Where to drink beer in Prague? Prices in the best beer restaurants. Beer prague

19.10.2019 Grill menu

- the capital of the Czech Republic, a country whose national drink is beer. In Prague, you can not only taste beer in a bar or pub, you can simply buy it in a store, and, believe me, you will not go wrong. Well-known brands of Prague beer: Staropramen, Pilsner, Kozel, Krušovice - differ in taste from those that we buy in Russia.

While I was living in Prague, I managed to get to know Prague beer well, and I will gladly share my knowledge.

The best brands of Czech beer

As I said, the beer here is delicious, both on draft and in bottles, but I still think that draft beer has a fresher taste. So here's my list ...

Novopacké pivo

Novopatske beer can be light (Broucek) and dark (Granat). I like Granat the most, I like dark beer with a barely audible aroma of bread. The alcohol content of this beer is 5%. For lovers of stronger drinks, Novopacke offers the Podkrkonossky special, with an alcohol content of 6.3%.

Basically, I tried all beers and I liked all of them, except Valdstejn, it is bitter, frothy and very strong (7%). It will be interesting to try the Hemp BrouCzech hemp beer and the cherry Tresnove pivo. It is sold both in stores and in beer halls.

Price for 0.5 beer is 4 euros.


Wonderful dark beer, velvety, with a soft head. The drink goes especially well with smoked ribs. The only downside to beer is that you can't buy it at the store. You can try it in Potrefena Husa, in the pub "U Kozla" and in Spirit Bar in area 3. The strength of the beer is 5.2%.

Average price for 0.5 - 3 euros.


This brand represents different varieties: light beer (PIVOJ), alcohol content - 4.2%, beer with a reduced amount of sugar (LINIE) - 4.0%, (TELČSKÝ ZACHARIÁŠ) strong beer. is not the only city in the Czech Republic where you can enjoy the taste of Czech beer "Jezek". You can also try it in the following beer towns: Zlý Časy, U Sedmnactky, Merenda, Jama.

Price for 0.5 beer - from 2 euros.


As far as I have observed, this beer is taken most often. You can try it at Ferdinand's beer house and other beer houses in the city. There are different beers, but I especially remember the taste of Sedm Kulí, it is a strong beer (13%), semi-dark with a hint of herbs. The taste is truly indescribable and amazing.

For lovers of traditional light or dark, I advise you to try Výčepní světlé (light draft beer) and Tmavý ležák (dark). From sweet - Ferdináda (pomerančová, malinová), this is an orange and raspberry beer. For non-drinkers - Nealkoholické pivo (non-alcoholic).

Beer price for 0.5 - from 3.5 euros.


This beer can be tasted in a restaurant near the brewery itself, not far from Brno at the address: Dalešice 71. I had a chance to taste beer in the restaurant "U Krkouna" at the address: Orebitska 3, but as far as I know, beer is very rare in the city's establishments ... I would give the beer 10 out of 10, it's a pity, you hardly find it.

Beers: Dalešicka (light, 11%), Májový ležák světlý ležák (light, 12.9%) and Fledermaus dalešický tmavý speciál - (dark special 13%). There is another type of beer, but it is produced only in May, its name is “Kouřící králík polotmavý ležák vyráběný pouze příležitostně (semi-dark beer).

Pivní Galerie (Beer Gallery)

There is another cool place in Prague - the Pivní Galerie (Beer Gallery). They sell very different types of beer from all over the Czech Republic in bottles. The average price for 0.5 beer is 0.5-2 euros.

As you can see, beer in Prague is strong. At the same time, the taste of alcohol is absolutely not felt, no matter how many different varieties I try.

A selection of beer halls in Prague, where they brew their own beer, which you cannot taste anywhere else in the world. Naturally, in all pubs, in addition to beer, you can taste national Czech dishes.

Let's start with some statistics. There are more than 4000 restaurants in Prague, Czech cuisine is presented in half of the restaurants. But their beer is brewed only in 24 establishments, because this process is rather complicated and requires both time and money. To keep the beer from spoiling, the restaurant must have a large flow of visitors. Some of the pubs with their own brewery are located in the center in tourist places, but most are hidden in the usual districts of Prague where the locals live. If you are not lovers of beer, beer and Czech dishes, then there is no point in visiting such establishments: you will not find dietary dishes here and will be bored.

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1. U Fleků

  • Restaurant address: Křemencova, Prague 1, city center, near the Národní trida station.
  • Website: http://ufleku.cz/
  • There is a Russian menu

Popular with both tourists and locals, the oldest restaurant in Prague. The restaurant seats 1200 people and looks like entertainment for tourists, they play the button accordion, sing songs and try to cheat and cheat tourists. The food here is not bad, but the pub offers only 1 type of beer lager Flekovský ležák 13 ° at 59 CZK per 0.4 liters.

2. Břevnovský klášterní pivovar sv. Vojtěcha

  • Restaurant address: Markétská 28/1, Prague-Praha 6
  • Website: http://brevnovskypivovar.cz/
  • There is a Russian menu

The restaurant is located slightly away from the tourist paths in the monastery. The restaurant itself is called Klášterní šenk and it is a great place to have some beer. Simple Czech interior, wooden long tables and wooden chairs. The restaurant offers 6 sorts of local beer, the food is expensive, but tasty, and everyone here will find beer to their liking.

3. Minipivovar Beznoska

  • Restaurant address: Klíčovská 11, Prague
  • Website: http://www.skolicka.cz/

Small brewery, restaurant in the area near the Prosek metro station. But the most interesting thing is that the restaurant is located in a kindergarten building! Only a few types of beer are brewed here, one of which is wheat. Locals say that this is the most sincere and good place in the area.

4. U Bansethů

  • Restaurant address: Táborská 389/49, Nusle, Prague-Prague 4
  • Website: http://www.ubansethu.cz/cz/

The Banzet brewery has been known to Prague people for over 100 years. Schweik mentioned this pub when talking about his adventures in the Nusli area. If you want to taste the local beer, then do not be mistaken by the door and enter the brewery, and not the restaurant where only Plze beer is poured. In the pub you will find 2 beers that have won prestigious awards several times. In general, the restaurant and the menu are decorated in the style of the late 19th century. As for the dishes, they are large and exclusively Czech.

5. Klášterní pivovar Strahov

  • Restaurant address: Strahovské nádvoří 301/10, Prague
  • There is a Russian menu

The brewery is located in the Strahov Monastery near Prague Castle. Local beer was brewed here in the 13-14 century, and you have a unique opportunity to taste it. The monastery restaurant will offer you 3 types of beer: amber, dark and ale. The brewery has a small terrace with 100 seats. Since this is a tourist place, food prices here are not low, for example, a knee here costs 320 CZK, although in restaurants in the area you can taste it for 170-200 CZK, and for a beer of 0.4 you will pay 60 CZK.

6. Libocký pivovar

  • Restaurant address: Evropská 134/209, Dejvice, Prague-Prague 6
  • Website: http://www.libockypivovar.cz/

Restaurant located on Evropská street on the way to Prague airport. The brewery is young, but famous for its colorful beers with a wide variety of flavors. This is a small restaurant with a friendly team, where regular customers are very fond.

7. Jihoměstský pivovar

  • Restaurant address: Podjavorinské 1602/11, Prague
  • Website: http://www.jihomestskypivovar.cz/

This pub is not so easy to get to, it is located on the outskirts of Prague near the Háje metro station. What can you try in a restaurant? You will be offered 4 types of beer, Czech cuisine: pork ribs, drowned snacks, sausages. The menu here, of course, is only in Czech, but on the other hand, you can feel the atmosphere of real Czech taverns.

8. Novoměstský pivovar

  • Restaurant address: Vodičkova 682/20, New Town, Prague-Prague 1
  • Website: http://www.npivovar.cz/cz/
  • There is a Russian menu

Novomestskiy pivovar is a very popular pub among all tourists. Here they brew their own specialty beer from atec hop, which is served unfiltered. The restaurant is large and can seat over 400 people at a time. The dishes in the restaurant are, of course, Czech, the prices for them are not low, but what do you want if the restaurant is 400 meters away from and. I can recommend this restaurant to those who want to drink branded beer and eat soup. Czech cuisine is often cold and tasteless here.

9. Pivovar Hostivar

  • Restaurant address: Lochotínská 656, Prague-Prague 15
  • Website: http://www.pivovar-hostivar.cz/

The pub is located quite far from the center. Please note that this is not a simple pub, but a modern, spacious, bright restaurant with a large summer terrace. Here you will be offered 4 varieties of local beer and Czech cuisine, the prices will pleasantly surprise you. Second courses cost from 125 CZK, and half a liter of beer 29 CZK. The restaurant has delicious food, which is why locals love this restaurant and it is always full.

10. U Medvídků

  • Restaurant address: Na Perštýně 345/7, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague-Praha 1
  • Website: http://www.umedvidku.cz/
  • There is a Russian menu

U Medvídků restaurant and pub are two different things. To go to the pub, you need to climb the stairs to the second floor. The restaurant here is disgusting, they often try to cheat and only serve Budweiser beer. To be honest, I didn't like any local beer here, although up to 10 local varieties are poured here. Well, guests of the city usually like this pub, and the beer seems unusual.

11. Pivovarský dům

  • Restaurant address: Prague, Ječná 14
  • Website: http://www.pivovarskydum.com/
  • There is a Russian menu

Pivovarsky Dom is a very popular large restaurant in the center of Prague, 10 minutes walk from Wenceslas Square. Here you can taste exclusive beers such as banana, coffee, cherry, nettle and others. I liked the local dark and light beer better. The prices are a little overpriced here, but if you get to a business lunch, you can dine for 100 CZK and taste delicious fresh Czech beer.

12. Pivovar Victor

  • Restaurant address: Husitská 72, Prague
  • Website: http://www.pivovarvictor.cz/
  • There is a Russian menu

If you settled in Prague 3, for example, in the hotel Olšanka (Olshanka), then you are in luck: not far from Husitská there is a brewery and a hotel in one person. Here you will be offered their exclusive beer: light unfiltered, semi-dark unfiltered and strong porter like Guinness beer. The prices for beer are slightly higher than the average in the city, but the dishes are not cheap, but what did you want from the center of Prague? By the way, you can stay at the Victor Hotel itself, it costs only 70 Euros per day.

13. U Tří růží

  • Restaurant address: Prague, Husova 10/231
  • Website: http://www.u3r.cz/
  • There is a Russian menu

Not far from the Old Town Square, there is a cozy traditional Czech restaurant with its own brewery called At Three Roses. Friendly waiters, fast service, Russian menu, delicious food, branded beer, free Wi-fi make this place a very popular tourist destination. Please note that the capacity of beer glasses here is 0.4 and 0.25 liters. In the pub, in addition to local beer, you can taste rare beers from small Czech breweries.

14. Rukodělný Pivovárek

  • Restaurant address: K Řeporyjím 4, Třebonice

In fact, the brewery is located outside the city, little is known about it, and we also did not visit it. So we cannot tell about it. If you visit there, write a comment.

15. Pivovar u Bulovky

  • Restaurant address: Bulovka 373/17, Prague-Prague 8
  • Website: http://www.pivovarubulovky.cz/

Residents of Prague know the large hospital Na Bulovce, which is located near the Palmovka stop. The u Bulovky brewery is actually located on the hospital grounds. In the small restaurant you will be offered not the most delicious Czech cuisine and local classic top and bottom fermented Richter beer. In the pub you can taste only 7 types of beer, all of them unfiltered, brewed according to all the laws of brewing.

16. Pivovar Marina

  • Restaurant address: Jankovcova 1059, Maniny, Prague-Prague 7

Great brewery in Holešovice. The beer is brewed according to tradition, and you can taste 4 exclusive great beers: Přístavní světlé výčepní light beer 10%, Holešovický světlý ležák light lager 12%, Marina tmavý speciál dark beer 13% and Pšeničné sivo light wheat beer 11%. The restaurant is beautiful, especially when compared to regular pubs. Here you will be offered dishes of both Czech and international cuisines, I advise you to try here Czech goulash, duck or Czech ribs.

17. Pražský Most U Valšů

  • Restaurant address: Prague, Betlémská 5
  • Website: http://www.prazskymost.cz/
  • There is a Russian menu

A Gothic-style restaurant with original massive Czech oak furniture located in the center of Prague. The restaurant brews its own beer Pražský most and sliced \u200b\u200bbeer was served here perfectly. The dishes in this restaurant are, of course, Czech, but very tasty and low-fat. Russian tourists will love the menu in Russian. A small veranda is open in summer.

18. Pivovar Kolčavka

  • Restaurant address: Nad Kolčavkou 8/907, Prague

The brewery is located in the Liben district near the O2 arena, where hockey matches and concerts take place. So if you are staying at the Hotel Arlington, Hotel Carol, Clarion Congress Hotel Prague or other hotels near the Vysočanská, Českomoravská or Palmovka metro stations, then stop by this restaurant. This brewery was founded in the 19th century, but was later closed. But after the renovation last year, the pub reopened, and here you can again taste delicious classic Czech beer. At the restaurant you can taste 8 types of Kolčavka beer - dark, semi-dark, light, wheat and other types of beer. The prices for the dishes here are not high, and if you came with a company, you can take a meat plate weighing 2.5 kg for only 590 CZK (20 Euro).

19. Pivovar Lužiny

  • Restaurant address: Archeologická 2256/1, Prague
  • Website: http://www.pivovar-luziny.cz/

The restaurant is located in a residential area of \u200b\u200bPrague near the Lužiny metro station. You will find 4 types of beer in the restaurant menu: light, amber, dark and ale. The food here is typical Czech, many meat dishes, soups and snacks. It is surprising, of course, that in the Czech Republic, in a sleeping area, you can find an excellent brewery with delicious beer and delicious dishes.

20. Pivovar Šedivák

  • Restaurant address: Katovická 6, Bohnice, Prague-Praha 8
  • Website: http://pivovarsedivak.cz/

In this pub in a residential area among panels, the cost of local Šedivák beer is striking - 18 and 21 CZK for 0.5 liters! There is very little food here, there are only snacks and Czech sausages.

21. Vinohradský pivovar

  • Restaurant address: Korunní 2506/106, Vinohrady, Prague-Prague 10

In the Vinohrady district, near the Jiřího z Poděbrad metro station, there is an excellent Vinohrady brewery brewery. In the pub you can taste 5 types of beer: amber, German type, ale and 2 types of classic Czech beer. The choice of food here is small, there are more Czech snacks for beer.

22. Malešický mikropivovar

  • Restaurant address: Malešická 126/50, Prague

A pub where locals love to have fun evenings and holidays. The brewery invites you to taste 6 varieties of Malešice beer, in addition, a few more varieties of beer from small Czech breweries are poured here. So you have a chance to taste rare beers. The dishes here are typical Czech, usually fatty and pork.

23. Pivovarský Dvůr Chýně

  • Restaurant address: Hlavní 525, Chýně
  • Website: http://www.pivovarskydvur.cz/

The restaurant is located outside the city near the airport. This is a typical unremarkable Czech restaurant with a large summer terrace.

24. U dvou koček

  • Restaurant address: Uhelný trh 10, Prague
  • Website: http://www.udvoukocek.cz/
  • There is a Russian menu

The restaurant "At Two Cats" is located in the center of Prague and has 180 seats. The brewery has been operating since the 17th century and has been a popular destination with both tourists and locals. Visitors are offered 4 types of beer: top-fermented wheat beer of the Bavarian type, bottom-fermentation of the Pilsner type, top-fermentation of the Bavarian type and dark beer of the Bavarian type. The cuisine, of course, is Czech and not the worst. The restaurant was closed a couple of weeks ago due to a sanitation violation, but I hope it will reopen.

The pubs listed in the article are located both in the center of Prague and on the outskirts. Restaurants on the outskirts are easy to get to. If you know Prague pubs with your brewery, write the name and address in the comments.

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If you love good tasty beer, then you simply must visit Prague, which is rightfully considered the world capital of beer. This drink is drunk here always and everywhere, in large quantities - and this is natural, because beer in local bars is the most delicious in the whole world. As beer fans noticed, Czech producers have learned how to cook it in such a way that even if you drink it decently in the evening, the next morning your head doesn't hurt at all.

What kind of beer restaurants and bars should you visit when traveling to Prague?

So where is the best beer in the Czech Republic served?

  • "U Fleku" Is a restaurant located at Praha 2 - Nové Město, Křemencova 11. This wonderful place is a must-see, because it is not just a beer hall, but a real brewery, opened in the distant fifteenth century and working regularly to this day. If you prefer dark beer, then you will surely enjoy thick beer with an unusual caramel flavor. Each room in the restaurant received an original name: "Suitcase", "Liver sausage", etc. Here you can also have a delicious meal, tasting dishes from Czech cuisine (the portions, by the way, are very large). A special atmosphere is created by the orchestra playing in the garden, as well as the "antique" interior. “At Flek's” you can not only eat and enjoy the taste of beer for a low price, but also go a couple of centuries ago.

  • "At St. Thomas" (U Sv. Tomáše) located at: Praha 1, Malá Strana, Letenská 12. This place also has a long history, it has been operating since 1352. The monks began production, and they conducted tastings in a dark basement. The pub has been considered the center of "progressive ideas" for many centuries. Indeed, this place attracts visitors like a magnet, making them come back here again and again. We recommend ordering a beer with a delicate taste called "Brannik" and completely immerse yourself in such a charming and mysterious atmosphere of this cellar.

  • "At the Chalice" (U Kalicha) - another restaurant located in Praha 2, Na bojišti 14. You can visit this restaurant without even coming to Prague. You just have to read the world-famous book by J. Hasek about the adventures of the soldier Schweik. All the same music, a table made of strong oak, furniture from ancient times, and the wonderful Idle beer, over a mug of which one is so tempted to chat about life. It should be noted that the prices in this pub are quite high, going here, it is better to take money with a margin. That is why the locals rarely visit this establishment.

  • "At the Black Ox" (U Černého Vola) - a restaurant with very reasonable prices, located in Praha 1, Loretánské náměstí 107/1. Tourists rarely come here, so if you want to feel the spirit of old Prague, then you just need to visit here. We emphasize once again that the prices here are very affordable, and the atmosphere is very cozy and calm. Being in this restaurant, it seems that time has suspended its course.

  • Brewery House (Pivovarský dům) Is another wonderful place in Prague where you can taste excellent beer. Located at: Praha 2, Nové Město, Ječná 16. The pricing policy is higher here than in U Černého Vola, but the Brewery is also a brewery, so the selection of beer here is very, very impressive. We recommend to taste at least a glass of each of them (it is better, of course, not at one time): unfiltered dark, banana, coffee, cherry, live wheat, champagne beer and May goat (brewed only in May).

  • In bears (U Medvídků) we recommend visiting those who like noisy places with a large number of visitors. The pub was built back in 1466, and in the last century it was transformed into a real cabaret, which became the first in all of Prague. At that time, U Medvídků had the largest beer halls in the entire city. It is interesting that over the course of several centuries a huge number of tourists from all over the world managed to visit here. This place is loved not only by visitors, but also by the Czechs themselves, who gladly come here to take a break from their daily worries and communicate. If you want to taste delicious Czech cuisine, as well as taste real Budweiser - then you are in Praha 1, Na Perštyne 7

  • Strahov Monastery brewery (Klašterní pivovar) is located opposite the Strahov Monastery itself, namely in Praha 1, Strahovske nadvori 301. As the story goes, for several generations of monks, starting from the 17th century, they have been brewing almost the most delicious beer in the city called St. Norbert. Visitors can choose between amber and dark varieties. Nothing bad can be said about the brewery. Firstly, very pleasant prices (699kc for two types of snacks, four glasses of beer), secondly, they cook very tasty, and thirdly, the waiters here are the best in the whole city, they will politely accept the order and you will not have to wait long its execution. Everything that is prepared by the chefs of Klašterní pivovar literally melts in your mouth, and all types of beer are simply excellent. Especially for Russian-speaking clients there is a menu in Russian. We recommend trying the marinated cheese, you will definitely like it.

  • Bernard (Bernard Pub) located not in Prague, but in the city of Humpolec, Jeseniova 93. This restaurant is worth visiting, especially since it is located only 100 km from Prague itself. The highlight of the restaurant was the observance of all traditional recipes for brewing beer, which exclude the addition of any concentrates and chemicals. The motto of the pub is “We are against Europiv!”. The brewery's restaurant was opened relatively recently, but has already managed to win the love of both local residents and visiting beer lovers. You will find the widest choice of meat dishes, as well as beer cuisine. Opening the menu, you will be surprised by the "popular prices": beer costs in the range from 29 to 39 kroons.

  • Potrefená Hůsa Is not just one brasserie, but a real chain of restaurants that you can find at several addresses, including Potrefena Husa Resslova, 1esslova 1775/1, Praha 2-Nové Město. Potrefena Husa are the best beer bars in Prague, they represent a chain of branded restaurants from the brewery with the name "Staropramen" familiar to Russian tourists. By the way, you can find Staropramena branded restaurants not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Slovakia. And in Prague alone, there are about a dozen such pubs! The ideal combination of reasonable prices and the highest quality (and this applies not only to the quality of food and drinks, but also to service) - what else is needed for a Russian tourist? If you are planning to visit one of the restaurants of this chain, then you can rest assured that you will definitely like it there and whatever you order will be very tasty. The waiters and all the service staff here are very polite and intelligent, and they will not be able to cheat you here, because even such a concept does not exist here. Probably for this reason, Staropramen restaurants are the best beer halls in Prague, they have become so popular among the local population.

  • "At the Golden Tiger" (U zlateho tygra) - a pub, which is the last on our list, but this does not mean that it does not deserve attention. Many tourists who have visited several beer restaurants in Prague believe that U zlateho tygra is the best place where men can drink beer. Here you will not find any tourist groups, children and women are also quite rare here. Everyone, both locals and visiting tourists, simply dissolves into a single crowd and noise. It is interesting that although the room is not very large, there is almost always a place for visitors. There is simply no such thing as an empty table for four guests with one visitor. If you are alone, then a few more visitors will surely be hooked up to you, so it will definitely not be boring here. If you like noisy get-togethers and men's companies - go to Husova 17, Praha 1.

We hope you will be able to visit some of the best beer restaurants in Prague listed above. As you can see, the Czech Republic is a country of a huge number of establishments, where you can taste excellent and famous Czech beer ... Moreover, each of the establishments is unusual, has its own history, its own customs, individual peculiarity, charm, and, of course, is famous for its own unique type of beer.

Even ardent fans of German and Austrian beer admit that the Czech Republic has the best and most aged beer in the world. And they add that in this country there are so many varieties of foamy drink that it is impossible to count them.

Czechs preferences

In fact, this is not so - in reality there are about 20 well-known brands of beer in the Czech Republic. The rest can be called beer varieties, which differ in density, color and amount of alcohol. Today, Czech beer with a gravity of 12-14% is at the peak of popularity, although the Czechs themselves have recently been increasingly appreciating 10% varieties. In terms of alcohol content in the Czech Republic, the most demanded beer is with an indicator of 4.5-4.7%.

The locals prefer to drink Pilsen lagers with a tart flavor and a gravity of up to 14%, vaguely reminiscent of top-fermented Irish ales. Lighter beer versions are not recognized in the Czech Republic and contemptuously called "low-grade" drinks "beer for children" - you will not find them on the menu of respected bars.

Czechs divide beer into dark (černé, tmavé), light (světlé) and “cut” (řezané), which is a mixture of light and dark varieties. It also differs in strength (volume fraction of malt wort): yes "ten"(matured for up to a month - 4.5% wort) and "twelve" (matured for up to 90 days - up to 12% wort). The Czechs, by the way, are the inventors of the strongest beer in the world, X-Beer 33 (33% wort).

Choose a beer that suits your taste

The question of which beer is the tastiest in the Czech Republic is pointless: there are many varieties, and they are all delicious, unique and different. The Czechs themselves say that it is impossible to taste all types of beer in Prague, even if you live in it for 10 years! Therefore, you need to drink only the most famous and famous - this way you will form an overall impression of the possibilities of Czech brewers.

The best varieties have been produced in Ceske Budejovice for many years - Budvar and Samson sold in 60 countries for over two hundred years. One of the oldest beer brands - Krušovice, which has been produced since 1583. Prague is famous for its Staropramen and Velvet, in Pilsen, the famous Prazdroj (Radegast), Pilsner Urquell and Gambrinus, Brno supplies Starobrno and Lezak, produced in Benešov Ferdinand, in Velkopopovitsy - Kozel.

Connoisseurs recommend paying attention to several types of beer that are brewed only in the Czech Republic in limited quantities and, naturally, do not get outside the country. Definitely try Budweiser 12 (Bad), fruity ("feminine") Velvet, semi-dark Staropramen Granat, classic e Pilsner Urquell, dark Master and strong X-Beer 33.

Surprisingly, Czech beer is completely odorless! This, of course, is about draft beer. By the way, Czech brewers do not take bottled beer seriously, giving unconditional preference to draft beer. The ideal place to "socialize" with this drink is beer restaurants and brewery pubs, where live draft beer is served.

Where is the best place to drink beer in Prague?

The number of pubs in Prague cannot be counted: there is a pub in almost every house - on the ground floor or in the basement. We advise you to stroll along Křemencova Street and drop into the iconic 15th century beer pub U Fleku (New Town, near the National Theater). This is the oldest brewery in the Czech Republic and only dark beer is served there.

On Perštýně be sure to check out U Medvídku (second floor). There you will be offered the best varieties Budvar, Gambrinus and X-Beer 33. And in Krušovická pivnice on Národní třída there is a chance to taste the most delicious ribs in Prague in honey under a mug of a good Krusovice "lounger". A good sunbed is also brewed and served in Novoměstský pivovar (Vodičkova st.).

Also note the metropolitan pub Pivovarský dum (Lípová st.), Pivovarský klub (Křižíkova st.) And Pivní galerie (U pruhonu st.). They offer a huge selection of popular and rare varieties of light and dark beer, including regional. In addition, there you can choose a bottled beer as a gift. By the way, not far from the Old Square, there is a beer museum that looks more like a large tasting room. There you will definitely find any kind of beer that has been brewed in the Czech Republic at least once, so you will be leaving there for a long time ...

Poor students prefer the pub U Havrana (st.Hálkova)where many beers and very cheap snacks. Among inexpensive establishments in Prague, you can also visit Hrom do Police (Moravská str.), U Rudolfina (Křižovnická str.) And Branicky Sklipek (Vodičkova st.).

If you are interested in pubs with original beers - look at the pubs U Věstonického Venouše (Matoušova St.), U Pižďucha (Blahníkova St.), Ferdinanda (Opletalova St.), Zlý Časy (Čestmírova St.) and U Mikuláše Dačického (Viktora Huga St.). Among the expensive establishments, we note Klášterní Pivovar Strahov (Strahovské nádvoří st.), U zlatého tygra (Husova st.), Bredovský dvur (Politických vězňu st.), Malostranská pivnice (Cihelná st.), U Seminaristy (Spálená st.) And Hitsánda ...

Finally, if you love not only drinking beer, but also a delicious snack, then you need to look for places that serve beer soups, grilled ribs and steaks, beef knee, beer cheese, and even beer ice cream! We go to Zlatá kovadlina (Komunardu st.), Pivovar u Bulovky-P.u.B. (Bulovka st.), Plzeňský restaurant Anděl (Nádražní st.) and U hrocha (Thunovská st.).

Beer in pubs is drunk in two steps: first a mug in one gulp to quench your thirst, then the rest, without rushing. The waiters are extremely helpful, regardless of the status of the establishment. Your beer mug will not be empty for more than a minute! If desired, you can even mix a beer cocktail from different types of beer.

Each beer bar is distinguished by its signature dishes - tall glasses with a narrowed neck. Beer is poured into glasses from a height of 2-3 cm, must be topped up after the foam has settled and served chilled to 10 ° C.

Food in most pubs will cost you 50-100 kroons, a glass of beer starts at 15 kroons. By the way, Czechs try to visit inexpensive establishments. At the same time, no one will allow himself to drink bottled beer, since this is not a sign of poverty, but of bad taste. The beer in pubs is exclusively draft beer.

But if you still want to buy bottled beer, take Klášter or Kozel Černý. Don't even look for white - the Czechs don't understand its "charm", so they don't cook it.

We continue our story about Prague. Today Vitya will advise where to drink beer and have a tasty meal, and will also tell you what is unusual to see in Prague without dragging along numerous museums and architectural monuments.

I am sure that the majority of readers associate Prague with beer. Therefore, I will begin my story with him. I will not sing laudatory odes to this drink, I just agree that beer flows like a river here. However, this probably applies to the whole Czech Republic. In all three corners of this wonderful country, where I have been, not a single dinner, not a single conversation was made without a foamy drink.


Naturally, in the capital of the Czech Republic there are countless places where you can go, so I will only tell you about some of the places I have been to and which I liked.
I note right away that beer is very cheap here, even within the city center. But this applies only to promoted manufacturers. I, however, consider the use for the main purpose of some kind of goldstone or a similar product in Prague as blasphemy. Therefore, we will focus primarily on breweries.
The brewery "Three Roses" is located almost in the very center of the city (Husova 10/232)... Here you can taste 6 types of beer. Photos of assortment and prices in May 2015, but you can check on the official website: http://www.u3r.cz/ru/.

Despite the proximity to the center and good May weather, the place turned out to be deserted, so my colleague and I decided to stop by. And for good reason. We enjoyed the peace, tranquility and delicious fresh beer.

Even Pica could not resist and got out of the backpack.

By the way, the opening of the second brewery was announced in the spring of 2016.
Another brewery I visited, Novomestskiy brewery (Vodičkova 20).

Here you will taste a real Czech lounger and see how the fermentation process takes place from the hall or by taking a guided tour. All the information you need can be found on the official website of the brewery: http://www.npivovar.cz

Three types of beer are offered. In addition to the widespread light-colored lounger, you can also try its darker variety. There is also carbonated beer, but I haven't tried it. In general, even if you do not have a company, you still come in. There is always someone to drink with.

The third brewery I visited is called U Fleku (Křemencova 11)... Official website: http://ru.ufleku.cz/.

Of all three, it is the most expensive; only one variety is brewed, a dark lounger. It should be noted that the beer is good and the taste is quite interesting. In addition, it has its own unique atmosphere: common tables, a peasant with an accordion, tincture as a bonus.

You can go out into the garden to breathe.

Where to drink beer.

For those who want more movement, merge with the crowd or drink beer, I advise you to look into the Museum (Dlouhá 46).

There is a huge selection of beer from small Czech producers, each variety is listed in the menu according to composition, color and taste. There were a lot of people both times.

The second pub has recently opened (Náměstí Míru, Americká 341/43, Prague 2)... For more information, please visit http://www.praguebeermuseum.com/.
If you want a little quieter, then it is better to look into the Mlýnská kavárna tavern (Všehrdova 449/14), located near the Chertovka canal. You can grab a beer and get out on the benches in the park.

Where to eat.

To my great regret, I did not find a place where delicious beer and tasty, inexpensive food would complement each other. Maybe this is right and you need to separate the flies from the cutlets and enjoy one thing.

On the advice of my colleague, who has been to Prague many times, we often ate at Restoracy u Knihovny (Velislavinova, 10)... Highly recommend. From the pros: close to the center, but I have never seen tourists in 5-6 visits, cheap and tasty food. The beer, however, is ordinary.

And, of course, I'm sure no one will pass by street food. Most of the pavilions are located on Wenceslas Square, which looks more like a street, as well as the central square

Unusual sights.

Once you are full and drunk, Prague will feel completely different. Riders will ride an inverted horse:

Suddenly they will start dancing at home:

Little men are crawling around the TV tower:

Then you will find yourself on a similar person:

And the Hare Krishnas will become your friends:

Eventually, you will want to be a part of the fountain composition and join the pissing men.

This fountain is worth mentioning separately. In addition to the fact that men write on the map of the Czech Republic, their main elements, namely pipisks, change direction, thereby drawing out the sayings of famous Prague residents with fountains. You can try on the role of a writer by sending an SMS to the number indicated next to the fountain (+420 724 370 770). After a while, men will try to reproduce your saying.
Among all this disgrace, visit some more memorable and interesting places. From the street Pařížská the Metronome is clearly visible, which is placed instead of the monument to Stalin and symbolizes the time that changes everything.

The narrowest street in Prague has no name. A traffic light has been installed for the passage of pedestrians. Take a walk on U Lužického semináře and you will definitely find it.

The building on Wenceslas Square, from the balcony of which, during the Velvet Revolution, the playwright, dissident and former political prisoner Vaclav Havel performed:

On the same square near the museum, you will find a memorial plaque in honor of the students who burned themselves in protest against the introduction of Soviet troops.

For Belarusians, the building of the National Library ( Mariánské nám. five), on the wall of which there is a memorial plaque to Skaryne:

If after all this you still do not want to sleep and want nightlife, then take a walk along Wenceslas Square or the main square. Offers exceed demand, so you will be presented with various entertainment programs, moreover in different languages, including Russian. On the advice of experienced people, I just brushed aside the intrusive barkers. This is not for you. Although this is a completely different story.