What to bake from a potato broth. Potato broth pies

06.11.2019 Healthy eating

Today I want to show you how to cook delicious pan fried. The recipe for dough for pies with potato broth was a real discovery for me. For the first time I tried these on a visit to one of my good friends. The dough of such pies was soft and fluffy. I immediately realized that it was cooked with yeast and at the same time there was absolutely no smell of yeast in it.

I was very surprised when I found out that the basis of the dough was not milk or water, but potato broth. It is the potato broth rich in starchy substances, on which the dough is prepared, that makes it so airy and fluffy, while removing the third-party smell of yeast.

Interesting that potato broth dough can be used not only for fried pies in a pan, but also for pies in the oven. In addition, such dough can be baked and used as a base for fluffy pizza. Yeast pies with potato broth are good with both dry and wet (wet yeast).

Take the ones you are used to working with. There are no special recommendations for the choice of yeast, the main thing is that they are fresh. Now let's see how they cook with potato broth with yeast.

Ingredients for the potato broth dough:

  • Potato broth - 250 ml.,
  • Yeast - 40 gr.,
  • Sugar - 1 tsp,
  • Salt - 1 tsp,
  • Refined sunflower oil - 4 tbsp spoons,
  • Wheat flour - 3 cups

For filling:

  • White cabbage - 300 gr.,
  • Salt and hblack pepper - to taste
  • Carrots - 1 pc.,
  • Ketchup - 3-4 tbsp spoons,
  • Sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Bay leaves - 1-3 pcs.

Potato broth pies - recipe

Having prepared everything you need for work, you can start preparing the dough for pies on potato broth. Wash the potatoes and peel them. Cut into large pieces. Fill with cold water. Salt. Boil until tender. With boiled potatoes, covering the pan with a lid, pour the potato broth into a deep bowl.

In the potatoes themselves, add butter, a little milk and mashed potatoes. A side dish for lunch or dinner is ready. The mashed potatoes obtained in this way can also be used in the filling for pies. You can add fried chicken liver to the potatoes, or, then the filling for the pies will become even tastier.

After the potato broth has cooled slightly and becomes warm (temperature about 40C), you can begin to prepare the dough for the pies. Since our dough will be yeast, we need yeast. You can use both wet and dry yeast to make the dough. Remember that the ratio between dry and wet yeast is 1: 4. I like working with wet yeast better, so I also use it in this recipe. Crumble the yeast into a bowl of potato broth.

Add sugar, thanks to which the yeast "wakes up" faster.

Add salt.

Add sunflower oil.

Whisk all the ingredients together. Sift the required amount of flour. With constant stirring, add flour to the base of the dough.

The finished dough with potato broth should be quite dense.

Like other types of yeast dough, the dough with potato broth with yeast should stand in a warm place and come up. To prevent the dough from weathering and crusting on top, it is recommended to cover the bowl with it with a clean towel.

While the dough is coming up, there is time to prepare the filling for the fried pies in the pan. I chose stew as a filling. Finely chop the cabbage and carrots. Stir and place in a skillet with sunflower oil poured into it. Add salt, spices, bay leaf, and a little water to help the cabbage stew.

After stirring the cabbage, simmer it for about 15 minutes. For flavor, pungency and a bright red-orange color, add ketchup or tomato sauce at the end of the stew. Stewed cabbage will be even more delicious if you use homemade tomato sauce or sauce. Put the finished cabbage on a plate and let it cool slightly.

After that, you can start sculpting pies. Sprinkle the work surface with flour. Roll a ball of dough into a cake. With a teaspoon, place the stewed cabbage or any other filling in the center of the flatbread.

Connect and pinch the edges of the patty tightly. Give it an oval shape.

Prepare, in this way, a small batch of pies, and so that they do not stick to the work surface, while waiting for their frying time, sprinkle the table or board with plenty of flour.

In a skillet with enough sunflower oil, fry the patties on both sides until golden brown.

Serve fried pies with potato broth hot. Good appetite. I would be glad if this recipe for pies with potato broth is useful to you.

Pies with potato broth. A photo

If you are cooking peeled potatoes for any dish, do not pour out the potato broth (the water in which the potatoes are boiled).

On its basis, you can make awesome dough for pies.



- 250 ml of potato broth (can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days);

- 1 p. Dry yeast (7 g) or 20 g. fresh;

- 1 tbsp. Sahara;

- 1 tbsp. mayonnaise;

- salt is not needed salted broth;

- 400-450 gr flour;

- 3 tbsp. sunflower oil;


- any: potatoes with mushrooms, stewed cabbage, etc.

How to cook pies with potato broth:

In 100 ml. warm potato broth, dissolve the yeast, add sugar, mix well and leave aside for 15 minutes, until bubbles appear.

After, add the remaining warm broth, mayonnaise, add half of the flour - mix.

Then pour in 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil and mix again.

Knead the dough well. The dough is pleasant to the touch, does not stick to the table (it’s a little sticky for me, I didn’t dare to add more flour). Cover the cup with dough and leave for 1 hour.

Then they grew up so well in the proofer. And fry in well-heated oil over medium heat.

Oh, I'll tell you, the dough is delicious! The cooled pies remained as soft and tasty.

If you wanted to enjoy delicious pies and nourish your family, but there was no milk or kefir in the refrigerator, it doesn't matter. Prepare the potato filling, and the broth will serve as the basis for making the dough. The dough turns out to be incredible: soft, flexible. It's a pleasure to work with him. And the pies themselves on potato broth will be delicious: inside there is a tender, potato filling, and outside there is a thin, airy shell.

Prepare the necessary ingredients for making pies from potato broth dough with dry yeast.

Peel the potatoes, add water and cook.

During boiling, it is necessary to remove the resulting noise and continue to cook until tender with a low boil.

Drain the broth into a bowl, cool it until warm and only then start preparing the dough (otherwise the yeast will simply cook).

While the broth is cooling, it is necessary to prepare the filling for the pies: fry finely chopped onions until golden brown.

Salt potatoes to taste and mashed potatoes. The potatoes should be smooth, smooth, without lumps. Add the fried onions and stir again.

In a deep bowl, combine melted butter, one chicken egg and a pinch of salt. Then pour in warm potato broth and dry yeast.

Stir until smooth and start adding the sifted flour in portions. You need to add flour in small portions and knead the dough thoroughly each time after adding.

The dough turns out to be very tender, flexible, not sticking to hands, reminiscent of children's softened plasticine. After all the flour has entered the dough, continue kneading for another 7-10 minutes. Then put in a bowl, cover with a damp cloth and place in a warm place to approach.

When it doubles in size, it should be well wrinkled and divided into several parts for convenience in further work.

Knead each part in turn and roll it into a roller. It, in turn, is divided into small parts. It must be remembered that the size of the pie will depend on the size of the piece. This is already a matter of taste - someone loves small pies, and someone loves larger ones.

Turn each piece in a "column" and press it with your palm, giving the shape of a cake. Roll out each cake with a rolling pin, put the prepared filling in the center.

Pinch the edges and flatten on top with your palm. Form all the pies and only then begin to fry them.

It is necessary to start frying the pies from the first, since their dough has already rested and has increased in volume. Pour oil into a preheated pan and heat it well. Reduce heat to medium and add patties. Fry them on both sides until golden brown. Put the finished pies on a napkin so that the excess fat goes away.

Delicate, tasty, fragrant and hearty yeast pies with potato broth can be served at the table.

They will not leave anyone indifferent. Believe me, you will have to make an extra portion.

Enjoy your meal. Cook with love.

As promised, we start the February marathon with baking, namely with a yeast dough recipe! It is universal - on yeast potato dough you can bake not only fragrant and fluffy homemade bread, but also delicious pies, tender buns and just downy pies. The composition of this yeast dough is quite simple, as is the cooking technology, and baking based on it is beyond praise.

It is due to the addition of potato broth and boiled potatoes that the yeast dough will not only be fragrant (you will not feel the characteristic smell and taste of potatoes), but also very soft. To do this, cook about three medium potatoes peeled from the skin in water until fully cooked, after which we measure out the required amount of broth and boiled root vegetables.

From the specified number of ingredients, enough dough is obtained (just over 1 kilogram) to make an impressive loaf of homemade bread, one large pie with any filling, as well as at least 10-12 buns or pies. Ready-made baked goods made from yeast potato dough remain fresh for a long time, do not stale or mold for 5 days.


(550 grams) (200 milliliters) (180 grams) (1 piece ) (2 tablespoons ) (1 tablespoon ) (1.5 teaspoon) (1.5 teaspoon)

Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

To make homemade yeast dough on potato broth, we need the following ingredients: wheat flour (I have the highest grade, but the first one is also suitable), potato broth and potatoes boiled in it, raw chicken egg, refined vegetable (I use sunflower) oil, salt , granulated sugar and fast-acting yeast. By the way, if you want to make this recipe for baking bread in a lean version, just replace the chicken egg with about 45-50 milliliters of water or potato broth. It is not necessary to take fast-acting yeast - just dry (also 5 grams is a heaped teaspoon) or pressed (you need 3 times more, that is, 15 grams) are perfect. Such yeast is not immediately mixed with flour, but pre-activated in a warm sweetish liquid for 10-15 minutes. In our case, you can slightly warm up half a glass of potato broth with a tablespoon of sugar and dissolve the yeast in it.

Sift wheat flour (preferably twice) into a bowl. Due to this, the flour will not only be loosened and saturated with oxygen, but possible debris will also go away. Add fast-acting yeast, granulated sugar and salt to the flour. Mix everything thoroughly with a fork or whisk.

Add a lukewarm potato broth and 1 tablespoon of refined vegetable oil there. All this must be combined into a single homogeneous mixture, for which it is most convenient to use a submersible blender. You can also do this with a whisk or even a fork.

Pour wheat flour pre-sifted and mixed with yeast, sugar and salt to it. You can not all at once, but in parts, if you do not know how the flour will behave - it can be wet or, on the contrary, dry.

First, you can stir the ingredients with a spoon or fork to moisten the flour by absorbing the liquid. If you want, you can immediately knead the dough with your hands. If you have a kneader or bread maker, be sure to use their help - it's easier and faster.

You need to knead the dough for a rather long time (at least 10, and preferably 15 minutes) and intensively. As a result, it will become smooth, uniform, very soft (like an earlobe) and tender, while a little sticky. Round the dough into a ball and put it in a bowl, which we grease with a tablespoon of vegetable oil so that it does not stick to the dishes during fermentation. We send the dough to heat for 1 hour, after which we do a light kneading, re-rounding and again in heat for another 40 minutes. Where is the best dough to roam and what does a warm place mean? There are several options. First of all, in the oven with the light on (it turns out about 28-30 degrees - the ideal temperature for fermenting yeast dough). Then we tighten the bowl with the dough with cling film or cover it with a towel made of natural fabric (linen is best suited) so that the surface does not wind up and does not become covered with a crust. You can also let the dough ferment in the microwave, in which we first bring a glass of water to a boil. The dough will rise with the door closed, and the glass will stand there. Then the bowl does not need to be closed with anything, since the water will evaporate, thereby maintaining the necessary humidity. Just make sure that no one accidentally turns on the microwave, otherwise the dough will be lost and there will be no bread.

After 1 hour 40 minutes (time is a relative concept, it may take more or less) the yeast potato dough will rise very well, increase in volume by three times exactly. It is very soft and fluffy. If the dough rises poorly, then you have come across old yeast - increase the fermentation time.

Soft tender dough on potato broth with dry yeast is suitable for making pies with any filling: cheese, potatoes, onions, eggs, meat and even fruits. It will turn out equally tasty. The cooking time of the pies is about 2 hours (taking into account the readiness of the dough). The dish is much simpler than it seems at first glance. Even novice cooks can do it.


  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • potato broth - 1 glass;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • potatoes - 6-7 pieces;
  • soft cheese (for example, suluguni) - 150 grams;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

It is better to fry the dough mixed with potato broth in a frying pan, since after baking in the oven it turns out to be hard.

Potato broth pies recipe

1. Peel the potatoes, wash, cut into slices and boil in salted water until tender. The pulp will be used as a filling for pies.

2. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

3. Drain a glass of broth from the finished potatoes, the rest is not needed. Crush the pulp until puree, cool slightly.

4. Add melted butter, salt, pepper and grated cheese to the puree. Stir until smooth. The filling is ready.

5. When the potato broth has cooled to a temperature of 28-30 ° C, add yeast, sugar and salt to it. Mix.

If yeast is added to a brew that is too hot, it will die and the dough will not rise!

6. In a deep bowl, mix two glasses of flour and the broth with yeast. You should have a soft, sticky dough.

7. Leave the dough for 60 minutes in a warm place, covered with a towel.

8. Knead the matched dough again, crushing it with flour (about half a glass will be used up). The dough should be soft and elastic.

9. Make "sausages" from the dough, which are cut into pieces. Roll each piece into a cake, this will be the base of the pies.

10. Place the filling on each cake. Make free-form pies.

11. Heat a skillet with vegetable oil. Fry the blanks on both sides until golden brown. At first, it is better to fry the pie with the seam down.