How to make red cake coloring. When to add natural colors

16.05.2019 Fish dishes

The right dessert pleases the eye and awakens the appetite by its mere appearance - just add a few bright colors. This is where colored creams for cakes without dyes come to the rescue.

You can use a variety of products to decorate homemade cakes, pastries, and other pastries. The airy protein cream looks impressive and holds its shape well. To prepare it, the egg whites are separated from the yolks, a pinch of salt, a little citric acid are added and whipped into a strong foam. Sugar or powdered sugar is gradually introduced into the resulting mass. Various oil creams are very popular. The simplest is made from butter with the addition of egg yolks, powdered sugar and water. You can replace eggs with condensed milk, and you get an equally appetizing decoration. A very tasty and quick cream is made from sour cream with a fat content of at least 35%, powdered sugar and vanilla.

How to prepare a cream without dye for decorating a cake, or rather, without synthetic coloring additives? To do this, you need to research the stocks of food available in the kitchen, which will serve as natural dyes for us. Having processed them in a certain way and mixed with cream, you get an original colored cake decoration, delicious and absolutely harmless.

Sun on cake

The bright yellow color can be obtained in a variety of ways. The easiest is to add some fresh carrot juice or raw egg yolk to it. Saffron and turmeric have a rich yellow color. To make a natural dye out of them, you need to thoroughly grind the seasoning, dilute it in water and insist for a day. Then the mixture can be added to the cream. Lemon peel gives an iridescent yellow hue. To do this, finely grate it, wrap it in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice. The juice from the yellow buckthorn fruit can also be used as a natural coloring agent.

All shades of red

The persistent coloring properties of beets are well known. By adjusting the saturation of its juice, you can easily make an excellent cake without dyes at home, from pink to deep red. To do this, grate a small beetroot, pour water over it and cook for an hour. To make the color intense and beautiful, add a pinch of citric acid to the broth. Do not forget about all kinds of red berries: raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries, currants, cranberries, dogwood. By the way, preserves, jams and syrups based on them can be used to create creams of red shades with the same success. Cherry and pomegranate juices will do an excellent job too. And red wines will give the cake cream not only a pleasant color, but also exquisite aroma and taste notes.

Orange joy

Carrots not only have a rich orange color, but also generously share it with others. To do this, grate it and fry it a little in butter in a 1: 1 ratio. As soon as the carrots are sufficiently softened and the oil turns orange, remove the pan from the stove and let it cool. Next, we shift the resulting mass into cheesecloth and squeeze thoroughly - the natural dye is ready. You can use an orange and color the cream with fresh citrus juice or crushed zest. You can also experiment with the already mentioned yellow and red dyes and mix them with each other.

Sweet coolness

How to make cold color cake cream? Blue and purple shades give the juice of blueberries, blackberries and grapes of rich dark varieties. A decoction of red cabbage leaves will allow you to get light blue shades. Eggplant can be used as a coloring agent. First, you need to freeze them a little, carefully cut off the skin and squeeze the juice out of it.

There are many green vegetables, and spinach has the best coloring properties. Pass it through a meat grinder or wrap it in clean cheesecloth and squeeze it out, and you get a natural dye of a gentle green color. Looking for a more intense shade? Squeeze the juice out of the spinach and boil it for half an hour.

Chocolate palette

The easiest way to get a noble brown color is to mix the cream with regular coffee, cocoa powder, or melted chocolate. However, you can resort to a more sophisticated method - using burnt sugar. For this, granulated sugar is diluted in water in a ratio of 5: 1, the mixture is poured into a frying pan and put on a small fire. We maintain the mass on the stove until it acquires a rich brown color. Then we remove it from the heat and pour in a little more water in a thin stream. Then we carefully filter the resulting dye. The main thing is not to overexpose the sugar, otherwise hard lumps will form in it.

We've all heard about the dangers of synthetic dyes. But not everyone knows that you can get natural food colors at home.

Now let's take a closer look at the cakes from the store - multi-colored acid-colored curls, gold and silver beads, and many more completely unthinkable decorations.

What is it made of? What is added there as dyes? But you can decorate the cake with your own hands using natural food colors.

It may not be as bright and beautiful as on cakes from the pastry shop, but it will be no less tasty and safer for health.

Here are some tips on how how to make natural dyes without harmful additives.

In order to receive yellow cream take strong juicy carrots (1-2 pieces), cut them into rings 0.5-0.7 cm thick and fry in butter over low heat until the carrots are soft.

Then mash it or rub it through a strainer and mix with butter, previously softened. Take the same amount of oil as you get the mass from mashed carrots. Add paint to the rest of the cream and you can decorate the cake.

Also to get yellow color You can also take juicy yellow peppers, yellow boiled beet juice (light color), juicy pineapple with carrot juice, mix turmeric powder with a spoonful of warm water.

Green coloring can be obtained by mixing fresh spinach juice into the cream.

Also green color gives: cabbage, parsley, lettuce, cucumbers, bell peppers, watercress, boiled green vegetables.

If you have cherries or raspberries, you can get red or pink natural dye for the cream. Cranberries are also suitable, as well as a decoction of beets.

Beets should be finely chopped and placed in a saucepan with acidified water. Do not pour too much water, let it cover the beets by 3-4 fingers. Bring the beets to a boil, remove from heat, let stand for 1-2 minutes and drain. Eco-friendly dye is ready. Cool and add to cream.

To receive pink / red also work: red pepper, tomato, choose dark red tomatoes, boiled pomegranate juice, sweet paprika powder.

To get it orange color , mix yellow carrot and red beetroot (or berry).

If you have an orange, you can get a bright orange color by grating and squeezing the juice from the orange zest.

Purple / Blue the color is obtained from: blueberry juice, fresh or boiled red cabbage juice, frozen eggplant skin juice, blackberry juice and also from black or purple grape juice.

Cocoa powder will give your cream a pleasant chocolate color.

Natural dyes deteriorate quickly from the action of light and air, therefore they should be stored closed, in dark glass bottles, in a cool place and used as soon as possible.

Dear BBs! Very often questions arise, how can you make a dye for a cake, cream and mastic at home, if they are not in stores.

Yes, to be honest, I myself faced this question. In stores, they make big eyes on the question of food dyes, but I really want a cake with a gravy design. So, in the vastness of our beloved and ubiquitous Internet, I still found a few words about how to make a color.

The color of the cream can be given:
Chocolate - cocoa powder;
Yellow - egg yolks or carrot juice;
Pink - beet juice or jam;
Green - spinach juice or a few drops of greens;
Orange - burnt sugar diluted with water;

And absolutely already according to the correct cookbooks)

In cooking, vegetable dyes are used to give a specific color. or shade of food, dishes that make dishes bright, beautiful and attractive in those cases when, as a result of heating or any heat treatment, their components, especially vegetables, lose their natural color, dry out, become gray or dirty brown, and thus the dish as a whole loses its attractiveness, appetizing.
Food colors are usually added to soups, sauces, creams, vegetable purees, pilafs, jelly, soufflés, mousses, blancmange, confectionery, lean and candy sugar, jams, various drinks, especially fruit waters, fruit drinks, sorbets, etc. . the drinks.
To create a certain color, which is then not lost before serving the food, the following food colors can be added to the dish at the last moment of cooking or immediately after it.
White color: washed chalk, the finest chalk food powder or special white clay, also in a dusty state.
Red color: armenian clay - bolus, barberry juice, red currant, cranberry and cherry juice.
Crimson, pink color: beet juice, raspberry juice.
Burgundy color: buzgun (buzhgun, buzguncha) - pistachio tree galls, their decoction.
Carmine color: albedo (pomace from the skin of red grapes).
Yellow: turmeric, saffron, buckthorn fruits, marigolds, carrot juice.
Orange color: mixtures of yellow and red dyes.
Blue color: starch tinted with indigo.
Purple: mixtures of blue and red dyes, black currant juice.
Green color: spinach juice, lacao (Chinese herbs), ramnus, green (unripe) apple peel juice, unripe pistachios.
In addition, a special mixture is made called herbs for coloring jams and liqueurs. It is prepared from an aqueous infusion of 1 g of saffron in 20 cubic meters. cm of water and an aqueous solution of indigo carmine (1:20). The indigo carmine solution is added dropwise to the saffron solution until the desired shade is obtained.
If you then turn this infusion into a syrup, adding sugar to it as a fixative, then the resulting dye will remain in a good, bright form for quite a long time. To do this, you need to take 10 cubic meters. cm of solution, 20 cubic meters. cm of water and 60 g of sugar. The result is a thick, bright paint with good preservation.
Hope I helped you! Enjoy your meal!

If you look closely at the composition of many products, you can often find artificial ingredients there. Fortunately, many of them can be replaced with natural ones when cooking. The quality of the food will not change, but rather will improve. In this way, you can prepare a safe natural dye at home.

In cooked dishes, not only taste is important, but also appearance. That is why professional chefs pay special attention to their decoration. Of course, culinary specialists try most of all over desserts and sweets. Beautiful curls of cream, patterns from sprinkles are easy enough to reproduce at home, as well as to color the cakes and cream.

As dyes, it is better to use not purchased ones, but prepared by yourself. The end result is also colorful, but safer for health. Food coloring at home can be used to color creams, mastic, jellies, cakes, sauces.

Food coloring at home: cooking methods

Homemade food coloring can be obtained from various vegetables and berries. To do this, juice is squeezed out of them.

The shades of pink and red are obtained from fresh or boiled beets. A small root vegetable is rubbed on a coarse grater and transferred to a saucepan. Grated beets are poured with water so that it barely covers the vegetable. Boil on low heat for 50-60 minutes. The beets are thrown through a sieve, pouring the juice into a separate container. Add citric acid to the resulting liquid at the tip of a knife - this way the color will be more resistant.

Pink shades can also be obtained from berries. Suitable for this: strawberries, raspberries, currants, cranberries. Usually they are kneaded, after which the juice is filtered through cheesecloth.

Chopped tomatoes or tomato paste are usually used to color the second courses. You can adjust the color saturation with sour cream or cream.

How to make green dye? To do this, you should stock up on spinach. It is usually sold fresh in bunches or frozen in small bags. Fresh spinach is more suitable for coloring. It needs to be washed, cut and put into a blender. Chop the spinach, put on cheesecloth and squeeze the juice out of it.

In a similar way, green dye is made at home from watercress. By the way, it can be used not only for desserts, but also for savory dishes. So spinach juice is used in the preparation of the traditional Chinese dish bao-tzu. Spinach is added to a yeast dough, which is then wrapped in a salted filling. The result is green round patties.

A delicate lilac color can be obtained from red cabbage. It is finely chopped, stewed with a little water. After that, grind with a blender and pass the juice through cheesecloth.

The added cocoa will help to color the cakes brown. It is also added to creams. Dr. the way to get a sweet brown filling is chocolate ganache. It is prepared very simply and, in fact, is a cream with which you can layer cakes and fill cakes.

For ganache, 200 ml of cream (preferably fat, from 33 percent) is heated to a boil and 200 g of broken dark chocolate are poured over them. The mixture is kneaded until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Chocolate ganache is left at room temperature for 40-60 minutes and then used as directed.

A different brownish tint can be obtained with fried sugar. For this, sugar is mixed with water in a ratio of 5 to 1. The resulting mixture is heated in a small saucepan until the sugar dissolves. The mixture should turn brownish (be careful not to burn the solution, otherwise it will taste bad). The resulting solution is used for coloring desserts and sweet dishes.

The orange color is obtained from carrots. To do this, it is grated and fried in a small amount of butter until it reaches full readiness. Then the carrots are filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting liquid will be the dye.

Saffron spice will also help give the dough a yellowish tint.

Sweet creams for cakes and pastries can be dyed in pastel colors with jam. For this, currants, raspberries, strawberries are suitable.

Dyes for mastic: recipes

Dyes are almost always used to create mastic jewelry. They can give color to individual pieces of fondant, from which flower meadows, decorative stripes, and various figures are then sculpted. Mostly, a commercially available concentrated food coloring is used for these purposes. Just a few drops are enough to give the mastic a rich color.

Home colors are used in a slightly different way. The fact is that for the saturation of the coloring, you need to use a very large amount of juice of beets, carrots and other vegetables and berries. In this case, the mastic becomes liquid and for density you need to constantly mix in powdered sugar.

Of course, you can get a bright mastic by staining with juice, but then another drawback arises - the finished figurines will taste like vegetables or berries. It turns out that home dyes are not quite suitable for saturated colors. On the other hand, you cannot do without them if you want to give pastel shades to the paste. It only requires a little juice.

Mastic: recipe

In order for the mastic to be colored more evenly, it is better to do it yourself.


  • American Marshmallow Marshmallow - 200 g
  • Powdered sugar -250 g
  • Lemon juice -2 cl. l.
  • Butter -2 tbsp. l.


  1. Put all the ingredients in one container and put in the microwave. Heat until everything is melted.
  2. From the resulting soft mass, resembling plasticine, you can immediately sculpt or pre-paint it.
  3. For coloring, it is better to divide the mastic into small portions. On small pieces, you can choose the desired shade by mixing beet, carrot, spinach juices. Having picked up the desired color, the juice is dripped onto the mastic and begins to carefully mix in and change the piece.

Dyes for mastic can be used not only for uniform coloring, but also for creating beautiful effects.

With the help of a few drops of juice, you can add marble shades to the mastic. To do this, apply a few drops of dye to the mastic in different places. Then pull it into a sausage and join the edges. Next, you should continue to add the dye and then pull and connect the mastic. Remember that the amount of dye used to create marble patterns should be small. Also, do not knead the fondant for a long time - you may get a monochromatic color.

Homemade dyes are absolutely safe and can be used to color creams, sauces, and baked goods. With their help, some tint mastic and homemade yogurt. The preparation of dyes is reduced to the fact that a juice or solution is obtained from certain products, which are then used for coloring.

Natural food colors are useful not only for.

Experienced chefs have known for a long time: if you dye products (cake cream, for example) not with production "chemistry", but with dyes from natural ingredients, it will be both healthier and cheaper.

If it seemed to you that this would be a difficult way to give the desired shade, then you are mistaken. It's not that hard, we'll need conventional productsthat you probably already have.

Look in the refrigerator or closet and check your bins for beets, carrots, spinach. Citrus fruits or some kind of red-blue berries (blackberries, blueberries, blueberries) are also useful to us. And if there is onion peel, it's generally great.

Well, with the husk everything is clear: more often just with its help we paint Easter eggs. The colors can range from light yellow to deep brown. Lemon or orange peel also gives yellow color.

What about other colors? If we want a multi-colored cream, then we can make yellow and brown from ... burnt.

It is necessary to dilute sugar in water (in a ratio of five to one), place in a deep frying pan, put on fire and boil until dark brown. Add water in small portions to the resulting mass (5: 2). Strain this solution through cheesecloth, and you can paint eggs with such paint or add it to cream.

Blackberryor blueberry will give blue color. Red will come from raspberries, currants, cherries. But you get delicate shades of red and pink from such a natural dye as beets.

It needs to be grated on a coarse grater, covered with water and boiled for about an hour. Then strain it all, add a little citric acid to keep the color bright, and cool. In such water, you can keep eggs, dye fabric, or, again, decorate with it.

A natural dye like carrotwill help you achieve orange hues. To do this, grate it also on a grater, fry in butter for a few minutes. Squeezing carrots through cheesecloth, you will have a natural orange dye on your hands.

The mistress's green is made from spinach, boiling it over low heat for 30-40 minutes, although its color will turn out to be rather weak. Want richer hues? Take the usual brilliant green from the first aid kit.

By the way, it’s just time to remember the lessons of art at school. By mixing different colors, you will get new shades... For example, green and yellow will give you a nice blue paint. And what is important - it will be a natural food coloring!

This way you can decorate anything like a T-shirt.