How much to cook purchased dumplings. Ingredients for savory filling

22.04.2019 Grill menu

Dumplings, like dumplings, are one of the most favorite instant semi-finished products that many housewives buy or make on their own, so in this article we will consider how long and how to cook dumplings (store bought and homemade) so that they do not boil over and turn out delicious.

How many minutes to cook the dumplings until tender?

The cooking time for dumplings depends on their filling (with raw potatoes inside or with meat it will take longer to cook), on the size of the dumplings themselves and on the type of their production (usually homemade dumplings are cooked longer than store-bought ones). Let's take a closer look at how much dumplings are cooked with different fillings:

  • How much to cook frozen dumplings (with potatoes / with potatoes and mushrooms / with potatoes and liver / with cabbage)? Frozen dumplings with the filling prepared inside should be boiled for an average of 10 minutes after the water boils in the pan (from the moment they are immersed in boiling water in the pan), or 3-5 minutes after the dumplings float up.
  • How much to cook frozen dumplings with cherries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)? Frozen dumplings with berries are boiled for 10-15 minutes after boiling water in a saucepan (from the moment they were placed in boiling water in a saucepan).
  • How much to cook frozen dumplings with cottage cheese? Dumplings with cottage cheese should be boiled for an average of 10 minutes after placing them in boiled water in a saucepan.
  • How much to cook lazy dumplings with cottage cheese? Lazy dumplings need to be cooked only 2-3 minutes after they rise to the surface of the water (they are placed in boiling water in a saucepan).
  • How much to cook homemade dumplings with different fillings (with potatoes, mushrooms, cherries, cottage cheese)?Homemade ones are boiled for 2-3 minutes longer than purchased ones, since the dough in them is usually thicker and does not have time to boil quickly.
  • How long does it take to cook dumplings in a slow cooker? Frozen dumplings are cooked in a slow cooker in the "Steam" mode for 15 minutes, and homemade dumplings only cooked for 10 minutes.

Having learned how many minutes to cook the dumplings until cooked, we will further consider the cooking process itself, in order to know how to cook the dumplings in a saucepan and slow cooker so that they do not boil over.

How to cook dumplings with potatoes (cherries, cottage cheese) in a saucepan?

The traditional way of making dumplings is to cook them in a saucepan, so let's take a closer look at how to cook homemade and store-bought dumplings in a saucepan on the stove:

  • Choose a saucepan of a suitable size (it is better to give preference to a wide saucepan and if there are a lot of dumplings, cook them in several approaches, and not all at once).
  • Pour cold water into a saucepan (2/3 of the volume of the pan), add salt (half a teaspoon per 1-1.5 liters of water) and bring the water in the pan to a boil over high heat.
  • Put prepared frozen or just cooked homemade dumplings in boiling water and stirring gently so that they do not stick together and do not stick to the bottom and sides of the pan, wait until the dumplings float up and the water in the pan boils again. It is not necessary to stir constantly (several times during the period after placing the dumplings in boiling water and their ascent to the surface of the water).
  • We reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too much and after the dumplings rise, we cook them for 3-5 minutes.
  • We try the dumplings for readiness (the main thing is that the dough is boiled at the seams and they do not begin to unstick), after which we drain the water with the dumplings through a colander.
  • We serve boiled dumplings to the table, dividing it into portions (butter goes well with all types of dumplings, sugar and sour cream can be added to dumplings with berries, and dumplings with unsweetened filling are served with sour cream and, if desired, with chopped herbs).

Note: the water in the pan is salted even when dumplings with sweet filling are boiled so that the dumplings do not stick together during cooking and the dough tastes better.

How to steam dumplings in a slow cooker?

Dumplings can also be cooked in a multicooker, while they can be cooked not only in water, but also steamed. Let's take a closer look at how to cook dumplings in a slow cooker:

  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl (on average 2-3 glasses).
  • Put the dumplings in one layer on a special stand for steaming so that they do not touch each other.
  • We set the “Steam cooking” mode in the multicooker and the cooking time is 10-15 minutes (the cooking time depends on the thickness of the dough layer on the dumplings), after which we turn on the multicooker.
  • After the sound signal, carefully transfer the cooked dumplings to a plate and serve.

Note: you can also cook dumplings in a slow cooker, as in a saucepan, placing them in the main bowl and pouring boiling water so that the water completely covers them, add salt to taste, and then cook them for 4-7 minutes after surfacing on the water surface ( the cooking time depends on which dumplings are only glued or frozen).

How to cook dumplings in the microwave?

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to cook dumplings in the microwave? The answer is yes! Cooking dumplings in the microwave takes place in the following sequence:

  • Put the frozen dumplings in a deep plate in one layer (one that can be used in a microwave oven) and pour boiling water over the dumplings by half, then salt the dumplings themselves a little.
  • We cover the plate with a special lid (or a smaller plate) and put in the microwave. At maximum power, bring the water in the plate to a boil (set the timer for 1 minute), then reduce the power to 70% of the maximum and cook the dumplings for 7-8 minutes until cooked.

Note: you can also cook dumplings in the microwave without water, for this we grease a deep plate and prepared dumplings with vegetable oil, put the dumplings in a plate in one layer, cover and cook in the microwave at maximum power for 6-7 minutes.

Dumplings are a unique semi-finished product that has no equal in terms of the number of fillings used. It seems that even a child knows how to cook dumplings - they just need to be dipped in boiling water and wait a few minutes for the products to float above the surface of the water. In fact, not everything is so simple. It is quite possible to get a really ready-made and tasty dish and at the same time not allow its elements to boil over, but you will have to take into account a number of nuances. Everything plays a role here: the type of processing (in the microwave, in a saucepan, in a multicooker or steamed), the composition of the filling, the origin of the product and its state at the moment.

Basic rules for working with semi-finished products

If you don't want to watch an unintelligible mess of dough and filling in your plate, you need not only to know how much to cook dumplings, but also how to do it correctly. When starting to process components, you must always remember the following rules and recommendations:

  1. There should be a lot of water in a saucepan, multicooker bowl or container that will stand in the microwave. Only if the elements float freely will they not stick to each other. Preference should be given to low and wide dishes, rather than tall and narrow ones.
  2. Do not slow down the heat immediately after the items are immersed in water. The mass must be brought to a boil at the maximum temperature so that they do not become acidic.
  3. The actual cooking of the elements is correctly carried out over medium heat. It is strictly forbidden to keep the heat to a minimum. Due to this effect, the dough will begin to sour, and not boil.
  4. Frozen and fresh products are prepared according to the same scheme, but in the case of the former, from 1 (in the microwave) to 2 (in a multicooker or saucepan) minutes are added to the processing time.
  5. Before boiling dumplings, you must add a little salt to the water. This is done even when processing products with sweet fillings.
  6. Ready-made dumplings with strawberries, other berries or fruits as a filling are laid out in one layer on a plate and sprinkled with sugar. Products with unsweetened filling must be greased with oil so that they do not stick together.
  7. Bay leaves, herbs or butter are added to the water where homemade dumplings with unsweetened filling are boiled. It's better not to take risks with store-bought semi-finished products.
  8. Dumplings can be frozen not only raw, but also boiled. But only not if they have already been warm for more than 4-6 hours.

If after eating there are some half-eaten dumplings left, they need to be put in the refrigerator. Sweet products are very tasty when cold, but products with unsweetened filling are better to warm up. This is best done in the microwave, oven, or skillet.

How long do you need to boil dumplings in water, depending on the filling?

To understand how much to cook dumplings, you need to establish the type of filling. The time difference in some cases can be very impressive:

  • With mashed potatoes. After boiling, it is enough to wait just a couple of minutes and the dumplings can be taken out. They are best served with fried onion rings and butter.

Tip: If you need to boil frozen food, you either need to use more water than usual, or put less food in the pan. After thawing in water, the dough can become very sticky and such precautions will avoid problems.

  • With raw potatoes. These products are best cooked in the microwave, steam or multicooker. In this case, the processing will be about 10 minutes (for a couple - up to 15, but the study will be uniform). If you use the traditional method, then after boiling the water you must wait at least 12 minutes.
  • With cottage cheese. Some people think that it is enough to wait for the products to surface. Still, it is better to boil them after that for at least a minute.
  • With cabbage. It is correct to fill such dumplings with ready-made filling, so it is enough to bring the mass to a boil and let it boil for half a minute.
  • With cherries. Much depends on the desired result. If you want cherry juice to literally drip from the products, then it is enough to boil them after boiling for just two minutes. That. For those who like a thicker filling, it is better to double the holding time.

Particular attention should be paid to strawberry dumplings. This is one of the most delicious and at the same time capricious fillings.

How to cook dumplings in a multicooker, steam and microwave?

Today, in order to cook dumplings, it is not necessary to resort to the traditional method of exposure. Now this can be done in a multicooker, double boiler or microwave.

  • In a double boiler. During such processing, nothing comes out of the dumplings into the water, so they have a richer taste. Grease the pan with butter. Fill the steamer container with water and a small amount of salt, which will provide more abundant steam. The elements must be laid out so that they do not touch each other, otherwise they will stick together. For full readiness, the products need to be held for about 4-5 minutes (with the exception of products with raw potatoes).

  • In a slow cooker. Grease the bowl of the device with oil, pour water into it and bring it to a boil. We lower the dumplings, close the lid and keep in the "Stew" mode for 3 to 5 minutes. Some housewives cook products in a multicooker with an open lid, imitating the work of the stove.

  • In the microwave. We put the products on a plate, fill them with water up to half and put them in the microwave oven. First, cook for a minute at maximum, then reduce the power and cook for another 6-7 minutes. In addition, microwave dumplings can be cooked in sour cream or cream with the addition of spices in accordance with the filling. Only elements with cherries or strawberries should not be subjected to such a test, they can burst and stain all surfaces of the device.

True, these approaches in practice turn out to be even more troublesome than the usual version with a saucepan. Therefore, many housewives prefer to act in the old fashioned way, leaving more complex tasks to advanced household appliances.

Features of boiling dumplings with strawberry filling

When making dumplings with strawberries, you need to follow a number of rules that will allow you to keep the product in the right form and enjoy its taste properties:

  1. The dough should be thicker than for other fillings. Otherwise, it may split or burst, causing the contents to leak out.
  2. It is necessary to mix products with strawberries very carefully, but you cannot refuse this manipulation, otherwise the product will stick to the walls and bottom.
  3. Products with strawberries, regardless of their degree of fullness, it is better not to cook in a multicooker or microwave oven. Preference should be given to a pairing approach or the traditional method. In both cases, the procedure will not take more than 3-4 minutes.

Only if everything is done correctly, you can count on getting the desired result. The dumplings will be whole, fragrant, juicy and not slippery.

Fans of store-bought semi-finished products just need to carefully read the instructions on the label in order to understand how much to cook dumplings with potatoes. But admirers of home-made dishes will have to learn all the subtleties on their own. Despite the fact that the processing time is rather small - from 3 to 15 minutes, every minute can affect the quality of the final result. Taking into account the fact that today dumplings are increasingly trying to boil using modern kitchen appliances, the procedure is overgrown with even more nuances. To do everything right, you will have to familiarize yourself with all aspects of the process.

Basic recommendations for boiling filled dough products

Regardless of whether you need to boil the product with boiled or raw potatoes, with mushrooms or without additional components, you should always remember the following rules:

  • To cook dumplings deliciously and quickly, you need to use a low and wide container, and not a high and narrow one. This will not only have a positive effect on the cooking time, because the water will boil faster, but it will also allow you to cook more products in one go.
  • We use a lot of water so that the elements in it float freely.
  • It is necessary to determine in advance the number of dumplings, using a simple formula - when floating up, the products must fit into one layer.
  • Even if the dough and filling are salted, add salt to the liquid (directly into cold water). This will save a few minutes for the medium to boil and prevent the elements from sticking together.

Tip: When trying to boil deliciously store-bought dumplings with potatoes, you should strictly follow the time recommendations indicated on the package. If you overexpose the product even a little, the seams of the products will creep, and the filling will fall out into the broth. It is better to hold the finished product a little in a heated soup tureen so that it reaches the desired state.

  • Dumplings (with mushrooms, raw and cooked potatoes) are dipped only in boiling water. We do not reduce the fire until it boils again, otherwise the mass will begin to sour.

When choosing the type of processing of semi-finished products, you should only rely on your own taste preferences. The time spent on preparation and boiling of the product is about the same.

The traditional version of variki dumplings with potatoes is in a saucepan

To carry out the manipulation correctly, you will have to take into account all the points that affect the final result - from the composition of the filling to the size of the products.

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add some salt, put on the stove. You can add a little vegetable oil, but in this case you will have to add a couple of minutes to the cooking time. As soon as the liquid starts to boil, put the dumplings in it and stir gently so that the products do not stick together. We continue to stir periodically until the water actively boils again.
  2. The product with pre-boiled filling (including mushrooms) will be ready 4-5 minutes after boiling.
  3. If there are raw ingredients in the composition, the cooking duration is increased to 7-8 minutes.
  4. The same rules apply to frozen convenience foods. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to defrost the components beforehand.

Many housewives today are sure that the dumplings that have come up are ready and can be removed. In fact, with this approach, people often have to consume a half-raw dish.

Features of using a multicooker and microwave

Fans of modern gadgets can cook amazing dishes from the simplest dumplings. Especially if their filling is represented not only by potatoes, but also by mushrooms, herbs, pieces of bacon and other goodies.

  • In a multicooker for a couple. This approach is especially good when boiling dumplings with already heat-treated filling. Products with damp ingredients may not cook evenly. Pour boiling water to the middle level of the bowl. We put the products in a special basket, which we install on the device. It is necessary to add some salt to the product, then sprinkle it with vegetable oil or put butter shavings on top. We close the lid, set the "Steam" mode. Boil fresh product for 10 minutes, frozen - a quarter of an hour.

  • In a multicooker in the water. In the bowl of the device, bring salted water to a boil. We spread the blanks into it, mix, close the lid. For cooking fresh products, 4-5 minutes are enough, for frozen ones - 6-7 minutes. The product with fresh mushrooms or raw potatoes will be ready no earlier than 10 minutes later.

  • In the microwave. To obtain the desired result, you must correctly alternate the power of the device. Put the dumplings in a heat-resistant dish with sides, fill two-thirds with water or broth. We cover the container with a lid or plate. First, we cook the product at maximum power for a minute. Then we reduce it to an average level and cook the semi-finished product for another 7 minutes. After that, there is no need to rush to get the dish. It is better to let it brew in the chamber for another 5 minutes. If the products turn out to be damp, the next time you need to slightly increase the processing time at medium power.

Do not try to boil dumplings in low-fat sour cream or cream. Timing is difficult and the result can be unpredictable. It is better to season ready-made dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms with sour cream sauce and herbs, and cracklings and fried onions are the classic version of the product without any additives.

It is believed that the main thing in the preparation of all dough products is a properly made filling and dough, kneaded according to all the canons. But one more small question remains: how much to cook the dumplings so that they do not lose their taste, are not overcooked and look appetizing on the table? There are a number of specific subtleties in cooking them with different fillings.

Before studying the question of how to cook dumplings so that they do not boil over, it is necessary to take into account a number of rules that will help in preparing dough products with any filling:

  • it is always better to take a low wide saucepan than a high and narrow one - the water will boil faster in it;
  • there should be a lot of water in the pan - about 2/3 of the pan;
  • do not put many pieces in the pan at once - it is desirable that each of them have enough space after surfacing in one layer, so it is better to divide the cooking into two stages;
  • even if you have a sweet filling, still salt the water at least a little - salt will add flavor and prevent the products from sticking;
  • when cooking, a little vegetable oil can be added to the water to prevent sticking;
  • if you cook shop-made semi-finished products of machine modeling (without a pigtail) or cobbled together with a dumpling machine, carefully monitor the condition of the seam - if you overexpose them, they can come unstuck;
  • throw dough products only into boiling water, otherwise they may turn sour;
  • to accelerate the boiling of water, throw salt at the very beginning, while the water is cold;
  • if the filling is already ready (for example, boiled potatoes), then it takes a minimum of time to cook - only to prepare the dough.

With potatoes (with potatoes and mushrooms)

How much to cook dumplings with potatoes depends on what exactly is contained in the filling besides the potatoes themselves, on the size of the products. The larger they are, the longer it takes to cook. It also matters which product you are going to cook - freshly cooked or frozen.

In a saucepan


  1. Place the salted water in a saucepan on the stove top.
  2. After boiling, add the required amount of products with potatoes and stir immediately so that they do not stick together.
  3. Stir them periodically until they boil.
  4. Boil dumplings with potatoes after boiling for about 3-5 minutes. You can cook the same amount of dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms, provided that the mushrooms are pre-cooked (boiled or fried).
  5. If the filling contains raw ingredients (for example, lard, onions, raw potatoes), then cook for at least 7 minutes.

How much dumplings with potatoes are cooked after surfacing depends on whether they are frozen or freshly glued. If you bought a small frozen product in a store and machine sculpted, 4-5 minutes after surfacing, or 2-3 minutes after boiling, is enough.

In a multicooker

You can cook dumplings in a multicooker either steamed or directly in water.


  1. To steam, pour boiling water into the bowl until about halfway through.
  2. Place the container with semi-finished products, close the lid and set the "Steam" mode.
  3. Freshly cooked products take about 10 minutes to cook, frozen dumplings take about 15 minutes to cook.
  4. To cook in water, simply pour them into hot water in the multicooker bowl.
  5. Boil freshly glued products for 3-5 minutes after boiling, frozen ones - 5-7 minutes.

In the microwave

How to cook dumplings with potatoes if there is not a single free pot left in the house? It is completely unfair that we use a microwave oven only for heating food, and in fact it is ready to help us in the preparation of so many dishes.


  1. Put in a small portion of the products and fill with water about 2/3, that is, without completely covering them.
  2. Cover with a special plastic lid or a smaller plate.
  3. First, boil at 1000 W for 1 minute (or until it boils), then reduce the power to 700 W and cook for about 7 minutes.
  4. Without opening the microwave door, leave them there to "walk" for another 5 minutes.
  5. How long it takes to cook dumplings with potatoes in the microwave also depends on its power. If it operates at a maximum of 800 W, then it may take a little longer to boil.

With cottage cheese

How much to cook dumplings with cottage cheese depends on which method you are going to use.

In a saucepan.

  • Boil water in a large saucepan and add some salt (add about 1 tablespoon of salt to 4 liters of water). Toss the convenience foods into boiling water. As soon as they pop up, try one, and, if ready, then immediately take them out with a slotted spoon. If you are cooking lazy dumplings with cottage cheese (that is, those where cottage cheese is mixed directly into the dough), then take them out immediately after boiling!

In the microwave.

  • How to cook dumplings with cottage cheese in the microwave? It couldn't be easier! Place them in a shallow bowl, fill about 2/3 with water, cover with a lid. Cook at maximum power for 5-6 minutes. Lazy dumplings can simply be spread out on a flat plate under the lid, but also cook for 5-6 minutes.

In a slow cooker.

  • For steaming, pour 2-3 cups of water into the multicooker bowl (boiling water is better), place the container with the products and set the "Steam" mode for 10-15 minutes (the thicker the dough, the longer it takes to cook). Or you can just pour boiling water into a bowl (don't forget to add salt) and dip them directly into the water. Fresh homemade dumplings with cottage cheese will take 3-4 minutes, frozen ones will take about 5-7 minutes.

With cabbage

Dumplings with cabbage are one of the popular dishes at all times, but it can also be prepared in any way convenient for you.

In a saucepan.

  • Boil water and salt. Toss in the cabbage and cook until boiling. How many minutes to cook dumplings with cabbage after the liquid has boiled depends on the degree of readiness of the filling itself. If it is fresh, then cook for about 7 minutes (try them periodically), and if the cabbage is already ready, then 3-4 minutes is enough.

In the microwave.

  • Place the semi-finished products on a shallow plate and cover with water, but not completely - let them look out a little. Cook at 1000 W for about 5-6 minutes, at 800 W for a little longer - about 7 minutes.

In a slow cooker.

  • How to cook dumplings with cabbage in a slow cooker also depends on whether the cabbage is thermally processed. If it is pre-cooked, then steaming will be enough for 8-10 minutes, and if the filling is raw, then cooking may take about 15 minutes, but you will have to periodically check for readiness. If you cook in a slow cooker right in the water, then cook with the ready-made filling for about 4-5 minutes (and with raw, accordingly, longer - also try).

With cherry

Dumplings with cherries are a delicious and healthy dessert that both adults and children like. The boiling time for dumplings with cherries is minimal in order to preserve the fresh taste of the berry and all the vitamins in it.

How many dumplings are cooked with one or another filling, one cannot say for sure. The cooking time depends on which filling (ready-made or raw), on the size of the products themselves, on the method of preparation, on the thickness of the dough and, finally, on the taste preferences of those who are going to eat them. Therefore, to prepare such a simple dish, you will have to use not only your culinary experience, but also your flair - and then everything will definitely work out.

In a saucepan.

  • Boil water, adding a little salt, in a large container. Throw the blanks of the future delicacy. Once they boil, wait a couple of minutes to taste. If the dough is cooked (you do not need to cook the filling at all), then immediately remove them with a slotted spoon or colander. The sooner you remove them from the boiling water, the better the cherry will remain fresh.

In a slow cooker.

  • Steamed dumplings in a slow cooker should be cooked for about 10 minutes (again, try it). And if in the bowl itself (that is, in water), then 3-4 minutes after boiling will be enough.

In the microwave.

  • How to cook dumplings with cherries in the microwave so that they retain the taste of the filling? Place them in a special glass saucepan with a lid (or just a shallow plate), first put on maximum power and bring to a boil. Then reduce the power to 600-700 watts and boil for about 4 more minutes.

It is not enough to cook the right and tasty ones, it is much more important to cook them correctly. The duration and technology of cooking should be chosen based on what kind of dough you decide to use in the recipe: fluffy semi-finished products based on yeast or soda should be steamed, while the rest of the dumplings will cook perfectly in ordinary boiling water.

How much you need to cook dumplings with cherries and how to do it correctly, we will tell you in the following recipes.

How much to cook frozen dumplings with cherries?

Regardless of whether you stuck the dumplings in advance and store them for future use in the freezer, or use a purchased semi-finished product, the cooking scheme will remain unchanged.

Any frozen dumplings are not thawed before cooking. A saucepan with a moderate amount of water (at least a liter per serving) is placed over the fire, slightly salted and the dumplings are thrown only after the liquid has boiled.

With active boiling, the dumplings are boiled until they rise, and then left for another 4-5 minutes with a lower boil.

Ready dumplings are transferred to a colander, allowing excess water to drain, and then served immediately.

How many minutes to cook fresh dumplings with cherries?

Despite the fact that it is certainly convenient to use semi-finished products, they are not competitors to fresh dumplings with cherries. The latter are cooked extremely quickly, the dough in them is much less likely to boil, holds its shape perfectly and retains its elasticity.

Before boiling, place a large saucepan over the fire and fill it with at least a couple of liters of water (if you intend to cook two servings). After the liquid boils, it is salted and fresh dumplings are laid out in portions, with constant stirring, to avoid sticking together. Wait until the semi-finished products boil and float again. How much to cook dumplings with cherries after boiling depends on their size, density and dough composition. Thin dough should take a couple of minutes to reach readiness, while thick dough should be cooked for at least 5 minutes. Hand-made dumplings are given a couple more minutes of extra time so that the edges of the dough also have time to boil well.

There is also an alternative cooking method suitable for small thin dumplings. After the dumplings float to the surface, the container is covered with a lid, removed from heat and left for a couple of minutes. The finished dumplings are discarded as usual, and then mixed with butter and served immediately, hot, so that the dough does not have time to stick together.

How much to cook steamed dumplings with cherries?

When boiling lush dumplings in water, the airy dough simply does not rise, therefore semi-finished products with soda and yeast in the composition are boiled exclusively for steam.

For this purpose, you can use both a full-fledged and a multicooker, or simply a greased colander placed over a pot of boiling water.

Whichever method you choose, first make sure that you do not place the dumplings close to each other. During cooking, the dough rises noticeably, and therefore dumplings placed close to each other can easily stick together into a single lump. Over the steam, the dumplings are cooked much faster, 5-7 minutes will be enough. Ready dumplings are placed in a deep container, poured with melted butter, mixed and covered, waiting for the second portion to reach readiness.

Ready-made dumplings can be served both with ordinary butter and sugar, and with various additives: from cream and sour cream to simple berry syrup.