How to tell a fresh egg from a stale one. Determination of the quality and freshness of eggs

15.10.2019 Healthy eating

Hello dear readers! Every day we go to the grocery store to prepare delicious, nutritious or quick lunches and dinners. Chicken eggs, which are fried, boiled, added to dough, minced meat, salads and other dishes, are a constant, in-demand product. They are always in the refrigerator, but we do not always remember how long this product is there. It is impossible to determine by appearance: a rotten egg or not. Today we'll talk about how to check eggs for freshness.

Important! Chicken eggs are a valuable source of riboflavin, vitamin A, protein, an integral part of the diet. They need to be eaten to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body. One has only to follow a few rules.

In the store, in the market, it will not be possible to determine the "life" of this product. Keep track of the expiration date. It is desirable to eat eggs that are no more than 7 days old. Stale goods purchased can lead to food poisoning.

Before cooking, break this ingredient into a separate bowl and examine carefully.

Transparent part without inclusions, elastic. It may have a yellowish or slightly green tint - this is normal (the presence of carbon dioxide gives color) This product is allowed.

A fresh egg is characterized by a round or slightly elongated yolk surrounded by a protein.

A flattened, loose yolk is evidence that the product is running out of shelf life. You can eat if the white part is transparent, dense, does not separate from the yolk sac.

The contents of the shell spread like a liquid on the saucer and smells unpleasant, although the shell is intact - throw away the ingredient immediately.

How to check the freshness of eggs in water

Another way to test eggs for freshness is to place them in a container of water. Take a deep bowl, fill with cold water and dip the chicken "component" into it.

The young testicle will quickly reach the bottom of the bowl and will not wobble. A week old product will also sink to the bottom, but the blunt part will be lifted up.

Ingredient from a layer 2-3 weeks old, will take a vertical position in a container with water, the sharp end looks down. You can eat such an egg only after prolonged high temperature processing.

Ingredient hung in water or floated to the surface - carry it to the bin. Floating is associated with the evaporation of moisture inside and filling the void with air. This is the process of egg rotting. The testicle is not suitable for food.

Why shake a chicken egg

In the store, you do not have the opportunity to test chicken products with water or breaking the shell, but you can use the "shake" method. Bring it to your ear and quickly move your hand with the product.

If you do not hear squelching (as if there is water inside), you do not feel the jolts of the yolk in the fingers through the shell when moving - the product is edible. There is no one hundred percent guarantee that the testicle is today, but sweeping away the rotten method will help.

When you hear gurgling and banging of the contents in the hand, return the goods to the shelf, they are not suitable for food.

You can see the contents in the light. Lighting power is not less than 100 W indoors or outdoors in sunny weather. The edible testicle is distinguished by the location of the yolk strictly in the center, its slight displacement to the sides is permissible. The contours of the embryo (embryo) inside are unacceptable.

Light examination may show pinpoint blood spots - this is normal. It is bad when there is a blood ring, large clots inside, such a component of chicken production is not suitable for food, even after heat treatment.

The protein part of a visible pink tint with multiple dark blotches indicates that pathogenic microbes multiply under the shell.

Market traders sometimes offer to lick the sharp and dull edge of an egg: if the second is warmer, then the product is fresh. The method is not substantiated, you must agree, it is unlikely to feel the difference of a quarter or half a degree with your tongue, and there is a risk to get microbes, to acquire salmonella.

Some people say that a specific unpleasant smell comes from the shell of a spoiled chicken product. A dubious indicator that does not provide reliable information.

Others claim: a freshly laid egg is of an even matte color, there are no specks and darkening of the shell, and the old ones shine with a bluish color and become shiny. Subjective opinion, there is no practically confirmed information.

Note: Some people advise adding salt to the water to check the freshness of the eggs, arguing that this is a more accurate result. In reality, salt does not affect the final result.

What does egg marking mean

"Young" testicles - which are not more than 7 days from the day they are born, they are dietary. The marking of the first grade indicates the age of the component 7 - 14 days. The third is assigned to a product whose expiration date is coming to an end.

Manufacturers often put the category "dietary" (D) or "table" (C) with a blue stamp, the date of birth of the testicle. Use this information when buying, it multiplies the chances of getting a quality product item.

Not only people love to eat testicles. The bacterium Salmonella, carries a dangerous disease of an infectious nature, its favorite dish is chicken eggs. It is not difficult to protect yourself from this misfortune, observing a number of rules:

  • Dirty shells with adhering lumps of droppings indicate poor hygiene, violation of the rules on a poultry farm or backyard. Try not to buy this type of product.
  • A cracked outer shell is a sign of a possible infection trapped in the egg contents. You can't eat.
  • Before cooking or eating raw, wash the surface with a soap and sponge under running water. Hands, too, if touched the egg.
  • Store at -0 - 5C away from raw meat and very flavorful foods.
  • Like milk, it can be pasteurized. Break into sterile dishes, after washing. Heat quickly to + 63C, also cool quickly.

The topic "How to check eggs for freshness" is relevant all year round anywhere in the world. Knowing the rules for choosing this product, you will protect yourself and your loved ones from unpleasant moments and microbes.

Health and wellbeing to you!

With a long pursuit of troubles and failures, you need to think about outside negative influences and learn how to determine egg damage. This method was used by great-grandmothers in difficult moments of life. Fortunately, information has come down to our time about how they did it and what could happen.

Why is this definition of spoilage effective?

It is no coincidence that the egg was chosen as a tool for determining magical interference. With a sphere containing a chicken embryo, they not only find out if there is damage to a person, they initially harm it with the help of a lining.

And after confirming its presence, it is precisely the evil created by envious people or enemies. How wonderful this animal product is and why it is considered so universal, any magician can explain.

The strong eggshell, which protects the bird embryo during its ripening period, personifies the human energy shell. In another way, it is called the aura, which protects the spiritual and physical harmful effects.

There is another interesting fact that is not known to everyone. Turning to etymology, you can find such a word as "screw", meaning nothing more than the notorious egg, only yolkless. Zaportki float in salted water. And although such a product is not considered rotten, it is unsuitable for food, only for making paints, shampooing, adding to the ground or putty.

Agree, the curious consonance immediately crushes the ear: "spoilage", "spoil", "screw up" ...

A fertilized chicken egg will definitely make it clear why troubles are happening to a loved one. The main thing? know the principles of checking egg spoilage and interpret them correctly.

It is impossible to find out the damage caused to the human aura by modern technologies, therefore, the method with an egg is still the only universal way.

In favor of the use of egg diagnostics, it is also evidenced by the fact that with its help it is easy to understand what kind of damage we can talk about:

  • Short term or long term.
  • One or all of his family.
  • People or their homes.

Therefore, it is often used when working with young children. Surely we already know how our ancestors like an egg, lowering its contents into water and watching what will happen.

Because nobody wants to look like an ignoramus and feel helpless in incomprehensible situations that are difficult to explain from a scientific "bell tower". Let's look at the most common instructions on how to check the evil eye on an egg, whether there is damage to a person and what type it may be.

Easy way

Take a raw egg, recently laid by a home hen, in your right palm and whisper this command:

“Roll - roll the testicle, from right to left, from the west to the east, from the north to the south, from angel to demon. Tell me the truth, the truth about the servant of God (s) - tell me the name. "

Now roll this person out: gently, slowly, move the egg over his body in circular movements clockwise in the following sequence:

  • head;
  • chest;
  • arms;
  • stomach;
  • back;
  • legs;
  • feet.

After completing the process, take a saucer and break an egg into it. The content is of an ordinary color, the integrity of the yolk is not violated - there is no spoilage. The mass is dark and cloudy, the yolk has spread, there are blood particles - you will have to do a purification rite. The destructive program is activated.

Damage or evil eye

For work, you need clean water in a glass and a fresh egg. Take the filled vessel and hold it over the subject's head. Break the shell against the edge of the container and mix what's inside with the liquid. Hold the mixture over the head of the person being tested for 30 seconds and begin to consider:

  • The whole yolk lay on the bottom, surrounded by protein - the aura is clear.
  • Protein threads stretch up from the yolk - damage is already working.
  • Examine the strings carefully. There are many of them and end in small air bubbles - the damage is obvious. One may indicate an unintentional evil eye.

The method of hereditary healers

Suitable for independent use. You will need:

  • fresh, homemade chicken egg;
  • a glass of only collected water;
  • comfortable spot.

Break the shell and carefully, without damaging the yolk, pour the contents into the water. Place a glass of liquid on your crown, first sitting comfortably on a chair and pressing your chin to your chest. Without moving, hold the vessel for about 3-4 minutes, changing hands is allowed. Remove the glass very carefully, put it on the table, trying not to shake it, and start analyzing:

  • Clear water, not spread yolk, absence of white threads and turbidity, speaks of purity.
  • Thin filamentous processes - easy damage, amateur. Such a healthy aura repels and sends to the offender during the year, amplifying at times.
  • The yolk is intact, and the protein has taken on a semblance of a jellyfish, there is a fringe and columnar legs - you have become a victim of not too strong damage to failure, loneliness or tears. The energy of such an impact is absorbed in a period of three to seven years, if no countermeasures are taken to remove it.
  • Bubbles are seen on the columns formed from the protein - just right to speak of a strong effect made by a professional in the field of black magic. This is a spoilage for illness, career failure. Most likely, the first signs of exposure are already visible. For example, troubles have gone on in succession, conflicts arise out of the blue, a feeling of exhaustion.
  • Protein and yolk lines are partially colored red - the ritual was carried out on animal or human blood.
  • The yolk seems to have begun to boil, and the protein is bubbling - torment in life is in store.
  • Whole-cooked - the enemy wanted to limit the feeling of freedom. You will forget peace and happiness in your own home or with your family.
  • A whole bunch of bubble poles plus black blotches all over the place, including on the yolk - you are the victim of damage to death. Think about who could be so annoyed before attempting to remove it.

Even worse, the gray-green spots inside the yolk seen along with these signs. They predict death in torment. There is almost no time, because such damage begins to operate according to the laws of magic in 21 days, and this black plan ends earlier than a year.

Good afternoon, site visitors and regular readers. Today we will tell you about ways to check eggs for freshness - a rotten egg or not? Eggs are a source of protein, vitamin A and riboflavin, and some nutritionists claim that this product can lower cholesterol levels.

The ingredient is often used in baked goods, for making batter and omelet, fried, baked, boiled, or consumed raw. give us the most dietary product!

A rotten or simply spoiled egg that does not yet have a characteristic odor can cause severe food poisoning. Low-quality products are found both on the market and in large supermarkets, so you need to know how to determine the freshness of the purchased product.

Diet Egg - up to 7 days of proper storage - is the freshest to eat.

If the egg is a baking ingredient or just a frying dish, break it on a flat plate before using it and take a closer look.

  • In fresh specimens, the yolk looks like a ball or oval around which the protein gathers.
  • The transparent liquid has an elastic consistency, sometimes it has a greenish or yellowish tint, caused by the presence of carbon dioxide. But such a product can be safely eaten.
  • The yolk, which has sunk almost to the bottom of the plate, indicates that the egg is nearing the end of its shelf life. The ingredient should be consumed only when the protein is transparent and gathers around the oval base.
  • Throwing away the component is necessary if the yolk literally spreads over the plate, although its shell is not damaged, and the protein looks more like water with an unpleasant perfume.

How to check eggs for freshness video

Swimming lessons

How do I test eggs for freshness in water? A product that needs to be boiled without breaking can be tested with a bowl of water. There should be a lot of liquid so that the egg can be distinguished: the egg sank to the bottom, or floated to the surface.

Fresh ingredients usually fall like a stone and do not move. Components that are a little over a week old also sit snugly on the bottom of the container, but the blunt end lifts slightly upward.

Eggs 2-3 weeks old take an upright position, the sharp end looks down. They are still suitable for consumption, but preferably after thorough heat treatment.

A product that has completely floated to the surface of the bowl should be thrown away without regret, because it is definitely spoiled.

This method works because over time, liquid and carbon dioxide evaporate from the chicken ingredient, but the concentration of oxygen increases, which pushes the egg out of the water.

Shake and listen

In the store, you cannot test the products with water, and in order not to buy a dozen rotten copies, experts advise to bring each one to your ear, shake it, and listen.

If nothing is heard and the hand does not feel the yolk hitting, the component can be taken. But eggs that emit a squishing sound are best returned to their place, because they are not suitable for consumption.

Identify by color or smell

Some people claim that a spoiled chicken product has a specific flavor that comes from the shell. But this statement will be correct for rotten specimens that are too stale on store shelves.

Others argue that fresh eggs have a matte shell, with an even color without spots and blotches, and the coating of old ones acquires a bluish tint and becomes shiny.

Light and temperature will reveal the truth

In good light, the product is worth looking at in the sun: if the yolk is clearly visible and floats strictly in the middle, you can safely buy it. For rotten components, the yellow filling is closer to the shell, sometimes sticks to it, and it is difficult to see it.

There are suggestions to try a blunt and sharp end with your tongue: if the first is warmer than the second, the ingredient is fresh. Missing eggs have the same temperature on both sides.

The method is very dubious, because it is quite difficult to fix the difference without a thermometer. In addition, there are risks of licking off some bacteria, or even tasting salmonella.

Help marking

How to check eggs for freshness? "Young" dietary eggs, which are no more than a week old, fall into the category of the highest grade. The first indicates that the product is 7 to 14 days old, the third indicates that the chicken ingredient will soon become unfit for human consumption.

Sometimes eggs are divided into diet and table eggs, which can be seen on the blue markings. Some varieties are dated when exactly they were demolished. Therefore, when buying a product, you need to carefully inspect it and read the corresponding inscriptions.

You can check the freshness of a boiled egg only by breaking the shell, because they successfully pass tests with water and shaking. The approximate shelf life of such varieties is about a week, provided that the shell remains intact.

Bloody blotches are just pieces of blood that got into the egg from a burst capillary at the time of formation. They are a kind of guarantor of freshness, because over time they dissolve in protein.

How to check whether a quail egg is rotten or not

We have told you how to check eggs for freshness at home using water and ovoscopy. Watch the video, let's just say - disgusting!

What a rotten egg tastes like

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The first thing to look out for is the egg shell. Examine it carefully, if the egg is fresh, then its shell is hard, dull, there are no spreading spots of a suspicious greenish or brownish color on it. If the shell is soft - the egg is definitely rotten, if in spots - most likely harmful microflora, for example, mold, has started up under the shell. Please note that there are no cracks on the shell, an unfavorable environment can penetrate through them and the egg will deteriorate faster.

Step 2

The next step in checking the freshness of an egg is its transillumination. In a self-respecting store, you can find a special device - an ovoscope. This is a special round metal box with egg compartments with a built-in lamp at the bottom. A fresh egg shines through in the light, there should be no dark spots in it. When translucent, the air chamber is visible (see photo to the previous step). In a fresh egg, it is small, if the egg has been lying for a long time, then the air bubble increases.

Step 3

If the eggs are stuck in the refrigerator and the previously purchased and later ones are mixed up, or it was not possible to use the ovoscope in the store, at home you can easily check the freshness of the egg by dipping it into water. If the egg is submerged, it is firm and fresh. If it floats to the surface, then this egg is no longer useful for food - it is rotten. In order not to accidentally add such an egg to the fried eggs, it is better to check the eggs before cooking.

Step 4

And one more way to determine the freshness of an egg that has not yet rotted, but is no longer fresh. When the egg is gently broken, the yolk should be uniform in color, convex and whole. If the yolk is too pale, with whitish inclusions and flat, then the testicle has already aged and its nutritional values \u200b\u200bhave suffered greatly.

Eggs are a product necessary for our life. In addition, they are the suppliers of protein to our body, with them we definitely will not feel hunger. But often, when buying this product in a store, we think about how to check the freshness of eggs.
There are several ways to determine the freshness of an egg.

1. Shaking.

With this method, you can determine whether the egg is fit for consumption or not. If the egg dangles inside, then the product is spoiled. But it is impossible to determine how many days an egg is in this way.

2. Visual.

You can advise another tool, how to check the freshness, they tend to change their appearance depending on age. Recently laid eggs boast a matte finish. But the egg, which has lain down a little, acquires a bluish shade of the shell. In addition, the surface becomes shiny. Therefore, look carefully, and you will discover all the secrets of the "egg life".

3. Curious naturalist, or thermal.

Here you just need to measure the temperature of the egg. You, of course, do not have a thermometer, so you need to rely on available tools, namely on your tongue. You need to attach an egg to it, first with a blunt, and then with a sharp end. Feel the difference? This means that the testicle is fresh in front of you. Experts say that a fresh egg has a blunt end that is warmer than a sharp one. Eggs of questionable quality have the same temperature at both ends.

4. Diet.

Selling eggs can also tell a lot about the freshness of this product. All eggs are divided into table and dietary. Diet eggs include eggs that were laid no later than seven days. They usually have a stamping date on them. Table eggs are those that were born from seven to 25 days ago. They are marked with blue paint, no date. After coming home, it's worth checking your research to be sure of the quality of this product.

5. Scientific and technical.

It is necessary to illuminate the eggs with ultraviolet rays. A fresh egg is red in color. The older the egg is, the dimmer this color becomes, turning into lavender. No ultraviolet light? Then check without it. Just look at the light. The older the egg, the more dark spots it has. A rotten egg is not visible at all.

6. Immersion.

One of the more so is the solution, which tells you how to check the freshness of the eggs. We make an 8% solution of common salt and immerse the egg in it. If the egg lies on the bottom, its age is up to 6 days. If the blunt end rises up at an angle of 45 degrees, then it is up to ten days. If it stands upright, the egg is 11-12. If it floats in solution, then the age can reach 17 days. If a blunt end protrudes from the water to the surface, then the egg is more than 17 days old.

7. The last frontier.

Cleaning is perhaps the most basic way to tell you how to check the freshness of your eggs. Fresh eggs are much worse cleaned.

8. Measuring.

We check the air chamber, which is located inside the egg. Fresh ones should have no more than one centimeter. If the lifespan of the egg is long enough, then the chamber will be larger, as the egg begins to dry out, and the space freed up as a result is filled with air.

9. Final.

Usually in fresh it forms a high ring above the yolk. Although this method cannot be called unambiguous. There is another sign: if the protein is too liquid, and the yolk is close to the shell, then the egg is old.

Sometimes even the most responsible housewife cannot remember how long chicken eggs have been in her refrigerator. A stale product can poison the whole family, so be sure to check the suitability before cooking. The problem of expired products can be not only in spontaneous markets, but also in supermarkets that have a well-known name.

Eggs contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, amino acids. They take pride of place not only in adults, but also in children's diets. In terms of importance, they can be put in second place after milk.

You should not start cooking until you are convinced of the excellent quality of the eggs. Keep in mind that they can be torn down weeks before they hit the shelves. How to determine if an egg is rotten or not?

Why are they useful?

The protein of this product is completely absorbed by the human body. Better to eat them boiled or fried. But raw can be dangerous if there is an infection in them. They are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc and other beneficial elements.

They must be eaten by people who rarely go to the sun, because they contain a lot of vitamin D. It is simply indispensable for strengthening bones. Lecithin has a beneficial effect on the liver, brain activity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Lutein improves vision, and choline inhibits the development of cancer cells. Folic acid is essential if you are considering becoming a mom.

The shell contains more than 30 trace elements, approximately 2 grams of calcium. It is good to use it in combination with lemon juice. Crush the shells, stir and add to food by teaspoon.

But to get all these benefits, you only need to eat a good fresh quality product.

How to check the quality?

How to tell if an egg is rotten? The expiration date, unfortunately, some unscrupulous consumers indicate inaccurately. Therefore, the hostess must learn to determine the freshness of an egg "by eye". Then it will be possible to avoid indigestion and other serious diseases that are treated only in a hospital.

Rotten and fresh differ according to the following basic criteria:

  • A three-day product does not have an unpleasant odor, unlike a spoiled one;
  • If you shake a fresh egg, there will be no noise inside;
  • The contents are rotten if they do not sink in a container of water;
  • Unroll it - if it does not stop for a long time, it means that it has been lying for a long time.

The easiest way to recognize a rotten egg is to sniff. Stale has a characteristic odor that is difficult to confuse with any other. Another criterion is the yolk. He should not shake or knock on the walls. If you put it in the light, then the yolk should be clearly visible. On a flat surface, rotten will spin for a long time - this is another method that helps to determine freshness.

Many people know how to identify a rotten egg by placing it in water. This method is based on the laws of physics. Put two-thirds of the water in a glass and place the egg in it. If it is "not older" 3 days, it will immediately drown in water. Eggs a week old will remain tilted, and rotten eggs will float to the surface.

This is because they are not airtight. Microorganisms can enter the pores that are present on the shell. If putrefactive processes have already begun, then gases will be released, which are raised to the surface.

Of course, these methods cannot always be used in a store. The quality of the product is influenced not only by the weight, but also by the time when it was demolished. Eggs that have not yet turned three days old are assigned the highest grade. A product of a week old is referred to the first grade, and three weeks old - to the second.

How can you spot a rotten egg without breaking it?

Its surface should be uniform, without cracks and chips. If the shell has a grayish tint and there is no shine, then it is already stale.

There is another test method that can help a shopper in a supermarket determine the freshness of a product. It is necessary to use an ovoscope - a special device for transillumination. When the dark yolk is immediately visible, and it is closer to the shell or sticks to it, darkening is visible, then the product is "old". Spoiled ones are not visible at all. If you do not have a device, you can bring the product to a light source and make sure there are no dark spots under the shell.

When you break the egg, take a close look at the yolk. In fresh produce, it is tight and convex. If it is not the first freshness, then the yolk will be flat, and the white will be watery. Fresh cleaning is much more difficult than old.

How to store?

Fresh they can be stored for quite a long time, but no more than six weeks. They must be placed in the refrigerator separately from other foods.

They very quickly absorb foreign odors. In addition, infections can enter through the pores if infected meat or fish lies nearby. To close the pores, brush the shells with vegetable oil.

You need to fold them with a sharp "nose" down. Then the yolk will not touch the air layer, and "settle" in the center. In this position, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five weeks. If the shell is cracked, they should be eaten as soon as possible.

It will not be difficult to figure out how to identify a rotten egg during cooking. If it has already completely deteriorated, then an unpleasant smell will be felt immediately, as soon as you pick it up. A rotten egg will look different from normal when boiled. The protein will curl up and you will smell an unpleasant smell as it breaks. Although bacteria will die from high temperatures, you cannot eat it - poisoning is inevitable.

As you can see, every housewife can check the quality of the egg without violating the integrity of its shell. We wish you more fresh, tasty and healthy meals!

The egg is a very commonly used product. But many people don't know how to identify a rotten egg. In this article, we will teach you how to do this.

Every week you bring home huge bags of a wide variety of products from the markets and supermarkets. On the one hand, this makes your life much easier, but on the other, it complicates it, because not everyone can constantly keep in mind the shelf life of all this gastronomic variety. We are sure that you are not sure how long these products will last, and this problem is familiar to many firsthand.

This is especially true for eggs. Despite the fact that this is a very delicate product, its appearance does not change over time, and therefore it is almost impossible to determine the freshness of an egg "by eye". Of course, it's no secret to anyone that you can break an egg and try to smell freshness, but there are other ways. Here are some ways to check the freshness of your eggs:

1. Inspect the shell

The shells of fresh eggs are slightly rough and dull. For those that have deteriorated, it will be smooth to the touch and shine in the light. If the shell is soft or stained, the egg is rotten.

2. Shake

Shake the egg lightly in your hand. If you feel that the protein inside is loose, then it is gone.

3. Check the egg with a lamp

To test the freshness of an egg, hold it near a strong light source. Dark spots that appear under the shell will indicate that the product is spoiled.

4. Twist

Place the egg on a flat surface and make it spin. The rotten will turn around its axis more times than the fresh one. Unfortunately, this method can only be used by those who have already rotated eggs.

5. Check the white and yolk

Break one of the eggs and note the condition of the yolk and white. If the yolk is bulging, and the white is viscous and tightly assembled around the yolk, the egg is very fresh. However, if the yolk is flat and the white is runny, this is a sign of a stale egg

6. Submerge eggs in water

Place the eggs in a deep bowl of cold water. If they are left lying on the bottom in a horizontal position, then they are very fresh. Eggs, slightly raised at an obtuse angle upward, are not the first freshness, but can still be used in preparing hot dishes. Eggs that float to the surface are spoiled and cannot be eaten! We recommend that you get rid of them as soon as possible.

The eggs float to the surface because over time the moisture inside evaporates through the shell and the resulting "free" space is replaced by air. The more air inside the egg, the higher it floats. And, of course, the older it is.

Eat fresh food and be healthy.

In the section to the question How do I know if an egg is spoiled before boiling? given by the author An @ st @ this the best answer is And I read several ways to determine the freshness of eggs: 1. Old eggs are lighter than fresh ones. Over time, the egg dries up and the air sac expands. You can check this: dip the egg in a mug of salt water. If it sinks to the bottom - fresh, floats - old. 2. You can also shake the egg a little. If the content moves, then the product is not fresh. 3. A stale egg can be removed by covering the egg from above with the palm of your hand and bringing it up to the light. Rotten eggs will have dark spots or not show through at all.

Answer from K @ TENOK[newbie]
it is necessary to lower it into the water if it drowned, it means good, if it surfaced, it means bad

Answer from Legal capacity[guru]
"Tumak" is determined in production on an ovoscope. There is nothing complicated about the device. Just SHINE it with a regular light bulb. And in the kitchen, take it in your palm like binoculars and look through it, bringing it closer to any light bulb. In the store "cuff" is a rarity, and in the market a good pocket flashlight will help.

Answer from russians[guru]
you can just sniff. if spoiled or just beginning to spoil, it will give out a nasty smell. and through the shell everything is perfectly felt because the shell has pores almost like our skin. because the embryo inside breathes through this shell. this is so conceived by nature))))

Answer from chevron[guru]
everything that has been written here about the sinking and emerging of spoiled eggs is complete nonsense. This is the way to determine how long it was stored before you bought it. The longer it has been stored, the more it floats up, and its spoilage can only be determined by the hydrogen sulfide stench after you break it (raw or boiled). This is the only way 🙂

Answer from BlackWInd[master]
yes, it's very easy to take and break if normal, then it means you need to fry and not steamed

Answer from Anya mouse[newbie]
Eat it

Answer from Daria Danilova[expert]
smell it!

Answer from Summer[guru]
Put him in the water, the bad will come up! And the good ones will drown!

Answer from Evetlana Barinova[expert]
dip the water with water-floated-spoiled

Answer from Space_Monkey[guru]
Dip into a glass of water - it sank to the bottom, it means fresh, and if it comes up, it's better not to cook it, it has deteriorated!

The content of the article:

Freshness of eggs is the most important factor to look for when buying them. This is a very popular product, because they are easy to prepare, very nutritious, and contain many components valuable for the body. But all this applies only to fresh, rotten ones are not edible and can harm health. Checking eggs for freshness is quite simple and directly at the time of purchase and at home.

What are the differences between store and home eggs

The stores usually sell eggs obtained from poultry farms. Eggs from poultry kept by a private owner are called domestic eggs. Both the first and second - a natural product, and those and others can be dietary and dining.

The difference is this:

  • Taste qualities... Due to the differences in the diet and the nature of the maintenance of poultry and factory poultry, the taste of the eggs they produce also differs. Domestic chickens are daily in the fresh air under the rays of the sun, communicate closely with the rooster, feed on natural food: grain, worms, grass. Factory birds constantly live in special cells without access to individuals of the opposite sex, receive special balanced feed and vitamins. Therefore, domestic eggs are usually fertilized, and their taste is richer.
  • Nutritional value... Both those and other eggs contain many enzymes, proteins, amino acids and vitamins that are beneficial to the human body.
  • Harmlessness... The health and hygiene of the poultry at the factory is strictly monitored, vaccinated against diseases. The health and hygiene of poultry is entirely on the conscience of its owner. So those who want to buy homemade eggs should attend to finding a bona fide seller who can be trusted. On the other hand, it is not known what kind of additives and antibiotics were fed to the factory chickens and how this will affect the consumer who ate their products. It is expensive for a private trader to buy "chemistry", so homemade eggs are safer in this regard, especially for allergy sufferers.
  • Shell color... White or brown eggs can be found in both domestic and factory birds. But since products are usually sorted in large-scale production, factory eggs can be distinguished by the uniformity of the shell color. For homemade eggs, all shades from cream to coffee brown can be present on one tray.
  • The size... Private owners keep birds of different ages on the farm. And since the young ones lay small eggs, and the old ones - large, then on the owner's tray there is usually confusion. But the factory products are calibrated by special machines in size.
  • Yolk color... It is believed that the yolks of homemade products are bright yellow, bright orange, and the color of the yolks of eggs from factory poultry is less saturated. But more recently, a factory product also boasts this yolk color - due to special additives in poultry feed.
  • Smell... Just like the smell of hospital medicinal scent differs from the homely, cozy scent of baking, so is the smell of factory eggs from homemade eggs. In the former - sterility and emptiness, in the latter, depth and saturation are felt.
  • Price... It is customary to pay more for exclusiveness and quality. Therefore, store shops are cheaper than home ones. Moreover, due to the fact that egg-laying in poultry falls mainly in the warm season, domestic eggs in the cold period become much more expensive.

It is interesting! Why do stores only sell chicken and quail eggs? Because it is these birds that most often fly, 10 times more often than, for example, geese and ducks. But the latter, by the way, are 5 times more likely to suffer from salmonellosis. The safest quail in this regard. They are the smallest, and even the ostrich ones, the largest you can buy - the most nutritious, they contain 5 times more phosphorus, potassium and iron than chicken. An omelet made from a kilogram ostrich egg can feed the whole family!

Egg freshness

By the degree of freshness, dietary and table eggs are distinguished. Here are their differences:
  1. Diet eggs... This is the freshest product. The bird took it down no more than one week ago. In stores, such eggs are marked with the letter "D" in red, but it is difficult to find them on sale. Usually such products are obtained from domestic chickens or bought in the market or on a small farm. They are the tastiest. And the best ones are those that were demolished 3-4 days ago and ripened in a dark place at room temperature. All enzymes of these eggs are in excellent condition and are easily absorbed by the body. The white and yolk are firm, thick, do not spread over the pan, but lie compactly on it. Diet eggs have only one drawback: boiled, they are disgustingly peeled, the protein sticks to the shell and falls off in pieces.
  2. Table eggs... Dietetic ones become canteens as soon as 8 days have passed since the bird took them down. These are the ones that are mainly sold in stores. They are marked with a blue "C". The shelf life of table eggs is 25 days. They are great boiled for salads as they are easy to clean. They spread well in a frying pan, and the older, the larger the diameter.

How to check eggs for freshness upon purchase

In the ideal store, an ovoscope will be brought at your request to check the freshness of the eggs on sale. With this device, you can see what the size of the air chamber is inside the product, and understand if it is of high quality. But you can do without an ovoscope. Use the following methods to check if the egg is rotten or not.

Visual inspection

Even outwardly, an attentive customer can determine the freshness of eggs.

A suitable product can be distinguished from an unsuitable one:

  • In the shell... If it is rough, matte and hard, the egg is fresh. A soft shell with dark spots (traces of microbial growth) means that it is rotten. A smooth, glossy shell with a blue sheen signals that it is old and may be spoiled. True, it happens that sellers wash and even rub the surface of the eggs to give them a presentation. But it is better not to take risks, such "tainted" products will be worse stored. By the way, make sure that the shells of all the eggs in the tray are uniform. But if matte interspersed with glossy, this indicates that the seller has put an older product on the fresh one and cannot be called conscientious.
  • By smell... It is unlikely that eggs that emit a stench will be put up for sale, but, nevertheless, this sign cannot be ignored. Fresh product does not smell like rotten. Its shell gives off a scent of lime. The older the egg, the more it absorbs the smells of the environment and loses its calcareous aroma.
  • To the light... You can test the egg with a bright lamp (at least 100 W) or a powerful flashlight. This method is also called candling (from the English "candle"), since in the old days the product was shone through with their help. The eggs at the blunt end have a so-called scare, an air chamber. The larger this chamber, the older the product. For dietary eggs, such a puga should be up to 4 mm in size, and for canteens - no more than 9 mm. Fresh product yolk is in the center or slightly displaced if it is at the edge of the shell or is blurred so that the location is difficult to determine - you have spoiled products. The presence of an embryo or a clot formed into a ring is unacceptable. Dark spots signal multiplying microbes, it is these eggs that can be poisoned. A pink tint in a protein and a red-orange in a yolk happen when it enters the blood chamber, this is not a product harmful to health, but its benefits are minimal.

Remember! Do not break all eggs into the same bowl or into a common bowl with any of the other ingredients in the dish unless you are sure of their freshness, so as not to spoil good foods with rotten ones. Better to double-check one at a time in a separate cup.


Eggs unsuitable for consumption can be identified simply by picking them up, shaking them or twisting them. Namely like this:
  1. Weighing... If there is a scale nearby, weigh the egg. Copies heavier than 75 g belong to the highest category. The shell may be marked with the letter "B". Selected eggs (marking "O") weigh from 65 to 75 g. The eggs of the first category weigh from 55 to 65 g, the second - from 45 to 55 g, and the third - from 35 to 45 g (marked with numbers "1", "2 "And" 3 "respectively). By weighing the product, you can understand if the weight matches the label. If, for example, a selected egg weighs less than it should be, this suggests that you have a marriage in front of you: it has become easier because it has dried up, water has evaporated from it. Having learned the weight of an egg, you can also decide which is better to buy - a large one from an old chicken, in which there is more water but less nutrients, or a small one from a young one - these are the most nutritious. It is believed that the best and most balanced composition is in category 1 eggs.
  2. Shaking... This is how you can easily define "chatterbox". If you feel its contents dangling inside the egg, it means that you have a rotten product in your hands. This happens when the egg has dried out during storage, and the inner shell has separated from the shell.
  3. Spinning... To recognize the freshness of eggs in this way, you need to be able to scroll a rotten egg on a flat surface at least once. So you can compare: rotten will make more turns, that is, it turns longer than fresh.

Please note! Sometimes in stores there are eggs with different markings. If the label says "Premium", it means that the chicken keeping was strictly controlled and was almost perfect. If they grow up like home, free-walking and eating natural food, their eggs are awarded the organic or bio-egg labels. "Fortified" means that the food contains more nutrients such as selenium or iodine. It is impossible to verify the accuracy of this information. Therefore, it is better not to flatter yourself, there is a high probability that this is all a marketing gimmick.

How to check eggs for freshness at home

At home, more informative methods of checking the freshness of the product are available, and all the manipulations take a little time. So, let's look at how to check eggs at home.

Simple ways

In order to prevent poisoning and not spoil the taste of the food, it is recommended that you always check the eggs before using them, even if in principle you are sure that you bought a fresh product.

It can be done:

  • Breaking an egg... Before adding a raw egg to any other food, break it into a separate container and inspect it. A fresh one will have a fluffy, not very spreading protein, like a jelly, with a thin, moist and more liquid surface layer. The yolk will rise above the protein. If the layers of protein do not differ, and the yolk is flat, this means that the product is of low freshness. But you can eat such an egg. An unpleasant smell from an egg is a sign of the multiplication of microbes, this should not be eaten even after heat treatment, you can get poisoned.
  • Boiled an egg... A quickly and smoothly peeling hard-boiled egg with a dent on the side (the place where there was air between the shell and the membrane) signals that the product is table food and has been stored for some time. The freshest boiled egg is disgusting to clean, much more difficult than the stale one, the place of the air bag is not noticeable. Even its "bathing" in cold water after boiling water will not give ease of cleaning.
  • With water... A very reliable method that allows you to accurately determine the freshness of the product. Before checking the eggs in water, it is worth remembering that the older it is, the more scarecrow in it, that is, more air, and the better it will swim. Pour water (at least 10 cm) into a container and lower the wet specimen there. The fresh dietary product will remain horizontal. If the egg came off the bottom with a blunt end, this means that the bird laid it more than a week ago and in front of you is a table product. The product that has floated to the surface is at least a month old, it is spoiled.
Sometimes experienced housewives, giving recommendations to young people on how to check the freshness of eggs in water, mistakenly advise adding salt, ordinary or sea salt, to the liquid - 0.5 tsp. for 0.5 liters of water. In fact, there is no difference whether it will be in the water or not. The egg pops up due to the increasing scare and microorganisms that have got inside, which start putrefactive processes, as a result of which gases are released, which contributes to an increase in the "buoyancy" of the specimen.

Complex methods

You can test chicken eggs in more sophisticated ways. For example, like this:
  1. Measuring the shell temperature... Wash the egg well, preferably with soap. Rinse and dry to keep it completely dry. Then touch the tip of your tongue to the sharp and blunt ends alternately. If dull seems to you to be definitely warmer than spicy, that's good, then you are dealing with a fresh product. But if you do not feel the difference and the shell temperature seems exactly the same from either end, then the egg is of considerable age.
  2. With ultraviolet light... Shine the specimen under ultraviolet rays. The bright red color of the insides will indicate that it is fresh. The paler the color, the older the product. An unsuitable egg for food under ultraviolet rays will appear purple inside, and may also have dark spots.

Attention! Do not forget to look at the expiration date indicated on the package or marked on the egg itself. If you have a choice, try to buy copies stamped on the shell, because the sticker on the package can be re-glued.

Egg storage rules

Always wash eggs before use and hands after touching this product. If you are making a dish using raw eggs, take exclusively fresh, preferably quail. Boil them for at least 5 minutes after boiling water.
  • Storage temperature... It is best to store them in a cool, dark place. The most suitable option is a refrigerator. The fact is that at temperatures below 6 ° C, Salmonella bacteria do not multiply. But at room temperature, this process accelerates, and subsequent cooling will not correct the situation.
  • Shelf life... Table eggs are stored for no more than 25 days, provided that there is no damage to the shell. Cracked product should be used immediately.
  • Storage features... To keep the egg fresh for a long time, you must store it with the blunt end up. It is also necessary to ensure the integrity of the natural protective layer on the shell, which prevents air from entering. That is why it is not recommended to wash the product if you are going to store it for a long time, since water washes away the protection. It is also required to ensure a constant temperature during storage of eggs, its drops will shorten the shelf life.

Please note! Eggs boiled for Easter in large quantities can be stored in the refrigerator for a week, and at room temperature - no longer than four days. The preservation will improve if you grease their shells with sunflower oil. This will close the pores and prevent air from entering the product.

How to check eggs for freshness - watch the video:

By adhering to the above tips and carefully checking the eggs for freshness at the time of purchase and immediately before use, you can protect yourself and your family from food poisoning.