E 955 food additive is dangerous or not. Sucralose sweetener: is food additive e955 harmful?

02.07.2020 Dishes for children
Sucralose White additive E955 (trichlorogalactosucrose), derived from ordinary sugar by introducing chlorine molecules into its composition. The detailed process of the formation of the sucralose molecule is as follows - the table sugar molecule (which consists of sucrose and glucose) is subjected to a complex five-step reaction. It does not have any foreign smell and has no aftertaste. The calorie content of sucralose is zero; when it enters the body, it does not participate in metabolism and does not interact with digestive enzymes.

This unique synthetic substance does not occur naturally and is 600 times sweeter than sugar. Studies show that the calorie content of sucralose is only 0.5k - 0.7k. About 85 sucralose is not absorbed by the body and is immediately excreted by the intestines. The remaining 15 substances enter the body, but within a day they are excreted in the urine in an unchanged state.

This sugar substitute was introduced in 1976. Moreover, it was taken out by accident. Scientists have subjected sugar to repeated chemical reactions. One of them misunderstood a colleague during the experiment and instead of "checking" the substance he received, he tasted it. It turned out to be unusually sweet and did not have a synthetic smell.

Scientists continued testing this sweet substance: experiments were carried out on animals (rats), and their reaction to the drug was monitored for a long time. In 1991, scuralose was officially patented, recognized as safe and began to be actively used in Canada, the United States, and later in other countries of the world.

Scientists' debate about the dangers and benefits of sucralose does not stop. Not much time has passed since its opening to assess all the potential risks when using the E955. But it will still be rash to talk about the beneficial effect on the human body, if we take into account some facts about this supplement.


Sucralose: harm

When deciding to replace sugar with sucralose, a person should be aware of the possible dangers of using this substance.

The harm of sucralose is not excluded and can manifest itself in such an effect on the body:

  • Sucralose should not be exposed to high thermal stress. Although sucralose can be used in baked goods. However, at high temperatures (about 125 ° C) in a dry state, sucralose melts and the toxic substances chloropropanols are released, which cause cancer and endocrine disorders. At 180 ° C, the sucralose substance is completely destroyed. Although the decomposition temperature of sucralose can be slightly increased by diluting it with a carrier, there is no meltable composition with sucralose (allowing it to be used in the production of caramel and microwave products) that would reversibly melt at high temperatures without decomposition.
  • According to unofficial data, with prolonged use of sucralose, the beneficial intestinal microflora is "killed", which leads to digestive disorders and a decrease in immunity. Up to 50% of the beneficial intestinal microflora can die, as evidenced by recent experiments with this sweetener.
  • After using this substitute, allergic manifestations may occur.
  • Sucralose does not contain glucose, unlike regular sugar. It is good for losing weight. However, a prolonged absence of glucose in the body can be fraught with deterioration in the functioning of the brain, decreased visual functions, memory, and dullness of smell.

The negative effect of sucralose on the intestinal microflora leads to an inevitable decrease in immunity in the human body, which further provokes the appearance of diseases - from incessant colds and up to cancer.

It is extremely dangerous to heat stainless steel sucralose - in this case, in addition to dioxins, also very toxic compounds polychlorinated dibenzofurans are formed.

Dioxins accumulated in a person provoke endocrine disorders and oncology.

Although sucralose has almost no calories, it is no longer a secret for many that the use of sugar substitutes aggravates excess weight gain, because provoke carbohydrate hunger, stimulating appetite, and ultimately forcing you to consume more food. Accordingly, this is fraught with the accumulation of fat.


Sucralose: benefits

World health organizations consider sucralose harmless to the body if its dosage is observed. It is allowed to be used even by pregnant women, since it does not penetrate the placenta, brain and milk of a nursing woman.


Among the benefits of the substitute, the following benefits of sucralose stand out:

  • The sugar substitute does not destroy tooth enamel and is resistant to bacteria present in the oral cavity. Does not cause tooth decay.
  • The substance is almost completely eliminated from the body. It is impossible for them to get poisoned.
  • When consumed, a specific taste or smell is completely absent, since the substance is created on the basis of ordinary sugar.
  • The substance has a low glycemic index, does not increase blood glucose. Due to these properties, sucralose tablets are actively used by diabetics.

However, recent numerous experiments on animals and human volunteers have shown that a sugar substitute such as sucralose does not have the best effect on blood glucose levels. Therefore, do not get too carried away with this sugar substitute for people with diabetes.

One miniature tablet is equivalent to a standard piece of refined sugar. The drug has a low cost, easy dosing and is available in combination with other additives (for example, with inulin).

Application of sucralose

The excellent palatability benefits of sucralose have been appreciated by many countries. This additive is quite stable during heat treatment and dissolves quickly in water.

The substance E955 is used in the food industry and medicine, namely:

  • In the production of confectionery - jellies, desserts, milk creams, and carbonated drinks.
  • Sucralose can be found in baked goods, chewing gum, preserves, sauces, marinades, seasonings, and convenience foods.
  • In medicine, the substance is used as an alternative to glucose in medicines.
  • Sucralose is found in medicinal syrups, tablets.

Despite the arguments and negative statements of experts, the harm of sucralose has not been officially confirmed in any country. Officials assure consumers that there is no harm in sucralose. Although, according to alternative sources, the safety from the use of E 955 is in question.

Modern nutritionists consider sucralose to be one of the safest sugar substitutes. More than 80 countries approve of its use as a sweetener. In these countries, the packaging of sucralose is not labeled with warning signs, because it is the only sweetener that has escaped accusations of "carcinogenicity" and also does not provoke dangerous consequences for pregnancy.

This could be a commercial gimmick, however, as demand for this nutritional supplement has grown from 3% to 20% lately. Doctors say that in a minimal amount, sucralose is not harmful to the body. It was found that the daily intake of this substance should be 1.1 mg per 1 kg of human weight. The average recommended dosage per day should not exceed 4 ... 5 mg per 1 kg of adult weight. In order not to provoke side effects - the dosage of this substance should not exceed 16 mg per kilogram of weight.

If you focus on reviews, sucralose can definitely cause damage to the body in case of an overdose. It is necessary to comply with the permissible rate of its use, tracking - in which food products it is present and in what quantity. And if you buy sucralose, then experts advise that it is better to choose it in the form of tablets, they provide for an absolutely accurate accounting of milligrams of this substance.

E955 additive in small dosage can be used as a flavor and aroma enhancer.

Hypersensitivity to sucralose

It is worth knowing that in addition to the side effects of this sweetener, there are people suffering from hypersensitivity to this artificial additive.

To determine this, it is worthwhile to trace the presence of some symptoms after using this sweetener.

If you are hypersensitive to this sweetener, remove any products with sucralose from your diet completely - in a few days the main negative symptoms will disappear.

In the positive case, you can repeat this experiment for a complete (control) clarification of whether you have hypersensitivity to sucralose.

Conclusions - this supplement does not bring tangible benefits to the body and does not enrich the body with useful substances. Therefore, people, especially those who follow a healthy lifestyle, should figure out for themselves whether to use it or not and whether it is so harmless, as scientists say. This will be an individual decision for everyone.

A relatively new (discovered in 1976) synthetic sugar substitute Sucralose (Trichlorogalactosucrose) or Sucralose (Trichlorogalactosucrose) also known as food supplement E955... It is called TGS for short and is also known as Splenda.

The process of obtaining sucralose is rather complicated, and one of its important components is the chlorination of sucrose with sulfuryl chloride. In finished form, this substance is white and odorless crystals, which have a very sweet taste - 600 times sweeter than sucrose! It dissolves easily in water and alcohols, moderately in esters and does not dissolve at all in fatty solvents. One of its most important properties is high stability, incl. to the action of temperature.

E955 additive performs the function of a sweetener in the food industry in many countries, including it is allowed in the Russian Federation, EU, Canada and Australia... In Russia, the list of products where this additive can be used was significantly expanded in 2010 compared to 2003. And now it is allowed to be included in the composition of the following products: water-based soft drinks flavored, based on fruit juices, milk and dairy products without added sugar or with reduced calorie content; alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of not more than 15% vol .; apple and pear cider; drinks containing a mixture of soft drinks and beer or cider (apple, pear), wine, alcoholic beverages; reduced calorie beer; non-alcoholic beer or with an alcohol content of not more than 1.2% by volume; other types of special beer; desserts flavored on water, grain, fruit, vegetable, milk, egg, fat base, without added sugar or with reduced calorie content; flavored, ready-to-eat "snacks"; packaged dry spice products based on starch and nuts; confectionery products without added sugar based on starch, cocoa and dried fruits, incl. in pill form; "soft" micro-sweets without added sugar; spreads for sandwiches based on cocoa, dairy products, dried fruits, fat; chewing gum without added sugar; ice cream (except for cream and milk), fruit ice with reduced calorie content or without added sugar, as well as waffles and cones for them; reduced calorie jams, jellies and marmalade; canned and pasteurized fruits with reduced calorie content or no added sugar; reduced calorie fruit and vegetable products, incl. fruit and vegetable sweet and sour preserves; sweet and sour preserves from fish, fish marinades, crustaceans and molluscs; sauces and mustards; breakfast cereals made from cereals with a dietary fiber content of more than 15% or bran at least 20% with a reduced calorie content or without added sugar; reduced calorie soups; rich bakery and flour confectionery products for dietary nutrition; dietary products for weight loss and medical nutrition; solid and liquid biologically active food additives; as well as vitamins and minerals in the form of syrups and chewable tablets.

In the human body, Sucralose is practically not absorbed and is quickly excreted in the urine. Its safety for humans is still under discussion. On the one hand, there are statements, backed up by research, about its complete safety, including for patients with diabetes mellitus. But on the other hand, it is said that these studies were only of a short-term nature, and long-term studies in humans are required. In addition, there are complaints of side effects from this compound: skin irritation (itching, rash, swelling), disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, diarrhea), respiratory symptoms (runny nose, cough, shortness of breath), symptoms from the nervous system ( anxiety, depression, anger), as well as palpitations, itchy eyes, etc. Currently, the dose of the maximum permissible daily intake has been established - 15 mg / kg body weight per day.

Sucralose is also used in the pharmaceutical industry.

E-621 (), 1-substituted glutamic acid, compound formula: C 5 H 8 NNaO 4. In everyday life, E-621 is called "Chinese or onion salt". It is used by food manufacturers as an enhancer of taste and aroma by increasing the sensitivity of the tongue receptors, that is, E-621 is a food - flavoring additive.

Visually, it is a white powder of crystallized structure, perfectly soluble in an aqueous medium. E-621 does not smell at all, the taste in its pure form is quite specific. In nature, E-621 is produced independently in some products, namely meat, cheese and mushrooms.

In East Asia, it is one of the most sought-after flavoring ingredients used in food condiments and a variety of dishes, and has been in demand for decades.

The range of products in which this additive is used is very, very large, the most common among them are instant pasta, snacks, meat, fish, chips, spices and other ready-made products. An important factor in the use of glutamate is an excellent opportunity to remove the bad taste and aroma of a product, replacing it with top-class gustatory qualities.

E-621 is not banned in the Russian Federation and European countries, therefore it is also used in the food industry.

The harm to the body is tangible and is directly related to the large amount of its use in various products, as a result of which there is a "Chinese restaurant syndrome", signs: deterioration in health manifests itself in incomprehensible fatigue, drowsiness, rapid heartbeat, numbness in the occipital-dorsal region.

Also, E-621 has a negative effect on the eyeballs (even loss of vision is possible) and the brain, leads to glaucoma and affects weight gain.
But there is no evidence of medical research on the dangers of monosodium glutamate, they are either carefully hidden or simply ignored, as is often the case with ignoring the instructions on the packaging from under the product about the presence of certain additives.

E-621, with systematic and long-term use, provokes various serious diseases, such as: Alzheimer's disease, autism, diabetes, headache, migraine.

Almost all manufacturers defend this food additive - of course, it also solves many questions of a gustatory nature, and after all, what is tasty in the consumer's tongue does not really care about the harm caused by the product in the future. And even realizing the consequences, a person will indulge himself with the thought that this is the last time I eat yummy, and tomorrow I will not, everything happens on a subconscious level and is equated to attempts to quit smoking, the brain is aware, and the body demands. And if synthetic monosodium glutamate, with frequent use in adults, negatively affects brain cells, then in children it can generally cause irreversible changes. Pregnant women are not even talking about the benefits of E-621.

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A relatively new sugar substitute, sucralose, registered as a food additive E955, has won the sympathy of many people with diabetes and those who preserve their figure. What is actually a sugar substitute for sucralose, and what effect does it have on the human body?

Sucralose: history of discovery and properties

The sweetener, which is now gaining popularity, was developed in 1976 by one of the American firms "Tate & Lyle". Interestingly, the discovery of sucralose was due to a small incident that occurred at Queen Elizabeth College. During research on unconventional ways of using sucrose (common table sugar), assistant Shashikant Phadnis was asked to test ("test") the chemical properties of a chlorinated sugar compound. Because of his imperfect English, Phandis thought he had been asked to taste the substance, and the assistant did not hesitate to do so. He found the chemical compound unusually sweet, and this is how the sugar substitute sucralose went down in history.

To date, this sweetener is used both in pure form and in many food products. Sucralose is obtained from regular sugar, in fact it is a multi-step and rather complicated process., but in a generalized form it looks like the saturation of the sucrose molecule with chlorine and the displacement of hydrogen atoms from it. It turns out that sugar from a simple carbohydrate turns into a substance with zero calories, while 600 times sweeter than the original product. Judging by the reviews, sucralose tastes like regular sugar and does not have the bitter taste that is characteristic of many other synthetic sweeteners.

Sucralose is highly soluble in water, very stable in an acidic environment and retains its properties when heated; even after a year of storage, this substance does not lose its taste characteristics. All these qualities make it possible to use a sweetener in the manufacture of a wide range of products.

The use of the sugar substitute sucralose

E955 additive can be found in products such as:

  • soft drinks;
  • chewing gum;
  • bakery products;
  • canned food;
  • seasonings;
  • dry mixes;
  • dairy products;
  • jellies and jams;
  • frozen desserts.

In addition, this sweetener is also available in pure form, which makes it possible to use it as a sweetener for home-made table dishes and all kinds of drinks. True, judging by the reviews, pure sucralose is very difficult to find in Russia, you have to order it via the Internet, in addition, this sugar substitute is one of the most expensive.

But the scope of application of this product is not limited to the food industry; in pharmacology, sucralose is used in the composition of some syrups and medicines in order to improve their taste characteristics.

Sucralose harm: myth or reality

The question of the dangers of sucralose to health is relevant for many. After all, there are a lot of those who want to eat sweets when sugar is contraindicated or when extra pounds haunt them. Can a synthetic sugar substitute help people with diabetes and calorie counts?

Since the discovery of scuralose, more than a hundred scientific studies have been carried out, which have confirmed the absolute non-toxicity of this sweetener. Of course, subject to the maximum allowable daily allowance, which is currently 4 mg per 1 kg of human body weight.

The fact that the harm of sucralose is a delusion is also evidenced by the fact that 85% of this substance is not absorbed through the intestinal walls, and those 15% that are still absorbed are excreted in the urine during the day unchanged. Thus, sucralose cannot stay in our body for a long time, and, therefore, it is not capable of causing any harm to our health.

Currently the safest synthetic sugar substitute is sucralose, expert reviews are proof of this. Nevertheless, doctors advise not to neglect the recommended daily intake of even this sweetener, since an overdose of any chemical additive can adversely affect the state of the body.

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Technological functionsSweetener, flavor and aroma enhancer.

Synonyms4,1 ', 6'-Trichlorogalactosucrose, TGS; englishtrichlorogalactosucrose, TGS, sucralose; german.Trichlorogalactosucrose, Sucralose, Chlorzucker, TGS; fr.trichlorogalactosucrose, TGS, sucralose.


Chemical name1,6-Dichloro-1,6-dideoxy-p-B-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-4-deoc-CH-a-D-galactopyranoside.

Empirical formulaC 12 H 19 O 8 Cl 3.

Like. m.397,64.

Organoleptic propertiesOdorless white crystals with an intense sweet taste, about 600 times sweeter than sucrose.

Physicochemical propertiesT pl 130 ° C (b / w); 36.5 ° C (pentahydrate). Resistant to heat and hydrolysis. Chorus. sol. in water, alcohols; Wed sol. in esters; immoral. in fatty solvents.

Receiving Chlorination of sucrose with sulfuryl chloride, followed by the isolation of isomers and other chlorination products. Impurities: chlorinated mono- and disaccharides, solvent residues.



Water (according to Fischer),%, not more

Sulphated ash, %, no more

Specific rotation [a], 20 (10% aqueous

rr), deg.

PH value

Endured. isp.

Chlorinated monosaccharides

Endured. isp.

Other chlorinated disaccharides

Triphenylphosphine oxide, mg / kg

No more than 150

Methanol,%, no more.

As / heavy, met., Mg / kg, no more

Metabolism and toxicityAbsorbed slightly. The glycosidic bond can be cleaved in the small intestine; chlorine-containing hexoses are rapidly excreted through the kidneys unchanged or in the form of glucuronides; other metabolites have not yet been found.

Hygiene standardsChipboard 15 mg / kg body weight per day. Codex: Approved for use in food in Canada and Australia. In the Russian Federation, it is allowed as a sweetener in fruit and vegetable sweet and sour preserves, in sweet and sour preserves from fish, fish marinades, crustaceans and molluscs in an amount of up to 150 mg / kg; in soft drinks based on flavors, fruit juices, dairy products without added sugar or with a reduced calorie content in an amount of up to 300 mg / kg; in desserts flavored on a water basis, on a grain, fruit, vegetable, dairy, egg, fat basis without added sugar or with a reduced calorie content, in ice cream, fruit ice without added sugar or with a reduced calorie content in an amount of up to 400 mg / kg; in canned fruits without added sugar or with a reduced calorie content, in jams, preserves, marmalade with a reduced calorie content, in processed fruits and vegetables with a reduced calorie content in an amount of up to 450 mg / kg; in rich bakery and flour confectionery products in an amount up to 800 mg / kg; in confectionery products with a reduced calorie content or without added sugar: sandwiches with filling based on cocoa, dairy products, dried fruits, fat in an amount of up to 1 g / kg; in confectionery products with a reduced calorie content or without added sugar based on starch, cocoa, dried fruits in an amount of up to 1.5 g / kg; in chewing gum without added sugar in an amount of up to 5 g / kg (p. 3.15.7 SanPiN

ApplicationVery intense sweetener, long-lasting sweetness; the sweetness profile is similar to the sweetness profile of sugar. The problems of cariogenicity and insulin dependence at the low dosages used are irrelevant. In an acidic environment (pH< 3) очень медленно (десятые доли процента в год) расщепляется на два моносахарида: 1,6-дихлорфруктозу и 4-хлоргалактозу, при этом сладость снижается, но посторонних привкусов не появля­ется. Применяется как индивидуально, так и в смесях с другими подсластителями для подслащивания напитков, молочных про­дуктов, кондитерских изделий, жевательной резинки, а также в качестве столового подсластителя для напосредственной прода­жи населению. В очень низкой дозировке, как и большинство ин­тенсивных подсластителей, проявляет свойства усилителя вкуса и аромата.

Other uses: pharmaceuticals.

Commodity formsFood grade substance, b / in and pentahydrate or concentrated solutions.