Pomelo compote recipe. Useful properties of pomelo

03.05.2020 Fish dishes


Pomelo is a citrus fruit of the evergreen tree of the same name. The peel of the fruit is quite thick, and the slices are large, separated by hard white partitions, with a bitter taste. Ripe broomsticks can range in color from light green to yellow-pink. Usually only one side acquires a pink color, which was turned towards the sun during ripening. The fruit holds the record for citrus fruits. Its diameter can be 30 cm, and its weight can reach 10 kg. The taste of the pomelo is very close to grapefruit, but the pulp is not so juicy and when peeled, the inner membranes are easier to separate from the edible part.

The first mention of the use of pomelo dates back to 100 BC. The records have been preserved in Chinese manuscripts. The homeland of the pomelo is considered Malaysia, the southeastern part of Asia, the islands of Fiji and Tongo. The pomelo is considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity, which is why it is customary in China to give this fruit on the eve of the Chinese New Year. For offering to the gods and performing rituals, the fruit is used in Thailand. The pomelo was brought to European countries by a British navigator in the 14th century. Today, on a scale of export, pomelos are cultivated in China, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Israel and Tahiti.

Calorie content of pomelo

Despite the fact that pomelo contains, it would seem, a lot of carbohydrates, almost 90% of its edible part is water. Consequently, this product is dietary, low-calorie - 100 g of pulp contains only about 30 kcal (this figure may vary slightly depending on the variety of the fruit and the degree of its ripeness).

Due to the low energy value, as well as the many beneficial properties of this fruit, it is recommended by nutritionists for use by persons prone to obesity and even on the strictest diet. The recommended amount of fruit is 2-3 slices before meals, as well as instead of fast food during the daytime snacks.

The nutritional value

  • Calories, kcal: 32
  • Proteins, g: 0.6
  • Fat, g: 0.2
  • Carbohydrates, g: 6.7

Selection, use and storage of pomelo

Pomelo ripening occurs in February, so it is best to buy the fruit during this period. However, when choosing, you must be guided by simple rules:

  • the pomelo skin should be shiny, smooth and free from obvious damage;
  • a pleasant citrus aroma should emanate from the fruit;
  • the color of the pomelo should be fairly uniform. If most of the fruit is yellow, and one of the sides has a green spot, then the fruit is most likely not ripe.

At room temperature and in the absence of damage, the pomelo can persist for a month. The peeled fruit quickly begins to deteriorate, so it is better to store it in the refrigerator under cling film and should be consumed within 2 days.

Pomelo, in spite of its size, is quite simple and easy to clean. To remove the peel, just make a small incision and then peel it with your hands like an orange. The peeled fruit should be divided in half and the inner part of each slice should be incised. The pulp between the membranes lies quite freely, therefore, when they are removed, it is easily separated. You should also remove the bones from the slices. Usually there are 5-6 of them. in each of the lobules.

Composition and presence of nutrients

The pomelo contains a wide range of vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, B5), minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium), fiber, essential oils and organic acids. Nutritionists consider this product to be useful and recommend using it when following a diet. This is due to the ability of the pomelo to speed up metabolic processes, which in turn leads to the burning of body fat and weight loss.

Useful and healing properties

In cosmetology

In addition to the beneficial effect on the internal state of the body, masks using pomelo have a positive effect on the skin of the face. They have a moisturizing and nourishing effect. To prepare the mask, it is necessary to thoroughly crush the pomelo pulp (100 g), add honey (1 tsp) and lemon juice (1 tbsp) to it. To prevent the mask from spreading on the face, you can add 0.5-1 tsp. oat flour. It should be applied evenly on the face for 10-15 minutes, bypassing the area around the eyes and the triangle around the mouth. Then wash off the mask with warm water, and lubricate the skin with cream. The best time to apply the mask is the evening before bedtime. This will allow the skin to be sufficiently nourished, rest and repair itself.

In cooking

Traditionally, pomelo is eaten raw or used in the preparation of national Asian dishes. The pulp of the fruit is used for making salads, marmalade, filling for pies, and also as a spicy addition to meat and fish dishes. At home, you can make jam, candied fruit or an aromatic additive to tea from the peel.

Slimming pomelo

This wonderful fruit - pomelo - has been widely used not only among those who like to be treated with folk remedies, but also among those who want to lose weight. And it is well deserved.

It enriches the body of people "sitting" on a diet, vitamins and minerals, making them easier to tolerate food restrictions.
In addition, sheddock contains fiber, which, lingering in the stomach a little longer than other foods, creates and maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time. And passing through the intestines, it binds unnecessary fats to the body and removes them.

In addition, as mentioned above, this fruit normalizes digestion, accelerating the breakdown of proteins and fats, which also benefits those who lose weight.

For the purpose of losing weight, you can eat a small amount of pomelo every day for a long time without creating significant dietary restrictions. For individuals who need to experience results in a short time, the 3-Day Pomelo Diet can be tried. This is a vegetarian diet, of which there are several options, the most common is the following.

Morning. A cup of unsweetened coffee or tea, half a pomelo. If the feeling of hunger persists, you can afford a slice of low-fat cheese.

Dinner. Stewed vegetables, half a pomelo, ginger tea (if you don't like ginger, you can use any herbal tea with the addition of 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon).

Afternoon snack. Several variants. Or a fruit salad of orange, banana, kiwi, apple and pomelo halves, seasoned with low-fat yogurt, or a boiled egg with the same half sheddock.

Dinner. Boiled cauliflower or broccoli, half any fruit + half a pomelo, green tea with honey.

During these 3 days, you cannot limit yourself to plain water - the amount of liquid you drink should reach 2 liters per day.

Pomelo recipes

Pomelo is a fairly new product on our market, and many housewives do not yet know in which dishes it can be used. It is often added to all kinds of salads, a couple of which are presented below.

Bliss salad with pomelo

To prepare the salad you will need:

  • medium-sized pomelo fruit,
  • frozen peeled shrimp - 150 g,
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • cream cheese - 50 g,
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • fresh dill,
  • salt to taste.


  • defrost the shrimp and scald them with boiling water;
  • cut the pomelo in half and remove the pulp from it, peel it of seeds and films;
  • boil eggs, cut them;
  • grind cheese, garlic, salt, dill in a blender;
  • mix all the ingredients,
  • put the salad in the pomelo rind halves.

Salad with pomelo, chicken breast and bell pepper

To prepare the salad you will need:

  • half a medium-sized pomelo,
  • 100 g cherry tomatoes,
  • 1 avocado
  • 250 g chicken breast
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 100 g lettuce leaves,
  • 1 handful of sesame seeds
  • olive oil,
  • soy sauce.


  • cut the chicken into strips, simmer it in soy sauce for 10 minutes, add sesame seeds to the pan, simmer for another 2-3 minutes;
  • tear the salad with your hands, chop the cherry and bell peppers coarsely;
  • peel the avocado and cut it into cubes;
  • clean the pomelo and divide each of its lobules into several parts;
  • season vegetables and fruits with olive oil, mix;
  • put salad in a serving plate, put chicken pieces on top of it.

Pomelo during pregnancy

In the light period of pregnancy, a woman should take care of her health as never before and not forget about the health of her unborn baby. Many medicines are not allowed for future mothers, so it is advisable for them to correct their well-being using natural medicines - gifts of nature, one of which is a pomelo. Its unique composition helps a woman to successfully deal with many troubles that often accompany pregnancy.

Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, the pomelo increases the immunity of the expectant mother and fights against viral diseases.

Calcium and phosphorus, which are also part of the fetus, strengthen the teeth and bones of the pregnant woman, help develop the skeletal system and the brain of the baby.
Special pomelo enzymes activate metabolism, accelerating the breakdown of fats and proteins, therefore, the fetus fights excess weight gain in the pregnant woman.

In addition to the above effects of the fetus, it is worth noting that it is an excellent antidepressant. A couple of pomelo slices a day will strengthen the woman's nervous system, cheer her up and, undoubtedly, will return the joy of life.

Despite all the useful properties of sheddock, in some cases it can harm a woman. We are talking about allergies, because it is known that all citrus fruits are the strongest allergens, and pomelo is no exception.

If you have never consumed this fruit before pregnancy, then you should not experiment. In the case when you really want to try, start with a small piece, gradually increasing the dose over several days. Thus, you will surely track the unwanted reactions of your body to this fruit.

How to clean a pomelo

The peel of this citrus is very thick and quite dense to the touch, so it will be difficult to peel it with your fingers like an orange. To clean the pomelo without much effort, it would be more correct to use a knife. So…

Wash the fruit thoroughly, because if it remains dirty, when cutting, microbes from it will necessarily penetrate inside, onto the pulp.
Cut off the top of the fruit with a sharp knife.

Make an incision to the depth of the pulp in a spiral from top to bottom.

Gently peel off the skin with your fingers.

Divide the fruit into wedges.

Remove white films from each slice with your fingers (they taste very bitter, so you will hardly like eating a pomelo with them).

As an option: starting from point 3, you can do a little differently, namely: peel off the peel with a knife in a spiral, as we peel, for example, an apple.

There is another way to clean the pomelo:

  • wash the fruit;
  • make several (say, 4) cuts on its peel;
  • peel off each part with your fingers;
  • divide each part into the maximum number of slices;
  • clean each slice from the film.

Harm and contraindications

Pomelo should not be consumed by people who are allergic to citrus fruits. This can lead to throat swelling and choking attacks. It is also not recommended to introduce pomelo into the diet during the period of exacerbation of diseases such as stomach and duodenal ulcers, increased acidity of the stomach, accompanied by bouts of heartburn, hepatitis, nephritis.

Today Passion.ru offers you recipes for five salads, which include a wonderful fruit ...

1. Salad with pomelo, veal and
olives ...


Lettuce - 50 g
Pomelo - 0.5 pcs.,
Veal - 150 g
Pitted olives - from 9 pcs.,
Salad onion - 0.5 pcs.,
Ghee - a little
Lemon - 1 pc.,
Provencal herbs - 0.5 tsp,
Salad oil to taste -
2-3 st. spoons,
Granulated mustard - 1 tbsp. the spoon,
Coarse black pepper.


Wash, dry and chop the veal
across the fibers in thin slices.
Veal prepared in this way
salt, pepper and fry immediately
in a hot skillet with ghee
on both sides until done. Salad
Rinse the leaves, dry and put in
bowl. Large sheets if necessary
tear lettuce with your hands. Salad onion
peel, cut in half, then thin

Cut off the skin with a pomelo and separate
lobules of white films. Lemon
squeeze out the juice.

Combine lemon juice for dressing,
Provencal herbs, salad oil and
granulated mustard, beat well.
Add to salad leaves
chopped salad onions, wedges
pomelo, olives. Pour it all over with part
dressing, stir and place on
plate. Put slices on the salad
hot veal, drizzle over the rest

2. Fruit salad with pomelo ...

Pomelo - 1 pc.,
Mango - 1 pc.,
Banana - 2 pcs.,
Lime (lemon) - 1 pc.,
Cinnamon - a little
Honey to taste.


Cut the skin of the pomelo in a circle and
take it off. Separate the slices from the whites
films. Cut them into 2-4 pieces.
Put in a salad bowl. Mango peel and
cut the pulp into cubes, put in
salad bowl. Peel the banana,
cut into circles, put in
salad bowl.

Chop the zest of lime (lemon) into
grater, add to fruit along with
juice, mix and put in
salad bowl. Sprinkle with cinnamon and chill
salad in the refrigerator. Before serving
pour honey.

3. Salad with pomelo and shrimps ...


A mixture of lettuce leaves - 70 g,
Pomelo - 1 pc.,
Large fresh shrimps - 7 pcs.,
Red onion - 0.5-1 pcs.,
Feta cheese - 100-150 g,
Garlic - 1 pc.,
Hot pepper - 0.25 pcs.,
Olive oil - 3 + 1 tbsp. spoons,
Fruit vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons,
Freshly ground black pepper,


Peel the shrimps, leave
tail. Remove the intestinal vein. Garlic
peel and grind. Spicy pepper
cut into thin rings. Red
peel the onion, cut it in half and
cut into thin half rings. Cheese
Cut the feta into cubes. Pomelo to clear
divide into slices and clean them from
white films and bones.

Heat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil
add chopped garlic and finely
chopped hot pepper, warm
1 minute and put the shrimps, you can
salt a little. Fry them with two
sides to red. Ready
Put the shrimps on a napkin.

Rinse lettuce leaves, dry and
put on a dish. On lettuce leaves
lay out half rings of red onions,
shrimp, cubes of feta cheese and wedges
pomelo. For dressing in a bowl, combine
olive oil, fruit vinegar, salt,
pepper and whisk everything well.
Pour the dressing over the salad.

4. Salad with pomelo and chicken breast ...


Chicken breast - 2 pcs.,
Pomelo - 1-2 pcs.,
Lettuce leaves - 100-50 g,
Cashew nuts - 1 handful
Parmesan - 30 g
Olive oil for frying,
Olive oil for salad,


Salt and pepper the chicken breast,
fry on both sides in olive
butter, cover and bring to
readiness. Pomelo to cleanse, separate
slices of white films. Salad
Rinse and dry leaves, put
on the dish.

Cut the finished chicken breast
across into medium-sized pieces and
put on lettuce leaves. Near
put chicken pieces on a wedge
pomelo. Garnish the salad with cashew nuts,
thin slices of Parmesan cheese.
Drizzle with olive oil.

5. Salmon and pomelo salad ...

Pomelo is a citrus fruit also known as sheddock. It is healthy and allows you to prepare low-calorie meals that will not harm your figure. Pomelo salad is an easy to prepare and delicious dish. It is complemented by the same non-nutritive foods.

So that the salad does not suffer from low-quality pomelo, choose the right fruit - take the one that has no dents or dark spots. The fruit itself should be uniform in color. If the pomelo is green, then this is not an indicator that it is unripe. To avoid the bitterness of the fruit, cut off all the pulp from the slices before adding them to the salad.

Pomelo strengthens the heart muscle, improves overall tone and is recommended for diabetes mellitus. Make a healthy salad to look your best and stay healthy.

Pomelo and shrimp salad

Shrimp is paired with citrus. The secret to the amazing taste of the salad lies in the unusual dressing - pay special attention to its preparation.


  • 1 pomelo;
  • 200 gr. shrimp;
  • lettuce or Chinese cabbage;
  • ½ lemon;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil;
  • a pinch of red pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • arugula;
  • pomegranate seeds.


  1. Boil the shrimps, peel and cool.
  2. Peel the pomelo, remove the partitions, cut each slice into 3-4 parts.
  3. Make a dressing by mixing honey, lemon juice, salt, oil and pepper.
  4. Mix shrimp with pomelo, pick lettuce leaves. Pour in the dressing. Stir.
  5. Serve the salad, garnished with arugula and pomegranate seeds.

Pomelo and chicken breast salad

If you want to make the salad more satisfying, add chicken meat. A very important ingredient in this recipe is pine nuts. If it is not possible to add them, then replace them with white sesame seeds.


  • 1 pomelo;
  • 1 chicken breast;
  • celery stalk;
  • half an orange;
  • 1 teaspoon mayonnaise;
  • a handful of pine nuts;
  • 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard


  1. Cut the chicken into small pieces, freeing it from the bones and removing the skin. Fry until golden brown.
  2. Peel the pomelo, cut the wedges into 3-4 pieces.
  3. Cut the celery into slices.
  4. Prepare a dressing: combine orange juice, mayonnaise, mustard. Season the salad.
  5. Sprinkle with pine nuts on top.


  • 100 g blue cheese;
  • 50 gr. grapes (preferably red);
  • 1 pomelo;
  • a handful of walnuts;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Peel the pomelo, remove the pulp, cut into slices.
  2. Cut each grape into 2 parts.
  3. Roast and chop the nuts if necessary.
  4. Cut the cheese into small cubes.
  5. Make a dressing by mixing lemon juice, butter, honey and a little salt.
  6. Mix all ingredients by adding dressing.

This recipe will appeal to lovers of more piquant combinations - onions add a little spiciness. At the same time, the composition of the salad is quite suitable for a dietary diet, it includes only low-calorie foods.


  • 1 pomelo;
  • 1 apple;
  • ½ grapefruit;
  • packaging of crab sticks;
  • celery stalk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Boil eggs, cool and cut lengthwise into 6 pieces.
  2. Cut the crab sticks into small pieces.
  3. Squeeze juice from the pomelo for dressing, cut the fruit into slices.
  4. Cut the apple into small slices and the onion into half rings.
  5. Squeeze grapefruit juice to pomelo juice. Add olive oil and salt to the mixture for a salad dressing.
  6. Mix all ingredients and pour in the dressing. Stir.

Pomelo salad improves bowel function and improves mood. Starting the day with such a breakfast, you will give yourself a boost of vitality and improve the condition of your skin.

Since November, supermarkets have been selling my favorite type of citrus - pomelo. I like not only the palatable pulp of the fruit, I love candied pomelo fruits, more precisely from the peels of this fruit. Making candied fruits at home is not difficult, and the result is a pleasant, aromatic and healthy dessert.

Benefits of pomelo peels

In the article I mentioned, but I will repeat here, that all citrus fruits are useful not only in the pulp, but also in the rind. It contains vitamin R. Flavonoids from the vitamin P group in combination with vitamin C, which is also abundant in the pomelo crust, have a positive effect on blood vessels, reducing their fragility and permeability.

The benefits of pomelo peels are important for women:

  • vitamin P helps to remove excess estrogen from the body
  • limonoids, as scientists have found, have shown themselves as substances that work well to prevent breast cancer, help the female body recover faster after surgery and chemotherapy.

Candied pomelo fruits - a step by step recipe with a photo

The pomelo's crust is thick enough and I always felt sorry to throw it away. The useful properties impressed me and I went to the Internet for use. They suggest drying the pomelo rind and adding it to tea, they say that it turns out a pleasant drink. But so far, my turn has not come to drying, because I made candied fruits from pomelo and I liked them so much that I have been making them for the second season.


  • pomelo crust with 1 fruit
  • ½ lemon zest
  • sugar - 2 cups
  • water - 1 glass

How to make candied peel from pomelo peels:

  1. Although pomelo is sold in supermarkets packed in cellophane, but the product is overseas, comes from afar, we do not know how it is processed. Therefore, before cooking candied peel, you need to wash it well.
  2. The pomelo fruit is large, its crust is thick, if you do not know how to remove it better, then watch the video
  3. The inner white thick layer at the crust does not need to be removed. Cut into slices.
  4. Put in a saucepan, cover with water (until this is the glass that is voiced in the ingredients). Put on the fire, as soon as the water boils, boil for literally half a minute
  5. Pour everything into a colander and rinse the pomelo crusts with cold water. Put back in a saucepan, cover with water and put on fire. This procedure must be done 4 times, do not forget to rinse the hot crusts with cold water each time.
  6. The last one, 5 times, is cooked with sugar. Put the peels in a saucepan, pour 1 glass of water, cover with sugar and put the zest from half a lemon
  7. Put on high heat to boil quickly, stir and reduce heat to low. Cook for 40-50 minutes until all the syrup has boiled away
  8. Put candied fruits on a dish, dry naturally

I don’t know how many days it takes to dry the candied fruit to the end, I don’t have the patience to wait. I start eating them almost immediately. First, like a delicious pomelo marmalade, and then like candied fruits.

  • If you want to get candied fruits from pomelo quickly, it is recommended to dry them in the oven at a minimum temperature (60 - 70 degrees) for 4 - 5 hours. Keep the oven door slightly ajar. I didn't do that, so I can't say what and how it will turn out. If you have an electric dryer, then you can entrust this business to it.
  • One more thing, candied fruits prepared according to this recipe have a slight bitterness. For my taste, this does not spoil the dessert at all, this spice is even pleasant. If you want to get candied fruit without bitterness, then it is recommended to soak the crusts first. Put them in a saucepan, cover with cold water, cover with a plate-shaped weight on top, so that the crusts are completely in the water. Soak for a day, changing the water 2 - 3 times, then cook as indicated in the recipe.
  • Hard, well-dried candied fruits can be stored in a glass container with a lid at room temperature for up to 6 months.
  • If candied fruits are not completely dried, then it is recommended to store them for a couple of months in the refrigerator in a sealed container. If you want to keep it for a longer period, transfer it to a cellophane pact and store it in the freezer.

I told you how to make candied pomelo fruits, now is the time to buy this delicious and healthy citrus, so don't waste your time. You can read about how to choose the right pomelo in the article, the link to which I gave at the beginning.

Enjoy your meal.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.