Healing properties of mangosteen. Tropical sweetness: the mangosteen fruit and its health benefits

26.09.2019 Dishes for children

The outlandish fruit mangosteen is not as famous as, for example, banana, peach or orange. And its other names - mangosteen, mangkut, garcinia, mangosteen - are also little known. Meanwhile, it has a very ancient history. In Asia, where it grows, it is called nothing other than the fruit of the gods or the king of fruits. Today, mangosteen, a unique tropical fruit with medicinal properties, is gaining popularity around the world.

Mangosteen fruit: video about useful properties

The uniqueness of mangosteen

Mangosteen is a small purple fruit of the tree of the same name. The texture of the peel of the fruit is similar to that of pomegranate. The pulp, they say, who had the good fortune to taste it, is like an amazing cream that resembles the taste of peach, grape, strawberry and apple at the same time.

The homeland of the mangosteen is Southeast Asia. Cultivated in the Philippines, Thailand, Honduras, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, as well as in tropical Africa.

Wider distribution is limited due to the high demands on the growing conditions of the culture. Already at temperatures below +20 degrees, trees slow down their growth, and at a mark of +5 degrees they die

Although the medicinal properties of mangosteen have been used in Asian countries since time immemorial, the unique composition of the fruit is becoming widely known only today. So, quite recently, scientists officially recognized mangosteen as the leader among all fruits and plants in the content of xanthones - components of a new class that play a huge role in the treatment of many diseases. Currently, researchers have discovered 200 species of xanthones that exist in nature, 43 of them are found in mangosteen. Thus, rare fruits represent the richest source of invaluable components.

The healing properties of mangosteen

The life-giving mangosteen tea, known as "Eau De Creole", is drunk by people as a tonic. The drink has an invigorating effect, is effective for low energy levels, chronic fatigue syndrome, which affects millions of people around the world.

Mangosteen has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, therefore, products based on it treat skin diseases such as eczema, hyperkeratosis and associated psoriasis and seborrhea.

Xanthones - elements found in large quantities in mangosteen have antifungal properties as well as antibacterial activity that prevents mutational DNA damage. Scientists at the US Cancer Research Center made a sensational discovery: xanthones are able to induce cancer cells to self-destruct.

So far, researchers are only engaged in the development of a cure for cancer, but it is mangosteen that acts in it as an invaluable source of obtaining unique particles - xanthones

Xanthones also have a positive effect on certain types of bacteria, such as enterococci, staphylococci, salmonella, streptococci, Helicobacter pilori, etc.

Since mangosteen is a fruit that is demanding on the conditions of growth and cultivation, which means that it is not available to everyone, people began to make healthy natural juice based on it. In the production of juices, centuries-old knowledge is taken into account, but along with this, modern information about amazing fruits, as well as advanced technologies, are used. The result of painstaking work is the release of a product in which all vitamins, micro- and macroelements, active substances and unique components are preserved to the maximum.

Mangosteen is also known in narrow circles as purple mangosteen. This tropical evergreen tree first appeared, according to many scientists, in the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia. It grows now mainly in Southeast Asia, as well as in the tropical countries of South America: Colombia, Kerala in India, Puerto Rico and Hawaii, where the tree was imported. It can reach 25 meters in height, although there are also relatively small trees, for example 6 meters high. Unusual exotic fruit mangosteen is very sweet and spicy, its pulp is juicy and slightly fibrous with vesicle liquid (like citrus fruits). The inedible rind of the fruit has a reddish-purple hue during ripening. The seeds of the fruit are almond-shaped and small in size. Purple mangosteen belongs to the same species as other but lesser known mangosteen, such as button mangosteen or mangosteen madruno. Growing it at home requires a reverent approach to choosing a place of growth and compliance with the rules of care. The article tells about how the fruit is eaten and in what variations it can be used. In the meantime, look at the mangosteen fruit in the photo, illustrating the external attractiveness of a powerful plant:

Let's get to know the tropical stranger in the photo

As we said earlier, the homeland of mangosteen is the Sunda Islands and the islands of Indonesia. Since ancient times, the tree has been cultivated in the Philippines, Java, Sumatra and mainland Southeast Asia. The tree and its fruit are highly regarded in the market for their delicate texture and slightly sweet-sour taste. Let's take a closer look at this tropical stranger. Look at the mangosteen in the photo, it allows you to imagine this unusual fruit:

The description of mangosteen was first included in Linnaeus's book "Species Plantarum" in 1753. On the territory of Russia, the tree was first grown in a greenhouse in 1855. Subsequently, the culture of this tree was introduced in the Western Hemisphere, where it established itself in the West Indies, especially in Jamaica. Later, the culture established itself on the American continents, and later in Guatemala, Honduras, Panama and Ecuador. The tree never grows far from the tropics. Due to the long fruiting period and the long-term result of breeding cycles, mangosteen is not considered the best option for research that can increase the productivity of the tree.

Reproduction and cultivation of mangosteen at home

Mangosteen is often propagated by seedlings. The vegetative method of reproduction is difficult, in contrast to the first method. Seedlings are not only a reliable method, but they also bear fruit earlier than plants propagated vegetatively. The plant produces recalcified seeds - these are not seeds in the usual botanical sense, but like the egg of an asexual embryo. Seed formation does not imply any fertilization, therefore the seedling is genetically identical to the mother plant. If the plant dries out, the seeds die very quickly. But if you wet the seeds during reproduction, then after 2-3 weeks the seeds will begin to germinate. The plant can then be kept in a potted nursery for 2-3 years. Growing mangosteen at home requires a lot of experience and tremendous knowledge from the grower. As soon as the tree reaches 25-30 centimeters, they are transplanted into a garden or other open space at a distance of 20-40 centimeters from each other. Transplanting is always done during the rainy season, as young trees need shade - most effectively coconut and banana trees, rambutan and durian. Another advantage of growing other crops near mangosteen is that they suppress weeds. The mangosteen fruit initially appears in the form of a pale green or off-white product. Over time, the fruit grows - it takes about 3-4 months, and the color deepens to dark green. During this period, the fruit grows in size until its size is 6-8 centimeters in diameter on the outside before the final stage of ripening.
The growth of the tree plant slows down if the indoor temperature drops below 20 degrees Celsius. The ideal temperature range for it is from 25 to 30 degrees, with an air humidity of 80% - 38-40 degrees. The lowest possible temperature is 3-5 degrees. both young and mature trees tolerate shade well. Mangosteen trees have a weak root system and prefer deep, well-drained soil with a high moisture content, which is why they grow in their natural environment near large and small rivers. The plant is not suitable for limestone soils with a low organic content. The tree needs a climate with good rainfall distribution throughout the year (< 40 мм/месяц) и 3-5 недель сухого сезона. Оно чувствительно к водообеспеченности и применению удобрения, количество которого увеличивается с возрастом дерева (вне зависимости региона нахождения). В первые пять лет после прорастания мангостин очень чувствителен к засухе, поэтому ему необходим корневой запас, в том числе и для лучшего развития в первые годы роста. Постоянная форма кроны дерева – это пирамида.

Mangosteen seeds lose their germination very quickly, so at home it is necessary to prepare them for planting already 4-5 weeks after the fruit was removed from the tree. The following method slightly increases the productivity of the seeds: you need to wrap them in wet moss or fiber. Before planting in a pot, carefully prepare the drainage and soil mixture with peat. The seeds are placed at a depth of two centimeters and slightly moistened, after which the container is covered with a film. It is better to plant seeds first in special boxes for seedlings, and only then place them in pots. After that, they can already be planted in a permanent container. Be prepared for the first shoots to appear only after 1-1.5 months. Mangosteen is a slowly growing tree, so it will reach its height of 25-30 centimeters only after 2 years, no less. The fruits will appear only after 10 years. The soil should not be wet, but it should almost always remain moist, water the plant often - but not abundantly. The plant dies at temperatures below 4 degrees and above 37.

Mangosteen fruit - how it is eaten and used

Fruit ripening on the tree takes at least 5-6 months, after which they turn purple. The quality of the fruit, including its bitter taste, is due to changes in the pulp or around the fruit grower (it can crack as a result of excessive absorption of water). The mangosteen tree first bears fruit within 5-6 years, but it happens after only 8-10 years. Its yield depends on the climate and age of the tree. If a young tree is planted for the first time, then the likely productivity is 200-300 fruits, while at the end of the term - 500 fruits per season on average. Mature trees, aged 35 to 40, can produce up to 3 thousand fruits. Even old trees, which are more than a hundred years old, still retain their productivity at a high level.

The main amount of mangosteen is produced in Southeast Asia, mainly in Thailand as the country with the largest cultivated area: 4 thousand hectares in 1965 and 11 thousand hectares in 2000, which gives a total yield of 46 thousand tons. Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines are other major producers. As we said, the mangosteen peel is inedible, in contrast to the pulp, which is also divided into 4-8 slices. The fruit can be eaten both fresh and canned. How mangosteen is eaten depends on the use of the pulp. It is necessary to select only those fruits that are crushed when pressed. Otherwise, you run the risk of consuming an already spoiled product. First of all, the fruit needs to be peeled - remove the green top and press the middle, after which the fruit opens quite easily into two parts. After that, it is very convenient and pleasant to eat it. Mostly the fruit is consumed fresh - squeezed juice, used as an ingredient in salads, milkshakes, soufflés and fillings for pies and cakes, it is even used in sauce for fish. By the way, the refined sweet and sour taste of mangosteen is harmoniously combined with seafood, especially shrimp and squid. To achieve the original taste of yogurt, ice cream or kefir, you just need to cut the fruit into pieces and add to the product.

Mangosteen is an exotic fruit native to the countries of Southeast Asia, where it is recognized as the king of fruits. Many residents of the CIS countries are familiar with the fruit from trips to Thailand. This curiosity can be found on sale here. However, taking into account the cost of delivery, this product is not a cheap pleasure. Thanks to the beneficial properties of the mangosteen fruit, every year it becomes more and more popular.


Before we study the mangosteen fruit, the beneficial properties and dangerous properties of this product, let's find out how it looks on the outside and inside.

Outwardly, mangosteen looks like an apple, covered with a thick purple-burgundy peel, which is not suitable for human consumption. Under it is juicy edible white pulp in the form of cloves resembling garlic. Inside the pulp, you can find seeds tightly attached to it.

Mangosteen has a light aroma and sweet and sour taste, which can be described as a combination of pineapple, citrus fruits, strawberries, grapes, peaches and apricots. The pulp of the fruit is so juicy that it melts in the mouth, it perfectly quenches thirst. In addition to the divine taste, mangosteen (fruit) also has beneficial properties (a photo of the fruit can be seen below).


Why is mangosteen so good? The fruit, the beneficial properties of which are determined by its most valuable chemical composition, has healing qualities.

First of all, mangosteen is a real storehouse of xanthones - the most powerful natural antioxidants, of which there are 39 out of 200 that exist in nature. Xanthones are known for their ability to destroy free radicals, maintain a healthy weight, improve the body's defenses and rejuvenate it. In addition, they help to improve brain activity and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Their effect on the human body occurs at the cellular level. Scientists have found that xanthones have the property of leading to self-destruction of malignant cells.

The peel of this exotic fruit contains the same amount of catechins as green tea. These substances are known for their antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and antitumor effects.

Fruit mangosteen has beneficial properties due to the presence of a number of vitamins in the composition. The vitamin complex is represented by vitamins A, B (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic and folic acids), C, E and D.

What else is valuable in the mangosteen fruit? The beneficial properties of the fruit are ensured by the presence of such macro- and microelements as potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, manganese, etc.

The calorie content of the fruit does not exceed 72 kcal per 100 grams.


What are the beneficial properties of the mangosteen fruit?

Regular intake of this exotic fruit allows you to maintain the correct rhythm of the cardiovascular system, relieve headaches and get rid of insomnia.

The mangosteen fruit (its beneficial properties are still the subject of study) normalizes metabolic and digestive processes. For this reason, many nutritionists in their practice often use the mangosteen fruit as a fat burning agent. In addition, it is effective in treating diarrhea.

Mangosteen helps to improve the functioning of the endocrine system and establish hormonal levels.

The juice helps to recover faster after surgery, serious illness and depression. Thanks to its use, it is possible to rejuvenate and cleanse the body, as well as increase its vitality.

Mangosteen and weight loss

During the diet, experts recommend consuming foods that are high in fiber and antioxidants. Such nutrition helps to maintain the necessary level of vitamins in the body and to feel good. It is for this reason that the mangosteen fruit will come in handy. The beneficial properties of this fruit make it possible not only to replenish the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, but also to speed up metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

An important role in losing weight is also played by a purely psychological aspect, when taking mangosteen allows you to make the diet menu more tasty and varied. This makes it possible not to break down with a fairly strict diet.


If you study mangosteen (fruit), the beneficial properties and harms of this fruit, you can find that, like all exotic foods, it can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, the fruit should be taken with caution by people prone to fruit allergies.

During pregnancy, its intake is allowed if it was present in the diet before and was safely tolerated.

Application in traditional medicine

It should be noted that not only the pulp is useful for mangosteen. In the traditional medicine of Asia, the dried peel of an exotic fruit is successfully used. Various ointments and creams are made from ground into powder peel, which are used to treat dermatological diseases. Mangosteen peel products are used to treat both banal skin rashes and severe forms of eczema. Antibacterial foot creams have a good effect, as well as for problem skin care.

As an astringent, mangosteen rind powder is used for diarrhea and dysentery.

How to choose the right fruit

When choosing a mangosteen, you should pay attention to the color of the leaves located at the crown of the fruit. Their color should be bright green, not brown. The brown color of the leaves indicates that the fruit is overripe and begins to deteriorate.

The hallmark of a ripe mangosteen is its firmness. When pressed, the fruit should spring, and not be hard, like a watermelon rind. A unique feature of the fruit is that if it starts to rot, it is completely imperceptible in appearance. You can check the quality of the product only by touching it and carefully examining the leaves.

It is better to choose larger fruits, since they contain more pulp. In addition, mangosteen with a large number of leaves are more juicy, they have fewer seeds.

How they eat

To enjoy exotic, first of all, the fruit must be cut correctly. To do this, a circular incision is made through the center of the mangosteen, trying not to touch the pulp, after which it is opened. You can also cut off the top of the fruit and eat the pulp with a spoon.

The fruit is usually consumed fresh, without subjecting it to heat treatment, because it loses the aroma and taste of the product.

You can store it in the refrigerator. True, the shelf life, as a rule, does not exceed 7-10 days. In those countries where mangosteen grows, it is believed that the most delicious and healthy is the fruit that is ripe on the tree. To bring it to us, mangosteen is picked unripe, but this does not in any way affect its usefulness.

What can be prepared from it

This most valuable tropical fruit is most often used to prepare exotic salads, unusual sauces for meat and fish, fruit cocktails, mousses, soufflés, syrups, as well as sweet filling for pies.

Mangosteen (mangosteen, garcinia) is an exotic fruit of the Kluziev family. Due to its medicinal properties, the dietary product is widely used in traditional medicine in Asian countries. It contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements useful for human health.

Nutritional value and beneficial properties of mangosteen

An exotic fruit is a hybrid (polyploid) of two types of trees, the connection of which occurred without human intervention. Due to this feature, the content of useful trace elements and vitamins is greater than in ordinary fruits. Useful properties of fruits:

  • 100 g of fruit contains only 65 kcal, but nourishes the body with carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • fruits are rich in fiber and sugar derivatives (glucose, fructose, sucrose);
  • mangosteen contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, vitamin E and B1 (thiamine);
  • the content of minerals (phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron);
  • fruits are prized for their natural antioxidants (xanthones). Of the 200 known to modern scientists, mangosteen has 39 in its composition. These substances support the work of the heart and blood vessels, and also tone the body, improve protein metabolism, help fight viral infections and stimulate brain activity;
  • patients suffering from allergic reactions are advised to consume fruit puree;
  • fruit eaten after meals regulates body weight by controlling blood sugar levels;

  • mangosteen helps to restore the digestive tract, normalizing digestion;
  • due to its powerful antioxidant effect, the miracle fruit has a beneficial effect on the cells of the epidermis;
  • incredibly, mangosteen helps to defeat Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, fights cancer cells, leukemia, eczema and gum disease;
  • the properties of the healing fruit are able to slow down the aging of cells and prevent the appearance of malignant tumors.

Since xanthones have not yet been fully investigated, experts do not recommend combining the use of the fruit of the mangosteen tree with taking heart medications, and also be wary of taking them to women carrying a child.

In an exotic tree, not only fruits are useful, and from pulp to peel, but also leaves with bark. For example, the skin contains a large amount of flavonoids that effectively fight dysentery and skin ailments. Since the rind is inedible, it is used to make juices from the pulp.

Useful properties of mangosteen (video)

Where and how does exotic fruit grow

Mangosteen is an evergreen tree that grows to a height of 25 m, which yields fruit up to 180 kg. The plant has a scaly trunk covered with black-brown bark, leathery shiny oval-oblong leaves and a pyramidal crown. The size of the ripe fruit does not exceed the size of the mandarin, and the appearance is similar to pomegranate. The white flesh, divided into 8 segments, is covered with a thick purple rind. Seeds are located inside the pulp.

Southeast Asia is considered the birthplace of the miracle tree, although the exact place of origin has not been determined. Thailand is the world leader in fruit export. Also, mangosteen trees are successfully grown in Vietnam, Malaysia, India. In countries with tropical climates, the plant is found in botanical parks. The most suitable for cultivation is the equatorial climate without drafts and droughts.

How to clean and eat mangosteen

Mangosteen has a sweet taste with a slight sourness, reminiscent of an amazing cream of strawberries, peaches, apples and sweet grapes at the same time. In order to choose ripe fruit on the counter in the store, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the color of the fruit should be burgundy;
  • since the thickness of the peel does not depend on the size of the fruit, it should not be too small;
  • if the fruit is not overripe, it will feel firm and not soft to the touch.

Before eating the fruit, it must be peeled and done correctly. The peeling process begins with two shallow cuts (without affecting the tender flesh) from the cutting along the bottom of the fruit, made crosswise. Then the peel should be broken. On the surface there will be a white pulp, consisting of 4-8 lobules (like a tangerine) with attached seeds, tightly adjacent to each other.

Uses of beneficial mangosteen

Mangosteen has a delicious taste and many nutritional properties. Although only the pulp is considered edible, more nutrients are found in the peel. It is for this reason that the pulp along with the peel is used to make mangosteen juice.

The study of fruits amazed specialists with a wide range of applications. Due to the content of antioxidants, rare vitamins B1, B2, C, E, microelements, as well as the presence of anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal properties, mangosteen has found application not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

How to eat mangosteen (video)

Juice and drink

Most people prefer to consume fruits fresh, but lately, producers are increasingly processing fruits into canned food or juice. Thanks to modern technologies, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, active substances and unique components are preserved in the product as much as possible.

There are many more valuable properties of a unique product that are not listed. Due to its ability to break down fat deposits and improve metabolic processes, mangosteen is most often used in the form of juices and drinks for body shaping purposes.

Mangosteen oil

The oil of this fruit is used in aromatherapy as an antidepressant. Its main properties include a unique anti-aging effect. In addition, it prevents moisture loss and the appearance of wrinkles.

To stimulate the metabolic processes of the epidermis, some manufacturers add coconut, jojoba and macadamia oil to the cosmetic product. The composition is applied to the décolleté, face and neck 1 or 2 times a day and is not washed off. It is allowed to mix with cream.

Harm from eating fruit

Because mangosteen has a wide range of health benefits, it is very popular with health-conscious people. Eating this healthy fruit may be restrictive for allergy sufferers. That is why when you first try to feast on mangosteen, it is recommended to start with a small bite. In the absence of irritation or redness on the skin, you can safely use the fruit.

With great care, fruits should be eaten by people with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. Pregnant women are allowed to eat mangosteen only if they have tried the fruit before conception and have not observed any allergic reactions.

Growing outlandish mangosteen at home

Since mangosteen is very demanding to care for, it is difficult to grow it at home, especially from a seed. It is recommended to purchase adventitious embryos. But it must be taken into account that such tubers retain the ability to germinate for 6-7 weeks after packaging.

To land, you will need to follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  • At the bottom of the container for planting an exotic plant, it is necessary to place drainage, and fill it with soil with the addition of peat on top.
  • The seed should be immersed to a depth of 2 cm, moistened and covered with foil, thus creating a warm, moist environment.
  • Mangosteen has a very slow growth, so the first shoots appear 1.5 months after planting, and after a couple of years the plant height will reach only 25 cm. In this case, the conditions should be equated to tropical: temperature 27-30 degrees and high humidity.

How to choose mangosteen (video)

Due to the difficulties associated with the transportation and storage of an exotic product, it is almost impossible to acquire mangosteen. Ripe and healthy fruits are available in tropical countries throughout the summer.

If you like to try new exotic fruits, then mangosteen is one of them. The benefits and harms of this unusual natural treat are similar to other fruits. In short, it helps the body to maintain health, and harm appears only in rare cases of allergies or reactions to chronic diseases. But what is it, why should you try it, and who will benefit from it most?

The mangosteen looks like a smooth small pomegranate with large leaves. His skin is incredibly thick, it is more of a skin. Inside - sweet fruits the size of an average head of garlic.

The taste of the fruit is somewhat reminiscent of a mixture of grapes and lychee.

Any product that nature gives us has completely useful properties. Mangosteen is no exception. When you take it, pay attention not only to the sweet pulp, but also to the skin. There are many xanthones in the latter. In terms of their useful coolness, they overtake vitamin C, E and everything useful that is contained in aloe juice. And the more antioxidants enter the body, the easier it is for us to cope with aging and reduce the risks of oncology.

The most important feature of mangosteen, because of which you should definitely try the Thai fruit - xanthones at least once. These are biological substances that are very similar in function to antioxidants, but much better. In particular, they prevent cell mutations. In total, scientists have counted 200 species of xanthones and 39 of them are found in mangosteen.

To get any benefit from the fruit, eat it fresh. Thais make jam from it, but any heat treatment deprives the product of useful substances.

To get the most out of the fruit, make a mushy puree from the pulp and inner layers of the skin. The amniotic peel, like the fruit itself, has the highest concentration of nutrients. Just mix the pulp with the tender skin and you can eat it.

Against the background of a rich vitamin composition, mangosteen is able to:

  • strengthen your defenses, which will be useful to you during the winter epidemics;
  • cleanse the blood so that there are no problems with the skin, especially with the face;
  • regenerate liver cells, which is destroyed by alcohol;
  • optimize the entire digestion process, if there are any difficulties with it.

You are unlikely to find mangosteen juice in your market or in the nearest store. Still exotic. At least that's how it is in my city. Therefore, from time to time I order it on the aicherb. Here is such a superfruit juice. Some might call it self-indulgence. It is a little expensive for one sweet juice, but this is not an ordinary juice. It also contains a concentrate of goji berries, cherries, pomegranates, goya, and apples. In general, it turns out just a phenomenal explosive mixture with an incredibly high content of xanthones. And all this in one organic liter of concentrated beverage.

I just don't drink it, but add a couple of tablespoons before eating. In autumn and winter, it noticeably adds strength. And this is logical - after all, in winter we eat less fresh fruit, which means there are fewer vitamins. And here is such a great help.

This fruit should be paid attention to those who want to lose weight. Substances from mangosteen:

  • regulate fat levels;
  • control blood sugar levels, which is especially useful for those who do not want to face diabetes;
  • burn the fats that have just appeared in the body.

And a couple of loud statements: eat mangosteen several times a week if you do not want to face such serious diseases as:

  • alzheimer's disease;
  • looseness of the gums;
  • glaucoma;
  • leukemia;
  • eczema;
  • parkinson's disease;
  • melanoma.

Do not think that this fruit alone will save you from the listed diseases, but it will certainly help to stock up on those substances that will bring the body back to normal and at least slow down the development of all these problems. And as a maximum, you will not even know about them at all. What I wish absolutely everyone. 😉

To understand how to eat mangosteen the right way, watch a short video. You will immediately understand everything.

About harmfulness

How can such a super-healthy fruit be harmful? It has more to do with caveats. For example, pregnant women should not lean on mangosteen. There is a risk, if only because you do not know how the body will react to new taste sensations and the very combination of substances in mangosteen, and you must admit that pregnancy is not the period when you need to start experiments. It's just that you never know. Similar warnings apply to nursing mothers.

But if you have already tried mangosteen before pregnancy, then most likely there will be no problems.

The calorie content of mangosteen is 65 kcal.

On the advice of doctors, you can not eat mangosteen if you are drinking any medications for the cardiovascular system. The reaction between the fruit and the drugs has not been studied and may have undesirable effects.

You can also include discomfort when eating unripe or overripe fruits. Do you know what happens when you gorge on green apricots? It's the same here. And it is very easy not to guess, because it is difficult for us to understand Thai sweets the first time. When you buy, touch the fruit, it should spring like it. If it is very hard, the fruit is not yet ripe, and if it is too soft, it has already deteriorated.

The most serious harm to mangosteen can only be in the form of an allergic reaction. If you notice irritation on the skin, then eliminate the fruit from the diet. The reaction will go away by itself. Sometimes it is helpful to focus on the sense of taste - if you like the taste of the fruit, there will be no problem. And sometimes the body itself suggests that it does not need it. While this doesn't always work, it doesn't hurt to listen. 😉

Medicinal use

Mangosteen is used in folk medicine like any other fruit. In this case, the Thais will help us, who save the skin for treatment at home. Be careful as this information is for guidance only:

  • The skin of the fruit is separated, dried in the sun and then crushed in a mortar. The broth is prepared in water and is used against intestinal infections, diarrhea, gonorrhea, cystitis.
  • Another medicine based on mangosteen helps with diarrhea: the pulp is well baked, soaked in warm water and a puree-like gruel is prepared from this.
  • Sepals are also used. They are dried for several days in direct sunlight, crushed and a decoction is prepared. The remedy is used against fever and inflammation in the mouth.

Now you know what mangosteen is and what its benefits and harms are. I think it's worth a try. After all, everything that nature gives us strengthens the body better than any drugs. 😉