volume of future production. There can be mini-breweries of the following capacities:

  • 50-500 l / day (microbrewery);
  • 500-15000 l / day (mini-brewery).

The most popular are factories with a capacity of 1 thousand. l / day.

The mini-brewery needs to purchase special equipment, the choice of which is quite large.

How to choose equipment

You can buy equipment from well-known companies, but also from Russian, Czech or Chinese manufacturers. Naturally, prices vary considerably. So, for example, if the equipment with a capacity of 1000 l / day of the company from Germany "Integral-Geha" costs $ 650 thousand, then the Russian company CJSC "Moscon" offers equipment for $ 170 thousand. The best option would be to purchase a model of good quality at an inexpensive price. If you want to receive smaller volumes, you can purchase equipment with a capacity of 80-100 l / day, which will cost about 900 thousand rubles.

A technologist is required to control the brewing process. The business owner should also learn the specifics of brewing. Production is divided into stages:

  1. Wort preparation.
  2. Yeast fermentation.
  3. Fermentation.
  4. When pouring beer into glass containers - filtration and pasteurization.

It should be noted that the delivery of beer in kegs is more profitable. It is also more profitable to produce beer not with malt, but with malt extract. Beer is not subject to compulsory certification. It is only required to obtain an opinion from the SES.

Raw materials

Raw materials for beer production: water, brewer's yeast, hops, malt. Soft water provides the best taste, equipment may be required to improve water quality.

Raw materials can be bought:

  1. Import from abroad (advantageous for a large batch).
  2. Purchase from an equipment supplier.
  3. Purchase from large breweries.

It is possible to buy equipment for bottling beer at breweries, the cost of one set is about $ 600.

An initial investment of up to 2 million rubles is required, which will bring a monthly income of up to 200 thousand rubles.

Opening costs

You can start a business with $ 2500. Paper question: preparation of the charter and articles of association, certification by a notary, state registration, registration with tax and statistical authorities. This will require about $ 300. Then you will need permission from SES, state fire supervision, energy supervision and from the housing office (vacation and water discharge).

Brewery licensing is not required for beer production, but in some regions it may be necessary to obtain a license. Therefore, be sure to contact the Office for Trade and Coordination of the Consumer Market on this matter. Breweries' products are excisable goods and are subject to a tax of up to 400 rubles. with a liter.

It is obligatory to obtain a hygienic certificate for the brewery in the sanitary and epidemiological inspection.

Second stage: purchase of equipment. Usually everything that is needed for the production of a microbrewery comes with a microbrewery. For the production of 50 l / day, an area of \u200b\u200b30 sq.m is sufficient, 200 l - 60 sq.m. Such equipment can be serviced by one employee.

The technological process for the production of 50 liters requires 2-4 cans of concentrate, 14 g of yeast, 2 kg of sugar.

The organization of a micro-plant requires $ 2500-7000. 40% profitability and approximately two months for payback.

To organize the production of 100 l / day, about 1.5 million rubles are needed. start-up capital. The money will be spent on the purchase and installation of equipment, certification, permits and preparation of the premises.

The paperwork is similar to that of a micro-plant. Area: more than 60 sq.m. Personnel: manager, specialist chef, electrician, accountant, manager, cleaner.

Raw materials are best purchased from large breweries.

The choice of equipment is even greater than for micro-factories. Inexpensive domestic equipment can be bought for 1-2 million rubles. A keg filling machine costs 150 thousand rubles.

The organization of a brewery requires about 1.5 million rubles. 40% profitability, payback period from six months to two years. Monthly income up to 600 thousand rubles. (the price of one glass of beer is 100-200 rubles)

In addition, about 4.5 million rubles are required in the first year. investments, and the income for the year, including taxes, will be 2.5 million rubles. And only next year, the income will reach 5 million rubles.

The next stage for the development of a mini-brewery can be the opening of your own English pub, a Czech brewery or a German Kneipp.