Description of the properties of raisins, its nutritional value. Dried grapes - raisins: a healthy dried fruit? Raisins: benefits and harms, calorie content, the best varieties of raisins, features of use

18.08.2019 Healthy eating

Raisins are dried grapes. The very name "raisin", translated from the Turkic language, means "grapes". There are several classifications of raisins: by belonging to the variety, by the method of processing, by quality characteristics.

Thus, raisins are usually divided into four types:

Kishmish, or light raisins - rather small, pitted, dried from white grape varieties;

Shigani, or dark raisins - can be black, blue or burgundy, dried from grape varieties "korinka", can be sweet and semi-sweet, dryish;

Regular raisins are light olive color with one stone, medium size;

Ladies fingers - very large, fleshy, sweet with large bones, dried from the germian variety.

The first two types of raisins are often used for the preparation of bakery and confectionery. That being said, the latter is believed to be particularly suitable for cupcakes. The third type is most often used for preparing compotes and other drinks. It is also well suited for meat dishes and pilaf. Usually in this case it is customary to combine it with apricot. The fourth type is also widely used in cooking.

In the sphere of trade, it is customary to distinguish between factory and manual raisins. Factory is better cleaned of various impurities, but it is not as aromatic as a hand-made product.

According to the degree of processing and cleaning, raisins are conditionally subdivided into: Eurosort; semifinished; industrial.

There is also a certain gradation within the varieties. For example, raisins can be subdivided into several varieties, such as:

White raisins dried in the sun without pretreatment

Sabza - the same raisins dried in the sun after scalding in an alkaline solution

Soyagi - grapes dried in the shade in special rooms

Shagani - black raisins dried in the sun without processing

Avlon - raisins from grapes with seeds of any varieties, dried in the sun without pretreatment

Hermian is a coarse-grained raisin of the best raisins, obtained by drying in the sun with scalding in alkali.

Raisins contain vitamins B1, B2, B5, which contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system and good sleep, as well as large amounts of potassium. In addition, raisins also contain elements such as sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iron. It should be noted that the amount of sugars - glucose and fructose - in raisins is 8 times higher than in grapes.

It is believed that darker varieties of raisins are healthier than light varieties.

The healing properties and benefits of raisins were highly valued among the inhabitants of the Ancient East. So it is believed that raisins are very good for the heart, and strengthens the heart muscle. Some doctors assure that blue raisins help to increase the volume of hemoglobin in the blood and strengthen the immune system.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that dark varieties of raisins can be used as a preventive measure for tooth decay and gum disease. The antioxidants present in raisins, in particular oleanolic acid, inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause dental disease.

The connection of boron with calcium in this product makes it a good prophylactic and therapeutic agent for osteoporosis and osteochondrosis. Due to the presence of potassium, in combination with diuretic properties, raisins are useful for edema and poisoning. Also, this product is recommended in case of loss of strength, fatigue and nervousness. It is believed that the amount of magnesium and vitamin B group makes this dried fruit a good remedy for eliminating insomnia, depression and improving mood. Due to their antioxidants, raisins are considered a good cancer prevention agent. It is believed that raisins are useful for fever, anemia, kidney and digestive system disorders.

In various sources, raisins are recommended for people who subject themselves to constant physical activity, since it contains vegetable fats and proteins (proteins). So nutritionists advise athletes to combine raisins with nuts and honey, this composition will also help students during a busy period of sessions. In addition, raisins have a positive effect on memory.

In folk medicine, raisins have long been used for medicinal purposes and are used for colds, coughs, bronchitis, and pain in the heart. Also, some experts recommend raisins during the period of rehabilitation after illnesses.

It is important to remember that raisins are a fairly high-calorie product, since they can contain from 250 to 500 calories per 100 grams of dried berries.

Raisins are included in both sweet confectionery and bakery products and are added to the first and second courses. Raisins are added to salads, cereals and soups. Raisins go well with meat, fish and vegetables, as well as dairy products. Delicious drinks are also prepared from raisins: compotes, fruit drinks, infusions. Crushed and pitted, it is used for making puddings and pastries.

Risins should be washed very thoroughly before eating, as industrial drying processes them with sulfur and other chemicals that can negatively affect health. If you choose raisins by their appearance, then the raisins obtained from light grapes should be dark, brown during the drying process. If the raisins are oily, uniformly yellow and soft, this is a sign that the berry has been processed and a reason to refuse to buy.

People began to grow grapes from time immemorial, archaeologists found prints of grape leaves, seeds and tendrils on excavations of the Upper Cretaceous period.

Also, signs of its cultivation were found in the Copper and Bronze Ages. And even the biblical scripture says that this is the first plant planted after the flood.

Raisins: its history

The grapes owe their distribution on the territory of Russia to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich,who was the father of Peter I. He grew the first vine near the capital, and after him Peter started growing grapes throughout Russia. Near the capitals, the richest people in Russia erected huge greenhouses in which they grew grapes.

Dried grapes, aka raisins, are most common in the Middle and Near East, as well as in the Mediterranean countries.

Raisins are made from different grape varieties, so they come in different sizes and colors. Raisins are sometimes called by the names of varieties - raisins, korinka, shigani, sabza, etc.

Useful properties of raisins

From time immemorial, raisins have been considered a useful and valuable product.

  • He was credited with properties strengthen the human nervous and cardiovascular system, increase the content of hemoglobin in the blood, eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also have a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys.
  • The fact is that raisins contain a huge amount of various useful substances:mineral salts, vitamins, proteins, glucose and fructose, thiamine and niacin, fats, as well as boron, which is indispensable in the prevention of ostioporosis. The dark raisins are considered the richest in nutrients, as well as the grapes themselves.
  • With a very sweet taste, dried grapes are absolutely harmless to the teeth, and even wonderful. a prophylactic agent for combating diseases of the oral cavity. This is due to its high content of antioxidants such as oleanolic acid, which stops the growth of bacteria that cause dental problems. In addition, raisins contain a large amount of phyto-substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the oral cavity.

But for all the usefulness of raisins, do not forget that too good is also not good, so you should not overuse raisins and absorb them in unlimited quantities.

In addition, there is a problem with the purity of this product.Raisins are often very contaminated and must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to use. To do this, after washing, you need to hold it in kefir or yogurt. Especially carefully it is necessary to cleanse light varieties of raisins, since they are treated with chemicals for preservation. It needs to be soaked in warm water and rinsed several times, while changing the water.

There are a lot of varieties of raisins and you need to choose according to your taste,raisin-producing countries are so numerous that it is very difficult to choose who is better or worse. Therefore, try to focus on the appearance and taste of dried grapes.

The best varieties of raisins

The systematic use of raisins in foodnot only helps you maintain overall health, but also diversifies your daily meals. Since raisins are considered a very sweet food, they can be used as a sweetener substitute while fighting obesity.

There are two types of raisins in stores - dark and light. They differ among themselves not only in color, but also in composition, useful properties and calorie content, so everyone is interested in which raisins are more useful, because in some cases it is also recommended in the treatment of diseases.

What are raisins ^

Raisins are a product obtained by drying grapes of different varieties. It is used not only in cooking, but also in the treatment of certain diseases, because possesses a number of useful properties.

Not all grape varieties are suitable for drying; only their fleshy types with a thin skin are chosen. Nature has created favorable conditions for growing and drying in the countries of Central Asia, where they invented this method of long-term storage of fruits, in which the berries lose up to 80% of water. To obtain 1 kilogram of dry grapes, up to 4 kilograms of fresh grapes are required.

The ancient Persians invented to dry grapes, it was a great discovery at that time. After drying, the grapes turned into a product of long-term storage, and the saturation with useful substances was not lost. It is believed that there are much more nutrients in dark types of raisins: they contain many antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and acids, the amount of which increases several times just after the grapes are dried.

Now there are several subspecies of raisins, which are prepared from light and dark grape varieties:

  • Light brown with a golden hue: prepared from raisins;
  • Black: Made from seedless red grapes. It can also be blue or burgundy;
  • Large brown with seeds;
  • Yellow: Medium in size, made from single-pit white grapes.

How raisins are made

Three methods of making raisins are traditionally used:

  • The grapes are laid out in the shade and dried there for a long time. These raisins are more expensive, but are considered the healthiest of all;
  • The berries are placed in full sun for 2 weeks, after which their skin becomes tough. Sometimes, before drying, they are treated with alkali: it promotes softening and accelerates the drying process;
  • The grapes are dried using sulfur dioxide or in a tunnel oven. As a result, it acquires a glossy surface. This method is considered less preferable, but raisins made with its help are most often sold in stores.

An important fact - during drying, the chemical composition of the berry does not change, moreover:

  • The concentration of the substances they contain increases. This is due to the evaporation of water from the fruit. And the result of this action is striking: the amount of fructose and glucose increases eight times and the content of these substances reaches 80%;
  • There is an increase in the content of vitamins present in the berry, especially B vitamins;
  • The concentration of mineral substances (iron and boron, chlorine, phosphorus and potassium) increases;
  • In the process of water evaporation, a balanced content is established between the elements of magnesium and calcium, the proportions of which are ideal for the human body;
  • According to experts, drying contributes to the formation of additional antioxidants in the form of tartaric and oleanolic acid.

How to make grape raisins yourself

If the store product does not inspire confidence, then you can cook the raisins yourself. The easiest way to do this is with a fruit dryer:

  • In boiling water (about 5 liters), you need to dissolve 7-10 tablespoons of soda and lower a bunch of grapes there for a few minutes.
  • After that, the berries are rinsed with cold water, cooled, separated from the branch and laid out on the dryer.
  • Every day it is necessary to sort out the berries, taking away the ready-made ones and throwing out the substandard ones.
  • The procedure takes 15 to 30 days.

The easiest way to get raisins is to spread ripe and even overripe grapes on a clay-greased drying pad and dry in the sun for 20-30 days.

  • You can speed up the drying process. To do this, bunches of grapes are first immersed for a few seconds in a boiling 1-2% alkali solution, and then washed with cold clean water.
  • In this case, the waxy coating on the skin of the berry is destroyed and cracks are formed, through which moisture evaporates faster. With this method, the raisins are ready in 7-10 days.
  • There is also a shady drying method, when grapes are hung in sheds with thick walls and narrow windows, through which hot air from the street passes through, but direct sunlight does not penetrate.

How many calories are in 100 g of raisins

On average, the calorie content of different types of raisins, regardless of whether with or without seeds, varies from 240 to 300 Kcal per 100 g:

  • Light green raisins with a golden hue - 240-260 Kcal;
  • Black or blue - 250-260 Kcal per 100 g.

This calorie content is considered average, however, obese people should limit raisins in their diet. If there is a little excess weight and a person is just dieting, raisins can be consumed in between main meals as a snack, but in small quantities.

Measures of weight and volume

How many spoons is 150 grams of raisins?

  • To understand this issue, you need to know how much raisins are in a tablespoon.
  • So, in 1 st. l. contains 25 g of raisins, respectively, 150 g of the product is 6 tbsp. l.

How many grams of raisins are in a glass?

It all depends on the type of dishes:

  • In the teahouse - 190 g;
  • Faceted - 155 g.

How much is 100 g of raisins?

  • To get 100 g of dried grapes, four tablespoons are enough. spoons or a little more than half of a faceted glass.

What are the healthiest raisins ^

Useful properties and contraindications to the use of raisins

Any types of raisins have a number of properties that are important for the human body:

  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Prevents the development of anemia and vitamin deficiency;
  • Relieve insomnia, have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system;
  • Stabilize the activity of the digestive tract;
  • Help with VSD;
  • They prevent the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Also, decoctions of raisins are used for bronchitis or severe cough, because they improve the functioning of the respiratory system. In addition, raisins are often used to ferment wine and will be considered more beneficial than those made from regular grapes.

In the absence of contraindications, the inclusion of raisins in the daily diet brings great benefits to the human body:

  • The risk of developing various diseases is reduced by strengthening the immune system and supplying the body with useful substances;
  • Overall health improves;
  • Diets are easier because raisins can be eaten between meals instead of candy and chocolate.

How much raisins can you eat per day

  • The recommended portion of raisins is 100-200 g per day.
  • For the heart, you can increase the rate from 150 to 200 g.

Despite the great benefits of dried grapes, there are still contraindications to them:

  • Severe obesity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Exacerbation of stomach or duodenal ulcers.

Which raisins are healthier: black or white

What you need to know about the features of each type of this product:

  • Black: has antioxidant properties, normalizes sleep and the functioning of the nervous system, prevents vitamin deficiency, strengthens the immune system, increases brain activity, improves calcium absorption;
  • White: increases the protective properties of the immune system, reduces the likelihood of developing anemia, contains many vitamins.

Dark raisins are considered the most beneficial because its chemical composition is richer than that of light:

  • Its dark skin contains the active substance resveratrol, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Therefore, red grape wines are considered healthier than white ones.
  • This substance is able to activate brain activity, improves the cognitive abilities of the brain, normalizes blood sugar and rejuvenates the body at the cellular level and helps to restore the lost strength of the body.
  • For the prevention of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, heart attack and stroke, anemia and atherosclerosis, hypertension and diabetes, experts advise to eat black raisins.

Does raisins weaken or strengthen?

Raisins are traditionally famous for their laxative effect, but not all of its varieties have a laxative effect.

  • Scientists have proven that only raisins obtained from light grape varieties weaken. But it can cause increased gas production and flatulence, so it is not recommended for young children and nursing mothers.
  • Dark grapes are known to strengthen, and, therefore, the dried fruit obtained from it also strengthens and can be used as a mild remedy for diarrhea.

Laxative raisin decoction

To get rid of constipation without any problems, you can prepare a stimulating raisin decoction. It weakens well and tastes good.

  • For cooking, you need a tablespoon of raisins and 300 ml of clean water.
  • Rinse dried fruits well under running water and sort.
  • Boil water, pour berries and insist, you can in a thermos.
  • To eliminate constipation and to improve bowel function, take 100 ml daily.

Decoction for frequent chronic constipation

  • Take equal parts (60 grams each) of raisins and prunes and cover them with water.
  • Put on fire and wait until it boils, then reduce heat and cook until half of the liquid evaporates.
  • Take 1 tablespoon every 2 hours.

How to choose and properly store raisins ^

To appreciate the benefits of raisins and enjoy their taste, you need to be able to choose a quality product. First of all, pay attention to the appearance of the raisins. Today, the presentation of food products is often more important for the seller than natural characteristics.

When choosing, you should not give preference to berries that are too beautiful in appearance, most likely, such raisins were dried at an accelerated rate with the addition of preservatives, which increases the shelf life and improves the appearance of the product, but there will be no taste and benefit from such raisins.

  • Preservatives and sulfur give the raisins their artificial beauty and long shelf life. Raisins should be whole, not overdried, elastic.
  • Too golden shade of berries indicates the use of sulfites - for presentation and shelf life.
  • Vaseline oil can give raisins too shine. It is better not to buy such a product.
  • And the taste is very important - it should be sweet, without obvious bitterness or acidity.

It is better to choose pre-packaged raisins. It must be sealed.

  • Real raisins can be of two types: if it was black grapes, then the raisins will be black with a blue bloom, if the grapes are white, then red-brown raisins. And raisins should never be white and yellow.
  • You need to choose raisins with a whole peel so that there is no debris on it. The most useful - with petioles - they preserve the integrity of the fruit, which means - a maximum of vitamins! It is believed that a good zest should have its own tail. This means a minimum of interventions and treatments.
  • If the product sticks together and smells sour, then its expiration date has passed. When you squeeze the berries into handfuls, they should not stick together, but remain dry and tough enough.
  • Do not buy giant raisins - they were most likely treated with a special agent on the bush - gibberellin. It is a growth stimulant that increases the size of berries by 1.5-2 times.
  • Some fruits may contain insects! If this is no more than 10% of the volume of dried fruits you bought, then this is the norm, because it is a sign of naturalness.

How and for how long should raisins be stored? The raisins are stored for about 4 months to six months. It all depends on the type and variety.

  • For storage, it is best to use glass jars with glass (or paper, but not plastic) lids, or in special canvas bags, tying them up and putting them in a cool place.
  • In the refrigerator, raisins can also be stored in a plastic container, periodically conducting a visual inspection of the product.
  • You can use food grade plastic containers that need to be sealed.

Do I need to soak raisins before eating

Purchased berries must be soaked before eating and allowed to stand for a while:

  • After draining the water, rinse thoroughly with running water.
  • If you are going to eat the product raw, pouring boiling water over it is not recommended, since some of the vitamins are still destroyed.
  • But cooking has its own advantage, since sulfurous acid evaporates under the influence of temperature.

Increasingly, the natural method of drying raisins is being replaced by chemical or heat treatment. Such a product looks advantageous against the background of naturally dried fruits. It has a longer shelf life and is not eaten by insects. Everyone has seen these products on store shelves - they shine, and white raisins look amber and seductive.

Doctors advise to try to avoid beautiful dried fruits and choose naturally dried products that can be easily distinguished from those processed with chemicals:

  • They look ugly;
  • They have a light coating and uneven color;
  • Hard to the touch and when dropped, form the sound of a falling stone.

Experts have mixed opinions on processed foods. Some say that this process makes the product unhealthy, that sulfur dioxide acts on the gastric mucosa as an irritant. Others claim that the amount is so small that it does not cause any harm. Therefore, decide for yourself what is better to buy.

Lyudmila, 29 years old, pediatrician:

“For parents of their little patients with colds, in addition to the main drug treatment, I recommend giving children warm decoctions of dark raisins. They are good for strengthening the immune system and preventing dehydration, and are also useful at high temperatures. "

Anastasia, 35 years old, therapist:

“Human health directly depends on what he is, so raisins must be consumed at least once a week. It is better to eat it instead of sweets: it contains fewer calories, but it is rich in useful elements "

Galina, 43 years old, endocrinologist:

“People who have a risk of diabetes mellitus should be more careful with raisins. You should not abuse it, but in small quantities it will only benefit. For diabetics, however, such a product is highly discouraged. the main source of carbohydrates in it is sugar. "

Views: 1988


Raisins, as everyone knows, is a type of dried fruit and, in fact, is a dried grape. This delicacy has been enjoying well-deserved popularity for over five and a half thousand years, although raisins (from the Turkic dialect this word is translated as "grapes") were previously considered exclusively a berry containing seeds.

The seedless product is popularly called "kishmish".

How are raisins made?

Usually growers, in countries where climatic conditions permit, dry the grapes under the sun in the open air for two or more weeks. A prerequisite is the presence of light, air and heat, therefore, the largest amount of raisins is produced in Asia and North America.

Not every grape variety is suitable for making raisins, but only berries that have a thin skin and juicy fleshy pulp.

Properly cooked raisins during the drying process in the fresh air, as a rule, do not lose their nutritional and beneficial properties, while retaining up to 80% of vitamins and completely preserving all essential nutrients.

To get one kilogram of ready-made delicacies, winegrowers have to dry up to five kilograms of raw materials.

Alas, recently raisin producers, in order to reduce labor costs and accelerate the drying process, are increasingly using artificial equipment (ovens) for temperature processing of berries, using chemically active substances. Raisins produced in this way, for obvious reasons, are better stored and less damaged by pests and infections. Therefore, if on sale you come across an attractive-looking product of a bright saturated color, then most likely it was artificially dried, treated with sulfur dioxide, and then tinted with a dye. To give the berries shine and an attractive presentation, unscrupulous manufacturers often grease the berries with either glycerin or fat, so you should beware of buying a deliberately low-quality product. Technologically correct dried berries have a natural, natural color and a slight matte bloom.

To check the quality of the raisins, just take and toss the dry berry up. When it falls, it will make a sound that resembles the fall of a small pebble. Any other sound would indicate a fake.

If you nevertheless acquired suspicious-looking berries, you shouldn't worry about this, the sulfurous acid will evaporate during heat treatment, though along with some vitamins and other useful substances. This should be remembered.

Useful properties of raisins

Ancient healers used raisins as a remedy for the treatment of various diseases and until now, grape berries occupy one of the places of honor in folk medicine, continuing to be in high demand due to the presence of a large number of elements useful for the human body.

The energy value of raisins is 300 kcal (in 100 grams of product).

This delicacy contains a huge amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vegetable sugars, acids, tannins and other macro and microelements, including iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium and so on (you can safely list the entire periodic table of the great Mendeleev) ...

It is generally accepted that pitted raisins are healthier than pitted raisins. In addition, according to most scientists, it is thanks to the drying process, in which excess moisture is removed from the berries, that the beneficial substances in the berries become more concentrated. For example, the content of glucose and fructose is eight times the amount of these components, compared to fresh berries.

Raisins contain a lot of iron (especially in dark varieties), a huge amount of vitamins (B1, B2, B5), therefore, the use of berries has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, improves sleep and has a sedative effect on the body, including strengthening the immune system.

The dried berries help to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, activating the activity of the heart muscle, and helping to resist high blood pressure. They should also be used for bronchitis, lung disease, runny nose, cough and sore throat.

Due to the high content of boron in berries, raisins are recommended for the elderly, as they inhibit the development of osteoporosis (improves bone strength). The positive effect of raisins on the kidneys has been proven, since the berries have a strong diuretic and choleretic effect, and also normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

It has long been known that raisins have a softening effect on problems with constipation, and the arginine contained in fruits helps to increase male strength.

Thanks to the oleanolic acid, which is part of raisins, a significant antibacterial effect is exerted on the human body, therefore, the use of berries has a beneficial effect on the condition of the dental cavity and gums.

Varieties of raisins

Usually negligent raisin merchants invite buyers, calling just an unimaginable number of different attractive and far-fetched names.

In fact, there are only four varieties of raisins:

Light seedless (raisins)

Dark (black) pitted

One-pit olive

Large raisins with two or three seeds inside

There is also red raisins, which are obtained from grapes with a pinkish tinge. This is a rather exotic type of raisins, which occupies an intermediate position between light and black. This variety comes to the trading network quite rarely.

Consider the types of raisins listed above in more detail:

1. Kishmish, as a rule, is a small variety of grapes (grayish, greenish or white). Depending on the drying method, one or another varietal accessory is determined.

· "Soyaga" - this type of raisins is obtained by drying not in the sun, but in a specially adapted room for this, since grapes dried in the sun, as a rule, are harder.

· "Boyaga" - a variety dried in the open air, under the influence of the sun, without any additional processing.

· "Sabza" - a kind of grape, which is cooked in an alkaline solution before drying in the sun.

White raisins are usually high in natural sugars.

2. Seedless black raisins (sometimes a maroon skin tone) is produced from dark grape varieties. It is often called "korinka". Contains less sugar, but has a pleasant specific musky aroma.

· "Shagani" - a kind of raisins that are dried in the open air, directly under the sun.

· "Avlon". Several varieties of grapes are used for the production of this variety. Drying is done in the sun.

· "Hermian". Like "Sabza", it is preliminarily treated with an alkaline solution before drying. Selected grape varieties are used for the production.

3. Light olive raisins (single-pit) are the most popular and classic.

4. Black raisins with several seeds are usually quite large and very sweet in taste. Its pulp is juicy and fleshy. It is prepared from the world famous grape variety "Hermiana" or "Husayne", better known as "Ladies fingers" (the length of individual berries can reach two and a half centimeters).

For its amber shade, this raisin is often called "amber".

Using raisins

Due to its excellent taste, raisins are widely used in cooking. It is used as an ingredient for the preparation of pilaf, other cereals, and is also used in meat dishes and salads.

For obvious reasons, raisins are most actively used in the preparation of various culinary products: in the production of baked goods, muffins, cookies, puddings, ice cream, and so on, the range of its application is very wide.

This product has found a place in medicine and dietetics.

Berries are widely used to cleanse the intestines and heal the kidneys, and are recommended for women during pregnancy.

Raisins also help eliminate edema and are useful for children of any age.

Raisins are used quite effectively, despite their high calorie content, in dietetics, since the dietary fibers of berries, swelling, increase in volume, thereby reducing the feeling of hunger. In addition, the berries contain substances that promote the breakdown of fat cells, which is important.

For cosmetic purposes, raisins are often used to prepare various masks and creams. Its natural strength, thanks to the large amount of powerful antioxidants and nutrients, perfectly rejuvenates the skin.

So eat raisins with pleasure and be healthy!

It is difficult to find a person who would not have heard of raisins, the beneficial properties of which are mentioned quite often. And although they write a lot about the benefits of this dried fruit, unfortunately, there are not enough specifics, only general phrases. Let's eliminate these gaps and figure out what raisins are, how they are useful, why and how to use them. So let's get started.

What are raisins

Recall that raisins are sun-dried grapes... The word "jӱзӱм" itself came from the Turkic language, which means grapes; this already in Russian it acquired the meaning of "dried grapes", to which we are accustomed. There are few places where grapes are grown, and, therefore, raisins are produced: Uzbekistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey. Depending on the area, raisins come in different colors and shades: from white to black.

There are several thousand grape varieties, of which about 30% of the harvest is processed into a small dried fruit. Despite such a variety of "parents", raisins are divided into only 3 types depending on the size and presence of seeds (more than 90% of dried fruits are produced from seedless varieties of berries).

Types of raisins:

1. Kishmish (trade name - sabza) - light dried small berries, no seeds inside. It is made from sweet grape varieties without green or light gray seeds, the flesh of which should be fleshy. Most often, this type is used in bakery products as a filling, curd products (casseroles, cheese cakes).

2. Corinka (modern names - bidana, shigani) - medium-sized raisins with one seed, can have a strongly or weakly expressed sweet taste. The color is most often of a dark shade (dark blue, black, maroon). Like the previous type, it is used in cooking, especially in home cooking (muffins, Easter cakes, cheesecakes).

3. Large raisins very sweet taste, the original grape varieties for which are germiana or husaine (another name is "ladies' fingers"). There are 2-3 seeds inside it, the taste is very pleasant, they are often used to prepare compotes, decoctions, fruit drinks and other sweet drinks. In addition, this type of dried fruit is often found as a seasoning for various meat dishes (the most famous, of course, is pilaf).

Depending on the quality of processing raisins are of the highest, first and second grade. Also, the dried fruit is divided according to the processing method product: factory (semi-finished, industrial) and manual processing (Eurosort).

How raisins are made

Grapes are harvested most often at the end of summer, however, much depends on the weather: for high-quality drying of the berries, the absence of rain and bright sun is necessary for several weeks after ripening. The harvested crop is dried in the open air in specially designated places: in the open sun with good ventilation - about two weeks (with this type of drying, it is regularly turned over and carefully protected from the invasion of birds and insects that love to feast on them); on wooden grates in the shade - about three weeks.

The end of the process is determined by the appearance of the berries: the color and consistency should change. The finished dried berries are separated from the comb and must be ventilated. Next, the raisins are laid out in a dry sealed package and placed in a dry dark room.

To get a ton of raisins, it is necessary to process about four tons of fresh grapes.

What raisins contain

Quite often you can find information that one variety of raisins is more useful than another (for example, that dark is more useful than light). In fact this is not true. In terms of the content of vitamins, macro- and micro-elements, all varieties are almost identical, the difference can be observed only depending on the area of \u200b\u200bcultivation, harvest conditions, storage of dried fruit, and its transportation. It is clear that it is almost impossible to track all these moments, therefore, based on this, will consider the nutrient content of raisins in general, for all varieties.

For the sake of fairness, we note that raisins are slightly different from their "counterparts" in terms of protein, carbohydrate and calorie content, but, as you will see below, this difference is negligible. Data are given per 100 g of product.

Raisins: calorie content - 276 kcal, fat - 0, proteins - 1.8 g, carbohydrates - 70.9 g.

Kishmish: calorie content - 279 kcal, fat - 0, proteins - 2.3 g, carbohydrates - 71.2 g (as you can see, the difference is only 3 kcal, the amount of proteins is increased by 0.5 g, carbohydrates - by 0.3 g) ...

Unfortunately, vitamins in raisins contains quite a bit:

- thiamine (or vitamin B1) 0.15 mg, which is 10% of the daily value;

- riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.08 mg - 4.5% of the daily value;

- nicotinic acid (vitamin B3, PP) 0.5 mg - 2.5% of the daily value;

- traces (i.e. very little) of vitamin C and A (carotene).

And here macronutrients dried fruit is very rich:

- potassium 860 mg is almost half of the daily human requirement;

- phosphorus 129 mg - 18.5% of the daily requirement;

- iron 3 mg - 16.5% of the daily requirement for women (30% for men);

- magnesium 42 mg - 14% of the daily requirement for women (10.5% for men);

- calcium 80 mg - 8% of the daily requirement;

- sodium 117 mg - 7.8% of the daily requirement.

I would like to note that comparing the benefits of raisins and grapes is incorrectoh, because the content of the main nutrients in these foods is different. For example, grapes contain vitamin C, but raisins do not; but raisins have 4.5 times more sodium. Therefore, fresh and dried berries are useful for humans in their own way.

Why are raisins useful?

1. Very useful raisins for the heart, which is associated with the high content of potassium in dried fruit. This small berry supports the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of heart attacks.

2. Supports the tone of the nervous and muscular system, improves mood, helps to avoid depression.

3. Improves kidney function.

4. Eating raisins helps the growth of bones and teeth, which is especially important for children.

5. Also very useful raisins during pregnancy: it increases the level of hemoglobin, reduces the likelihood of tooth loss, improves bowel function, helps fight edema.

6. Raisins indispensable for combating constipationespecially in infants who are known not to take medication. For treatment, dried fruit must be steamed in a thermos for several hours: 1 tablespoon of raisins + a glass of boiling water. It turns out a sweet tasty broth that helps the intestines work.

7. It is believed that raisins for weight loss harmful (they say, it has a lot of calories and sugar), but in fact this is not true. First, there is little sugar in dried fruit; secondly, it contains a lot of soluble fiber; third, the product is low; fourthly, it does not contain fats. And these are not empty words, but proved by scientists at the University of Minnesota and the University of Leeds. And it would be nice to think about the presence of calories: in 100 g of raisins, as we already mentioned, there are less than 300 kcal (these are 4 tablespoons), and in 100 g of chocolate - 550 kcal. And at the same time, raisins are incomparably healthier, and it is not easy to eat such an amount of dried fruit, since it very quickly gives a feeling of satiety. So he can really help.

8. Raisins has antioxidant properties and is able to suppress the development of cancer and internal inflammation.

9. Reduces the development of type 2 diabetes, which is associated with a high content of dietary fiber, antioxidants and various phytochemicals.

10. It makes sense to use raisins when dieting:

- as (together buns, sweets, chocolates);

- if you feel hungry, you can put a few raisins in your mouth and chew them thoroughly: the body will receive a lot of nutrients and reduce the desire to eat (this is very convenient when walking, traveling, because it is not difficult to wash at home, put in a bag and take a couple of handfuls of raisins with you );

- it can be added to muesli, yogurt, cottage cheese, porridge: a small amount will add sweetness to any dish;

- a decoction of this dried berry will help get rid of excess toxins, improve bowel function, which is very important for, therefore, for weight loss.

Now you know about the beneficial properties of raisins, which will help you make an informed decision whether to include this dried berry in your diet.

Eat healthy and tasty!