How many calories are in dried fruits prunes. What indicators are considered normal? Cooking applications

10.05.2019 Egg dishes

Prunes are dried fruits prepared by drying almost any kind of plum. The best variety for making prunes is Italian Hungarian.

For cooking prunes at home for weight loss, according to reviews, it is necessary to select the best and ripe fruits during the ripening season of the plum, as well as purchase potassium sorbate, which will serve as a preservative.

After the fruits have been selected, they must be thoroughly washed and laid out on a metal tray. It is best to cover the plums with gauze on top, as midges will land on them during the drying process. Then the tray with plums must be placed in a place where they will be exposed to direct sunlight for 3-4 weeks. After the plums have dried, remove the seeds from them, put the semi-finished dried fruits on a plate and sprinkle with a small amount of potassium sorbate on top. After two hours, freshly prepared prunes, the calorie content of which is quite high, so that you should not consume them in large quantities, will be ready for use.

When cooked, despite the number of calories in prunes, it is often an ingredient for preparing meat dishes and various desserts.

Useful properties of prunes

Prunes, which have a caloric value of 241 kcal per 100 g, are an excellent source of phenols, which help to improve oxygen supply to cells, as well as vitamin K, which is vital for strong bones and good blood clotting.

The sweet taste and high calorie content of prunes make it seem as if these dried fruits are not suitable for dietary nutrition, but the soluble fiber they contain can slow down the absorption of glucose and stabilize blood sugar levels, so that if consumed in moderation, there will be no harm to the figure. But the benefits for the whole body will be obvious, in addition, the use of prunes for constipation as a laxative is widely known, which also affects the loss of excess weight.

In addition to their high calorie content, prunes also contain many antioxidants that help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals - unstable molecules that result from improper cellular metabolism, smoking, environmental pollution, and UV exposure. Research shows that excess free radicals can contribute to premature aging, skin wrinkling, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

Prunes, which are very high in calories, are also a good source of dietary fiber. 100 g of prunes contains approximately 6.1 g of dietary fiber, which is that part of any plant food that enzymes in the body cannot digest, and which are not absorbed into the blood. As a result, these fibers remain in the colon, where they absorb water and soften the stool, thereby expressing an active effect on the body of prunes from constipation. In addition, prunes contain sorbitol (14.7 g in 100 g), which is a mild colon stimulant that improves colon patency and reduces the risk of constipation, colorectal cancer and hemorrhoids.

The high antioxidant content of prunes is due to the high levels of hydroxycinnamic acids (phenolic compounds) they contain. The hydroxycinnamic acids found in prunes include neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids, which are very effective in scavenging free radicals from the body. In addition to being high in hydroxycinnamic acids and calories, prunes are also rich in anthocyanins and flavonoids.

How many calories are in prunes: nutritional and energy value

The calorie content of prunes is quite high, but this does not interfere with the widespread use of this type of dried fruit in cooking and nutrition.

Nutritional value and caloric content of prunes, based on 100 g of these dried fruits, is:

  • Proteins - 2.18 g;
  • Fat - 0.38 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 63.88 g;
  • Disaccharides - 38.13;
  • Retinol (vitamin A) - 39 mcg;
  • Beta-carotene - 394 mcg;
  • Thiamin (vitamin B1) - 0.051 mg;
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.186 mg;
  • The calorie content of prunes is 1006 kJ (241 kcal);
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3) 1,882 mg
  • Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) - 0.422 mg;
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - 0.205 mg;
  • Folacin (vitamin B9) - 4 mcg;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 0.6 mg;
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) - 0.43 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 59.5 mcg;
  • Calcium - 43 mg;
  • Iron - 0.93 mg;
  • Magnesium - 41 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 69 mg;
  • Potassium - 732 mg;
  • Sodium - 2 mg;
  • Zinc - 0.44 mg;
  • Fluoride - 4 mcg.

Calorie content of prunes: an easy diet for weight loss

As you know, the content of calories in prunes is high enough to consider this product anti-dietary, but this is far from the case. These dried fruits have a number of unusual properties, which, when used for weight loss, allow prunes to lose 3-4 kg in just 4-5 days of diet. Such results become possible due to the high content of pectins in prunes, which perfectly cleanse the intestines from toxins. Also, 100 g of prunes contains 732 mg of potassium, which helps to restore the water-salt balance of the body, brings pressure to a normal state, is necessary for the work of the heart muscle, and also produces a diuretic effect on the body, which also contributes to weight loss, like the action of prunes from constipation ...

When choosing prunes for weight loss, according to reviews, it is very important that dried fruits are bought of good quality: ideally, the fruit should be uniformly black in color, not have a glossy sheen - this will talk about its processing with fats, and taste sweet with the presence of a slight acidity.

An approximate diet menu for five days is as follows:

  • Day 1: breakfast - 1 hard-boiled egg, half a grapefruit, a cup of black coffee without sugar and 2 pcs. prunes, the calorie content of which will be approximately 37 kcal. Lunch - vegetable borscht without potatoes, 50 g of black whole grain bread, two walnuts, 8 pcs. prunes and a cup of green tea without sugar. Dinner - one hard-boiled egg, 250 g of any baked fish, 1 orange and a cup of black tea;
  • Day 2: breakfast - 50 g of hard cheese, a cup of black coffee without sugar and 2 pcs. prunes. Lunch - a plate of cabbage soup, 50 g of black whole grain bread, 100 g of boiled lean beef, 2-3 pcs. almonds and green tea. Dinner - salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, 4 pcs. prunes, the calorie content of which will be almost 65 kcal, a cup of black tea;
  • Day 3: Breakfast - 50 g of black whole grain bread with a slice of hard cheese and chicken ham, 3 pcs. prunes and coffee without sugar. Lunch - vegetable soup, 50 g of black whole grain bread, one tomato, two small boiled potatoes, 2 pcs. prunes and green tea without sugar. Dinner - 50 g of black whole grain bread, a glass of 0% kefir or yogurt, 5 pcs. prunes, the calorie content of which will be almost 80 kcal, and a cup of black tea.

The menus of the fourth and fifth days are similar to those of the second and third days. It is important to remember that when following a diet, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Prunes normalize digestion, which is important for any diet, therefore they are often used for weight loss. Find out the calorie content of prunes, as well as dishes with it, and include it in your menu for the benefit of your figure!

Prunes are common, well-known and very popular dried fruits, which are dried in the usual way or with additional smoking, as well as dried fruits of dark-colored varieties. It is in such drupes that up to 20% of dry weight is contained and they lend themselves well to drying. Due to the removal of a significant part of the moisture during such processing, the concentration of all substances, including fructose and sucrose, increases significantly. Accordingly, the calorie content of prunes also increases - from 40-50 kcal per 100 g of fresh fruit to 230-340 kcal per 100 g of dry, depending on the variety and production technology. But in terms of 1 prune, the calorie content of the plum remains unchanged and amounts to about 14-17 kcal, with the exception of the dried product, which involves preliminary cooking in sugar syrup, which increases the specified figure to 23-27 kcal per 1 piece.


The most useful of all types of dried plums in different ways is ordinary dried prunes with a calorie content that is considered the minimum for such a product and is 230-270 kcal per 100 g. In the production of these dried fruits, the raw materials are first blanched, then dried in steam dryers and processed with glycerin. providing a characteristic color. Black soft fruits with a sour-sweet natural taste are considered ideal.

During the manufacturing process, they can remain intact or the bone is removed from them. This very insignificant factor affects the final calorie content of the product:

  • pitted dried plums contain an average of 270 kcal / 100 g;
  • while maintaining the integrity of dried fruits, this figure decreases to 230 kcal / 100 g.

Important! Dried plums contain almost all the valuable substances and have the same beneficial qualities as fresh fruits. But since, due to shrinkage, the concentration of the entire composition increases significantly, then the effects on the body are more pronounced.

To obtain 1 kg of high-quality dried fruits, 5 kg of fresh plums are consumed. Accordingly, the content of all elements also increases 5 times, since only moisture is removed from the fruits. Although it should be borne in mind that in industrial drying, many manufacturers use chemical reagents and too high temperatures, which leads to the accumulation of harmful substances with the simultaneous destruction of existing valuable components. In addition, sugar syrup can be used to enhance the taste and extend the shelf life, which significantly increases the calorie content of prunes in comparison with the declared indicator. Therefore, the most useful will be drying, prepared independently at home or purchased from trusted manufacturers.

Despite the high calorie content of prunes, nutritionists recommend introducing such dried fruits into the diet during weight loss as a product that replaces sugar, accelerates metabolism and cleanses the digestive tract.

Important! Fructose, which is part of dried plum fruits, can increase appetite. But the secret is that after eating one dried plum, you will almost immediately feel hungry, and if you eat 5, then they will allow you to get enough without extra calories entering the body.

The phenolic acid contained in these dried fruits inhibits the growth of malignant cells, especially in breast cancer. In terms of the presence of antioxidants, they are not inferior to blueberries and, similarly to this berry, have a beneficial effect on visual acuity and eye health in general. And due to the large amount of sugar, not only the calorie content of prunes increases, but also the ability to increase the production of the hormone of happiness serotonin, thereby reducing anxiety and improving mood.

When choosing this product, it is necessary to evaluate its appearance. High-quality prunes should have a matte surface, since the shine indicates processing with oils, as well as a slightly pliable, but elastic pulp, which, when pressed, quickly regains its shape. The brown color of the fruit is a sign of high temperature processing and the loss of many beneficial properties.

To get all the benefits without exceeding the daily caloric intake, prunes should be consumed 5-6 pieces per day. Increasing this amount can lead to indigestion and weight gain. The laxative effect will be more pronounced if such dried fruits are consumed on an empty stomach.


A dried product differs from a dried product in the presence of a greater amount of moisture and a higher calorie content, which is due to a slightly different production technology. During the drying process, the plum is not only blanched, but additionally kept in a sweet marinade or boiled in sugar syrup, and then dried, but to a less dry state. This technique increases the palatability and gives the fruit an excellent density. But it should be borne in mind that in prunes processed in a similar way, the calorie content of 100 grams of the product increases by almost 1.5 times and is about 340 kcal per 100 grams of dried fruit.

This is due to the fact that the fruit boiled in sugar syrup most often lends itself to the drying process. As a result of cooking, some of the valuable substances are destroyed, and the pulp is saturated with sugar and, accordingly, gains additional calories. Thus, dried prunes have less benefits and a higher calorie content than similar indicators of a dried product.

But it still remains useful, because it contains a sufficient amount of valuable substances, and due to its high nutritional value, it even helps to eliminate some health problems, including:

  • anemia;
  • prostration;
  • lack of weight;
  • excessive irritability.

In addition, like any other plum, dried plum also relieves chronic constipation well, improves heart activity, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and the functioning of the digestive system.

The harm from dried prunes can only manifest itself in the case of overeating. If consumed no more than 5-7 pieces a day, then these dried fruits will become a useful alternative to harmful sweets.


In addition to the usual dried or dried plums, dried-smoked plums have recently gained wide popularity. They are used as an independent dessert or as a side dish for meat, a component of sauces and other dishes. Smoked dried fruits have the same effect on the body as the others described above. In particular, they have laxative and diuretic properties. But taking into account additional processing with smoke at elevated temperatures, the beneficial qualities of the plum are reduced, and harmful components are added. This is due to the formation of various toxic compounds during smoking, many of which are carcinogenic.

But such processing does not in any way affect the calorie content of prunes, so this indicator remains at the level of the dried product and is 230–270 kcal per 100 g or 14–17 kcal per 1 piece. But in terms of a set of useful properties, smoked plums are much inferior to fresh and dried fruits processed by any other method.

Moreover, very often such products are found, not produced using smoke from natural wood chips, but using the so-called liquid smoke. This component is not only a synthetic flavoring that imitates the smell and taste of natural smoking, but also acts as a preservative that increases the shelf life of dried fruits.

Important! Doctors and food industry professionals recommend avoiding any smoked foods. In their opinion, the smoking process poses a health hazard, as it promotes the formation of oncogenic substances, and liquid smoke enhances these effects and leads to the development of severe allergic reactions.

Especially physicians warn against eating products smoked with liquid smoke. Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to distinguish dried fruits that have been smoked in a natural way from those treated with a synthetic flavoring agent. Thus, dried-smoked plums should be categorized as not intended for daily consumption. Such a dessert or snack will not harm if it is included in the diet no more than 3-4 times a month.


Dried and sun-dried plums are widely used in cooking as a component of soups and main courses, salads, desserts, snacks and confectionery. Even the very high calorie content of prunes does not interfere with such a wide use both in the usual and in the dietary menu, since due to the rich taste it is enough to add just a few fruits to give new notes to the usual recipes.


The best option for reducing the calorie content of prunes is to add them to vegetable salads. Beets and cabbage are best combined with such a component.


Traditionally, this salad includes beets with nuts and dried plums in the usual way. In rare cases, in order to obtain an original taste, dried-smoked plums can be used, but at the same time, one should not forget about the harm of such a product described above.

To prepare the salad, take 25 g of pitted prunes, pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes so that the fruits swell and soften. At this time, 100 g of boiled beets are rubbed on a coarse grater. Not too finely chop 25 g of walnut kernels with a knife. Each plum fruit is cut into 4 pieces. Combine all components, add 30 ml of 15% fat sour cream, mix and salt to taste. The calorie content of such a salad is 153.2 kcal per 100 g of the finished product.


Cabbage salad uses only raw vegetables and lemon juice dressing, which reduces its total energy value to 56.1 kcal / 100 g. To prepare such a dish, 400 g of white cabbage is finely chopped, 1 apple and 1 medium-sized carrot are grated on a grater ... Cut 100 g of prunes into small pieces. Put all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl, add 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice and salt to taste, stir. Add herbs or spices if desired.

Despite the high calorie content of prunes, with this combination of ingredients, the dish turns out to be very low in calories and very useful in its properties. The salad contains a rich set of vitamins and microelements, which makes its use especially relevant in the winter-spring period.


For pickling at home, ready-made dried fruits are used, which are then used as an independent appetizer for various wines or an excellent addition to cold meat, fish and baked poultry. With proper preparation, the calorie content of prunes practically does not change and is about 256 kcal / 100 g.

Recipe 1

To obtain such a blank, 200 g of prunes are first washed and freed from the stone. Then they put the raw materials in clean sterilized jars, adding 1 clove of garlic and spices to taste for each. A marinade is cooked separately from 1 liter of water, 50 g of sugar and 150 ml of natural wine vinegar. Pour the contents of the cans with boiling liquid, roll up the lids, turn over and wrap them for 8-10 hours. Such a blank is well stored throughout the winter, even in a warm room.

The taste of plums with this recipe will be somewhat sour. To get a sweeter product, you should take 100 g of granulated sugar, but then the calorie content of prunes will increase to 285 kcal / 100 g.

Recipe 2

In this version of the recipe, the proportions of the ingredients remain the same, but the cooking technology changes somewhat. Pitted prunes are steamed in strongly brewed tea, left for 10-12 hours, then the liquid is drained and the marinade is cooked on its basis. Plums are laid out in jars, spices are added and poured over with boiling marinade.

This is followed by some addition to the recipe - 1 tbsp is poured into each jar. l. brandy and only then sealed. Since the cognac contains 239 kcal / 100 g, the calorie content of prunes accordingly increases - up to 263 kcal / 100 g. But on the other hand, such an additive adds a touch of piquancy to the taste and provides a longer shelf life. Moreover, the longer such a blank is stored, the richer the aroma becomes.

Vegetarian pate

An excellent nutritious and healthy pate is obtained from raw vegetables, nuts and dried fruits. The addition of dried plums to the recipe gives originality to a very unusual combination of other components.

Cooking starts with preparing the food. To this end, 150 g of lentils are boiled until cooked in slightly salted water. Wash and steam 50 g of pitted prunes with boiling water, let stand for 10 minutes and discard in a colander. Finely chop ½ cup walnut kernels. Dice 100 g of onions, grate 130 g of carrots and lightly sauté in vegetable oil. Then all the components are mixed and ground with a blender until smooth. If desired, you can add a little greenery to the pate. The calorie content of such a snack is 275 kcal / 100 g. The resulting dish is recommended to be consumed with rye bread or yeast-free pita bread.

Meat dishes

Surprisingly, such very sweet dried fruits go well with meat, and not only as an addition to the finished dish, but also in recipes. This component is able to significantly improve the taste of meat, adding a sweet and sour note to it, as well as making the structure softer and juicy.


The easiest way to cook is beef stew with prunes. For this, a multicooker is used, into a bowl of which 50 g of sunflower oil is poured and 450 g of beef cut into small pieces is fried for 15–20 minutes in the “Frying” mode. Then add 100 g of onion chopped into half rings and fry for another 10 minutes. 30 g of tomato paste and 180 g of plum fruits cut into pieces are introduced, salted to taste, 200 g of water is poured in and put into the "Stew" mode for 1.5 hours. With this method of cooking and a combination of ingredients, the calorie content of prunes is reduced to 175.1 kcal / 100 g.


To prepare chicken with dried plum fruits, 500 g of chicken fillet is used, which is cut into strips, 1 carrot grated on a coarse grater is added, put in a preheated pan and fried in 50 g of butter for 8-9 minutes. Prepare the sauce separately by mixing 1.5 cups of water with 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour. Add 100 g of dried fruits cut into thin plates to the chicken fried with carrots, pour in the sauce, salt and pepper to taste. Cover and simmer with a slight boil for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley before serving. When using this recipe for cooking chicken with prunes, the calorie content of the dish will be 124 kcal / 100 g.


Pork cooked with almonds and dried plums is very original in taste, but also the most nutritious. To implement the recipe, you need 1 kg of lean meat, which is cut into small pieces and fried in a pan in 100 g of butter on both sides. Salt and pepper to taste, add 2 onions, cut into cubes, pour in 2 cups of water and stew over low heat until almost cooked. At the end of cooking add 100 g of dried pitted whole plums, a pinch of cinnamon and 4 tbsp. l. honey. Stew for another 15 minutes, stirring constantly and adding water if necessary so that the dish does not burn.

Fried separately in 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil 100 g of peeled almonds. They do this quickly so that the kernels do not overcook. Serve cooked pork with almonds, sprinkled with sesame seeds on top. The calorie content of prunes in combination with all of the above components will be 368 kcal / 100 g.

Another common use of dried plums in cooking is as an addition to cereals. The strong plum flavor is best suited for enriching neutral cereals such as oatmeal and rice.


To obtain not only tasty, but also the most useful oatmeal, it is recommended to use not instant cereal, but oatmeal. In accordance with the recipe, 1 cup of such cereal is poured into 2 cups of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes, stirring constantly and gradually reducing the heat. At the very end of cooking, pour in 1 glass of skim milk (up to 0.5% fat), salt to taste and cook with constant stirring for another 2 minutes. Before turning off, introduce 100 g of prunes cut into pieces, allow to boil, mix well and turn off. Sprinkle with a little honey before serving. According to the recipe, honey should be introduced along with plums, but it is better not to do this, since when it boils, it loses a significant part of its beneficial properties and becomes a source of empty calories.

With the specified ratio of oatmeal and prunes, the calorie content of porridge will be about 105-110 kcal / 100 g, depending on the amount of honey taken. To reduce this indicator, you can cook porridge only on water, then the indicated number of calories must be reduced taking into account the calorie content of milk, which at 0.5% fat is 35 kcal / 100 g.


According to this recipe, it is proposed to cook a completely non-dietary rice porridge with sugar, butter and dried fruits. To do this, first boil 150 g of rice, adding a pinch of salt and sugar to taste. Separately, lightly boil (for 2-3 minutes) 100 g of prunes and immediately drain the broth, which can be used independently as a tasty and healthy drink. Boiled plums and 50 g of butter are added to the prepared porridge, mixed thoroughly, laid out in pots, covered with lids and kept for 15 minutes in the oven at 180 ° C for evaporation. In the rice porridge with prunes prepared according to this recipe, the calorie content will be very high - about 280 kcal per 100 g.


Sweets “Prunes in chocolate glaze” are very popular among consumers, since they are considered to be completely natural and therefore useful for the body. But if you look for an example, the composition of the most famous products of the CJSC "Concord" under the name "Chocolate Prunes Kremlinlina", then a number of synthetic components are found in it - an emulsifier, a flavoring agent, a thickener, a preservative, etc. in the manufacturing process, he simply covers whole prunes with chocolate only for the reason that in appearance, a single candy looks like this. But among the ingredients of such products there is not only dried plum, but also a fruit filler, including plum puree, sugar, sorbic acid. And we are not talking about natural chocolate at all, since it is successfully imitated by confectionery glaze, consisting of a substitute for cocoa butter, soy lecithin, starch syrup and an identical natural flavoring "Vanillin". Due to the inclusion of all these components in sweets, the calorie content of the final product increases to 376 kcal / 100 g. And since sweets are very heavy and 1 piece weighs about 38 g, it contains 143-145 kcal.

Thus, in order to get a really healthy, natural and relatively low-calorie confection for this category, consisting exclusively of real dried fruits and chocolate, it is recommended to cook it yourself at home. Moreover, the recipe for such sweets is very simple. To do this, 350 g of pitted prunes are preliminarily poured with boiling water and insisted for 10 minutes, then the liquid is drained and the dried fruits are allowed to dry a little. At this time, 200 g of dark chocolate is melted in a water bath until smooth. Each fruit is pricked on a fork or stick, dipped in chocolate mass, laid out on a silicone mat or parchment paper and sent to the refrigerator for solidification.

With such a simple method of preparation, really healthy chocolates with prunes with a caloric value of not more than 300 kcal / 100 g are obtained. If you wish, you can make them even tastier if you add halves or quarters of walnut kernels to each berry instead of bones. But at the same time, the calorie content of prunes in chocolate will increase to 392 kcal / 100 g.

Dessert with almonds

Dried plums make an excellent dessert that can compete with many store-bought sweets. To obtain a very tasty and incredibly healthy, albeit high-calorie product, 200 g of dried fruits are pre-soaked in boiling water for 10-15 minutes, then put in a colander and grind with a blender until puree. In the same way, grind 50 g of almonds, mix with plum mass, add 1 tsp. cocoa powder, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. citrus peel. Everything is thoroughly kneaded, laid out on film, formed into a sausage and sent to the refrigerator for at least 3 hours to solidify.

The calorie content of prunes in such a dessert is 275 kcal / 100 g. But none of these calories is empty, but brings maximum benefit to the body. It is recommended to use such a dessert not only as a sweetness, but also for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals or strengthen the body after suffering diseases.


Smoothies are a popular component of a healthy and dietary diet, usually based on dairy products, fruits and vegetables. This recipe is used to prepare a prune-banana drink with soy milk. To do this, 12 pitted dried fruits are steamed with boiling water for 5 minutes, drained, mixed with peeled and cut into pieces banana, and then grind the ingredients with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Pour in 400 ml of soy milk and beat well again. Pour into glasses and sprinkle with a pinch of sesame seeds on top. The calorie content of such a smoothie will be 96 kcal / 100 g.

In this recipe, such a drink is prepared using soy milk, which, if desired, can be replaced with regular milk. But in this case, it should be borne in mind that the calorie content of the soy product is 35 kcal / 100 g, and the calorie content of cow's milk is 42 kcal / 100 g at 1% fat and 59 kcal / 100 g at 3.5% fat.


A very tasty and healthy compote with a pronounced plum aroma and a lot of valuable properties is obtained from dried plum fruits. In addition, the boiled prunes remaining after the preparation of such a drink can also be eaten or used to prepare a wide variety of dishes.

The compote is not at all difficult to brew: first bring water to a boil, then add washed dried fruits into it, cook for 10 minutes, then leave to infuse until cooled. To obtain a rich taste, 100 g of raw materials per 1 liter of water is quite enough. With this ratio of products, the calorie content of the compote will be 21 kcal / 100 g.

The nutritional value

Fresh plums and dried fruits from them have a high nutritional value, which is due to the presence of a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, the drying process does not at all reduce their number, and in terms of weight even significantly increases the concentration of nutrients, however, along with the calorie content of the product.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

In general, the amount and ratio of BZHU in 100 g of such dried fruits is expressed by the following indicators:

  • proteins - 2.3 g (4%);
  • fats - 0.7 g (2%);
  • carbohydrates - 57.5 g (90%).

More detailed chemical composition includes:

  • saturated fatty acids (SFA) - 0.1 g;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) - 0.1 g;
  • ash elements - 2 g;
  • starch - 0.6 g;
  • mono- and disaccharides - 56.9 g;
  • organic acids, including chlorogenic - 3.5 g;
  • dietary fiber - 9 g.

The main part of the product is carbohydrates. Moreover, 100 grams contains 73% of the daily value of sugars (including glucose and fructose) and 45% of the required amount of dietary fiber.

Also, along with these dried fruits, the body receives 9 essential amino acids and, in particular, 9% of the daily value of tryptophan. This amino acid regulates serotonin levels, helping to improve mood and sleep quality, as well as reduce or completely eliminate migraine headaches. In general, the substance helps to reduce the likelihood of strokes, strengthen memory, improve performance and productivity.

Macro and microelements

The mineral composition in prunes is represented by a small number of names, but those micro- and macroelements that are in this list are contained in a fairly high concentration. The following substances are considered the most important in the product:

  • potassium - improves oxygen supply and activates the activity of the brain, reduces the symptoms of allergic reactions, ensures contraction of skeletal muscles, normalizes the content of salts, acids and alkalis, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, and generally has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system; improves the excretion of urine and bile, normalizes the vital activity of soft tissues, regulates the water-salt balance;
  • magnesium - contributes to the effective functioning of nerves and muscle tissue, participates in the production of energy from blood sugar, prevents the formation of calcium deposits and stones in internal organs, is responsible for the correct functioning of the cardiovascular system, brain, endocrine glands, participates in many biochemical reactions, activates glucose and protein metabolism, forms positive thinking, relieves PMS symptoms;
  • sodium - provides water-salt metabolism, neutralizes acids, maintains osmotic pressure at the proper level and regulates blood pressure, participates in the processes of muscle contraction, including the heart muscle, normalizing the rhythm of the heartbeat, normalizes kidney function, prevents fluid from flowing from the vessels into the surrounding tissues , transfers substances to cells, generates nerve signals and muscle contraction;
  • silicon - improves the condition of the joints, prevents the development of arthritis, activates collagen synthesis, increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, participates in the absorption of micro- and macroelements, enhances the effect of vitamins and immune protection, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stops premature aging, improves metabolism, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • calcium - controls the formation of bone tissue and skeleton, ensures bone strength, participates in metabolism, strengthens the health of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure and prevents the development of hypertension by removing sodium from the body;
  • iron - is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to tissues, is a constituent part of hemoglobin, helps erythrocytes capture carbon dioxide and transport it to the lungs for excretion, is part of most enzymes and proteins, improves cholesterol metabolism, participates in the conversion of calories into energy, enhances the activity of the immune system ;
  • phosphorus - stimulates brain function, is part of bones and teeth, normalizes nerve cells, transports energy, helps hormones, improves food digestion, strengthens liver health;
  • zinc - promotes the formation of bone tissue, the formation and strengthening of teeth, increases the functionality of the brain and mental abilities of a person, improves concentration, stimulates the reproductive system (in men, it increases the production of sperm and testosterone, prevents prostate adenoma, and in women, it maintains hormonal levels and normal ovarian function);
  • fluorine - accelerates metabolic processes, improves mineralization of bone and dental tissue, stimulates immunity, has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, increases the absorption of iron, removes salts of heavy metals and radionuclides, is directly involved in hematopoiesis.

In addition, dried plums are useful as a source of sorbitol (sorbitol). This chemical compound allows you to reduce the calorie content of products without compromising their taste. With its sweet taste, sorbitol is not a carbohydrate, therefore it is suitable for diabetics. Due to the presence of sorbitol, dried fruits help to improve the intestinal microflora and reduce the acidity of gastric juice, exhibit detoxification, choleretic and laxative effects without the manifestation of toxic properties characteristic of most laxatives.


The list of vitamins with basic beneficial effects is represented by the following elements:

  • retinol (A) - has a beneficial effect on all, without exception, the basic processes and functions of the body's vital activity, is a powerful antioxidant, promotes cell regeneration, protects cells from free radicals, has an anticarcinogenic effect, prevents the development of malignant tumors, improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, replenishes reserves "Good" cholesterol;
  • beta-carotene - is a strong immunostimulant and antioxidant, protects cell membranes, proteins and nucleic acids from the damaging effects of free radicals, strengthens the immune system, increases the effectiveness of fighting infections, harmful environmental factors and stress;
  • thiamine (B1) - activates the work of internal organs, strengthens the immune defense, improves the absorption of vitamins and restores the functions of their synthesis, prevents the development of neurological diseases and skin diseases on a nervous basis, activates the brain and intellectual abilities, relieves depressive and other mental disorders , participates in carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism;
  • riboflavin (B2) - supports the proper functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems, improves blood formation by increasing the absorption of iron, strengthens the body's defenses, is responsible for the health of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract, controls the state of the thyroid gland, reduces eye fatigue and the likelihood of development cataracts, promotes the rapid recovery of damaged tissues;
  • niacin (B3, PP, nicotinic acid) - participates in a number of biochemical reactions, intensifies the formation of enzymes for cellular respiration, stimulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, normalizes brain functions, maintains full vision, normal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels , reduces the risk of cardiovascular and renal failure, prevents the degeneration of cells into cancerous cells, neutralizes and removes free radicals, actively contributes to weight loss and maintaining normal body weight;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - participates in the metabolism of all substances, ensures timely cell renewal, maintains normal hair structure, controls the production of red blood cells, adrenal hormones and amino acids, activates wound healing processes on mucous membranes and skin, increases energy production, has an anabolic effect, contributing to building muscle mass, improves long-term memory, rejuvenates the skin;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - enhances the assimilation of proteins and fats from food, creates the prevention of nervous and skin pathologies, activates the synthesis of nucleic acids that slow down aging, reduces the severity of night cramps and muscle spasms, numbness and neuritis of the extremities, produces a diuretic effect, increases the productivity of insulin, normalizes blood sugar, accelerates the treatment of nervous disorders;
  • folic acid (B9) - significantly increases the synthesis of hormones "happiness", improves the emotional and mental state and raises mood, activates the synthesis of hemoglobin, normalizes cell division, ensures the growth and development of tissues, strengthens the immune and cardiovascular system, improves the intestinal microflora, participates in synthesis amino acids and enzymes, increases the functionality of leukocytes, improves blood formation, is responsible for the health of the liver and the digestive system as a whole, ensures the transmission of nerve impulses, regulates the excitation and inhibition of the nervous system, neutralizes the negative effects of stress, promotes the normal course of pregnancy and the correct development of the fetus in pregnant women, increases the ability and beneficial effect of vitamin B12;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - has a pronounced antioxidant effect, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous activity, stimulates the endocrine system, normalizes the absorption of iron and promotes normal hematopoiesis, participates in the synthesis of collagen - the basis of all body tissues, accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells, protects against viruses and bacteria, prevents the risk of complications after colds (pneumonia, lung infections), increases the effectiveness of treatment, improves health, removes decay products and reduces intoxication;
  • tocopherol (E) - as a strong antioxidant protects cells from the influence of negative external factors, strengthens tissues, normalizes the state of the reproductive and nervous system, helps women in conception and fetal development, stimulates immunity, protects against infections, increases capillary tone and vascular permeability, activates blood flow , intensifies the synthesis of hormones, reduces the likelihood of malignant lesions of the bladder and prostate, eliminates chronic fatigue, ensures the normal functioning of the muscles;
  • K - helps to synthesize protein, increases blood clotting and wound healing, helps to quickly stop internal bleeding, normalizes kidney and liver function, ensures normal metabolism in connective tissue, strengthens bones, activates redox reactions, improves the condition of the heart muscle and lung tissue, neutralizes toxins in the liver and removes their decay products.

Despite such varied benefits, excessive consumption of prunes can cause allergic reactions and some other unpleasant consequences. The main harm to the body is primarily due to the presence of contraindications, which include the following pathological conditions:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • chronic upset stomach and digestion;
  • individual intolerance.

It is also not recommended to get involved in such dried fruits for pregnant and lactating women. But in general, prunes have very few contraindications, especially with moderate dosed consumption. This makes it a very useful and safe component of dietary, daily and holiday menus.

Prunes are one of the healthiest and most delicious dried fruits. It is produced by the drying method, which has been used for many centuries and is not becoming less relevant. When dried, the fruits do not lose their beneficial qualities, unlike heat treatment or freezing. That is why dried plums, which are prunes, are much healthier than frozen or canned plums. For drying, the most often used plum variety "Hungarian". They have a small pit that is easy to remove and are sweet and juicy. The whole secret of the beneficial qualities of this dried fruit lies in its composition.

Composition and calorie content

Prunes are not only healthy, but also have a low calorie content, which allows them to be eaten even during a diet. This is one of the main qualities that make this dried fruit so popular - along with its amazing taste.

The calorie content of this product is about 231 kilocalories per 100 grams. Depending on the cooking method, it can be slightly different. The table shows the calorie content, as well as the nutritional value (content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates) in one hundred grams of prunes prepared in various ways.

These data are approximate - they may vary depending on the preparation method, the amount of additional products used in the dish, etc. But in any case, it should be noted that prunes are a fairly low-calorie product.

The benefits of dried fruit

Prunes are not only a tasty treat, but also a very useful product that can be used against many diseases. Among the main areas of use and useful qualities are:

  • It is used in the treatment of oncological diseases and for the prevention of their appearance.
  • Used to improve the flow of bile and improve digestion.
  • Helps get rid of kidney stones.
  • Stimulates the stomach.
  • Increases appetite.
  • A decoction of prunes removes bacteria in the intestines - Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
  • As part of face masks, it promotes skin rejuvenation and healing of microtraumas.

Dried plums can even be used to treat small children. Often, in case of digestive disorders, pediatricians recommend starting complementary foods with mashed potatoes from this particular fruit. This puree helps to get rid of colic and normalize the stool. And its low allergenicity allows the product to be used calmly.

Even such a healthy fruit may be contraindicated, especially if you consume it excessively. If you want to use prunes as a medicine, you must first discuss this with your doctor. In addition, you should be aware that prunes are contraindicated in a number of cases. Namely:

Finally, you should not eat low-quality prunes. Usually it is too cheap, as it is made in violation of technology. This product may contain various preservatives and other chemicals. This can lead to serious health problems, especially if you are on a special diet.

Cooking applications

Prunes are very popular in cooking. It can be used to prepare a variety of dishes and drinks. Most often it is used to make compotes. Such dishes are not only very tasty, but also have a lot of useful properties.

Dried plums are often used in meat dishes. The combination of prunes with beef, pork, chicken and duck is considered exquisite and delicious. Also, this dried fruit is often used to make salads with mushrooms or walnuts. It gives the dish a slightly sweet flavor.

This dried fruit is especially often used in the confectionery and bakery industries. It is added to cakes, rolls and pies. Chopped into small pieces, it can be a great alternative to raisins. At home, you can make a vitamin salad from prunes. As a preparation for the winter, it is mixed with nuts and honey.

Dried plums are an excellent dietary supplement. They can replace any sweets without getting a lot of calories. Also, this dried fruit is very satisfying - having eaten just a couple of berries before eating, you can get by with a much smaller portion than usual. Although prunes contain quite a lot of sugar, its content is lower than in baked goods and other sweets we are used to. Also, the use of this product, according to a number of studies, reduces the level of fat in the blood.

Another advantage of prunes for weight loss is that it contains a lot of fiber. It is necessary for the digestive system to work - which is why it is believed that this dried fruit has a laxative effect. Thanks to this, digestion works faster and the fats that are part of the eaten food do not have time to be fully absorbed. This eliminates excess calories and promotes weight loss. Also, being a laxative, prunes help to get rid of excess moisture in the body, reduce swelling, which also helps to reduce weight.

When losing weight, prunes are usually used for the following purposes:

  • As the main product on a fasting day or as an addition to the main product.
  • Instead of snacking between meals.
  • As one of the menu items for dinner.
  • For a laxative effect and more effective weight loss.

To get rid of the feeling of hunger, you need to eat two or three prunes, soaked in water or dry. You can also eat them 15 minutes before meals to eat less.

However, the effect of using prunes will be only if:

  • At the same time, do not eat fatty, flour dishes, fried and sweets.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day - otherwise prunes will cause dehydration.
  • Do not eat 4-5 hours before bedtime.
  • Go in for sports, lead an active lifestyle.

Eating prunes in any quantity without observing other rules for losing weight will not bring any effect.

You can learn about the benefits and dangers, as well as the unusual properties of prunes in the following video:

Prunes are a healthy and tasty dried fruit, but you need to use it wisely. Even without special contraindications, you should not get carried away with it - food should be balanced and varied. If you notice negative changes in your well-being, it is better to stop using prunes for a while, and, if possible, consult your doctor about this.

In contact with

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Dried fruits are called prunes; for production, the most fleshy and moderately juicy fruits are chosen, as a rule, plum varieties Hungarian italian... Plums are dried with or without pits, but always whole (calorizator). Prunes have a sweet, slightly tart taste and light specific smoke aroma.

Calorie content of prunes

The calorie content of prunes is 231 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition and useful properties of prunes

The product contains:, vitamins, as well as minerals necessary for the human body:, and, organic acids, sugars, fiber. The use of prunes has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, increasing the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. The activity of the gastrointestinal tract can be adjusted by regularly including several prunes in the menu. Prunes are included in the group of antioxidant products, it has a general strengthening effect on the body, tones up, increases efficiency. Prunes are a prophylactic agent against malignant neoplasms. The product is useful for cholelithiasis, has mild laxative and diuretic properties.

The harm of prunes

In rare cases, prunes cause allergic reactions, they also contain a carcinogen acrylamide.

Selection and storage of prunes

When choosing prunes, you should give preference to fruits with a stone, rich blue-black color, with a slight sheen, elastic to the touch, not too dry. If the prunes have obvious brown spots or the whole fruit is brown, it is better to refrain from buying, most likely, such prunes were dried using chemical reagents, and not naturally.

Properly dried prunes can be stored at room temperature for up to six months. There are several ways to do this - glass containers, special wooden boxes for storing dried fruits, linen or paper bags. Prunes need to be sorted out, selected undamaged fruits and packaged, carefully closing. Prunes should be stored in a cool place, without direct light rays. In the refrigerator, prunes retain useful properties and taste for 6-12 months.

Prunes are included in the menu of several diets, for example, or. You can use the product for fasting days, or. Prunes are useful in losing weight by the presence of fiber, it helps to establish stool. It is good to use as a snack between meals.

Prunes in cooking

Prunes are often used in the preparation of various days, and not only in desserts. Prunes are great for meat and poultry dishes; they are able to soften fibrous meat and give the finished dishes a specific taste and aroma. Prunes are added to compotes and fruit drinks, fruit salads, pie fillings, as an integral part - in dough for muffins, puddings and cottage cheese casseroles. The healthiest thing is to eat natural prunes in combination with cottage cheese or yogurt without additives, as well as with other dried fruits and nuts as a healthy snack with a cup of aromatic tea.

You can learn more about prunes and their beneficial properties from the video clip of the TV show "Living Healthy".

Specially for
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Everyone has heard about the benefits of dried fruits for the body. Prunes are dried black plums that are renowned for their delicious flavor and richness of nutrients. Plum belongs to the Rosaceae family and is the result of crossing cherry plum and blackthorn.

What is the benefit?

Prunes are known for their rich vitamin and mineral composition, since dried fruit contains many vital substances. These are vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, as well as sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

It is surprising that in terms of the amount of useful and nutritious elements, prunes are not inferior to fresh plums. Doctors recommend including it in the diet for those who suffer from vitamin deficiency or anemia. This dried fruit is especially necessary for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Experts recommend eating 5-6 berries for stomach diseases.

Not spared prunes and nutritionists, who recommend using berries for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, as this is an excellent substitute for sweets and pastries.

It is worth noting the antibacterial properties of prunes. As doctors say, this is a real gift from nature for health. For example, the glycemic index of dried prunes is only 40 units, which means that even diabetics can use it in moderation.

Healing properties

The benefits of prunes are undeniable, but from the point of view of medicine, it is worth starting with such properties as the ability to tone up, increase the productivity of the brain, and also restore the general condition of the body.

The cosmetic properties of prunes are also noteworthy. Berries can improve the appearance and condition of the skin from the inside out. They contain a sufficient amount of potassium, due to which they are recommended to be eaten with urolithiasis. Prunes help to transmit nerve impulses, is involved in muscle contraction, and helps cardiac activity. In addition to local effects, it increases immunity and the general resistance of the body to various dangerous external influences. This is due to the fact that the berries contain antioxidants.

Prunes help absorb free radicals that destroy the body. Here, the anti-aging properties of berries become obvious, as well as the benefits of their use in oncology. It can also be used in the following cases:

  1. Bowel disease with constipation.
  2. Gout.
  3. Damage to the liver, kidneys, heart.
  4. To increase appetite and gastric acid secretion.

They like to add prunes to dishes. These dried berries are part of many salads, meat dishes, pilaf, compotes and so on.

Folk remedies

Prunes can be used as a laxative. The berries are washed, poured with boiling water and left overnight. In the morning, you need to drink the resulting infusion, and eat the prunes.

You can also use berries to fight calluses. To do this, you need to boil the prunes in milk, remove the seeds from the berries and, while they have not had time to cool, apply them to the corns. When the prunes have cooled, they must be replaced immediately with warm berries.

Which prune is better?

When buying, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the berries, especially their color. A good and quality product is always deep black with a slight, barely noticeable sheen. To the touch, it should be soft, moderately elastic and fleshy.

If the prunes are brown, then you should not buy it, which means that the fruits have been significantly disturbed during processing. Such prunes have no benefit, as they lose all their richness, consisting of vitamins and minerals. The taste of these berries is also different. If you feel bitterness, even very weak, it means that the product was not dried according to the rules.

What else do you need to know?

The glycemic index of prunes (like some other types of dried fruits, such as dried apricots and figs) is low, so the product is not prohibited for people with diabetes. But here you should be as careful as possible, because not all dried fruits are so healthy. And if the glycemic index of dried prunes is low, then the use of other dried fruits can lead to metabolic disorders, which will be reflected in the blood sugar level.

Sugar is the main source of energy that ensures the normal functioning of metabolic processes in the body. If a person lacks glucose, he begins to feel hungry. If the body is oversaturated with sugar, then the active production of the hormone insulin begins. Its task is to "carry" glucose throughout the body to those tissues that require energy, as well as store it in the form of fat. An indicator such as the glycemic index is assigned to foods that are saturated with carbohydrates. You need to know this in order to prevent sudden surges in blood sugar.

What indicators are considered normal?

There is a classification of food depending on the glycemic index. High rates are considered numbers from 65 to 146. The peculiarity of such food is that it is quickly absorbed by the body. Gradual digestion occurs with medium to low glycemic index foods. Average indicators - 41-64, low - 1-40.

From this we can conclude that high rates indicate that there is a quick release of energy, food is quickly absorbed and glucose immediately enters the bloodstream. As a result, there is a sharp jump in sugar, excessive production of insulin and the appearance of fat on the waist. Products with an average or low index are recommended for consumption, since they do not provoke a sharp jump in sugar, the feeling of satiety remains for a long time, and fat does not accumulate on the sides.

and prunes

These dried fruits are not only tasty, but also healthy. Dried apricots, for example, belong to foods with a low glycemic index (prunes too), this figure is only 35 units per 100 grams. Therefore, in moderation, it can be consumed even with diabetes mellitus, as an excellent alternative to sweets. In addition, berries contain many nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

Dried apricots are dried apricots. They are advised to use them as a separate product or to cook compote from them. The advantages of prunes over dried apricots are that berries are ideally combined with a variety of products, including meat and chicken. Due to the low glycemic index of prunes, the product belongs to one of the safest and healthiest types of dried fruits.

It is worth noting the high fiber content in berries. This means that prunes quickly saturate the body. The glycemic index of prunes per 100 grams is 40 units. These indicators (in tandem with fiber) slow down the digestion of food, which protects the body from sudden surges in sugar. Although the product is approved for diabetics, it should be consumed in moderation.

The calorie content of prunes per 100 grams is 240 kcal. The low glycemic index of fresh prunes, coupled with a low calorie content, as well as an impeccable taste, indicates that you can afford it even during a diet.