Corn oil: how it is done, how it is useful, how to take it. Corn Oil - Complete and Detailed Food Product Review

13.10.2019 Dishes for children

Corn oil is a vegetable fat. It is obtained from corn germ by cold pressing followed by extraction. By types and brands, they are subdivided into refined, unrefined, refined deodorized grades D and P. The oil is used in cooking, food industry (grade P), baby food, dietary food (grade D), cosmetology, medicine.

Corn oil composition

The beneficial properties of corn oil are determined by its chemical composition - the content of nutrients, vitamins, macro and microelements necessary for the body. Corn sprout oil is 99.9% fat. It contains no proteins or carbohydrates. Of the minerals, sodium and phosphorus are found in minimal quantities. Trace elements are represented by iodine, iron, nickel and chromium.

Corn oil contains 2 fat-soluble vitamins - phylloquinone (vitamin E) in small doses and tocopherol or vitamin E in an amount of 100 mg. According to Russian standards, the daily requirement for vitamin E is 10 - 20 mg. The figure refers to naturally occurring d-alpha-tocopherol, which is highly active.

Corn oil contains both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (lipids). The former are synthesized in the human body. The second (irreplaceable) come from the outside exclusively with food, these are:

  • Oleic monounsaturated acid, is part of omega-9, the content in 100 g of oil is 27, 33 g.
  • Linolenic polyunsaturated acid is a component of omega-6, the content is 53.52 g.
  • Linoleic polyunsaturated acid is contained in omega-3, the content is 1.16, according to Rospotrebnadzor, it corresponds to the norm of omega-3 consumption per day.

Corn oil is among the leaders in the total amount of phytosterols. 100 g of the product contains from 608 to 970 mg, which exceeds the daily requirement by 1400%.

Benefits of corn oil

All vegetable oils, including corn oils, are powerful sources of energy. For comparison, the energy value of 4 common oils is shown:

  • corn - calorie content 899 kcal;
  • sunflower - 899 kcal;
  • linseed - 898 kcal;
  • olive - 898 kcal.

100 g of corn oil is one third of the daily energy consumption of a healthy body. Helps to assimilate fat-soluble vitamins E, A, carotene, D, K. Regulates the metabolism of cholesterol, which is necessary for building cells.

Scientists have found that linolenic acid, a derivative of omega-6, is effective in controlling weight and fat storage. Promotes muscle growth. Influences the ratio of muscle and adipose tissue in the body, improves cell metabolism. Omega-9 monounsaturated acid based on oleic acid:

  • inhibits the growth and reproduction of cancer cells;
  • reduces the risk of vascular disease;
  • normalizes bowel function;
  • regulates blood glucose;
  • increases immunity to infectious diseases;
  • prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques by lowering blood cholesterol levels.

The health benefits of corn oil are associated with its high tocopherol content. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. Inhibits the formation of free radicals. Protects the cell membrane from their harmful effects. Blocks the formation of carcinogens formed in the stomach during the digestion of food. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems. Improves the nutrition of the uterus, therefore it is necessary for pregnant women.

Plant phytosterols (phytosterols) reduce intestinal absorption of high-density cholesterol by more than 15%. Considering these useful properties of corn oil, it is used in the food industry, adding to animal fats, margarines.

Harm of corn oil

For all its advantages, corn oil cannot be called an exceptionally healthy food product (although any excess is harmful - try overeating grapefruit or boiled breasts). The benefits of corn oil are largely determined by the content of omega-3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, more precisely, by their percentage. The proportion of fatty acids 1: 1 or 1: 2 is considered rational, 1: 6 is acceptable.

In fact, there is an excess of omega-6 by almost 46 times. What are the dangers of high omega-6 corn oil? Modern research has found that with an excess of omega-6 lipids:

  • the number of oncological diseases is growing;
  • the number of inflammatory processes increases;
  • the risk of immune diseases increases.

You can add other harm to corn oil. Deficiency in the body of omega-3, coupled with an overabundance of omega-6, contributes to the toxicosis of pregnant women. Provokes bronchial asthma, cardiovascular disease. Stimulates osteoporosis, diathesis, and other types of allergies.

The health benefits of corn oil diminish markedly with improper storage. It oxidizes and turns rancid in an open container, in the light, at high humidity, forming ketones, aldehydes and other harmful substances.

Application of corn oil

Refined corn oil can be safely used for frying fish, meat, vegetables, dough products. It refers to products with a high smoke point - 232 degrees. Decomposition into fractions with the formation of carcinogenic and toxic substances is triggered when heated above the specified temperature. If you avoid burning and smoking, the properties of corn oil will not change. Vegetable oil is used for dressing salads, cold snacks.

In medicine, it is valued as a dietary product for atherosclerosis, obesity, high blood cholesterol. It has a mild laxative, choleretic effect. It is used for diseases of the intestines, gallbladder, liver. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails, skin. It is taken in a tablespoon twice a day, half an hour before meals.

Oil is included in the children's diet. Used in the production of baby food. Unrefined corn oil is not supplied to the trading network and catering.

Corn oil is now widespread all over the world and is widely used in various fields: cooking, cosmetology, medicine. This is a wonderful vegetable little that has a rich chemical composition. It was first received in 1898 in the American state of Indiana, gradually it began to be called the gold of the West, as it turned out to be so valuable and in demand.

Today, many people use corn oil for variety and health, it comes to us only in refined form, it has absolutely no smell, the color is light yellow. The highest-class culinary specialists prefer to cook with corn oil - it is excellent for frying and deep-frying, as it can withstand high temperatures and at the same time does not form carcinogenic substances, does not smoke or burn.

Composition and useful properties of corn oil

Corn oil is a treasure trove of vitamin E... Yes, all oils are rich in them, but it is in it that the content of this vitamin is several times higher. - This is one of the most effective and widespread antioxidants, it is also called the vitamin of youth, growth and beauty. It is necessary to maintain the elasticity of all tissues - skin, hair, nails, vascular walls. It removes free radicals from the body, which are one of the causes of early or excessive aging.

The endocrine system of the body needs vitamin E, which is responsible for the work of the pituitary gland, gonads, thyroid, adrenal glands. Hormonal balance is the key to health and wellness.

Vitamin E is indicated for many vascular problems. It helps to maintain elasticity and prevent vascular fragility. It also protects a person from cell mutations, cancer.

Corn oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. These are very valuable and useful substances for humans, because they help maintain a healthy immune system - the body's main defense against all kinds of infections and diseases. Also, unsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides and lecithin remove harmful cholesterol from the body, thereby also ensuring vascular health.

Corn oil has a choleretic effect, it is useful for those who suffer from gallbladder disease.

The chemical composition of corn oil also shows the presence of such rare vitamins as B1, B2, PP, K3. It is also high in provitamin A, which makes corn oil beneficial for eyes and skin.

In folk medicine, corn oil is used:

- to increase vitality and relieve constant fatigue syndrome;
- in the fight against muscle weakness;
- for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;
- in the treatment of gallstone disease;
- for the treatment of vitamin deficiency;
- in the fight against early skin aging;
- in the fight against acne, dry skin;
- with skin diseases;
- for the prevention of viral diseases;
- to maintain the immune system;
- with hormonal disorders;
- to cleanse the body of toxins.

Harm and contraindications to the use of corn oil

People with bleeding disorders should refrain from corn oil. The substances contained in corn oil can increase clotting, which is dangerous for thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins (any diseases associated with an increased level of prothrombin).

In terms of calorie content, corn oil is equal to sunflower oil, so obese people should also abstain from it or use it in a limited amount.

There is also an individual intolerance to corn oil.

Traditional medicine and cosmetology recipes with corn oil

For baldness, for beauty and good hair growth

You can use a corn oil mask to keep your hair thick, strong and healthy. The oil is not applied to the hair, but is actively rubbed into the scalp. A hat or a bag is put on the head, and a towel is wrapped on top. Wash off after an hour. This mask is done before shampooing for six months.

For gallbladder health

It is recommended to add corn oil to your daily diet to increase the outflow of bile and improve the work of the gallbladder. It is best added to porridge or fresh salads. You can also drink one and a half tablespoons of corn oil on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. Course 2 weeks, break 10 days, then repeat.

When the skin is peeling

To make the skin smooth and beautiful, you need to drink a teaspoon of corn oil on an empty stomach, and also lubricate the damaged areas with oil at night.

For insomnia

If you can't sleep, actively rub corn oil over your temples and back of your head.

For joint pain

If your joints hurt, then corn oil will help. It must be rubbed into the sore areas, wrap it with a woolen cloth on top, lie under the blanket for at least 2 hours, and preferably at night.

For bites, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema

For these problems, use a 50:50 mixture of corn oil and dill oil. Lubricate the skin three times a day until the damage disappears.


Diets and healthy eating 05.10.2017

Dear readers, today we are going to talk about corn oil. It is not very popular with us, which, in my opinion, is undeserved. Do you know that it is much more useful than sunflower oil, which is familiar to all of us? It is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. True, you need to know the features of the use of this natural product. We will consider with you the beneficial properties of corn oil, we will talk about contraindications.

Despite the fact that corn has been cultivated for several thousand years, oil from it began to be produced and used on a large scale for cooking at the end of the 19th century, more precisely, in 1898 in Indiana (USA). Corn oil is produced from the germ of seeds - the product left after processing raw materials.

A special technology is used to preserve all nutrients in the oil. It consists in preliminary soaking of corn kernels for 30-40 hours, which are then treated with sulfur dioxide. As a result of such manipulations, a transparent liquid of light yellow color is obtained. If you clean it, then such oil will not have a smell.

Corn oil composition

Corn oil contains:

  • many vitamins - groups B, F, C, natural antioxidant tocopherol (vitamin E), PP, provitamin A;
  • unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, lecithin;
  • minerals essential for the human body - magnesium, iron, potassium, etc .;
  • useful acids - palmitic, stearic, oleic, stearic, linoleic.

Useful properties of corn oil

Doctors, nutritionists and representatives of traditional medicine recommend regularly consuming small amounts of corn oil - only 1-2 teaspoons a day - for the prevention and recovery of the body after various diseases.

The following beneficial properties of corn oil can be noted:

  • due to its acidic content, it is able to maintain normal metabolism and cholesterol levels. People who have heart problems and are at risk of vascular damage should adhere to a special diet that includes corn oil;
  • since the oil is easy to digest and assimilate, it is an excellent dietary product. Has a mild laxative effect. The oil will help to improve the functioning of the stomach, gallbladder, liver. That is why doctors advise replacing sunflower oil with corn oil if a person has a problem with being overweight;
  • due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids, oil can be considered an excellent agent for maintaining immunity;
  • those who have a problem of dry skin, deterioration of nails, brittleness and hair loss, simply need vitamin E, which is present in the composition of corn oil;
  • the product is used in the preparation of baby food, since many components are concentrated in it, which are useful for an actively growing and developing organism;
  • oil is useful for diseases of different body systems - nervous, skin, bone tissue;
  • due to the presence in its composition of a large concentration of natural antioxidants, oil is a means of preventing cancer;
  • for women who will soon become mothers, corn oil will help maintain both their health and the health of their unborn baby.

The benefits of corn oil have already been proven, but should still be used with care. Since it is high in calories, it should not be overused.

Varieties of corn oil

There are several types of oil:

  • refined deodorized brand P. Used in catering establishments for cooking;
  • refined deodorized brand D. Doctors recommend such oil for use by children, people who have certain indications for health reasons, and those who carefully monitor their figure;
  • refined not deodorized. It is purified, but it retains the characteristic smell of oil, and someone loves it precisely for this;
  • unrefined. Unlike previous varieties, this oil is darker in color and has little sediment. Much more nutrients remain in it.

I suggest watching a video about the varieties of corn oil and choosing the most useful oil for yourself.

Refined corn oil - benefits and harms

Refined oil is more thoroughly processed than unrefined oil. Deodorized oil does not have its natural odor due to the fact that it goes through the stage of removing aromatic substances under vacuum by exposure to water vapor. This allows you to both get rid of the characteristic odor and extend the life of the product. In addition, thorough cleaning and processing relieves the product of the presence of possible impurities that could be harmful to the body.

Due to the fact that this oil does not burn and does not foam at all when frying, it is this oil that is most often used in cooking. When heated, carcinogens are not formed. Its neutral taste and aroma allows it to be used even for dressing light summer salads.

Unrefined corn oil - benefits and harms

Due to some peculiarities of production, it retains a greater amount of nutrients, but there are also negative aspects. Since this oil is not as thoroughly processed as refined oil, it can retain pesticides that were used in corn growing. Although the producers of corn oil, of course, try to take care of the purity of their product.

Corn oil in questions and answers

Can I eat corn oil for heart disease?

Yes, you can, and even more, it's very useful! It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.

Does Corn Oil Prevent Aging?

Yes. Corn oil contains a lot of vitamin E, which is called the vitamin of youth and longevity.

Can I use corn oil for gallbladder diseases?

You can, but you shouldn't abuse it. It promotes the outflow of bile, is a mild choleretic agent.

Does corn have little antitumor effect?

Not. At least there is no exact scientific evidence for this yet.


The only contraindication to the use of oil is considered its individual intolerance, allergy to corn. In all other cases, the oil is well tolerated. However, if you have any doubts about your health and do not know if you can use corn oil, it is better to consult your doctor.

1-2 teaspoons of corn oil a day is enough to prevent disease and maintain well-being. This is a standard recommendation.

People with impaired gallbladder function are advised to take 1 tbsp. l. oil half an hour before meals twice a day. Thanks to this, fresh bile will be released on time and stagnant processes will be prevented.

For those suffering from psoriasis or eczema, traditional medicine offers the following recipe. Twice a day with meals, you need to drink 1 tbsp. l. oils. After that, you should drink a glass of boiled water, in which 1 tbsp was diluted. l. apple cider vinegar and honey.

Corn oil can be used to treat small wounds, cracks and burns. This will help speed up healing.

The benefits of corn oil for women and the use of the product in cosmetology

For women, corn oil is a natural beauty aid. Some cosmetics manufacturers add this natural product to their products. Such products perfectly nourish dry skin, hair and nails, saturate them with useful substances and enhance cell regeneration.

Bath for hands and nails

Heat some corn oil and add 3-4 drops of iodine to it. Dip your fingertips in this mixture and keep them in it for 15 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate your hands with oil and put on cotton gloves overnight.

Anti-age spots remedy

Rub the skin with corn oil and then apply the fruit pulp mask for 15-20 minutes. Then wash yourself with cool water.

Anti-wrinkle face mask

Whisk one egg yolk, add 1 tsp. corn oil and 1 tsp. honey. Apply evenly on the face, hold for 20 minutes and gently rinse off the mask with warm water.

Dear readers, we examined the beneficial properties of corn oil and contraindications for use, talked about how to use it correctly for different purposes. If this product is not yet in your diet, give it its rightful place in your kitchen, let it contribute to your health and beauty.

Housewives' corn oil is not used as often as olive oil or sunflower seed oil. And in vain. Corn is rich in important trace elements and vitamins, and its oil is worthy of being used not only in cooking, but also for the treatment of certain diseases, in cosmetology. But for this you need to find out what are the benefits and harms of corn oil.

How corn oil is made

Corn oil is not made from the grains themselves, but from the embryos, which must be separated when starch, feed, flour, molasses and other products are obtained. It is in them that 32% of the oil is found. Production begins with the separation of such unwanted but beneficial germs. This is done in several ways:

  1. Dry. This kind of separation has disadvantages, for example, a lot of starch is separated with the embryos. Then it is obtained by pressing.
  2. In molasses and starch production, the embryos are wet separated. But the product is not as high-quality.

Unrefined unrefined: it contains the maximum amount of nutrients. Refined, non-deodorized is refined, but still has a bright odor and color. Refined deodorized corn oil is beneficial and more suitable for use in baby and dietetic foods. It is odorless.

Chemical composition and caloric content of corn oil

To make sure of the beneficial properties, you need to understand what it contains. The product contains about 85% unsaturated fatty acids and 15% saturated. These are oleic, linoleic, stearic, palmitic. No less rich and vitamin composition: E, A, F, B1, PP, lecithin.

It is corn oil that holds the record for vitamin E content. This element of the product keeps the body young and is responsible for the functionality of the genitals. Lecithin is good for the heart and blood vessels. The composition ensures fast absorption.

There are 899 calories in 100 grams.

Why is corn oil useful?

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of this product. Not much is known about its properties. But it has a positive effect on all organ systems and is several times more useful than sunflower and even olive.

What are the benefits of corn oil for the human body:

  1. Vitamin E keeps the skin and the whole body young.
  2. Useful substances protect the body, protect tissue cells from mutations, their genetic information from various types of damage.
  3. Strengthens the immune system.
  4. Reduces fatigue.
  5. It is quickly absorbed, so it is useful in childhood and during weight loss.
  6. Reduces cholesterol levels, helps fight atherosclerosis.
  7. Useful for the prevention of gallbladder diseases.

For women

This is a real salvation for the female body. It is vitamin E that is often called the "female treasure". It has a positive effect on the reproductive system and even helps to restore the menstrual cycle. Good for the health of hair, nails, skin. The eternal secret of youth.

Due to the fact that the product is easily digestible, it is often used in diets. In low-calorie meals, it will not be superfluous, but on the contrary, it will help not to lose hair, skin health and menstrual cycle. The product is useful during pregnancy. Another point that pushes you to buy corn germ oil is that it perfectly helps to make the heels smooth, without cracks, dryness.

For men

Linseed, olive, pumpkin - all these oils are good for men's health. Indeed, often problems with the genital area are not the result of hard work, genetics and diseases, but the usual lack of vitamins and other useful substances.

In corn, these elements are sufficient to prevent problems and increase potency. It is enough to use a teaspoon on an empty stomach.

Advice! It is more useful to add to dishes that contain "correct" foods with a rich vitamin composition.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnancy and breastfeeding is a period when a woman must carefully monitor her diet. After all, all the food she eats directly affects the health of the baby. Vegetable oils contain many nutrients that are essential for the normal functioning of the body. After all, bearing a child requires a lot of effort, restructuring, and feeding is no less difficult process. Mom must not only take the necessary vitamins for milk production, but also restore her body to its previous state. Corn germ oil has everything a woman needs. During breastfeeding, the product should be eaten carefully and introduced gradually, like many other dishes.

Attention! A large amount is also unacceptable, as it can lead to unwanted weight gain.

Can corn oil be given to children

Vegetable fats in childhood can bring not only benefits, but also harm, since many of them are difficult for an unformed digestive system. These include, for example, linseed. But corn is much lighter, it is quickly absorbed by the body.

Pediatricians are allowed to introduce it into the diet of a child from 1 year of age. Despite its rich composition and a large amount of nutrients, it does not always fully nourish the body with everything it requires. This is one of the few disadvantages of the product.

Is corn oil good for weight loss?

A few years ago, products labeled "fat-free" aroused delight and confidence among all people who were losing weight. After all, in order to get rid of fat, you need to consume it less. However, this opinion is a big mistake! The time for low-fat foods is over. Such dishes during weight loss not only do not have practically any beneficial effect, but can do harm at all.

It is the lack of fat that adds problems, stops the process of losing weight, deprives of hair, healthy skin, strong nails and impairs libido. Lack of fat in a woman's body calls into question her reproductive function. A teaspoon of corn oil a day will give strength, saturate the body with missing vitamins.

How to take corn oil medicinally

Corn oil is also used in folk medicine. For the treatment of diseases, it is not enough to add it to dishes. And it is not at all desirable to subject it to heat treatment and fry. Although this is one of the oils that almost do not lose their properties during processing.

For the work of the gallbladder, it is often added to dishes, salads, breakfast cereals. It is better to consume one and a half teaspoons of pure oil for two weeks on an empty stomach. After 14 days, it is necessary to take a break of the same duration and start the treatment again.

In order to quickly fall asleep, it is not only consumed inside, but also smeared with whiskey with the back of the head.

If the joints are painful, these places are rubbed with the product and wrapped in warm cloth.

Dermatological diseases are treated with a mixture of corn oil and dill oil in equal proportions.

In case of burns, the damaged area is simply smeared with cool oil.

Attention! Before treatment with alternative methods, you need to consult a doctor.

Rules for the use of corn oil for diabetes and pancreatitis

Corn oil, like many vegetable oils, does not always benefit the body. We are talking about some diseases. When changes occur in the organs, the diet also needs to be changed. Most often diabetics are interested in this. Health and life depend on the correctness of their nutrition. Endocrinologists claim that it is useful for sugar disease. 1-2 teaspoons a day is not harmful. In this case, it is desirable to exclude other types of vegetable oils and animal fats.

But with pancreatitis, any fat is dangerous, this refers to periods of exacerbation. The product is strictly prohibited. When the disease has calmed down, after 2 weeks, it is allowed to introduce 1 spoonful into the diet daily. However, you cannot eat food that was fried on it!

The use of corn oil in cosmetology

Corn oil is used in cosmetology due to its miraculous composition. It contains many useful elements, including vitamin E, which have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. The product has a varied effect on all skin types. They treat dry, oily, normal, combination skin, hair and a wide variety of dermatological conditions.

In recent years, the use of natural products by cosmetologists has been gaining popularity. But it is not so easy to find corn processing product in such products. In this case, you can make masks yourself.

For facial skin

This facial skin product becomes a real salvation. It is noteworthy that it is suitable for all skin types and all problems. Vitamin E in its composition is responsible for the beauty of the dermis. One of the most famous properties of the product is youth preservation. It perfectly promotes skin elasticity, fights pigmentation. Also does not clog pores.

With wrinkles, 2 tablespoons of honey are heated in a water bath, 2 tablespoons of oil are added. The yolk is added to the rest of the ingredients. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes. Do not forget about the temporal region, the neck.

If age spots interfere, the skin is lubricated with oil, then a layer of freckle remedies is applied. Or a mass of peach, melon.

For hair

Vegetable oils are always a salvation for dry, damaged, dyed hair. Corn is no exception. The record holder for the amount of vitamin E in the composition helps absolutely all types of hair. It is used in cosmetology for their restoration and growth. Accelerates metabolism.

Mask for strengthening hair, getting rid of hair loss:

  1. 14 milliliters of shea butter is mixed with 1 spoon of dry ginger tea, heated.
  2. Then add 20 grams of corn oil, 4 drops of mint oil.
  3. Everything is blended and applied to the hair along the entire length.
  4. After 60 minutes, the mask is washed off.

To grow hair, mix 60 grams of oil, 3 drops of orange oil, 4 drops of almond oil, 3 drops of ylang-ylang. The mask stays on the hair for 45 minutes.

How to use corn oil in cooking

In cooking, it is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. It is well suited for frying, dressing any salads. But it will be more useful when dressing light vegetable salads. There are no prohibitions. It will bring benefits in the first, second dish, appetizer.

Can I fry in corn oil

You can fry on this product. It is more useful than sunflower, linseed, olive. However, it is still not recommended to abuse any fried foods.

Advice! It is better to cook over low heat, as more important nutrients are retained.

Daily intake of corn oil

Doctors say that the daily rate of any vegetable oil is 1-1.5 tablespoons per day. This amount will saturate the body with all the necessary substances. A larger amount can negatively affect weight performance.

Which oil is better: refined or unrefined

Modern manufacturers often offer the buyer a refined product, that is, refined. It contains fewer useful components, but when frying, it does not emit toxic substances. It is best used in cooking.

But in cosmetology and folk medicine, unrefined corn oil is better suited, it retained all the vitamins and trace elements, benefits and only minimal harm in case of allergies.

Which oil is healthier: corn oil or sunflower oil

The benefits of the two oils are difficult to assess. After all, it is worth considering the purpose and method of application. For frying, according to experts, both sunflower and corn are suitable. There is not much difference in the refined product. But in cosmetology and medicine, it is better to use unrefined corn. Its composition is richer in nutrients.

Harm of corn oil and contraindications

Refined corn oil is far more beneficial than harmful. It is contraindicated to use it only with individual intolerance. Care should be taken to treat the product with thrombosis, as it affects blood clotting and obesity.

How to choose corn oil

Choose corn oil by color. It should be uniform, there should be no sediment. It is important to ensure that there is no turbidity, impurities. It is not advised to choose unknown manufacturers, cheap options. The best choice is in a glass bottle.


The benefits and harms of corn oil are explained by its rich composition. It is healthier than sunflower or flaxseed. It is used in cosmetology to improve skin, hair, nails. In folk medicine, it helps to cope with burns, insomnia, dermatological diseases. Should be used with caution in pancreatitis, obesity, thrombosis.

Corn (maize) oil is not the most popular among vegetable oils, and it cannot be said that it is much more useful than others, for example, sunflower or soybean oil. It cannot boast of history either. Many vegetable oils were known and widely used in antiquity, and edible corn oil was obtained only at the end of the 19th century in the United States. Nevertheless, this oil also has its merits.

A rich set of nutrients is found in corn oil: beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, B1, B2, B3, and the content of vitamin E in it is especially high (almost 2 times higher than in). It also contains a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids called vitamin F, lecithin and other beneficial substances.

Corn oil helps to normalize fat metabolism.

Nutritionists advise the use of this vegetable oil for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis. The complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids and lecithin contained in the oil contribute to the normalization of fat metabolism in the body, which leads to a healthy level of cholesterol in the blood. It is especially important that the level of the so-called bad cholesterol decreases and the risk of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots in the vessels decreases.

Due to the normalization of fat metabolism, corn oil helps to get rid of excess weight, therefore it is often a component of diets. Like most vegetable oils, it has a laxative effect by gently stimulating intestinal motility. In addition, the digestive processes are activated due to the choleretic effect of the oil, since it increases.

Corn oil is useful to one degree or another for almost all body systems. With its regular use in food, the risk of cancer, diseases of the nervous system decreases, the aging process of the body slows down and the immune status improves. Due to the high content of vitamin E, this product is able to improve the condition of the skin and hair, which is why it is recommended to add it to the diet for people with dry and flaky skin.

Corn oil is very useful for children, it is considered the safest (allergies to it are extremely rare), is easily absorbed by the body and contains a whole range of substances that contribute to normal growth and development.

Harm of corn oil

Healthy people should not overuse corn oil because of its high calorie content and a large amount of vitamin E in the composition. In order for the body to receive a portion of nutrients, it is enough to consume 1-2 tablespoons of this oil per day.

Production and use of corn oil

Corn oil is made from the germ of corn seeds, which is a by-product of the processing of this raw material. The oil is obtained by pressing (cold or hot raw materials) or extraction. Refined and deodorized corn oil is used for food. Depending on the processing method, several brands of this product are distinguished (we note those that can be found on store shelves):

grade D - refined and deodorized corn oil intended for baby and diet food;

brand P - also refined and deodorized oil, supplied to retail chains and catering establishments.

Other brands of butter are used in the production of margarine and for technical purposes.

Refined corn oil should be clear, light yellow in color, practically tasteless and odorless. Many people believe that unrefined vegetable oils are much more useful than refined ones, so they are in no hurry to purchase the latter. However, a refining process is required for corn oil to be used for food purposes. This is due to the fact that when preparing raw materials for pressing, various chemicals are used, which are then completely removed from the finished product. In addition, when growing corn on an industrial scale, various fertilizers are often used, as a result of which harmful substances can get into the oil, which are also removed from it during refining.