You can drink beer during lactation. Can a nursing mother drink beer? Breastfeeding and beer

06.09.2019 Meat Dishes

At all times, alcohol was considered harmful to health, and even more so it was forbidden for newly-made mothers who feed their children with milk.

However, in the modern world, you will not be particularly surprised by the fact that a nursing woman uses beer while breastfeeding, and sometimes you can even find dubious advice about the benefits of this drink. To find out for sure whether a young mother should use low-alcohol drinks in her diet or not, we will consider this issue objectively and in detail.

With the guards, there was only talk among nursing mothers about all kinds of prohibitions. It is not allowed for a young mother not only to drink, smoke and openly mock her health, putting the newborn baby at risk, but even eat many products that are considered useful at the same time.

In general, every woman lives during lactation in her own way: it is completely easy for some to abandon everything in the world and adhere to the strictest diet, while other women constantly feel slighted and strive to return to their previous diet and lifestyle as soon as possible.

As a rule, it is the last mothers who are actively interested in those who drank beer while breastfeeding and how the newborn baby tolerated it. It is believed that small volumes of the intoxicated drink do not carry much harm to health, and in some sources there is even an opinion that beer is excellent for lactating milk in lactating women.

At the same time, the supervising pediatrician will most likely strictly forbid the newly-made mom to drink even a small glass of a low-alcohol drink, not to mention a whole bottle. And so on the Internet you can find many questions from women like "I'm breastfeeding, I want beer!" or "Breastfeeding, drank beer!" If you believe experienced mothers and their reviews, there shouldn't be any definite negative effect after a small glass of beer.

Indeed, the biggest danger of any drunken drinking is its alcohol percentage.

The thing is that alcohol easily penetrates into the blood of a woman who is breastfeeding her baby, and from there into the milk itself. Naturally, this is extremely undesirable for a newborn baby and is even dangerous for his well-being and health.

However, a small portion of a weak alcoholic beverage, such as beer, is practically unable to reach breast milk, since a small glass of beer disappears from the mother's blood very quickly. For this reason, quite rarely, as an exception, when you unbearably want to take a sip of a little weak alcohol-containing drink during lactation, this can be done. Just in case, it doesn't hurt to express the next portion of breast milk in case alcohol does penetrate it.

It is also worth distinguishing between isolated cases when a young mother at dinner takes a few sips of beer with those when it becomes a kind of habit. It is quite obvious that the period of breastfeeding is not at all the time when a mother can allow herself to systematically consume alcohol, no matter how "weak" they are.

That is why it is impossible to say with certainty and unequivocally whether you can drink beer during lactation or not. Of course, it is better not to do this in order to surely exclude any risks to the baby's health - this is the advice that district doctors often give. But if friends come to visit you and you for once decided to relax a little by drinking a glass of drunk, then try to stop there. However, it is highly advisable for a nursing mother not to drink any booze at all while she breastfeeds her baby.

How long does it take for beer to be withdrawn at HW

After how many hours you can breastfeed after drinking beer - this is a completely reasonable question for a young mother, who sipped a glass of amber drink at dinner. Most often, if alcohol was consumed in small quantities, it is excreted from the woman's body within one hour.

It will take more time for a much larger amount of alcohol in the blood to disappear - from two to five hours. In such a situation, a newly-made mother should not put a newborn baby to her breast until a portion of milk has been expressed, which has rushed to the mammary glands during the period of alcoholic intoxication. Such food is not suitable for babies and the milk will have to be poured out.

However, most of the young mothers are well aware of the degree of risk and do not abuse alcoholic beverages with hv, so no special measures are required after a couple of sips of beer.

The harm and benefits of beer during lactation and how this drink can be dangerous

When it comes to alcohol, most people don't need to be told what harm these drinks pose. However, beer is not a very simple alcohol. It's all about the method of its preparation and what products are used for this.

  • First of all, beer can be considered a source of yeast and B vitamins, especially those varieties that are brewed using the correct technology. In the old days, such a drink was even brewed in monastic monasteries, drank at dinner to enhance digestion and increase appetite.
  • Among the positive properties of the intoxicated drink, one can note its ability to significantly exacerbate the feeling of hunger - for this reason, beer was included in the old days in the diet of low-weight people who were distinguished by an unnecessarily fragile physique or poor appetite. Also, beer was used for all sorts of beauty recipes - it was added to hair and skin masks, drank inside to improve skin condition.

It was believed that beer drinks prepared according to a special traditional recipe helped to increase the production of breast milk in women who gave birth. In fact, alcoholic beverages have a similar effect due to their diuretic properties, but a modern nursing mother is certainly not worth using the dubious method.

Malt drinking also has significant negative sides, and many more. If a nursing mother drinks beer, then this will, among other things, negatively affect her figure, because the intoxicating drink obtained by the fermentation method has a high calorie content and awakens a brutal appetite.

  • Among other things, mild alcohol, to which hops and malt are added, accelerates the multiplication of lactic acid bacteria in the intestines, which often leads to severe bloating and the appearance of colic and cramps in the stomach. You cannot drink beer if breastfeeding already has problems with increased gas production and flatulence - even a few sips of beer can aggravate the problem.

A classic recipe for maintaining feminine beauty and youth, which includes natural beer and bee honey, and is often used in ancient times to enhance hot flashes and lactation, can cause a strong allergic reaction in a newborn baby.

It is impossible not to mention the quality of the drink. In the old days, this beer was brewed according to all the rules, without the use of harmful substances and chemical ingredients, and therefore even nursing women drank the hop brew in the old days - it was completely safe for health. Nowadays, no one can say with confidence what is inside the bottle, and therefore such a dubious product may well turn out to be harmful to the body of a young mother and her baby.

How you can use beer while breastfeeding so as not to harm your baby

It is best to use drunken drinks off-label during lactation, postponing the alcohol tasting until the time when you stop breastfeeding. However, beer can be very helpful for a nursing mother, especially if her hair falls out after childbirth.

Thus, the beer hair mask with egg yolk and honey not only strengthens the hair well and prevents it from brittleness and fragility, but also gives it a lively and beautiful shine. Beer can also be used to thicken hair and grow hair faster. And beer masks perfectly wash off unsuccessful dyeing from hair.

Since now it is almost impossible to get a high-quality and traditional drink, consisting of the main ingredients, on sale, beer is not recommended for a young mother when breastfeeding. It will be safer to use amber liquid to improve your own appearance, trying folk recipes for beauty, and not to use it internally.

Some of the fair sex during lactation may be asked by the question, is it possible to drink beer while breastfeeding? The craving for such an ambiguous product is explained by the composition of the barley drink, which has the necessary substances in the diet, or the woman's desire to relax.

A glass of quality beer once every two weeks, when the baby is over six months old, will not hurt. Pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky believes that it is advisable for a nursing mother to do without such excess, but at the specified time, a bottle (not a can!) Of a branded alcoholic drink should not cause harm.

Alas, today you cannot find 100% of a high-quality hop product, so it is advisable not to rush to use it.

Amber drink and its features

During GW, the fair sex is worried about the baby's reaction, and for good reason. A low percentage of women who drank alcoholic or non-alcoholic beer while breastfeeding claim it has a positive effect on milk production. There is a partial truth in this. The presence of folic acid, vitamin B and D complex has been confirmed.

A nursing mother may lack the beneficial micronutrients that beer ingredients contain:

  • Barley. This cereal slows down the aging process of cells, including the skin of the face, which is important for a nursing mother during lactation. Barley contains B vitamins, which contribute to the normalization of nervous processes, leading to calming. From the negative aspects, it is a diuretic product, therefore beer (even in small quantities) with HS threatens dehydration and reduces the amount of fluid in the body of a nursing mother, reduces the amount of milk.
  • Hop. The plant has a calming effect. It is part of sedatives. But beer containing its extract is undesirable for a nursing mother, since it can lead to a disruption of the brain's activity of the baby, and in large doses it can be fatal.
  • Brewer's yeast. A unique component, 40% protein. Great for vegetarians who are fasting believers. But is it possible to have beer (or separately brewer's yeast) while breastfeeding, the gynecologist and pediatrician must answer. Yeast is a fungal microorganism. They violate the intestinal microflora, can provide mom and baby with an unpleasant "service": to provoke candidiasis.

The main argument indicating the uselessness of drinking beer (even of high quality) with HS remains its effect on milk production. This truly miraculous food for the baby is produced by a couple of hormones: prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin is responsible for the development of the mammary glands, milk flow. This product raises hormone levels. However, oxytocin, which is responsible for the secretion of milk, is "inhibited" under the influence of the barley drink. So it turns out: the nursing mother thinks that lactation has improved. In fact, there is a surge of milk, but at the same time, the baby cannot absorb the breast.

Will there be nothing from the glass?

It is extremely important for a baby on HBV what foods a woman consumes during lactation. It is scientifically proven that beer (standard glass up to 330 ml) while breastfeeding can cause irreparable harm. The following representatives of the beautiful half of humanity remain at risk:

  • Lightweight. Such women get drunk faster, and milk with the decay products of an alcoholic drink is absorbed within half an hour to an hour.
  • With individual intolerance, when the head begins to spin after several sips.
  • Women buying an amber drink from questionable points of sale or expired.

Non-alcoholic species also theoretically pose a threat to a nursing mother and her baby who drank milk containing ethylene. Even the soft drink contains alcohols (up to 2%), aldehydes and ethanol. Such substances negatively affect a baby who drank breast milk. These substances negatively affect many organ systems and the condition of a little son or daughter:

  • The digestive system of a child who drank such milk is affected, dysbiosis, indigestion of milk, colic are possible. Babies already suffer from them in the first three months of life.
  • Allergic reactions. The mother may experience their manifestation after a while, when the introduction of complementary foods begins.
  • Changes in behavioral reactions (aggressiveness, the baby may be in no mood, sleep for a long time, or, conversely, stay awake).
  • From the abuse of the intoxicated drink, the nerve cells of the child's brain are destroyed, mental development slows down.

A nursing woman all the time has to limit herself in social manifestations (evening "walks under the moon" with her beloved, even ordinary meetings with friends in a cafe). One of the most painful for her is the exclusion of habitual or simply desirable dishes. Constant stresses associated with the baby's every second control exhaust the nervous system.

Drinking a glass of beer, which a young mother reluctantly decides on, will definitely affect breast milk.

Once in the stomach and absorbed in the large intestine, beer in half an hour (on an empty stomach) or an hour and a half (during a hearty dinner) will give alcohol and chemical compounds into the blood, lymph, and from there into breast milk.

There are no desperate situations

It is difficult to imagine a situation when a nursing mother is forced to have a glass of alcohol, but she cannot refuse. A remarkable trend is returning, when the right to GW is considered inviolable, almost sacred! But sometimes the fair sex herself wants to relax or there is a responsible evening event ahead.

The main thing, in order not to harm the little loved one, is step-by-step preparation:

  • Express milk in advance and store it in the freezer. If stored properly, it will not lose its usefulness within 6 months. Such a stock never hurts.
  • Before drinking alcohol, it is advisable to breastfeed the baby so that he drinks and is not distracted. This will empty the mammary glands and give the baby the opportunity to once again be near the mother (before the upcoming separation in a few hours this is important for him).
  • After drinking, the mother is better off expressing milk. The time during which alcohol is removed will take 12 to 24 hours. We are talking about consumption above the norm. After a single dose (up to 330 ml), you can skip a couple of breastfeeds using frozen milk.

Important! A wise mother always on the eve of the evening, when it is planned to drink alcohol, should take care of the presence of a loved one next to her son or daughter. In case of intoxication, the mother should not lie down next to the baby, take it in her arms. Compliance with simple rules will help to avoid injury to the baby and accidents.

Mothers whose baby drank breast milk for a long time should eat balanced, then there will be no strange taste preferences (drinking alcohol, eating a piece of ice or eating a whole cake).

Diets, lack of protein products in the daily menu, cereals lead to a change in taste preferences. In such situations, a rhetorical question arises: "Is it possible for a breastfeeding mother to drink beer?" Sometimes the absence of such an element as iron makes a woman look for the useful in the useless.

Hot green tea with milk (if lactose is absorbed normally) is the best way to relieve tension, relax and increase milk flow. The intoxicated product is only an apparent panacea, the consequences of which are not always positive for the baby. If you want, you shouldn't bring yourself to hysterics, it's better to drink - but just a little bit and of high quality. The toddler who drank the milk of a happy mom is twice as healthy! But still, is it possible to drink, or is it undesirable (with HB), each mother decides for herself.

Elena Zhabinskaya

Hello friends! Lena Zhabinskaya with you! It's hard to say what makes a woman wonder if beer can be breastfed. Either it is a banal desire to relax and unwind in the conditions of daily running between pots and diapers, or the desire to support the company at the next holiday, or just the belief that this alcoholic drink really can.

Whatever it was, but if some just think about it, then others allow themselves a glass of drunkenness while breastfeeding. What is the consequence of this in the future? At best, the crumbs' irritability and frequent illnesses, and at worst, liver problems.

Beer lovers will say that this drink is rich in nutrients and will be right, especially if it was produced exclusively from natural ingredients without chemicals. Meanwhile, they will keep silent about the fact that it also contains alcohol, about the harmful effect on the body of which a lot has been said.

That is why drinking beer is not recommended for a nursing woman. Why, then, does she have a passionate desire to do this? It turns out that it's all about her body. Due to the current circumstances, he is experiencing a deficiency of useful substances, in particular, vitamins of group B. They are contained in brewer's yeast, from which beer is brewed.

What to do if its use is highly undesirable? Drink the appropriate vitamins, however, only after consulting a doctor. In this form, the necessary substances will not only not harm, but also help, for example, to establish a woman's metabolism and recover faster.

By the way, you should not rely on non-alcoholic beer, simply because it also harms a small body. Of course, it is made from yeast, but using a special technology, thanks to which the percentage of alcohol in it is artificially reduced and in the end it is still 0.5 - 1.5%. In addition, for taste and smell, numerous chemical additives are introduced into it, which can also negatively affect the development of the crumbs.

About the effect on lactation

There is a myth that drinking beer while breastfeeding increases lactation. But is it really so? It turns out that there are no research results confirming this fact. There is just a feeling of some young mothers that drinking a bottle of beer contributes to the flow of milk.

Meanwhile, doctors explain these sensations simply: it turns out that beer can accumulate in tissues, provoking their swelling. Moreover, it makes it difficult to remove fluid from the body. In other words, the breast seems full and the baby is unable to suck the milk out. Moreover, his mother does not always notice his efforts.

For herself, she notes that the child, after drinking a glass of beer, falls asleep faster, not even suspecting that he is simply tired of getting his own food and is exhausted. The percentage of alcohol in the drink also contributed to this. In addition, self-hypnosis has not been canceled. It is this that often makes a woman believe that nothing bad will happen if you drink just a little. But the consequences of her act can sometimes be dire.

About the effect on the child's body

The beer contains from 3 to 8% ethyl alcohol. Knowing about its harmful effects on the body, it is not at all difficult to understand how the use of this drink during breastfeeding affects the baby. Especially if it happened more than once.

A child receiving milk-alcohol cocktails has:

  • constant sleepiness;
  • pathologically deep sleep at night, which is triggered by the action of alcohol;
  • violation of respiratory function;
  • constant underweight;
  • delays in mental and physical development;
  • liver disease.

Be sure to remember them the next time you want to drink a glass of beer on the GW and ... accept.

About Western Medicine

Despite the fact that domestic medicine is categorically against drinking alcoholic beverages while breastfeeding, Western medicine is more loyal to them. According to European doctors, a little good beer drunk by a mother in moments of acute desire will not harm the child. Whether so time will tell.

Meanwhile, at the moment, doctors are simply reminding that the rate of ethyl alcohol entering the mother's blood, and from there into milk, is only 30 minutes after drinking alcohol. If this was preceded by a hearty lunch, it will increase to 60 minutes. The rate of elimination of harmful substances largely depends on the weight of the woman. On average, with 55 kg on the scales, 3 hours will be enough to remove 30 ml.

But again, these numbers take place if there are no problems with the kidneys and other organs and systems of the body. Based on them, doctors have developed a certain set of rules for mothers who breastfeed their babies and cannot deny themselves the pleasure of drinking a little beer. Their goal is to minimize the negative impact of the latter on a tiny organism.


Children are the flowers of life, take care of them! And also save the article on your wall in social networks and subscribe to blog updates! It was Lena Zhabinskaya, bye-bye!

Most breastfeeding counselors will no doubt advise a mom to eliminate alcoholic beverages during the lactation period. There are a lot of theories regarding the prohibitions on the use of such drinks during lactation, there are both positive and negative aspects. In this article, we will try to answer in detail the question whether it is possible for a nursing mother to drink non-alcoholic beer?

Non-alcoholic beer is a drink with a small amount of alcohol. Compared to traditional varieties, it contains only 0.5% alcohol.

It contains the following chemical elements:

    • Water, 90 to 95%;
    • Alcohol, from 0.5 to 1.5%;
    • CO2, up to 0.5%;
    • carbohydrates,
    • nitrogen-containing components and other elements.

At the same time, the calorie content of the product is small. There are only 29 kcal per 100 grams.


Sometimes a nursing mother is advised to introduce such a product into her diet in order to increase lactation. Such advice is absurd, since the composition does not include such substances that could control this process.

The composition includes a large number of vitamins, which have become the reason for the next misconception. When using this product, the child will receive all the vitamins that the mother receives. Yes, there are indeed a lot of vitamins, in particular B vitamins, such as:

    • cobalamin,
    • riboflavin,
    • pyridoxine,
    • pantothenic acid,
    • niacin,
    • folic acid,
    • biotin,
    • thiamine.

But their number, which got to the mother, is negligible, and even less will get to the crumb. In addition to vitamins and microelements, the composition also includes such compounds that can be attributed to poisonous:

    • fusel oils,
    • aldehydes,
    • ethers,
    • methanol.

They, too, will get to the baby through breast milk.

And the last benefit-myth is to increase the child's appetite. This is also completely absurd, since it has long been known that good appetite depends on other factors:

    • from the intense production of hormones,
    • on the amount of energy expended,
    • from the metabolism of the child.

Non-alcoholic beer - how it's made


In this case, a one-time use of this product for the entire feeding period is not considered. This applies to the mother who, in spite of everything, neglects the advice.

With regular use of the drink by a nursing mother, you can get the following unpleasant consequences:

    • A constant dose of alcohol from the mother makes the child addicted to alcohol.
    • Since the child is not yet able to neutralize and remove the incoming alcohol, he risks remaining mentally retarded or disabled with motor impairment.
    • Alcohol is a food provocateur, so constant doses will accumulate in breast milk, which as a result can lead to allergies or gastrointestinal upset.
    • Regular intake of alcohol to the baby can cause seizures, which will gradually develop into epilepsy.
    • And the most serious disorder in a baby that alcohol can cause is brain damage. The insidious thing about this disease is that it can only be detected after 5 years.


If it is impossible to refuse to take the drink, then you should know at what age, the use is completely contraindicated for the baby.

Non-alcoholic beer benefits and harms

Between 0 and 2 months of age

During this period, the intake of any carbonated drinks is strictly prohibited.

This is due to the fact that in the first two months of life, the baby's gastrointestinal tract is not able to cope with such complex products. A sleepless night awaits you at best, and a hospital visit at worst.

Between 2 and 6 months of age

Even due to the lack of alcohol, it is still not recommended to consume non-alcoholic beer for nursing

By this period, colic bothers the baby less, but this does not mean that now you can drink non-alcoholic beer. It will be enough for him that new and new foods will gradually appear in the diet, to which he will need to get used to.

At this time, he may become allergic to any new introduced complementary foods.

Pediatricians advise to introduce all new elements of complementary foods, adding them one at a time, and it is recommended to postpone the intake of such drinks for some time.

Between 6 and 9 months of age

Whether a nursing mother can drink beer or not, doctors cannot answer unequivocally. At the age of 6-9 months, the baby has a period when he needs to introduce complementary foods, this is already a big load on a small child, and alcohol in breast milk can only complicate this period.

Ages 9 months and older

From the 9th month, doctors admit that a nursing mother is allowed to consume non-alcoholic beer, but on condition that its composition is of high quality. Although it is very difficult to find it.

It should contain the following components:

    • Hop.
    • Water.
    • Malt.

In any case, before introducing such a drink into your diet, it is recommended that you conduct a small test for child allergies.

Take a few sips and watch your crumb: if you notice anxiety or painful symptoms, postpone taking such drinks for a few more days.

It must be remembered that the maximum dose per day should not exceed 250 or 500 ml. This is due to the lack of some enzymes in a small organism, and a small dose for an adult is insensitive, but for a crumbs it is quite noticeable.

If you are in doubt whether a nursing mother is allowed to drink non-alcoholic beer or not, read what Dr. Komarovsky says on this subject.

There is no categorical prohibition, but it should contain only natural ingredients. Its big plus is the high content of vitamin B, although it was not without cons - this is the dose of alcohol in its composition.

Doctors recommend refusing canned beer or with preservatives so as not to harm your baby. The best option is considered non-alcoholic products in bottles.


Whether it is possible for a nursing mother to drink non-alcoholic beer or not is a very controversial question. It must be remembered that conducting experiments on your baby is very serious, and before taking such a step, weigh the pros and cons.

Video: Breastfeeding - School of Dr. Komarovsky

A woman seeking to breastfeed her baby faces many constraints. Food, drink, medicine - everything that theoretically gets into milk is closely examined under a magnifying glass for the subject: "God forbid to harm the child." It would seem that the ban on alcohol, including beer, during breastfeeding should not be discussed at all. Moreover, 9 months are behind, during which my mother should already get used to leading an exceptionally sober lifestyle. But the life of a pregnant woman and the life of a mother's baby are different, like day and night. The first ones belong to themselves, they can have fun, sleep and rest a lot, eat everything except the most harmful, without thinking about gas drinks and allergies. Well, the latter are forced to put up with round-the-clock employment, stress, lack of sleep, depressing monotony from day to day ... A pregnant woman knows exactly when her "ordeals" will end, and a nursing woman cannot always see the light at the end of the tunnel. Children feed for a year, two or more. It is impossible to predict exactly how and how long excommunication will take place, if planned. What if a new pregnancy?

To drink or not to drink

Under these conditions, a glass of beer while breastfeeding sometimes seems like a blessed outlet. And the desire to relax at least a little bit is not difficult to understand. But every mother who wants to arrange a small holiday for herself is worried about the question: will she not have to pay for an hour of amusing ease with the most expensive - the health of her beloved crumbs?

In fact, medicine cannot yet answer this question with complete certainty. There is a huge amount of research on the effect of alcohol on the fetus in the womb, and then - the debate among scientists on this topic continues. The relationship between alcohol and lactation is still largely unexplored. Undoubtedly, alcohol penetrates into breast milk, but no one can say for sure what concentration of alcohol can harm a baby and how much.

If you drink beer irregularly, even hypothetical negative consequences can be easily avoided by simply waiting for the complete elimination of alcohol from the body. It is excreted from milk at the same time as from blood. For example, if a woman weighing 60 kg drank half a bottle (250 ml) of beer with a strength of 5%, in her milk - 0.3 ppm. This value will gradually decrease and after 3 hours it will be equal to zero. It will not be possible to speed up the process - pumping will be absolutely useless, since the newly formed milk will still be as "alcoholic" as blood. With the help of special alcohol calculators, each mother will be able to calculate an acceptable dose for herself, taking into account the interval between feedings that her child can withstand.

At the same time, some sources claim that you can feed right away if mom doesn't feel drunk... Such recommendations are given by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Society for the Support of Nursing Mothers "La Leche Liga" (WHO and UNICEF breastfeeding consultant), as well as some reputable pediatricians - Jack Newman, Thomas Hale. Light intoxication usually occurs, starting at 0.5 ppm in the blood. This means that a mother of average weight can afford about 350 ml of beer and not be afraid that the baby will wake up earlier than expected.

However, it is better not to risk the first three months of a child's life. The liver of newborns is still immature, and it will be difficult for her to cope with even the smallest amount of alcohol.

Nonalcoholic beer

If mom wants beer simply because she misses her favorite taste, the non-alcoholic version of the drink may be the best way out for her. You can enjoy it to your heart's content without fear of intoxication. Still, it's not worth making a daily ritual out of this. After all, non-alcoholic beer is far from the safest drink in terms of its composition. From this point of view, a glass of real "live" beer will enrich the diet of the mother (and therefore the baby) much more. \u003e\u003e\u003e

Does beer increase milk supply?

This folk wisdom is a great temptation for nursing mothers and can make even those who are completely indifferent to alcohol "reach for a glass". But science claims that this statement is nothing more than a myth. On the other hand, many moms have experienced the positive effects of beer firsthand. In any case, many food products, special herbal teas and, most importantly, frequent latching of the baby to the breast (according to the principle of "supply - demand") act in a similar way. So it is better in choosing a means of increasing lactation to give preference to something less controversial than an alcoholic drink.