Which is better to drink - beer or vodka. Vodka versus wine: which of them is actually healthier

05.08.2019 Healthy eating

Is it true that it is better to drink vodka than wine or beer?

    It depends on how much you will do it. A glass of vodka with the addition of red pepper is used to relieve the symptoms of an onset cold. Do this at night, wrapping the patient, in the absence of contraindications. And for a good mood and a pleasant evening, it is probably better to drink wine.

    Everything is good in moderation. But personally, I prefer cognac. In general, now there are a lot of fakes. As they say, the bottles are different, but all from the same barrel. Alcohol should be bought only in company stores, they value their reputation more or less.

    Excessive drinking of beer threatens you with a beer belly, and beer alcoholism is already common, especially among young people.

    Wine, especially red wine, is good for blood vessels in small quantities. But not at all suitable for people with a sick stomach. And getting carried away with wine is a serious blow to the liver. To process the decay products of wine, a large amount of B vitamins is required. And your liver suffers more than from vodka.

    Vodka, as a stronger drink, is more often counterfeited. And the chances of getting poisoned are much greater. And frequent use is a direct road to drug addiction, and cirrhosis of the liver is the most common cause of death for lovers of this potion.

    We all drink on holidays, and a glass you drink, another vodka, will not cause harm. A glass of good wine will cheer you up. A mug of beer in good company is sometimes permissible. The most important thing is that it does not become a habit and does not develop into addiction.

    Wine is not for everyone and can cause allergies. On the face usually.

    Not a single holiday is complete without strong alcoholic drinks, you need to remember one thing - there should be more food than booze. Weak people sleep with their noses in a salad, strong in a dessert. An uncontrolled binge always ends in the same.

    Against beer, there is no objection if it is without unnecessary turns, percent is meant. The fact is that it is sometimes diluted with methyl alcohol for degrees, and this is poison.

    PS. I watched the show, there is no difference at all - it's just alcohol in percentage and mixing does not matter. Probably all the same vodka, but diluted with juice.

    No, this is false. The point is that vodka does not occur in Nature, and wine can arise in Nature without human influence. For example, there are cases in Nature when animals eat drunk berries and at the same time they get hoppy, and vodka or 40% alcohol without artificial influences cannot appear by themselves, therefore vodka is not intended by NATURE for ingestion, vodka is a poison, unlike wine, there is no taste in vodka (only nasty), wine can be drunk by sips and enjoy the taste, and they drink vodka with only one purpose - to get drunk. Personally, I do not drink strong alcoholic beverages, I do not see the point, this is disgusting to NATURE.

    It is better not to drink anything at all, but to enjoy life without alcohol. All our alcohol is of terrible quality. Moreover, it does not even depend on the price. Well, if the reason is very weighty, then buy a moonshine still and prepare high-quality alcohol! fearfully knowing what he himself added there!

    If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to drink vodka or white dry (semi-sweet) wine, but by no means beer. Red grape wine is good for the cardiovascular system, but bad for the intestines. The well-known gastroenterologist G.V. Bolotovsky, when asked a similar question, answered that 2-3 glasses of vodka on a holiday is optimal, but not more. Everything is good in moderation, alcohol in the first place. The main thing is not to harm your health.

    each drink has its own effect on the human body

    Beer contains phytoestrogens - an analogue of the female sex hormone, which leads to a gradual feminization of the male population. In men who drink beer, female-type fat begins to be deposited - on the hips and sides - the mammary glands grow (gynecomastia), the pelvis becomes wider. Beer weakens interest in the other sex. Fifteen to twenty years of beer experience - and impotence is guaranteed. Women who drink beer are more likely to get cancer, infertility, and if this is a nursing mother, then the child may have epileptic seizures. Also, women have a rougher voice and the so-called beer mustache appear.

    If you drink red wine not as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, but as an alcoholic drink, it will harm human health. The consequences are associated with the fact that a large amount of alcohol enters the body, which begins its destructive path from the gastrointestinal tract, reaches the liver, where it causes severe damage to it, enters the blood and wounds, both cells and tissues of blood vessels, and others body cells.

    Vodka on exposure on the human body leads to the development of many diseases:

    Cirrhosis of the liver;

    Hepatitis from frequent alcohol intoxication;

    Peritonitis of bacterial origin;

    Hormonal disorders;

    Deterioration of blood clotting;

    Damage to the central nervous system.

    Well, what to poison with - this is, as they say, our choice. but all this is definitely not necessary to interfere

    Each person makes his own choice.

    But there are some BUTs.

    The fact is that there are a lot of fakes and various chemicals in alcoholic beverages.

    As you know, vodka consists of two components, water and alcohol. Even in the worst case, it is bad alcohol and bad water.

    If you take the wine or beer that you buy in the store, then the so-called chemistry will be present in the composition.

    Draw your own conclusions.

    It depends on the task at hand. If you need to bring yourself into a state of intoxication quickly and efficiently, then it is better to drink vodka. If you have a meeting with friends or just interesting people with whom you want to talk, then it is better to drink dry wine. Beer, in my opinion, is a soft drink with a share of alcohol. From the point of view of communication - better than vodka, but worse than wine.

    From a medical point of view, everything is normal.

    I personally prefer homemade wine made from my own grapes.

Vodka or wine: which is more harmful is one of the most frequently asked questions. The answer is obvious - it is better not to drink at all. Any alcoholic beverage contains alcohol. When it enters the body, it begins to decompose into hazardous substances that have a detrimental effect on humans. With the systematic consumption of any kind of alcohol, various kinds of ailments develop. An irreversible process of destruction of internal organs and systems starts. It can only be stopped by giving up the destructive habit.

How vodka affects the human body

Vodka is made from alcohol and water. Both components are mixed in a certain proportion. Then the cleaning process takes place. Each manufacturer sets up their own manufacturing process. Only the effect obtained from this type of product is the same.

Alcohol pathways in the body and its effect on the internal environment:

  1. The dose of ethanol ends up in the mouth. Some of it already at this stage begins to be absorbed into the blood.
  2. The alcohol then ends up in the stomach and intestines. From there, it goes to the liver, where it is converted into a toxic substance. The organ cannot handle a large dose of ethanol, processing only part of it.
  3. Vodka with its decay products is distributed throughout the body through the circulatory system. The metabolic processes fail.
  4. Ethanol quickly enters the brain. Since its defense is powerless, cell destruction occurs.
  5. Internal changes begin to manifest themselves in human behavior. He has impaired coordination, speed of reactions, speech, vision and memory deteriorate.

If a person saw how vodka destroys his body, maybe he would stop drinking. It seems to us that everything passes without a trace, but in fact, any action has its consequences.

Why wine is dangerous for humans

It is believed that wine has a beneficial effect on the internal organs. But is it really so? Like any alcoholic beverage, wine contains alcohol. Therefore, its use leads to intoxication. In addition to the negative effect of ethanol, there is another danger associated with some of the features of this type of alcohol:

  • the presence of dyes of dubious origin;
  • chemical additives with negative characteristics;
  • the introduction of additional components in order to reduce production costs;
  • neglect of manufacturing technology.

Natural wine is not fraught with as much danger as a surrogate of unknown origin. It can cause the development of various ailments. This is in addition to the negative impact of ethanol itself. Wine of dubious production can provoke allergic reactions, the appearance of tumors and other abnormalities, up to and including death. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing alcohol.

The positive properties of alcoholic beverages

Hot drinks can also have a positive effect on the body, especially vodka and wine. However, it is worth remembering that it is quite difficult to "grope" the line. An important condition is a small dose and the ability to stop in time. Alcohol is used with benefit in some cases:

  1. For disinfection. Alcohol is able to neutralize the action of negative components, microorganisms and other substances.
  2. For keeping warm. After being in the cold for a long time.
  3. For compresses. Alcohol has a warming ability.
  4. For the manufacture of tinctures. It is used in traditional medicine.
  5. With health benefits. In very small quantities, it has a positive effect on the heart and the vascular system.

To improve health, it is allowed to drink alcoholic beverages once a week in small doses. Both vodka and wine are suitable for these purposes. The main thing is that the product is natural. Such self-medication is contraindicated for people suffering from various ailments. It is possible that taking alcohol will only worsen the state of health and the course of the disease.

The negative properties of alcoholic beverages

Excessive and frequent consumption of alcohol of any kind adversely affects human health. It is better to give up drinking alcoholic beverages altogether. Ethanol, found in alcohol, gradually destroys the body. The resulting violations become irreversible. It is impossible to fix the harm caused by alcohol.

It causes negative changes throughout the body:

  • the work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted;
  • brain cells are destroyed;
  • worsening liver function;
  • the standard of living is decreasing;
  • addiction arises.

Frequent use of alcohol destroys a person from the inside. He becomes addicted. It becomes difficult to get rid of it without outside interference. In this situation, it does not matter which was more harmful - vodka or wine. Both of these drinks contain ethanol. Only the consequences remain, which will require the help of a professional and the desire of an alcoholic to recover.

What is more harmful - vodka or wine

It is better not to drink at all if you do not know the measure. For people who have chemical addiction, it does not matter which is more harmful. Any drink containing ethanol makes them morbidly addicted. In other cases, a lot depends on the alcohol itself, on its quality and the original ingredients.

What is the difference between wine and vodka:

  1. Fortress. The more degrees, the faster a person gets drunk.
  2. Ingredients. Wine production is more costly, therefore, chemical components can be used to reduce the cost of the process.
  3. Manufacturing. A homemade drink will be less harmful than a store-bought one.
  4. Appearance. A dye can be added to the wine to give the appropriate hue.

If you drink in large quantities, then any alcohol is harmful. When choosing a drink for the holidays, give preference to quality wine. It has less degrees, tastes better and does not require as much snack as vodka. The main thing is to drink rarely, in small doses and not to mix alcohol with medications.

The debate about whether wine or vodka is better has been going on for a long time, but juice will be the most useful. No matter how expensive the alcoholic drink that we drink, its regular use is negatively reflected on all organs and systems. Choosing which drink to drink, you are simply deceiving yourself, because ethanol, which contains wine and vodka, is poison for the body in any case.

What is better to drink vodka or wine?

Drinking a glass of wine is definitely much healthier for health than a glass of vodka. The scientist Vladimir Nuzhny also proved this, he conducted an experiment, the consequence of which was to prove that in terms of the ability to induce intoxication, a strong hangover and fatal alcohol poisoning, wine and vodka are, in principle, on the same level, but in terms of the ability to cause alcohol dependence and cirrhosis, vodka has no equal ... Many people think that it is better to drink good vodka, because it does not have any impurities. Drinking vodka in small quantities can undoubtedly be useful, because it:

  • has disinfecting effects;
  • gives a "warming" effect after a long stay in the cold;
  • helps relieve puffiness, remove decomposition products of toxic substances with urine;
  • activates the work of the heart system;
  • invigorates and relieves stress.

As paradoxical as it may sound, the main danger lies in the purity of vodkas.

According to statistics, there are more alcohol addicts in countries where people consume pure chemical rectified alcohol, and not where strong drinks are prepared, and grape distillates are prepared by conventional distillation. Decay products of even good vodka are excreted from the body much longer, in order to completely cleanse the body of the drunk dose of alcohol, it takes 15 days.

Drinking wine is useful not because it contains a lower percentage of alcohol, but because of the natural components that are formed in the drink during fermentation. The opinion that the purer alcohol, the more useful it is, is erroneous.

Of all the alcoholic beverages existing today, the least harmful is to drink dry red wine, which contains a huge amount of vitamins that can expand blood vessels, eliminate congestion in them, and improve blood circulation in the body. After good wine, hemoglobin rises and the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia decreases.

If we introduce into vodka the extract of grape seeds, which contain all the useful ingredients that are in wine, after vodka with "wine" the hangover was much easier than after a pure vodka drink. In addition, grape seed extract weakened the toxic effect of the drink on the cardiovascular system.

What happens if wine and vodka mix?

A good holiday evening, which has a huge amount of drinks, always ends with a strong hangover. In the morning, a person remembers that all drinks were mixed in a row, this should not be done.

If a person drinks vodka, it is absolutely impossible to mix it with wine.

Some people think that if you increase the degree, then everything will be fine. This opinion is mistaken, never drink strong alcoholic drinks.

The fact is that wine getting into the blood tends to irritate the stomach and, accordingly, increases the organ's ability to absorb the decay products of vodka drinks. If a woman, for example, mixed wine and vodka cocktail, in the morning the head will be "square", in addition, nausea, vomiting and dizziness are likely to join.

The consequences of the drunk "cocktail" do not end there, most wines contain in their composition a certain amount of aromatic alcohols and acetaldehydes, which are alien to the human body, and cause harm to health. The body, not having time to cope with the dose of incoming toxins, is forced to fight with a new portion of ethyl, which happens if a person drinks wine with vodka.

As a result, harmful aromatic alcohols remain unprocessed and poison the body, disrupting the mental state, coordination of movements, and leads to intoxication. The liver simply does not have time to cope with the many toxic elements that are contained in vodka drinks and fails.

Can they somehow combine vodka and wine?

A harmful effect on health is noted if you drank the day before, different types of alcohol. Vodka, wine and cognac are made from different raw materials, so mixing them aggravates your condition and well-being sutra. In no case, do not mix wine and vodka if you want to wake up with a clear head and full health. All drunk alcoholic liquid, you need to control well and combine only drinks of one group. There are 6 groups of alcohols in total:

  1. Grain alcohols - are used to make drinks such as vodka and whiskey, they can be mixed with Ukrainian moonshine, Japanese sake and German schnapps. Of course, these drinks will not be beneficial for drinkers, but in the morning the hangover will be easier.
  2. Grape alcohols are contained in grapes, respectively, only certain brands of wine can be mixed with each other. This choice will be less harmful to the body or with brandy. This drink is a kind of grape mash.
  3. Fruit and berry alcohols - a striking representative of this group of alcohols, there is the same brandy, only made on the basis of apples and apricots. You can mix brandy with other fruit infusions, there are a lot of them today.
  4. Sugar cane alcohols used to make the strongest alcoholic beverages, such as rum and cachase.
  5. Flavored alcohols present in absinthe, champagne, gin and aquavit.
  6. Agave alcohols are found in tequila, it is the only beverage that can be mixed with components of another group - with grain alcohols.

Choosing what is healthier or more harmful is vodka or wine is stupid, because you are choosing between two poisons. You can formulate the question differently, which is better - mental disorders and cirrhosis caused by vodka, or malfunction of the cardiovascular system and neurological disorders provoked by wine. The minimum difference in the percentage of alcohol content should not lead to the false opinion that one drink is less harmful than another. Sometimes, due to the soft taste of the wine, which is easy to drink, its quantity exceeds the dose of vodka by 2-3 times. Ultimately, the content of harmful ethyl alcohol in the blood will be approximately the same.

Be wise and drink wisely, then any drink will only benefit you and ensure good health.

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol to health, regardless of its format. But which drinks are more dangerous: beer, vodka, or wine in general?

In some situations, the difference in health risks from these spirits can be truly dramatic. The differences are generated by the strength of the drinks and their composition, due to which the impact on the body and the consequences in the form of harm to health are very different.

10 facts about the dangers of beer

Beer and beer drinks are extremely insidious alcohol. The most serious drawback of low-alcohol drinks (and beer in the first place) is the fact that it is extremely difficult for a person to control the amount of alcohol consumed. One or two cans of beer in good company and with free time can grow into five, six bottles or more.

The main disadvantages of beer:

  1. Used in large quantities... The low strength and diuretic effect lead to the fact that almost any rest with foamy drinks does not end very positively.
  2. Poor quality drinks... Excluding cases of chronic alcohol abuse, when buying vodka and other strong alcohol, people are more likely to choose more expensive and high-quality drinks. Beer is almost always taken cheap and in large quantities. There are practically no sales of higher quality or imported beer, even if the price differs by only a few tens of rubles - given the number of bottles, this difference becomes significant for the buyer.
  3. Frivolous attitude... Everyone knows that with the help of beer you can easily get drunk, but at the same time the attitude towards a low-alcohol drink is too frivolous. One, two, or even more cans or bottles of foam, drunk regularly, are still not regarded as alcoholic and good rest - rather as a pleasant pastime.
  4. Weak hangover... A frivolous attitude towards this alcohol, together with the almost complete absence of a hangover after one or two bottles, leads to the fact that regular consumption of beer becomes the norm. The drink can become one of the main consumed liquids. Beer alcoholism develops imperceptibly and gradually.
  5. Double diuretic action... Alcohol itself has a diuretic effect, it flushes out many useful substances and trace elements from the body. An additional diuretic effect is provided by beer. As a result, even if you drink the same amount of vodka and beer in terms of the total volume of alcohol, in the case of beer the hangover and damage to the body in this regard will be many times stronger.
  6. Kidneys under attack... The kidneys filter alcohol, the liver processes it. In the case of spirits, more stress is placed on the liver. In the case of beer, the load on the liver did not go away, but there was also a huge load on the kidneys. These organs are forced to continuously filter liter by liter of ethanol-poisoned liquid. This worsens the state of health in the morning and increases the harm to health.
  7. Damage to the pancreas and heart... The negative effect of alcohol on organs is enhanced by the harm from beer. Diseases associated with regular alcohol abuse develop faster and with complications. The pancreas begins to "loosen up" and ceases to fully cope with its functions. The heart works in a constant load mode and increases in size (beer heart, as well as Bavarian or bovine heart - one and the same).
  8. Lack of calculations of the amount drunk... The harm to the body from 1 bottle of beer is approximately equal to 60 grams of vodka. Therefore, every 3-4 bottles of foam are similar in harm to a glass of 40-degree alcohol.
  9. Hormonal disruptions... Even a small amount of beer (1-2 bottles) significantly reduces the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. Instead, due to the effects of hop products, phytoestrogens, which are analogs of female sex hormones, begin to be produced. Over the years, with regular beer consumption in men, sexual functions decrease, while the pelvis begins to enlarge and the mammary glands grow.
  10. Constant overeating... Beer stimulates the appetite and makes a person eat much more than they really need to be full. Overeating (especially harmful salty and spicy snacks) overloads the already suffering digestive organs, leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and excess weight.

Important: Studies show that the release of the joy hormone dopamine into the brain when drinking alcohol programs the RASGRF2 gene, which is inextricably linked with the development of alcohol dependence.
In the case of beer, the release of the hormone occurs simply from the taste, regardless of the strength of the drink. As a result, beer alcoholism develops much faster, and this is a real and very dangerous diagnosis.

7 facts about the dangers of vodka

Vodka is the most popular spirits in Russia, primarily due to its low price in comparison with other spirits. The negative effects of vodka and other 40-degree drinks (cognac, whiskey, tequila) are approximately the same.

With rare exceptions, additional components in the composition of drinks affect only the taste, and practically do not affect the destructive effect of alcohol on the body. For this reason, it is logical to consider the harm of 40-degree alcohol using the example of the most popular and "pure" drink - vodka.

Basic facts about the dangers of vodka:

  1. Rapid intoxication... 40 percent of alcohol in vodka does its job - literally a couple of glasses, drunk in a few minutes on the principle “between the first and the second,” equals at least an hour of drinking a liter of beer with the same harmful effects of alcohol.
  2. Drunkenness is the goal... When drinking vodka, a person almost always puts alcohol intoxication as the main goal of his vacation. Other drinks are much more likely to be consumed in smaller amounts as an adjunct to rest, rather than as a main component of it. The goal of "getting drunk" negatively affects the quality of rest, alcohol dependence develops much faster. Moreover, psychological changes and dependence on alcohol with this approach appears much faster than the physical ailments of alcoholism. The alcoholic can justify his addiction by such rest until it is too late.
  3. Strong blow to health... A large amount of alcohol in a drink destroys cells faster and harms organs more. First of all, the brain, immunity, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and liver with kidneys are affected.
  4. Uncontrolled behavior... The warming effect of strong alcohol, together with heavy intoxication, leads to life-threatening and health-threatening behavior. This is especially dangerous in heat and cold, when irreparable harm to health can be caused simply by the weather due to disturbed heat exchange in the body.
  5. Brain degradation... Each glass of vodka kills about 2,000 brain cells, and they will never recover. The surviving cells are not in the best condition due to poisoning with alcohol decomposition products, dehydration of the body, disturbed mineral and water-alkaline balance. With prolonged abuse, this leads to.
  6. A blow to the entire gastrointestinal tract... Vodka with 40 degrees in its composition burns the mucous membrane of the mouth, esophagus and stomach, promotes the development of alcoholic gastritis, the appearance and exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The lower the strength of the drink, the less alcohol will harm the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Low cost... In order to get drunk with vodka, it takes much less money than any other alcohol of mass consumption. Financial constraints are very relative - the product is available everywhere and cheap.

Output: The harm to health from vodka is primarily dictated by the negative effect of the high alcohol content in the drink on the organs, and secondly, by the rapid addiction and persistently severe alcohol intoxication (poisoning of the body with alcohol and its decay products). In other words,
drink vodka much faster than low-alcohol drinks, although the dependence on beer itself will develop faster.

Is it better to drink beer or vodka?

First, you need to understand what will do much more harm than good. The choice between beer, vodka and alcohol in the case of a single holiday or event should be based on the following criteria:

  1. Individual characteristics of the organism... If there are diseases of the digestive organs or gastrointestinal tract, then you should choose drinks that are minimally harmful to them. By the same analogy, you should know the contraindications for your other diseases, especially those related to behavior and neurology, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and immunity.
  2. Drink degree... The higher the strength of alcohol, the more harm it will be with a single use. By this logic, beer is less harmful than vodka. An exception is wine: in the amount of up to 1-2 glasses, this drink will even be beneficial, and the direct harm from ethanol and its processing by the body will be minimal.
  3. Circumstances... You should not lean on strong alcohol where appropriate behavior is unacceptable. On the other hand, on vacation in a relaxed atmosphere, a few glasses of vodka can be much less harmful than a few liters of beer combined with the wrong diet (fried, fatty, salty and smoked snacks put a lot of stress on the body in addition to alcohol.

Output: Among vodka, beer and wine, wine is best to drink. Beer comes second, followed by vodka. With regular consumption, beer is dangerously fast and unnoticeable development of alcohol dependence. Long-term use of vodka will cause much more harm to the internal organs, more often leads to hard drinking and severe stages of alcoholism. It is best to choose the highest quality and safe alcohol (good wines, quality spirits and even beer, if it is also of high quality)
and not use them for the purpose of getting drunk. In this case, the harm to the body will be minimal, and it will be possible to choose drinks only with your own preferences and doctor's indications.

Any alcoholic beverages have a negative effect on the human body, even if consumed infrequently and in minimal quantities. It has long been proven that even a single dose of alcohol destroys the cells of the liver and nervous system, so it is better to abstain from any alcoholic beverages altogether. If you still want a holiday, preference should be given to drinks with minimal side reactions, although it is almost impossible to find such.

The most popular drinks among adults aged 18 to 45 are vodka and wine. Not a single feast is complete without them, so the question of the benefits and dangers of wine and vodka products does not lose its relevance. To understand what is more harmful - wine or vodka - you need to find out what properties each of these drinks has.

Wine properties

Wine is a drink known to mankind for a long time. For the first time, wine appeared in Ancient Greece, where it was prepared from ripe grapes (mainly red varieties). Real wine contains a large amount of B vitamins and ascorbic acid, as well as mineral salts: calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Tannins and antioxidants improve the regeneration of mucous membranes and epithelium. 50 ml of red wine a day can protect against cancer, as wine is one of the leaders among alcoholic beverages in terms of antioxidant properties. The substances contained in wines bind free radicals well, protect cells from mutations and prevent the formation and growth of malignant cells.

Wines made from blue and red grapes contain a large amount of iron, so regular consumption of the drink in small amounts (no more than 20-30 ml) helps to maintain the required hemoglobin level and prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Other beneficial properties of wine:

  • stimulates the work of the salivary glands (saliva is necessary for disinfecting the oral cavity and proper digestion);
  • increases appetite;
  • destroys microbes and pathogenic bacteria;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • improves the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood circulation processes;
  • eliminates swelling caused by excess salt intake;
  • has a mild diuretic effect.

The ethyl alcohol content in wine ranges from 8 to 16%. Non-alcoholic wines are also widely represented in the assortment of shops, but this does not mean that they do not contain alcohol at all. If you really want to drink a little wine at lunch or dinner, it is better to drink non-alcoholic wine - the harm from it is minimal, but the body will receive an additional portion of vitamins and mineral elements.

Despite the large number of useful properties, which are still relative, it is not worth drinking wine more often 2-3 times a week, while the minimum dosages should be observed. Men are allowed to drink one and a half glasses of a red or white drink at a time, women are better off limited to one, since alcohol has a stronger effect on the female body.

This warning is based on the harm that wine products do to the human body. With frequent and abundant use of wine, the following complications are possible:

  • decreased immunity;
  • progression of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • death of liver cells;
  • neurological disorders.

It is forbidden to drink wine for people prone to allergic reactions. The risk of allergies when choosing this drink is very high, since a drinker rarely chooses good quality alcohol and is content with a budget surrogate, to which a large number of flavors and dyes have been added.

Properties of vodka

Vodka is ethyl alcohol diluted with purified water in the required proportions. Usually vodka contains 40% alcohol, but in some products its concentration reaches 56%.

Regular use of vodka leads to liver damage, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, heart. Ethanol has a detrimental effect on the cells of the brain, disrupting the processes of blood circulation and the supply of oxygen to tissues. Drinking a drink in high doses can lead to the development of an oncological process, so you need to drink vodka in strictly limited quantities and no more than 1-2 times a month. A safe dose for an adult is 25 ml, an acceptable dose is 50-70 ml.

Among people who consume vodka on a daily basis, the likelihood of myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke and acute heart failure is about 80%. This is a critical indicator, so doctors strongly recommend giving up vodka products, especially if a person has a tendency to vascular and heart disease.

Among other serious consequences when drinking vodka, doctors distinguish:

  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • mental disorder;
  • cirrhosis;
  • destruction of cells of the immune system.

Vodka ranks first among drinks in terms of the number of severe poisoning with fatal outcomes, so you need to buy wine and vodka products only in specialized stores.

Some may argue that vodka also has beneficial properties, and they will be partly right. The high alcohol content makes vodka an excellent antiseptic and disinfectant. If you urgently need to treat the wound, and there is no necessary solution at hand, vodka will do an excellent job with this task. The remedy also copes well with inflammatory processes, but to achieve a therapeutic effect, it must be used externally, and not for internal use.

For colds and headaches, vodka compresses are excellent. In small quantities, the drink can help with diseases of the digestive system, as well as increased anxiety, but the benefits of such treatment are very doubtful, since they are completely covered by harmful properties.

What to choose?

Representatives of medicine answer this question unequivocally - nothing. Even very small doses of ethyl alcohol lead to irreversible processes. The drinking person has a slowed down reaction rate, the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted, and unreasonable aggression often appears. Any alcoholic beverages can lead to the formation of persistent addiction - this is primarily due to psychological characteristics. The state of euphoria and relaxation, which occurs at the first stage of intoxication, makes a person enjoy drinking alcohol, and in the future, to achieve the same effect, a constant increase in the dose will be required.

People trying to decide what is healthier to drink - vodka or wine - are deceiving themselves. Any of these drinks are equally harmful and can lead to serious consequences. The difference in this case will be only in the speed of the onset of negative reactions. The imaginary difference in strength should not lead to a false opinion that the harm from wine is less, since due to the softer taste, the amount of wine consumed exceeds the amount of vodka by 2-3 times. Ultimately, the intake of ethyl alcohol in the body is approximately the same.

Doctors believe that the only argument in favor of wine is the presence of vitamins, mineral salts, amino acids and tannins in the composition, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the body. But in order to benefit from the drink, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • a single dose should not exceed 300 ml for men (180-200 ml for women);
  • when buying, you should pay attention to the composition of the drink - you must immediately refuse to buy a cheap surrogate;
  • it is better to drink wine during or after meals.

Both vodka and wine have beneficial properties, but when these drinks are consumed in excess of the permissible norm, all the benefits are reduced to zero and are covered by serious complications and health problems. If you cannot completely abandon alcohol, it is better to give preference to good wine bought in a specialized wine store. Using this drink correctly, you can minimize possible harm and enjoy the usual taste without harming your own health.