How to make veal cutlets juicy. Veal cutlets

04.11.2019 Dishes for children

Many housewives consider cutlets to be a very laborious dish. However, cooking them is not so long if you buy store-bought minced meat in cooking. Moreover, the price of this semi-finished product is almost the same as that of ordinary meat and there is every chance of purchasing a quality product. And the time saved on cooking can be spent on children or on yourself.

It tastes more delicate than and also less greasy than (this is good for those who follow the figure). I add some potatoes to the composition, this brings an original flavor note.


minced meat - 300 grams;

chicken eggs - 1 piece;

potatoes - 2 pieces;

onion - 1 piece;

salt and pepper to taste;

vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking minced veal cutlets.

Put the finished minced meat in a bowl, let it stand at room temperature.

Advice... If hungry households are in a hurry, then you can go directly to the next item. But still it will be easier to sculpt them if you do everything in order.

Wash onions, peel them and cut them very finely.

Advice... I took a blue onion, I found this in the refrigerator, but a regular onion will do.

Peel the potatoes, wash them under running water and cut them into halves.

Three potatoes on a fine grater, squeeze the juice, we don't need it, otherwise the minced meat will be very liquid.

We drive a chicken egg into the cutlet mass.

Advice... If in doubt about the freshness of the egg, we always break it in a separate bowl, and only then add it to the minced meat.

Mix the cutlet mass well, salt and pepper.

Advice... If children will eat cutlets, you do not need to add pepper.

We form cutlets, lightly beat them in hand so that the air comes out, and put in a pan with heated vegetable oil.

Fry on each side for 5 minutes over medium heat. Then we reduce the heat, close the lid and bring to readiness.

Advice... It is important to ensure that there is enough vegetable oil, otherwise your dinner will burn out. Alternatively, you can add a little boiled water so that they are slightly stewed.
Delicious minced veal cutlets are ready.

Serve with a vegetable side dish (such as boiled broccoli) or mashed potatoes. Enjoy your meal.

Step 1: prepare the bread.

To begin with, put any white bread on a cutting board, it can be fresh or stale, it all depends on your desire. Then we cut off 3 slices from it, 100 grams is enough. Break them into 2-3 pieces, put them in a deep plate and pour a glass of milk. We soak the bread for 10 -15 minutes, and in the meantime, we prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Step 2: prepare the meat.

We rinse a piece of fresh veal under cold running water. Dry the meat with paper kitchen towels, then put it on a cutting board and remove excess fat, cartilage, and veins from it. After that, cut the veal into small pieces of the size before 3 –4 centimeters and put them in a deep bowl.

Step 3: prepare vegetables and bread crumbs.

Then peel the onion and potatoes. We wash them under a stream of cold running water, dry them with paper towels, cut each vegetable at 4–8 parts and transfer to a bowl of cold cuts. Pour the required amount of bread crumbs into a deep plate and put on the kitchen table other products that will be needed to prepare the dish.

Step 4: prepare the minced meat.

When the bread has softened, squeeze it out of the milk and pass it through a meat grinder into a clean deep bowl along with chopped beef, onions and potatoes.

Add a chicken egg there, salt and black pepper to taste.

We mix these products with clean hands until a homogeneous consistency - the minced meat is ready!

Step 5: form the veal cutlets.

Then we collect a tablespoon of minced meat, put it on a moistened palm, form an oval or round cutlet, roll it in bread crumbs and put it on a cutting board or a large flat dish.

Form the rest of the patties in the same way until the minced meat ends.

Step 6: fry the veal cutlets.

After that, put a deep frying pan with a thick bottom on medium heat and pour 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil into it. As soon as it warms up, put the first batch of cutlets there. Fry them on both sides for 4-5 minutes until golden brown, periodically turning them with a kitchen spatula from side to side. Fry the rest in the same way and transfer them to a small bowl.

When all the cutlets are ready, we send them back to the pan, pour in about 50 milliliters of water, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat 12 -15 minutes... Then we remove them from the stove, arrange them in portions on plates and serve them to the table along with your favorite side dish.

Step 7: Serve the veal cutlets.

Veal cutlets are served hot. They are served on a platter or in portions on plates. These cutlets go great with any side dish, but the ideal option: mashed potatoes, a salad of fresh vegetables, pickles or boiled rice, seasoned with butter. Enjoy delicious and simple food!
Enjoy your meal!

Bread can be soaked in water;

The set of spices can be supplemented with any dried herbs and spices that are used during the preparation of meat dishes;

Chopped garlic can be added to the minced meat to taste;

If desired, each cutlet can be stuffed with a slice of prunes, cheese or a mixture of butter and herbs;

Very often breadcrumbs are replaced with wheat flour.

The recipe for the cutlets I recently cooked is quite simple. It can even be called classic. If not for one trick of the cooking process, which allowed me to just fall in love with cooking cutlets.
The beginning is pretty mundane. You need to take a certain amount of minced meat. I have this minced veal, by the time the cutlets were cooked it was ready.
To calm my conscience and pay tribute to my grandmother's traditions of making cutlets, I soak several slices of white bread. Very little. 2 kg. minced meat they are not felt.

I also add a couple of potatoes, also to calm my conscience. Since there are very few of them, I rub the potatoes on a fine grater. From about this moment the cutlets become "lazy" - at this stage I am just too lazy to take out the blender, and then wash it.

I take a lot of onions for cutlets. Thanks to him, the cutlets are juicy. Here, not out of laziness, but for reasons of "what's best", I just chop the onion very finely. If you use a blender or grater, most of the onion juice will just run out.

Then I squeeze and add bread to the same bowl

and one egg.

Mix everything thoroughly and add mayonnaise (you can put another egg instead).

I mix it again. And then I add the required amount of salt and pepper. You can also add some more spices there, but I get by with pepper.

After all this, the minced meat must be "beaten off". Here, this process went like this - they took the minced meat in parts and threw it on the table with an effort. After that, the minced meat turns out to be a little different in appearance and, apparently, in taste.
We spend a little more time and energy on sculpting the cutlets themselves. Wheat bread crumbs come to my aid in this process.

I form a cutlet and roll it in breadcrumbs.

Before that, I had already prepared a baking sheet - I covered it with parchment, and smeared the parchment with a very small amount of vegetable oil.

Here I put my cutlets on it.

Meanwhile, the oven has already warmed up to 225 degrees. And I put the baking sheet in there for 15 minutes to start.

After this time, I take out and turn the cutlets

And put it in the oven for another 20 minutes. Time helps me to control the timer on the microwave, so I'm not distracted by the clock, but continue to sculpt cutlets from the remaining minced meat. I put these cutlets on a board or plate, then send them to the freezer.

In the meantime, our 20 minutes have passed. I take the cutlets out of the oven and put them in a glass saucepan to stew. As, probably, it was not difficult to guess, they will be stewed again in the oven for another 20 minutes.

So, in about 2 hours of time, I cooked cutlets from 2 kilograms of minced meat. An hour was spent on leisurely preparation of minced meat, the second hour was spent mainly on sculpting cutlets.
The main advantages in this kind of preparation are that during these 2 hours I did not stand for a minute over a frying pan and in general over a stove. Yes, and the frying pan was not used - as a result, I have 24 ready-made cutlets (and, as you understand, they turn out to be healthier and healthier in the oven), about the same number of frozen "just in case", a clean stove, a clean baking sheet (parchment was used ). That is, taking the cutlets out of the oven in a saucepan, I do not move to the sink to wash the dishes, but calmly go about my business. This concludes my cutlet story. I think it's understandable why I called these cutlets lazy. Enjoy your meal!

Time for preparing: PT02H00M 2 h.

I love to cook with minced meat. So many delicious dishes you can make from it! For example, several types of cutlets can be cooked only, you just need to slightly change the ingredients. Today, I want to tell you how I cook delicious and juicy cutlets from veal and vegetables. The recipe is absolutely not complicated and easy to implement. For clarity, I will describe the entire cooking process in stages and with step by step photos taken.

For the cutlet recipe I need:

  • veal pulp - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes (small size) - 1 pc .;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • butter (softened) - 50 gr;
  • milk - 120 gr;
  • loaf or bread - 2 pieces;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • sunflower oil - for frying.

I note that the output of the finished dish is 15 medium-sized cutlets.

How to cook veal cutlets

Let's get started. I fill the bread with milk. I cut the meat and vegetables into pieces.

Grind in a meat grinder through the middle wire rack. I also pass the soaked bread through a meat grinder. Salt and pepper a little. Since I do not use lard in the recipe, I will add butter to the resulting mass for juiciness. I mix the resulting minced meat very well. After kneading, everything is ready for baking.

With moistened palms, I form oval cutlets.

I heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the formed veal cutlets over low heat. Frying time approx. 20 minutes.

Calorie content: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

If you are trying to reduce the calorie content of ready-made meals, but you cannot imagine the daily menu without meat patties and meatballs, then this recipe is just right for you. I will not only tell you how to cook veal cutlets, but also tell you what to add so that there are juicy and soft cutlets.
So, minced meat is prepared from the healthiest meat - from young veal, which belongs to dietary products. To further reduce the calorie content, raw pumpkin is added to the minced meat, and it is taken almost in a one-to-one ratio - as minced meat, almost the same amount of pumpkin. In ready-made cutlets, it is not felt at all, but it is pumpkin that gives juiciness and an appetizing bright color. Egg yolk is a high-calorie food and not all are well tolerated. Therefore, instead of a whole egg, only whipped protein is introduced into the minced meatball. Look also.
You can choose any method of cooking veal cutlets with pumpkin: bake in the oven on a baking sheet, fry in oil, steam. In the recipe, cutlets are rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in oil. Of course, this option is not the most useful, but given that we have already significantly reduced the calorie content, you can afford to cook it like that.


- veal (boneless pulp) - 300 gr;
- raw pumpkin - 200 gr;
- onions - 1 pc .;
- salt - to taste;
- egg white - 1 pc .;
- bread - 1 slice;
- paprika, thyme or thyme, basil - half a teaspoon;
- breadcrumbs or corn flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- refined vegetable oil - how much is needed for frying.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We will prepare everything for the minced meat: clean the pumpkin, cut it into pieces (by the way, you can use frozen), cut the onion into quarters. We clean the meat from the films, cut into pieces of medium size.

We will pass everything through a meat grinder, alternating products to make it easier to push the minced meat.

Whisk the egg white with a fork until it mixes faster with the chopped food.

Soak a slice of white bread in water, squeeze and pass through a meat grinder after the meat. The bread will clean the screw and the knife from minced meat residues, and will retain the meat juice during frying. The cutlets will be tastier and juicier. Add bread and whipped protein to the minced meat, mix.

From spices we will take not spicy, so as not to whet the appetite. Add ground paprika and thyme to the minced meat, salt to taste and mix everything thoroughly. To get a more viscous and homogeneous minced meat, it is recommended to beat off the cutlet mass - leave it in a bowl or on the table 15-20 times. Then tighten with plastic wrap or cover and let stand for 5-10 minutes. These are also very tasty.

Before frying, form small round or oval cutlets from minced meat.

As a breading, you can use chopped wheat or rye crackers, wheat or corn flour, oatmeal. In the recipe, cutlets are rolled in breadcrumbs - this is the most affordable type of breading and cutlets are obtained with a crispy crust.

Heat enough oil in a frying pan. We spread the cutlets at a distance, so that vegetable oil boils around each, and they brown evenly on all sides. Average fire. After about five minutes a golden crust will appear from below. Turn the cutlets over and fry on the other side. If you're short on time, you can cook.

Serve minced veal cutlets, the recipe with a photo with pumpkin can be with any side dish, but since we have them almost dietary, the side dish will also be light. We make slices of fresh vegetables or a light salad and serve. Enjoy your meal!