Tamarillo: how to choose, composition and useful properties. How tamarillo is eaten

17.08.2019 Egg dishes

Exotic tamarillo is one of the many fruits unusual for Russians that can be found on store shelves today. Almost every buyer, before the first purchase of tamarillo, or, as it is also called, a tomato tree, thinks about how to eat it, whether there are any benefits and contraindications from it.

Tamarillo or the fruit of the tomato tree, it is under this name that it is known in the homeland of growth, was first discovered in the countries of South and Central America.
The tomato tree was named because of the similarity of the appearance of its fruits with ordinary tomatoes.
The tree rarely exceeds 3 meters in height, which makes it look more like a shrub.
Fruits grow on it in small clusters. Each fruit, with a shape close to an oval, reaches 6-10 cm in length, up to 5 cm in width.
The harvest period is the summer months.

Despite the fact that the closest relatives of tamarillo are precisely vegetable crops: sweet peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, it tastes close to citrus fruits, passion fruit.

The fruit consists of the peel and the edible pulp and seeds underneath.

The color and characteristics of the fruit of the tomato tree

1. Fruit with red skin. It is the most common type, the most suitable for fresh fruit consumption, in the cut state it is an excellent decorative element for various dishes. The pulp of such a fruit has a rich orange hue, the color of the seeds repeats the color of the peel.
2. Yellow tamarillos. This species is the smallest and sweetest of all varieties of fruit. In the cut, the fruit of the same color as the outside resembles a yellow tomato.
3. Tamarillo with orange skin. Fruits with this skin color are the largest among all types. In sweetness, they are between red and yellow.

How to eat tamarillo

The fruit of the tomato tree can be used as an independent product, or can be added to salads and other dishes.

In order to enjoy the juicy pulp of the fruit, you should do the following:

1. Remove the peel from the fruit. To do this, tamarillo should be dipped in boiling water for 20-30 seconds.
2. The peeled fruit is cut in half.
3. The pulp is most conveniently eaten with a small spoon.

As a component of tamarillo, you can use:

1. Tamarillo puree is a suitable marinade for meat preparations.
2. As an ingredient in summer salads along with tomatoes.
3. As part of warm salads, such as shrimp or chicken.
4. As an independent side dish for meat dishes.
5. As an ingredient for making desserts such as mousses and jellies.
6. Tamarillo is a useful ingredient for cocktails and smoothies used to burn excess weight.

How to choose and store tamarillo correctly

The main selection criterion is the appearance of the fruit.
The skin of a ripe tamarillo should have a natural sheen. It is not expected to have defects, dark spots, cracks, etc.
The stalk and the fruit itself must be firmly connected.
Tamarillo with optimal ripeness is characterized by elasticity and softness at the same time.

Fresh fruits are kept in the refrigerator along with other fruits. The shelf life is 14 days.
Freezing can be used for long-term storage of the fruit. In this case, the fruit almost does not lose its taste and useful qualities.

The composition and benefits of tamarillo

The beneficial properties of the tomato tree are due to the composition of the fruit, which includes:

  • Vitamins A, B6, ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin.

By the way, most of all vitamin A is found in fruits of orange and yellow flowers.

  • Potassium.
  • Sodium.
  • Alimentary fiber.
  • Antioxidants

The calorie content of tamarillo is 31 kcal per 100 grams of pulp.

Tamarillo is recommended for eating:
1. Suffering from diabetes mellitus or persons predisposed to this disease.
2. For the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The potassium contained in the product is very beneficial for the heart muscle.
3. With metabolic disorders.
4. In the recovery period after extended illness.

Tamarillo should be used as an integral part of the menu for dietary nutrition, in the fight against extra pounds.

Contraindications to the use of tamarillo

This fruit has practically no restrictions on its use.
Caution must be observed for those who are prone to allergic reactions. In this case, the first taste of the fruit should be small. After that, you should observe the reaction from the body.
Due to the same adverse reactions, the measure of eating tamarillo should be observed by pregnant and lactating women.

Tamarillo or the fruit of the tomato tree is a wonderful fruit that can diversify the usual diet, complement the taste of the usual main dishes and desserts. A fruit that, in addition to its pleasant taste, benefits the body.

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Have you ever heard of Tamarillo fruit? Have you ever tried this delicious variety of tomatoes packed with vitamins and many more benefits? If not, then this article is for you!

What is Tamarillo Fruit?

Tamarillo (or tamarillo in other words) is a local fruit in South America. Tamarillo fruit also called “Wood Tomato”, is now cultivated in many parts of the world. New Zealand is one of the largest producers of tamarillo. The name has been changed to distinguish it from regular tomatoes, thus highlighting its unique flavor.

The following are the benefits of tamarillo:


Tamarillo fruit is packed with vitamins A, C, E and provitamin A. It has an excellent source of B vitamins such as niacin, thiamin and riboflavin (by the Grace of Allah). Other nutrients in tamarillo are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, calcium, potassium, and salt.

It also contains minerals such as phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, and iron. It is enriched with many nutrients that help strengthen the immune system.

Helps to lose weight

This is beneficial for people looking to reduce weight. Consumed cheese, sprinkled with herbs or through salads, tamarillo juice serves as a detoxifier (cleanse the body of harmful substances) when taken internally. Its acidic properties help burn fat. Body exercise can accelerate weight loss results.

Great for skin

Tamarillo fruit is used for vitamins A, C and E to keep your skin healthy and radiant. Anthocyanins, phenols and flavonoids protect the skin from oxidative stress and pollution. Tamarillo also helps in the fight against aging. Just like regular tomatoes, they can be used in home remedies for a variety of skin problems.

Helps control diabetes

The chlorogenic acid present in tamarillo helps lower blood sugar levels in type II diabetes. Tamarillo fruit contains outstanding antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress in organs such as the pancreas and liver. Consuming the pulp of this fruit or consuming its juice on a light stomach would guarantee the best results.

Treatment of sore tonsils

In Ecuador, natives warmed tamarillo leaves and covered them around their necks to treat swollen tonsils. Absorbing heat with the leaves helps relieve pain. Colombians poultice fruits by cooking them in coals for external medicinal use.

Help with high blood pressure

Increase your intake of tamarillo to lower your hypertension. Packed with excellent sources of minerals and potassium, this product helps manage blood pressure.

Great for the heart

Potassium, a nutrient perfectly present in the tamarillo fruit, helps to stabilize the damaging effects of high heart salt levels. It provides magnesium for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Likewise, tamarillo fruit is high in fiber, which helps inhibit the absorption of bad cholesterol in the body. Due to its excellent antioxidant properties, it helps in reducing oxidative stress that can otherwise lead to stroke.

Eye vision

Tamarillo fruits are also great for maintaining healthy vision. Vitamin A restores moisture to the eye membranes, which function as a barrier to bacteria and viruses. It protects the eyes from infections and reduces damage to eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration.


The anthocyanins found in dark tamarillo are powerful antioxidants. They help fight off completely free radicals that cause cancer. They also have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that prevent the formation of cancerous secretions.

Now that you've found out about the health benefits of tamarillo fruit, keep exploring great recipes!

Sprouted vegetable salad

Served: for 1 person. Time: 10 minutes.

Active Ingredients:

  1. Tamarillo - from 2 to 3.
  2. Multi grain (optional) - 250 gr.
  3. Onion - 1 (diced).
  4. Green chili-1 small.
  5. Cumin seeds - 1/4 tsp
  6. Salt to taste.
  7. Oil - 1/2 tsp.
  8. Garnish of your choice.


  • Heat oil in a saucepan.
  • Add the cumin seeds and sauté for a minute, after which you can add the diced onions and sauté for 2-3 minutes.
  • Once it's a little tender, add a lot of sprout grains and sauté over high heat.
  • Stir on low to high heat, sauté for another 3 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with water and cover.
  • Steam for a minute, then remove the lid and add the tamarillo.
  • Saute over the fire, including salt.
  • You can season it with Indian or Italian flavors, which are optional.

How to eat tamarillo fruit?

The Tamarillo fruit, also called the woody tomato, is a shiny red or gold, ovoid fruit of a native tree native to South and Central America. Tamarillos are grown commercially in South and Central America, Australia, Africa and Asia. In the United States, fruits are grown primarily in California.

Tamarillo fruits are packed with vitamins A, B6, C, E, fiber and antioxidants. Although the outer coating is bitter, the tamarillo fruit is juicy and tasty. Eat tamarillo as a snack or use colorful, unique fruits in a myriad of ways.

Raw tamarillo

  1. Wash the tamarillo under cool water.
  2. Cut the tamarillo in half with a roasting knife, cutting the fruit crosswise.
  3. Spray sugar on the tamarillo, then eat the fruit.
  4. Tamarillo directly from the skin using a spoon. Don't eat peels that are bitter and unpleasant.

Cooked tamarillo

  1. Wash the tamarillo. Place the neat tamarillo in a heat-resistant glass or ceramic bowl.
  2. Place boiling water over the tamarillo. Use enough boiling water to cover the fruit.
  3. Let the tamarillo sit in hot water for 3 to 4 minutes. Drain off the warm water and replace with fresh water to cool the tamarillo.
  4. Use a peeling knife to peel the skin a little.
  1. Cut raw tamarillo into slices, then serve the slices with sliced \u200b\u200bcheese or crackers, or add the slices to salad.
  2. Make a light sauce by chopping raw tamarillo and mixing it with avocado and chopped chili, or use chopped tamarillo with apple, onion, vinegar, and spices for flavor.
  3. Grind the peeled tamarillo and mix it in a fruit smoothie with yogurt, honey, milk, ice cream and banana.
  4. Use peeled tamarillo in a variety of baked goods, meals, and desserts.
  5. Combine chopped, peeled tamarillo with applesauce, then serve over ice cream.
  6. Add sliced, peeled tamarillo for bread or muffins, or integrate peeled tamarillo into beef dishes. You can also use sliced \u200b\u200btamarillo for pizza.

Good luck! Have a good holidays!

There are many amazing plants in the world. One of them is tamarillo or tomato tree native to South and Central America. For its external resemblance to a tomato, the plant was called a tomato tree, but it belongs to the Solanaceae family. On it, fruits ripen in clusters that taste like a tomato and at the same time. Tamarillo, unfamiliar to us: how is this fruit, and is it worth eating?

Tamarillo grows up to 3-4 meters tall. What kind of fruit ripens on such an unusual plant? The fruits are similar to small, oval tomatoes up to 15 cm long and 5 cm wide. The tamarillo fruit is also called tsifomandra beetroot, it is about the size of a chicken egg. The internal structure is similar to a tomato: the juicy contents are divided into chambers with seeds. Outside, the fruit is covered with a thin, smooth skin.

Tamarillo forms several varieties:

  1. Red is one of the most common forms. Everything is in red tamarillo: seeds, pulp, rind. The culinary experts appreciated the sweet and sour taste of the fruit, and the beautiful appearance made it possible to use them for decoration.
  2. Golden tamarillo has the largest size. Differs in fruits, the pulp of which is juicy, fleshy.
  3. Yellow is characterized by a small mass. Fruits of yellow color have gustatory advantages, they are the sweetest and most aromatic.
The tomato tree is unpretentious, resistant to pests. Differs in good immunity, practically does not get sick. As a subtropical plant, tamarillo prefers a warm climate and bears fruit throughout the summer.

Calorie content and composition of the product

The fruit is classified as low-calorie: 100 g of tamarillo product contains only 30 kcal. And in terms of the content of useful components, such a fruit as tamarillo overtakes many well-known fruits. It is rich in vitamins of group B, A, PP, E, C, as well as minerals, among which the most important for the body are phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron.

The successful combination of the chemical composition in the fruits of the tomato tree allows the body to replenish the lack of important components, and due to its low calorie content, it is popular in dietary nutrition.

During the Second World War, people suffered from a lack of vitamins and nutrition in general. Farmers in New Zealand started cultivating tamarillo and its fruits, imported to other countries, helped people to survive.

Beneficial features

The exotic fruit of tamarillo pleases with its beneficial properties:

  1. As a dietary fruit helps to lose weight, it is used in the diet of patients with diabetes.
  2. It restores the body well after injuries or illnesses due to its balanced composition.
  3. When consumed regularly, it helps to overcome neurological headaches.
  4. As a source of dietary fiber, tamarillo is important for digestion.
  5. The balance of potassium, sodium helps to control a number of important metabolic processes.

The medicinal properties of tamarillo fruits are not yet seriously discussed. But the fruit should be included in the diet for variety, replenishment of the body with important elements. It is a prophylactic agent against diseases, to maintain general tone and immunity.

Ripe tamarillo fruits can stay in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. In frozen form, fruits are stored much longer without losing their taste. Before freezing, the peel is removed from the fruit.

How tamarillo is eaten

Thanks to its unusual taste, which includes fruit and vegetable notes, tamarillo is used to create desserts and vegetable dishes. Fried with onions, fruits are served with meat. The bread is covered with toasted pieces, and an unusual sandwich is obtained. This is a great filling for pizza, lasagna. Tamarillo is an additional component of salads, cold snacks, soups.

Unusual fruit goes as an addition to desserts. It is worth trying ice cream, yogurt, jam or marmalade, and on hot days drink tamarillo juice or mousse.

Fruit lovers will teach you how to eat it fresh. The fruit is freed from the peel, the taste of which leaves much to be desired. Tamarillo is immersed in boiling water for 5 minutes, the skin is scraped off, and the pulp is eaten. There is an easier option: cut the fruit in half, select the soft contents with a dessert spoon.

The taste of tamarillo fruit depends on the color of the pulp. For meat and vegetable dishes, red varieties that taste like a tomato are suitable. To create a dessert, fruits with a yellow color and a sweet taste would be ideal.

Gourmet tamarillo sauce

Fruit sauce is intended for meat dishes, to which it adds sophistication and piquant taste. The preparation itself consists of several stages:

  1. Fruits (8 pcs.) Are peeled, and the pulp is cut into slices or cubes.
  2. The resulting contents of the fruit are spread in a saucepan, a glass of water and half a glass of brown sugar are added.
  3. The softened, boiled fruits are mixed with a blender.
  4. 3.3 cups of beef broth, 12 liters are introduced into the puree. a mixture of spices and 1 tsp. Sahara.
  5. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes, constantly stirring the contents.
  6. The sauce is served chilled to the table. If desired, you can add finely chopped greens.

Biscuits with strawberries and tamarillo

As a fruit with a peculiar sweet-sour taste, dessert dishes are prepared from tamarillo. One of them is biscuits with fruit and berry filling. The first step is to prepare the biscuit dough. The finished cake is placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours, then the filling is prepared:

  1. Tamarillo (6-7 fruits) is peeled and cut into rings 0.5 cm thick.
  2. Fresh, washed with running water (frozen berries are suitable).
  3. The oven is heated to +200 C. Parchment is laid out on a prepared baking sheet.
  4. Prepare two round biscuits from the dough. Place them on a baking sheet.
  5. Slices are placed in a circle of each so that one goes a little over the other, and strawberries are laid out in the center.
  6. The edges of the biscuits are slightly bent so that the juice does not flow out.
  7. Placed in an oven and bake for 15 minutes.

A delicious and unusual dessert is cooled and served to guests as an unusual and delicious pastry for tea.

Growing tamarillo

As a subtropical fruit, the tomato tree will not grow in our mid-latitudes. There remains one option - to try to grow exotic tamarillo at home. To do this, you need to buy the fruit, remove the seeds with tweezers and prepare them for sowing.

First, stratification is carried out: so that the seeds germinate well, they are placed in a damp cloth and laid out on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 24 hours. You can carry out the treatment with "Epin" (growth stimulant) by holding the seeds in the solution for 12 hours. They are planted in a convenient container to a depth of 0.5 cm.About day 10, friendly shoots will appear.

  1. Transplant the seedlings in the 3-leaf phase into a separate container.
  2. Prepare a light and breathable soil by adding peat or perlite to the traditional composition. Provide high air humidity and additional lighting (it is more convenient to grow in grow-boxes).
  3. Slow growth is observed in seedlings up to two months, then it becomes intense. By the end of the first year of life, tamarillo plants reach 1 m.Periodically, you need to change the container for a larger volume, and it is better to adapt a tub for a tomato tree.
  4. The superficial root system should not dry out or be flooded. 2 days of stagnant water lead to the death of the plant. It is important to observe the watering regime.
  5. In summer, the tree feels good outdoors, but it is important to protect it from wind and direct sunlight. Tamarillo does not tolerate heat well: his pollen is "baked" and fruits are not set.
  6. Fruiting occurs in the 2nd year. Fruits are formed on a new growth, therefore, the tomato tree needs pruning and removal of fruiting shoots. The top is also cut to 1-1.5 m, since there is a limited height in the apartment.
  7. During the flowering period, a fan must be turned on next to the plant: tamarillo flowers are pollinated by wind or insects.
The leaf blade of a tomato tree exudes a specific aroma (for an amateur). When in contact with a plant or high temperatures, the aroma is enhanced. Therefore, it is advisable to keep tamarillo in a spacious room, but not in the bedroom.

Tamarillo harm and contraindications

Despite the overseas origin, the fruits are perfectly absorbed by the Russian body and do not harm it. No contraindications and negative health effects were found.

But pregnant women and allergy sufferers need to consume the fruit in moderation. In case of possible allergic manifestations, you do not need to try a small piece and if there is no negative reaction, then you can eat them for your pleasure.

As a new product, tamarillo has not yet gained widespread popularity among Russians, although it has already appeared on store shelves. This may be due to its specific taste, which not everyone likes. Perhaps the fruits are simply not appreciated yet. But for fans of everything unusual, the cypher is 100% suitable.

What are the beneficial substances in tamarillo and how do they affect the body. Can this fruit harm health and what will happen in this case, who should not use it and why. Recipes for cooking tomato fruits and interesting facts.

The content of the article:

Tamarillo is the fruit of the tomato tree or tsifomandra beet of the Solanaceae family. In appearance, it resembles an ordinary tomato, having a rich red or orange peel, a round shape, dark yellow flesh with lighter veins and black, not very large seeds. In fact, tamarillo is a vegetable, but it is officially called a fruit because of its sweet and sour taste, which makes it look like a passion fruit or a rose hip. South America is considered its homeland, although these fruits are grown in large quantities in New Zealand. They weigh about 300 g and reach a diameter of about 7 cm.The name was given to them only in 1966. They are eaten raw, stewed, baked, fried, canned.

The composition and calorie content of tamarillo

The fruit has a very bright rind thanks to the carotenoids, which are abundant in the pulp. These substances are essential for the production and absorption of vitamin A.

The calorie content of tamarillo per 100 g is 50 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 0 g;
  • Fat - 0 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 12.5 g;
  • Water - 87 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 2 g.
The composition contains vitamins: A (retinol), PP (nicotinic acid), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6 \u200b\u200b(pyrodixin), B9 (folic acid), E (alpha-tocopherol) and C (ascorbic acid). The minerals include iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Tamarillo does not contain cholesterol and sodium, which are extremely harmful to health.

Useful properties of tamarillo

This fruit is much healthier than tomatoes. Most of the substances necessary for the body are contained in raw fruits, but after heat treatment, their amount decreases by about 20%.

Tamarillo is recommended for small children, pregnant women, and the elderly. It has anti-inflammatory, soothing, regenerating, antibacterial properties. Eating it regularly can improve the health of the heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas, and stomach.

Tamarillo affects the body as follows:

  1. Strengthens the immune system... This effect is possible because the composition contains a considerable amount of ascorbic acid. It supports the body's defenses, gives energy, makes it easier to endure the attacks of viruses and infections. It is for this reason that tamarillo is more useful than ever in winter, when the risk of getting flu, sore throat and other otolaryngological diseases is increased.
  2. Improves vision... It has a beneficial effect on folic acid, which is part of the pulp in sufficient quantities. As a result, you minimize the likelihood of developing hyperopia and myopia, cataracts and other eye diseases. Their retinas are strengthened and thus protected from possible detachment. This action will be very relevant for patients with diabetes mellitus, who almost always have vision problems.
  3. Eliminates atherosclerotic plaques... The product promotes their resorption and removal from the body, preventing further accumulation of toxins on the walls of blood vessels. This allows you to reduce to zero the formation of blood clots and their separation, to normalize blood flow and general well-being. As a result, the head stops spinning, there is more strength and the quality of life improves.
  4. Solve Bowel Problems... The presence of vitamin PP and fiber helps in the fight against persistent constipation of a different nature, diarrhea, dysbiosis and flatulence. Therefore, the fruit is more relevant than ever for the treatment and prevention of colitis and duodenal ulcers.
  5. Increases hemoglobin levels... This allows for a high iron content. Especially often, blood counts deteriorate after heavy menstruation, when a woman is losing a lot of blood. Regular use of tamarillo allows you to compensate for this deficiency and eliminate the difficulties associated with it - weakness, nausea, headache, brittle nails and hair.
  6. Improves heart function... The composition contains magnesium and potassium, which are very necessary for this organ. With their help, the risk of having a stroke, ischemia, rheumatism, myocardial infarction is reduced. It has been proven that by regularly consuming this fruit, you can lower blood pressure and restore heart rate, and this is especially important for hypertensive and hypotensive patients.
  7. Restores kidney function... The pulp is almost completely free of sodium, which is harmful to this organ. That is why it is useful to use it for pyelonephritis, stones, microliths. With it, it becomes easier for the kidneys to cope with the load and remove toxins from the body.
  8. Makes bones, teeth, hair healthier... To do this, they need phosphorus and folic acid, which are quite enough in the fruit. This reduces the likelihood of developing alopecia, caries, osteoporosis and arthritis. This action will be appreciated primarily by followers of vegetarianism, who almost always lack these vitamins and minerals.
The benefit of tamarillo lies in the fact that it is not very high in calories, therefore it is suitable even for obese patients or overweight people. The product does not allow you to gain weight, is easily digested and absorbed, quickly suppressing appetite and preventing overeating.

Harm and contraindications to the use of tamarillo

The only any significant limitation may be an allergic reaction to any substances in the product. It is very rare and mainly among children under 10 years old. In this case, they should not eat fruit even in small quantities, otherwise bloating, severe heartburn and nausea, general weakness and drowsiness, redness and itching of the skin may begin to bother them. With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid intoxication of the body.

You should be careful in such cases:

  • Diabetes... With such a disease, it is necessary to consume no more than 1-2 fruits in 2-3 days, otherwise the glucose level may slightly increase.
  • Gastritis... In this case, tamarillo should not be eaten for breakfast, especially if it is raw. In the exacerbation stage, it is generally recommended to exclude thermally unprocessed fruits from the diet, it is allowed to cook and stew them.
  • Colitis... With this disease, tamarillo seeds will irritate the intestinal walls, which are already affected. This can lead to severe pain in the belly button area, heartburn, nausea, constipation, and bloating. Therefore, in case of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the diseased organ, you can only eat thermally processed fruits - just hold them for a couple of minutes on low heat.
It is practically impossible to get poisoning from the use of tamarillo, only stale fruits stored for more than 1-2 weeks outside the refrigerator can pose a danger. An unpleasant, sour smell exuded by them, the presence of mold and any spots on the surface, a violation of the integrity of the peel should be alerted.

Tamarillo recipes

Only the pulp of the fruit is used for food, it is advisable to remove the seeds and peel. It perfectly complements the taste of smoothies, cocktails, yoghurts, cheese masses and other desserts. It makes very good sauces and marinades. The fruits are suitable for conservation and juice production. They are suitable for making soups, salads, stew-type main courses. They can be consumed both raw and thermally processed. Meat, dairy and fish products are perfectly combined with them.

We offer several original recipes:

  1. Jam... You will need to be sure to peel the main fruit (450 g), as it is bitter and can spoil the taste. Next, you should prepare the lingonberry, which will need 300 g. It must be washed well and filled with cold water for 20 minutes. After that, the berries are dried and combined with tamarillo. Then the mixture is covered with sugar (350 g), 10 cloves are added and mixed with a spoon. Then she is allowed to stand for about an hour so that the juice appears. Then it needs to be put on low heat and stirred for 40 minutes. At this time, take care of jars (0.5 l) - wash them, sterilize and dry. Do the same with the metal lids. When the jam is ready, cool it slightly, pour into containers, roll them up and lower them into the basement. In the first 3 days, the jars should stand upside down, then they can be turned over.
  2. Warm salad... Peel and boil the shrimp (300 g) first. Then cut them into smaller pieces, combine with chopped garlic (2-3 cloves), wine sauce (2 tsp), a pinch of sugar, olive oil (3 tablespoons) and lime juice (10 drops). Now add the chopped tamarillo pulp (3-4 pcs.) And 50 g of roasted peanuts without husks. The salad is ready - you just have to insist it for an hour and put it on plates! Before serving the dish to the table, you can decorate it with your favorite herbs.
  3. Tamarillo in batter... Peel 5 fruits, wash and pat dry. In the meantime, melt 2 chocolate bars and, when it has cooled slightly, roll over the fruit. Then sprinkle them with dried coconut flakes. Next, put the tamarillo on a greased baking sheet and put in the oven for 10 minutes.
  4. Instant dessert... Connect 6 tbsp. l. vanilla ice cream, 60 g sugar, 100 g grated mascarpone cream cheese. Then peel 5 pcs. tamarillo, cut into small pieces and add to the rest of the ingredients. Next, beat the mixture with a blender and sprinkle with chocolate chips.
  5. Sauce... Remove the skin from the fruits (1 kg), chop them, add sugar (200 g cane) and fill the mass with water (1.5 l). Then cook the mixture for 15 minutes under a closed lid, stirring regularly with a spoon. When the fruit is softer, remove the saucepan from heat, pepper the mixture, add a pinch of cardamom and basil each, and put it back on fire. Soak the almost ready sauce on it for another 5 minutes, then cool and pour into a saucepan. It is placed on the table along with the first and second courses.
  6. Biscuit... First, make the dough - in a deep bowl combine salt (3 pinches), sugar (120 g), cold water (100 g) and flour (about 3 cups). Then chop the butter (250 g) and combine all ingredients. After that, place them on a large board and knead until all the ingredients are well stitched together. Then roll up the ball, wrap it in foil and refrigerate for 1-2 hours. Now prepare the cream - pour the pulp of 3 tamarillo fruits, combined with 200 g of strawberries, 5 tbsp. l. powdered sugar and 50 g of butter. Next, remove the dough from the refrigerator, roll it into 3 layers, grease each with the prepared filling, combine them, put them on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and bake for 30 minutes. Pour the remaining cream over the finished cake.

Important! Tamarillo recipes mainly involve making desserts, as the flesh is sweet.

It is very profitable to grow this plant, since it is not particularly picky about weather conditions and begins to bear fruit already in the second year after planting in the ground. He does not need any feeding, as the tree does well in the wild. Despite this, for some reason it is almost impossible to meet him in Europe; instead, summer residents prefer to cultivate ordinary tomatoes. Only in rare cases does a tomato tree grow at home, and mainly for decorative purposes.

This fruit got its name on the last day of January 1967, although it has been known to the world for a long time. Its author was W. Thompson, a plant breeder and trader from New Zealand. It was formed by merging the French word "tama", which means "leader" in Russian, and the Spanish word "rillo". Some scholars believe that the name "tamarillo" comes from the word "amarillo" because it translates as "yellow." It was this color that the fruits were when they first saw the inhabitants of South America.

This fruit is most popular among the inhabitants of New Zealand, where huge plantations have been allocated for its cultivation. Despite rich harvests, these fruits are practically not exported to other countries. This is easily explained by the fact that they do not tolerate transportation well, not withstanding heat and cold. It is also important here that they can be stored no more than a week in room conditions and about 14 days at low temperatures.

It is noteworthy that tamarillo gained its recognition during the Second World War. It was used to restore the strength of the soldiers of the armies of the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition. It was believed that it quickly satisfies hunger and saturates the stomach for a long time.

Watch the video about the tamarillo fruit:

Considering all the existing contraindications for eating tamarillo, this product seems to be an ideal candidate for inclusion in both everyday and holiday menus. It has an unusual exotic taste and can be prepared without any problems.

Tell us how to eat tamarillo? My husband brought this miracle from a business trip, at first I thought it was tomatoes. They cut them into slices and tried to eat them together with the skin. But it turned out that it is completely inedible and bitter. Maybe it's better to just add it to dishes, for example, to a pie as a filling?

Did you know that tomatoes can grow on trees? If you don't believe me, visit greenhouses that specialize in the cultivation of exotic tropical plants. There you will probably see a small evergreen tree or shrub up to 4 m high, on the branches of which red or yellow tomatoes hang in bunches. This is tamarillo - a subtropical culture brought to us from America and New Zealand. What is a strange plant and how is tamarillo, if you are lucky to find it?

Tamarillo is a fruit or still a vegetable

For the outward similarity of the fruit, tamarillo is called a tomato tree, because small "tomatoes" grow on the branches. Outwardly, it is a rather compact tree, and sometimes it is a tall shrub. It is covered with large green oblong oval leaves all year round.

At the beginning of summer and until its very end, beautiful fruits gradually ripen in clusters on the branches. They are small, egg-shaped, up to a maximum of 10 cm in length and 5 cm in circumference. Top covered with a thin and shiny skin. The pulp is very juicy, and inside there are seeds, like those of tomatoes.

The taste of tamarillo is dominated by sweet and sour notes, a cross between passion fruit and tomato. Depending on the variety, tamarillo can have a different color and taste:

In the scientific literature, tomarillo is called tsifomandra beetroot, but it is also a fruit.

How to eat tamarillo

Exotic fruits can be eaten raw or added to various dishes. But there is one caveat: the fruit has a bitter skin, while it is dense, and the flesh itself is quite soft.

You can enjoy fruit and not spoil the taste with bitterness in one of two ways:

When buying tamarillo, you need to pay attention to its appearance. Ripe fruits will be slightly soft when pressed, but will quickly regain their shape. They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks or frozen with the skins removed.

Red tamarillo is added to salads and meat dishes, and yellow ones, due to their sweetness, are used in baked goods and