When tangerines ripen. Mandarin varieties: Abkhazian, Chinese, Moroccan how to distinguish

05.03.2020 Meat Dishes

Moroccan tangerines are an essential attribute of the New Year and the festive table. These fruits are easily recognizable among all the others by the characteristic black diamond-shaped sticker. Meanwhile, there are several varieties of these fruits, each of which differs in its own taste and characteristics.

How to choose tangerines

Of course, the fruit should initially be inspected for foreign stains or other undesirable marks. So, on high-quality tangerines there should be no marks, specks or dents, places of decay, and even more so there should not be mold or outright rot. Directly the fruits themselves should be elastic, not too soft, more or less regular in shape. Dry or even solid Moroccan tangerines are not worth buying - it is better to give preference to dense and weighty fruits that will have a sweet taste.

The peel should be porous with a uniform color. About the latter - the color of the fruit varies from light yellow to rich orange.

Mandarin varieties by country of origin

The appearance and taste of tangerines depend on the territory and in what climatic conditions they were grown. Today, there are several varieties that are classified, depending on the countries of origin. So, there are the following types of tangerines:

  • Mandarins from Abkhazia. These are fairly small fruits with a yellow skin. Sometimes they may have small green specks or streaks. It has a sour-sweet taste with few seeds.
  • Mandarins from Spain are quite expensive. Fruits with a thick and soft skin that comes off very easily directly from the fruit itself.
  • Moroccan mandarins boast a relatively low price and delicious taste. The shape of the fruit is slightly flattened, the rind is distinguished by a bright and rich golden-orange color. Tangerines are juicy and sweet with few seeds.

It is worth noting that several fruits can be grown in the same country. That is why there are often Moroccan mandarins on sale, which in their characteristics correspond to the same Spanish ones, for example.

What kind of fruit is it?

Mandarin is a small tree or with rather tough leaves of a rich green color, which contain a large amount of essential oils. The shrub begins to bloom around the beginning of May. The inflorescences of a tree or shrub exude a pleasant sweetish aroma. If the insects managed to process the tangerine flowers before the start of the rainy season, you can expect a rich harvest of citrus fruits.

Traditionally, Moroccan tangerines are a symbol of the coming New Year and Christmas. Where does this fruit come from in stores? As a rule, the most common supplying countries are Spain, Abkhazia, Morocco, Egypt, etc. Bright color of fruits, unique aroma and unsurpassed taste - all this gives a festive atmosphere and enhances the feeling of approaching magic.

Who are tangerines contraindicated for?

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to feast on juicy citrus fruits. We are talking about those who are allergic to everything juicy, bright, yellow-orange and sweet and sour. Even small tangerines are a strong enough allergen that can provoke very undesirable consequences.

In addition, with extreme caution, it is necessary to feast on ripe fruits for those people who suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. So, for example, ulcers should refrain from eating tangerines, even during New Year's Eve. The same warning applies to young children who have not yet fully identified allergic reactions. Excessive consumption of tangerines and other citrus fruits can cause severe allergies. In addition, even healthy people should not abuse the pre-holiday mood and lean on tangerines - after all, this is a strong allergen.

Taste qualities of Moroccan tangerines

Moroccan tangerines, as we have already noted, are distinguished by a flattened shape. The rind of the fruit is dense with uniform pores. The presence of small greenish specks or veins on the peel is allowed, but the main color of the tangerine is orange.

The flesh of Moroccan tangerines is juicy, with a moderate content of seeds. The taste is sweet and sour, but the sweetness still prevails over the acidity of the taste. The cost of Moroccan tangerines is moderate. In the pre-holiday bustle, you can easily buy several kilograms of ripe fruits for yourself and your loved ones. Such tangerines keep well, unlike the same Spanish ones, for example.

The benefits of Moroccan tangerines

It has already become clear how to choose tangerines and what you should pay attention to first of all. Now it is worth deciding on the main advantages of these fruits. First of all, it is necessary to note the obvious fact - Moroccan tangerines, like all citrus fruits, are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. In addition, orange fruits contain a fairly large amount of flavonoids and organic acids. Mandarins from Morocco are characterized by a high content of vitamin C, which means that on the eve of the New Year there is a great opportunity to strengthen the immune system and significantly improve the mood of yourself and everyone around you by treating them with a tangerine.

Storing tangerines

The existing types of tangerines determine the characteristics and shelf life. So, for example, Moroccan fruits are unpretentious and differ in that they can wait for their finest hour for a long time. As a rule, the fruits are stored at a temperature of about +4 - +8 degrees. For better preservation, it is recommended to put fresh fruits in a plastic bag - this is necessary in order to reduce the flow of fresh air, which can cause the fruit to dry out.

In any case, it should be understood that tangerines at home are difficult to keep intact for a long time. As a rule, these fruits are stored for about 4 - 6 days, after which the process of decay or drying begins. It is worth noting that Moroccan mandarins are easier to save without special tweaks. You just need to put them on a vegetable shelf in the refrigerator and cover them with a sheet of clean and thick paper (for example, parchment).

For many, it is associated with childhood and the New Year tree. They served as a wonderful addition to the festive table. The wonderful sunny color and the special wonderful scent create a positive attitude. It is not for nothing that in many Asian countries, mandarin symbolizes happiness and prosperity.

Abkhaz tangerines are especially fond of our compatriots; it was this product that was actively sold in Soviet times during the pre-New Year period.

With the expansion of trade relations with foreign suppliers, other varieties of tangerines appeared on store shelves, which significantly expanded the consumer's perception of amazing fruits. Tangerines are a pleasant and healthy delicacy. They are not expensive, so they are frequent guests at our table. The inclusion of citruses in the diet in the autumn-winter period, when the supply of local seasonal fruits dwindles, is very welcome. The consumption of citrus fruits in our country is constantly growing. Everyone loves fruit, except for those who are allergic to the product.

The variety of their species and varieties is amazing. But at the same time, questions arise as to which of these fruits are the most useful and tasty, whether certain types contain substances hazardous to health. Choosing a product is a responsible occupation. It is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the varieties of tangerines, the peculiarities of their growth and transportation.

Types of tangerines and where they grow

The homeland of tangerine trees is Indochina. Having appreciated the undoubted advantages of fruits, our ancestors began to cultivate plants in other regions. Mandarin trees began their triumphant march across the globe, the average life of a tree is 70 years. Due to its hardiness, the fruit has taken root in areas where other citrus fruits do not survive. An average of 600-800 fruits are harvested from one tree.

From China and India, sweet aromatic citrus fruits have made their way to Japan. Then they mastered the Mediterranean. They began to grow in Italy, Spain, France, Morocco.

Growing conditions of trees leave an imprint on the appearance of the fruit and on their taste.

Mandarins are members of the Citrus genus. They belong to the Rutov family. This is a branched group of varieties and hydrides. The structure of the fruit is united with other representatives of citrus fruits: the dense peel protects the core, consisting of separate segments of the pulp, enclosed in a shell. They are distinguished by: rich sweet taste, simplicity of separating the segments of the pulp from each other, softness of the peel, which can be easily separated from the pulp.

Otherwise, the variety of fruits is huge:

  • Fruit color varies from yellowish green to almost red.
  • Sizes range from 2 to 8 cm.
  • The peel can be removed easily or with difficulty.
  • The taste of the fruit is usually sweet or sweet and sour, but there are sour and tart varieties.
  • Fruits also differ in the presence of seeds. They may not exist or be abundant.

These differences determine the mandarin belonging to a particular species. Let's consider some of the varieties:

  • Unshiu is a type of mandarin tree adapted to temperate latitudes. Distributed in Georgia, Abkhazia, Crimea, Krasnodar Territory. The weight of juicy fruits is about 70 g.
  • Austere is a very sweet citrus. A characteristic feature is a deep orange color with a reddish tint.
  • Tangerines are sunny orange fruits. The thick peel is easy and quick to peel. The soft juicy heart is sweet in taste, the aroma is poorly expressed. Fruiting from mid-autumn to mid-spring.
  • In addition to orange, another variety of tangerines has been bred - green tangerines, sweet and juicy. They bear fruit almost all year round.
  • The sweet and sour variety of the Deliciosa species is cultivated in the Mediterranean and China. The shape is a flattened ball 6-7 cm in diameter.
  • Citrus varieties Poncan are distinguished by their original pear-shaped shape. The shell of medium thickness is easily peeled, revealing a juicy delicate core, the taste is sweet with sourness.
  • The royal variety Nobilis stands out from the whole family for its large size. The rind is thick with a bumpy structure. Juicy aromatic pulp is sweet with a delicate aftertaste.
  • The varieties Kishiu, Mukaku-kishiu and Shiva-mikan are suitable for growing fruits in the interior. The fruits are small, but the plants grow well and bear fruit in an enclosed space.
  • Of particular note is the Baby variety, bred in China. The fruits are so small that they are eaten in one meal. We fell in love with baby tangerines for their honey sweetness and incomparable aroma.

  • Hybrid varieties have greatly expanded the range of citrus varieties. Instances with unusual taste, color and aroma appeared.
  • In the Mediterranean, there is a widespread hybrid of a mandarin with an orange called. A large, dense, bright orange fruit with a slightly flattened shape. The crust is thin, smooth with a sheen, but tough. The pulp rich in vitamins is juicy and sweet.
  • Hybrid clementine is grown in 3 species. They differ among themselves in the size of the fruit and the number of seeds. Corsican clementine is a seedless variety of mandarins, in Spanish and Montreal there are no more than 10 seeds.
  • Clemenville or clemenville - tangelo and clementine hydride. Tazhelo, in turn, is a hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit. Clemenville is a seedless mandarin variety.
  • Agli is a fruit with a lumpy irregular shape. Grown by crossing mandarin, grapefruit and orange. It is characterized by a grapefruit flavor and a pronounced citrus aroma.

When tangerines ripen

Despite the fact that the counters of the markets are filled with tangerines almost all year round, this happens due to the competent organization of storage.

In general, the peak harvest occurs in December. In particular, the ripening season depends on the variety and geographical location of the tangerine trees.

In Abkhazia, the tangerine harvesting season begins in mid-November, ending in mid-December.

In Spain, due to the more favorable climate, fruiting continues from early November to late January.

Chinese varieties are ready for harvest in early September.

The beginning of the harvest season in Turkey is mid-October.

Where do tangerines come from to Russia

Russia is the world's largest importer of tangerines.

The largest volume of deliveries of sunny fruits to Russian counters falls on the period from November to February.

The number of countries-importers of products reaches two dozen.

The main supplier of products from the near abroad is Abkhazia.

Among other countries, the first places are traditionally occupied by Morocco, Turkey, China, Pakistan and Argentina. These products are imported in a fairly large volume from Israel, South Africa and Egypt.

Transportation of goods takes from several days to 2-3 weeks. For these reasons, fruits coming from far abroad are harvested slightly underripe. Then they are treated with a wax-like substance to block the pores of the skin to prevent contact with air.


In the minds of the inhabitants of Russia, Abkhaz tangerines are perceived as a guarantee of the quality of products. Cold-resistant varieties have taken root in Abkhazia, demonstrating excellent consumer qualities.

The product transportation route is not long. Processing to preserve the presentation is not required, which preserves environmental friendliness. This product does not need additional advertising. This fact is taken into account by sellers who are trying to sell Chinese or Turkish mandarins under the guise of Abkhaz.

It is possible to correctly distinguish Abkhazian tangerines from their "counterparts" from the far abroad, if we take into account a number of factors:

  • The fruits cannot go on sale before the end of November.
  • Juicy fruit pulp has a pleasant caramel flavor with a slight sourness.
  • Matte, fairly dense peel peels off without difficulty. The casing treated with a special composition will be smoother with a shimmer.
  • Abkhazian fruits are large enough, 5 to 8 cm in diameter.
  • They are transported in boxes without calibration, which is why the sides of some fruits are flattened.
  • The main difference from Chinese citrus is its rich, pleasant aroma.

It is better not to delay the consumption of Abkhaz tangerines because of the relatively short shelf life.

In the near future, it is planned to supply Georgian tangerines grown in Adjara to the market. Adjarian sunny fruits have always been in demand in Russia as well.


Tangerines are mainly grown in the southern regions of Turkey. Fruits appear in markets and stores towards the end of November.

Tangerines from Turkey are characterized by a number of characteristics:

  • by taste, sweet and sour, sometimes insipid;
  • yellowish peel is thin, but it is difficult to separate from the pulp;
  • a large number of bones.

In the tangerine segment, products from Turkey are the cheapest in terms of cost.


Moroccan tangerines are small. The shape resembles a ball flattened in height with a dent in the center. Fruits are harvested at the end of November once a year. Due to the high moisture content, the fruits are very juicy and sweet. The peel is thin and peels off easily. Seeds are present in small quantities. Ripe fruits are characterized by a rich orange color.

The price-quality index for Moroccan tangerines is optimal.

You can recognize Moroccan tangerines by the black diamond-shaped sticker.

Clementine is often positioned as Moroccan oranges in the market.


The most expensive varieties of mandarins come from Spain. They are considered to be the best of the extensive line of the Rutov family.

Fruits from Spain differ in a number of ways:

  • they are medium in size;
  • the taste is sweet;
  • the porous skin is easily separated from the core;
  • the presence of seeds depends on the variety.

Common varieties are clementine and clemenville.


For most of the Chinese tangerines entering the domestic counters, it is characteristic:

  • the presence of a thin matte skin, which allows them to be passed off as Abkhaz;
  • sweet taste;
  • lack of a specific aroma.

Another common variety of Chinese mandarins is tangerines. They are characterized by:

  • small size;
  • thin, easily removable skin with a loose structure;
  • strong peculiar aroma;
  • orange with a reddish tint color,
  • a small amount of seeds.

Mostly from China, tangerines come with leaves, which should demonstrate the freshness of the product. However, this is not entirely true, since ripe fruits that are not protected from exposure to air deteriorate very quickly.

Fears that Chinese citruses are dangerous due to their high nitrate content are unfounded. According to representatives of Roskontrol, nitrates do not accumulate in fruits. In addition, citric and ascorbic acid inhibits the accumulation of nitrates.

The main reason for the deterioration of the quality of goods is improper storage.

Mandarins are one of the most famous and varied groups of edible citrus fruits. Mandarins grow in a wider range than oranges due to their greater tolerance to low temperatures, where plantings of other citrus fruits freeze. The orange mandarin is native to Southeast Asia and the Philippines. This citrus grows most abundantly in Japan, southern China, India, and is grown for personal consumption in Australia.

Mandarins have long been an exclusively Asian fruit, where they have grown since the beginning of the century. Towards Western countries, these fruits moved in small steps, and the appearance of tangerines in new territories was usually associated with the interest of a particular gardener in a particular citrus variety. Thus, the initial history of the distribution of mandarins can be traced through the chronology of the introduction of individual varieties in limited areas.

Two varieties were brought to England from the colony in 1805, later they were spread in the culture of the Mediterranean, and by 1850 they became well known in Italy. Around the same time, the Italian consul brought several specimens of tangerine trees to the United States in New Orleans. From there, mandarins reached Florida and California, where they grow commercially to the present day.

The first mandarins were introduced in 1876 from Japan to the Arab region. And already from 1908 to 1911, a million grown tangerine tree seedlings were delivered for planting in the states of the Persian Gulf. In the United States, mandarins have also begun to be grown in states with less mild climates in Texas, California and Georgia. In Mexico, mandarins were over-planted, which led to a decline in their market value and the destruction of excess orchards in the 1970s. There are limited plantings of mandarins in Guatemala and some other areas of tropical America.

These fruits have not achieved high popularity in Western countries, as tangerines have several disadvantages for commercial use. During the ripening period, the fruits do not stick well to the trees and almost one-time harvesting of the entire crop is required. In addition, the fruit has a delicate thin skin that is prone to damage, drying out and fungal attack. Low portability implies a high price for the end user. In this regard, tangerines lose to oranges and grapefruits.

However, with well-established logistics and well-developed distribution channels, the regions adjacent to the places where tangerines are grown receive fruits in practically unlimited quantities and with the best taste characteristics among all citrus fruits. Today, the largest producers of these fruits in the world for export are China, Brazil, Korea, Italy, the USA, Morocco, the countries of the Mediterranean and the Caucasus region, where tangerines grow, usually grown for sale to neighboring states.

Tell your friends about it.

Mandarins have been cultivated for thousands of years in India. In ancient China, they appreciated the beneficial properties and adopted the experience of growing this amazing plant. And today China is the main world exporter of these fruits.

Many varieties of tangerines migrated from their homeland - Indochina - to Japan and Korea, gained popularity on the Mediterranean coast, in the southern states of North America and Latin America, Israel, Turkey, Abkhazia and other countries. The Sochi region of the Black Sea coast is considered a favorable region for growing in our country.

Types of tangerines and where they grow

- the same fruit that for a long time was not subject to any classification. In the middle of the last century, the Soviet scientist-breeder V.P. Alekseev gave a definition to seven main groups, highlighting the following types of tangerines:

  1. Satsuma or "Unshiu" is a species that grows well in Georgia, Abkhazia, in the Krasnodar Territory and on the Crimean Peninsula in the Russian Federation. The plant is resistant to temperate climates, capable of bearing fully ripe fruits with insufficient sunlight. Often, Unshiu is grown at home as a houseplant, which bears fruit as actively as outdoors. This is facilitated by the low growth of the tree, which will not exceed 1.5 meters in limited space. In open ground, the tree reaches a height of 3 meters, which is also not much in comparison with other varieties. The plant bears its first fruits at the age of 3 years. Abundant and fragrant flowering occurs in May. Unshiu fruits are flattened, covered with a thin light orange rind with a slight hint of greenery, which is easy to peel to get a delicate and sweet citrus pulp. The average weight of one fruit is about 70 g. The species is distinguished by the fact that the fruits do not contain seeds. Reproduction takes place by grafting to other trees, due to which varieties such as Pioneer 80 and Sochinsky 23 appeared with excellent cold resistance and yield.
  2. Austere - refers to a citrus of Chinese origin. Perhaps, this is one of the sweetest types of citrus, a distinctive feature of which can be called a bright orange with a hint of red peel.
  3. A well-known representative of this species is the Tangerina variety, which grows in the USA, as well as in Italy and on the island of Sicily. Unlike Unshiu, tangerines are covered with a denser skin, but they also do not contain seeds. Ripe and tasty tangerines are harvested between October and April. The skin is easily peeled, and the fruit pulp is divided into juicy slices.
  4. Deliciosa is a species belonging to the Sino-Mediterranean citrus group. The most popular variety is the willow tangerine, a tree with a compact crown of narrow and long leaves. Fruits are flattened, orange in color, average size 6-7 cm in diameter, sweet and sour in taste.
  5. Reticulata is a species ubiquitous in China and India. The industrial export is the Ponkan variety - a large “golden-fruited” tangerine, of an original pear-shaped form with a “navel”. The fruits are easily peeled from the medium-thick peel, under which the juicy, tender, sweet-sour pulp is hidden. With bones. The crop is harvested from December to the end of January, fortunately, the climate of the countries where the poncan variety is grown allows this to be done. In addition to India and China, this citrus grows in Latin and South America, Taiwan and the Philippines.
  6. Kind of royal mandarins Nobilis ("Noble") - historically refers to the Indo-Chinese and Malay groups. The fruits are one of the largest with an inherent characteristic feature - a lumpy and thick rind, under which lies a juicy and sweet pulp with an excellent aroma and aftertaste. The best varieties of the "royal" type recognized all over the world are: King (Siamese king), Tsao-tsze, Uwatin-mikan.
  7. Small-fruited species suitable for growing at home - Sino-Japanese varietal group. Favorite varieties - sweet Mukaku-kishiu and Kishiu, and sour Shiva-mikan feel great indoors, bringing a tropical touch to the interior, actively bloom and bear fruit.
  8. Hybrid species are varieties bred in the course of breeding experiments on various citrus plants. Thus, it was possible to obtain fruits of bright colors, with unique taste, of all kinds of sizes and shapes:
  • Calamondin –mandarin + fortunella;
  • Rangpur - mandarin orange +;
  • –Mandarin + orange peel; (Corsican, Montreal and Spanish);
  • Tangelo - Tangerine + (or);
  • Thornton is a variety of tangelo;
  • - American variety Dancy + Duncan grapefruit;
  • Tangor - tangerine + sweet orange;
  • Mandora - mandarin orange + sweet orange;
  • Ellendale - mandarin + tangerine +;
  • Citrandarin - mandarin + ponzirus;
  • Santina - Clementine + Orlando;
  • Agli ("freak" English) - tangerine + orange + grapefruit;
  • Ichandarin - mandarin + Ichang papeda;
  • Oranjevat - tangerine unshiu +;
  • Orange - mandarin orange + pomelo;
  • Meyer's lemon - + tangerine (or orange);
  • Cabosu - Papeda + Orange.

As a result of experiments in modern citrus breeding, a unique variety of Baby appeared, as the name implies - these are mini tangerines, China. The fruit is so small that it literally melts in your mouth. The light skin of the Baby variety speaks of the origin from the Chinese satsuma, the dark orange - from the tangerine. Baby tangerines are extremely sweet and aromatic. The only drawback is that they have to be cleaned too often, as one piece is enough "for one tooth."

When tangerines ripen

The ripeness of the fruits is directly related to where they were brought from. Harvested from the end of October to February, depending on the area, growing conditions and characteristics of the variety.

China has long been recognized as a leader in the cultivation of citrus fruits, exporting to the world market 10 times more than, for example, the second country in terms of growing "orange" fruits - Spain. Due to the favorable climate, citrus trees bear fruit from early November to late January. While in Abkhazia and Sochi they manage to ripen only in December.

In general, the picture is such that the industrial volume of the tangerine harvest falls on December. Therefore, the fruit is traditionally considered New Year's, since all producers try to sell most of the harvest before the New Year holidays.

How to choose Abkhaz tangerines

Abkhaz tangerines, tastefully familiar from childhood to all immigrants from the USSR, are a traditional tasty decoration of every New Year's table in our country and not only for many decades in a row. Cold-resistant varieties were specially obtained from Japanese satsums for cultivation in a special climatic zone - in Abkhazia, are used to this day.

In view of the fact that an abundance of fruits of various varieties from many countries is presented on the market, many people have a question: how to distinguish Abkhazian tangerines, for example, from Chinese ones? The first difference is the mid-early ripening of the fruit. At the end of November, "orange" plantations in Abkhazia are covered with small "suns", and the harvest ripens by mid-December. The second difference is the matte skin. No gloss. The third difference is a delicate and pleasant aroma from the crust, which you feel when holding the fruit in your hands, the invigorating taste of juicy pulp with a caramel aftertaste and sourness in the aftertaste. Depending on the variety, the Abkhazian crop is predominantly seedless, although fruits are also found with them.

Moroccan tangerines

Mandarins from Morocco are one of the most popular and affordable fruits in Russia in winter. Bright orange "balls" with a traditional black diamond sticker can be found in every retail outlet. The peel is easy to peel, and the pulp is juicy and sweet, with few seeds.

How to choose Spanish tangerines

Spanish mandarins are medium-sized bright orange fruits. Most often, on the shelves there are branches with ripe fruits or single fruits with leaves. The skin is coarsely porous and easy to peel, the pulp is sweet. There are seeds in almost every lobule, but there are seedless hybrid varieties.

Chinese tangerines

Considering the fact that China is the main exporter of "orange" fruit in the world, most of the consignments of this product on our counters were brought from there. Chinese tangerines are passed off as Abkhaz ones, since some varieties have an identical thin matte skin, which is easily peeled, and the pulp, although sweet in taste, has no characteristic aroma. Greenish tangerines from China are spread on store shelves with leaves or on twigs. It is a mistake to assume that they last longer in this way. Ripe citrus fruits are perishable.

Turkish tangerines

They differ from their "counterparts" in low price, lack of seeds and slightly sour taste. They are characterized by a yellowish peel that is easy to peel. Many love them for their lack of seeds.

How to choose delicious tangerines

Sometimes, it seems that buying fruit is a lottery: if they turn out to be sweet - lucky, sour - well, it doesn't happen to anyone ... To choose really ripe and sweet tangerines, you need to answer the question: which tangerines are the most delicious? It is enough to have a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe varieties and importing countries in order not to be mistaken with the choice:

  • Large and flattened fruits usually have a sour taste;
  • Medium-sized citruses with a bright orange or yellowish skin are sweet;
  • Delicious fruits are believed to weigh heavier than sour ones. In addition, citrus fruits, which are light in weight, lack liquid, a lot of seeds and tough fiber.

Delicious means ripe. When choosing an orange fruit in a store, you should pay attention to:

  • Skin that should be smooth without dents or dark spots. Too loose or, conversely, dry peel indicates a low quality of the product;
  • Lack of mold, otherwise such a product will be not only not tasty, but also harmful to health.

How to choose sweet and seedless tangerines

When we talk about seedless tangerines, of course, we are talking about the Pixie variety. It is a bright orange fruit with a coarsely porous skin that is easy to peel. No other variety can boast such a delicate honey-sweet pulp with a pleasant caramel aftertaste. Another advantage of the Pixie variety is the lack of seeds. The fruits ripen at the end of winter and remain on trees for six months.

But, as a rule, information on varieties is not indicated on fruit counters in shops and markets. Therefore, we are guided by the knowledge of the importing countries. If you basically want to buy seedless fruit, then by all means choose a crop from Abkhazia, Turkey, however, there is a high probability that they will turn out to be sour, or from Israel - beautiful, with a shiny crust, but not juicy, even dryish in taste.

Mandarin has been associated with the New Year for decades. It is difficult to find a person who can resist the temptation to feast on this delicious fruit.

In addition to its pronounced, unique taste, tangerine has many useful properties, which will be described below. You can even grow a tangerine in a pot at home by following certain instructions.

There are a number of varieties, the characteristics of which are very different from each other - the size of the fruit, the color of the peel, the ease of separating it from the pulp, the presence of seeds, and the taste. Mandarin is originally from China, and to this day this country is a leader in the cultivation and export of the fruits of this crop to other countries of the world. There is some information that mandarin was first noticed and used in India, and in China it appeared after that. At the same time, scientists failed to determine with a sufficiently high reliability the first cases of domestication and the use of culture.
In Russia, the industrial cultivation of tangerines is concentrated in the southern regions - in the Caucasus, in the regions of the Black Sea coast, Abkhazia, Sochi. In addition, this fruit is the subject of cultivation and import for such post-Soviet countries as Georgia and Azerbaijan. Currently, the total area of \u200b\u200bcitrus plantations in Russia, including tangerines, is about 15 thousand hectares. They are grown in large quantities in Italy, Egypt, the southern states of the USA, Mexico, Spain and Brazil. Mandarin began to spread throughout the world in the 19th century, since then it has rarely been found in a wildly growing form.

Botanical description

Mandarin is an evergreen plant belonging to the genus Citrus. It grows in the form of a spreading shrub or small tree up to 5 m. The life expectancy is up to 100 years, the tree enters the peak of abundant fruiting when it reaches 25 years of age. The root system of the mandarin is very sprawling and powerful, its width far exceeds the diameter of the crown. Leaves change completely every four years. Flowers are presented in brushes of 4-6 pieces. Mandarin blooms from April to mid-June. At this time, the tree is especially beautiful - white or delicate creamy flowers spread a pleasant smell, somewhat similar to the scent of bergamot. Pollinated on its own. Mandarin leaves are oval and slightly pointed, dense and with a glossy sheen. Petioles can be with small wings or completely wingless. Young shoots are dark green, while older ones are brown.
Fruits are round and multi-celled, with juicy pulp, with or without seeds. They are covered with skin of different thickness and density. The fruits of some varieties are extremely easy to peel, while others, on the contrary, are difficult to peel, since the skin is thin and tightly attached to the pulp. The weight of one fruit is from 30 to 100 grams.
Tangerines ripen in October-December. One tree, whose age has reached the mark of 30-45 years, is capable of producing 500-900 fruits per year. This indicator, of course, varies depending on the varietal characteristics of the tangerine tree, its health and the conditions of the growing environment of the plant. The culture loves light, moist soils. The number of waterings is increased during the period of active growth.
The cultivation of tangerines will give good results if it is carried out on slightly acidic, light, fertile soils. On heavy soils, a drainage device may be needed so that during watering the root system does not suffer from stagnant moisture.

Mandarin is a valuable dietary product; 100 grams of the edible portion contains only 53 kcal. It contains many minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, D, K, B4, riboflavin, ascorbic acid. Mandarins will be useful to everyone, of course, except for those who are allergic to citrus fruits, high acidity of the stomach, gastritis, diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer disease, chronic kidney disease. Mandarins are recommended to be consumed in winter, as they are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is indispensable in the fight against colds, fatigue, and vitamin deficiency. In addition, the regular use of tangerines will help protect the body from the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin diseases, some researchers have noted the ability of citrus fruits to suppress the development of cancer. It is worth remembering that the acids contained in the pulp of tangerine can negatively affect the tooth enamel, therefore, it is advisable not to forget to rinse your mouth with water after eating tangerines.

For pregnant women, tangerines will help to cope with nausea in case of toxicosis, they also saturate the body of the mother and child with the necessary vitamins and minerals. For nursing women, tangerines will also benefit, but it is worth limiting their number, as the child may develop a severe allergic reaction.

The peel of tangerines, which everyone is used to throwing away, has no less valuable properties than the pulp itself. It is used for the manufacture of various tinctures, mixtures, which are very effective in diseases of the respiratory organs and impaired appetite. It contains a significant percentage of essential oils, so the peel is also used as a raw material for the manufacture of tangerine oil used in medicine and cosmetology.

Popular types and varieties of tangerines

At the present time, on the shelves of supermarkets and other retail outlets, you can see many different varieties of tangerines. To a person who is not very versed in them, all tangerines are practically "one face". Sometimes they may seem outwardly exactly the same, but their taste is significantly different. Unlucky sellers can sell tangerines in several varieties from one box, mistaking them for one. Therefore, many are faced with a situation when purchasing a certain amount of these fruits, which, according to the seller, are “very sweet and seedless,” in fact, may turn out to be sour and with a dozen seeds inside.
In general, today there are about 450 varieties of tangerines. It will not be possible to fully study the entire variety of tangerines on the domestic and world market, since some species include several varieties, which, in turn, have a dozen more varieties. Consider the most popular varieties and types of tangerines, which at the moment are most often found on the Russian markets.

Clementines. This is an artificially bred species, obtained by crossing a mandarin and a red orange. It is divided into three types: Corsican, Spanish and Montreal. The Corsican species has no seeds, while the Spanish and Montreal ones have 2-12 seeds each. Clementines are usually small in size and easily recognizable on the shelves. They have a pleasant sweetish taste. The only drawback of certain varieties belonging to clementines is the difficulty in peeling.

Pioneer 80. The variety is grown in the Krasnodar Territory, is characterized by cold resistance, well-peeled peel and sweet and sour taste. The tree grows up to 4.5 meters, begins bearing fruit at 5-6 years of age.
... Tangor is a group of varieties obtained from crossing sweet oranges and tangerines. Not grown in Russia, imported from other countries. Ripens in December. The fruit is slightly smaller than a small orange and tastes very sweet. The rind is thick but peels off easily.

Georgian tangerine - the most cold-resistant variety, as the name suggests, is grown mainly in Georgia. It grows in the form of a short (up to 2 meters) tree. There are few or no seeds in the pulp, the fruits ripen in November. These tangerines taste very sweet, contain a lot of sugars, and have a strong characteristic odor. The peel separates well from the pulp.

Unshiu. Another group of varieties that is widespread in Russia and neighboring countries. Fruits are small, flattened, practically seedless, often grown as an ornamental indoor plant. The skin is thin, light orange in color, and can be difficult to remove. In Russia, it is grown on the Black Sea coast.

Turkish tangerines. Imported from Turkey to Russia, Ukraine, and other neighboring countries. The fruits ripen in winter. In appearance, they can be distinguished by the fact that they are medium in size, round in shape, covered with an orange peel and have many seeds.

But the most popular in Russia are tangerines from Abkhazia. This is due to a simplified delivery process in other regions, a relatively low cost, and a guarantee that the fruits do not have a shock dose of chemicals. You can try, having gained patience in advance, to grow a tangerine tree from a seed of any kind on your own. There are many step-by-step instructions on this topic on the Internet. But you need to be prepared for the fact that in such conditions the tree will not grow tall, since it needs special care, prepared soil, and specific preparations. And the climate in most regions of Russia is not conducive to growing tangerines in an open space.

Mandarin planting technology

In places where the absolute minimum of winter temperatures is -8 ° C, only tangerines can grow, since they are the most cold-resistant crop among citrus fruits. The soil for laying a tangerine plantation should begin to be prepared in 12-24 months. To do this, planting is carried out to a depth of at least 50 cm, and legumes, soil-strengthening herbs are sown. Before the start of soil cultivation, manure is applied, with the calculation of 40 tons per 1 hectare. Saplings are preferred to be planted in spring.
Mandarins can be propagated from seeds, cuttings, cuttings and grafts.

1. To germinate seedlings from seeds, you need to take ripe fruits, remove the seeds from them, dry them a little at room temperature, then place them in a moist substrate. After a couple of months, sprouts will begin to show, and at this time it is important to keep them indoors where the air temperature is not lower than + 15 ° C. In order for such seedlings to be planted in open ground, it will take about a year for them to grow up, to develop the root system sufficiently.

2. When propagating by grafting, as a rootstock, you can use not only the tangerine tree, but also other trees of citrus crops.

3. Reproduction by air layering is no less laborious - for this you need to take young shoots, tilt them slightly, giving a horizontal position, carefully cut off the bark and wrap this place with wet moss, periodically moistening it in order to avoid drying out. Over time, the cuttings will begin to take root, after which they can be cut and transplanted into fertile soil for rooting.

4. Propagation by cuttings is a bit like the method of air layers. Only for this, the shoots are first cut off, and then placed in a nutrient medium.

The most reliable and less laborious way to propagate tangerines is to grow from seeds. You can protect yourself from these worries and purchase ready-made seedlings in the nursery. But since this plant at such a tender age is rather fragile and capricious, and the suppliers do not always honestly admit what state these seedlings are in, it is possible that half of the acquired planting material will have to be thrown away.
Young seedlings can be planted in open ground when they have reached a height of 10-15 cm. And, in no case, in cold soil. A small dose of organic matter or mineral fertilizers mixed with the soil should be placed in the planting holes. After planting, the tangerines are watered and mulched.

Tangerine care

Those trees that are regularly subjected to formative pruning and the removal of excess shoots will be able to bear fruit abundantly. It is accepted even during germination in nurseries to begin to form tangerines in a semi-bush form. The first pruning is carried out to obtain 1st order shoots, the second is to shorten the 1st order shoots, and the third is to trim the 2nd order shoots. Pruning of tangerine trees is carried out in the spring. Simultaneously with the removal of excess shoots, drowning the crown, dry, broken branches are removed. Regular crown rejuvenation promotes better growth of young shoots and increased fruiting.
Watering. Mandarins especially need hydration during dry periods. One adult tree will require about two buckets of water, twice a week. If the soil does not have time to absorb moisture, watering should be reduced, because excessive moisture has a detrimental effect on the root system.

For top dressing, mainly organic fertilizers are used, such as manure, compost, and bird droppings. They are bred with water and watered with this substance around the tree trunk, having previously loosened it. In addition, when growing tangerines, the aisles are carefully monitored. Every year, green manure grasses are sown in them, in the fall they are mowed, embedded in the soil, and for some time they keep the plantation under black fallow.

Diseases and pests of tangerines

Mandarins are often contaminated with diseases from other citrus species, so it is advisable to grow them in a remote location. The correct calculation of fertilizers is also important. To find out what the composition of the soil is at the moment, they make a chemical analysis of samples taken from a tangerine plantation, then, relying on them, add one or another trace element. Fungal and bacterial diseases are especially dangerous for tangerines, such as:

  • anthracnose;
  • wart;
  • citrus hommosis;
  • citrus cancer;
  • malsecco;
  • tristeza;
  • root rot.

Citrus diseases spread quickly to healthy trees. Malsecco is especially dangerous - with it, the tree gradually dies, starting from the tips of the shoots, followed by damage to the trunk. With this disease, also called "infectious drying", the leaves fall off in an unnatural way, leaving petioles on the branches, the shoots change color and dry out. Even the use of chemicals will not save a sick tree; it will have to be destroyed.
Citrus cancer is also not cured. In other cases, trees are sprayed with copper sulfate, formalin solution, lime. Treatment should be carried out until the trees are completely healed, after which the branches that could not be saved should be removed.
Mandarin pests - spider mites, scale insects, aphids. They are eliminated by Aktellik, Karbofos, Aktara. Plant residues are destroyed without fail.

Harvesting and storing tangerines

Harvesting of tangerines is carried out depending on the ripening time characteristic of the cultivated variety. It is important to pick the tangerines a little unripe in order to extend their shelf life and marketability. The fruits are plucked from the trees by hand and placed in plastic boxes in several layers. The process is quite laborious, so agricultural enterprises employ hired workers for the harvesting period. Fruits that are overripe or were slightly damaged during the harvesting process do not go for long-term sale, they are allowed for processing.

Tangerines should be stored in a dry, dark room at a temperature of + 6 ° C and air humidity 80-90%. Some varieties, with a dense skin, can be stored for more than a month. To extend the shelf life of tangerines, you can cover them with leaves, or rub with vegetable oil.