Soft caramel at home. Caramel: how to make caramel at home

15.03.2020 Dishes for children


  • filtered water - 125 ml;
  • fine sugar - 500 g.



  • butter - 100 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cow's milk - 50 ml;
  • vanillin to taste.


We very carefully heat the sugar on low heat until it melts.

Then pour in milk and boil the mixture for 10 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula. After that, put a piece of butter, add honey and vanillin. Cook the caramel until thick, and then spread the mass on a sheet of parchment paper, distribute it evenly and wait until it hardens. Next, cut it into pieces and serve sweets for tea.


  • milk - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 300 g




Do not let the sugar mass completely freeze in the pan, otherwise it will be difficult to clean it later. Keep the pot on low heat while making the candy. Then, when everything is done, immediately pour hot water into it and bring to a boil and boil for 5-10 minutes so that the remaining sugar from the bottom melts. Then you just have to pour out the boiling water and clean the bottom of the pan a little.

Caramel is melted and toasted sugar. Important criteria for good sugar are color and taste. The caramel should be a beautiful amber brown; some say the color should be like the old coin. Caramel is cooked almost to the point of combustion, but the taste remains sweet. Liquid caramel is made from sugar and water and is used as sauces. Dry caramel is harder and is made only from sugar. It is often used to make pralines, peanut candy, and berry and fruit pies. Follow these simple instructions and don't worry - caramel takes practice and sugar is inexpensive. When making caramel, you must take precautions because you can get burned.

Prepare the pot. Although no special equipment is required to make the caramel, the pot or pan used must be completely clean. Choose a heavy, sturdy and light-colored saucepan so you can follow the caramelization process. If you plan to add cream to the caramel, keep in mind that the amount of caramel will increase.

  • Any impurities in the saucepan or kitchen utensils (spoon, spatula) can cause an undesirable reaction called recrystallization. Recrystallization is a chemical process in which impurities and compounds (sugars) are dissolved in a solvent (water), and impurities or compounds can be released from solution. This means the formation of strong sugar lumps.

Take precautions. Hot sugar can splash and cause severe burns. Wear long sleeves, an apron, and gloves. If you have glasses, put them on.

  • Keep a deep bowl of cold water nearby to dip your hands in if you get caramel on them.

Mix sugar and water. Place a thin layer of sugar on the bottom of a saucepan or skillet. Pour water over the sugar slowly and evenly so that all the sugar is covered. Do not leave dry areas.

  • Use only granulated sugar. There are too many impurities in brown sugar and powdered sugar, so you won't get caramel. Raw sugar is also not recommended.

Heat the sugar. Cook sugar and water over medium heat until sugar dissolves. Watch the process carefully and stir the pot if you notice clots forming. Most of the clots will melt when heated

  • To prevent recrystallization, you can cover the pot with a lid until the sugar has completely melted. Any sugar crystals on the sides of the pot will fall to the bottom due to the condensation created.
  • Another way to prevent recrystallization is to add a small amount (two drops) of lemon juice or tartar to the water / sugar mixture as it starts to dissolve. These recrystallizing agents prevent the formation of large clumps by coating small crystals.
  • Some people also use a cooking brush dipped in water to destroy crystals on the sides of the pot. This is effective, but the bristles can come off the brush and remain in your lovely caramel.

Fry the sugar. Watch the sugar browning process. When it almost reaches its burning point and begins to foam and smoke slightly, remove it from the heat immediately.

  • Since the cookware and oven do not always distribute heat evenly, it is important to keep track of the process. Searing is quick and the caramel can burn if you leave it unattended.

Refrigerate. Add cream and butter to the caramel to stop cooking and cool the pan. Stir with a whisk over low heat. You can remove any remaining clots. Refrigerate caramel and store in an airtight container.

  • To make a salty caramel sauce, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt as soon as the caramel has cooled to room temperature.
  • To make vanilla caramel sauce, add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract after removing the caramel from heat.

Clean up. Cleaning a sticky pot may seem daunting, but it's pretty simple. Soak a pot in warm water or fill it with water and bring to a boil. Boiling will dissolve all the caramel.

How to make caramel? Delicious caramel recipe with video and step by step photos.

Making caramel at home is not that difficult. Moreover, it can be used in many cases. It is suitable for decorating culinary products, as a filling for cakes, pies, sweets, beautiful caramel figurines. Some gourmets even put caramel in meat dishes!

How to make caramel at home: preliminary preparation

Before you decide to make a caramel, first make sure you know enough about what you need to make it.

1. Arm yourself with the right dishes

It is best to make caramel in a cast iron skillet with thick sides and bottom, or in an aluminum pan (also with a thick bottom). A standard non-stick frying pan may work for you, if nothing else.

2. The right sugar

How to make caramel really tasty and high quality? You need to use good sugar. A good caramel needs real cane sugar.

Because of the cane molasses included in the cane sugar, it contains many useful substances - calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus.

3. Safety precautions

If you are making caramel in a skillet, be sure to protect exposed parts of your body with clothing. Put on an apron and gloves. Do not turn on the heat too high so that the melted sugar does not accidentally fall on you.

Caramel is burnt and melted sugar. There is a lot of controversy about the "correct" color of caramel. Someone claims that it should be as bright as amber. And some argue that the color should be dark, chocolate brown.

Caramel is melted almost until it burns. However, the taste of the right caramel is sweet.

There are two types of caramel: liquid and dry.

Liquid is made from water and cane sugar. Used as dressings and sauces.

Dry caramel is drier and tougher in consistency. It is prepared only with sugar. It is included in the composition of pralines, candies, pies.

You will soon learn how to make caramel. It's not that hard, although you will need training. The main thing is to observe safety precautions. Melted sugar can cause severe skin burns!

1. For caramel you need the right pan - for example, aluminum with a thick bottom, colorless, so that the difference between the bottom of the pan and the changing color of the caramel is clearly visible.

2. This amount is enough to make crème caramel for six people or six crème brлеlée. Heat a saucepan over medium heat for a few seconds, then add 175 g of white sugar, without removing from heat. Usually brown sugar is advised, but in this case it is better to use white, as it is easier to see the color change. Leave the sugar on for a while, keeping an eye on it, until it begins to melt.

3. After 5 minutes, the sugar should begin to melt and run thin at the edges. Then you need to shake the pan and leave again until about a quarter of the sugar has melted.

4. Then, using a wooden spoon, stir lightly and continue to heat until all the sugar becomes a liquid of the color of dark liquid honey - dark amber. It should take about 10 minutes from start to finish, and it's very important to be patient and not rush the process - this is the easiest mistake to make when making caramel. It is necessary to stand all this time over medium heat.

5. Then, remove the pan from the heat and add 2 tablespoons of warm tap water - the caramel will hiss and splashes will appear, so you need to protect your hands with a towel. Stir well - you may need to return the pot to the heat and heat it up a little again to melt the lumps. Caramel is ready to eat.

Here's the easiest recipe for making caramel. For it we only needed sugar and water.

But for the next recipe, we need a few more components.

I suggest you get acquainted with how to make milk caramel.

You will need milk, butter, cane sugar.

Half a liter of milk, 100 g of butter and 3-4 glasses of sugar are enough.

After an hour of boiling caramel according to this recipe, you will get a cream or sauce. After an hour and a half of cooking, you will get a wonderful boiled condensed milk. Two hours later, real milk caramel. And after 2.5 hours sugar, butter and milk will turn into toffee.

How to prepare milk caramel?

First, bring the milk to 80 degrees. Then carefully add sugar in small portions and cook, stirring occasionally, until the sugar turns brown. Then add softened butter.

How to make sugar caramel at home

After mixing all the components, the caramel will need to cook from an hour to 2.5 hours - it all depends on your taste and the desired end result.

Where is caramel used?

You can use caramel in the kitchen almost anywhere! It can be used as a sauce for desserts, you can eat fruits, morning porridge with it. Yes, even meat (it is included in some special dishes). You can also caramelize the entire dish. For example, caramelized bananas are a very sophisticated product. Apples are also good.

Try these recipes:

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How to make sugar caramel?

Caramel is a well-known and loved by everyone delicacy.

How to make sugar caramel?

It makes incredibly beautiful candies or fragrant and tasty toffee. Do you know how to make sugar caramel from the simplest ingredients?

How to make sugar caramel at home?


  • filtered water - 125 ml;
  • fine sugar - 500 g.


We will first tell you how to make caramel from sugar and water. So, pour filtered water into a saucepan and add sugar. We put the dishes on a small fire and heat the mixture until the crystals are completely dissolved. Stir the liquid with a wooden spatula until the caramel darkens slightly. After that, put the treat into candy tins and put it in the refrigerator.

How to make sugar caramel?


  • butter - 100 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cow's milk - 50 ml;
  • vanillin to taste.


How to make caramel from sugar and milk?


  • milk - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 300 g


Pour sugar into a frying pan with a thick bottom and pour in milk. We put the dishes on the fire and cook until the mass slightly darkens, stirring with a wooden spoon. After that, pour the mixture into a greased saucer and wait 15 minutes. After hardening, break the delicacy into pieces, put it in molds and put it in the refrigerator.

How to make strawberry caramel from sugar and butter?



Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan, put a piece of butter, pour in strawberry juice and add a little lemon juice. We send the dishes to the stove and bring the mass to a boil. After that, we reduce the flame and cook the treat until it thickens a little and darkens slightly. Next, carefully pour the resulting syrup into molds lubricated with butter, and send the candies to the refrigerator so that they solidify well.

How to make sugar caramel?

Caramel is a well-known and loved by everyone delicacy. It makes incredibly beautiful lollipops or fragrant and delicious toffee. Do you know how to make sugar caramel from the simplest ingredients?

How to make sugar caramel at home?


  • filtered water - 125 ml;
  • fine sugar - 500 g.


We will first tell you how to make caramel from sugar and water. So, pour filtered water into a saucepan and add sugar. We put the dishes on a small fire and heat the mixture until the crystals are completely dissolved. Stir the liquid with a wooden spatula until the caramel darkens slightly. After that, put the treat into candy tins and put it in the refrigerator.

How to make sugar caramel?


  • butter - 100 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp.

    5 homemade caramel recipes

  • cow's milk - 50 ml;
  • vanillin to taste.


We very carefully heat the sugar on low heat until it melts. Then pour in the milk and boil the mixture for 10 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula. After that, put a piece of butter, add honey and vanillin. Cook the caramel until thick, and then spread the mass on a sheet of parchment paper, distribute it evenly and wait until it hardens. Next, cut it into pieces and serve sweets for tea.

How to make caramel from sugar and milk?


  • milk - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 300 g


Pour sugar into a frying pan with a thick bottom and pour in milk. We put the dishes on the fire and cook until the mass slightly darkens, stirring with a wooden spoon. After that, pour the mixture into a greased saucer and wait 15 minutes. After hardening, break the delicacy into pieces, put it in molds and put it in the refrigerator.

How to make strawberry caramel from sugar and butter?



Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan, put a piece of butter, pour in strawberry juice and add a little lemon juice. We send the dishes to the stove and bring the mass to a boil. After that, we reduce the flame and cook the treat until it thickens a little and darkens slightly. Next, carefully pour the resulting syrup into molds lubricated with butter, and send the candies to the refrigerator so that they solidify well.

Delicious and aromatic sugar caramels - are there people who have never tasted them or tried to make them on their own? If you do not know how to make caramel at home and not spoil all the dishes, then we will teach you. To make the treat, you don't need anything other than sugar, vinegar or lemon juice, and water.

Cooking sugar caramel

Required products and inventory:

  • 15 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 5 tablespoons of water (the amount of ingredients can be changed as desired, but the main thing is that the ratio of water to sugar is 1 to 3);
  • half a teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar;
  • a plate of cold water;
  • clean tablespoons or molds;
  • saucepan.

First, prepare a plate of cold water and place it somewhere near the stove and pot. Pour 5 tablespoons of boiled water into a saucepan and add sugar (15 tablespoons, or your proportions). Set the fire to medium power, and wait until the sugar dissolves in the water, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice or table vinegar so that the sugar mass does not roll into lumps, but turns out to be plastic. Stir constantly when most of the sugar is melted to prevent the caramel from burning.

When all the sugar has dissipated in the water, turn the heat down to very low to just maintain the temperature. Dip the spoon into the caramel and wait for it to fill with the mass. If you have molds, fill them with caramel. As soon as the spoon is full, immediately place it in a bowl of cold water for a few seconds, so that the mass “grabs”. Set the filled spoon aside for a while to allow the lollipop to harden completely. Repeat this process with other spoons or molds. Sugar caramel is ready!

To make it easy to remove the lollipops from spoons or molds, first grease these containers from the inside with vegetable oil. Do not use too much oil to avoid spoiling the taste of the candy. To make lollipops, stick ordinary toothpicks into the caramel in the molds that have not yet hardened.

Do not let the sugar mass completely freeze in the pan, otherwise it will be difficult to clean later. Keep the pot on low heat while making the candy.

Homemade sugar candies - the easiest recipe

Then, when everything is done, immediately pour hot water into it and bring to a boil and boil for 5-10 minutes so that the remaining sugar from the bottom melts. Then you just have to pour out the boiling water and clean the bottom of the pan a little.

To make the caramel more tender and tasty, you can use milk instead of water. Many people are interested in how to make caramel from cough sugar. To do this, pour sugar not with ordinary water, but with a decoction of licorice or sage. You get lozenges with antitussive and anti-inflammatory effects. To get an interesting taste and smell, you can add a few drops of peppermint oil or a little vanilla to the caramel.

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Today we will analyze an amazing thing, or rather, what is soft caramel and how to cook it? The recipe is new for me, but when I prepared it, I was simply stunned. And immediately there were many applications. I just gave the kids how to spread on cookies. Used for making cake, rolls. Thinking like that, there are many uses.

And he began to cook it quite often. I want you to definitely try to prepare a wonderful delicacy. Caramel can be both liquid and thick. It all depends on what you want to do with it. If just for tea, then you can make it thicker. If the filler is naturally liquid. By the way, it is a good substitute for all the famous condensed milk.

It is also called caramel sauce. Excellent filling for pancakes.

Soft caramel at home

Now let's look at an interesting recipe. I assure you it is very simple. As a result, you get a delicious treat. And the taste is similar to toffee, which we ate in childhood, and even now.

For cooking we need:

  • Honey - 100 grams
  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Sugar - 50 grams

Cooking caramel

1 Take a deep frying pan or saucepan. It is necessary to melt the butter in it.

2 As the butter has melted, add honey and sugar. Now you need to turn down the fire to a minimum. And stir constantly. Wait for it to boil. When it boils, cook for 2 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

3 Then add the condensed milk.

4 Continue to cook, stirring constantly. Cook until golden brown.

5 If desired, the color can be changed: from golden to brown.

6 Cook for 7 minutes. Then transfer to another container, for example a jar. Allow to cool. Serve directly to the table, or put it in the refrigerator until further use.

Do not forget to stir constantly, otherwise your caramel will burn!

The resulting cream can be used to make a cake. You can buy ready-made cakes in the store and spread in layers with soft caramel. It gets very tasty.

Milk soft caramel recipe

There are many options for making caramel. Now I want to share with another amazing recipe.

We take the following products:

  • Milk - 100 grams
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Sugar - 200 grams
  • Vanillin - 1 gram
  • Salt - one pinch

Step by step cooking with a photo:

1 First you need to melt the sugar. We need a heavy-bottomed frying pan or saucepan. I mostly take a frying pan. Pour sugar there. You need to melt over medium heat. Sugar will melt gradually from bottom to top. To prevent it from burning, shake the pan or place. If lumps begin to form, do not be alarmed. They, too, will eventually melt. Just stir constantly. Keep on fire until golden-amber color.

The main thing is that the sugar does not burn. It will then taste bitter and smell burnt.

2 Remove the dissolved sugar from the heat. Now we take milk and gradually pour in milk. At the same time, we constantly interfere. This must be done carefully.

And you need to do it carefully, because when you add milk, the dissolved sugar will sizzle and splash! Be careful. And you need to pour in gradually.

3 But if you inadvertently poured a lot of milk, a lump will form. Stop, don't be alarmed. We just put it on fire again. You need to know here. Do not bring to a boil, otherwise the milk will curdle. And flakes are formed. Place on medium heat until completely dissolved. Reduce heat if necessary.

5 Density depends on the ratio of milk to sugar. If there is more sugar, then the caramel immediately becomes thick. But if equal parts, then respectively liquid. It will become thicker after cooling.

6 Liquid caramel or caramel sauce is ready. Now you can pour it into containers or serve for tea.

Watch the video of making soft caramel

I suggest you watch a video where caramel is made from cream.

The treat is ready. Nice addition to your table. Two simple recipes will make you super delicious. Thanks for attention. Please put a class or like. I look forward to your comments on how the soft caramel came out. If any points are not clear, do not hesitate to ask questions. Follow the blog "The First Culinary", which you are currently on. It was specially created to share the best recipes with you. Happy preparations!

Caramel is the familiar to some of us sugar cockerels on sticks, tender crispy crust on fruit, cake decorations and a fragile delicious part of crème brulee. For caramel, the sugar syrup is boiled down to the stage of hard brittleness of the sugar thread. If you want to get a delicate delicate taste, it is enough to bring the caramel to a pale golden color. If the recipe requires a rich, slightly bitter nutty flavor, the caramel is cooked to a dark, almost brown color.

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Caramel is loved not only by all sweet tooths, but also by those who regularly cook something delicious at home, as it is a great addition to any baked goods or. Therefore, we decided to talk in more detail about how to make caramel from sugar at home.

Sugar caramel recipe


  • sugar - 175 g;
  • warm water - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Before making caramel from sugar, you need to choose a suitable pan: it should be with a thick bottom and preferably colorless, so that it is easier to observe the color change of the caramel. Preheat a saucepan over low heat for a couple of minutes, pour sugar into it and leave for a while so that it begins to melt.

When the sugar starts to run out at the edges, shake the pot and put it back on the fire. When about a quarter of the sugar has melted, stir the mixture with a wooden spoon and let it simmer over medium heat until it turns a dark honey color. After that, remove the pan from the heat, add water, but be careful while doing this. The caramel will begin to sizzle and splatter. Stir the mixture thoroughly, if necessary, put it back on medium heat to melt the formed lumps. After that, the caramel is ready to eat.

Milk and sugar caramel

In the next recipe, we will share with you a way to make caramel from sugar and milk.


Many adults assure that caramel is a delicacy for children, although they themselves are not averse to occasionally pampering themselves with a sweet product.

Despite the fact that today store shelves are bursting with the variety of types and brands of caramel presented, there are still craftsmen who prepare caramel at home.

Homemade caramel is unique in that it contains a minimum of products, moreover, inexpensive and affordable.

In addition, regardless of the fact that the cooking process is not easy, it is quite fun.

Well, the result of an interesting process will be a delicious delicacy that you definitely won't get in a store.

Homemade caramel - general cooking principles

Homemade caramel can vary in flavor, shape and texture.

The main ingredient of the product is sugar, and depending on the additional ingredients, the taste of the caramel is regulated.

For example, soft caramel can be prepared on the basis of milk, cream, sour cream with the addition of cocoa, coffee, chocolate.

It is permissible to add fruit or berry extracts to hard caramel in order to obtain the appropriate taste and aroma.

The shape of the finished caramel depends on the molds in which the product is to be cooled, in the absence of special forms, it is permissible to use any suitable container - small bowls, a base for making ice, and even ordinary spoons.

The texture of the product can be soft, hard, crispy, stringy, liquid - this moment depends on the technology and cooking time.

All sorts of subtleties, interesting recipes, tips and tricks that we have tried to collect for you in this article will help you discover the fascinating process of making caramel at home.

Recipe 1. Soft caramel at home

The soft caramel according to this recipe turns out to be soft and tender, slightly stringy. Thanks to these properties, the delicacy is ideal not only as an independent sweetness, but also as an addition to any desserts.

120 grams of sugar;

80 grams of cane sugar;

120 grams of butter;

250 ml cream 20%;

120 ml corn syrup.

1. Pour two types of sugar into a heavy-bottomed saucepan or stewpan.

2. Add the diced butter, add the syrup and cream.

3. We put the mass on a slow fire.

4. Tomim, stirring constantly, until the sweet mixture warms up to 120 degrees. You can check the temperature of the product with a kitchen thermometer. If you do not have a much-needed appliance in the kitchen, you can check the temperature of the caramel as follows: Take a container of cold water, drop a drop of caramel into it, if you have a hard, round ball - the caramel is ready.

5. Pour the finished product into a mold covered with oiled baking paper, leave it for 10-12 hours, covering it with a bag or a piece of gauze.

6. Remove the hardened soft caramel from the mold, cut it into any shapes or simple cubes.

Recipe 2. Milk and coffee caramel at home

A surprisingly tender caramel with a dense, viscous structure, you will definitely like it. You can skip the coffee by making a regular unflavored milk caramel.

100 grams of granulated sugar;

70 grams of butter;

1 tbsp instant coffee.

1. We put the cauldrons with sugar on a slow fire, wait for the sugar to dissolve, turning into a golden syrup.

2. Add chopped butter, cream and coffee.

3. Cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes. The caramel should become a homogeneous mass with a pleasant golden brown color.

4. Pour the caramel into oiled molds, cool. You can pour it into one large mold, then you just need to cut the products with a sharp knife into smaller pieces.

5. We pack each caramel in parchment paper so that the treat does not stick together.

Recipe 3. Lollipop caramel at home

Probably, there is no such person who would not cook lollipops in childhood. Why not remember a great time and prepare a sweet treat for yourself and your loved ones.

1. Put the dry frying pan on the stove, heat it up.

2. We set the minimum fire, add sugar. The amount of granulated sugar depends on the size of the pan: 5-8 spoons are enough for a small (pancake) pan, 10-15 spoons can be poured into a large pan.

3. Stirring continuously, wait until all sugar grains are completely dissolved. You should get a viscous, light brown syrup.

4. Pour candy caramel into prepared oiled molds, wait for the sweetness to cool completely.

5. If you do not have molds, you can pour liquid in a saucer, spoons and other handy utensils.

Recipe 4. Sour cream caramel at home

Soft and tender caramel based on sugar and sour cream will be a great alternative to various sweets that you often eat for breakfast as a base for sweet sandwiches. Sour cream caramel applied to fried toast will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

150 grams of sour cream;

100 grams of sugar.

1. Heat a small saucepan or frying pan over high heat, add sugar, pour in water. Stirring continuously, bring the mixture to a boil.

2. Boil the syrup, stirring it for two minutes, then remove the pan from heat.

3. Add sour cream in small portions to the sugar syrup, mix thoroughly.

4. Put the pan with the sweet mass on low heat. Without letting the mass boil, we warm it up.

5. Pour the finished caramel into prepared forms.

6. You need to store this delicacy in the refrigerator, no more than five days.

Recipe 5. Mint caramel at home

Delicious refreshing caramel cooks pretty quickly. The peppermint oil used in the recipe can be purchased at specialty stores. If desired, you can add natural food colors, pour them in the cooking process along with vanilla.

Three glasses of sugar;

10 ml lemon juice;

5-6 drops of concentrated peppermint oil;

Two pinches of vanilla.

1. Pour granulated sugar into a thick-walled dish, pour in water.

2. We put on low heat, stirring, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved and a sweet syrup is formed.

3. Pour in vanillin, keep on the stove for one more minute.

4. Remove the saucepan from the heat, and pour drops of mint oil and lemon juice into the sweet mass.

5. Mix the caramel mass and pour it into oiled forms.

6. If desired, we stick in special skewers, toothpicks or ordinary matches with a torn off head.

7. Take the finished, cooled caramel out of the molds and wrap it in plastic bags or baking paper.

Recipe 6. Homemade chocolate caramel

Delicious chocolate caramel made from natural ingredients is sure to please you and your family.

100 grams of sugar;

80 grams of butter;

100 grams of chocolate;

1. Mix sugar with liquefied honey, milk and butter, cut into small pieces.

2. Put the mixture in a frying pan, stirring occasionally, simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes. The mass should boil slightly and acquire a pale brown tint.

3. Add melted chocolate, continue simmering for about 5 minutes, not forgetting to stir the cooking caramel all the time.

4. Pour the finished product into an oiled mold.

5. Cool, cut into squares or rectangles.

Recipe 7. Caramel for cakes at home

Ideal caramel for impregnating biscuit, honey cakes. It cooks quickly, it turns out delicious. In addition, such caramel can be eaten just like that, its consistency is pleasant, viscous - you will like it.

220 ml 33% cream;

60 grams of butter;

180 grams of sugar.

1. Put a pot of water and sugar on low heat.

2. While stirring, wait for the ingredients to turn into sugar syrup.

3. Heat, but do not boil, cream in another saucepan, pour them in a neat thin stream into the syrup.

4. Add butter and a pinch of salt, mix thoroughly, remove the caramel from heat.

5. Pour into oiled molds, cool.

How to make caramel at home - tricks and tips

If you dip apples, citrus fruits, nuts or dried fruits into ready-made caramel, be it soft or candy, you will have a wonderful new dish.

Caramel cooks quickly, so prepare all the utensils necessary for the process in advance.

The caramel is ready, try not to leave the stove, otherwise the mass may burn.

Whatever caramel molds you use, grease them with odorless oil so that the finished product comes off better.

Soak the dishes: pots, spoons and others immediately after cooking, otherwise the caramel will grab and it will be incredibly difficult to wash it.

To make the finished caramel easy to cut into squares or any other shape, you need to outline the lines with a knife when the treat is still hot. Then all that remains is to break it.

By inserting sticks into the filled molds, you get caramel on sticks like modern chupa-chups or old cockerels.