How to fry raw potatoes in a pan. Fried potatoes in a pan with a crust - the most delicious recipes

10.05.2019 Healthy eating

Good day!

Today I decided to give you my most valuable culinary recipe on how to fry the most delicious potatoes :) I have been carrying this recipe under my heart for a long time since childhood, living in the village, eating, like many, often one potato for a hurray!

The step-by-step recipe, photos and videos to it, of course, reveal all the secrets of my cooking fried potatoes with a crust! Naturally golden :) With onions, garlic and dill.

I will tell and show all the intricacies of choosing the right frying pan, the potatoes themselves and the principles of proper frying, otherwise many beginners cannot avoid an incomprehensible "cooking" in a frying pan. But you still want to eat deliciously :) And not about just chopping up what happened ...

Video! How to deliciously fry potatoes

I advise you to watch the video to the end, it is not big and contains a lot of my personal life hacks! Visibility, always good + in the video you catch your appetite :)

You will have to master the recipe right away, especially since it is simple and described step by step in the article, fry your delicious potatoes and you will definitely succeed with a golden crust today!

But now, before the recipe, which I have calculated to feed 4 foreheads, I would like to tell you a little about the most amazing facts about potatoes that I learned from secret sources :) for my 46 years.

Amazing facts about potatoes

How many-sided and amazing the world we live in after all! Each facet plays with its own colors, shades, facts. The world of cuisine, the world of culinary specialists is just one of hundreds of thousands of faces.

Each dish, in turn, has its own history and flavor. Each seemingly well-known ingredient and product for a long time - also with its own history. And it happens that it would seem - well, what could be interesting or fascinating here? But no!

Take potatoes: it seems to us that from time immemorial we have included them in many dishes. And pundits say that from time immemorial it was only on the territory of modern South America, 7-9 thousand years ago, where modern Bolivia is located, they used wild potatoes for food.

He was even worshiped then as an animate being. They also said that in the Inca calendar there was such a unit for determining the time as the time for cooking a potato dish - about one hour))

On our continent, at first, potatoes took root a little, there were potato riots and clashes. They called her darling both the devil and the damn apple, but that the potato helped to defeat hunger at some period of time is a fact!

There is such a historical fact: there were times when the peasants in Russia did not want to plant potatoes in any place. And then such a cunning move was invented: they planted a field with potatoes and put them to guard the soldiers, they say, a considerable value on the field is growing!

Well, our man is our man - they began to steal potatoes little by little and plant them in their gardens). So, by hook or by crook, the potato received universal distribution and deserved recognition. And now they call her nothing but the second bread, and this is the honest truth)).

I remembered here the story of one of my acquaintances, how he traveled on a voucher to hot overseas countries. Nothing at first - exotic. Bananas are almost lying underfoot, wonderful binturongs lazily climb the trees, and then he says that he almost howled like a wolf: he just wanted fried potatoes with onions and dill!

You can understand a person, I myself can hardly last long without potatoes. Without bananas - as much as you like, but without potatoes - thank you, I refuse)).

And the first thing my friend, returning from a trip, asked his wife to cook fried potatoes. Of course she cooked it, but it turned out not quite right)

My friend dreamed of getting tasty, crispy, fried slices, neatly cut into strips, but it turned out either mashed potatoes with fried, or stewed potatoes, half fried ...

Of course, he didn’t make any claims, his wife is golden, but you must admit, friends, there is such a thing - not everyone and not always succeed in exactly the "classic of the genre", namely fried potatoes with a crispy crust!

Although many people think: “Ugh! Making potatoes is easier than steaming turnips. " But no, my dear ones, there are also here its own characteristics, tricks and tricks, its own rules of preparation, and if you do not know and do not follow them, it will turn out not quite that or not at all).

These rules are quite simple, they do not require specialized education, and they mainly relate to the two most important points: it is to choose the dishes suitable for such a case and the right choice-buy the right potatoes for frying. Yes, and third: the process itself, the technique of execution).

Which pan is better to cook

“Well! Surprised! " - the impatient reader will think. They say, everyone knows that potatoes are fried in a pan, not in a jar). This is so, but the pan must be correct.

I myself somehow "burst", I bought a very beautiful frying pan and very useless, because the sides and bottom of that frying pan were thin, and no matter how hard I tried, no matter how I selected the heating of the stove, nothing good came out: it burned from below , the top remained moist.

Therefore, here is the first rule for you: you need to fry potatoes in a thick-walled pan with a thick bottom. Only in this case, it warms up evenly throughout the entire volume, and it is fried potatoes that are obtained, and not a burnt, unevenly cooked mass.

Personally, I prefer the usual massive cast-iron frying pan, which our mothers and grandmothers used to cook with. The result is excellent!

How to choose the “right” potatoes for frying

The next moment is to choose the right potato. You've probably noticed that when cooking, one potato cooks faster, while the other, for some reason, has to be cooked longer. One quickly falls apart, and the other does not.

The thing is that there are a great many varieties of potatoes, agronomists-breeders have worked wonderfully well, and it turned out that there are differences between potatoes and potatoes.

There are more starchy varieties, and there are less starchy ones. For frying, we are interested in potatoes with a lower starch content, this one falls apart less, and it is from this that appetizing crispy slices are obtained.

And choosing, calculating just such a potato in the market or in a store is not difficult at all: you need to look, focus on the color of the peel.

Potatoes with red and dark red, brown tubers contain less starch, this is what we need, we buy this for frying.

Tubers are light yellow, yellow - more starchy, quickly boil down, when frying, the slices quickly fall apart, lose their shape, so it is better to buy such potatoes for making mashed potatoes.

Tubers should be even, without large ugly "eyes" and irregularities. The tubers should be free of damage and even a hint of a rotten side or cut.

It's an everyday matter, and to be honest - many, having come home and found a spoiled tuber, which "quite by accident" put a smiling saleswoman in your bag in the market, think about the following: “Yes, I'll cut it off quite a bit here, and it will go. Do not throw such a potato into the trash bin! "

And this is a mistake. You can not use spoiled, even slightly rotten tubers for food. The fact is that any sore: rot, mold, which touches the potato, spreads throughout the tuber. It's like a splinter in your finger - it is there, and the inflammatory process has accordingly affected the whole body!

Therefore, do not risk your health, it is not worth it. Also, in no case should you use tubers that have turned green on one side. The green peel, even from one side, suggests that such a potato contains corned beef - a poison that can cause severe poisoning, so the formula: “I will cut it a little and it will go”, you know, will not lead to anything good.

Don't risk it, don't be worth it! It is forbidden to give green tubers even to livestock feed, I am telling you this as a person who passed the test for fodder production at one time).

Delicious fried potato recipe

In general, we figured out the choice of dishes and how to choose the right potatoes, now we can proceed to the process of preparing delicious, crispy, fried potatoes.

It is not superfluous, I think, will know that from 1 kilogram of raw unpeeled potatoes, about 800 grams of ready-made fried will turn out. In terms of calorie content, this is approximately 1500 kcal, 25 grams of protein, 180 grams of carbohydrates.

Estimated cost at the time of this writing:

    Potatoes - 17 rubles per kg

    Sunflower oil - 82 rubles per liter

    Salt - 12 rubles per 1 kg

    Onions - 15 rubles kg

    Dill greens (bunch) - 20 rubles

    Garlic (head) - 10 rubles

As you can see, the set of products for the price is very democratic, available to any person - both a student and an academic. The cost of a dish for 4 men according to the recipe described below will be 173 rubles + an almost full bottle of oil, a pack of salt and almost a kilo of onions will remain for further use!

Cooking time is no more than 30 minutes, and this is in a measured, unhurried mode!

You will need:

    Potatoes - 2000 gr (2 kilograms)

    Sunflower oil - 80 gr (5 tablespoons)

    Medium ground salt - 10 g (1 teaspoon)

    Onions - 50 gr (½ medium-sized onion)

    Dill greens - 3, 4 branches

    Garlic - 3 cloves

How to fry potatoes deliciously and with a crust

In order to fry and cook potatoes deliciously and with everyone's favorite golden crust, so that everything is not only tasty, but also looks beautiful, the onion and garlic are not burnt, you need to follow my step-by-step recipe and then everything will be like fire!

And so off we go ...

We wash the potatoes under running water, on the tubers of even “fashionable” producers, whose potatoes are packaged in beautiful bags, there are still particles of earth that stick to the fingers and, accordingly, to the already peeled tubers when cleaning. Then the whole thing is badly laundered).

We washed, then we clean the potatoes from the peel, for this it is better to use a small knife that fits comfortably in the hand, and with which you can easily and conveniently remove the extra eyes at once, but they will) You can, however, use a special cleaner - a housekeeper for vegetables, which removes the skin very thinly. Here it will be more convenient for you.

We immediately put the peeled potato tubers in a saucepan or any other container of a suitable size with cold water. This is to prevent the potatoes from darkening in the air. And the second point: in this way, part of the starch we do not need will be removed from the potatoes, which prevents the formation of a golden brown crust).

After having prepared in this way, cut our potatoes, it must be rinsed under cold running water in a colander under the tap. Thus, we again remove excess starch, so the pieces will not stick together and will fried better.

Washed - spread on a paper towel with a thin layer, blot to remove excess moisture.

Otherwise, oil heated in a frying pan may start "shooting" in different directions, staining your kitchen and getting on your skin and clothes.

While a paper (you can use a clean cloth) towel absorbs moisture, put a frying pan on a high heat and pour in sunflower oil, heat it well for 3 minutes.

Gently put the prepared potatoes in the pan so as not to burn themselves. There should be 2-3 layers of potatoes in the pan. If you make a frying pan full of potatoes, then fried, crispy crust will not work!

It is better to cook as described in two passes or cook simultaneously in two pans.

Pour the potatoes into the pan "from ourselves"! Not on, but from yourself. Do not cover with a lid, reduce the heat to medium. If you want delicious, crispy fries, never roast them under the lid. For many, this will be something new, unexpected, but this is so - do not cover it!)

So we fry the potatoes for 5-7 minutes, without interfering, do not endlessly butter with a spatula, turn it over, as they say - do not interfere with the process. During these 5-7 minutes, the potatoes will brown from below until golden brown. Now you can turn it over).

You need to turn it over in three or four movements, trying to turn the whole layer, all this fried, golden bottom "pie".

For convenience, you can and should use two shovels or a spatula and a spoon, for example.

Everyone has different stoves, pans too, so adjust the degree of roasting and time yourself, based on your taste. Someone likes only lightly browned slices, someone fries quite a bit.

Turned over, fry for another 5-7 minutes over medium or slightly lower than medium heat. Peel and finely chop the onion and a couple of garlic cloves on a cutting board.

After turning the potatoes over the second time and fried them for 5-7 minutes, add salt and add chopped onion and garlic on top. That is, you need to salt and add onion-garlic at the final stage of cooking!

If this is done at the very beginning or in the middle of cooking, then the potato that is called "will give juice", moisture will be released and golden brown crust may not work.

Separately about onions and garlic. Someone hates onions or garlic, so it's up to you to decide whether to add, what, and how much. I like it more like this, with garlic and onions).

Dill greens, washed well under running water and finely chopped, add at the very end of frying, or already in a plate of potatoes, just before use.

I think the dish is not completely complete without dill, but this is my subjective opinion, here again, rely more on your taste.

Such potatoes with milk are especially good, this, I will report to you, is just a song without an accordion!). In general, try it, I'm sure you will like it.

And perhaps the last recommendation: never try to cook something worthwhile if you are in a bad mood. I am far from mysticism, esotericism and other fancy and secret "teachings", but the fact is obvious: I am cooking something in a bad mood, that's it! Carcasses light - such a gruel turns out, it is already a shame to do it).

Therefore, cook with a light heart, bright thoughts and everything will work out. I hope my article will help you with this, but if something is not entirely clear - watch the step-by-step video filmed specifically for this article, ask questions in the comments.

Perhaps you will be interested in the description of the process of preparing a particular dish), so I will gladly perform! All the best to you! Your Petrovich.

Now I have heard that scientists said that potatoes are very useful for the body. Perhaps this is so, but you definitely should not overuse fried!

Fried potatoes belong to everyday dishes, but experienced housewives serve them to the festive table. This is not surprising, because the crisp crust and piquant taste of spices will impress even the most sophisticated gourmet. Many novice cooks have difficulty cooking potatoes in large portions in one go. The slices stick together, break up and do not cook well. You can correct the situation if you observe certain nuances. Let's consider them in order.

Features of cooking fried potatoes

  1. For a truly delicious meal, choose pink-skinned potatoes. These tubers contain the least starch.
  2. You can fry potatoes both pre-cooked and chilled, or raw.
  3. To give a dish a special taste, you can combine potatoes with onions, meat, mushrooms, bread crumbs, spices and herbs.
  4. If you have boiled the tubers in advance, peel them, chop them into bars, cubes, rings, half rings. The same applies to shredding raw root vegetables.
  5. Choose the “right” cookware. To get potatoes with a crust, it is necessary to heat treatment in a cast iron or steel skillet.
  6. Put potatoes in hot oil only. In this case, stirring is carried out at the beginning of frying, otherwise the slices will fall apart.
  7. If you add salt to the vegetables right after you put them in the pan, the potatoes will absorb the fat and begin to break down. Salt should be added 3 minutes before the end of the procedure.
  8. To get tender but spicy potatoes, fry them in a mixture of vegetable and butter. The proportions are calculated at the discretion.
  9. If you are preparing a large portion, divide it into several portions. Do not allow the potatoes to be more than 5 cm high in the pan.

Fried potatoes: a traditional recipe

  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.
  • butter - 40 gr.
  • salt - 20 gr.
  • potatoes - 1.3 kg.
  • fresh dill - 30-40 gr.
  1. Wash the tubers, remove the peel. If the potatoes are not pink-skinned, soak them in cold water for 15 minutes. Add lemon juice to the liquid so that the fruits do not darken.
  2. Prepare a dry cast iron skillet, pour vegetable oil into it, add butter. Heat the ingredients over high heat, stir.
  3. Chop the potatoes into wedges, cubes or rings (if the fruit is small). Send the slices to a heat-resistant dish, stir. The butter should envelop each bite.
  4. For crusty potatoes, cook the dish without the lid. If the root vegetable will absorb oil, add more. Cook at maximum power for 6-7 minutes.
  5. Now reduce heat to medium. Stir the potatoes by moving the toasted sticks up. Cook for another quarter of an hour, stir the composition every 5 minutes.
  6. Season with salt 3 minutes before cooking or skip this step. Salt can be added after placing the potatoes in portioned plates. Serve garnished with chopped dill.

  • garlic - 5 teeth
  • potatoes - 650-680 gr.
  • oyster mushrooms or champignons - 350 gr.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • vegetable oil - in fact
  • dill (greens) - 40 gr.
  • salt - 15-20 gr.
  • chopped pepper - 5 gr.
  1. Peel the garlic, chop it into thin slices. Chop the onions into cubes or half rings. Prepare potato tubers for frying (washing, cleaning).
  2. Chop them into cubes or wedges. Wash the mushrooms / oyster mushrooms, cut the mushrooms along the grain. Take a thick-walled skillet, pour oil into it, put it on the stove and heat to the maximum mark.
  3. Now send the garlic slices for frying, add the potatoes after 3 minutes. Cook the food at the maximum setting for 5 minutes, then lower the hotplate to medium power.
  4. Cook the dish for another 10 minutes. Now you need to fry the onions with mushrooms using a second frying pan. When you have done this, mix the mixture into the potatoes.
  5. Now fry the mixture over high heat until golden brown. Season the dish with salt and pepper 1-2 minutes before cooking, add a slice of butter. Serve, beautifully chopped dill.

Fried potatoes with onions

  • vegetable oil - 150 ml.
  • potatoes - 300 gr.
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.
  • salt - amount to taste
  1. Wash the tubers, peel, chop into strips. Send the fruits to cold water, add a little lemon juice. After 20 minutes, take out the potatoes, leave to drain on a sieve.
  2. Blot the potatoes with napkins to catch any remaining moisture. Heat a skillet over high heat, add oil. Preheat it, send the potato slices into the dish.
  3. Fry the straws for 5 minutes, stirring once. After this period, a crust should form. Add chopped onion and butter (optional).
  4. Fry the dish for another 10-15 minutes, in no case cover it with a lid. Add salt 2 minutes before cooking, stir gently. Serve the potatoes with sour cream and green onions.

  • potatoes - 380 gr.
  • ground black pepper - 5-7 gr.
  • provencal seasonings - 20 gr.
  • salt to taste
  • green dill - 35 gr.
  • onions - 50-60 gr.
  • meat (beef, pork, chicken) - 330-350 gr.
  • garlic teeth - 5 pcs.
  1. First you need to cook the meat. Send it to boil, fry, or bake it in the oven. Chop into cubes or thin slices. Optionally, meat can be substituted with bacon.
  2. Prepare the potatoes. Peel the tubers, rinse and chop into sticks. Soak in lemon water for 10 minutes, then remove and pat dry with towels.
  3. Take a heat-resistant dish with a thick bottom, pour in the oil and put it on high heat. After 2 minutes add the potatoes and fry for 4-6 minutes.
  4. After the specified period, stir the composition. Now chop the onions, send them to the pan. Reduce the power of the cooker to medium.
  5. The duration of the heat treatment is 12-15 minutes. When the deadline has passed, add the minced meat and garlic passed through a press to the potatoes.
  6. Pour in pepper, Provencal herbs, salt. After 5 minutes, turn off the burner, sprinkle with dill, leave the potatoes under the lid for 5 minutes. Start using.

Roasted potatoes with nutmeg

  • potatoes - 1.2 kg.
  • corn oil - 80 ml.
  • butter - 70 gr.
  • greens (any) - 40 gr.
  • black pepper - to taste
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife
  1. Prepare the potato tubers, they need to be washed, peeled and cut. Sprinkle the slices with nutmeg, pepper and salt. Heat a thick-bottomed skillet over high heat.
  2. Add corn and butter to the dishes, stir. After 2 minutes, send the potatoes to fry. Cook it for the maximum 5 minutes.
  3. Next, stir, reduce power to average. Cook the dish for another 15 minutes, stirring once every 5 minutes. After the specified period has expired, arrange the potatoes on plates, decorate with herbs and sour cream.

  • ground crackers (rye, wheat) - 40-50 gr.
  • potatoes - 550 gr.
  • butter - 80 gr.
  • salt - 10 gr.
  1. Rinse potatoes under the tap, remove their uniform, chop into slices or cubes. Soak in cold water with a little lemon juice. Remove and dry after 10 minutes.
  2. Place the butter in a skillet, heat up and send the potato pieces into a heat-resistant container. Fry at maximum power for 5 minutes, as a result, a golden crust should appear.
  3. When the specified time has elapsed, reduce the heat to the middle mark. Cook the potatoes for another 15 minutes, during this period they need to be stirred 3-4 times. Before the end of cooking, add salt, crackers, ground pepper.

Prepare your traditional fries. Consider technologies with the addition of meat, ground crumbs, mushrooms, nutmeg. People who want to eat crispy potatoes should put the slices in hot oil and fry them over high heat. After the appearance of a blush, the power of the stove is reduced by the middle mark.

Video: how to deliciously fry potatoes

Despite the simplicity of the products used for frying, different dishes can be prepared each time. How to fry potatoes so that everyone likes them? To do this, you need to take into account several recommendations. And various auxiliary products will give an additional taste to the potatoes.

What do you need to know about frying?

How to fry potatoes correctly? What do you need to know to achieve exactly the effect you intend? Let's start from the very beginning. It is better to choose older potatoes for frying. Young can also be cooked deliciously, but the taste of the usual will be richer. Peel the tubers, cut into strips, plates or wedges.

To get a fried crust, you need to put the dry product in a glued pan with butter. You do not need to cover with a lid. If you want softer potatoes, cover it without fail, but not immediately.

The best spices are salt, pepper, bay leaves. You can add herbs, oregano, suneli hops, ginger and nutmeg.

Used as additives:

How long does it take to fry potatoes in a pan? It all depends on the temperature, portion size, and the readiness of other foods. It is best to keep it for 25-30 minutes, and then check how soft it is with a match.

How to fry potatoes in a pan? We heat butter, you can ghee, or lard. Fry the onions, add the potatoes and stir. Periodically turns the lower lobules upward.

How to fry delicious potatoes in a slow cooker? To do this, just pour in the oil, put the peeled and cut potatoes in the bowl, add the onion, mix and put in the frying mode for 30 minutes.

There are many ways to prepare such a simple dish. Here is some of them.

New potatoes

You can make such a dish with young potatoes. Select the smallest tubers, the smaller the better. It is desirable that they do not need to be cut. Scrape off the rough skin. Boil in lightly salted water until half cooked.

Crush the breadcrumbs in a bowl. Dip the potatoes in them. Pour oil over a frying pan or cauldron and heat well. Add potatoes there. 10 minutes - and the dish is ready! Add butter.

With herbs, garlic and bacon

You can make another tasty dish from young tubers. The potatoes are fried right with the skin. All you need is to cut it into slices. Melt the butter in a skillet. Cut lard or bacon into thin strips. Fry until transparent. Add the potatoes and leave to fry, uncovered, for about 25 minutes.

Turn over periodically. During this time, cut the greens: dill, parsley, onion. Combine with salt, pepper and press-crushed garlic (to taste). Turn off the heat under the skillet and add the prepared mixture there.

A la deep fat

Cut the potatoes into strips. It is convenient to take large oblong yellow tubers. Heat the oil in a cauldron. You need to pour so much so that the depth is about 5 centimeters at least. When the oil boils, you can get down to business.

How much to fry depends on how hot the oil is and how much ruddy you want to achieve. Salt and pepper at the end. It is better to spread it on a napkin to get rid of fat.

With egg and cheese

The frying pan is greased with ghee. The potatoes are cut into thick strips and poured onto a heated surface. When the entire portion is filled, pour vegetable oil on top. Fry the slices for 10 minutes and turn them over with a spatula. Cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat.

The bottom layer will be baked into crispy pieces. When the dish is almost ready, salt and pepper. Break 2-3 eggs upstairs, cover the grated cheese with a thick layer, cover and leave on low heat for 7 minutes. Turn off the stove and leave for another 5-10 minutes.

A very tasty combination - potatoes and chanterelles, as well as porcini and honey agarics. You can use regular mushrooms and oyster mushrooms, but the aroma will be slightly different. To get rid of excess fluid and possible toxins, it is better to boil the mushrooms in advance. How to fry forest chanterelles with potatoes?

Fry the onions in oil, toss in the sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes. After 10 minutes, add the mushrooms. To get a fragrant soup, pour in a couple of tablespoons of water. Spices are added after the liquid has boiled. Since you need to fry the boiled mushrooms with potatoes a little less, you can throw them in 10 minutes before the dish is ready.

If you cook such a dish with meat, you get a full-fledged hearty lunch. Additionally, you can add some grated carrots and nuts.

With vegetables and meat

This recipe is similar to the previous one. But here it all starts with the fact that you need to cut meat into pieces, for example, pork. Fry it in oil for a few minutes. When the soup flows, add the onions and carrots. After 10 minutes, add the chopped potatoes. Fry everything together.

When the dish is almost ready, add vegetables: peas, corn, zucchini, beans, broccoli, etc. Salt and pepper. Cover with a lid for 5 minutes. The vegetables should remain slightly crispy. Turn off the heat and leave to infuse.

With spices

This recipe is great for multicooker cooking. Fry the onions. Put the chopped potatoes in a bowl, mix everything. Add salt, pepper, suneli hops and some Italian herbs.

We close the multicooker and set to fry for 20-30 minutes. The aroma is simply amazing! You can also add pork or chicken thighs. Then first we lay the meat, and then everything else.

Fried potatoes are a great option for a hearty meal. Such a dish will not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, sometimes you can afford to relax a little and eat something delicious.

What can we say, but fried potatoes are a traditional dish among many peoples of the world. This dish is especially famous in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, because it is here that they know how, observing their traditions, to properly fry in a pan and present a potato, making it with a ruddy, crispy, golden crust.

It seems that it is difficult here, put the potatoes in oil, fried and ready, but no. Here you are seriously mistaken, fried potatoes can only become tasty, beautiful, appetizing when the cook follows the important rules for choosing ingredients for cooking, slicing and the cooking process itself.

Here, as in any business, it is important to approach the process creatively, with a soul. By the way, you can make such a wonderful one from potatoes. I highly recommend cooking.

General principles of how to fry potatoes with a golden crust in a pan

Strange as it may sound, the experts in frying potatoes have special secrets on how to make the dish the most delicious and attractive in appearance. Consider what rules it is important to follow so that these fried tubers turn out to be golden brown?

1. After the tubers are cut, it is important to soak them in ice water for a few minutes (20-40). This will allow the starch to be drawn out, which means that when frying it will be fried, not stewed. It is the starch, as professional chefs point out, that prevents the potatoes from browning to a golden crust.

2. After the cut potatoes have been in the water, it is important to dry them before frying. You can use regular paper towels, on which you need to place the slices for about five minutes. Remember, excess moisture, like starch, interferes with the formation of a beautiful crust during frying.

3. Before sending the crushed product to the pan, you need to heat the oil to a boil, while you do not need to regret the fatty product. The more hot oil in the pan, the more ruddy the crust, and it is possible to remove excess fat during cooking or after the potatoes are fried, laying them on paper towels and only then on a serving dish.

4. Do not cover the pan with a lid during frying, moisture accumulates under the lid and the product turns out to be stewed, not fried.

5. Fry potatoes in small portions, so they can quickly fry and do not break during cooking.

For lovers of delicious ruddy potatoes, I have selected several simple and very tasty recipes for frying this vegetable in a pan.

  • 6-7 medium potatoes;
  • Vegetable oil, you can use both refined and unrefined - half a glass;
  • Salt to your liking;
  • Seasoning "For potatoes" - 10 gr.
  • Two cloves of garlic (optional).

I want to note right away that no crispy crust will work in a frying pan with a thin bottom. To achieve the desired result, use a deep pan with a wide and thick bottom, and preferably with a non-stick coating.

Peel potato tubers, rinse with water, cut into beautiful cubes or slices.

Pour cold, almost ice-cold water into a deep bowl and place the chopped vegetables there for half an hour.

Drain off after 30 or 40 minutes, place potato wedges on a plate or paper towels, and let dry completely.

While the vegetables are drying, bring the oil to a boil in a pan, it should crackle straight.

To dry the tubers quickly, do not load with a slide, spread the pieces on towels in an even layer.

Reduce the heat by half and add a serving of potatoes so that they lie in the pan, spread out along the bottom, and not in a heap. Do not use a lid.

Stir the food periodically for the first few minutes until a small crust sets.

Squeeze the garlic with a garlic or finely chop.

When you see that the potatoes are brown enough and remain until the end of cooking for a few minutes, add spices, salt and garlic to the pan, stir the food and fry them until a beautiful golden color.

Helpful advice! Garlic in this recipe can be replaced with green or onions. When serving, fried potatoes are garnished with chopped herbs.

This dish is an ideal solution for lunch and dinner. A hearty, incredibly tasty and very aromatic dish that, on top of that, can be prepared quickly and easily.

We take for cooking:
  • Medium potatoes - 7 pieces.
  • Salted bacon - 80-100 gr.
  • A piece of pork, where lard with meat layers (you can use smoked bacon) - 100 gr.
  • Salt to your taste.

1. Cut the bacon into thin long pieces, about four centimeters in length.

2. Cut the bacon into arbitrary pieces, as you like.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips or slices, but not too thin, do not forget, you are frying the tubers, not making chips.

4. Place the potatoes in water, at this time put salted lard in a greased frying pan and fry until it releases the fat. It is on this fat that we will make awesome potatoes.

5. As soon as the lard started to let the fat go, send bacon to it, and get the potatoes out of the water, put them on a towel to dry.

6. For meat delicacies, when the fat and butter in the pan is already boiling, we send the potatoes.

7. Cook until a beautiful golden brown crust appears, constantly about every two minutes of frying, turning the food from one side to the other.

Attention! Do not cover with a lid, salt it hot, but only as it is ready. Do not forget that salted lard is taken for the recipe, and therefore, perhaps salt in the dish is not needed at all. Optionally add onions or garnish with fresh green onions when serving.

French fries - a recipe for how to fry at home

For lovers of fast food, great news, now they can make their favorite fries at home, spending only 10-15 minutes of cooking time.

For 4 servings of "Fries" you will need:
  • 8 potato tubers;
  • A liter of sunflower oil (odorless);
  • Salt.

Cooking fried fries

Cut the potato tubers into the same beautiful long cubes, as the fries are cut.

We put our creation in a colander, rinse with cold water, stirring the product with our hands, until the water becomes clear.

Pour oil into a saucepan or deep frying pan and bring to a boil.

The oil for making fries should just boil. Handle it carefully, there is a risk of serious burns.

Place the first portion gently in about a handful of butter and fry, stirring occasionally. The potatoes should be completely covered with oil, they should boil directly in it, frying. For the dish to be fully prepared, it is enough to soak it in oil for seven, maximum ten, minutes.

From the boiling oil, first take out the fries on a paper towel so that all the fat can drain, and then lay out beautifully on lettuce leaves or just on a portioned dish.

On top of the still hot potatoes, you can sprinkle with salt or some favorite spices. Serve hot potatoes with mayonnaise, cheese, garlic, tomato or some other sauce.

Fried potatoes with bell pepper and onions

An incredibly aromatic and appetizing dish, fried potatoes, which can be cooked with the addition of fresh bell pepper, or with a frozen product, which, of course, must be defrosted beforehand.

  • Potatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Bell pepper, best of all, if it is red - one piece.
  • Tomatoes (you can not use, but replace with a spoonful of tomato paste) - two pcs.
  • Onions - one onion;
  • For decoration, fresh green onions and parsley - a bunch;
  • Garlic at your discretion (you can take dried);
  • Butter and vegetable oil - 20 gr. and 50 ml. respectively;
  • Seasonings, salt to your liking.


When all the ingredients are cleaned and washed, lie in front of you, we begin the cooking process.

Cut the potatoes randomly, in circles, if the vegetables are small, or in half circles, if the tubers are large.

We heat butter and vegetable oil in a frying pan, it should boil, put the chopped product there, fry on all sides for 10 minutes.

Thinly cut the onion into rings and chop the pepper into strips. I take the green one, which was frozen for storage for the winter (I defrosted it at room temperature and drained off the excess liquid), but it is better to take fresh and red, it tastes better with it.

We send the onion to the potatoes and fry the products together, stirring after about a minute. Cooking without a lid.

Following the onions, bell peppers and chopped garlic are sent to the pan.

When the products in the pan are slightly fried, add peeled tomatoes or a spoonful of tomato paste, salt, pepper to them.

On a note! Tomato paste can be replaced with adjika, who likes it sharper.

We bring the treat to readiness, as soon as the potatoes are browned and begin to emit an incredibly tasty aroma, serve to the table, sprinkled with green onions and dill.

In 100 grams of fried potatoes in oil, depending on the method of frying and cooking, about 280-320 kcal. It is worth noting that this is not too much, and in order to harm your health with this dish and get fat, you need to eat such a dish in a frying pan every day.

Now for the harm and benefit.

Of course, fried potatoes, due to frying the product, contain a lot of cholesterol and carcinogens that are not useful to our body, but this dish has undoubted benefits. After undergoing heat treatment, potatoes, although they lose most of the useful elements and trace elements in it, still retain some, in particular, phosphorus, folic acid, potassium, vitamins PP, B, E and K.

As always, I picked up an interesting vidos on this topic.

Fried potato wedges with a crispy crust (video)

By the way, New Year is coming soon and I decided to cook one of the festive dishes according to this recipe. I think I will surprise and delight the guests.

I hope that all the recipes presented will make you want to fulfill them and enjoy the taste of an already independently prepared dish - fried potatoes with a golden crust.

Good luck and all the best!

Both children and adults love fried potatoes alike, thanks to the delicate and juicy taste, as well as the crispy crust, which is necessarily obtained when potatoes are properly cooked in a pan.

How to deliciously fry potatoes in a frying pan with a crust - we will reveal all the secrets of the cooking process.

Fry potatoes with an appetizing golden brown crust.

Sometimes even a hostess with great culinary experience is not capable of deliciously frying potatoes in a frying pan with a crust - potatoes turn into unappetizing mashed potatoes when frying.

How do you fry potatoes in a pan so that they always come out with a crust?

Cooking method:

  • Peel the potatoes and rinse them under water. Let the water drain and cut the potatoes as you like - into slices or cubes.
  • Important!!! When slicing, try to make cubes or circles of the same thickness - this way the potatoes will fry more evenly.
  • Pour the prepared potatoes with water and let stand for about 30 minutes - this is necessary so that excess starch comes out of the vegetable.
  • Drain and place the potatoes on a paper towel to remove the moisture.

With an abundance of moisture, it will not work out deliciously to fry potatoes in a pan with a crust.

  • Put the skillet on the fire, pour the oil into it and let it warm well over medium heat.
  • When the oil is hot enough, put the potatoes in the pan. Spread the potatoes evenly and evenly over the entire surface of the pan.
  • Increase the heat and fry the potatoes always at maximum heat setting.
  • An important point - the potatoes need to be constantly stirred during the frying process, but you should not do this constantly - let the brown crust form on the lower layers and only then stir the potatoes in the pan.

If you stir the potatoes every five minutes, they will quickly soften and turn into a puree.

  • Leave the lid on the skillet with the potatoes until all the potato cubes are golden brown.
  • Then add salt to the dish and cover.
  • Reduce heat slightly and cook until potatoes are tender.
  • Remove the lid as soon as the potatoes are cooked, otherwise the crust will soften from the steam and will not crunch pleasantly.

Fried potatoes are served hot, served with fresh vegetables and herbs.