Fresh and salted fish rolls - simple and tasteful. Options for boiled, steamed, baked fish rolls in a hurry

04.08.2019 Healthy eating

Lightly salted red fish rolls with cheese and cucumber are an original, spectacular appetizer that will decorate any festive table. Experienced hostesses shared with us the best recipes for snack rolls.

1. Snack "Tenderness of the Dragon"

Guests on the doorstep, and you do not have time to cook an intricate dish? This appetizer will come in handy! Moreover, the dish is so easy to prepare that even a novice hostess can handle it.


  • Lightly salted trout 250 g,
  • Curd cheese with herbs 1 jar
  • Greens to taste 1 bunch
  • Lettuce leaves a little
  • Green onions a little


Cut the fish carefully into thin slices.

Put the fish plates with an overlap of 2 rad on cling film or baking paper, on them with a layer of cheese and green leaves without twigs in 1 row.

Roll the fish and cheese roll and leave in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Then cut the roll into pieces with a sharp knife and put on lettuce leaves. Decorate the dish with herbs and onion feathers. Chill before serving.

2. Lavash rolls with salmon and ham

A very popular appetizer with a great variety of cooking options.
We offer two options - for meat and fish lovers.
From the specified amount of ingredients, about 30 rolls are obtained.


  • 2 lavash (Armenian)
  • 200-300 g salmon (lightly salted)
  • 300 g ham
  • 200-300 g processed cheese
  • greens to taste


Finely chop the greens.
Cut the salmon into thin plastics.
Grease the lavash with a thin layer of cheese.
Lay out the salmon.
Sprinkle with herbs.
Roll lavash with salmon into a roll and put in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.
Then take out and cut into slices.
Also make ham rolls.
Enjoy your meal!

3. Snack roll "Tiger"


● 4 eggs
● 2 tbsp flour
● 2 tbsp starch
● 100 grams of mayonnaise
● salt, pepper
● greens (I have 25 grams: frozen)
● 100 gr, olives
● 100 oil sl. (I have processed cheese with fish)
● 250-300 slices of red fish (I have 200 + 100g of red caviar-trout),


Mix eggs with flour; starch; mayonnaise, salt, pepper
Mix a little dough with herbs
Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and pour the rest of the dough onto the baking sheet (I had 24 by 34 cm, if you have more, add another egg)
Put the mixture with herbs with a teaspoon
Chop the olives ...
... put them on the dough
Bake for 7-10 minutes at 180-200 * С
Tilt the finished dough from the baking sheet onto the paper - the bottom side will be on top (the side with the olives will be on the bottom).
Brush with cheese.
Then lay out the caviar ...
fish fillet, sprinkle with lemon
Wrap in a roll ... ... and refrigerate for 2 hours

Surprise your guests and enjoy the taste!

4. Lavash roll with salmon


  • Armenian lavash: 2 pcs;
  • Salmon: 300 gr;
  • Creamy processed cheese: 180 gr;
  • Leek;
  • Dill and cilantro.


The fastest and easiest to prepare pita roll is made with red fish (salmon or trout) filling. This roll is an excellent alternative to sandwiches and is a great appetizer on the festive table. This is not the first time I personally have prepared it and I can say that all the ingredients are perfectly combined in taste.

Chop dill, cilantro and leeks. Instead of leeks, you can use white or regular onions.

Roll out a sheet of pita bread and spread it with half the melted cream cheese.

Put pieces of salmon or any other red salted fish on pita bread with cheese.

Put the second one on top of the first pita bread and the filling, press it lightly with your palms. Lubricate it with melted cheese, mix the previously chopped greens, and lay it out in an even layer.

Gently wrap the roll from right to left and wrap it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour to soak it.

After impregnation, you can cut our roll with salmon and serve.

Enjoy your meal!

5. Delicious parody of sushi

Just a parody of sushi. I liked the parody, it turned out to be surprisingly nice-pleasant-tasty. The basis for the rolls is probably cheese. You can take it, in principle, any, but I took it, I really like the cheese "Ricotto". He probably likes his unusual and unfamiliar taste, and we do not like it only at the price.
Well, the conversation is not about cheese, but about rolls. In addition to cheese, we will need - slightly salted red fish (salmon, trout), lemon, pine nuts, dill and cucumber. Got all the ingredients together? Cooking the filling. Lightly fry the pine nuts, cut the dill not finely, but not coarsely. Rub the lemon zest. We mix everything with ricotto. Add the juice of half a lemon. We mix. Cut the cucumber into strips. The filling is ready
We take a bamboo mat (it is often sold as a rug for dishes), put cling film on it. Put thinly chopped fish on the film with a slight overlap. For the fish, the filling is approximately 5-7 mm. thick. in the middle - a few strips of chopped cucumber. A cucumber is generally needed for freshness and for crispness.
We wrap it up. We form a "sausage". We twist the ends of the "sausage". Place the "sausage" carefully in the refrigerator. There she freezes a little. We take it out, unfold it and cut it obliquely with a moistened knife. We put it in a plate, decorate with a lemon. And we wonder what to do with the rest of the filling?

6. Cheese roll with fish


  • hard cheese - 400 g
  • salted fish (salmon, trout) - 300 g
  • greens
  • lettuce leaves

Cooking method:

Grate the cheese, chop the herbs and mix everything.

Put this mixture in a very tight bag that will not melt in boiling water, lightly grease it inside with oil so that the cheese separates easily.

Hold the bag by the ends and immerse it in boiling water for two minutes until the cheese softens.

Cut the fish into long slices.

Put the cheese mass on a bag, cover with another bag on top and roll it out into a thin layer. Remove the upper package, place the fish in rows.

Roll up like a roll, cover with foil. Soak an hour in the cold, cut, put on lettuce leaves.

Fish rolls are an easy but satisfying dish. Outwardly, it always looks impressive, which allows you to significantly diversify the everyday menu and decorate the festive table with a snack.

It also has special flavors for those on a lax diet or fasting.

Cooking a delicious fishloaf doesn’t take a lot of time. Some snacks are prepared in a hurry.

Fish rolls - general cooking principles

Fillet is the basis of any such roll. You can buy ready-made or separate it yourself.

Fish rolls are prepared from fresh or salted fish, it can be either river or sea. The main thing is that the fish is not too oily and bony.

The basis of the roll can be both a whole fillet of fresh fish and minced meat prepared from it. Salted fillet is used as a filling and is cut into thin slices or small pieces.

There are many options and methods for preparing such a dish. The rolls are boiled, steamed over steam, baked, salted or soaked by placing in the refrigerator. They are prepared with and without fillings; several types of fish are sometimes used in one dish. The right food combination is what you should focus on when preparing.

Fish roll with salted salmon "Holiday"


Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.;

Two tablespoons of starch, potato or corn;

Four eggs;

Ripper for dough - 1/2 small bag;

Five sprigs of dill;

200 ml sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%;

60 gr. (2 tbsp. L.) Flour;

60 gr. pitted black olives.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the olives into thin rings, finely chop the dill.

2. Pour eggs into a bowl, lightly stir them with a whisk and add flour, sown with starch. Add mayonnaise, a little salt, a ripper, thoroughly beat the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

3. Put three tablespoons of dough in a small cup and mix it with finely chopped dill.

4. Cover the baking sheet with parchment. Pour out the main part of the dough and layer it evenly over the entire baking sheet. From above, a centimeter apart, from a teaspoon we drip the dough seasoned with dill, lay out the olive rings.

5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Placed on the middle level, place a baking sheet with dough in it. We bake for 20 minutes.

6. Immediately after baking, turning the baking sheet over a wet towel, put the finished cake on it and roll it up with the towel. Cool slightly, unfold, remove the towel, and roll the dough back into a roll and leave until completely cooled.

7. While the base of the roll is cooling, prepare the filling. Cut the salmon into small pieces and mix with sour cream.

8. Unroll the cooled dough. Distribute the fish filling evenly over the surface and fold back.

9. We wrap the fish roll with cling film, place in the refrigerator overnight.

Fish roll of lavash and salted salmon


Lightly salted salmon - 200 grams;

Thin lavash sheet;

A small bunch of dill;

200 gr. cream cheese;

Small lemon;

Lettuce leaves for serving.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the fish. Cut the salmon into very thin slices. You can use ready-made slices.

2. Scald the lemon with boiling water, cut it. Squeeze juice from one half and filter through a sieve. We need about a tablespoon.

3. Chop the dill greens. Put the cream cheese in a small deep bowl and add the dill to it. Add lemon juice and mix thoroughly.

4. We unfold the pita bread and apply the cheese mass on it with a thin even layer. On top, carefully lay out the salmon slices.

5. Roll up the pita bread with a tight roll, drag it into a film and place it in the refrigerator.

6. When the pita bread is saturated with cheese and becomes soft, cut the fish roll into slices of two centimeters wide. Serve on lettuce leaves laid out on the bottom of a flat plate.

Steam fish roll from salmon and pike perch - "Tender"


Pike perch (fillet) - 350 gr.;

300 gr. salmon fillet;

Two eggs;

Fatty, preferably 33% cream - 100 ml;

To taste - paprika and white pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse well the thawed fish fillet, wipe the pieces dry with a paper towel. Grind the fillet - twist it in a meat grinder, passing it twice through a fine grate. First, we cook minced pike perch, and then - from salmon, and lay out in separate bowls.

2. Slightly add both mincemeats. Season the pike perch fish mass with allspice and stir in the cream. Mix the minced salmon with paprika.

3. We wash the eggs. Breaking gently, pour the whites into one bowl and the yolks into another. Whisk the whites into a thick foam and transfer them to the minced pike perch. Carefully, so as not to sediment the foam, stir in. Mix the minced salmon with the whipped yolks.

4. Cut the baking sleeve from one end, lay it out on the table and moisten it with water. Distributing in an even layer, lay out minced pike perch on it, and on it we spread the fish mass from salmon in the same layer. We fold, lifting by the edges of the sleeve, into a roll. We fasten the sleeve tightly on both sides - twist and tie the edges with a knot.

5. Cooking steamed fish loaf in a steamer or multicooker on the "Steam" mode for 45 minutes. The sleeve is removed only after the roll has cooled completely, immediately before cutting.

Fresh frozen mackerel fish roll without boiling or baking


Fresh frozen mackerel - four carcasses;

A teaspoon of finely ground table salt ("Extra");

1/4 spoonful of nutmeg and pepper powder - black and allspice.

Cooking method:

1. Put frozen mackerel carcasses in a bowl in advance and leave in the refrigerator. We wash the completely thawed fish, cut off the head and tails. We remove the entrails, separate the fillets from the bones and rinse again.

2. Peel three small cloves of garlic and chop it finely with a knife, then slightly crush it. We mix all the spices with salt.

3. Spread a sheet of parchment or a film, spread the fish fillet over it with a slight overlap, with the pulp facing up.

4. Sprinkle the resulting fish layer with garlic, lightly press its pieces into the meat. Season with a mixture of spices and salt and roll tightly, starting from the thinner edge - the tails.

5. Wrap with parchment - two or three sheets and put on the bottom shelf in the common refrigerator compartment. After about eight hours, we move it to the freezer, the exposure time in it is 8 hours.

6. Take out 20 minutes before serving. Serve, cut into thin slices, arrange slices of fresh herbs spread over the dish.

7. For piquancy, the pieces of the roll can be lightly drizzled with a dressing of freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil. For two tablespoons of oil, you need a teaspoon of citrus juice.

Mackerel fish roll with vegetables and seafood (boiled)


Fresh frozen headless mackerel - 1 large carcass;

50 gr. mussels or peeled shrimp;

Large carrot;

10 gr. granular instant gelatin;

A small pinch of spices "For fish";

Boiled egg;

50 gr. fresh or frozen spinach.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the selected type of seafood in brackish water until cooked, cool.

2. In a thawed fish, cut the abdomen and remove all the insides, and remove the black film. We cut off the tail, cut the carcass along the back and remove all the bones, including the spinal bone. We wash the separated fillet, wipe it dry with a towel and temporarily put it aside.

3. Prepare the filling. Grind the carrots on a coarse or medium grater. Cut fresh spinach into not too wide strips. If you took frozen, squeeze it well after thawing. Cut the egg into small slices. Peel three cloves of garlic and chop them finely with a knife.

4. On a sheet of cling film, skin down, lay out one fillet. Sprinkle lightly with spices, add and sprinkle evenly with some of the gelatin. We spread the carrots over the fish, and put the spinach on it. Sprinkle a little salt on the layer of greens and evenly distribute the chopped garlic over it.

5. Supplement the seafood filling and cover them with an egg.

6. The remaining fillet and, like the first, lightly add, season with spices and sprinkle with gelatin. Then we raise it, and quickly turn it over the egg layer, put it on top and press it a little.

7. We wrap the free edges of the film on the fish, tightly wrapping it around the fish roll. We tie it in several places with twine or thick thread. Transfer to a small saucepan, pour in water and bring to a boil. We cook, not letting it boil violently, for about half an hour.

8. Drain all the water from the pan, and after cooling down, put a small weight on the roll. Place the container with the roll in the refrigerator. After waiting eight hours, remove the film from the fish roll and cut it into slices.

A simple recipe for fish roll with mushroom filling, baked


Low-fat river fish - fillets, weighing 500-600 grams;

200 grams of champignons;

A small slice of white bread pulp - 50 gr.;

Onion head;

A raw egg;

40 grams of any hard cheese;

Milk - 80 ml;

Half a small spoonful of oregano and thyme;

A mixture of ground peppers;

Half a teaspoon of dried rosemary, chopped.

Cooking method:

1. Initially, we prepare the minced fish. To do this, cut the dried fillet into pieces and interrupt with a blender. You can cook such minced meat by twisting the fish in a meat grinder, but then it will need to be passed twice through a fine wire rack.

2. Fill the crumb of bread with milk, soak for a quarter of an hour. We squeeze it well and, kneading it with our hands, we shift it to the minced fish. Here we break the egg, add all the spices, add a little and knead until smooth.

3. Prepare the filling. Cut the onion and mushrooms into small slices. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until transparent. Then we spread the mushrooms to it and cook until the moisture completely evaporates.

4. Spread a sheet of foil, evenly distribute the minced fish over it. We try to make the layer no thicker than a centimeter, giving it a rectangular shape. Put the cooled mushroom filling on the fish and roll everything up. We wrap it with foil, tightly fastening the joints and edges.

5. Carefully transfer the wrapped fishloaf onto a baking sheet and put in the oven at 190 degrees. After half an hour, we take it out, carefully spread the edges of the foil and sprinkle with cheese shavings. Place the roll back in the oven and let stand until the melted cheese grasps with a golden brown crust.

6. This fish loaf can be served hot or cold.

Fish roll - cooking tricks and tips

Thaw frozen fish in advance, in the refrigerator or in the air. Do not immerse the product in water - this will speed up the process, but the nutritional value, and, most importantly, the taste of the dish will deteriorate.

If cooking involves cooking, use a baking sleeve to hold (tight). A regular package in this case may turn out to be unreliable packaging.

It is advisable to wrap fish rolls salted in the refrigerator with parchment so that the fish "breathes".

Fish dishes are very healthy, and everyone knows this. Any gourmet can cook fish without even being an experienced cook. Fish rolls are very easy to prepare, so try it and enjoy the flavor.

You can prepare such a roll for dinner or for a festive lunch. The dish looks very appetizing and also comes out juicy and tasty.

To prepare this recipe, prepare the following food set:

  • 6 or 7 hake fillets;
  • 100 g bread crumbs;
  • 70 g of hard cheese;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • a small amount of fresh dill;
  • vegetable oil, salt and spices.

Spend 50 minutes creating this culinary masterpiece and treat 3 guests.

Prepare a hake roll like this:

First beat the hake fillet, not hard, because it is very tender. Cover the fillets with cling film to prevent splashes from staining the kitchen.
Season with salt, pepper and moisten with lemon juice. Thus, you will get a wonderful marinade for fish. Cut the butter into small cubes and chop the dill. The butter will cut better if it is cooled well.
Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Now put a piece of butter, herbs and grated cheese on each fillet. Place the filling closer to the edge so that you can wrap it in a roll. If the roll is large, then stab it with a wooden skewer or a toothpick.
In a bowl, beat eggs with salt, dip each roll in them. Then breaded. Now proceed to frying on both sides.
Place the finished rolls on a napkin to get rid of excess vegetable oil. Serve this dish with fresh or cooked vegetables.
Fish rolls from lavash are no less tasty. They are great as a light dinner or as an appetizer before a main course.
Here is one of the options for such a dish:


  • 3 Armenian lavash;
  • can of canned pink salmon;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • a bunch of dill and cilantro;
  • mayonnaise.

It will take 30 minutes to cook, you get 5 servings.

So, let's get down to the cooking process:

You can also cook canned fish roll with tuna. Feel free to experiment with the number of components, they work well. Mash canned fish to make minced meat. Next, boil the eggs, peel the onions and rinse the herbs. This will be the filling for the roll. Grind all these components, but do not mix.
Unroll the pita bread. Spread the first sheet with mayonnaise and lay out the chopped eggs. Cover with a second sheet of pita bread. Press down a little. Also spread with mayonnaise and lay out the fish. Spread the next sheet of pita bread with mayonnaise and distribute greens and onions over it.
Carefully wrap all layers of pita bread, wrap with cling film and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. During this time, it will soak and can be served on the table. Cut it into portions and serve with fresh vegetables.

Surprise your family with a cooked fishloaf in the oven. It is ideal as a cold appetizer.

For this you will need:

  • 2 mackerels;
  • 1 onion;
  • half a carrot;
  • 4 large shrimps;
  • lemon juice, spices, salt.

So, let's start cooking mackerel fishloaf in the oven:

The whole preparation will take 40 minutes, the recipe is calculated for 6 people.
Fresh frozen mackerel fillet, rinse, grind with spices, salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. Spread the fillets so that they overlap. Chop the onion finely, grate the carrots and fry everything. Then spread over the fillets. Place a row of shrimp on the very edge of the mackerel.
Now slowly roll up the mackerel and place in a baking dish. If it unwinds a little, then fasten it with strong threads.
The temperature in the oven should be 200 degrees, and you need to bake for 30 minutes. After baking, do not cut the fish, otherwise it will break. It is better to leave it in the refrigerator overnight, and cut it in the morning.

Fish is a food product with a large amount of useful microelements and vitamins. Doctors strongly recommend eating fish dishes as often as possible. Fried fish is not suitable for people trying to eat right.

Fish roll in the oven

This is a real find for people who like tasty and healthy food. You can prepare it in everyday life and serve it to the festive table. Guests will definitely be satisfied. The composition of the dish is inexpensive. It is popular in restaurants and wealthy homes.

List of Food Required by Prescription

Fish rolls are prepared in the following sequence: first, the cutlet mass, then the filling, and lastly, everything is combined together.

List of dishes

  • a cup (for mixing the cutlet mass)
  • board (for cutting fish and vegetable fillets)
  • meat grinder
  • pan
  1. Rinse the fish under running water.
  2. Cut small pieces of fish (fillets) on a cutting board.
  3. Soak prepared bread in milk or water.
  4. Grind bread and fish with a meat grinder.
  5. Stir the resulting mass in a cup along with the remaining milk.
  6. Add pepper and salt to a cup and stir again. The cutlet mass is ready.

Cooking the filling

  1. Boil eggs.
  2. Peel the onion and chop finely enough.
  3. Cut prepared mushrooms with a knife.
  4. Heat oil in a skillet.
  5. Put the onion in a skillet and fry.
  6. Add mushrooms to the onion.
  7. Cut the hard-boiled egg with a knife.
  8. Add the egg to the pan with mushrooms and onions.
  9. Season the prepared filling with salt and pepper.
  10. Wash the herbs under a tap with water.
  11. Cut the greens with a knife.
  12. Add the herbs to the skillet.
  13. Stir the mixture again.

Combining mass and filling

Active cooking time is 30 minutes. The time spent in the oven is 30 minutes. Servings Per Container - 4.

Serve the roll on the table on a beautiful platter. Drizzle with your favorite sauce (sour cream or tomato) and garnish with parsley and lemon. It is better to serve the roll with mashed potatoes.

To increase the calorie content of the dish and change the taste, you can sprinkle the roll with cheese and anoint it with mayonnaise.

The recipe is universal. By adding other ingredients to the dish, you can change its taste. The main thing to remember is that the products included in the filling must be combined with fish.

We wish you success!


  • Sea fish - 1 kg.,
  • Green onions - 100 gr ..
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pcs. (2 for minced meat +3 for filling),
  • Milk - 200 ml.,
  • Baton - 200 gr.,
  • Salt,
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch.

Fish roll with egg and onion - recipe

There are four steps to making an egg and onion fishloaf. The first stage is to prepare the filling for the roll. The second stage is the preparation of the roll base. The third is the formation of the roll and the fourth is the baking of the fish roll. First of all, you need to boil the eggs for the filling of the roll. After cooling, the eggs are peeled and cut into cubes.

Cut the green onion into small cubes.

Combine chopped onions and eggs in one bowl. Sprinkle everything with salt and stir.

The filling for the fish roll is ready. Now you can start cooking the minced fish, and it is best to hide the bowl of eggs and onions in the refrigerator.

As well as for the preparation of various kinds, zraz, meatballs and meatballs, for the preparation of fish rolls, you can use ready-made store fish mince, or fish fillets and frozen fish carcasses.

Using store-bought minced fish can significantly reduce the cooking time of fish dishes, but it is worth considering the fact that in terms of taste it is significantly inferior to fish minced at home.

And again, if we talk about the labor costs of preparing minced fish, then it will turn out from fillets faster than from carcasses, since you do not have to spend time disassembling the fish. For this fish roll, I made minced meat from blue whiting. Separating the fish fillet. I passed it through a meat grinder.

Soak the loaf in milk. Press it out with your hands. Then break it into crumbs in a bowl of minced meat. To prevent the fishloaf from falling apart during baking, add 2 eggs to the minced meat. Season the prepared minced fish with salt and pepper as desired. Knead it thoroughly with your hands.

Cover the table with cling film. Place the minced meat on it in the form of a rectangle. The thickness of the fish layer is about 1 cm.

Picking up the edges of the film, roll these two layers into a roll.

Carefully transfer the finished fish roll with egg and onion to a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil.

Bake the roll at 180C for 30 minutes. Fish roll with eggs and onions can be served both cold and hot immediately after baking. But it is worth remembering that, like other types of fish and meat, it is better to cut it cold. Good appetite. I would be glad if this recipe for fish roll with eggs and onions comes in handy.

Fish roll with egg and onion. A photo